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车镇凹陷第三纪盆地是在前第三系基岩背景上经构造运动发育起来的断陷-坳陷湖盆,经历了早第三纪裂陷沉降和晚第三纪-第四纪坳陷沉降两个阶段,从而形成具有双层次岩相组构的盆地.下层系油源层发育,断裂发育,热演化油气成藏机制的控油规律明显,上层系油源层不存在,断裂不发育,油气只有通过连通上下层系的输导体系,才能进入到上层系聚集成藏.根据油气运移聚集的特点,油气成藏模式主要有两种:一是下第三系的"自生自储"型原生油气藏,二是上第三系和第四系的"下生上储"型次生油气藏.  相似文献   

通过对南美东缘13个被动陆缘盆地系统解剖,总结了南美东缘盐岩发育特征:平面上盐岩主要发育在中部7个盆地中,发育薄层区、过渡区和厚层区等3种类型盐岩发育区;纵向上发育在白垩纪Aptian时期,发育时间先北后南;主要发育3种盐构造类型--整合型(非刺穿)盐构造、不整合型(刺穿)盐构造和过渡型盐构造,对应发育8种油气圈闭类型。分析了盐岩的发育对南美东缘油气富集的重要控制作用:平面上盐岩层平面展布控制油气的平面富集,中部7个盐岩发育盆地富集了整个南美东缘油气总量的95%;纵向上盐岩层将含盐盆地一分为二,形成盐上和盐下两套含油气层系,厚层盐岩区油气主要富集在盐下层系,薄层区和厚度剧烈变化区的油气则主要富集在盐上层系;岩性上倾尖灭、不整合遮挡、滚动背斜和断层遮挡型等4种盐构造相关圈闭是主要的油气成藏圈闭类型;盐构造运动形成的“盐天窗”是下部烃源岩与上部储集层沟通的主要通道;厚层盐岩层的存在为盐下油气的富集提供良好的封盖条件。  相似文献   

单中强 《江苏地质》2014,38(1):30-33
对D区块盐下层系油气成藏条件进行了系统分析。盐下发育的滨岸—海相页岩和碳酸盐岩为盐下层系的烃源岩,盐下发育2套储集岩体系,下二叠统孔谷阶厚层盐岩为盐下层系油气的区域性盖层,发育自生自储和下生上储2套生储盖组合。圈闭类型以低幅度的背斜构造为主。对盐下有利目标进行构造解释,落实局部构造8个,总圈闭面积450 km2,资源量8.6×108t,显示了D区块盐下具有较大的资源潜力。  相似文献   

刘延莉 《地质与资源》2014,23(2):197-201
通过对塞内加尔盆地区域构造沉积演化的研究,综合分析生储盖条件,认为盆地演化经历了裂谷期、过渡期和被动陆缘期3个阶段.各个演化阶段沉积地层3分:盐下层系、膏盐层和盐上层系.主要油气系统为盐上含油气系统,主要分布于盆地东部海上.控制油气分布的关键因素是白垩系源岩的发育.通过对成藏条件的分析,对盆地油气勘探潜力进行预测.  相似文献   

山东东营凹陷沙四段盐下层油气成藏条件分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
东营凹陷是渤海湾含油气区中最重要的含油气凹陷之一,历经40多年的勘探开发,沙河街组四段上亚段及其以上层系已达到较高勘探程度。为确保油田的可持续发展,寻找有利的勘探接替领域已成为该凹陷勘探中面临的重要问题。应用地化指标、包裹体均一温度测试等手段,分析了盐下层暗色泥岩埋藏生烃史,结合沉积相、成岩相和高压封存箱等对储层储集性能的控制作用进行研究,综合分析了盐下层成藏条件与主控因素,指出北部陡坡带盐膏层之间及盐膏层之下的暗色泥岩已进入有机质演化的成熟?高成熟期,可生产大量的油气;同时,盐膏层具有良好的封隔性,使盐下层形成了单独的含油气系统,以发育自生自储型的岩性油气藏为主。油气成藏主要受沉积相带、成岩作用及高压封存箱等因素所控制,尤其是盐下高压封存箱的存在,既可延缓烃类和成岩演化,同时又为原生孔隙和裂缝的保存创造了良好的条件,十分有利于油气的生成、运移和保存。  相似文献   

通过对南美洲28个主要含油气盆地石油地质特征的系统梳理,全面总结了南美洲的油气地质特征:①发育两个时代、两种类型的烃源岩;②储层类型单一,油气集中赋存在白垩系和古近系-新近系两个层系中;③发育4种成藏模式,即西缘前陆盆地发育陡坡短距离垂向运移成藏模式和缓坡长距离侧向运移成藏模式、东缘被动陆缘盆地发育盐上"断层+盐刺穿"运移成藏模式和盐下"烃源岩内浊积砂体+潜山"运移成藏模式;④油气分布平面上呈两带展布、两中心富集的规律。同时,以成藏组合为基础评价单元完成了南美地区资源评价。预测南美洲待发现可采资源量约为214 065MMBOE。主要集中分布在东缘海上被动陆缘盆地群和西缘陆上前陆盆地群两个领域。东委内瑞拉盆地、马拉开波盆地、桑托斯盆地和坎波斯盆地是预测资源量较大的4个盆地。  相似文献   

经历了复杂构造演化历史的中国主要海相残留盆地具备了盆地油气成藏的最基本条件,诸如烃源岩、油源、输导系统、储集层、封盖层、圈闭等以及成藏动力学条件。海相残留盆地中,当有效烃源岩、有效储集体、有效封盖层系形成“三位一体”的有机配置时,即形成有效成藏组合。受盆地构造演化控制,中国主要海相残留盆地发育有加里东期风化壳上下组合、海西—印支期海陆交互相互层组合、中—古生界与陆相中—新生界“下生上储”组合等三类有效成藏组合。决定这些盆地成藏组合有效性的主要因素还包括油气成藏组合的封盖系统、成藏系统的构造分割性等。由此,不同海相残留盆地油气富集程度存在显著差异。  相似文献   

巴西坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地均为典型的被动陆缘盆地。随着勘探程度的增加和近年来在桑托斯盆地深水区盐下油气的重大发现,坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地之间的构造-沉积演化和油气地质特征的差异性越来越明显。通过对坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地区域地质特征和油气成藏条件差异性的比较,总结出两个盆地油气分布特征的截然不同。研究表明,盐窗比较发育的坎波斯盆地中已发现的油气主要富集于盐上浊积砂岩,而连续盐岩发育的桑托斯盆地已发现的油气则主要富集于盐下湖相碳酸盐岩。对于盐下层系,连续分布的盐岩和圣保罗高地的发育控制了盐下层系油气的分布;对于盐上层系,盐相关构造的发育则为油气垂向运移提供了有利通道,从而控制了盐上油气藏的形成与分布。  相似文献   

S区块位于滨里海盆地的东南部,油气富集,但是近年来勘探工作突破不大。从地震和地质资料及其油气藏解剖入手,系统研究了本区块盐岩特征及其对盐上层系油气成藏的影响。通过研究认为,本区盐岩的特点为:就整个盆地而言,盐岩的形成模式属于深盆浅水成盐模式;S区块盐构造的形成模式主要属差异负荷模式,其次为断层阻挡的顺层流动模式;盐构造活动具有多期次性;S区块盐岩层厚度总体表现为东南薄、西北厚,即从盆地边缘向盆地中心逐渐加厚;S区块盐窗较为发育,总体上表现为东部盐窗面积大,西部盐窗面积小。盐岩对S区块盐上层系(包括盐上地层和盐间地层)油气成藏的影响很大,盐岩控制了S区块盐上层系圈闭的类型及分布,盐窗的规模对周围的油藏或含油气构造的聚集程度产生影响。对比盐上层系各种成藏要素的时空匹配关系,可以推断本区盐上层系的油气藏共有3次成藏期,分别为三叠纪末期至早侏罗世末期、晚侏罗世末期和晚白垩世至古近纪。  相似文献   

滨里海盆地以下二叠统空谷阶盐岩为界,发育了极具特色的盐上和盐下2套成藏体系。为加深对区域成藏规律的认 识, 为进一步勘探提供参考,从区域构造沉积演化入手,利用最新钻井资料、地震剖面解释和构造编图,分析了盐上、盐 下层系的构造特征与油气成藏主控因素。结果表明,盐下古生界构造层以发育大型古隆起和斜坡带为特征,海西期风化淋 滤作用改善了碳酸盐岩储集层的储集性能,礁滩和岩溶控制着油气的富集。相比而言,盐上层系受空谷阶盐构造运动的影 响明显,可形成盐刺穿遮挡型、盐檐、地层尖灭型、砂岩透镜体等不同类型的圈闭,高效盐窗和盐边/断裂等运移通道是成 藏的关键,盐构造活动期与盐下烃源岩排烃高峰期相匹配是油气成藏的必要条件。  相似文献   

滨里海盆地东缘盐构造特征及其与乌拉尔造山运动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对滨里海盆地东缘地震剖面的解释,揭示了丰富多样的盐构造变形特征及其与乌拉尔造山运动的关系。滨里海 盆地东缘盐构造变形样式主要包括盐底辟、盐枕、盐滚、盐焊接、龟背构造和盐边凹陷等,表现出明显的分带变形特征, 自东向西依次为盐焊接带、盐滚带、盐枕带、盐底辟带。盐层控制了盐上层和盐下层的构造变形,以盐层为界,上构造层 主要发育正断层,下构造层主要发育逆断层。平衡剖面分析表明,滨里海盆地东缘盐构造变形主要经历了重力变形和差异 负载变形两个阶段,并与乌拉尔造山运动有紧密联系。乌拉尔造山运动引起滨里海盆地东缘地层发生倾向反转,进而控制 了盐层沉积及随后的重力变形和差异负载变形过程。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车前陆褶皱带中段盐相关构造特征与油气聚集   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
塔里木盆地北部库车前陆褶皱带古新统一始新统发育盐岩层系,将库车前陆褶皱带构造变形和圈闭样式分为三层,即盐上构造、盐层(盐间)构造和盐下构造。盐上构造包括盐上背斜、盐上逆冲断层及断层相关褶皱、盐上背冲断块构造、强制褶皱、盐上逆冲断层遮挡构造和盐推覆构造等;盐层(盐间)构造主要包括盐枕构造、盐间断褶构造、盐焊接构造和外来盐席等;盐下构造主要有背冲断块构造、断层相关褶皱、叠瓦冲断带和双重构造等。库车前陆褶皱带盐构造的形成可能受挤压作用、重力滑动和重力扩展作用多重控制。笔者等讨论了盐相关构造油气成藏条件和模式,认为库车前陆褶皱带盐岩层变形与丰富的圈闭构造形成密切相关,烃源岩主要位于盐下,盐岩层作为优质盖层构成石油和天然气藏最优越的遮挡条件,断裂对盐下、盐间和盐上油气成藏都起重要控制作用,但盐下是最有利的油气聚集场所。  相似文献   

The Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt exhibits apparent structural variation in the western and eastern zone. Two salt layer act as effective decollements and influence the varied deformation. In this study, detailed seismic interpretations and analog modeling are presented to construct the suprasalt and subsalt structures in the transfer zone of the middle Kuqa and investigate the influence of the two salt layers. The results reveal that the relationship of the two salt layers changes from separated to connected, and then overlapped toward the foreland in the transfer zone. Different structural models are formed in the suprasalt and subsalt units due to the interaction of the two salt layers. The imbricate thrust faults form two broom-like fault systems in the subsalt units. The suprasalt units develop detached folds terminating toward the east in the region near the orogenic belt. Whereas, two offset anticlines with different trends develop at the frontal edge of the lower salt layer and the trailing edge of the upper salt layer, respectively. According to exploration results in this region, the relationship between suprasalt and subsalt structures has an influence on hydrocarbon accumulation. We believe that the connected deformation contains high-risk plays while the decoupled deformation contains well-preserved plays.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on the potential of hydrocarbon generation by the rocks of the sedimentary cover of the northern Precaspian Basin are based either on the interpolation of measurements from a relatively sparse boreholes network or on the numerical estimations of the history of development of the hydrocarbon potential under the assumption of a steady temperature gradient both with depth in the sedimentary cover and with time during basin evolution. By the example of sedimentary sections from the northeastern part of the Precaspian Basin, variations in thermal history and petroleum formation conditions were numerically analyzed for the rocks underlying the salt complex of the basin. Variations in the temperature gradient and thermal properties of the rocks with depth and time were accounted for in the modeling. Numerical reconstructions of the thermal and maturation history of sedimentary sections from the basin were used to estimate the influence of evaporite sequences on the thermal history, the maturation level of organic matter, and the hydrocarbon generation potential of the subsalt complex of the basin. The calculations showed that this influence could be significant, but there remained an uncertainty related to the absence of reliable data on the time and rate of salt diapir formation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1062-1088
Kazakhstan, the second-largest oil-producing former Soviet republic, accounts for 5 to 6 percent of total Soviet output in recent years. With over 15 billion barrels of proven and probable reserves, it has attracted some capital from major international oil companies and has been in the forefront of their “rush” into the region. Kazakhstan has signed contracts with more than 40 foreign companies from 17 different countries, including several mega-deals. Output has declined over the past two years (by 13.5%, from 26.6 million tons in 1991 to 23.0 million tons in 1993), mainly because of the ongoing economic and political changes set in motion after the demise of the USSR, and principally due to problems involving Kazakhstan's trade relations with Russia. Output continues to be restricted because of the lack of an independent pipeline route to the world market. Kazakhstan's main oil-producing areas are concentrated in the North Caspian Basin. Early production in the area was from suprasalt Permian and Cretaceous rocks, in structural traps originating from salt tectonism. More recently, significant discoveries such as Tengiz and Karachaganak have been made in subsalt upper Paleozoic rocks. The greatest hydrocarbon potential is in the infrasalt Paleozoic deposits; the suprasalt deposits tend to have smaller reserves, and the deeper, lower Paleozoic sediments appear to have the least potential. Other areas of established or potential hydrocarbon accumulation include the older producing areas on the Mangyshlak-Buzachi peninsula, which still account for most of Kazakhstan's hydrocarbon production; the Turgay syneclise, which is the location of the Kumkol field and the unexploited Kushmurun basin; and the Zaysan basin in eastern Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Significant differential hydrocarbon enrichment occurs in depressions in a petroliferous basin.There are multiple depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin, and each depression as a relatively independent unit of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, contains significantly different hydrocarbon generation conditions and enrichment degree. On the basis of previous documents and a large number of statistical data, this work comparatively analyzed the differential hydrocarbon enrichment and its major controlling factors in depressions of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin have various hydrocarbon enrichment degrees, and can be categorized into four types, namely enormously oil-rich, oil-rich, oily and oil-poor depressions. In general, the enormously oil-rich and oil-rich depressions are distributed in the eastern part of the basin along the Tan-Lu and Lan-Liao faults, whereas depressions in the western part of the basin are poor in hydrocarbons. Moreover, the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons is also highly heterogeneous, with Pre-Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the northern and western depressions, Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the entire basin, and Neogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the off-shore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin. From early depressions in onshore areas to the late depressions in offshore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin, the source rocks and source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages gradually become younger and shallower, and the hydrocarbon resource abundance gradually increases. Hydrocarbon supplying condition is the key factor constraining the hydrocarbon enrichment for different depressions,while the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, sufficient hydrocarbons and the transportation capacity of faults control the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons. The main factors controlling hydrocarbon enrichment are different for different layers. The hydrocarbon supplying condition of source rocks is the key controlling factor, whereas the source-reservoir configuration, the main sourcereservoir-cap rock assemblages, and the fault transportation are the main factors of hydrocarbon enrichment in the Paleogene, Paleogene and Neogene, respectively.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地海相碳酸盐岩与油气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩主要分布于台盆区寒武系—奥陶系,它既可以作为油气的储层和源岩,也可以作为油气的盖层或遮挡体。碳酸盐岩主要发育于碳酸盐岩台地相和斜坡相之中,其中开阔台地及台地边缘坡折带的生物碎屑滩和砂屑滩、局限台地的白云岩坪是主要的储集相带。潜山溶孔溶洞型白云岩、石灰岩及礁滩复合体中的生物碎屑灰岩、砂屑灰岩、鲕粒灰岩、礁灰岩以及潮坪白云岩是主要的储集岩。寒武系—下奥陶统、中—上奥陶统都发育有较好的碳酸盐岩烃源岩。根据油气的分布与聚集特点,对碳酸盐岩油气藏作了分类。论述了塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探的前景和重要目标。  相似文献   

论渤海湾盆地深层油气勘探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
渤海湾盆地近年来在古近系及以下层系发现并探明31个深层油气藏。分析表明,盆地深层以油藏为主,气藏为辅,盆地西部蕴藏较多的石油,向东部则天然气产量增多,这种分布现象与盆地深层烃源岩干酪根类型和高地温作用有关。讨论了古近系原生油气藏、上古生界煤系烃源岩二次生烃的油气藏、下古生界原生油气藏的成藏机制。认为古近系含油气层系仍是近期深层勘探的主要目标,但应加大上古生界煤系烃源岩层和下古生界海相深层油气的勘探。  相似文献   

Significant differential hydrocarbon enrichment occurs in depressions in a petroliferous basin. There are multiple depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin, and each depression as a relatively independent unit of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, contains significantly different hydrocarbon generation conditions and enrichment degree. On the basis of previous documents and a large number of statistical data, this work comparatively analyzed the differential hydrocarbon enrichment and its major controlling factors in depressions of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin have various hydrocarbon enrichment degrees, and can be categorized into four types, namely enormously oil-rich, oil-rich, oily and oil-poor depressions. In general, the enormously oil-rich and oil-rich depressions are distributed in the eastern part of the basin along the Tan–Lu and Lan–Liao faults, whereas depressions in the western part of the basin are poor in hydrocarbons. Moreover, the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons is also highly heterogeneous, with Pre-Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the northern and western depressions, Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the entire basin, and Neogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the off-shore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin. From early depressions in onshore areas to the late depressions in offshore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin, the source rocks and source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages gradually become younger and shallower, and the hydrocarbon resource abundance gradually increases. Hydrocarbon supplying condition is the key factor constraining the hydrocarbon enrichment for different depressions, while the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, sufficient hydrocarbons and the transportation capacity of faults control the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons. The main factors controlling hydrocarbon enrichment are different for different layers. The hydrocarbon supplying condition of source rocks is the key controlling factor, whereas the source-reservoir configuration, the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages, and the fault transportation are the main factors of hydrocarbon enrichment in the Paleogene, Paleogene and Neogene, respectively.  相似文献   

本文以石炭系为主要研究目的层,综合地层、构造、油气等研究成果,从目的层生烃条件、储集条件及生储盖组合等方面评述了研究区石油地质条件.下石炭统烃源岩为研究区主要烃源岩,分布广、厚度较大,有机质丰度较高、成熟度较高,生烃潜力较大;储层主要发育孔隙型和裂缝型两种类型;盖层主要为石炭系和二叠系.结合生、储、盖条件综合分析,研究区发育4套生、储、盖组合,并根据各构造单元油气的地质条件,将研究区划分为两个远景区:西部坳陷带(特斯布拉克坳陷和科克潘索尔坳陷北部)和东部隆起带(萨雷苏隆起和塔斯金隆起北部),4个最有利局部构造:西背斜、克济尔卡克、塔拉普及中萨雷苏构造.  相似文献   

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