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自1985年起,我国远洋渔业经历空白期(1949—1971年)、积极筹备期(1972—1984年)、起步期(1985—1990年)、快速发展期(1991—1997年)、调整期(1998—2006年)和优化期(2007年至今)6个发展阶段。我国远洋渔业快速发展,得益于国家适时出台的一系列扶持政策及指导意见。我国远洋渔业法律法规体系已初步建立,并在不断完善。金枪鱼、鱿鱼、南极磷虾和竹荚鱼为我国远洋渔业的主要品种。我国远洋渔业事业仍存在发展后劲不足,捕捞方式落后,国际合作门槛进一步提高,过度依赖海外市场等问题。远洋渔业仍需政府部门大力扶持,进一步深化供给侧结构性改革,对渔船进行升级换代,大力培养国际渔业履约团队,国内外市场协同发展。  相似文献   

随着近海渔业资源的枯竭及近海养护政策的进一步实施,发展远洋渔业成为增加海水产品供给、改善居民膳食结构、实现我国渔业可持续发展的战略选择。文章回顾了新中国成立以来我国远洋渔业的发展历程:按照产量、产值、作业海域、远洋渔业产业结构等指标对其进行阶段划分,依次分为空白期(1949—1971年)、积极筹备期(1972—1984年)、起步期(1985—1990年)、快速发展期(1991—1997年)、调整期(1998—2006年)、优化期(2007年至今)6个阶段,并分析其阶段特征;发现国际渔业合作、远洋技术革新、近海渔业政策和政府补贴引导构成了远洋渔业不同阶段的演进动因。结合当前我国远洋渔业所处阶段的特征和国内外渔业环境,对我国远洋渔业的发展趋势进行预测,即我国远洋渔业发展趋势体现在如下三大转变,(1)由渔业资源依附型转变为科技资源驱动型;(2)资源消耗型转变成资源创造型,推进海外"蓝色粮仓"建设;(3)资源破坏型转变为资源养护型,树立负责任远洋渔业大国的形象。  相似文献   

我国远洋渔业的拓展前景和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我国远洋渔业的拓展前景和对策王宇潘荣和(农业部远洋渔业发展研究中心)(一)我国远洋渔业持续发展前景预测通过对我国远洋渔业现状,世界海洋渔业资源潜力和主要渔业国家及地区远洋渔业发展态势的分析,我们至少可以得到以下几点认识:(1)经过10余年的发展,我国...  相似文献   

我国远洋渔业已经走过30个年头,通过渔业生产、海区调查等方式积累了大量的远洋渔业数据。可以预见的是,随着时间的推移以及科学技术(如RS、GIS等技术)在远洋渔业方面的应用,远洋渔业数据必将具有海量特征。如何高效管理这些海量的远洋渔业数据是本研究要解决的关键。文章通过对远洋渔业中3种经济鱼(金枪鱼、竹荚鱼、鱿鱼)的生产、调查、地理等相关方面数据的分析,基于SQL Server 2000设计了远洋渔业调查数据库,基于Geodatebase设计了远洋渔业空间数据库。通过数据库的形式,实现了远洋渔业海量数据的高效管理。同时,针对所建立的远洋渔业数据库的空间数据建立了G树索引,为高效查询相关空间数据提供了支持。  相似文献   

基于文献计量学的远洋渔业领域的研究状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远洋渔业是海洋捕捞业的重要组成,但是远洋渔业也是高风险、高投入、高回报的海洋产业,科学分析国内外远洋渔业领域的研究状况有利于我国远洋渔业的可持续发展和科学管理。为此,本研究基于文献计量学,通过Webof Science,ScienceDirect,SpringerLink,Google Scholar数据库检索到远洋渔业相关531篇英文文献,通过知网(CNKI)数据库检索到远洋渔业相关1340篇中文文献。从文献类型、文献增长规律、期刊分布、高引文献、国家地区和研究单位、研究内容六个方面分别整理与分析中英文文献。结果显示,中英文文献研究内容在研究对象、研究尺度和研究学科三方面有差异。英文文献对高经济价值和市场需求较大的鱼种研究较多,研究尺度从大到小均有,中文文献集中于中小尺度研究。英文文献数量整体呈上升趋势,1995年之后文献明显增加。美、日、中发表文献最多,其中美国在资源评估和生态保护等方面研究较多,日本对金枪鱼、鲣鱼、鲑鱼和鳕鱼等高度洄游性鱼类研究较多,中国大陆在综述和行业指导上研究较多,中国台湾对金枪鱼研究较多。中文文献数量整体呈上升趋势,从2012年有明显增长,大多发表在非核心刊物,高校和研究所研究成果较多,政策和产业研究内容多集中在远洋渔业生产要素、远洋渔业产业体系、政府政策和国际影响。远洋渔业具有弱质性、产业关联度高、依赖国家发展支持等特征。我国应从远洋渔业的数据统计与科学研究、拉动国内市场和消费、风险评价和预警、参与到国际事务和规则制定、企业的管理等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

历经数10年的发展壮大,中国已跃居成为全球远洋渔业大国,且正在稳步向世界远洋渔业强国迈进,但与之不相称的是,中国至今仍没有一个具有国际竞争力的远洋渔业基地,舟山国家远洋渔业基地作为全国首个获农业部批准建设的远洋渔业基地,兼具"天时"、"地利"、"人和",最有可能对标国际、填补空白。提出舟山应立足于国际视野和国家战略的高度,抢抓机遇、顺势发力,通过强化服务体系、供给能力、产业链条、销售渠道和科技创新等,补齐短板、形成特色,全力打造比肩长崎、釜山、高雄的国际性远洋渔业基地。  相似文献   

我国远洋渔业事业正式起步于1985年3月10日,经过30多年的发展,已取得长足进步。通过设立功能性海外机构,我国远洋渔业企业的海外业务得到顺利开展。借助计量回归分析,笔者发现我国远洋渔业外直接投资,以资源为导向。在"一带一路"政策的大背景下,我国远洋渔业企业海外市场将进一步开拓。伴随国际竞争的加剧,兼并与收购将成为远洋渔业企业海外拓展的主要方式;在跨国经营时,我国远洋渔业企业要遵守我国和当地的法律法规,尊重当地文化,正确处理好中外籍员工关系,建议设立可为多家企业同时提供服务的共享性基地。  相似文献   

为促进我国远洋渔业的可持续发展以及提高我国在国际渔业事务中的影响力,文章根据远洋渔业产业竞争力影响因素的作用机理,采用组态定性比较分析方法分析全球价值链视角下我国远洋渔业产业竞争力的影响因素,并提出策略建议。研究结果表明:我国远洋渔业产业竞争力的影响因素包括全产业链程度、生产要素、资源综合利用实力、挑战应对能力以及政府公共服务和自身政策需求;其中,挑战应对能力是高产业竞争力组态的必备条件,全产业链程度与政府公共服务和自身政策需求是具有同步性的高产业竞争力组合驱动因素,全产业链程度是非高产业竞争力组态的核心条件;我国远洋渔业的发展应积极嵌入全球价值链和构建全产业链、加强政府主导作用、化挑战为机遇、提高资源综合利用实力以及通过“龙头”企业提高远洋渔业企业整体实力。  相似文献   

洪超 《海洋信息》2006,(2):27-28
荣成市把发展远洋渔业作为调整渔业产业结构、促进渔民转产转业和加速渔业国际化的战略重点,抢抓机遇,科学运作,推动远洋渔业实现新一轮突破。截止2005年底,远洋渔船达到159艘、总功率8万马力,远洋捕捞产量达到5.2万吨,实现收入5亿元,分别是2000年的22.7倍、20倍和14.2倍。在远  相似文献   

为进一步促进舟山远洋渔业的高质量发展,文章采用SWOT-PEST分析法,从政策、经济、社会和技术4个方面,分别分析舟山远洋渔业高质量发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,并提出发展战略组合和建议。研究结果表明:舟山远洋渔业已初步具备高质量发展优势,但仍然存在劣势,同时机遇和挑战并存;未来应采取劣势-挑战(WT)战略,政府、市场...  相似文献   

Sedimentary environments in the Hangzhou Bay are introduced by a three-subregional landform pattern and a sedimentation map with six major sedimentation types. The geographic setting, sediment transportation and sedimentation in different subregions are discussed with sediment grain parameters. Sedimentary basin suffering from effect of plume front can be identified by the fine sediments with median ( Mdφ ) 7φ-8φ, clay content 30% - 40% and silt 60% - 70%. Sediment transportation along the plume front seems not to be a direct effect on sedimentary formation of the shoals fringing the south coast of the Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

Estimates of consumption of fish by breeding seabirds in the southern Benguela region converge on 50–60 × 103 tons of food per year. Total annual avian consumption of food is approximately 15,5 × 104 tons, 74 per cent being taken by species which feed on pelagic prey and most of the rest by species which frequently feed on offal at demersal trawlers. Avian consumption is similar in magnitude to that of Cape fur seals and to the catch of the commercial fishery in the southern Benguela region, but far less than consumption by snoek, squid, and, probably, sharks and jellyfish.  相似文献   

Salinity, preformed phosphate and AOU distribution on the sigma-t surfaces of 26.8 and 27.3 of the central North Pacific Ocean, as well as the topography of these density surfaces, were studied. The direction of water flow suggested by the AOU distribution on these density surfaces was compared to that indicated by the acceleration potential contours on the t =125 cl/ton and t =80cl/ton surfaces drawn by Joseph L.Reid, Jr. The disagreements were explained in terms of mixing and possible gradients of primary production at the sea surface. On the 26.8 sigma-t surface a southward flow connecting the westward flow south of the Aleutian chain and the eastward flow farther south, between 175E and 180 is suggested by the AOU distribution but is not implied by the acceleration potential contours. If the circulation pattern at this density surface is similar to that at the sea surface, this southward flow is very likely to be real.  相似文献   

Savenko  A. V.  Savenko  V. S. 《Oceanology》2022,62(2):182-184

The process of phosphorus migration from volcanic ash and obsidian to seawater was experimentally studied. For obsidian and ash of the Ksudach, Karymskiy, and Eyjafjallajökull volcanoes, the specific mobilization of phosphorus ranges from 0.3 to 5.0 µg P/g with an average value of ~1.5 µg P/g. The maximum dissolved mineral phosphorus input into the ocean as a result of the interaction between pyroclastic material from arc volcanism and seawater is 4500–9000 t/yr, which does not exceed 0.3–0.6% of its input from river runoff.


Seabirds as monitors of the marine environment   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  

This paper studies quantum reflection with recent research on reflection coefficient. Based on the analytical transfer matrix method, a novel explanation for this phenomenon is proposed that quantum reflection is the reflection of subwaves, which originate inherently from the inhomogeneity of the fields and is always neglected in the semiclassical regime. Comparison with exact formula and the numerical calculations for different potentials has confirmed the reliability and the validity of the proposed theory.  相似文献   

The oblique and diachronous collision of the Apennine-Maghrebian Chain with the Apulian (in the north-east) and Pelagian (in the south) continental forelands, has determined the characteristic arcuate structure of this orogen. The effects of Plio-Pleistocene deformation of the Calabrian Arc have been analysed on the basis of available reflection seismic profiles and using local time-structural maps reconstructed along the main structures. During this period, internal sectors of the Tertiary chain migrated forward on the oceanic Ionian foreland, and were cut by important strike-slip systems. These last have an orientation approximately coincident with that of the migration of the front, allowing differential movement of the different sectors of the arc, towards the weakly buoyant Ionian oceanic domain. The dataset suggests a clear connection between the development of the strike-slip systems cutting the chain and the direction of tectonic transport, towards the East during Late Messinian/Early Pliocene time, to the ESE during Late Pliocene/Early Pleistocene time, finally to the SSE during the Middle/Late Pleistocene to Present, showing a clockwise rotation in well defined stages during the kinematic evolution of the chain. The origin of the Strait of Messina during the different phases is also interpreted in the context of the analysed regional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Power spectral density estimation is often employed as a method for signal detection. For signals which occur randomly, a frequency domain kurtosis estimate supplements the power spectral density estimate and, in some cases, can be employed to detect their presence. This has been verified from experiments with real data of randomly occurring signals. In order to better understand the detection of randomly occurring signals, sinusoidal and narrow-band Gaussian signals are considered, which when modeled to represent a fading or multipath environment, are received as non-Ganssian in terms of a frequency domain kurtosis estimate. Several fading and muitipath propagation probability density distributions of practical interest are considered, including Rayleigh and log-normal. The model is generalized to handle transient and frequency modulated signals by taking into account the probability of the signal being in a specific frequency range over the total data interval. It is shown that this model produces kurtosis values consistent with real data measurements. The ability of the power spectral density estimate and the frequency domain kurtosis estimate to detect randomly occurring signals, generated from the model, is compared using the deflection criterion. It is shown, for the cases considered, that over a large range of conditions, the power spectral density estimate is a better statistic based on the deflection criterion. However, there is a small range of conditions over which it appears that the frequency domain kurtosis estimate has an advantage. The real data that initiated this analytical investigation are also presented.  相似文献   

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