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2008年以来胶州湾海域浒苔灾害连续暴发,破坏海岸带景观、干扰游客观光和水上活动。文章采用支付卡式条件估值法调查游客对浒苔灾害治理的平均支付意愿,间接估算出2015年浒苔对胶州湾海域休闲娱乐功能的损害值及其占当年青岛市旅游收入的比重;在此基础上,应用列联表分析探究影响游客支付意愿的各项因子及其影响程度;首次对浒苔灾害造成海域休闲娱乐功能的损害进行量化评估,研究结果可为我国沿海地区治理浒苔灾害、保护海洋环境提供依据。  相似文献   

海滩休闲旅游资源价值评估——以青岛市海水浴场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘康 《海岸工程》2007,26(4):72-80
以青岛市海水浴场为例,运用旅行成本法和条件价值评估法对非市场的海滩休闲旅游资源价值进行了全面评估,并对海滩休闲旅游资源价值构成和总量进行了测算。调查结果发现,青岛市第一海水浴场消费者总剩余达到1.97亿元/年,海滩年度总使用支付意愿达到6 310万元,环境保护捐赠意愿达到1.74亿元,总海滩使用价值超过4.3亿元,再加上非使用价值,其价值总量相当可观。因此,开展对海滩的休闲旅游资源价值评估工作、建立合理的海滩开发和利用资源税制度对海滩的可持续发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   

赤潮影响下的滨海旅游环境价值损失评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浙江海域是全国赤潮的高发区域之一,赤潮多次影响海水养殖区、滨海旅游区等近岸敏感海域。赤潮发生时,不但海水变色影响景观美感,还会产生大量泡沫和腥臭气,严重影响滨海旅游区的休闲娱乐功能。文章运用条件价值评估法(CVM),通过调查问卷的方式获得象山松兰山海滨浴场及周边区域的游客对赤潮灾害治理的支付意愿(WTP),间接估算出,2017年象山海域受赤潮影响滨海旅游环境价值损失为9 662.4万元,占象山县全年旅游总收入的0.4%。在此基础上,通过多元线性回归分析及显著性检验得到,影响游客支付意愿的因素主要为赤潮对滨海景观的影响程度和游客对赤潮的认知度。本次调查评估客观反映了象山县滨海游客对赤潮治理支付意愿的大致程度,量化评估了赤潮对滨海旅游业造成的价值损失,研究结果可作为评估赤潮灾害对滨海旅游业造成经济损失的依据。  相似文献   

滨海休闲旅游资源价值与评估方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
滨海休闲旅游资源价值是一种“赋予价值”,包括使用价值和非使用价值,具有经济学的“功利主义”色彩,其大小通过消费者的支付意愿来衡量。目前衡量滨海休闲旅游资源价值的工具除了市场价值评价工具外,还包括一些非市场价值评估工具。这些价值评估工具通过市场模拟或假设来评估消费者剩余,以消费者的支付意愿或替代支付来衡量资源的各种非市场价值。  相似文献   

MODIS影像是浒苔业务化卫星遥感监测的重要数据源,但其空间分辨率(250m)较低,混合像元效应导致传统的NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)阈值法浒苔提取误差较大。为解决此问题,本文以准同步的较高分辨率的HJ-1CCD影像浒苔提取结果为基准,建立基于MODIS NDVI与浒苔像元丰度(浒苔覆盖面积占像元面积百分比)关系的浒苔信息提取模型,利用该模型可提取每个像元的丰度(即浒苔覆盖率),从而提高整景影像浒苔覆盖面积提取精度。该模型可为浒苔灾害等级的确定以及防灾减灾应急决策提供支持。  相似文献   

海洋垃圾污染是全球十大环境问题之一以及全球共同面临的环境挑战,也是目前中国政府优先考虑的环境事项。文章基于新经济社会学视角,采用青岛市实地调研所得的微观数据,构建海洋垃圾公众治理意愿的多维分析框架。实证结果表明:青岛市公众对海洋垃圾污染有基本认知水平,且有迫切治理需求,70.28%的受访者愿意支持海洋垃圾治理;在参与海洋垃圾治理中,公众不仅具有“经济人”的特征,而且具有“社会人”的特征;政府治理、污染认知、社会文化、关系网络均对公众治理意愿具有显著正向影响,个人的社会、经济、居住特征等自主因素也对公众治理意愿产生显著影响。  相似文献   

有害藻华是海洋生态灾害中最突出的问题,威胁滨海旅游等海洋经济可持续发展。如何有效评估有害藻华对滨海旅游环境价值损失的影响,是推动生态环境保护与旅游资源开发协调发展的前提和基础。目前国内外广泛使用条件价值法,通过设置假想情景,根据受访者是否愿意为修复环境支付费用及其多少来定量转换环境损失价值。因此,受访者支付意愿及其程度是影响环境损失价值的关键参数。但是,受访者的支付意愿和最大支付额度受多种复杂因素影响,常规统计分析方法难以厘清其主要因素。本文创新性引入最大熵MaxEnt和广义相加GAMs模型,分别从是否愿意支付的定性分析和支付额度多少的定量分析两个方面,阐明厦门有害藻华影响下滨海旅游环境价值损失评估中影响这两个关键参数的主要因素。与传统统计分析方法相似,不论是MaxEnt还是GAMs模型都认为收入水平、对景点满意程度、受教育程度和年龄是解释支付意愿和支付额度的主要影响因素。但是,模型分析结果给出的显著性和重要性排序发现游客对有害藻华的科学认识确实会显著影响其支付意愿,但是对支付额度的影响有限。本文通过研究受访者对生态灾害的环境态度及其对支付意愿和支付额度的影响,为准确评估海洋生态灾害造成的环境价值损失提供科学依据。  相似文献   

沙滩休闲旅游价值影响因素分析——以青岛海水浴场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘康 《海岸工程》2009,28(1):72-80
沙滩休闲游乐价值受到沙滩的物理、化学、生物学特征及人口统计因素等各种社会、经济因素的影响,特别是游客的个体因素对沙滩休闲游乐价值具有重要的影响。通过对影响游客沙滩选择的因素进行评估,结合沙滩的游客支付意愿和环境保护意愿调查,系统地对不同自然及人口统计因素对沙滩游憩成本、沙滩使用支付意愿及环境保护意愿的影响及关联程度进行了统计分析,得出环境质量、家庭收入、沙滩游览次数等因素对沙滩休闲旅游价值具有显著影响。  相似文献   

扁浒苔PCR 快速检测方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扁浒苔(Ulva compressa)能够导致绿潮灾害,对其开展快速检测技术研究是预防和控制其危害的重要技术手段。根据石莼属不同种类核糖体基因转录间隔区域(ITS)的序列设计了一对检测扁浒苔的特异性引物,并对其反应条件和体系进行了优化。PCR特异性检测结果表明,供试扁浒苔均扩增出与预期大小相一致的330 bp产物,而对缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)、浒苔(U.prolifera)、曲浒苔(U.flexuosae)、孔石莼(U.pertusa)的检测结果全为阴性。PCR灵敏度试验表明,该PCR体系最低可以检测到10 pg的扁浒苔DNA模板。本快速检测方法为扁浒苔的早期识别与有效治理提供了科学依据,对相关扁浒苔产业和生态学等研究也具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

采用条件价值法,通过支付意愿调查,对广西红树林湿地的非使用价值进行了评估.结果表明,广西红树林的非使用价值为37.61亿元,其中存在价值16.66亿元;遗产价值10.94亿元;选择价值10.00亿元.广西红树林人均支付意愿值为50元.总支付意愿率为59.2%;除年龄与支付意愿无关外,性别、职业、文化程度、技术职称、收入水平、了解程度、偏爱程度等都与支付意愿呈极显著相关关系;性别与WTP值相关,但不显著,而其他因素与WTP值呈现极显著相关.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(1-2):103-118
The recognition of recreational and conservation benefits of coral reefs globally provides a sound economic rationale for their management. The value of recreational and conservation benefits of coral reefs along the Lingayen Gulf, Bolinao, Philippines is evaluated using travel cost and contingent valuation methods, respectively. Empirical results generated consumer surplus valued at PhP10,463 (US$223) per person per annum or potential net annual revenues to the local economy worth PhP220.2 million (US$4.7 million) from an estimated 21,042 visitors to Bolinao in 2000. However, willingness to pay (WTP) values (in absolute terms and as a percentage of income) for the conservation of coral reefs at Bolinao that were elicited are low, particularly among domestic tourists. This implies that preservation of natural resources and the environment may not be an immediate priority among local travelers due to socio-economic considerations in developing countries, such as the Philippines and the public goods nature of the recreational services provided by coral reefs. These results have further implications for determining the values of coral reefs to support public investment for their conservation and management. The roles of advocacy, education, and awareness campaigns have been highlighted to create a larger WTP for the management of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Marine and coastal ecosystems face widespread degradation largely because market failure hides the economic value of the goods and services they provide. Marine protected areas (MPAs) can serve as structures that ensure the continued functioning of marine and coastal ecosystem goods and services. Yet, to be effective and sustainable, MPAs must be able to prove their economic worth and generate revenue. User-fee systems are used commonly to partially finance multi-use MPAs. This study applies contingent valuation as a method of economic valuation within an MPA in southern Mozambique. Using a payment card and questionnaire from November 2012 to April 2013, this study determined the willingness to pay (WTP) of three user groups for access to the Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve. The study also investigated the potential for the reserve to increase revenues for conservation through the implementation of a user fee for marine-based activities. Probit and ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions were used to determine the effects of various independent variables on WTP. The OLS model found income, African residency and environmental awareness to be significant factors that influenced visitors' WTP for access to the reserve. The mean WTP was R 43.75 (South African rands) per person per day. Using data supplied by the reserve management, conservative estimated annual revenues based on the implementation of this fee amount ranged between R 1.46 million and R 3.3 million.  相似文献   

Despite increasing attention paid to the value of marine resources, in particular marine protected areas (MPAs), their economic valuation focuses mainly on use values of ecosystem services such as fishery and tourism. Furthermore, most MPA related studies are carried out for coastal ecosystems, especially tropical coral reefs. The valuation of remote marine ecosystems is rare. The main objective of this paper is to estimate public willingness to pay (WTP) for alternative management regimes of a network of offshore MPAs in the North Sea under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). In a baseline valuation study carried out just before the adoption of the MSFD, beach visitors and a random sample of coastal and non-coastal residents were asked for their preferences for two alternative management options of three remote, ecologically sensitive areas with multiple use conflicts. Despite the lack of public awareness and familiarity with the offshore marine areas, a majority of 70% is willing to pay extra tax for their protection. Using a conservative value elicitation procedure, Dutch households are willing to pay on average maximum 0.25% of their annual disposable income to ban access and economic use. This serves as an indicator of what a network of remote MPAs in the MSFD is allowed to cost according to the Dutch tax payer.  相似文献   

Maritime safety has become a major concern in Korea. As an alternative to improve maritime safety, the Korean government is considering enhancing infrastructure associated with maritime safety, in the form of a vessel traffic service (VTS) facility for high density waterways. This study estimates the public value of a VTS facility construction project using the contingent valuation (CV) method. A CV survey using person-to-person interviews was administered to 400 randomly selected households to elicit their willingness to pay (WTP) for the project. Overall, the respondents accepted the contingent market, and on average, Korean households were willing to pay a significant amount toward the project. The mean WTP for the project is estimated to be approximately KRW 4149.5 (USD 3.7) per year per household, which is statistically significant. The estimate of the fiduciary benefit to Korean households is approximately KRW 11.07 billion (USD 9.91 million) per year for five years. The results are expected to be useful for policy-makers in determining the economic feasibility of a VTS.  相似文献   

Beach erosion can have major economic implications because of the potential impact on coastal recreation demand – particularly for countries where coastal tourism is one of the main sources of external revenue. Djerba Island (Tunisia) falls in that category. With about 125 km of coastline, Djerba Island is one of the most important Tunisian destinations. However, the island is experiencing coastal erosion problems. The Tunisia government launched a project to fight costal erosion through the Stabiplage technique. This study provides the first economic valuation of beach erosion control in Tunisia and is the first one that focuses on the Stabiplage technique. Specifically, a contingent valuation survey is carried out to elicit the public willingness to pay (WTP) for the project. An interval payment card question format is used to obtain information about WTP from representative samples of residents and tourists in Djerba. The results reveal a positive WTP for the project. Aggregate WTP estimates range from €133,459 (median value) to €5,180,269 (mean value). These values can help inform decisions about whether to undertake the project based on either the benefit-cost ratio rule or majority voting rule.  相似文献   

青岛奥帆基地海域漂浮浒苔光合生理特点研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了青岛奥帆基地海域漂浮浒苔Enteromorpha prolifera (Muell)J.Ag.色素组成及含量、光合放氧及呼吸耗氧速率、P/R(净光合放氧速率/净呼吸耗氧速率)、抗氰呼吸等各项生理指标。结果表明,该海域漂浮浒苔的各项生理指标都在正常范围内,且有抗氰呼吸的存在,生长状况良好。  相似文献   

This paper examines Canadians' willingness to pay to recover the populations of three marine mammal species found in the St Lawrence Estuary. The valuation approach utilized a stated preference tool that is somewhat a hybrid between contingent valuation and a choice experiment with multiple species recovery program options and choices framed as referenda. Program options involved the use of a marine protected area and restrictions on whale watching and shipping industries. The estimated willingness to pay (WTP) for different levels of marine mammal recovery ranged from $77 to $229 per year per household and varied according to the species affected and the recovery program effort. A series of tests revealed that people would be willing to pay more for programs that contribute to greater increases in marine mammal populations, but the additional value of programs that improve a species status beyond the “at risk” threshold is relatively small.  相似文献   

不同盐度、温度及光照对漂浮浒苔生理生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究不同盐度、温度及光照对漂浮浒苔生理生态的影响,我们将实验室内培养的浒苔置于不同盐度、不同温度及不同光照强度条件下培养,测定藻体光合参数。不同盐度条件下,对浒苔叶绿素荧光参数测定结果表明,在盐度为0的条件下,浒苔样品实际量子效率Fv/Fm快速降低,随后Fv/Fm维持在较低水平,在盐度10‰~40‰范围内,在前5天各处理样品Fv/Fm没有明显变化,之后样品Fv/Fm有不同程度的降低。不同实验温度条件下,对浒苔叶绿素荧光参数测定结果表明,在5℃~25℃,浒苔Fv/Fm呈现先上升后下降趋势。不同光照条件下,对浒苔叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm进行测定,其数值都在第一天发生了显著降低,之后稍有波动。藻体Fv/Fm变化有所不同,处理的前2天中,所有条件下样品都有相同幅度的降低,处理第三天时,光强400μmol/(m2·s)下比其他光强下的要显著低14%~16%;到培养后期,则以160μmol/(m2·s)下要明显较高,即160μmol/(m2·s)下藻体Fv/Fm的降低总体较为平缓。光照实验表明,浒苔在低光照条件下的实际量子效率要高于高光照条件,且最大量子效率的测定也进一步证实了该结果,表明高光照条件会引起浒苔光合作用能力下降。  相似文献   

采用驻波管法对不同厚度、不同结构的浒苔样品进行吸声系数的测定,并与相近的有机和无机纤维吸声材料进行了对比.试验结果表明,浒苔具有很好的吸声性能,并且其微管结构对吸声性能的提高有较大的贡献.这些新的发现将给研制新型无机纤维吸声材料提供有益的仿声学启示.  相似文献   

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