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通过样方法对福建省厦门市大屿岛主要乔木种生态位特征进行分析。结果表明:整个岛屿乔木树种物种多样性较低,其中Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数为1. 26,Margalef丰富度指数为1. 44,Simpson生态优势度指数为0. 54,Pielou均匀度指数为0. 57。乔木层优势物种是台湾相思(Acacia confusa),其重要值达53. 84%。其次是马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、柠檬桉(Eucalyptus citriodora)和潺槁木姜子(Litsea glutinosa)。生态位特征分析表明台湾相思生态位宽度最大,其Levins和Shannon生态位宽度值分别为19. 00和2. 84。生态位宽度较大的还有马尾松,潺槁木姜子和柠檬桉。台湾相思和马尾松的生态位重叠值最高,为0. 673,其次为台湾相思和潺槁木姜子,其生态位重叠值为0. 633。台湾相思、马尾松、柠檬桉和潺槁木姜子的胸径和冠幅在空间分布中变化趋势相似。综上可知厦门大屿岛乔木树种多样性较低,植物种类简单,优势种相对明显,生态位特征值较小的植物对生境要求较高,整个生态系统较为脆弱。  相似文献   

为探究三门湾海域物种间的资源利用情况及生态关系,在该海域进行了底拖网生物调查。根据2017年和2018年夏季在浙江省三门湾海域进行的大型底上生物研究结果,运用优势度(Y)、生态位宽度、生态位重叠、方差比率法(VR)、检验、联结系数(AC)、共同出现百分率(PC)对生态位和种间联结性进行了研究。结果表明:2017~2018年间三门湾海域共捕获大型底上动物53种,包括两年共有种,即主要底上动物22种。其中优势种3种,包括哈氏仿对虾(Mierspenaeopsis hardwickii)、中华栉孔虾虎鱼(Ctenotrypauchen chinensis) 和棒锥螺(Turritella terebra),这三个物种属中生态位种;三门湾主要底上动物依据生态位宽度值划分为3组,即广生态位种、中生态位种和窄生态位种;种对间生态位重叠值总体差异性较大,其与种对的食性、栖息环境密切相关;根据总体联结性分析得主要底上动物总体呈显著正关联,群落结构较为稳定; 检验、联结系数(AC)和共同出现百分率(PC)表明种对间联结性较弱,趋近于相互独立。三门湾大型底上动物的群落结构比较稳定,但种对间的关联性在逐渐下降。  相似文献   

根据2018年8月对湖北长湖水生植物的调查结果,结合围网养殖拆除(2016年)前的相关文献资料,比较分析拆围前后长湖水生植物多样性和物种生态位的动态变化。本次调查共鉴定出水生植物50种,其多样性指数为H′=2.273、D=0.936;16种优势种的生态位宽度均0.5,菹草(Potamogeton crispus)最高为0.351,菱(Trapa natans)次之为0.334;生态位发生重叠的有64对,其中生态位重叠值大于0.5的仅有12对,物种的生态位能较好的解释长湖水生植物的物种组成、分布特点及物种多样性变化。与拆围前长湖调查数据相比,拆围可提高长湖水生植物多样性水平,修复长湖生态系统,促进长湖健康稳定的发展以更好地发挥其功能。  相似文献   

中华鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)属于国家二级重点保护野生动物,近年来数量锐减已成为濒危物种。该研究基于北部湾沿岸滨海湿地中华鲎种群调查,利用中华鲎幼鲎栖息地主要大型底栖动物资源数据,采用生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数分析探讨中华鲎幼鲎对资源利用情况及其与各物种之间竞争强弱,进一步采用种间联结性探究中华鲎幼鲎与各物种竞争情况。结果表明:(1)中华鲎幼鲎在底栖群落中属于广生态位物种,其生态位宽度最大(4.252 2);(2)中华鲎幼鲎与各底栖生物均有一定程度生态位重叠,其中与短指和尚蟹(Mictyris brevidactylus)生态位重叠高达0.837 5;(3)中华鲎幼鲎与短指和尚蟹种群动态模拟结果显示,二者种群规模在西背岭和三娘湾地区呈此消彼长状态,自然补充量减少是限制种群增长的重要因素。生态位分析表明,中华鲎幼鲎可作为滨海湿地生态系统健康程度指示物种,建议以中华鲎为旗舰物种开展滨海湿地生物多样性保护和管理宣传。  相似文献   

辽东湾西海岸潮间带大型底栖动物群落生态位特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于2014年9月和2015年4月辽东湾西海岸潮间带10个断面3个潮区的调查数据,对12个优势种的生活型、生态位宽度和生态位重叠度进行了分析,结果表明:12个优势种分别隶属于3门4纲12科;面上生活类群和面下生活类群的比值GS/GSB表现为春季秋季;秀丽织纹螺、日本大眼蟹和丽核螺的生态位宽度较宽(2.171、2.170和2.169),猫爪牡蛎和短角双眼钩虾的生态位宽度较窄(0.637和0.173);生态位重叠较为显著的种类有四组,均是生态位宽度较宽的物种。以上结果也从一个侧面反映了底栖生物对季节和生境的适应情况,由于季节变化和生境不同,使物种生态位宽度值发生了变化,从而影响物种之间的生态位重叠值。  相似文献   

为掌握重要鱼类索饵场仔稚鱼的生态分布,促进海洋渔业的发展,文章基于2011—2012年岱衢洋海域4个航次的定量采样,运用生态位宽度、生态位重叠和典范对应分析等方法,分析该海域仔稚鱼群落与海水环境因子的关系。研究结果表明:岱衢洋海域仔稚鱼的生态位宽度可分为广生态位、中生态位和窄生态位,其中广生态位种对资源环境的适应能力强且分布范围较广,而窄生态位种对资源环境的适应能力较弱且分布不均匀;生态位宽度与相对重要性指数呈极显著的正相关关系;仔稚鱼群落生态位重叠指数大于0.6的种对占总种对数的24.24%,生态位重叠程度较低;仔稚鱼分布存在明显的生态分化现象,仔稚鱼的生态位特征和生态习性受温度、盐度、悬浮物和叶绿素a等环境因子的影响较大。  相似文献   

本研究利用1990年、2006年、2010年和2016年11月在南麂列岛、北龙-北麂列岛和洞头列岛的调查结果和历史资料,分析了浙南岛屿岩相潮间带大型底栖动物优势种的时空变化及生态位。结果显示:4次调查数据中主要优势种有15种,前4位优势种分别为日本笠藤壶、条纹隔贻贝、疣荔枝螺和小结节滨螺;30 a来日本笠藤壶有逐渐被条纹隔贻贝取代的趋势。在区域分布上,北龙-北麂列岛和洞头列岛以日本笠藤壶为第一优势种,南麂列岛以条纹隔贻贝为第一优势种。各优势种的生态位宽度值(Bi)范围为0~0.97,Bi大于0.70的有疣荔枝螺、日本花棘石鳖、条纹隔贻贝、小结节滨螺、龟足、日本笠藤壶,表明这些物种在多数环境位点都有出现且对环境适应能力强;Bi小于0.4的物种有毛贻贝、刺巨藤壶、隆起隔贻贝、棘刺牡蛎、厚壳贻贝和东方小藤壶,表明它们只在少数的环境位点出现且对资源利用能力较弱。生态位重叠值(Oik)范围为0~0.96,Bi大于0.7的物种间重叠度较高,Oik值均大于0.53;Bi在0.4~0.7的物种间Oik值为0.34~0.66;而Bi小于0.4的物种间Oik值在0~0.69之间。说明生态位宽度大的物种之间重叠度较高,但生态位宽度小的物种之间重叠度不一定低。  相似文献   

为探究乐清湾虾类群落结构的形成和影响因素,作者于2020年9月在该海域开展海洋生态系统综合调查,运用相对重要性指数、生态位宽度、生态位重叠等生态指标,结合非度量多维标度法(MDS)和冗余分析(RDA)对群落结构、生态位的重叠和分化进行分析。结果表明:秋季研究海域共有虾类16种,隶属于6科、10属;哈氏仿对虾(Parapenaeopsis hardwickii)和中华管鞭虾(Solenocera crassicornis)为优势种,周氏新对虾(Metapenaeusjoyneri)、脊尾白虾(Exopalaemoncarinicauda)和刀额新对虾(Metapenaeus ensis)为常见种;哈氏仿对虾、中华管鞭虾、周氏新对虾和脊尾白虾属于中等生态位种,其余均为窄生态位种;红条鞭腕虾(Lysmatavittata)与太平洋长臂虾(Palaemonpacificus)的重叠值最高,中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)、葛氏长臂虾(Palaemon gravieri)和细指长臂虾(Palaemon tenuidactylus)等与其他种类重叠值较低;影响该海域秋季虾类分布的主要环...  相似文献   

宋晨  孟周  王晓波  韩庆喜 《海洋学报》2022,44(10):127-139
为了解舟山海域浮游动物种间关系及环境因子变化对优势种生态位分化的影响,根据2019年夏季和2020年夏季舟山海域浮游动物调查资料,利用优势度指数判断该海域浮游动物优势种,运用Shannon公式和Pianka公式分析浮游动物优势种生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数,采用冗余分析方法探究影响舟山海域浮游动物优势种生态位分化的主要环境因子。结果表明,舟山海域2019年、2020年浮游动物优势种更替率为66.67%。根据舟山海域浮游动物优势种生态位宽度值,可将其分为广生态位种、中生态位种、窄生态位种,2019年广生态位种有4种,2020年有6种,分别占浮游动物优势种的66.67%和60.00%,表明广生态位种是舟山海域浮游动物优势种的主要组成成分。2019年浮游动物优势种生态位重叠指数范围为0.11~0.79,2020年生态位重叠指数范围为0~0.98。冗余分析表明,2019年浮游动物优势种生态位分化主要受硅酸盐浓度、化学需氧量、温度和叶绿素a浓度的影响,2020年浮游动物优势种生态位分化主要受硅酸盐和溶解氧浓度的影响。该研究有望进一步了解舟山海域浮游动物群落的种间关系,为阐述浮游动物对环境变化的适应机制等研究提供数据基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解象山东部海域夏季大型底栖动物群落特征及种间相互作用情况,于2012年8月(夏季)对象山东部海域30个站位进行了大型底栖动物的调查研究。共采集,鉴定大型底栖动物36种(优势种20种),隶属于7门8纲24科,节肢动物15种(41.7%)最多,脊索动物7种(19.4%)次之。聚类分析和MDS排序结果表明,象山东部海域夏季大型底栖动物可以分为4个生态类群。选取Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka重叠指数进行生态位分析,结果表明:象山东部海域夏季大型底栖动物优势种生态位宽度变化范围为5.22—21.66,生态位宽度值最高的为东方口虾蛄(21.66),最小的为小荚蛏(5.22);Pianka重叠指数大于0.60的优势种占19.5%,多样的生境以及生物本身的适应能力差异,使该海域大型底栖动物优势种的生态位重叠值偏小,减小了种间的竞争。该海域大型底栖动物优势种夏季生态位结构的形成主要与优势种的活动能力有关。  相似文献   

舟山近岸海域主要甲壳类的生态位及其与种间联结性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文基于2015年11月(秋季)和2016年5月(春季)在舟山近岸海域开展80个站位的渔业资源调查所获得的甲壳类资料,将调查海域划分为10个区域,并随机分层抽样选取20个站位进行分析。运用生态位测定、典范对应分析(CCA)、方差比率(VR)、卡方检验、联结系数、种对共同出现百分比、点相关系数等方法进行研究。结果表明:研究海域主要甲壳动物共19种,其中优势种3种,重要种6种。通过生态位宽度聚类分析可将主要甲壳类划分成3类,包括广生态位种、中生态位种和狭生态位种。生态位重叠值区间为[0,0.96],表明物种对资源利用的相似性差异较大,部分甲壳动物存在资源利用性竞争。CCA排序显示,该海域甲壳类受环境因子中盐度、温度以及叶绿素a影响较大。VR值为4.40大于1,统计量W值为87.91超出置信区间(10.85,31.41),得出甲壳类动物群落总体呈显著正相关,卡方检验显示有61个种对的联结性显著(x2 ≥ 3.841),联结系数(AC)、共同出现百分比(PC)以及点相关系数(Ф)表明种间联结性较强,总体趋于正相关。  相似文献   

The fundamental idea behind the study of biodiversity patterns is the presumed connection between the shape of species assemblages and the functional ways in which they are organized, this functional organization referring to how species are related to one another, as competitors or members of a web of interactions and to how species are facing similar environmental constraints. Amongst the different facets of biodiversity, functional diversity is certainly a key for ecosystem processes in coastal areas. However, surprisingly, patterns of functional diversity have received little attention until now. After presenting a common framework linking functional diversity patterns to species coexistence theories, the aim of our study was twofold: (1) to seek assembly rules in brackish lagoon fish communities drove by functional traits. To this aim we used null models to examine the influence of two opposing forces acting on community structure: interspecific competition that might prevent the coexistence of the most similar species, and environmental filters that might result in the most similar species to coexist. (2) To seek relationships between fish functional diversity and environmental gradients, if any. Fish sampling was carried out in two coastal lagoons where stations differ considerably in terms of physicochemical parameters. Using morphological functional traits, functional diversity of fish communities was estimated using two recently published indices as well as a new proposed index. Firstly our study was not able to demonstrate a limitation of similarity in coexisting lagoon fishes due to interspecific competition. Conversely our results support the niche filtering hypothesis preventing species too dissimilar from one another to co-occur at the same station. Secondly, salinity was positively related to the functional diversity of fishes in both lagoons suggesting that within species assemblages near the channel species are less redundant than at stations far from the channel where species tend to be functionally similar (benthic and eating zooplankton).  相似文献   

厦门及其邻区海岸高等植物的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张娆挺  顾莉 《台湾海峡》1991,10(4):386-391
本文研究了厦门及其邻区海岸高等植物的种类组成、分布规律和植物群落概貌。鉴定了该区海岸高等植物325种,隶属于228属79科,其中沙生和盐生植物有43种。据海岸基质类型的不同,可分为沙生、盐生、基岩和广生境4个生态类群。有15个主要植物群落,如海边月见菜、红树林、草海桐群落等。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The polychaete community structure from six Halodule wrightii seagrass beds along the Rio de Janeiro coast (Southeast Brazil) was investigated. Variations in species diversity, overall density and species composition in relation to sediment grain size, seagrass biomass and selected plant structural features such as root and shoot length from the study sites were analysed. Ten core samples (0.02 m2) were randomly collected from each site. Three additional samples were taken for grain size analysis of sediment. Sixty-eight species of polychaetes belonging to 24 families were found. The dominant species as well as species composition varied greatly among sites, showing that a typical polychaete community does not exist. The number of species was positively correlated with the silt-clay percent and sorting coefficient of the sediment. A positive correlation between polychaete density and plant biomass was also obtained. Multivariate analysis indicated that polychaete communities were influenced greatly by seagrass plant features: plants with longer shoots harbour mainly surface-deposit feeders such as Magelona papillicornis , whereas plants with a higher root-shoot length relation sheltered mainly suspension or interface feeders like Fabricia filamentosa . This study demonstrates that granulometric properties as well as plant architecture play an important role in structuring the polychaete community. As the community-level response can reflect changes in local seagrass beds, the structure of the polychaete community can be an important indicator for management plans and the restoration of seagrass ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. The marine plant communities of the littoral zone in different biotopes of the Greek coasts were investigated in 1980-81. Seasonal distribution and variation of marine plant biomass were assessed. The communities of Cystoseira crinita and C. compressa were outstanding with maximum biomass during the summer months. Corallina officinalis and Pterocladia capillacea + Viva rigida communities predominated with maximum biomass in autumn and exhibited a decrease in winter, except in stressed biotopes. The species diversity and productivity of seaweeds along the Greek coasts are interpreted in relation to a number of environmental parameters.  相似文献   

庾旸  张艺玟  刘静  尹杰 《海岸工程》2021,40(1):37-47
上海作为人海互通极度频繁的滨海城市,海岸工程设置繁多,污水处理厂是缓解用水压力的重要海岸工程,该类型海岸工程的环境影响是研究热点,因此基于2019年上海某污水厂出水口邻近海域全年浮游植物群落结构数据,分析了浮游植物生物多样性,以期对污水处理厂进行环境影响评价。共鉴定出浮游植物6门95种,其中硅藻门35种,蓝藻门27种,绿藻门22种,裸藻门6种,甲藻门4种,金藻门1种。研究结果表明:浮游植物种类组成存在季节差异,总体上春秋季节种类组成较多,夏冬季节较少;优势种中以硅藻最多,且硅藻门在浮游植物密度中占比最高,年均细胞密度为412.25×104 cells/L,占79.09%,其中中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)为全年优势种;物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener)、丰富度指数(Margalef)和均匀度指数(Pielou)年度均值分别为2.19,3.09和0.48,表明该污水厂排水口邻近海域水体总体处于中度污染状态;冗余分析(RDA)表明本研究区域对浮游植物影响较大的环境因子是悬浮物浓度、盐度、水温和溶解氧。本文利用浮游植物群落生态学指标作为近海海域水体健康程度的评价指标,同时作为水质指标评估的补充,有利于更全面、整体性、系统化、精细化地开展水质综合评价分析。  相似文献   

Abstract. The successional stages of fouling communities from 3 sites located along a pollution gradient within Port Kembla Harbour (Australia) were compared quantitatively with those from Wollongong Harbour, a relatively unpolluted area located close by.
A multivariate classification of the data showed that the development of fouling communities in Port Kembla Harbour was very different from that in Wollongong Harbour, involving different types of species. In addition, the classification identified a secondary pattern in the data which showed that the species composition of the Port Kembla Harbour communities changed with time, independently of any seasonal effects.
A principal coordinate analysis of the data was able to further expand on these findings. It demonstrated that the succession of fouling communities in Port Kembla Harbour involved a process whereby one group of species (ascidians) was gradually replaced through time by a second group of different species (bivalves). In contrast, the communities in Wollongong Harbour were dominated by inhibitory interactions. The succession in this area mainly involved species (particularly bryozoans) which colonised during the initial stages of development and remained in the communities as they continued to develop.
Changes in the succession of fouling communities from Port Kembla Harbour were thought to be due to the loss of pollution sensitive species, such as bryozoans, from the environment. This was not attributed to the acute, toxic effects of the pollutants, but rather to more subtle and indirect effects.  相似文献   

The macrobenthic fauna and communities of the Vellar Estuary located at the southeast cost of India (11°30′ N, 79°45′ E) and the adjacent marine and river habitats are described on the basis of original data (70 samples over 10 transects). The fauna consists of 115 macrobenthic species and 79 species in estuarine habitats. We described 14 types of macrobenthic communities with different compositions of the dominant species. The leading ecological factors of the distribution of the communities are the salinity, depth, and bottom type. The Vellar estuary consists of two longitudinal zones of macrobenthos. The polyhalinic area is populated by the marine species, but it is related not to a salinity decrease but to the protection from waves and silt on the bottom in this area. The polyhalinic communities are most abundant in terms of the biomass and species richness. The mesohalinic area is inhabited by brackish water species and communities with low abundance. The sublittoral estuarine area is dominated by filter-feeders—the bivalves Crassostrea madrasensis, Meretrix casta, Modiolus metcalfei, and Scapharca inaequivalves—and the littoral zone is dominated by the gastropods Cerithidea cingulata, some crabs, and polychaetes. The ecosystem function of the Vellar estuary can be defined as a filter for the fine organic particles transported by the river.  相似文献   

The decapod assemblages associated with two shallow meadows of Cymodocea nodosa, located in the same geographical area (Southern Spain) but on different substrates and with different patch size, have been analyzed. They display similar structure (diversity indices not significantly different), without a clear relation of richness and abundances to patch size, and with the same dominant species (the family Hippolytidae and, in particular, Hippolyte leptocerus are characteristic of this habitat). The composition of both crustacean assemblages is influenced by species that are common in neighbouring habitats. Therefore the connectivity among them is an important factor in the qualitative and quantitative structure of these decapod communities. Species richness appears to be higher than in Cymodocea meadows elsewhere in the Mediterranean and Atlantic at a similar depth, perhaps as a consequence of the biogeographical location and the high diversity and connectivity with surrounding biotopes. High evenness values are the result of the structure and location of these meadows, which are fragmented and interspersed with other biotopes (sandy and rocky bottoms), resulting in an ‘ecotone effect’. On the other hand, the structures of the decapod assemblages differ significantly according to sampling period. The abundance and species richness are both related to plant phenology and the dominant species present a positive correlation with the number of leaves per shoot. The maximum abundance of many species is coincident with the greatest seagrass development (spring – summer), which provides more resources (surface, biomass, protection, food). Therefore, seasonality is linked to plant life cycle, but also to the interrelationships and biology of the species, which are adapted and specialized to the environmental features of these shallow habitats.  相似文献   

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