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富钛钙铁榴石是硅不饱和碱性火成岩中的特征矿物,其Ti含量和Ti进入石榴石的方式可直接反映岩浆体系的硅饱和度和氧逸度。河北矾山超镁铁岩-正长岩杂岩体是华北克拉通北缘东西向展布三叠纪碱性岩带的重要岩体之一,其岩石中发育三种类型的富钛钙铁榴石:类型Ⅰ发育于岩体外带的石榴石辉石正长岩中,与辉石、黑云母呈岩浆共生关系,端元组成为Adr_(25-65)Mmt_(15-37)Slo_(8-28)Grs_(10-14),以高TiO_(2)含量(6.08%~18.61%)、较低的SiO_(2)含量(25.46%~33.26%)为特征,为原生岩浆成因;类型Ⅱ见于各类岩石,呈细粒他形充填于其他矿物颗粒之间,端元组成为Adr_(57-69)Mmt_(5-19)Slo_(0-6)Grs_(19-27),以高Al_(2)O_(3)含量(3.95%~5.56%)为特征,为岩浆演化后期熔体富Al_(2)O_(3)时结晶而成;类型Ⅲ亦见于各类岩石,主要呈细粒他形或细碎状发育于其他矿物内,端元组成为Adr_(68-79)Mmt_(8-14)Slo_(0-5)Grs_(6-14),以低的Al_(2)O_(3)含量(1.18%~2.89%)和较高的FeO含量(21.65%~24.62%)为特征,为岩浆期后热液成因。在矾山杂岩体的富钛钙铁榴石中,Ti主要以Si→Ti^(4+)和2Fe^(3+)→Ti^(4+)+Fe^(2+)/Mg替代方式进入到晶体结构中,反映了矾山杂岩体的母岩浆体系为二氧化硅不饱和的碱性岩浆,并具有较高的氧逸度。受石榴石的主量元素组成和相应的晶体结构控制,在微量元素组成上,矾山杂岩体中的富钛钙铁榴石富集轻稀土或中稀土、亏损重稀土,大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Pb和Sr)含量较低或极低,而高场强元素(如Th、U、Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等)含量普遍较高。本文对石榴石的成因研究结果支持矾山杂岩体不同类型的岩石形成于封闭体系下同一母岩浆系统充分的结晶-分异和堆晶作用;此演化模式可以较好地解释矾山杂岩体的同心环状特征和韵律层状结构,以及磁铁矿和磷矿的成因。  相似文献   

国内外学者对发育于弧环境和碰撞造山环境的斑岩铜矿成岩机制已取得了深刻的理解,但对产出在克拉通内部的斑岩铜矿成岩机制在认识上还有所欠缺。本文报道了侵位于144Ma木吉村斑岩铜矿内的含矿闪长玢岩的岩石地球化学资料,以揭示木吉村斑岩铜矿的含矿斑岩成因。岩石地球化学资料显示:含矿闪长玢岩具有较低的(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i值(0.70599~70690)和εNd(t)值(-19.4~-14.9),富集轻稀土元素(LREEs)和大离子亲石元素(LILEs),相对亏损元素Y和Yb。木吉村含矿斑岩与王安镇杂岩体镁铁质岩(辉石岩、角闪石岩、辉长岩、辉长闪长岩、安山岩)具有相似的微量元素配分模式、Sr-Nd同位素组成及亲EMⅠ地幔特征,这些岩浆岩呈现持续性的成份演化趋势,反映出它们的同源性。木吉村含矿斑岩及相关的镁铁质岩石具有相对较低的(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i值(0.70564~706897)和εNd(t)值(-19.4~-13.8),显著区别于中上地壳同位素区域。含矿斑岩起源于伸展背景下富集地幔部分熔融形成的玄武质岩浆,其上升过程中遭受了一定程度的下地壳混染。玄武质岩浆在深部岩浆房发生堆晶作用形成具典型堆晶结构的角闪石岩等基性岩,随后在浅部岩浆房经历两阶段辉长岩-辉长闪长岩、安山岩-闪长玢岩系列分离结晶作用形成含矿斑岩。此过程可能是形成华北克拉通木吉村斑岩铜矿含矿斑岩的机制和动力诱因。  相似文献   

本次研究从华北克拉通五台地区基底中识别出一套-25亿年的基性侵入体(主要为岩株)。其中,龙王堂岩株出露面积约5km2,侵入新太古界五台群台怀亚群,岩石类型主要为粗粒辉长岩。一条北东向基性岩墙侵入该岩株,岩墙边部发育明显的冷凝边,岩性为中粒辉长岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年代学分析显示龙王堂粗粒辉长岩岩株形成时代为新太古代晚期(-2520Ma),中粒辉长岩岩墙形成时代为晚三叠世(-230Ma)。锆石原位Lu-Hf同位素分析显示龙王堂岩株具有正的εHf(t)值(4.75-7.95,峰值为6.3),其亏损地幔Hf模式年龄与岩浆年龄接近(tDM=2.64-2.53Ga),指示龙王堂粗粒辉长岩的原始岩浆来自于亏损地幔端元。全岩主微量元素地球化学分析显示龙王堂粗粒辉长岩表现出与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似的地球化学特征,并经历了橄榄石和单斜辉石等的结晶分异。结合前人研究成果,本文认为龙王堂新太古代晚期辉长岩岩株与区域上绿岩带(五台群)及同时期花岗侵入体形成时代接近,可能共同指示早期地幔直接分异形成陆壳物质的过程。这可能与俯冲构造体制不同,而与地幔柱作用产生的岩浆特征更为相似。  相似文献   

小秦岭-熊耳山金矿集区位于华北克拉通南缘,发育众多伴生铅锌银等金属的金矿,成为揭示克拉通破坏型金矿成因的天然实验室。产于小秦岭-熊耳山金矿集区内的康山金多金属矿床受控于北东向的中生代脆性断裂,赋存于新太古代变质岩和中元古代火山岩中。成矿过程可分为4个热液阶段:石英±黄铁矿阶段、石英-黄铁矿-黄铜矿-自然金阶段、多金属硫化物-自然金-石英-铁白云石阶段、石英-方解石±萤石阶段。本文获得康山金多金属矿床金成矿阶段热液独居石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为131.7±4.6Ma,与晚中生代华北克拉通破坏有关的岩浆热液成矿作用时代一致。本次研究开展的各阶段黄铁矿原位微量元素单点和扫面分析,发现第2阶段Au与Co、Ni、As呈正相关关系,且有明显的振荡环带,Cu、Ag、Sb、Pb、Bi这几种元素从黄铁矿颗粒的核部向边缘含量逐渐降低,且黄铁矿颗粒中出现富含这些元素的矿物包裹体,说明该阶段发生流体沸腾作用;而第3阶段黄铁矿中各微量元素含量为所有阶段中最低,黄铁矿无振荡环带且裂隙中有富含各微量元素的硫化物充填,说明各种元素在该阶段均得到充分卸载,且成矿流体的化学性质较稳定。结合前人关于该矿床各阶段流体包裹体分析结果,表明流体沸腾是Au的主要沉淀机制,而流体混合是Pb、Zn、Ag的主要沉淀机制。黄铁矿中微量元素含量指示,从第1阶段到第3阶段流体温度依次降低;第2和第3阶段流体fO2比第1阶段高且后两者相差不大。根据黄铁矿Co、Ni含量及比值的计算,认为第1和第2阶段黄铁矿为岩浆热液成因,第3阶段黄铁矿受围岩物质影响。黄铁矿原位S同位素分析得到第1至第3阶段黄铁矿δ34S分别为+6.6‰-+8.9‰、+5.0‰-+7.2‰和+6.0‰-+8.7‰,均与区域花岗岩类的S同位素值类似。综上所述,本文得出康山金多金属矿床形成于早白垩世与华北克拉通破坏有关的岩浆热液成矿作用。  相似文献   

海南岛大规模二叠-三叠纪侵入岩的形成是与古特提斯洋有关,还是与古太平洋俯冲闭合有关还存在巨大争议。本文对琼中金波两处辉绿岩脉及其围岩花岗岩的研究显示,露头1辉绿岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为245.4±3.8Ma,TiO_(2)含量(1.07%~1.18%)低,而MgO(8.60%~9.41%)和Mg^(#)值(62.31~65.02)较高,为钙碱性系列,球粒陨石和原始地幔标准化配分曲线中具有明显的Eu、Nb、Ta、Ti和Ba负异常,以及显著Th、U、Zr、Rb和Pb等正异常,(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i)=0.707138~0.712797,(^(143) Nd/^(144)Nd)_(i)=0.511884~0.511965,ε_(Nd)(t)值为-7.01~-8.58,指示其形成于大陆岛弧环境。相比之下,露头2辉绿岩锆石U-Pb年龄为242.8±3.1Ma,但其TiO_(2)(2.65%~3.06%)含量较高,而MgO(4.24%~5.39%)和Mg^(#)值(40.09~45.86)较低,具有Eu、Rb、Pb、Nb、Ta和Ti弱正异常和Th负异常,(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i)=0.690244~0.717031,(^(143) Nd/^(144)Nd)_(i)=0.512886~0.512915,ε_(Nd)(t)值为+6.41~+7.93,具有板内玄武岩的特征,指示其形成于板内裂解环境。辉绿岩脉围岩二长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为255.3±3.0Ma和255.7±3.2Ma,含少量角闪石和黑云母,具有较高的SiO_(2)(71.62%~73.72%)、Na_(2)O+K_(2)O(6.60%~9.17%)和Al_(2)O_(3)(平均14.88%)含量,A/CNK值(0.97~1.03)较低,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、Sr和Ba,富集Rb、Th、U和Pb,为高分异I型岛弧花岗岩。总的来看,二长花岗岩和辉绿岩形成于大陆岛弧挤压向伸展过渡的构造环境。对比二叠-三叠纪侵入岩体的走向、碰撞前-同碰撞-碰撞后岩浆岩的时代以及榴辉岩的变质年龄等,发现海南岛侵入岩与哀牢山-松马造山带明显不同,而与日本和朝鲜半岛的岛弧岩浆岩类似,由此我们认为海南岛大规模晚二叠-早三叠世岩浆岩为古太平洋板片向欧亚板块俯冲后撤的产物,后撤过程受到古特提斯俯冲板片的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports new geochemical data including zircon U-Pb ages with Hf isotopic data, whole -rock major and trace isotopic compositions for the Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the northeastern North China Craton ( NCC), with the purpose of constraining its petrogenesis and tectonic setting. It also provides a basis for further discussion on the formation and evolution of the lithosphere in the northeastern NCC during the Late Mesozoic. Zircons in the Xinglin granite porphyry, Hongtuya andesitic crystal tuff and Jiangyuan rhyolitic breccia-bearing crystal-lithic tuff all show magmatic origin. Zircon U-Pb dating yield age are 130 +/- 1Ma, 128 +/- 1Ma and 120 +/- 1Ma, respectively. The Xinglin granite porphyry and the Hongtuya andesitic crystal tuff have high content of SiO2, Al2O3 Sr, high Na2O/K2O, Sr/Y and ( La/Yb)(N) ratios. In addition, they exhibit low Y and Yb. They are enriched in LILE ( e. g., Ba, Th and U), depleted in HFSE ( e. g., Nb, Ti and P) with weak negative Eu anomalies (delta Eu =0. 82 similar to 0. 94), showing they are typical of adakitic rocks. The Xinglin granite porphyry has high content of total -alkali, low content of TiO2, characterized by peraluminous-weakly peraluminous granite A/CNK = 1. 06 similar to 1. 14, the zircon saturated temperature values of 798 similar to 815 degrees C and a distribution pattern of LREE enrichment with incline to the right, which indicates it is I -type granite. The zircon ( t) values in the Xinglin granite porphyry ranged 17. 96 0. 19, and the two -stage model ages yield t(DM2) = 1197 similar to 2313Ma, which imply that the Xinglin granite porphyry is derived from partial melting of the thickened mafic lower crust of Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The zircon epsilon(Hf)( t) values in the Hongtuya andesitic crystal tuff ranged 3. 37 similar to 5. 47, and the two -stage model ages yield t(DM2) = 830 similar to 967Ma, indicating that the Hongtuya andesitic crystal tuff is a metasomatism product of the Neoproterozoic delaminated eclogite lower crust partial melting and mantle peridotite. Combined with the epsilon(Hf)( t) values in the Jiangyuan rhyolitic breccia-bearing crystal-lithic tuff ranged 2. 69 1. 00, and the two -stage model ages yield t(DM2) = 1115 similar to 1349Ma, we conclude that the epsilon(Hf)( t) values of magmatic rocks are heterogeneous in the southern Jilin Province, and the magmatic source area is characterized by multi -component origin, including both ancient crust and juvenile crust. We supposed that there were two accretion evolution events in the continental crust of the northeastern NCC during Proterozoic. Comprehensive studies have shown that subduction and slab roll -back of the Paleo-Pacific plate ( Izanagi) led to the thickened the northeastern NCC being in an extensional tectonic setting during the Early Cretaceous, and the destruction of the northeastern NCC by delamination occurred spatially from west to east. The partial melting of delaminated lower continental crust resulted in a wide distribution of adakitic rocks.  相似文献   

To constrain the evolution of the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO), petrography, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb dating analyses were conducted over the gabbro and rhyolite in the Kaiyuan area, North Liaoning, in the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). Zircon dating results indicate that the gabbros and rhyolite were formed in the Trassic (246 +/- 2Ma, 241 +/- 2Ma, 226 +/- 3Ma and 241 +/- 2Ma). The three gabbros of Triassic have similar geochemical characteristics, originated from the mantle, and were contaminated by crust materials in the process of ascending and emplacement. The Early Triassic gabbro (246Ma) originated from the enriched mantle source metasomatized by fluid. It was formed by 1% partial melting of garnet spinel lherzolite in the extensional environment caused by breaking off slab. The Middle Triassic gabbro (241Ma) was derived from a transitional mantle metasomatized by fluid and melt, and was formed by 1% to 2% partial melting of garnet spinel peridotite. The Late Triassic gabbro (226Ma) was derived from a transitional mantle metasomatized by fluid and melt, and was formed by 3% similar to 4% partial melting of garnet spinel lherzolite in the post-orogenic extensional environment. The Middle Triassic rhyolite (241Ma) has the characteristic of post collisional I-type granite, that enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high field strength elements, and negative Nb, Ti, P and Sr anomaly. The low content of Sr and Yb suggested a 30 similar to 40km depth source. The Middle Trassic "bimodal" igneous rocks implied an extensional environment caused by the remainder oceanic crust breaked away at the bottom of the crust. Based on the lithologic association, regional strata information and the chronological data in this paper and published by predecessors, the Triassic magmatism in the eastern segment of the northern margin of the NCC can be divided into five stages: 252 similar to 246Ma, 246 similar to 242Ma, 242 similar to 240Ma, 240 similar to 230Ma and 230 similar to 215Ma. These five magmatic events were the results of the southward subduction and extinction of the PAO: (1) The transformation from active continental margin to syn-collisional setting resulted in the final closure of the PAO (252 similar to 246 Ma); (2) Continuous pushing resulted in orogenic uplift (246 similar to 242Ma); (3) Extension caused by the detachment of the remainder subduction oceanic crust at the bottom of the crust (242 similar to 240Ma); (4) Rapid uplift and crustal thickening (240 similar to 230Ma); (5) Extension of post-orogenic(230 similar to 215Ma).  相似文献   

在华北克拉通北缘阴山地块东部固阳地区发现了假白榴石粗面玄武岩和钾质粗面岩两种高钾准铝质碱性火山岩。地质年代学数据显示,假白榴石粗面玄武岩的磷灰石U-Pb年龄为322±14Ma,钾质粗面岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为315.6±7.5Ma,说明其形成时代均为晚石炭世。岩石地球化学特征显示,二者均富Al、Fe,贫Mg;富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba和K),相对亏损高场强元素(如Ta、Nb和Ti),轻重稀土分异明显,富集轻稀土,相对亏损重稀土,Eu异常不明显;高(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.710028~0.714745),低εNd(t)值(-9.0~-17.2),表现出相似的交代岩石圈地幔源区和地壳混染特征。将该碱性火山岩与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩和阴山地块白垩纪中基性火山岩进行岩石类型对比,发现华北克拉通北缘产出的火山岩多为高钾碱性系列,而兴蒙造山带中产出的火山岩则多为钙碱性系列;与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩进行岩石成因对比,发现它们的岩浆源区和混染程度并不相同,即固阳地区碱性火山岩为受到早古生代俯冲沉积物交代的岩石圈地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中混染华北克拉通TTG片麻岩后喷发的产物,而兴蒙造山带中火山岩的产出则多为亏损地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中轻度混染地壳物质后喷发的结果。在固阳地区发现晚石炭世碱性火山岩,代表着古亚洲洋在该时期的后造山伸展作用范围已延伸至华北克拉通北缘。  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating, whole -rock geochemistry and Hf isotopic analyses for the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks in the Kaiyuan area are presented to explore the Late Paleozoic -Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution history of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block. The detailed research indicates that the protolith of Jianshanzi metamorphic volcanic rocks includes rhyolite, dacite and andesite, they are calc-alkaline series and metaluminous-weak peraluminous rocks. According to the zircon U-Pb dating, the metamorphic rhyolite and metamorphic andesite formed in the Late Permian (256. 1 +/- 1. 5Ma, 252.4 +/- 1. 7Ma) and the Late Triassic (222. 4 +/- 1. 8Ma, 227. 9 +/- 1. 2Ma), respectively. They are characteristized by enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depletion of heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. Metamorphic rhyolite has an obvious negative Eu anomaly with epsilon(Hf) ( t) values of 10. 83 + 8. 10 and the second -stage model are 698 similar to 1967Ma. They are mainly due to the partial melting of the juvenile basaltic lower crust and the contamination of a small amount of ancient crustal materials. Metamorphic andesite has no obvious Eu anomaly, and the epsilon(Hf)( t) value and the second -stage model are +4.54 similar to + 6. 79 and 825 similar to 968 Ma, which may be the product of partial melting of basic lower crust. There are two periods of magmatism in Jianshanzi volcanic rocks: Late Permian -Early Triassic (247 similar to 256Ma) and Late Triassic (similar to 225Ma). The material composition of the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks is characterized by different times and different tectonic backgrounds. It is comprehensively believed that the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block was in an active continental margin tectonic environment during the Permian, and the Palaeo-Asian Ocean subducted in both directions; Mantle -derived magma ascends and emplaces, forming a nascent crust and causing crustal thickening. The Paleo-Asian Ocean finally closed in the early Middle Triassic, and the impact of collisional orogeny may have continued until the early Late Triassic.  相似文献   

二郎坪单元是位于北秦岭构造带中部的一个年轻地体,发育了大量的花岗岩类,是研究北秦岭早古生代大陆地壳增生的理想场所。本文对北秦岭构造带太平镇北英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩体和蛮子营黑云母二长花岗岩体开展了岩石学、年代学、地球化学及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明,太平镇北奥长花岗岩和蛮子营黑云母二长花岗岩的形成时代分别为468.8±2.8Ma和462.2±1.9Ma。太平镇北岩体为高硅(71.79%-78.66%)、富钠贫钾(K_(2)O/Na_(2)O=0.27-0.77)的低钾拉斑-钙碱性系列岩石;蛮子营岩体为高硅(72.20%-74.90%)、富钾(K_(2)O/Na_(2)O=0.97-1.36)的高钾钙碱性岩石。两者轻重稀土分异均较明显,均具有富集Rb、Ba、Th、U、K等大离子亲石元素,而亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素的特征。太平镇北岩体和蛮子营岩体具有类似的锆石εHf(t)值(奥长花岗岩8.2-12.7;黑云母二长花岗岩8.9-13.2)、全岩(87Sr/86Sr)i(奥长花岗岩0.704038-0.705221;二长花岗岩0.703876-0.705371)和全岩εNd(t)值(奥长花岗岩1.49-2.03;黑云母二长花岗岩1.68-1.92)。研究表明,太平镇北岩体岩浆源区为玄武质弧下地壳,岩浆结晶分异作用形成英云闪长岩和奥长花岗岩;蛮子营岩体岩浆为早期形成的英云闪长岩部分熔融形成。太平镇北岩体和蛮子营岩体均形成于洋内弧的构造环境,从弧玄武岩到富钠英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩再到富钾的二长花岗岩,代表了地幔物质经过多阶段岩浆演化形成富硅富钾长英质地壳的过程。综上,认为洋内弧的形成和岩浆演化是北秦岭大陆地壳增生的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

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