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本文主要通过陨石铬尖晶石和地球某些铬铁矿床中铬尖晶石成分之间的对比,结合一些实验资料,探讨它们的形成条件,以便对地球铬铁矿成因有进一步的认识。 一、试用陨石中铬尖晶石成分对地球铬尖晶石成分进行标准化。 对大量陨石矿物成分的研究表明,除顽辉石球粒陨石的铬元素呈陨辉铬矿(FeCrS_4)外,在其它主要类型陨石中铬元  相似文献   

一、引言铬尖晶石是含矿(铬)超基性岩体中的主要矿物,对造矿铬尖晶石和附生铬尖晶石在化学成分、稀土元素分布特征等方面的研究成果二十多年来已经有很多报导,但是由于铬铁矿成矿作用的复杂性和多样性,往往在不同岩体的造矿和附生铬尖晶石的元素成分(如Mg/Fe值等),可以有截然不同的标型特征.所以仅以岩石地球化学和矿物化学成分的差异来作为造矿铬尖晶石的矿物标型特征已不能满足.近年来国内外对铬尖晶石类矿物开始进行矿物波谱学的研究,试图在铬尖晶石内寻找其所携带的铬矿形成过程中的微观信息,用以探索和解释铬铁矿的成矿作用.  相似文献   

近些年来我们对国内的一些铬铁矿矿床和矿化点的初步研究表明,造矿铬尖晶石类矿物的蚀变并非罕见的现象。在某些铬铁矿矿床中,铬的矿石矿物几乎全部地或部分地被改造,矿石改造以后,除造矿铬尖晶石类矿物出现了新的变种以外,其脉石矿物均以绿泥石等含多量铝的层状硅酸盐的出现为特征。  相似文献   

一、引言铬尖晶石是含矿(铬)超基性岩体中的主要矿物,对造矿铬尖晶石和附生铬尖晶石在化学成分、稀土元素分布特征等方面的研究成果二十多年来已经有很多报导,但是由于铬铁矿成矿作用的复杂性和多样性,往往在不同岩体的造矿和附生铬尖晶石的元素成分(如  相似文献   

铬铁矿的成因是一个十分复杂的问题,国内外许多地质工作者对铬铁矿的成因作了很多研究工作,提出各种不同的成因假说,在研究方法上多从矿床(体)的地质特征、矿石的结构、构造、矿体与围岩的接触关系……等方面着手。铬铁矿是铬尖晶石组成的,因此它的形成与铬尖晶石有密切关系,  相似文献   

藏南罗布莎铬铁矿床铬尖晶石矿物学与矿床成因研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西藏罗布莎铬铁矿床是我国目前研究程度最高、规模最大、地幔橄榄岩相对新鲜的豆荚状铬铁矿床,主要工业矿体产于蛇绿岩壳-幔边界(即岩石莫霍面)以下方辉橄榄岩相带一定层位中,主要有块状、浸染状和豆状等矿石类型。罗布莎铬尖晶石成分变化范围大,依据铬尖晶石的化学成分与矿物学研究至少可识别出3个期次铬尖晶石:(1)成矿前期铬尖晶石,主要以熔蚀残斑晶、出溶晶及少量自形晶形式产于方辉橄榄岩中,以富Al2O3为特征,Cr#值变化范围大(17.19~66.30),且大部分小于60,并与Mg#值呈负相关关系,由出溶晶,残斑晶到自形晶铬尖晶石,总体表现向富Cr、Fe的方向演变;(2)成矿主期铬尖晶石,可分为早、晚2个阶段。早阶段铬尖晶石主要以它形晶产于不同类型铬铁矿石中,部分呈自形-半自形晶产于铬铁矿体的纯橄岩外壳中,主要以富铬为特征,矿石中Cr#值变化范围小(70.08~87.03),均大于60,其中块状铬铁矿具有最高的Cr#和Mg#,由纯橄岩外壳中副矿物铬尖晶石向豆状、浸染状矿石以及块状矿石演变过程中,铬尖晶石化学成分总体向更富Cr、富Mg方向演变;晚阶段铬尖晶石:主要以自形-半自形晶产于具堆晶结构的纯橄岩相带中,成份上以更加富而贫Al2O3,且具有最低Mg#(18.79~44.77)值为特征;(3)成矿晚期铬尖晶石,主要以网状集合体产于豆状-网脉状(眼眉状)矿石中,以更贫Al、富Fe为特征,具有最高的Cr#值和低的Mg#值。综合研究表明,罗布莎铬铁矿中的铬主要来自原始地幔岩本身,且主要来自于地幔橄榄岩中2种辉石的不一致熔融和对副矿物铬尖晶石的改造,原始富铬矿物可能来自地幔深部的八面体硅酸盐矿物。罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿的成矿作用具有多期次、多成因、多种构造背景下成矿特征,成矿作用过程经历了由大洋中脊(MOR)扩张环境向岛弧体系俯冲环境的转变过程,洋内俯冲带之上(SSZ)的弧间盆地环境是形成冶金级豆荚状铬铁矿的最为有利构造环境。研究提出了罗布莎铬铁矿的"三阶段"成矿模式,即,经历了大洋中脊预富集阶段,俯冲带之上主成矿阶段及之后的构造抬升改造阶段。纯橄岩与方辉橄榄岩接触带之下的方辉橄榄岩相带是寻找较大规模铬铁矿床的有利地带。  相似文献   

新疆达拉布特超镁铁岩成因——来自铬尖晶石的证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过研究西准噶尔达拉布特蛇绿混杂岩中方辉橄榄岩和橄榄辉石岩的岩石学特征,分析方辉橄榄岩广泛发育的铬尖晶石和斜方辉石构成的蠕虫状共生连晶结构的成因,得出结论认为:这种共生连晶结构不是前人所认为的文象结构或者石榴石的后成合晶,而是原始地幔岩熔融形成富铬岩浆的演化产物。这种富铬岩浆高度分异形成铬铁矿块体(即萨尔托海铬铁矿矿床)后,熔体进入地幔岩中结晶形成铬尖晶石和斜方辉石的蠕虫状共生连晶结构。因此,铬尖晶石与辉石的共生连晶结构可以作为豆荚状铬铁矿的重要找矿标志。方辉橄榄岩中的斜方辉石发育铬尖晶石出溶结构,出溶棒的成分特点表明,该结构是达拉布特蛇绿岩在快速就位过程中环境氧逸度突然升高诱发变质反应的结果。  相似文献   

随着铬铁矿物质成分与成矿规律研究的不断深入,对铬尖晶石类质同象系列矿物的鉴定与研究也越来越深化了.本文通过简便的X射线粉晶分析方法,结合一定的理论计算(结构分析),对铬尖晶石系列矿物的阳离子成分及其位置分布进行研究,以便从矿物学的角度探讨尖晶石类阳离子的迁移与富集规律,为铬铁矿成矿理论研究提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

一、引言铬铁矿是我国急需矿种之一,我所地质科技人员自建所以来,在陕、甘、宁、青、新等地区对铬铁矿的物质成分与成矿规律作了研究工作,随着地质科研的深入,对铬尖晶石类质同象系列正确定名的要求也越来越迫切,能否通过X射线粉晶鉴定来解决这个问题,成了大家关心的课题。近十年来,我们收集了楼房沟、松树沟、绿梁山、金川、大道尔吉、萨尔托海等地的铬尖晶石类矿物X射线粉晶分析数据,通过与91个有化学分析资料的铬尖晶石进行对比、统计及数据处理,初步获得晶胞大小与矿物物质成分的关系,可以按晶胞值的大小,大致划分六种铬尖晶石类矿物。同时推导了铬尖晶石晶胞值的近似经验计算公式,从而对铬尖晶石巴甫洛夫分类与晶胞大小关系的规律有了进一步  相似文献   

拉硐超基性岩体位于青海省祁连县城东北约15 km处,面积约7.6 km2,岩性主要由蛇纹石化橄榄岩、蛇纹石化辉榄岩、蛇纹岩及纯橄岩组成,共发现157个铬铁矿小矿体,铬铁矿体成群出现,依据野外铬铁矿体分布范围,自西向东划分为10个矿带,通过对其中铬尖晶石取样分析研究,并与区内其他含矿岩体中铬尖晶石样品化验分析结果对比,确定该类岩体不同岩性组合带的找矿方向。  相似文献   

铬铁矿的找矿和研究工作有三个相互联系的环节,即在有利构造部位寻找超基性岩带(蛇绿岩带),圈定其中的超镁铁岩体;评价岩带和岩体的含铬性,选择铬铁矿找矿靶区;在含矿岩体中普查勘探工业铬铁矿矿床.我国近三十年来的铬矿找矿工作,对解决第1、3环节问题,已在实践和方法上积累了丰富经验:关键是如何从大量岩带(体)中判别具有成矿远景的岩带(体),建立起—套简易而有效的评价超基性岩含铬性的准则.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of data in [1, 2] on the concentrations of noble gases and the cosmic ray exposure age (CREA) of chromite grains in fossil meteorites, it was demonstrated in [3] that the distributions of gas concentrations and cosmic ray exposure ages can be explained under the assumption of the fall of a single meteorite in the form of a meteorite shower in southern Sweden less than 0.2 Ma after the catastrophic destruction of the parental body (asteroid) of L chondrites in space at approximately 470 Ma. This assumption differs from the conclusion in [1, 2, 4] about the long-lasting (for 1–2 Ma) delivery of L chondrites to the Earth, with the intensity of the flux of this material one to two orders of magnitude greater than now. The analysis of newly obtained data on samples from the Brunflo fossil meteorite [5] corroborates the hypothesis of a meteorite shower produced by the fall of a single meteorite. The possible reason for the detected correlations between the cosmic ray exposure ages of meteorites and the masses of the samples with the 20Ne concentrations can be the occurrence of Ne of anomalous isotopic composition in the meteorites.  相似文献   

Podiform chromite deposits are characteristic of the ultramafic complexes of the ophiolites. In the Limassol Forest Plutonic Complex, one of the two plutonic complexes of Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, the deposits are located dominantly at the periphery of the serpentinite body either close to the contact between the serpentinized harzburgite (Bastite Serpentinite) and a highly cataclastic olivine-rich peridotite (Shattered Serpentinite) or at the base of the latter. The chrome ore is in the form of small pods, lenses, veins and disseminated schlieren. Detailed microscopic studies showed that the massive chromite is highly cataclastic and extensively altered to an Fe-rich chrome spinel, the ferritchromite. The chemistry of the parent chromite and the ferritchromite has been studied by electron microprobe analysis of 47 samples. Based on the stratigraphic position, mode of occurrence and chemistry of the chromite deposits it is concluded that they are similar to the exploitable deposits of Troodos Plutonic Complex at Mount Olympus and evolved through cumulative process from a magma of tholeiite character. Pervasive deformation — both metamorphic and tectonic — and serpentinization of the host rock resulted in the brecciation and mobilization of the chromite segregations.  相似文献   

Taking for example the Luobosa chromite deposit in Tibet combined with other deposits of the same type in the world, the paper discusses the genetic mechanism of podiform chromite deposits. The study indicates that chromite and dunite-harzburgite are both the products of different degrees of partial melting of the same primary pyrolite(spinel lherzolite) and that chromite and dunite are the end product of higher degree of partial melting.The melting mechanism lies in the convcrsion of the two subgroups of pyroxenes(Cpx and Opx) into olivine and spinel respectively as a result of their incongruent melting, accompanied by regulation and reformation of accessory chrome spinel and such rock-forming minerals as Ol, Opx and Cpx, thus resulting in the close association of chromite deposits and dunite. The results of this study are of general significance for understanding the genesis of chromite deposits of the same type in the world.  相似文献   

本文以西藏自治区罗布莎铬铁矿床为例并结合世界其它地区同类矿床实例,讨论了豆荚型铬铁矿床的成因机制。研究表明,铬铁矿与纯橄岩-斜辉辉橄岩都是由同一原始地幔岩(尖晶石二辉橄榄岩)经不同程度熔融的产物。铬铁矿及纯橄岩是这一过程中高度熔融的最终产物。其熔融的机制是两种辉石(斜方辉石和单斜辉石)不一致熔融转变为橄榄石和铬尖晶石,并伴随着副矿物铬尖晶石及造岩矿物成分的调整和再造,从而导致铬铁矿床与纯橄岩的紧密伴生。该研究成果对认识世界上同类矿床的成因有普遍意义。  相似文献   

The Zambales ophiolite is the major source of chromite ore in the Philippines. The chromitites are concordant cumulates and are associated with distinct chromitite-bearing sequences within the mantle peridotites. Refractory and metallurgical chromite deposits are spatially separated and related to different lithologic associations, which crystallized from different parental magmas. — Refractory chromite ores (30–44 wt% Cr2O3; 20–30 wt% Al2O3) are linked with the peridotite-troctolite-olivine gabbro lineage. Two main types were found: (1) Al-rich refractory ores associated with harzburgites and feldspathic periodotites and (2) more Cr-rich varieties associated with lherzolites. — Metallurgical chromite ores (45–53 wt% Cr2O3; 12–18 wt% Al2O3) are linked with the peridotite-pyroxenite-norite lineage. Two main types were also found: (1) Cr-rich metallurgical ores associated with orthopyroxenites and (2) more Al-rich varieties related to clinopyroxenites. — The chemical composition of chromite within the deposits varies depending on the chromite/silicate ratios of the ore types and grades continuously into accessory chrome spinels in the wall-rock peridotites. — The geochemistry of accessory chrome spinels in various peridotites and mafic cumulates depends on the mineralogical composition and the stratigraphic position of their host rocks.New address: BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH, Riethorst 12, D-3000 Hannover 51The terms chrome-spinels and chromite are used as follows: 1. Chrome-spinel is only used for those occuring as accessory minerals in various ultramafic and mafic rocks (= accessory chrome-spinels). Their chemical composition has been determined only by microprobe analysis. — 2. Chromite is used for ore and ore deposits (=chromitites); the chemical composition has been determined by wet chemistry (AAS) or by microprobe analysis  相似文献   

Currently, the presence of free n-alkanes and isoprenoid alkanes in carbonaceous meteorites is usually explained either by microbial contamination during the period between the meteorite fall and collection or by contamination from the environment of analytical laboratories and museums. The goal of this research was to repeat analysis of hydrocarbon components in meteorites and to investigate possible meteorite contamination routes discussed in the literature. Experimental analysis of free organic constituents in five carbonaceous meteorites by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and gas chromatographic (GC) methods confirmed the presence of extractable aliphatic components, n-alkanes in the C15H32-C27H56 range and isoprenoid alkanes (phytane, pristane, and norpristane), in some of these meteorites. The contents of these compounds vary depending on the source. Insoluble organic components of two meteorites (meteorite kerogens) were isolated, and their composition was analyzed by IR and cracking/GC methods. Comparison with the data on several terrestrial contamination sources proposed in the literature shows that the presence of free saturated hydrocarbons in meteorites and the composition of the meteorite kerogen could not be explained either by microbial contamination or by contamination from the laboratory environment. The types of the hydrocarbons in meteorites resemble those typical of ancient terrestrial deposits of organic-rich sediments, except for the absence of lighter hydrocarbons, which apparently slowly evaporated in space, and multi-ring naphthenic compounds of the biologic origin, steranes, terpanes, etc. The prevailing current explanation for the presence of free linear saturated hydrocarbons in carbonaceous meteorites, apart from contamination, is the abiotic route from hydrogen and carbon monoxide. However, the data on the structure of meteorite kerogens require a search for different routes that initially produce complex polymeric structures containing n-alkyl and isoprenoid chains which are attached, via polar links (esters, salts, etc.), to a cross-linked polymer matrix. Later, the polymer slowly decomposes with the liberation of free aliphatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

全球铬铁矿资源丰富,但分布极不均衡.铬铁矿的成因类型主要有层状和豆荚状2种,这2种类型的铬铁矿床地质特征、成因模式差异显著.在全球范围内铬铁矿矿床的成矿时代和空间分布具有明显的时空规律性,古元古代是铬铁矿最重要成矿期,该期形成的铬铁矿占总资源量的58.5%,以形成大型-超大型层状铬铁矿为主,中-新生代是全球铬铁矿床形成数量最多、分布范围最广的重要成矿期,该期形成的铬铁矿占总资源量的24.9%,以形成中小型豆荚状铬铁矿为主.铬铁矿在全球的分布可划分为5个重要层状铬铁矿矿田(南非布什维尔德-津巴布韦大岩墙、北美斯蒂尔沃特、南美坎坡福莫索、印度苏金达、芬兰凯米-俄罗斯普拉科夫斯科)和7个豆荚状铬铁矿带(津巴布韦舒鲁圭、东北非、乌拉尔、特提斯、西太平洋岛弧、加勒比岛弧和马达加斯加),并对各重要成矿区带的资源潜力进行了探讨.通过对全球铬铁矿成因类型、地质特征和时空分布规律的探讨,对深入了解地幔的物质组成、物理化学环境、地幔物质的运移、深部地质作用及板块运动的动力学机制、深俯冲和地球深部再循环轨迹有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

安徽亳县陨石不透明矿物研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
毫县陨石的不透明矿物有陨硫铁、铁纹石、镍纹石、镍黄铁矿、镁铁尖晶石、自然铜、石墨、方铁矿、铬铁矿、钛铁矿、磁铁矿、张衡矿及x矿物等。本文对它们进行了反光显微镜鉴定、X射线分析、反射率测定和电子探针分析。总结了不同化学群的球粒陨石中FeO和MgO的含量变化规律。  相似文献   

铬铁矿是关键金属铬唯一可经济利用的自然资源,主要有层状铬铁矿和蛇绿岩中的豆荚状铬铁矿两种类型,其中豆荚状铬铁矿矿体规模小、发育不规律,是一个长期存在的勘探难题。由于铬铁矿特殊的经济战略地位,美国、欧洲、苏联和中国都非常重视铬铁矿地球物理勘探。铬铁矿地球物理探测技术发展始于20世纪30年代,至20世纪80年代,发展了以重力、磁法为主导的铬铁矿地球物理勘探技术,地震、电法也被应用。这一阶段在苏联乌拉尔肯皮尔赛等超大型蛇绿岩型隐伏铬铁矿勘探取得重大突破,在其他矿区取得一定的进展。自21世纪以来,高精度的便携式仪器和新兴地球物理技术逐渐运用到铬铁矿地球物理勘探,综合地球物理成为铬铁矿勘探的主流方法,在我国罗布莎等多个岩体隐伏铬铁矿勘探中取得突破,在印度、阿尔巴尼亚等国家也取得进展。本文回顾了铬铁矿地球物理勘探的发展历程,综述了铬铁矿岩石物理特征与测量方法、重磁勘探主要应用及存在问题、电磁法勘探的主要方法,并重点介绍了音频大地电磁测深在罗布莎铬铁矿的探测效果和电磁法勘探模式,展望了张量CSAMT技术、磁异常模量反演、高光谱遥感、高密度激电、无人机物探等有望在铬铁矿地球物理勘探中发挥重要作用的前沿...  相似文献   

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