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This study presents a 44-year climatology of potential vorticity (PV) streamers in the Northern Hemisphere based upon analyses of the ERA-40 reanalysis data set. A comparison to an existing 15-year climatology yields very good agreement in the locations of PV streamer frequency maxima, but some differences are found in the amplitude of frequencies. The climatology is assessed with the focus on links between PV streamer frequencies and the synoptic- and planetary-scale variability of the dynamical tropopause.
A comprehensive overview is provided on where (zonally) and when (seasonally) short-term variability throughout the extra-tropical and sub-tropical tropopause is enhanced or reduced. Several key processes that influence this variability are discussed. Baroclinic processes, for example, determine the variability in the storm-track areas in winter, whereas the Asian summer monsoon significantly influences the variability over Asia.
The paper also describes links between the frequency of PV streamers in the extra-tropical and subtropical tropopause and three major northern hemisphere teleconnection patterns. The observed changes in the PV streamer frequencies are closely related to concomitant variations of PV and its gradient within the tropopause region. During opposite phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation the location of the streamer frequency maxima shifts significantly in the Atlantic and European region in both the extra-tropics and subtropics. The influence of ENSO on the streamer frequencies is most pronounced in the subtropical Pacific.  相似文献   

A 4-day persistent rainstorm resulting in serious flooding disasters occurred in the north of Fujian Province under the influences of a quasi-stationary Meiyu front during 5-8 June 2006. With 1°× 1° latitude and longitude NCEP reanalysis data and the ground surface rainfall, using the potential vorticity (PV) analysis and PV inversion method, the evolution of main synoptic systems, and the corresponding PV and PV perturbation (or PV anomalies) and their relationship with heavy rainfall along the Meiyu front are analyzed in order to investigate the physical mechanism of the formation, development, and maintenance of the Meiyu front. Furthermore, the PV perturbations related to different physics are separated to investigate their different roles in the formation and development of the Meiyu front. The results show: the formation and persistence of the Meiyu front in a quasi-WE orientation are mainly due to the maintenance of the high-pressure systems in its south/north sides (the West Pacific subtropical high/ the high pressure band extending from the Korean Peninsula to east of North China). The Meiyu front is closely associated with the PV in the lower troposphere. The location of the positive PV perturbation on the Meiyu front matches well with the main heavy rainfall area along the Meiyu front. The PV inversion reveals that the balanced winds satisfying the nonlinear balanced assumption represent to a large extent the real atmospheric flow and its evolution basically reflects the variation of stream flow associated with the Meiyu front. The unbalanced flow forms the convergence band of the Meiyu front and it mainly comes from the high-pressure system in the north side of the Meiyu front. The positive PV perturbation related to latent heat release in the middle-lower troposphere is one of the main factors influencing the formation and development of the Meiyu front. The positive vorticity band from the total balanced winds is in accordance with the Meiyu front band and the magnitude of the posit  相似文献   

陶祖钰  周小刚  郑永光 《气象》2012,38(1):28-40
由于从等熵位涡分析引申出来的平流层干侵入(以下简称干侵入)概念造成了当前天气预报思路中一些混乱和违背天气学常识的看法,文中回顾了天气预报原理从着眼气压变化到着眼涡度变化的发展历史和位涡问题的缘起。进而根据位涡的定义、数学表达式、物理意义,并结合实例的计算结果指出,位涡的大小主要取决于位温的垂直梯度;等熵面上的位涡分布形势实质是对流层顶高度的分布,因此可以间接反映极地气团、锋、高空槽和高空急流的形势。轨迹计算和数值预报都证明,低空的高位涡异常是地面气旋强烈加深和潜热反馈的结果,而不是干侵入的结果。指出位涡的守恒性不能替代斜压扰动发展的动力学机理;干侵入的错误概念来源于对位涡守恒性的绝对化和简单的推断,并犯了流体力学原理上混淆流线和轨迹两个不同概念的错误。  相似文献   

1. IntroductionMuch attention has been paid to the role playedby diabatic heating in the genesis and intensificationof tropical cyclone (TC). Based on a two-dimensionalprimitive equation model, Li (1984) proposed that theevolution of TC should be different if the maximumheating appears at different height. Yang et al. (1995)found that abrupt intensification of TC at the mid-latitudes is closely related to the vertical structure ofconvective heating. May and Holland (1998) suggestedthat the…  相似文献   

“海棠”台风(2005)暴雨过程数值模拟及位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用WRF模式对2005年"海棠"台风登陆福建省前后24h内所造成的降水过程进行了数值模拟,在此基础上,利用模式输出结果,借助位涡理论分析位涡与台风低压流场及降水的关系,并结合对风场、相当位温、相对湿度等诊断量的分布特征分析,探讨了台风强降水的发展和维持机制。结果表明,310K等熵面上高位涡发展演变较好反映了台风低压系统路径移动以及强度变化的过程。暴雨中心主要出现在位涡大值区及其偏东北方向,且位涡气块回旋少动,与暴雨的发展维持密切相关。高位涡区主要位于等熵面坡度和梯度最大处,当等熵面上下贯通,对流层高层的高位涡沿等熵面下传,形成位涡柱时,有利于暴雨增幅。台风环流内水汽充足,上升运动强烈,也有助于此次台风降水强度持续强大。  相似文献   

甘璐  赵南  沈新勇 《气象学报》2011,69(3):412-422
从位涡反演的基本定义和性质出发讨论了它的发展,指出基于非线性平衡(Chamey平衡)来进行位涡反演的局限性,要准确地反演中尺度系统还有待于发展高阶位涡反演算子.文中通过分析位涡反演算子的构造得出,高阶位涡反演算子的存在性问题最终归结为探讨高阶平衡流表达式,即高阶平衡方程的存在性问题.然而,平衡流在运动过程中对惯性重力波...  相似文献   

位温、等熵位涡与锋和对流层顶的分析方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
陶祖钰  郑永光 《气象》2012,38(1):17-27
等熵位涡分析是位涡理论的分析基础。此文的目的是介绍等熵位涡分析所必需掌握的基本概念和方法。文中从位温和位涡、对流层和平流层、锋和对流层顶的基本性质出发,讨论了锋和对流层顶在剖面图、等压面图及等位温面(即等熵面)图上的特征。文中给出了各种分析实例图形,并通过分析和对比指出:平流层的高位涡是对流层顶以上位温随高度急剧增加位温垂直梯度特别大的结果;位温垂直梯度是决定位涡分布的主要因子;等熵位涡图主要反映极地气团的活动,同时也是与极地气团密切关联的锋、急流、对流层顶的综合反映。最后提出了等熵位涡分析中需要避免的一些错误认识,特别是不能将等位温面上的流线当成轨迹的错误,并由此得出平流层空气侵入对流层下部的错误推论。  相似文献   

季亮  费建芳 《大气科学》2009,33(6):1297-1308
选取1997年第11号台风“温妮”为研究个例, 通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、 变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程。采用Davis et al.(1996) 提出的片段位涡反演方法, 提取具有副热带高压物理意义的位涡扰动, 采用片段位涡反演的方法, 改变模式积分初始时刻台风东部副热带高压强度, 并引入Ertel等熵面位涡收支方程, 深入分析不同强度的副热带高压环流系统在登陆台风结构演变的过程中等熵面位涡的守恒性, 以及守恒性与非守恒性相对作用的大小。研究表明: 台风北上深入内陆的过程中, 高空槽大值位涡源源不断的输送使得对流层低层西北侧位涡增长, 台风中心上空的辐散形势有利于台风强度的再次增强。由于摩擦和非绝热加热的存在, 对流层位涡局地变化主要决定于位涡的水平平流 (守恒项)、 位涡的垂直平流、 加热的垂直微分 (非守恒项) 的分布。台风经历变性及再增强的过程中, 其影响范围内位涡守恒性经历了先减弱后增强的过程, 非守恒项中位涡的垂直平流能较好地描述对流层中层位涡局地变化趋势, 而加热的垂直微分则在对流层低层和高层表现良好。副高强度的加强使台风加速北上, 加快了台风变性速度, 高层位涡的向下输送明显提前且强度增强, 位涡守恒性的破坏、 重建也相应提前, 位涡垂直平流的整层负值减小, 加热垂直微分对对流层低层位涡增长的正贡献加强, 且持续时间更长。  相似文献   

2004/2005年冬季强寒潮事件的等熵位涡分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
丁一汇  马晓青 《气象学报》2007,65(5):695-707
利用2004年12月1日—2005年2月28日的NCAR/NCEP逐日再分析资料,对2004年12月22日—2005年1月1日的强寒潮事件进行等熵位涡分析。结果表明:这次强寒潮事件的强冷空气来自欧亚北部和北极地区的高纬平流层下部与对流层上部。在寒潮爆发前期,高位涡强冷空气传播到贝加尔湖南侧,并被来自低纬度的低位涡空气所切断,在欧亚地区形成北部低位涡(阻塞高压)南部高位涡(低涡)的偶极型环流。随着低位涡的减弱消亡,高位涡强冷空气沿高原北侧向东南方向移动,当高位涡中心移到中国东部地区,高位涡空气柱在垂直方向上强烈向下伸展,使得气柱的气旋性涡度加强,东亚大槽迅速加深,引起寒潮的爆发。进一步分析表明,高位涡中心向南、向下传播过程中,等熵面上高位涡中心附近气流在其西侧和北侧地区沿等熵面下沉,引起上述地区低层西伯利亚高压迅速发展,导致强寒潮爆发。  相似文献   

台风变性加强过程的数值模拟和试验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年登陆的Winnie台风经历了变性重新加强的过程,利用中尺度数值模式MM5对该过程进行了数值模拟和分析.等熵位涡分析显示重新加强过程经历了2个阶段:(1)高层扰动加强期,北上的变性气旋在其高层维持了小的位涡区,使上游东移的位涡槽加强;(2)气旋斜压发展期,低层气旋上的斜压带与高层加强的扰动耦合,气旋获得斜压发展.该过程伴随着高层风速的加强并发展为急流,这是动力平衡和低层斜压动能输送的结果.高层扰动和急流演变过程说明了变性气旋自身对其发展的重要性.通过热带气旋分离的方法,利用数值试验对变性气旋以及与气旋相关的物理因子的作用进行分析.结果显示,低层变性的气旋Winnie首先通过潜热过程加强了高层的扰动,然后在其北移过程中和高层的扰动位相锁定而得到斜压发展,演变过程说明了登陆台风自身的重要性.在这个过程中,初始气旋的涡旋环流足最主要的,其次是水汽,而斜压性影响最少.斜压性影响最少是由于在气旋环流和高湿度的环境下,斜压带得到重建,使气旋仍然可以和高层的扰动相互作用而得到斜压发展.所以,斜压性仍是变性气旋再度发展的直接原因.综观台风Winnie的变性以及重新加强过程,气旋中斜压性的产生以及维持都和与降水相关的潜热过程密切相关.  相似文献   

Using the NCAR/NCEP daily reanalysis data from 1 December 2004 to 28 February 2005, the isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) analysis of a strong cold wave from 22 December 2004 to 1 January 2005 was made. It is found that the strong cold air of the cold wave originated from the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere of the high latitude in the Eurasian continent and the Arctic area. Before the outbreak of the cold wave, the strong cold air of high PV propagated down to the south of Lake Baikal, and was cut off by a low PV air of low latitude origin, forming a dipole-type circulation pattern with the low PV center (blocking high) in the northern Eurasian continent and the high PV one (low vortex) in the southern part. Along with decaying of the low PV center, the high PV center (strong cold air) moved towards the southeast along the northern flank of the Tibetan Plateau. When it arrived in East China, the air column of high PV rapidly stretched downward, leading to increase in its cyclonic vorticity, which made the East Asian major trough to deepen rapidly, and finally induced the outbreak of the cold wave. Further analysis indicates that in the southward and downward propagation process of the high PV center, the air flow west and north of the high PV center on isentropic surface subsided along the isentropic surface, resulting in rapid development of Siberian high, finally leading to the southward outbreak of the strong cold wave.  相似文献   

This article examines sustainability transitions in the Global South, focusing on the adoption of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems in Indonesia as a case study. Based on 55 in-depth interviews and a secondary data review, we develop an alternative analytical framework that draws insights from geographical political economy and political ecology. This alternative lens allows us to better inform the socio-technical transition literature by uncovering both the spatial implications of renewable energy transitions and the power differentials underpinning them. We find that the emergence of rooftop PV technology in Indonesia has provoked resistance, as it challenges the incumbent power company’s monopoly over urban space, the Java-Bali grid system’s dependency on coal-based electricity, and state-led practices that prioritise the implementation of small-scale solar in rural and remote areas. We argue that paying attention to the asymmetric power relations among institutions and actors across multiple scales offers a more-fine grained approach to analysing the dynamics of sustainability transitions. Our findings also call for greater attention to diverse and divergent perspectives among niche actors, emphasising the need to genuinely embrace local voices and knowledge that might otherwise be marginalised by the dominant globally and nationally driven narratives of renewable transition.  相似文献   

Summary A new typhoon model named as GRAPES_TCM is applied to study the pre-landfall erratic track of Typhoon Haitang (2005), which hit China twice in mid-July by making landfall in Taiwan and Fujian provinces consecutively. The model is based on the Chinese Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) and put into real-time operational test since 2004. It predicts almost correctly the pre-landfall loop and sharp turn of Haitang and its asymmetric rainfall distribution. Haitang’s erratic track is well explained by the potential vorticity (PV) theory on tropical cyclone motion, with the typhoon center moving toward the area of maximum wave-number 1 (WN1) PV tendency most of the time. Among the terms contributing to the WN1 PV tendency, the horizontal advection of PV is dominant with the diabatic heating and residual terms also being not negligible. A sensitivity experiment is carried out with removal of the Taiwan terrain to determine its importance in the erratic track of Haitang and it is found that the basic erratic feature of Haitang’s track remians unchanged although it tends to have a larger loop and a weaker northward turn, which suggests that Taiwan terrain may not be a key factor here. The sudden change of Haitang’s moving direction is always accompanied by a newly-generated or re-intensified WN1 PV center in the southern semicircle, which circles around the TC center cyclonically afterwards and weakens in the north or northwestern part. A phase-lock WN1 PV forcing related to diabatic heating is proposed to be the major contributor, the importance of which is magnified as it is in phase with the WN1 horizontal advection of PV. The intrusion of mid-level warm and dry air, as well as the existence of a low-level southwesterly jet, is considered to be the main reasons for such a phase-lock of the diabatic heating forcing on the PV tendency field that finally results in the erratic track of Haitang.  相似文献   

利用2016年1月1日至31日的FNL资料,对一次极端寒潮天气过程进行了等熵位涡分析。结果表明:高位涡主体由极涡分裂而来,前面低位涡区的阻挡与后侧低位涡大气的北上加强了位涡的经向交换,高位涡空气不断由极地向南输送,使得高位涡主体不断加强维持。高位涡在由北向南移动的同时,也由对流层顶向下输送。此次寒潮过程主要有3股冷空气由上而下发展,位置均在高空急流轴的北侧,最南端的一股下沉气流最旺盛,这是其与高空急流相互作用的结果。强盛的冷空气下沉使得寒潮影响范围触及我国华南地区。随着高位涡的向南向下传输,一方面引起对流层中高层低涡系统迅速发展,当它移到中国东部地区时,东亚大槽迅速加深,使槽后强冷空气迅速向南爆发;另一方面,在高位涡输送的过程中,其后侧有强烈的下沉运动,使得地面冷高压快速发展,导致强寒潮天气的爆发。  相似文献   

By analyzing the results of a realistic ocean general circulation model (OGCM) and conducting a series of idealized OGCM experiments, the dynamics of the Kuroshio Current System is examined. In the realistic configuration, the Kuroshio Current System is successfully simulated when the horizontal resolution of OGCMs is increased from 1/2° to 1/10°. The difference between the two experiments shows a jet, the model’s Kuroshio Extension, and a pair of cyclonic and anticyclonic, “relative,” recirculation gyres (RRGs) on the northern and southern flanks of the jet. We call them recirculation gyres because they share some features with ordinary recirculation gyres in previous studies, and we add the adjective “relative” to emphasize that they may not be apparent in the total field. Similar zonal jet and RRGs are obtained also in the idealized model with a rectangular basin and a flat bottom with a horizontal resolution of 1/6°. The northern RRG is generated by the injection of high potential vorticity (PV) created in the viscous sublayer of the western boundary current, indicating the importance of a no-slip boundary condition. Since there is no streamline with such high PV in the Sverdrup interior, the eastward current in the northern RRG region has to lose its PV anomaly by viscosity before connecting to the interior. In the setup stage this injection of high PV is carried out by many eddies generated from the instability of the western boundary current. This high PV generates the northern RRG, which induces the separation of the western boundary current and the formation of the zonal jet. In the equilibrium state, the anomalous high PV values created in the viscous sublayer are carried eastward in the northern flank of the zonal jet. The southern RRG is due to the classical Rhines–Young mechanism, where low PV values are advected northward within the western boundary inertial sublayer, and closed, PV-conserving streamlines form to the south of the Kuroshio Extension, allowing slow homogenization of the low PV anomalies. The westward-flowing southern branch of this southern RRG stabilizes the inertial western boundary current and prevents its separation in the northern half of the Sverdrup subtropical gyre, where the western boundary current is unstable without the stabilizing effect of the southern RRG. Therefore, in the equilibrium state, the southern RRG should be located just to the north of the center of the Sverdrup subtropical gyre, which is defined as the latitude of the Sverdrup streamfunction maximum. The zonal jet (the Kuroshio Extension) and the northern RRG gyre are formed to the north of the southern RRG. This is our central result. This hypothesis is confirmed by a series of sensitivity experiments where the location of the center of the Sverdrup subtropical gyre is changed without changing the boundaries of the subtropical gyre. The locations of the zonal jets in the observed Kuroshio Current System and Gulf Stream are consistent as well. Sensitivities of the model Kuroshio Current System are also discussed with regard to the horizontal viscosity, strength of the wind stress, and coastline.  相似文献   

对华北一次特大台风暴雨过程的位涡诊断分析   总被引:59,自引:23,他引:36  
于玉斌  姚秀萍 《高原气象》2000,19(1):111-120
通过对9608号台风低压及其外围暴雨位和等熵面上物理量场的分析,揭示了台风低压北上诱发暴雨过程的位涡场的结构及冷空气对暴雨增幅的作用,给出此次暴雨增幅过程的图像。分析表明:对流层低层中高纬度冷空气(高位涡)扩散南下在台风低压环流区附近的“侵入”作用是此次特大暴雨过程的最重要的原因之一;等熵面位涡的分析进一步说明了中高纬地区冷空气的活动状况;对流层高层或平流层低层位涡的下传有利于位势不稳定能量的释放  相似文献   

Summary The present observational study addresses the role of dynamic and diabatic processes leading to the generation of four deep upper-level troughs/cut-offs, involved in two extreme precipitation episodes over West Africa during the cool season. The elongated potential vorticity (PV) streamers associated with the observed troughs form as a result of an equatorward transport of high-PV air downstream of a large ridge over the central North Atlantic. Strong deformation along the eastern side of the ridge leads to a thinning of the PV streamers. In some situations the tips of the streamers break up and form distinct and long-lived stationary cut-offs near West Africa, in particular if the presence of another PV ridge downstream allows a complete isolation from the midlatitude westerlies. In other situations a prior anticyclonic wave-breaking event over Europe leads to an advection of high-PV towards the Iberian Peninsula that merges with the streamer and impedes a complete cut-off. The observations presented here suggest that the rapid amplification of the PV ridges over the North Atlantic and thus the subsequent streamer formation are related to upstream latent heating through non-conservative diabatic reduction of upper-level PV and through the strong divergent outflow near the tropopause that support large negative isentropic PV advection. The intense latent heat release is promoted by cyclo- and frontogenesis, and the transport of warm, moist air by a low-level jet ahead of the surface cold front (often called a warm conveyor belt; WCB). Diabatic PV tendencies are highest where the WCB rises over the surface warm front to the northeast or east of the cyclone centre. In most cases the distinct heating occurs in connection with a strong upper-level jet and a rapid deepening of the involved surface cyclone. More quantitative dynamical and statistical studies of the suggested relation are needed to better understand the relative contributions of single factors to the large and synoptic scale evolution that leads to PV streamers/cut-offs near West Africa.  相似文献   

Tibetan villagers’ perceptions of climate change and its impacts are very detailed and can give important insights into local concerns and processes of climate change. Perceived climate changes and impacts differed significantly even within a small geographic area. Furthermore, climate change was seen as a moral and spiritual issue. These interpretations affect how people deal with climate change and its impacts and which solutions are regarded as relevant. In order to effectively address climate change impacts at the local scale and to enable the process of adaptation, it is necessary to address a combination of perceptions, local variations, moral and spiritual interpretations, and locally relevant solutions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in understanding isentropic potential vorticity (PV) dynamics during interactions between the stratosphere and troposphere, including the spatial and temporal propagation of circulation anomalies associated with the winter polar vortex oscillation and the mechanisms of stratosphere- troposphere coupling in the global mass circulation framework. The origins and mechanisms of interannual variability in the stratospheric circulation are also reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Tibetan Plateau as a PV source (via its thermal forcing) in the global and East Asian atmospheric circulation. Diagnosis of meridional isentropic PV advection over tile Tibetan Plateau and East Asia indicates that the distributions of potential temperature and PV over the east flank of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia favor a downward and southward isentropic transport of high PV from the stratosphere to the troposphere. This transport manifests the possible influence of the Tibetan Plateau on the dynamic coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere during summer, and may provide a new framework for understanding the climatic effects of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

利用NCEP 1°×1° 6h再分析资料、位涡反演和数值试验方法,分离与不同物理过程有关的扰动位涡进行反演诊断.在此基础上移除模式初始场中包含的与不同物理过程有关的扰动位涡反演的平衡场进行敏感性试验.对2006年5月21—22日一次热带扰动系统北上在广东珠江三角洲地区引发的大暴雨天气过程进行了探讨。结果发现:对流层中低层与潜热释放有关的正扰动位涡是影响热带扰动形成、维持及发展的主要因子之一;与潜热释放无关的扰动位涡对副热带高压的形成和维持有重要作用,影响热带扰动系统的移动路径;边界层内的扰动位涡有利于南海热带洋面北上气旋性扰动的发生、发展与维持;中高层扰动位涡对气旋性扰动系统的直接影响很小;下边界扰动位温不利于气旋性扰动系统的形成、维持与发展。数值敏感性试验表明,初始场中包含的与不同物理过程有关的扰动位涡在暴雨数值模拟中有重要作用,它们不同程度地影响热带扰动的强度、活动路径的模拟.并影响暴雨强度和落区;与非绝热物理过程有关的扰动位涡很大程度上影响暴雨强度,而与非绝热物理过程无关的扰动位涡很大程度上决定暴雨落区。  相似文献   

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