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本文系1981—1985年,在黄海对远东拟沙丁鱼的调查基础上写成的,内容包括,远东拟沙丁鱼个体绝对生殖力E为21 618—90 378粒;个体相对生殖力E/L(体长)为1279—4031粒,E/W(纯体重)为346—814粒;海州湾与青岛、乳山、石岛近海是该鱼的两个主要产卵场,产卵期为5月中旬—7月初;远东拟沙丁鱼属多次排卵类型的鱼类;体长分布范围在140—245mm,体重范围在29—162g,生殖鱼群年龄由2—6龄鱼体组成,产卵盛期雌鱼数量多于雄鱼,产卵末期雄鱼个体则多于雌鱼.  相似文献   

远东拟沙丁鱼(以下简称拟沙丁鱼)Sardinops melanosticta,属暖温性中上层鱼类,主要分布在日本周围海域,历史上是日本渔民传统的捕捞对象。其资源量波动幅度很大,近几年正处在“丰渔期”,日本连续年产量约为400×lO~4t。在我国,拟沙丁鱼只是从1976年起才大量出现在黄海海域,被围网、流网兼捕到,有关的科研、院校等单位对其作了不少研  相似文献   

远东拟沙丁鱼系近海洄游性中上层鱼类,是世界有名的高产鱼种,主要分布于日本沿岸、苏联滨海州和朝鲜东海岸。分布海域随资源量的增长而明显地扩大,目前最北已扩大到鄂霍茨克海,西至我国黄海。  相似文献   

远东拟沙丁鱼(Sardinops melanostictus)和日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)是西北太平洋海域重要的关联经济物种,探究二者栖息地变动的关联性有利于合理开发和管理渔业资源。本研究利用2017-2021年6-11月西北太平洋海域远东拟沙丁鱼和日本鲭的渔业数据,结合海表面温度、海表面高度和叶绿素a质量浓度3个关键环境变量分别构建不同权重的栖息地模型,并利用2021年的渔业数据进行验证。选取最优模型预测不同厄尔尼诺与南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)事件下远东拟沙丁鱼和日本鲭的最适栖息地分布,分析二者在不同ENSO事件下最适栖息地时空分布的差异性和同步性。结果表明:在不同ENSO事件下远东拟沙丁鱼适宜生境面积(高于15%)均高于日本鲭适宜生境面积(低于6%);但远东拟沙丁鱼在拉尼娜事件下最适栖息地面积增长率高于厄尔尼诺事件,前者增长率为0.197,后者增长率为0.123,相反,日本鲭在拉尼娜事件下增长率低于厄尔尼诺事件,前者增长率为1.114,后者增长率为2.082;当远东拟沙丁鱼和日本鲭的分布位置接近时,会促进二者栖...  相似文献   

1985年5月上旬至6月中旬在黄海区远东拟沙丁鱼海上试捕过程中,我们对其进行了一系列的研究工作。从近几年春夏季(4月—7月)我们对黄海区所采到的标本进行的性腺观察来看,该鱼在5月中旬以前,性腺发育均趋于Ⅲ—Ⅳ期;5月中旬后至6月底,性腺大部分已达Ⅴ期;7月初,则发现不少性腺处于产卵后恢复期的个体。同时,鱼群的密度较5、6  相似文献   

以国家"973"项目资料和历史资料为基础,研究了黄海南部水域渔业海洋学特征、蓝点马鲛洄游行为及与渔场形成、渔期更迭关系.侧重分析2006和2007年春季水温年际变化对蓝点马鲛渔场、渔期分布的影响.结果表明,相对于2006年冷春,2007年黄海南部水域升温较早,渔汛盛期出现于4月25日,较2006年的5月1日左右明显提前,10℃等温线分布是早春南黄海蓝点马鲛鱼群分布与形成渔场的重要因子,而密集中心渔场往往出现于5月初;文中还讨论了南黄海大沙和吕泗渔场的性质特征,以期为蓝点马鲛渔情预报提供基础资料.  相似文献   

本文根据1981—1985年的调查资料,对黄、渤海区几种颇具生产潜力的鱼种,诸如远东拟沙丁鱼、日本鳀鱼、黄鲫鱼、青鳞鱼等分布及其资源状况和开发利用前景进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

本文根据1981—1985年的调查资料,对黄、渤海区几种颇具生产潜力的鱼种,诸如远东拟沙丁鱼、日本鲳鱼、黄鲫鱼、青鳞鱼等分布及其资源状况和开发利用前景进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

远东拟沙丁鱼 Sardinops melanostictus(Temm.et Schl.)是鲱科的一种小型重要经济鱼类。该种鱼类主要分布在东经126°以东、北纬30°以北的西太平洋海区;近年在我国的黄、渤沿海亦有分布。  相似文献   

作为黄海的代表性冷温性鱼类,大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)的资源量近年逐渐上升趋势,其中幼鱼所占比重较大,种群丰度及补充都受到黄海冷水团的影响,作为2龄性成熟鱼种,探究其当年生和非当年生幼鱼分布和生长的季节变化及与黄海冷水团的关系对了解大头鳕的资源变动有重要意义。本研究基于2016年10月、2017年5和8月的调查结果,分析了黄海冷水团存在时期的海洋环境特征与大头鳕幼鱼分布及生长特征的关系。研究显示,春季,幼鱼主要分布于青海渔场、石岛渔场和连青石渔场,非当年生幼鱼和当年生幼鱼随栖息地水深分别呈东西两区块分布。夏季,幼鱼主要位于122.00°E以东、底温低于10℃的黄海中部较深海域,有少部分分布于黄海北部,这与黄海冷水团强盛时期南北低温中心的位置有关。秋季,黄海北部大头鳕幼鱼的渔获量明显减少,仅在石岛渔场和连青石渔场大头鳕的种群密度仍较高。广义相加模型(Generalized Additive Models, GAM)分析结果显示,温度和盐度对大头鳕幼鱼的资源丰度指数(单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE))有显著影响,当栖息地水域盐度在31.90和32.80附近,底温在8.5℃左右时,大头鳕幼鱼的CPUE较高。体长-体重关系显示,春季,幼鱼呈负异速生长,夏秋季呈正异速生长,黄海冷水团强盛时期较高的有机质含量及初级生产力造成的丰富饵料可能是导致大头鳕夏秋季b值较高的原因,因此黄海冷水团的季节变化对大头鳕的分布和生长均有显著影响。  相似文献   

利用1998和1999年引进的海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians irradians)原种F1进行了连续2 a的原种保持实验,包括实验性及生产性两种规模,并用所得原种F3与对照群体进行比较,以探讨在国内进行原种保持的技术措施。2000年,实验性原种制备共培育出M贝(来源于Massachusetts州)原种F2330 kg,V贝(来源于Virginia州)原种F2320 kg,生产性原种制备共培育出原种F255 000 kg。2001年,实验性原种制备共培育出M贝原种F3和V贝原种F3均为280 kg,生产性原种制备共培育出原种F315 000 kg,原种F3的肉柱得率(15.42%)明显高于对照组(13.16%),依然保持了引进群体肉柱得率高的特性,因此在国内进行原种保持是可行的。  相似文献   

众所周知,对有效信息较少的渔业资源进行资源评估面临很大的挑战,而贝叶斯方法在数据数量较少、质量较差的情况下能利用其它种群高质量的数据或已知的先验信息提高资源评估结果的可靠性。由于印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的数据质量较差而数据量有限,长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估结果存在很大的不确定性,为此,本文以印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估为例,以调查贝叶斯方法在有效信息较少的资源评估中的优势。本文根据不同的先验假设与捕捞数据系列,共构建了8个贝叶斯动态产量模型,以评估长鳍金枪鱼资源。结果表明:(1)分析参数的后验分布能提高捕捞数据系列选择与参数假设的合理性; (2) 利用种群统计学方法为内禀增长率(r)构建有信息先验,能提高资源评估结果的可靠性。与传统方法相比,当基于贝叶斯框架时,能将已知的知识表示为先验信息并能分析参数的后验分布,从而在数据较少或数据质量较差的情况下,能利用各种信息提高参数估计的合理性与资源评估的可靠性。因此,对数据量较少或数据质量较差情况下的渔业资源评估而言,贝叶斯方法非常有效,如本文所示的印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源评估。  相似文献   

The modern fishery stock assessment could be conducted by various models, such as Stock Synthesis model with high data requirement and complicated model structure, and the basic surplus production model, which fails to incorporate individual growth, maturity, and fishery selectivity, etc. In this study, the Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment (JABBA) Select which is relatively balanced between complex and simple models, was used to conduct stock assessment for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Atlantic Ocean. Its population dynamics was evaluated, considering the influence of selectivity patterns and different catch per unit effort (CPUE) indices on the stock assessment results. The model with three joint longline standardized CPUE indices and logistic selectivity pattern performed well, without significant retrospective pattern. The results indicated that the stock is not overfished and not subject to overfishing in 2018. Sensitivity analyses indicated that stock assessment results are robust to natural mortality but sensitive to steepness of the stock-recruitment relationship and fishing selectivity. High steepness was revealed to be more appropriate for this stock, while the fishing selectivity has greater influence to the assessment results than life history parameters. Overall, JABBA-Select is suitable for the stock assessment of Atlantic yellowfin tuna with different selectivity patterns, and the assumptions of natural mortality and selectivity pattern should be improved to reduce uncertainties.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods are useful in fisheries stock assessment because they provide a conceptually elegant and statistically rigorous approach to making decisions under uncertainty. The application of Bayesian stock assessment methods in the management of Namibian orange roughy Hoplosthethus atlanticus within the 200 mile EEZ of Namibia is reviewed. Time-series of relative abundance are short and their reliability in indicating abundance trends is uncertain. The development of informative prior probability density functions (pdfs) for the constants of proportionality (q) for hydro-acoustic, commercial trawl swept area, and research trawl swept area indices produced statistically consistent prior estimates of absolute abundance for each of the three grounds where more than one index of abundance was available. The posterior pdfs for stock assessment model parameters were used to account for uncertainty in evaluations of the potential consequences of alternative harvesting policies under a stock reduction model in which catch removals were assumed to account for any declines. It appears that all orange roughy stocks off Namibia have been depleted below the limit reference point (50% of long-term unfished biomass). However, the stock reduction model could not easily account for the large declines in indices on the four fishing grounds over the period from 1995 until 1999 when the informative priors for q were applied. In the 2000 stock assessment, the Bayesian procedure was updated to account formally for uncertainty in model structures that could explain the decline in abundance. The possibility of very low stock abundance could still not be discounted when these uncertainties were accounted for. Although this most recent methodology applies more statistical rigour, its complexity has hindered its acceptance in Namibia. However, if it is worth quantifying risks and uncertainties in future stock assessments for the provision of precautionary management advice, it is proposed that the assessment protocols adopted be probabilistic to account for uncertainty in model parameters, that careful attention be given to subjective judgements about their inputs and the representation of uncertainty within them, and that, where appropriate, alternative hypotheses about stock abundance and mechanisms for catchability and stock decline be taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of reducing fisheries subsidies in a general equilibrium model for a fishery with heterogeneous vessels. It considers the impact of the stock effect, which determines the participation of vessels in a likely increased stock abundance. In equilibrium, the productivity of the fleet is endogenous as it depends on the stock of fish along the equilibrium path. The model concludes that any impact of a subsidy drop will depend on the stock effect. If that effect is large, fishing firms will benefit from the stock recovery and the elimination of the subsidy will increase future returns on investment. The model is particularised to industrial shrimp fisheries in Mexico. It is shown that the complete elimination of a subsidy increases biomass, capitalisation, marginal productivity, and consumption and reduces inequality when the effect of the induced increase in the stock is considered. However, if that effect is not considered, capital and consumption decrease, and inequality and hence, the social costs of a subsidy drop, increase.  相似文献   

We describe a multi‐stock, length‐based Bayesian assessment model for New Zealand spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fisheries. This model allows simultaneous modelling of two or more stocks with a mixture of common and stock‐specific parameters: recruitment is always stock‐specific, but any other parameter can be specified as either common or stock‐specific. Common parameters are estimated from a wider base than they would be in a single‐stock model. The model's time step is flexible and can be changed during the period being modelled to accommodate better data quality in recent data. Other options include the capacity to estimate movements among stocks, allow density‐dependent growth, and choose among likelihood functions for the various data sets, between finite and instantaneous fishing dynamics and between two forms of selectivity curve.  相似文献   

本文根据历史资料和1993年资源动态监资料,阐明了浙江渔场及邻近海域渔业资源的变化状况,重点叙述了鲐、Chan鱼、虾类、头足类的资源开发利用动态,讨论了渔业资源动态监测工作,提出今后搞好资源监测工作的建议。  相似文献   

One-dimensional stock-cutting problem is a commonly encountered problem not only in shipbuilding and construction of coastal structures, but also in other engineering applications related to production and construction. The proposed approach achieves results using cutting patterns directly whereas analytical methods first need to establish a mathematical model. While obtaining ideal solutions of the analytical methods, the new approach limits the wastage to a minimum number of stock materials. In addition, the new approach allows the use of different sized stock materials while it creates various options for the use of single sized stock materials. Use of different sized stock materials broadens the point of view for the solution compared to the use of single sized stock material. Moreover, the new method yields integer results whereas the analytical methods using linear programming usually produce impractical non-integer results. To obtain integer results, the analytical methods need to solve the problem multiple times and screen the alternative solutions.  相似文献   

王迎宾 《海洋学报》2021,43(2):28-37
为应对渔业资源的日益衰退,增殖放流成为了目前补充资源、维持资源可持续利用的主要手段之一。增殖放流实施后,渔业资源的可持续特征是学者们普遍关心,却又无法使用传统剩余产量模型有效解决的问题。本研究基于传统的Schaefer剩余产量模型,提出了一个适用于增殖放流情况下的剩余产量模型(增殖剩余产量模型),模拟分析了不同增殖放流和捕捞策略对模型的影响。该模型的形式与Schaefer剩余产量模型相似,但加入了描述增殖群体增长特征的参数—有效增殖率,以此来表示增殖放流的群体对产量产生的影响。结果显示,合理的增殖放流可以起到增加最大可持续产量的效果,使用增殖剩余产量模型能够得到合理的最大可持续产量等关键指标的估算结果。与无增殖放流情况相比,在增殖放流影响下,海域原存资源(海域原本存在的群体)达到最大可持续产量时所需的生物量较小,而可承受的捕捞努力量则有所增加。增殖剩余产量模型所反映的原存群体和增殖群体之间会产生抑制作用。在该作用影响下,不同增殖放流和捕捞策略会对模型的评估结果产生影响。与传统模型相比,该模型将增殖放流纳入最大可持续产量的评估过程,提高了增殖放流影响下最大可持续产量评估的准确性,可用于诸如海洋牧场等边界较清晰的海域内增殖定栖性种类最大可持续产量的估算。  相似文献   

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