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京九铁路沿线江西段地质旅游资源开发建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马振兴  蒋玉珍 《江西地质》1999,13(3):210-214
江西是京九铁路沿线“资源最丰富,风景最秀丽”的区段,按地质成因,该区段沿线地质资源包括:地貌旅游资源,地质构造旅游资源,水体旅游资源,矿业旅游资源,形成了庐山,鄱阳湖,南昌,井冈山,赣州,三百山6个重点旅游区。本文在分析了沿线地质旅游资源现状,有利和不利因素的基础上提出加快“三山”(庐山,井冈山,三百山)“一线”(京九铁路沿线)地质旅游资源开发的6点建议。  相似文献   

赖文宏 《冰川冻土》2003,25(8):186-189
简要介绍青藏铁路沿线旅游资源特点,并根据青藏铁路沿线的自然景观多样性和独特性,对其科学研究价值、美学价值、化价值进行总结。分析了青藏铁路对沿线景观产生影响主要工程类别:路基工程、取弃土场、砂石料点、施工便道、施工营地、施工场地等,提出青藏铁路修建对西藏旅游景观产生的影响及为减小和缓解铁路工程对沿线景观的影响,需采取预防措施和恢复措施,所提各项措施符合青藏线的特点,有可操作性。  相似文献   

青藏铁路对西藏旅游景观影响评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赖文宏 《冰川冻土》2003,25(Z1):186-189
简要介绍青藏铁路沿线旅游资源特点, 并根据青藏铁路沿线的自然景观多样性和独特性, 对其科学研究价值、美学价值、文化价值进行总结. 分析了青藏铁路对沿线景观产生影响主要工程类别: 路基工程、取弃土场、砂石料点、施工便道、施工营地、施工场地等, 提出青藏铁路修建对西藏旅游景观产生的影响及为减小和缓解铁路工程对沿线景观的影响, 需采取预防措施和恢复措施, 所提各项措施符合青藏线的特点, 有可操作性.  相似文献   

新疆地质旅游资源类型特征和环境保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘春涌  黄诚 《新疆地质》2004,22(4):455-456
随着人们生活水平的提高,旅游已成为人们重要的生活方式,新疆旅游资源十分丰富,西部大开发战略的实施和新疆旅游安全环境的加强,使旅游业正在成为新疆经济的支柱产业,新疆旅游资源包括生态、地质、人古迹和风上民俗旅游4大类,其中,地质旅游资源是基础。  相似文献   

黄文  陈康  熊炜  王乔 《贵州地质》2018,35(3):240-246
基于贵州省旅游资源大普查项目,通过收集资料,实地普查和综合研究,掌握了六盘水市旅游资源的基本类型、主要性质特征、保护与开发利用现状等情况,对六盘水市旅游资源进行了等级划分,并对六盘水市旅游资源开发条件和开发价值进行了评价。结果表明贵州省六盘水市旅游资源可分为12大主类、38个亚类、155种基本类型,共有旅游资源单体3 742个。其中五级旅游资源15个,四级旅游资源29个,三级旅游资源203个;新发现旅游资源1 885个。结论认为六盘水市旅游资源具有户外运动基地资源基础好,山地避暑休闲条件优越,人文社会环境好的开发条件。具有资源丰富,门类齐全,开发空间大;优良级资源及新发现旅游资源多,潜在利用价值高;资源独特、品味上乘、稀缺;资源组合度高,全域性特征明显的开发价值。  相似文献   

自然风景资源是地球岩石圈,水圈与大气圈等各层圈相互作用形成的一种具特殊价值的国土资源;是一种供人们游览,观赏,度假,修学求知,探险猎奇和科学考察而具吸收力的土地资源,地学扩大服务领域,旅游地学要为旅游的可持续性发展,为构筑大旅游体系作出贡献,由此,提出江苏旅游地学有待研究的3个方面:(1)全省旅游资源的系统调查,编制全省旅游资源分布,区划系列图件,旅游层圈线带大旅游发展的科学区划;(2)针对江苏旅  相似文献   

区域旅游资源开发是区域旅游发展战略规划的重要内容。作为区域经济地理学科中的基础理论,梯度推移理论对于区域旅游资源开发有很大的借鉴意义。试图综合个体旅游资源各方面的开发条件,在梯度推移的视角下对区域旅游资源进行梯度划分,进而发现区域旅游开发的弊端,并寻求解决方案。  相似文献   

尹泽生 《地质论评》2007,53(B08):160-164
地文旅游资源本质上是一种地学类旅游资源,它在自然旅游资源中占有重要位置,地文旅游资源的认定对区域旅游开发意义重大。地文旅游资源类型的划分,资源调查程序和方法的建立,均与地貌学、地质学、自然地理学有着密切的关系。本文从地貌学的角度对这一关联展开的一些讨论,有益于更好地理解地文旅游资源存在的学科基础。主要内容涉及地文的性质及其与地貌学的关系、地文旅游资源类型划分的地貌学基础、地文旅游资源认定的地貌学方法。  相似文献   

重庆市的地学旅游资源极其丰富,可划分为岩石圈旅游资源等4个大类、地质旅游资源等11个基本类型、地层旅游景观等18种景观和黔江县上白垩统正阳组剖面等107个景区(景点)。它们具有类型齐全、分布广泛、岩溶精品和森林独特的特点。从加强岩溶旅游资源调查等6个方面入手,就可提高对它们的开发利用程度.  相似文献   

孟庆田  兰安平  郑志勇  张坤  袁彬 《贵州地质》2017,34(3):210-213,222
本文依据贵州省榕江县旅游资源大普查成果,从自然、人文两方面对榕江县旅游资源禀赋特征进行了归纳。同时结合榕江核心旅游资源分布、旅游资源开发现状及旅游资源开发区位条件等方面进行了综合分析,提出了进一步开发建议。  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震,给安县带来了极大的破坏,也给安县旅游业带来不小的打击。为恢复和提升安县旅游业的地位,在灾后重建中发挥其优势和先导的作用,县域旅游资源的空间结构研究有着重要的意义。通过实地考察,利用组合数学图论理论中相关拓扑指数,对安县旅游资源的空间结构进行了分析,提出优化建议,为安县旅游资源的高效配置,开发、合理规划与空间布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

系统地介绍了湘西州的地质旅游资源特征,指出切实保护和合理开发利用湘西州丰富的地质旅游资源,将旅游业作为支柱产业是发展该州经济的合理之举,进而提出了保护和开发该州地质旅游资源的8条建议。  相似文献   

能源合作是“一带一路”战略的重要内容,我国作为世界最大的能源消费国,每年要从世界各地进口大量能源资源特别是油气资源,并且对外依存度逐年攀升,油气安全问题令人担忧。实施“一带一路”战略,加强与沿途国家的能源合作,能为我国能源安全提供保障。天然气作为清洁、高效能源,对缓解能源短缺和环境污染具有重要作用,在世界能源消费结构中占据重要地位。通过对“一带一路”主要能源国家天然气产量、消费量、进/出口贸易量数据的搜集与分析,明确了主要国家天然气供需及贸易特点,并且提出了一些在“一带一路”合作框架下更有力地发展我国天然气行业的建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possibilities of revitalising declining industrial cities through tourism development. The main question is whether obsolete or declining industrial land uses in or around the city can be transformed into successful tourist land uses? Traditionally tourism and heavy industry have been considered contradictory land uses. The “industrial landscape” concept is developed here to show that undergiven circumstances, and because of the changing nature of modern industry, positive relations between the two could substantially contribute to the revitalisation process of the city. Two industrial zones within the city of Haifa, Israel, are used as a case study to show and evaluate how the concept can be implemented to bring about urban revitalisation through tourism development.  相似文献   

South Asia is the subregion of Asia with the most neighbors of China. Although the high mountains in the Great Himalayas spatially separate South Asia from East Asia along the border of China’s autonomous region of Tibet, the geographical items such as mountains and rivers link the countries in South Asia with China, resulting in a special and complex geopolitical environment and relationship. In this geopolitical relationship, the transboundary rivers are becoming a key issue of this region in an era of increasing water stress. Depleted and degraded transboundary water supplies have the potential to cause social unrest and spark conflict within and between countries in South Asia, and complicate the geopolitical relationship among them. In addition, the increasing impacts from climate change and human activities will definitely bring many transboundary eco-environmental issues in this region, projecting a big challenge to regional stability and development. The key issues related to the water resources supplement and exploration require the transboundary rivers to be a positive role in regional water resources utility and exploration, and the result will definitely affect regional relationship and water security. How to handle these issues and challenges will be a question for the countries in this region with a long time. Currently, the “Belt and Road” Initiative represents an opportunity to build a shared vision for common prosperity through regional cooperation and is a way to inject new positive energy into world peace and development. In the light of this, the countries with transboundary rivers in South Asia must come together to construct a cooperative mechanism of water security, and adopt a win-win cooperation for the use of transboundary rivers under the principles of “equal”, “equitable” and “reasonable”.  相似文献   

经过近20年不断探索,中国陆上非常规油气勘探开发取得了重大进展。2019年全国非常规油气产量占油气总产量的23%,2020年非常规油气产量接近7 000万吨油当量,标志着中国进入非常规油气革命发展新阶段。非常规油气沉积学作为非常规油气地质学理论体系的重要组成部分之一,受到越来越多的关注和重视,形成了“陆相深水砂质碎屑流等重力流沉积模式”、“海陆相富有机质页岩沉积模式”、“细粒沉积岩发育微纳米级孔喉系统”、“多地质事件沉积耦合形成非常规油气甜点区(段)”等重要认识。专辑主要是由从事非常规油气相关的沉积学专家对中国近几年非常规油气层系沉积研究新进展的系统性和及时性总结,内容涵盖了鄂尔多斯、四川、松辽、渤海湾、准噶尔等近50个大中型及中小型含油气盆地,地层时代跨度自元古代至新生代,涉及致密油/页岩油、页岩气、致密气、煤层气、油页岩油等非常规油气层系(段)近30个。这些研究成果为我国非常规油气资源勘探开发提供了重要理论基础与技术支撑。提出未来非常规油气沉积学需以非常规油气工业开发的“甜点箱体”和“甜点群”为重点研究方向,指导非常规油气资源高效勘探开发。  相似文献   

While academic literature and media attention has rightly focused on the numerous instances of land grabbing taking place in various corners of the world, far less attention is paid to the enclosure, appropriation and dispossession taking place in the guise of marine conservation – or the recently developed concept of “blue grabbing”. Blue grabbing articulates how marine conservation results in the appropriation of marine resources and coastal land from previous custodians by more powerful actors, such as state and tourist operators. Blue grabbing can be considered a form of primitive accumulation, yet dispossession via marine conservation does not take the conventional form of privatising land, as the spaces involved are still formally state-owned areas. Rather, it is the benefits from natural resources that contribute to capital accumulation of tourist operators and indirectly the state. Restrictions on local resource use are justified using degradation narratives of “overfishing”, while financial benefits from tourism are drained from local communities within a system lacking transparency. This intervention draws on fieldwork research to reveal how blue grabbing plays out in Redang Island Marine Park, Malaysia, yet given that blue grabbing is a recently developed concept, argues there is a pressing need for research to build a more informed picture.  相似文献   

地质学在旅游资源调查评价与开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源范畴随着旅游产业的发展而在不断扩大,生态旅游和地质科学考察旅游成为旅游的重要发展方向。从分析旅游资源的形成和演化与地质学关系出发,探讨目前旅游资源调查评价与开发中对地质学的应用及其不足,提出以地质遗迹保护为基础建设地质公园是旅游资源开发的一个新发展方向,强调了地质学理论与地质资料在旅游资源保护及可持续利用中的作用。这是提高旅游资源调查与评价水平,开拓旅游新领域,为旅游经济发展服务的最佳切入点。  相似文献   

As a milestone of the entire energy industry, unconventional resources have inevitably swept the world in the last decade, and will certainly dominate the global oil and gas industry in the near future. Eventually, the “unconventional” will become “conventional”. Along with the rapid development, however, some issues have emerged, which are closely related to the viability of unconventional resources development. Under the current circumstances of low crude oil and gas price, coupled with the prominent environmental concerns, the arguments about the development and production of unconventional resources have been recently heated up. This work introduced the full-blown aspects of unconventional resources especially shale reservoirs, by discussing their concepts and definitions, reviewing the shale gas and shale oil development history and necessity, analyzing the shale plays’ geology and petroleum systems with respects to key hydrocarbon accumulation elements and mechanisms, and summarizing the technology resolution. This study also discussed the relevant key issues, including significant estimation uncertainty of technically recoverable resources, the equivocal understanding of complex geology preventing the production and technologies implementation optimization, the difficulties of experiences and technologies global expanding, and the corresponding risks and uncertainties. In addition, based on the latest production and exploration data, the future perspective of the unconventional resources was depicted from global unconventional resources assessments, technology development, and limitations constraining the development.  相似文献   

地热资源是集“热、矿、水”三位一体的清洁资源,开发利用地热资源,可以带动并提升旅游休闲业、现代农业和服务业的快速发展。盐城市地热资源开发利用程度较低,开发时间短,形式粗放、单一。对盐城市地热资源赋存条件、分布特征、地热水质特征、地热资源开发利用现状、旅游景区建设需求、旅游市场条件、环境条件和地区社会经济发展等不同层面进行了综合分析。结果表明: 盐城市地热资源具有旅游休闲度假、商务休闲度假、农业观光旅游和综合开发示范等功能价值; 滨海—阜宁一线、盐城市区、盐城丹顶鹤海滨湿地旅游区、马家荡景区—大纵湖旅游景区、东台和大丰市区以及中华麋鹿园—黄海森林公园一线可划定为地热资源重点开发区。此外,在分析研究区地热资源分布特点、开发利用程度及其交通条件、经济状况、旅游资源分布特征和发展水平等因素的基础上,提出盐城市范围内现代旅游业地热资源开发利用要形成以地热富集区和县、市区为中心并以重要风景旅游区为节点向周边辐射扩散的地热资源多元开发和综合利用的基本格局。  相似文献   

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