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四川都江堰三溪村710高位山体滑坡研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年7月10日上午10时,四川都江堰市中兴镇三溪村受极端暴雨影响发生高位山体滑坡灾害,滑坡-碎屑堆积体方量超过150104m3,其中1#滑坡-碎屑堆积体长度1.26km,造成三溪村一组重大人员伤亡。笔者在野外实地调查和室内研究分析的基础上,总结了都江堰三溪村滑坡的基本特征,研究了其启动运动机制和滑动速度,主要认识如下:(1)该滑坡为一处高位山体滑坡,后缘白垩系砂砾岩地层高速滑动后剧烈撞击-铲刮-偏转后铲动坡体上的松散堆积层而形成高位山体滑坡-碎屑流灾害。(2)根据滑坡的运动及堆积特征,将1#滑坡划分为砂砾岩滑动区、碰撞铲刮区和碎屑流堆积覆盖区3部分。(3)7月8日8时至10日8时,中兴镇三溪村的持续强降雨天气过程(都江堰市3d的降雨量相当于该地区年降雨总量的44.1%),直接触发了滑坡的发生。(4)三溪村滑坡的发生受2008年汶川地震、特殊的岩土体性质、地形地貌条件以及极端暴雨事件的综合影响,地震、地形为其发育提供了基础条件,极端暴雨事件为其直接诱发因素。(5)建议加强高位山体滑坡的研究,尤其是远程滑坡-碎屑流的早期识别和预警。  相似文献   

2017年6月24日6时左右,四川茂县突发山体高位滑坡-碎屑流,灾害造成严重的人员伤亡与财产损失。本文基于历史灾难性高位滑坡灾害资料,从定义、形成条件、运动特征、防治等方面对高位滑坡进行了分析综述。高位滑坡是指剪出口高于坡脚地面,滑坡体重心和剪出口位置高、临空条件好,具有极大势能的滑坡;高位滑坡可分为滑源区、滑流区和堆积区,各区运动速度表现出不同的规律;高位滑坡的防治应当着重考虑充分利用地形优势、加强群众意识和重视勘察监测等因素,特别是地形条件对于建筑物和灾害防治构筑物的选址具有重要的影响;高位滑坡定量化系统深入的研究急待开展。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水水城高位远程滑坡流态化运动过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高位远程滑坡是中国西南山区常见的一类灾难性地质灾害,其发生往往伴随有碰撞解体效应,导致滑体碎裂化,转化为碎屑流或泥石流,具有流化运动堆积的特征。2019年7月23日发生于中国贵州省六盘水市水城县的鸡场镇滑坡是典型的高位远程流态化滑坡,滑坡前后缘高差430 m,水平运动距离1340 m,堆积体体积200×104 m3,导致21幢房屋被掩埋,51人遇难。基于野外详细调查和滑前滑后地形对比,采用DAN-W软件对水城滑坡的整个运动堆积过程进行了模拟,结果显示:水城滑坡在滑源区残留堆积体厚度最大为27 m,堆积区最大堆积厚度为15 m,滑坡碎屑流前缘最大运动速度为27 m/s,最大动能为6.57×106 J;滑坡高位剪出,由于势能转化为动能,滑坡快速达到速度峰值,并铲刮地表松散土层;由于强降雨,滑体高速运动使基底孔隙水来不及排出,导致基底摩擦力下降,降低能量损耗,滑体解体促进颗粒流化运动,减少了摩擦,也是滑坡远程运动的重要原因。   相似文献   

近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   

滑体的运动速度、堆积形态、冲击力等因素决定了碎屑流的致灾程度。滑源区不同岩性特征和结构分布的差异导致了滑体粒序分布和颗粒粒径的差异。在运动过程中产生的碰撞、摩擦、跳跃,影响着滑坡碎屑流的致灾程度。在物理模型试验的基础上,运用三维离散元软件PFC3D,探究滑源区粒序分布及颗粒粒径对滑体运动速度、堆积形态、冲击力的影响。研究结果表明:碎屑流中各粒径颗粒的平均速度受颗粒粒径及滑源区初始粒序的共同影响,且初始粒序对各颗粒平均速度影响更大;在堆积形态方面,粒径大小对厚度方向上的粒序排布影响较大,而滑源区粒序分布对单种颗粒的堆积形态影响较大;在颗粒分选作用下,颗粒粒径成为控制峰值冲击力的主要因素,而滑源区粒序分布则通过决定滑体堆积形态控制了准静态堆积阶段碎屑流的冲击力。  相似文献   

四川茂县新磨村高位滑坡铲刮作用分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2017年6月24日,四川省茂县叠溪镇新磨村发生高位顺层山体滑坡,滑动高差达1 160 m,滑动平距约2 200 m。该滑坡的滑动方量巨大,与其滑动过程中产生的铲刮效应有关。为分析其铲刮效应,文章通过现场调查、遥感影像解译和无人机航拍图像,确定该滑坡的滑动全过程为:多次历史地震造成滑坡源区岩体结构破碎,降雨沿顶部裂隙入渗导致水压力增大及石英砂岩中的薄层板岩软化,在长期疲劳效应下斜坡上部岩体最终发生滑动;上部滑体在运移过程中,对斜坡中部浅表风化层、部分基岩及下部老滑坡堆积体进行铲刮并重新堆积。采用Rockfall软件模拟源区滑体的运动路径、速度与能量,结果表明:在碎屑流区和老滑坡堆积区都存在明显的集中铲刮作用,整个滑坡的高危险区也主要位于该区域,所以危险性分区可代表不同滑坡区域的铲刮程度。计算得两个区域的铲刮方量分别为4.9×106,4.38×106 m3,滑坡总方量为13.35×106 m3。该模拟和计算方法迅速有效,可为以后类似滑坡的应急、救灾和铲刮方量计算提供参考。  相似文献   

刘家湾滑坡位于青川东河口红光乡刘家湾,为汶川地震触发的特大型岩质山体滑坡。野外调查结果表明,该滑坡堆积体与一般汶川地震滑坡运动堆积体迥异的是滑体在沿碳质板岩与白云岩划分带破坏溃滑后,滑源区又沿白云岩风化卸荷带触发了二次溃滑,形成二级堆积平台的形态且以不同岩性区分,在岩性划分带及风化卸荷带呈现出明显的动力破坏特性。通过对该滑坡堆积体进行岩体物理力学试验及波速测试研究表明,该滑坡由白云岩、碳质板岩及千枚岩组成的内硬外软岩质边坡具有明显的量化差异特性,强震条件下差异岩性组合边坡岩层接触面的动力突变效应耦合凸出地形是导致该边坡破坏的主要因素。近一步研究显示该滑坡运动可大致分山体震裂阶段、地质分界面应力突变阶段、高速溃滑阶段、碎屑流堆积阶段、二次溃滑堆积5个动力过程。  相似文献   

2010年7月27日凌晨4时许,四川省汉源县万工乡二蛮山发生大规模滑坡,约48×104m3的强风化玄武岩体,在前期降雨的影响下高位高速滑出,随即解体转化为碎屑流,沿沟谷高速运动,沿途不断携卷和铲刮堆积于沟床及两侧斜坡的表层松散物质,使滑体的体积和含水量不断增大。当运动到沟谷中段时,因沟道在此向右偏转,在强大的惯性力作用下,部分碎屑流体冲向左岸斜坡,将居住于此的双合村一组5户村民房屋掩埋,造成20人失踪;另一部分碎屑流体继续沿沟谷高速运动近1.4km才最终停止。约30m in后,堆积于沟谷中段深切沟道内的滑坡堆积物,在重力作用下再次启动,形成二次滑坡。二次滑坡缓慢蠕滑流动数小时,最终到达万工新集镇,将部分房屋推倒掩埋,造成92户房屋受损、1500人被迫紧急转移。本文在对灾害现场进行详细地质调查的基础上,结合现场测绘、颗分试验、航拍等手段,对二蛮山滑坡体的基本特征进行了较深入的调查研究,对滑坡发生及成灾原因进行了初步分析。结果表明,滑源区相对突出的地形条件、风化破碎的玄武岩体和有利的结构面组合是滑坡发生的基本条件;前期降雨期间爆发的泥石流对滑源区坡脚的掏蚀、强降雨的饱水加载作用以及雨水沿陡倾张裂结构面的下渗软化作用,是诱发滑坡发生的直接原因。二蛮山沟谷原为一高频泥石流沟,滑坡发生前并无明显的滑坡迹象,滑坡的发生表现出极强的隐蔽性和突发性以及高位高速远程运动和危害巨大的特点,同时,主滑坡发生后在短时间内滑坡区再次启动发生二次滑坡,这些现象和特点具有特殊性,也具有典型性,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

崔文博  向喜琼  王晗旭 《地下水》2013,(3):145-147,153
在暴雨触发作用下,2006年5月18日贵州都匀马达岭发生滑坡,滑体随即形成的碎屑流,充填了坡下长达1km的沟谷。滑坡堆积物在空间上有明显的分区特征,由上至下可分为滑源区、滑体堆积区、碎屑流流通区、碎屑流堆积区四个区域进行研究。在对马达岭滑坡进行详细野外调查的基础上,从滑坡的地形条件、堆积情况及运动特征等方面探讨滑坡的发生机理及运动过程,结果表明:马达岭滑坡为一高速远程滑坡,滑坡迅速启动并在特殊的破坏模式和地形条件下,形成了"一快一慢"两种不同的运动方式,即大块岩体"坐着"下伏流体的缓慢运移以及碰撞、铲刮形成的碎屑物质的高速抛飞。  相似文献   

茂县新磨特大滑坡-碎屑流的发育特征与运移机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017年6月24日茂县叠溪镇新磨村发生体积近800×104 m3的灾难性特大型滑坡-碎屑流灾害。通过现场调查、遥感解译和资料分析,本文对灾害发育的地质环境条件,崩滑危岩体及运移堆积特征,降雨及地震对崩滑的触发作用等进行了研究,探讨了影响碎屑流运动性的主要效应及其致灾机理,并评价了类似灾害的监测预警新方法。研究认为:(1)新磨村位于1933年叠溪MS7.5地震前已经存在的大型老滑坡堆积体上,多次历史强震和历年降雨循环使滑源区砂板岩坡体表层卸荷带失稳剥离,内部岩体完整性和强度进一步损伤劣化,滑源区在2003年之前已经发育了多条宽大裂缝,并存在显著滑前变形前兆,新磨滑坡本质上是一次后地震机制的灾难性高速岩质滑坡-碎屑流。(2)新磨基岩顺层滑坡体积约150×104 m3,但有约600×104 m3沟道老崩坡积体被刮铲、裹携。滑坡体高位撞击使老堆积体内“土拱效应”快速丧失并获得加速,“刮铲-裹携效应”促进了滑坡-碎屑流的流动性和扩散性,但大规模的裹携也限制了碎屑流运移得更远。这种冲击加载-刮铲裹携的破坏机制与1986年新滩滑坡、2000年易贡滑坡和2004年贵州纳雍左营滑坡等类似。(3)滑坡-碎屑流产生的地震信号分析可再现整个滑坡、冲击、运移、停积等全过程,震前InSAR形变资料分析则揭示了显著的变形前兆,两者结合应是未来这类超视距崩滑-碎屑流灾害早期识别、评价和预警的新方法。(4)鉴于滑后新磨流域仍然存在大量新老裂缝及其切割而成的危险块体,建议立即开展详细的灾害调查、风险评价和监测预警工作,避免类似灾害重复发生。  相似文献   

Two deadly rockslides, triggered by heavy precipitation and open-pit mining, were reported in Emei County, Sichuan Province, China, from 2011 to 2015. About 6.0 million m3 of rock detached from the upper slopes, pushed the pre-sliding deposits, and hit the opposite mountains at average velocity of 18 to 36 km/h. Detailed field investigation, geological mapping, and UAV aerial photographic interpretation are presented to analyze the failure mechanisms of the events. The results suggest that the high-speed consequent bedding rockslides were triggered by the failure of rock mass, which were influenced by the engineering activities and climate change. Key contributive factors were weathered and fragmented basalts that were affected by open-pit mining and frequent blasting, as well as the weak underlying tuffs with swell-shrink potential. Persistent rainfall was the direct trigger in initiating and reactivating the landslide. Water affected the slope stability by increasing the slope material’s unit weight and penetrating into joints and cracks to make the tuffs degrade and causing a reduction in effective stress. The mechanisms for the two landslide events are a high-speed regressive consequent bedding (RCB) rockslide in 2011 and a reactivated high-speed advancing consequent bedding (ACB) rockslide in 2015. This paper can provide an insight into large-scale consequent bedding rockslides associated with the interaction between the rainfall and open-pit mining slopes instabilities.  相似文献   

大型岩质滑坡地震变形破坏过程物理试验与数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以汶川地震触发的大光包岩质滑坡为例,结合野外现场调查,以其地质结果为背景,建立起破坏前的物理模型和三维数值模型,利用振动试验台和数值计算方法对滑坡变形破坏过程进行了研究。物理试验与数值模拟方法相互验证,取得了较为一致的结果。研究结果表明: 该滑坡的破坏模式为坡体顶部与中部拉张贯穿破坏中部沿层面滑移前缘剪切破坏,中部拉裂缝与主滑面首先形成滑动边界,前缘首先滑出; 滑坡变形过程中的加速度与速度响应研究表明其放大效应明显。同时,通过对比基岩与滑带加速度与速度放大系数,显示了结构面对斜坡变形破坏过程的控制作用。  相似文献   

We present a new approach for mapping open cracks and tension fractures within rock slope instabilities and rock cliffs, which resides in high-resolution ground-based and airborne infrared thermography (IRT). The method is restricted to cold seasons, and its utility is demonstrated through three examples from the Flysch Belt of the Outer West Carpathians (rockslides at Kopce Hill and Mt. Kněhyně) and from the Northern Calcareous Alps (deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in Gschliefgraben/Mt. Traunstein). The approach is based on a contrast between temperatures deep within the rock mass, which at a depth of few meters represent local mean annual values, and winter-time temperatures of the ground surface. In winter, warmer, buoyant air from depth rises to the ground surface through open cracks and joints, and the temperature contrast can be detected by IRT. Our test survey was conducted in the beginning of February 2012, in order to achieve the best contrast between temperatures around open tension cracks and the adjacent ground. For temperature sensing, we used a FLIR B360 thermal camera; for airborne surveys in the ambient air, temperatures at the time of our surveys ranged from approximately ?19 to ?7 °C. IRT results conclusively revealed the presence of open cracks, loosened rock zones, and pseudo-karst caves over a distance sometimes greater than 1 km. The IRT approach proved useful for rapidly assessing the distribution of open cracks and tension fractures, key information required for assessing rockfall and rockslide hazard.  相似文献   

陡倾煤层开采条件下上覆山体变形破坏物理模型试验研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
大型岩质滑坡是中国西南岩溶矿区的主要地质灾害类型,其破坏和成灾过程具有复合性。以我国重庆武隆鸡冠岭滑坡为例,通过离心物理模型试验研究了地下开采条件下陡倾灰岩斜坡的变形失稳机制。试验时随着煤层模型板被拔出,上覆岩层在拟重力作用下开始出现位移与层间错动,当煤层模型被拔出150 mm时,模型山体发生显著破坏。试验结果表明:陡倾灰岩斜坡在长期重力作用下,会出现弯曲倾倒的变形,随着地下煤层逐渐采空,上覆陡倾层状岩体失去支撑,岩层层面分离并产生拉张裂缝,岩体变形加剧发生倾倒破坏,并对煤层下部的稳定岩体形成挤压,下伏稳定岩体发生剪切破坏,最终导致鸡冠岭以倾倒-滑移的复合模式整体失稳。这一研究对中国西南山区大型岩质滑坡的早期识别与失稳机制分析具有指导意义。   相似文献   

文家沟巨型岩质滑坡高速远程运移特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文家沟滑坡是汶川地震诱发的巨型高速远程岩质滑坡,其运移特征尚不明确.在现场调查的基础上,结合遥感解译,进一步深入研究其运移特征.分析得出,滑体自滑源区差异性启动,途经斜坡区铲刮坡表岩土体,随后以滑行、飞行等方式进入沟谷区,沿沟铲刮两岸坡体继续下行,与岸坡发生了5次明显的冲撞,逐步解体碎屑化,于第3次冲撞后开始大规模减速...  相似文献   

A Discontinuous Approach to the Numerical Modelling of Rock Avalanches   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary. The runout of dry rock avalanches produced by planar rockslides affecting a limestone formation with clayey interbeds is analysed by means of distinct element modelling. Potential and past rock avalanche events are described with reference to the geotechnical and structural conditions of the slope, typical of several Alpine valleys. Runout prediction analyses of potential rock avalanches performed with the PFC2D code are based on independent measurement of strength, energy dissipation and stiffness parameters of the rock mass and are validated by means of the back analysis of a historical rockslide occurred in the investigated area. Physical aspects of the avalanching process evidenced by modelling are also discussed. Author’s address: Paolo Tommasi, CNR – Institute for Geo-Engineering and Environmental Geology, c/o Facoltá di Ingegneria, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy  相似文献   

The hydrogeology of the deep-seated, slowly creeping Klasgarten rockslide in Austria is investigated in this study based on detailed surface and subsurface field data, laboratory analyses, and analytical and numerical simulations. Field data are derived from several deep exploration and monitoring boreholes, an exploration drift located within the rockslide, and geological and geomorphological mapping. Particular attention is given to the pore pressure measurements and their temporal and spatial variability. These pore pressure variations are controlled by a thin layer of clayey fault gouge (representing the basal shear zone of the rockslide), a high-permeability rockslide mass, and moderately fractured paragneissic bedrock. Variably saturated equivalent-continuum hydraulic conductivities and storage properties are derived from packer tests, laboratory tests and optical televiewer images. These data sets are used for two-dimensional numerical groundwater models to study the flow-field and pore-pressure variations caused by the reservoir water-level fluctuations, the transient groundwater infiltration from snowmelt and precipitation along the slope, and the exploration drift. The strongest pressure transients in the rockslide are caused by reservoir level fluctuations and not the natural groundwater recharge, even at substantial distances from the reservoir. The response times are very short and only a minor distance-dependent attenuation is observed. The results of this study are essential to analyse the hydromechanical control of the deformation behaviour of rockslides adjacent to hydropower reservoirs. Further, it helps to understand how the formation of a rockslide can change the original bedrock aquifer.  相似文献   

Large rock falls and rockslides represent a risk for human communities in mountainous areas as they can cause fatalities and destruction of settlements and infrastructures. Assessing the associated hazard requires constraining the time frequency of such events. Since large rockslides are not common, estimating their frequency requires recording them over a long period of time. The Holocene period then appears as pertinent, which implies that rockslide features have to be dated with absolute chronology methods. This paper presents a characterisation and dating of the Lauvitel rockslide, one of the largest Holocene rockslides in the French Alps. Combining field observation with electrical tomography profiles performed on the rockslide deposit that constitutes the Lauvitel Lake dam allows estimating its volume at a minimum of 12?×?106?m3. In addition, cosmic ray exposure dating using in situ-produced 10Be concentration measurements has been applied to date seven samples collected both on the main sliding surface and on blocks lying on the dam and further downstream. Ages obtained are consistent with a single large rockslide event, which occurred at 4.7?±?0.4 10Be-ka and formed two distinct deposits. However, from a mechanical point of view, these clearly separated deposits could hardly result from a single movement. A comparison of their reach angles with those reviewed in the literature highlights that the lower deposit must result from rock avalanches larger than 107?m3, while the upper one (the Lauvitel dam) must result from several events smaller than 106?m3. In the context of hazard assessment for land use planning, these events can, however, be considered as a unique event.  相似文献   

During the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, rock masses in the earthquake region were shaken, and subsequently, a number of post-earthquake landslides and debris flows occurred, triggered by heavy rainstorms. This paper presents a study of the rainfall-induced mechanism that triggered the landslides. This study is based on pre- and post-landslide geomorphology and geological features identified from pre-landslide high-resolution satellite imagery and post-landslide aerial photographs of the Wulipo landslide. The remote sensing observations were verified by field investigations. The results indicate that the heavy storm that occurred in July 2013 was the main trigger for the landslide although existing tensions and weak rock interfaces were the main internal causes for reactivation of the landslide. The bedding in the rocks dips in the same direction as the topographic slope. A tensile trough developed at the scarp. Based on data from the Wulipo rockslide, a model is proposed for calculating the safety factor for rockslides that takes into account the hydrostatic pressure along the structural plane of the rockslide. The results show that the proposed method can effectively estimate the stability of a storm-induced rockslide in regions underlain by bedded rocks. Based on this estimate, it is concluded that the Wulipo rockslide is a reactivated old rockslide.  相似文献   

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