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利用2009年12月至2010年11月渤海西岸大港风能塔观测得到的风速、风向和温度梯度资料,计算了风能塔周围空气动力学粗糙度Z0。对比分析了风廓线法和风速标准差法的计算结果,讨论了风速标准差法的适用性以及下垫面空间非均一性对粗糙度的影响。结果表明:风能塔三个主风向上的平均粗糙长度为:0.1319m(N),0.0386m(SE)和0.0182m(SW)。通过严格条件限制,利用风速标准差法可以得到与风廓线法相同的计算效果。同一方位上,利用10-30 m资料计算得到的粗糙度长度的季节差异相对较小,而50-70 m的计算结果差异相对较大。在相同高度上,粗糙度长度计算结果亦存在明显季节差异,反映了随季节变化的植被对地表粗糙度的影响。  相似文献   

郭凤霞  朱文越  饶瑞中 《气象》2010,36(6):90-94
在中性大气层结条件下,利用35 m铁塔上五层不同高度处的有效风速,分析得到了非均一地形近地面层风速廓线特点及由粗糙元所决定的粗糙度。结果表明:(1)近地面层风速廓线一般符合对数风速廓线模式,其相关系数均大于0.985,标准偏差为0.04左右;(2)粗糙度的值为1.25 m。但由于外界流体运动状态改变可引起粗糙度出现起伏,其变化范围较大,一般在0.038~4.903 m,与风速之间的相关系数为-0.953。  相似文献   

大规模风电场建成后对风能资源影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘磊  高晓清  陈伯龙  汪宁渤 《高原气象》2012,31(4):1139-1144
考虑了千万千瓦级风电基地建成后风电机群对近地面层风速的影响,采用Frandsen研究了大规模风电场内部风速损失时所使用的方法,在内边界层已经充分发展成新边界层的区域内,对轮毂高度65m处风速Uh进行了计算。结果表明,风电场建成后研究区内,风速Uh与未建场时的65m风速U0相比变小,存在风速损失,该风速损失随着U0的增大而减小,与风电机的推力系数CT性质有关;大规模风电场建成后,Uh在3~20m.s-1范围内的平均风功率密度与未建场时U0在此范围内的平均风功率密度相比损失约为58.45%,这与建场地区建场前65m处风速值大小以及各风速值出现的概率有关。  相似文献   

大气模式中表面水热通量计算的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸣  曾旭斌 《气象学报》2000,58(3):340-346
对现有的大气模式中计算海面和大气间水、热通量的通量-廓线关系式进行了评论,提出一个理论上较完整的通量-廓线关系式。其中考虑了水汽对M-O参数的影响,并引进相应于虚位温的标量粗糙度。MoanaWave的实测资料表明,由于该资料相应于温度的粗糙度zoh和湿度粗糙度zoq相差不大,使现有的公式计算结果与文中提出的公式差别不大。当zoh,zoq差别大时,两种公式结果有一定的差别。而文中公式理论上更为合理。还将不稳定状态下计算通量的简化方法推广到海面。  相似文献   

王华  徐银梓 《气象科学》2002,22(1):16-27
本文在Ekman动量近似下,引入关于水面粗糙度的Charnock公式,求得了斜压大气中海面边界层的风速的解析表达式,进一步得到边界层摩擦偏角的公式,并获得了边界层摩擦偏角的有关结论。例如海面的摩擦偏角远小于陆地的摩擦偏角;低纬的摩擦偏角比高纬的要大:理论分析和个例计算均表明,垂直平流惯性力与水平平流惯性力对摩擦偏角分别起着减小和增大的相反作用,而且反气旋性涡度处与气旋性涡度处的摩擦偏角可相差达20多度。冷暖平流下的摩擦偏角相差很大,甚至可达七、八十度。这些结论对斜压大气中的海面边界层风场摩擦偏角的预后都具有指导性作用。  相似文献   

广东省沿海风能的分析及计算   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植石群  钱光明 《气象》2001,27(5):43-46
利用广东省沿海地区3年多的现场实测风资料及其临近的气象站风资料,分析研究了广东省沿海风随高度的变化规律和随离海岸线距离的衰减变化规律,计算了广东省沿海风能贮量和可开发量。  相似文献   

利用廓线法计算了黑河中上游地区盈科农田站、冰沟稀疏草地站、阿柔牧场站和大冬树山垭口积雪观测站的总体输送系数和地表粗糙度。结果表明,地表粗糙度与植被覆盖度和高度以及下垫面的性质有关,夏季地表粗糙度大小是农田站最大,其次是牧场站和稀疏草地站,高寒草甸站最小。下垫面状况还影响动量总体输送系数对稳定度的依赖程度,地表粗糙度大的地区强于地表粗糙度小的地区。  相似文献   

基于冰川表碛上的空气动力学粗糙度z0是表征表碛上空气动力学性质和估算其上能量平衡中的重要参数,利用科其喀尔冰川3号观测站涡动相关系统的2009年观测数据,采用无因次化风速法,对其表碛上冰川消融前期和消融期的z0进行了分析。结果表明,在冰川消融前期z0为0.101 m,消融期z0值在0.093~0.098 m之间,表明积雪对z0的影响显著;大气处于不稳定层结时,z0值较大,处于稳定层结时,z0值较小;风速不变时,z0随摩擦速度的增大而增大;摩擦速度不变时,z0随风速的增大而减小。  相似文献   

风沙流中风速廓线的数值模拟与实验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何描述风沙流中被风沙运动改变了的风速廓线是风沙相互作用研究中的关键问题之一.该文中将跃移风沙流视为一种颗粒拟流体,将跃移颗粒对气流产生的阻力用颗粒流的阻力系数来表达,建立了描写两场相互作用的数学模型.颗粒流的阻力系数采用了前人在液态流化床研究中得出的阻力系数表达形式,通过引入一个修正系数,使其适用于风沙流(气-固两相流).将风沙边界层划分为跃移颗粒所产生的阻力不可忽略的内边界层和跃移颗粒阻力可以忽略但受内边界层影响的外边界层,分别建立了内边界层和外边界层的风速廓线表达式.应用所建立的数学模型,根据由风洞实验测定的跃移风沙流的浓度分布和速度分布资料,计算了跃移风沙流中的风速廓线,并与风洞实测结果进行了对比.结果表明,计算风速廓线与实测风速廓线吻合得比较好,在半对数图上均为上凸的曲线,有别于无风沙运动时的直线.跃移边界层外风速分布可较好地用对数函数来描述.对风沙流中风速廓线的进一步分析证实了风沙物理学奠基人Bagnold在其早期观测风沙流中的风速廓线时提出的"结点现象"(Bagnold结),该结点的高度随风速的增大而升高,随颗粒粒径的增大而降低.根据数值模拟和模拟实验,可以认为有风沙运动的动床剪切风速是综合反映风场与跃移层以及地表之间相互作用的物理量.  相似文献   

浙北沿岸海域海面风场反演方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
何斌  潘士雄  李海军  盛文斌  董旭 《气象》2016,42(7):875-884
高质量的海面实况风场是海洋气象监测和预报的基础,卫星反演的大陆沿岸海域海面风场的准确率不高。文章基于反映近地面风速廓线变化的指数律公式,利用浙江北部沿岸海岛或滩涂上布设的中尺度自动站来反演附近海面风场,并使用客观分析方法将反演的离散风场值转换到中尺度网格上,从而获得完整的高分辨率海面风场。指数律中参数α值对于反演风场的准确率至关重要,它主要受到下垫面状况以及大气层结状态的影响,而后者的影响较前者更大。文章使用多个风塔站的风廓线率值进行了反演风场的误差试验,结果表明:目前单一风速廓线还无法取得最优的反演效果,有必要分季节使用多站风速廓线。使用混合风速廓线得到的总体样本的平均偏差为0.04 m·s~(-1),平均绝对误差为1.51 m·s~(-1),均方根误差为2.01 m·s~(-1)。对海面反演风场的优化可以将总体样本的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别降低到1.28和1.68 m·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness length (z0m is a key factor in surface flux estimations with remote sensing algorithms and/or land surface models. This paper calculates z0m over several land surfaces, with 3 years of experimental data from Xiaotangshan. The results show that z0m is direction-dependent, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the size and spatial distribution of the roughness elements inside the source area along different wind directions. Furthermore, a heuristic parameterization of the aerodynamic roughness length for heterogeneous surfaces is proposed. Individual z0m over each surface component (patch) is calculated firstly with the characteristic parameters of the roughness elements (vegetation height, leaf area index, etc.), then z0m over the whole experimental field is aggregated, using the footprint weighting method.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that aerodynamic roughness length changes significantly along with nearsurface atmospheric thermodynamic state; however, at present, this phenomenon remains poorly understood, and very little research concerning this topic has been conducted. In this paper, by using the data of different underlying surfaces provided by the Experimental Co-observation and Integral Research in Semi-arid and Arid Regions over North China, aerodynamic roughness length (z0) values in stable, neutral, and unstable atmospheric stratifications are compared with one another, and the relationship between z0 and atmospheric thermodynamic stability (ζ) is analyzed. It is found that z0 shows great differences among the stable, neutral, and unstable atmospheric thermodynamic states, with the difference in z0 values between the fully thermodynamic stable condition and the neutral condition reaching 60% of the mean z0. Furthermore, for the wind speed range in which the wind data are less sensitive to z0, the surface z0 changes more significantly with ζ, and is highly correlated with both the Monin-Obukhov stability (ζ0) and the overall Richardson number (Rib), with both of their correlation coefficients greater than 0.71 and 0.47 in the stable and unstable atmospheric stratification, respectively. The empirical relation fitted with the experimental observations is quite consistent with the Zilitinkevich theoretical relation in the stable atmosphere, but the two are quite distinct and even show opposite variation tendencies in the unstable atmosphere. In application, however, verification of the empirical fitted relations by using the experimental data finds that the fitted relation is slightly more applicable than the Zilitinkevich theoretical relation in stable atmospheric stratification, but it is much more suitable than the Zilitinkevich relation in unstable atmospheric stratification.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of large- and small-scale obstacles (orography, tree lines, and dikes) on the effective aerodynamic roughness of the Netherlands, a relatively flat, small-scale landscape. The roughness averaging approach was based on drag coefficients. The effective roughness was locally dominated by small-scale obstacles such as tree lines and dikes. Even at a regional scale (40,000 km2), the small-scale obstacle drag was of the same order of magnitude as the shear stress due to landuse. The neglect of those obstacles on a regional scale would result in approximately 10% overestimated averaged windspeed at 10~m above the surface. It was concluded that small-scale obstacles need to be taken into account to calculate the aerodynamic roughness of flat landscapes. Orography was of minor importance in this lowland country.  相似文献   

利用甘肃省定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地2003年夏季加强观测期间的资料,计算动量粗燥长度、热量粗糙长度和热量输送附加阻抗,结合卫星反演的差值植被指数Indv和表面温度Ts将其推广到中国西北区东部,可用于计算非均匀地表能量通量。  相似文献   

To understand the response of the Greenland ice sheet to climate change the so-called ablation zone is of particular importance, since it accommodates the yearly net surface ice loss. In numerical models and for data analysis, the bulk aerodynamic method is often used to calculate the turbulent surface fluxes, for which the aerodynamic roughness length (z 0) is a key parameter. We present, for the first time, spatial and temporal variations of z 0 in the ablation area of the Greenland ice sheet using year-round data from three automatic weather stations and one eddy-correlation mast. The temporal variation of z 0 is found to be very high in the lower ablation area (factor 500) with, at the end of the summer melt, a maximum in spatial variation for the whole ablation area of a factor 1000. The variation in time matches the onset of the accumulation and ablation season as recovered by sonic height rangers. During winter, snow accumulation and redistribution by snow drift lead to a uniform value of z 0≈ 10−4 m throughout the ablation area. At the beginning of summer, snow melt uncovers ice hummocks and z 0 quickly increases well above 10−2 m in the lower ablation area. At the end of summer melt, hummocky ice dominates the surface with z 0 > 5  ×  10−3 m up to 60 km from the ice edge. At the same time, the area close to the equilibrium line (about 90 km from the ice edge) remains very smooth with z 0 = 10−5 m. At the beginning of winter, we observed that single snow events have the potential to lower z 0 for a very rough ice surface by a factor of 20 to 50. The total surface drag of the abundant small-scale ice hummocks apparently dominates over the less frequent large domes and deep gullies. The latter results are verified by studying the individual drag contributions of hummocks and domes with a drag partition model.  相似文献   

半干旱区榆中地表粗糙度年变化及影响机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
姚彤  张强  尹晗 《应用气象学报》2014,25(4):454-462
利用2006年6月—2010年12月兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站 (SACOL) 观测资料,分析了黄土高原自然植被下垫面榆中地表粗糙度时间变化特征,考虑到地形、植被物理特征以及降水和热力条件的影响,分析了东南风向和西北风向粗糙度年变化规律及其影响机理,并分别给出这两个风向归一化粗糙度与时间的拟合关系式。研究发现:对于非均一下垫面,由于地形起伏和下垫面植被差别造成的不同风向粗糙度差异显著。选取东南风向和西北风向,这两个风向的地表粗糙度无论是量级还是年变化特征都有很大差别,且由于地形和植被的差别,东南风向粗糙度年变化趋势与稳定度年变化趋势一致,粗糙度与稳定度存在一定相关关系,而西北风向粗糙度年变化趋势与降水量年变化趋势一致,粗糙度与降水量相关性较好。  相似文献   

空气动力学方法在湍流通量计算中的误差分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用迭代方法检验了在近地面层大气中使用空气动力学方法时,温度、湿度和风速梯度等观测误差对感热和潜热通量计算的相对误差,结果表明,在微风和低温环境中,空气动力学方法的使用受到限制。  相似文献   

利用一个裸土与Pielke中尺度边界层的耦合模式,对大气环流模式网格尺度的地表湿度和粗糙度的非均匀分布情况下整体输送系数的平均方法进行了初步研究。首先估算了将单点陆面模式应用到大气环流模式的非均匀网格时所产生的误差,并且构造了一种有效阻抗的平均方法,与其他几种方法相比,它可以更有效地消除这种误差。  相似文献   

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