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我国二氧化碳排放的区域分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用我国能源统计数据,对我国及各省区的CO2排放总量、排放强度、人均排放量和排放密度进行了计算.通过分析发现我国CO2排放具有较为明显的东西部差异,总体表现为东部发达省区排放总量大、排放强度低、人均排放多、排放密度高的特点,而中西部尤其是西部地区则表现出相反的特征.在分析我国CO2排放区域特征的基础上,分析出现以上地域差异的主要原因,并针对区域减排行动可能存在的问题进行了探讨,提出以省区为单位,降低排放强度可以取得实际的、可跟踪的减排效果,但需要考虑到全国各省区在功能定位、减排成本、资源环境条件等方面的差别,以及建立基于技术与资金合作的联合减排机制的可行性和障碍等因素.  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型的甘肃省交通碳排放测算及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据IPCC清单指南的数据, 采用"自上而下"的碳排放计算方法, 对2000-2013年甘肃省交通碳排放进行测算, 对交通碳排放总量、人均量、交通能源碳排放结构及碳排放强度进行动态分析. 基于STIRPAT模型, 运用岭回归统计方法对甘肃省交通碳排放影响因素进行定量分析. 结果表明: 甘肃省交通碳排放总量和人均碳排放量都呈逐年上升的趋势; 煤炭、汽油、柴油、电力四种能源消费的碳排放量占交通碳排放量的绝大部分; 交通碳排放强度呈下降趋势; 城镇化水平、客运周转量、货运周转量、人均GDP每增长1%, 导致交通碳排放分别增长0.221%、0.137%、0.174%和0.125%. 建设低碳交通体系将成为甘肃省交通部门减碳的有效途径.  相似文献   

目前中国的碳转移排放测算方法有很多,虽然方法不尽相同,但总的结论和计算出的变化趋势类似。造成碳转移量测算结果产生较大差异的原因主要有两方面,一是碳排放强度的测算模型不同,二是对于中国加工贸易转移碳排放的认识不同。测算避免转移排放量时,如果不考虑加工贸易的影响,在某些年份(如2002年)甚至会得到"中国是碳转移的净进口国...  相似文献   

人均历史累积碳排放概念能够更好衡量碳排放的历史责任,使"共同但有区别的责任"原则更具操作性。目前存在多种人均历史累积碳排放的算法,包括动态人口算法(在某一时间段人均碳排放量的累加和)、静态人口算法(历史上逐年碳排放量的累加和与该国当前人口数之比)和"人年"算法(各国累积的碳排放总量除以累积人数的每人每年碳排放量)。利用这3种算法,本文计算了"G8+5"国家1900年至2010年的人均历史累积碳排放。结果表明,2010年我国的人均历史累积碳排放在这3种算法下分别为30.224tC/人、25.795tC/人和0.406tC/人年。美国在同一时段的数值分别达到我国的16.49倍、12.24倍和11.71倍。由此可见,3种算法都很好显示了发达国家和发展中国家在大气温室气体浓度升高上的历史责任。理论分析表明,基于"人年"概念的人均累积碳排放算法保证了每个人在每年都拥有相同的碳排放权,相对更好地融合了人际公平、代际公平和区域公平的原则。从历史的角度看,欧盟主要排放国和伞形集团的碳排放总量和人均排放量都已过了峰值点,在近几年呈缓慢下降趋势,而我国仍处于快速上升阶段。因此,只有从人均历史累积碳排放的概念出发,采用最佳算法厘清各国的历史责任才有助于更加合理地分配未来碳排放空间。  相似文献   

中印两国作为两大发展中国家和人口大国,面临着发展经济和应对气候变化的双重挑战,两国均在积极开展碳减排,印度还承受着"被对标"中国的压力。以中印两国为对照分析样本,以长序列统计值为基础分析数据,在详细分析比较碳排放历程的基础上,从经济发展情况、能源储量及消费情况等多个维度对比分析两国碳排放面临的形势,围绕中印两国的碳减排目标,测算和比较了目标实现后的碳排放强度和能源结构。比较结果表明:中国碳排放总量大于印度,但排放总量增速、人均排放增速均明显低于印度,碳排放强度下降速度明显快于印度;中国承诺的碳减排的努力大于印度。但随着印度能源结构的不断调整,将逐步优于中国。  相似文献   

世界主要国家碳排放强度历史变化趋势及相关关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
减少人类活动的温室气体特别是CO2排放量是国际社会已普遍达成共识的应对气候变暖的根本性途径。研究各国经济活动的碳排放强度的变化历史,可以为预测各国未来的碳排放强度趋势、制定未来的碳排放强度降低目标提供科学依据。利用美国橡树岭国家实验室CO2信息分析中心(CDIAC)的CO2排放数据、《世界人口、国内生产总值和人均国内生...  相似文献   

高淼  吴秀芹 《中国岩溶》2023,(4):763-774
广西壮族自治区是国家重要的工业原料供应地,但工业化进程缓慢致使碳排放增长显著,为了积极响应国家减排号召,探究广西历史及未来碳排放规律,以期尽早实现碳达峰目标。由于县级碳排放数据可获取性方面的限制,研究以2003—2017年广西县级碳排放数据,进行广西碳排放量、碳排放强度及碳排放压力的时空变化分析,划分广西不同地域碳排放类型和碳排放情景,并利用可扩展的随机性环境影响模型(STIRPAT)对2022—2035年间广西各地域碳排放类型进行了不同情景下碳排放达峰预测。(1)2003—2017年间,广西碳排放总量、碳排放压力增幅明显,碳排放强度明显降低。碳排放总量变异系数总体趋势平稳,呈高强度变异。(2)依据碳排放总量、强度、压力分级组合,碳排放可分为高总量-高强度-高压力型等6种地域类型,根据广西碳排放影响因素的现状及未来发展趋势划分基准情景、节能情景等7种情景。(3)广西全域达峰预测结果显示,4种节能发展情景均能在2030年前完成达峰目标。不同地域类型达峰预测结果显示高总量-高强度-低压力型与高总量-低强度-低压力型采用节能情景可以实现达峰目标。高总量-高强度-高压力型和高总量-低强度-高压...  相似文献   

王飞  韩君 《冰川冻土》2023,(3):940-952
土地利用变化是引起碳排放增加的重要原因之一。探索区域土地利用变化引起的碳排放量和碳排放效率问题,对于把握各土地利用类型的碳排放特征、制定土地利用减排策略具有重要意义。本研究以集中国生态系统重要性与脆弱性于一体的典型区域的河西内陆河流域为研究区,利用1985—2020年的土地利用现状遥感数据,通过土地利用动态变化模型、排放系数法深入分析了河西内陆河流域的土地利用变化及其引起的碳排放量和碳排放效率的时空变化特征。结果显示:(1)1985—2020年绿洲规模呈持续扩张趋势,与1985年相比,2020年的绿洲面积相对增加了13.17%;建设用地以单向转入为主,其余土地利用类型之间的双向转变频繁。(2)各土地利用类型的净碳排放量总体呈增加趋势,2020年净碳排放量(113.17×104t)相对1985年(48.57×104t)增加了1.33倍,净碳排放量与绿洲面积显著正相关,耕地和建设用地扩张引起的碳排放量是净碳排放量增加的主要原因。碳排放弹性系数整体呈增加趋势,由1990年的-1.83增至2020年的205.91。(3)1985—2020年的耕地和建设用地碳排放强度、绿洲碳排放强度均呈增加趋势,分别由1985年的32.17 t·km-2和5.09 t·km-2增至2020年的60.74 t·km-2和10.48 t·km-2,但绿洲碳排放强度增加速率小于耕地和建设用地,同期的绿洲碳吸收强度普遍呈递减趋势。(4)工业城市嘉峪关市、金昌市的多年平均绿洲碳排放强度最大,以灌溉农业为主的行政单元相对较低,以畜牧业为主的祁连县最低。本研究通过定量分析河西内陆河流域土地利用的碳排放量及其变化,有助于宏观把握河西内陆河流域土地利用的碳排放特征,对于寻找解决土地利用的减排方案、加强土地管理和推动土地利用的低碳发展模式提供了科学认识基础和决策参考。  相似文献   

产业转移背景下区域能源消费、碳排放格局时空格局变化是近期研究者关注的热点。以处于产业转移期的泛长三角地区为例,以工业能源消费为对象,分析了1990,1995,2000,2005和2010年5个年份碳排放的空间格局和演变规律,探索了产业转移对碳排放格局演变的影响。结果表明,1990年以来工业碳排放稳步增长,高值区集中于长三角核心区;碳排放增长的区域差异较大,热点区域由长三角核心区向外围区转移;碳排放格局发生变化,排放重心呈现先东南向、后西北向移动的态势;工业重心和碳排放重心空间分离,但移动过程类似。研究认为,产业转移所引起的各地区工业产值、产品结构和碳排放强度的变化,与碳排放格局变化具有较大关联性,是影响区域碳排放格局变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

我国区域性矿产资源需求差异与趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文测算了我国各地区的粗钢消费量, 计算了长三角、珠三角、环渤海以及我国中、东、西部三种矿产资源消费总量以及人均消费量, 对比分析了各地区以及发达国家在同一人均GDP水平下的三种矿产资源消费差异, 分析了各地区能源、水泥、粗钢的消费趋势。研究表明, 东部地区粗钢、水泥的人均消费即将到达峰值, 而能源消费峰值的到达还需要10年时间; 中、西部地区粗钢、水泥消费峰值将在10年内到达, 能源消费峰值的到达仍需15年时间。  相似文献   

As the two large developing and populous countries, China and India face the dual challenges of economic development and climate change. Both of them are active in carbon emissions reduction, while India also bears the pressure of being “benchmarked” against China. With taking China and India as the sample of a comparative analysis, and the statistical value of a long sequence as the basic analysis data, based on the detailed analysis and comparison of carbon emissions history, the carbon emissions situation of the two countries from various dimensions including economic development, energy reserves and consumption, etc. were comparatively analyzed. The carbon intensity and energy structure after achieving the objectives were measured and compared by focusing on the carbon emissions reduction targets in China and India. The comparative results show that: China’s total carbon emissions are greater than India’s, but the growth rate of emissions, per capita emissions are significantly lower than India’s, while the carbon intensity decreases significantly faster than that of India. China has taken more efforts to make commitments to carbon reduction than India. With India’s energy structure adjustment, the situation will be gradually better than that in China.  相似文献   

China’s macroeconomic policy framework has been determined to ensure steady growth, adjust the industrial structure and advance the socioeconomic reforms in recent years. And urbanization is supposed to be one of the most important socioeconomic reform directions. Meanwhile, China also committed to reduce carbon emissions intensity by 2020, then it should be noted that what kind of impact of these policy orientations on carbon emission intensity. Therefore, based on the historical data from 1978 to 2011, this paper quantitatively studies the impact of China’s economic growth, industrial structure and urbanization on carbon emission intensity. The results indicate that, first, there is long-term cointegrating relationship between carbon emission intensity and other factors. And the increase in the share of tertiary industry [i.e., the ratio of tertiary industry value added to gross domestic product (GDP)] and economic growth (here we use the real GDP per capita) play significant roles in curbing carbon emission intensity, while the promotion of population urbanization (i.e., the share of population living in the urban regions of total population) may lead to carbon emission intensity growth. Second, there exists significant one-way causality running from the urbanization rate and economic growth to carbon emission intensity, respectively. Third, among the three drivers, economic growth proves the main influencing factor of carbon emission intensity changes during the sample period.  相似文献   

通过美国100年来SO2排放趋势分析, 对比日本、英国的相关数据资料, 发现SO2的排放与能源消费、经济发展、环境政策以及环保技术进步密切相关: 经济结构的转变和能源结构的调整是SO2减排的关键因素, 环保政策和技术进步是SO2减排的主要驱动力。典型国家SO2排放强度曲线均呈倒“U”型, 符合环境库兹涅茨曲线。SO2排放的拐点美国在人均GDP15000美元, 日本和英国在人均GDP9000~10000美元; 三个国家人均SO2排放强度的拐点在人均GDP5000~7000美元, 目前中国已经越过人均SO2排放的顶点。在此基础上本文提出了中国进一步减排SO2的建议。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):720-746
Climate change is a common problem in human society. The Chinese government promises to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strives to achieve carbon neutralization by 2060. The proposal of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization has led China into the era of climate economy and set off a green change with both opportunities and challenges. On the basis of expounding the objectives and specific connotation of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization, this paper systematically discusses the main implementation path and the prospect of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization. China’s path to realizing carbon neutralization includes four directions: (1) in terms of carbon dioxide emission control: energy transformation path, energy conservation, and emission reduction path; (2) for increasing carbon sink: carbon capture, utilization, and storage path, ecological governance, and land greening path; (3) in key technology development: zero-carbon utilization, coal new energy coupling, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), energy storage technology and other key technology paths required to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization; (4) from the angle of policy development: Formulate legal guarantees for the government to promote the carbon trading market; Formulate carbon emission standards for enterprises and increase publicity and education for individuals and society. Based on practicing the goal and path of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, China will vigorously develop low carbon and circular economy and promote green and high-quality economic development; speed up to enter the era of fossil resources and promoting energy transformation; accelerate the integrated innovation of green and low-carbon technologies and promote carbon neutrality.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Climate change caused by carbon emissions continuously threatens sustainable development. Due to China’s immense territory, there are remarkable regional differences in carbon emissions. The construction industry, which has strong internal industrial differences, further leads to carbon emission disparity in China. Policymakers should consider spatial effects and attempt to eliminate carbon emission inequality to promote the sustainable development of the construction industry and realize emission reduction targets. Based on the classic Markov chain and spatial Markov chain, this paper investigates the club convergence and spatial distribution dynamics of China’s carbon intensity in the construction industry from 2005 to 2014. The results show that the provincial carbon intensity in the construction industry is characterized by “convergence clubs” during the research period, and very low-level and very high-level convergence clubs have strong stability. Moreover, the carbon intensity class transitions of provinces tend to be consistent with that of their neighbors. Furthermore, the transition of carbon intensity types is highly influenced by their regional backgrounds. The provinces with high carbon emissions have a negative influence on their neighbors, whereas the provinces with low carbon emissions have a positive influence. These analyses provide a spatial interpretation to the “club convergence” of carbon intensity.  相似文献   

Household consumption represents an important proportion of all energy consumption,and it is an important source of CO2 emission. But household consumption and carbon emissions are often overlooked in climate change policies and measures. Through literature review, the research status of household consumption and carbon emissions were reviewed. On this basis, the main aspects and directions of the research are summarized and the main research of household carbon emissions should focus on three aspects in the future: ①The impact of income, consumption levels and other factors on household carbon emission; ②The relationship between direct and indirect carbon emissions of household carbon emission; ③The structure and source of household carbon emission. In future research, there are four issues which need in-depth study: ①Index and models study of household carbon emissions;②Impact of demographic change on household carbon emissions; ③The path of how to achieve sustainable and green urban lifestyle;④The relevant policy research of household carbon emissions.  相似文献   

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