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一、前言 铜、锌是海洋环境监测重要项目之一。对海洋生物中铜、锌的测定,一般采用比色法和原子吸收法。但由于海洋生物样品基体复杂,待测元素含量变化较大,往往需要分离富集,同时取样量大,操作繁琐费时,容易沾污。为寻找一种较为简便的分析方法,本文在前人的基础上,提出用硝酸-过氧化氢湿法消解样品,火焰原子吸收法直接测定海洋生物中铜、锌,使操作大为简化,也减少了在操作过程中的沾污。本方法应用于海洋生物中铜、锌  相似文献   

痕量元素在海洋生物地球化学循环中起的作用已受到越来越广泛的关注,近年来形成了新的国际科学计划———痕量元素及其同位素的海洋生物地球化学研究(GEOTRACES)。锰是GEOTRACES关键参数之一,国际GEOTRACES组织推荐各国组织的GEOTRACES航次对其在全球大洋中的分布进行重点研究。本研究就痕量元素锰的海洋生物地球化学研究进行了较为详细的综述,介绍了锰在海洋中的来源及输送通量、分布、水体中的赋存形式及其迁移转化、生态学功能以及主要的分析方法等。总结了在这一研究领域所取得的成果及存在的不足,并对今后的发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

浙江沿海贝类体内重金属元素含量水平与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2006年秋季在浙江沿海潮间带采集的27个典型的双壳纲、腹足纲和头足纲类软体动物(贝类)样品,分析检测了其肌肉组织中锌、铜、镉、砷、铬、铅和汞重金属元素的含量,结果表明:(1)不同重金属元素在不同种类贝类肌肉组织中的含量是不同的,铜、锌元素的含量相对最高,铅、镉、铬和砷元素的含量次之,汞元素的含量最低;重金属元素在贝类体内吸收过程中可能存在拮抗作用,铅、铬、砷与铜、锌元素含量负相关性显著。(2)双壳纲贝类对重金属元素的生物累积最明显,其作为海洋环境监测的指标生物具有明显优势。(3)生物体质量评价表明,铜、锌元素在贝类体内的富集明显,具有潜在的生物累积危害,其他重金属元素在贝类体内的累积均没有超过"潜在危害"的阈值;牡蛎体内铜、锌元素的含量超过海洋生物Ⅲ级质量标准,并超过无公害水产品中有毒有害物质限量标准,但是并没有明显的污染现象,其余贝类生物质量(重金属元素含量)状况基本良好。  相似文献   

ICP-AES测定海洋生物体中13种元素的微波消解条件优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了微波密闭消解正交试验条件优化电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES),同时测定8种海洋生物体中硒、铁、锰、锌、钙、镁、锶、砷、镉、铬、铜、铅和镍等13种元素含量的实验结果。优化后的样品消解条件为加入的HNO3V:H O2 2V=6.0 mL:1.0 mL,第二步程序升温温度为170℃,消解时间20 min;测定标准曲线相关系数大于0.999,相对标准偏差为0.30%~2.55%,加标回收率为92.0%~104.8%,方法检出限为0.0010~0.0468μg/g。结果表明,优化后方法测定操作简便、具有高的灵敏度、准确度和精密度,且能多元素同时测定,适合于海洋生物样品中这些元素含量的准确测定,并可为评估海产品食用安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,研究铜在海水及以扁藻、轮虫、对虾等生物组成的食物链中的积累与传递规律。结果表明,各种海洋生物都能直接从海水中吸收铜,铜可沿着海水→扁藻→轮虫→仔虾传递。文章还探讨了本食物链各环节积累铜的主要途径以及影响生物个体铜的累积量的诸因素。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,研究铜在海水及以扁藻、轮虫、对虾等生物组成的食物链中的积累与传递规律。结果表明,各种海洋生物都能直接从海水中吸收铜,铜可沿着海水→扁藻→轮虫→仔虾传递。文章还探讨了本食物链各环节积累铜的主要途径以及影响生物个体铜的累积量的诸因素。  相似文献   

大亚湾珊瑚礁痕量金属的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者采用阳极溶出伏安法测定大亚湾珊瑚礁痕量金属铜、铅、镉的含量 ,并讨论了相关的影响因素。测定结果发现 :A组、B组珊瑚礁礁体中铜、铅、镉的含量从里到外有递增的趋势 ,这与近年来大亚湾水体中铜、铅、镉含量的变化是一致的。而 A组珊瑚礁变化明显 ;B组珊瑚礁礁体中铜、铅、镉含量呈现较复杂的变化。分析认为 ,这是因珊瑚礁的形成受多种因素影响所致 :(1)海水组成对珊瑚礁化学成分的影响 ;(2 )海洋生物种类、数量及其矿物组成是制约元素分布的主要因素 ;(3)陆源碎屑组分对大亚湾珊瑚礁的化学组成有一定的影响。各因素在不同情况下所起的作用不同。  相似文献   

一、前言海洋沉积地球化学是研究海洋沉积物中的元素的迁移变化规律、元素及化合物的搬运形式、影响元素及化合物搬运和沉积的因素,以及沉积岩中元素的富集规律等等。这是一门新兴的学科,近年来,国内外有关学者对重金属污染、沉积岩中元素的富集规律等方面作了许多研究。本文着重从沉积地球化学与海水、海洋生物、海洋环境、海洋沉积之间的密切关系,说明沉积地球化学在海洋开发利用中所起的重要作用,特别是随着养殖业的空前发展,从事海洋沉积地球化学研究的重要性和迫切性就更为突出了。  相似文献   

渤海胶州湾两水域浮游植物生物量与环境因子的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生物与其所栖息的环境密切相关。自养生物吸收利用水中的无机态元素C,H,O,N,P,Si,Fe等(有的尚包括一定量的有机态化学物质)变为有生命的有机体;异养生物捕食植物或动物来构成机体和维持生命;生物异化作用及尸体分解,又将有机态物质变为无机态化学成分。因此,海洋生物离不开化学元素。元素在海洋中的循环,括包着生物体作用过程,除食物链化学物质外,还包括着生物栖息环境条件。例如:任何生物都有自己的适温范围;盐度与生物的渗透压有关;pH值大小对海藻吸收氮素形态有影响;铅、汞、砷及农药等对海洋生物有致病性。由此看来,海洋理化环境的研究,在元素地球化学及水产农牧化中均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

关于金属在海水中的耐蚀性,国外已进行了大量的工作但是国产金属材料现有的耐蚀性资料尚不足,所以测试各种金属在海洋环境中的耐蚀性是非常需要和紧迫的。当铜和筒合金浸泡在海水中,会遭受到不同程度的腐蚀,溶解下来的铜离子对防止海洋生物的附着有一定的抑制效果但其耐蚀性则往往还不能满足使用上的要求。所以在铜合金中加入适当的其它元素增加其耐性,从根本上解决材料的腐蚀问题,是一个非常重要的途径。  相似文献   

Hemocyanin concentrations in the hemolymph of marine crustacea are dependent on the molt cycle and on environmental conditions. Studies in our laboratories have found that hemocyanin levels in blue crabs are reduced after ecdysis and under conditions of environmental stress (Engel, Brouwer, & McKenna, 1993. Hemocyanin concentrations in marine crustaceans as a function of environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 93, 233-244). We have extended those studies to include the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Hemolymph and digestive gland tissues from Long Island Sound lobsters were analyzed for hemocyanin, copper, and zinc during different stages of the molt cycle. Hemocyanin, copper and zinc in the hemolymph were highest in premolt stages (D1-D4), and lowest in the postecdysal papershell stages (B1-B2). Concomitantly, copper in digestive glands decreased significantly following ecdysis, but no significant changes in the metals bound to metallothionein (MT) were observed. Copper-MT was the predominant form throughout the molt cycle, presumably because lobsters were obtained from copper-contaminated areas. To examine the effects of environmental factors, intermolt lobsters were collected from locations of different environmental quality along the Atlantic coast, and were analyzed for hemocyanin and trace metals. In general, animals from areas with a history of contamination showed the highest hemocyanin concentrations.  相似文献   

为了解海南昌江核电厂周围海域放射性水平,两次海域放射性调查分别于2009年和2017年进行。两次调查的调查项目、范围、频次、站位、要素等均依据相关标准规范制定。调查中的采样、预处理和放化分析方法也参照了当时最新的标准规范要求。通过对调查结果的对比分析显示,两次调查中海水、沉积物、海洋生物的绝大部分测量结果基本处于同一水平,可认为海南昌江核电厂1、2号机组的运行未对周围海域环境放射性水平产生明显影响,建议在后续监测工作中进一步关注90 Sr。  相似文献   

Nutrient deprivation or dietary restriction (DR) confers protection against ageing and stress in many animals and induced lysosomal autophagy is part of this mechanism. The effects of dietary restriction on the toxicity of copper and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene have been investigated in the common marine mussel Mytilus edulis. The findings show that DR-induced autophagy facilitates the recovery of the digestive gland (i.e., molluscan liver analogue) from cell injury caused by both copper and phenanthrene. It is inferred that DR-induced autophagy and lysosomal proteolysis results in improved cellular "housekeeping" through the more efficient removal of oxidatively and pollutant damaged proteins (e.g., protein carbonyls, protein adducts, etc.) and that this contributes to stress resistance.  相似文献   

陈家炜  张海滨 《海洋通报》2017,36(6):601-610
随着海洋深度的增加,压力逐渐升高而温度逐渐降低。因此,应对压力和温度变化的能力直接影响着海洋动物的垂直分布模式。本文综述了近年来国际上关于压力及温度对海洋动物生理影响的研究进展,概述了3种常用的研究方法,包括直接比较不同深度近缘海洋动物的差异、使用加压装置培养海洋动物、在常压及原位温度下培养深海动物;然后归纳了压力及温度对海洋动物生理的影响,包括有机渗透调节物质浓度及蛋白质序列、胚胎及幼体发育速率和畸变率、行为模式及代谢速率、基因表达水平;最后讨论了海洋动物适应高压环境的生理机制,压力对海洋动物垂直分布的限制能力,以及浅海动物和深海动物的起源关系。  相似文献   

为适应我国滨海核电事业的快速发展,提高我国海洋核应急准备与响应能力,本研究通过调研国内以及国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)有关海洋放射性应急监测法规标准,并在借鉴日本政府在福岛核事故期间所开展的海洋放射性应急监测方案的基础上,将我国海洋核应急监测分为早期、中期和后期3个阶段,针对不同阶段探讨制定相应的海洋核应急监测方案,以便为核应急期间开展海洋放射性应急监测提供方案参考。  相似文献   

我国古代海洋动物史分为先秦、秦汉魏晋、隋唐至 明清等三个时期。论述了各历史时期海洋动物的研究成就,包括对海洋动物的种类记述、命 名缘起、归类沿革、生态习性、开发利用和资源保护等。综述并评价了各历史时期,对我国 海洋动物研究有贡献的人物及其论著。  相似文献   

Though there is some information on cytotoxicity of copper nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles on human cell lines, there is no information on their genotoxic and cytotoxic behaviour in bivalve molluscs. The aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic impact of copper oxide and silver nanoparticles using mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. Mussels were exposed to 10 μg L−1 of CuO nanoparticles and Cu2+ and Ag nanoparticles and Ag+ for 15 days to assess genotoxic effects in hemocytes using the comet assay. The results obtained indicated that copper and silver forms (nanoparticles and ionic) induced DNA damage in hemolymph cells and a time-response effect was evident when compared to unexposed mussels. Ionic forms presented higher genotoxicity than nanoparticles, suggesting different mechanisms of action that may be mediated through oxidative stress. DNA strand breaks proved to be a useful biomarker of exposure to genotoxic effects of CuO and Ag nanoparticles in marine molluscs.  相似文献   

Most investigations of the responses of marine organisms to xenobiotics have concentrated on single contaminants and little is known of possible interactive effects of different classes of xenobiotics. As these latter seldom occur in environmental isolation, it is important to understand any interactions (synergistic or antagonistic) which may occur. This problem has been approached in the mussel Mytilus edulis by exposing estuarine mussels to copper (20 μg litre−1) and phenanthrene (100 μg litre−1) both individually and in combination, and measuring cytochemical subcellular and physiological responses after 3 days exposure and 3 days and 12 days recovery period. Results showed that mussels accumulated both xenobiotics during 3 days exposure. Depuration of copper was complete in 3 days recovery period, while loss of phenanthrene ranged from 30% to 70% of the concentration reached after 3 days exposure. There were no interactive effects on depuration.Both copper and phenanthrene reduced lysosomal hydrolase latency in digestive cells, and copper appeared to have a synergistic effect in preventing recovery of latency of lysosomal N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase during the recovery period. There was evidence, in the digestive cells, of an antagonistic effect of copper on stimulation of activity of the microsomal respiratory chain (measured as NADPH-neotetrazolium reductase) by phenanthrene. Stimulation of this system by phenanthrene persisted after 12 days recovery period. There was a synergistic interaction of copper and phenanthrene on elevation of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion. Clearance rates and scope for growth (physiological condition) were depressed by copper but not by phenanthrene after 3 days exposure.These findings are discussed in terms of known effects of copper and phenanthrene and the interactions are considered in terms of environmental effects measurements.  相似文献   

Marine organisms that occur in urbanised bays can be exposed to low-level chronic pollution that results in sublethal changes to behavior or reproduction. The effects of low levels of copper on the reproductive success of a mobile invertebrate were assessed. Free living flatworms are common predators of bivalves and barnacles. Flatworms (Stylochus pygmaeus) were exposed to low levels of copper ranging from 0 to 25 microg L(-1) in the presence and absence of their barnacle prey (Balanus variegatus). Flatworms laid fewer egg batches when exposed to copper and the hatching success of the eggs was also reduced. Exposure to 25 microg L(-1) copper for 10 d reduced the reproductive success of flatworms by up to 80%. Results were consistent regardless of the presence or absence of prey (barnacles). Barnacles were only moderately affected by copper but exhibited major avoidance behavior (feeding inhibition) in the presence of flatworm predators. This is the first ecotoxicological study on marine flatworms. Experiments are required to quantify the effects of flatworm predator populations on sessile invertebrate community structure in the field.  相似文献   

渤海莱州湾表层沉积物中金属元素分布及环境质量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用X-射线荧光光谱仪、等离子质谱仪或原子荧光光度计测定了莱州湾表层沉积物中金属元素的含量,探讨了它们的分布特征、来源及污染程度,结果表明,沉积物中铜、锌、铅、镉、砷、镍、铬、钴、钒、钪、铁、锰的含量由近岸向湾内递减,莱州湾北部海域的含量大于南部的。银含量高的沉积物主要分布在莱州湾中部偏西南的环流中心区。沉积物中砷和镍含量超过ERL值,潜在生态风险较高。富集系数和主成分分析显示,沉积物中铁、铜、锌、镉、砷、铬、镍、钴、锰、钒和钪为无富集,砷为轻度富集,铅和银为中度富集。铁、铜、锌、镉、铬、镍、钴、锰、钒、砷和钪主要来源于自然源,铅既有岩石和土壤风化产物硅酸盐矿物等自然源的贡献,又受到了人为活动的影响,银主要受人为活动的影响。聚类分析表明,可把莱州湾沉积物分为4类,其中黄河口西北缘沉积物中砷和镍污染生态风险最高,其次是莱州湾中部和北部。  相似文献   

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