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盛夏两类东亚高空西风急流北跳的动力过程   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
林中达 《大气科学》2011,35(4):631-644
在气候态上,7月底东亚高空西风急流中心突然从40°N北跳到45°N以北.逐年统计分析显示此次急流北跳存在两类典型方式:急流北侧西风强度增强引起的北跳(第一类)和急流中心西风强度的减弱引起的北跳(第二类).本文基于1958年到2002年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用波活动通量诊断这两类典型北跳相应的动力过程,进一步...  相似文献   

东亚副热带西风急流位置变化与亚洲夏季风爆发的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张耀存  况雪源 《湖北气象》2008,27(2):97-103
利用1961~2000年的NCEP/NCAR候平均再分析资料,初步探讨了季节转换期间东亚副热带西风急流南北和东西向位置变化与亚洲季风爆发之间的联系。结果表明,亚洲夏季风爆发伴随着东亚副热带西风急流轴线的北跳和急流中心西移,急流轴北跳至35°N以北的青藏高原上空,南支西风急流消失,亚洲季风环流形势建立。南海季风爆发早年,低纬的东风向北推进的时间早,到达的纬度偏北,中纬的西风急流强度偏弱,季风爆发晚年则相反。同时,南海夏季风爆发早年,青藏高原上空急流核出现较早,西太平洋上空急流核减弱较快,急流中心“西移”较早。而在南海夏季风爆发晚年,西太平洋上空的急流核减弱较迟,青藏高原上空急流核形成偏晚,急流中心“西移”较迟。此外,急流中心东西向位置和强度变化与江淮流域梅雨的开始和结束也有密切关系。  相似文献   

东亚副热带西风急流位置异常对长江中下游夏季降水的影响   总被引:47,自引:9,他引:47  
况雪源  张耀存 《高原气象》2006,25(3):382-389
利用NCEP/NCAR 200 hPa月平均风场再分析资料,定义东亚大陆对流层上层不同经度上最大西风所在位置的平均纬度为东亚副热带西风急流轴线指数,该指数能准确反映东亚副热带西风急流位置的南北变化及其对长江中下游降水的影响,并能较好地体现东亚夏季风盛行期间对流层低层与高层的纬向风场变化特征。分析表明,该指数的时间变化具有与长江中下游夏季降水较一致的年代际变化及年际振荡特征。对东亚副热带西风急流位置异常年的大气环流差异分析表明,急流异常偏北时,南亚高压偏弱,位置偏北偏西,呈伊朗高压型;西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)偏弱、位置偏东偏北;气流的辐合上升区北移至华北一带,而长江流域低层风场为辐散异常,上升气流较常年偏弱,降水偏少。急流异常偏南时,南亚高压偏强,位置偏南偏东,呈青藏高压型;西太副高偏强、位置偏西偏南;长江流域地区上空低层有较强辐合上升气流,高层有较强的气流辐散,对流旺盛,雨带在此维持,容易引发洪涝。  相似文献   

利用1961-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析逐候资料和全国160站月平均降水资料,分析了初夏至盛夏东亚副热带急流北跳和急流中心西移发生早晚对7月东亚大气环流和我国降水的影响。结果表明,急流北跳时间与7月长江中下游地区降水异常正相关,急流中心西移时间则与7月淮河流域降水异常正相关,与华北和河套地区降水异常负相关。急流北跳时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压南北位置异常及高纬贝加尔湖以东高压脊强度相关;而急流中心西移时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压的东西伸展及贝加尔湖以西高压脊强度相关,在急流中心西移偏晚年,南亚高压西缩,贝加尔湖西南侧高压脊增强,南下至华北和河套地区冷空气偏强,且西太平洋副热带高压东撤,冷暖空气在淮河流域交汇,使得华北和河套地区降水减少而淮河流域降水偏多;偏早年情况与偏晚年情况相反。  相似文献   

The onset of the Asian summer monsoon has been a focus in the monsoon study for many years. In this paper, we study the variability and predictability of the Asian summer monsoon onset and demonstrate that this onset is associated with specific atmospheric circulation characteristics. The outbreak of the Asian summer monsoon is found to occur first over the southwestern part of the South China Sea (SCS) and the Malay Peninsula region, and the monsoon onset is closely related to intra-seasonal oscillations in the lower atmosphere. These intra-seasonal oscillations consist of two low-frequency vortex pairs, one located to the east of the Philippines and the other over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Prior to the Asian summer monsoon onset, a strong low-frequency westerly emerges over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the low-frequency vortex pair develops symmetrically along the equator. The formation and evolution of these low-frequency vortices are important and serve as a good indicator for the Asian summer monsoon onset. The relationship between the northward jumps of the westerly jet over East Asia and the Asian summer monsoon onset over SCS is investigated. It is shown that the northward jump of the westerly jet occurs twice during the transition from winter to summer and these jumps are closely related to the summer monsoon development. The first northward jump (from 25–28N to around 30N) occurs on 8 May on average, about 7 days ahead of the summer monsoon onset over the SCS. It is found that the reverse of meridional temperature gradient in the upper-middle troposphere (500–200 hPa) and the enhancement and northward movement of the subtropical jet in the Southern Hemispheric subtropics are responsible for the first northward jump of the westerly jet.  相似文献   

春季长江中下游旱涝的环流特征及对前期海温异常的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李超  张庆云 《气象学报》2013,71(3):452-461
春季长江中下游降水有显着的年际、年代际变化特征,进入21世纪以来长江中下游春季降水偏少现象频繁发生.根据中国国家气候中心160站月平均降水资料和美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)月平均再分析资料,重点探讨春季(3-5月)长江中下游地区降水异常的环流特征、可能成因、机理以及对外强迫的响应.春季长江中下游降水异常偏多(少)的环流主要特征是:高层200hPa风场上东亚副热带西风急流中心位置比气候态偏北(南);中层500hPa亚洲地区的阻塞高压主要发生在乌拉尔山(鄂霍次克海)附近、西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北(南);低层850hPa风场的东亚沿海地区为偏南(北)风距平,有利于(不利于)水汽向长江中下游地区输送.大气环流内部动力过程的分析指出:东亚地区上空Eliassen-Palm(EP)通量散度在40°N为正(负)异常、30°N为负(正)异常,有利于东亚高空西风急流中心位置偏北(南),从而导致春季长江中下游降水偏多(偏少).春季长江中下游降水异常偏多(少)年最显着的前期外强迫信号表现为赤道太平洋海温呈现厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)型.  相似文献   

The strength of the East Asian summer monsoon and associated rainfall has been linked to the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) and the lower-tropospheric low pressure system over continental East Asia (EA). In contrast to the large number of studies devoted to the WNPSH, little is known about the variability of the East Asian continental low. The present study delineates the East Asian continental low using 850-hPa geopotential height. Since the low is centered over northern EA (NEA), we refer to it as the NEA low (NEAL). We show that the intensity of the NEAL has large interannual variation, with a dominant period of 2–4 years. An enhanced NEAL exhibits a barotropic structure throughout the whole troposphere, which accelerates the summer-mean upper-tropospheric westerly jet and lower-tropospheric monsoon westerly to its south. We carefully identify the anomalous NEAL-induced rainfall anomalies by removal of the tropical heating effects. An enhanced NEAL not only increases rainfall locally in northern Northeast China, but also shifts the East Asian subtropical front northward, causing above-normal rainfall extending eastward from the Huai River valley across central-northern Japan and below-normal rainfall in South China. The northward shift of the East Asian subtropical front is attributed to the following processes without change in the WNPSH: an enhanced NEAL increases meridional pressure gradients and the monsoon westerly along the East Asian subtropical front, which in turn induces a cyclonic shear vorticity anomaly to its northern side. The associated Ekman pumping induces moisture flux convergence that shifts the East Asian subtropical front northward. In addition, the frequent occurrence of synoptic cut-off lows is found to be associated with an enhanced NEAL. Wave activity analysis indicates that the interannual intensity change of the NEAL is significantly associated with the extratropical Polar Eurasian teleconnection, in addition to the forcing of the tropical WNP heating.  相似文献   

南亚高压的南北偏移与我国夏季降水的关系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
该文定义了一个能较好反映南亚高压南北偏移的指数,并发现该指数与我国夏季降水,尤其是华北和长江流域的降水,无论在年际变化上还是长期趋势上都具有十分显著的相关关系。南亚高压位置偏北时,在我国东部至日本上空存在一个显著的异常反气旋,其中心自上而下向南倾斜,在高层给华北地区带来辐散,在低层使得气流在长江流域辐散,在华北地区辐合,造成华北地区降水偏多,长江流域降水偏少。同时,南亚高压偏北对应着高层西风急流以及中层西太平洋副热带高压偏北,使得我国整个雨带偏北。此外,通过与海温的相关分析发现,南亚高压的长期偏南趋势可能受到印度洋增暖的直接影响。南北偏移指数可作为预测我国夏季区域降水的重要指标,在气候预测业务中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

循环分块矩阵方程之解及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961—2005年逐候资料对东亚副热带西风急流初夏至盛夏变化与江淮出梅的关系进行了分析。结果表明,多年平均7月初夏至盛夏急流中心由西太平洋地区西跳至青藏高原的同时我国东部地区急流北跳至37.5°N以北,比梅雨结束旱1候;急流北跳使得我国东部高空强辐散中心北移至华北地区,江淮地区上空辐散显著减弱,上升运动减弱,从而使得江淮梅雨结束,雨带北移;而急流中心的西跳仅使得我国东部地区高空辐散中心减弱,降水减弱,有利于雨带北移。我国东部急流北跳与江淮地区梅雨结束时间显著正相关,在北跳偏早(晚)年份梅雨结束早(晚),长江中下游地区降水偏少(多),而急流中心西跳早晚对我国华北北部地区和淮河附近地区降水有较大影响。可见,我国东部急流北跳与梅雨结束关系密切,可作为梅雨结束的先期信号。  相似文献   

This study concerns atmospheric responses to the North Pacific subtropical front(NPSTF) in boreal spring over the period 1982–2014. Statistical results show that a strong NPSTF in spring can significantly enhance the East Asian jet stream(EAJS). Both transient eddy activity and the atmospheric heat source play important roles in this process. The enhanced atmospheric temperature gradient due to a strong NPSTF increases atmospheric baroclinicity, resulting in an intensification of transient eddy and convection activities. On the one hand, the enhanced transient eddy activities can excite an anomalous cyclonic circulation with a quasi-baraotropical structure in the troposphere to the north of the NPSTF. Accordingly, the related westerly wind anomalies around 30?N can intensify the component of the EAJS over the Northeast Pacific. On the other hand, an enhanced atmospheric heat source over the NPSTF, which is related to increased rainfall, acts to excite an anomalous cyclonic circulation system in the troposphere to the northwest of the NPSTF, which can explain the enhanced component of the EAJS over the Northwest Pacific. The two mechanisms may combine to enhance the EAJS.  相似文献   

The characteristics of moisture transport and budget of widespread heavy rain and local heavy rain events in Northeast China are studied using the NCEP--NCAR reanalysis 6-hourly and daily data and daily precipitation data of 200 stations in Northeast China from 1961--2005. The results demonstrate that during periods with widespread heavy rain in Northeast China, the Asian monsoon is very active and the monsoonal northward moisture transport is strengthened significantly. The widespread heavy rainfall obtains enhanced water vapor supply from large regions where the water vapor mainly originates from the Asian monsoon areas, which include the East Asian subtropical monsoon area, the South China Sea, and the southeast and southwest tropical monsoon regions. There are several branches of monsoonal moisture current converging on East China and its coastal areas, where they are strengthened and then continue northward into Northeast China. Thus, the enhanced northward monsoonal moisture transport is the key to the widespread heavy rain in Northeast China. In contrast, local heavy rainfall in Northeast China derives water vapor from limited areas, transported by the westerlies. Local evaporation also plays an important role in the water vapor supply and local recycling process of moisture. In short, the widespread heavy rains of Northeast China are mainly caused by water vapor advection brought by the Asian monsoon, whereas local heavy rainfall is mainly caused by the convergence of the westerly wind field.  相似文献   

夏季长江淮河流域异常降水事件环流差异及机理研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
张庆云  郭恒 《大气科学》2014,38(4):656-669
长江、淮河同处东亚中纬度,天气过程的大尺度环流背景相似,大量相关研究基本是把江淮流域天气气候事件作为一个整体研究,然而对长江、淮河流域夏季降水的时空变化进行分析发现,长江、淮河流域夏季异常降水事件有各自不同的年际、年代际变化特征,但环流差异及成因并不十分清楚。本文根据中国台站降水资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用物理量诊断和现代统计学等方法,重点分析长江、淮河流域梅雨期降水异常事件发生时南北半球大气环流内部动力过程的差异及成因。研究指出:长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年500 hPa位势高度场亚洲中高纬度环流呈现为南北向(东西向)的波列与东亚中高纬鄂霍茨克海阻塞频次增多(减少)以及200 hPa高度场上东亚副热带高空西风急流强度加强(减弱)、稳定(移动)有关;长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年主要水汽来源与南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)造成西太平洋150°E~180°(阿拉伯海50°E~60°E)地区越赤道气流加强有关。长江(淮河)流域梅雨期异常降水事件大气环流内部动力过程最显著的差异表现为:东亚副热带高空西风急流加强(减弱)以及南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to soil moisture anomalies over China was investigated based on ensembles of seasonal simulations(March–September) using the NCEP GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model(NCEP GCM/SSi B). After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, two ensembles were performed in which the soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China(YRNC) was double and half that in the control, with the maximum less than the field capacity. The simulation results showed significant sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to wet soil in YRNC. The wetter soil was associated with increased surface latent heat flux and reduced surface sensible heat flux. In turn, these changes resulted in a wetter and colder local land surface and reduced land–sea temperature gradients, corresponding to a weakened East Asian monsoon circulation in an anomalous anticyclone over southeastern China, and a strengthened East Asian trough southward over Northeast China. Consequently, less precipitation appeared over southeastern China and North China and more rainfall over Northeast China. The weakened monsoon circulation and strengthened East Asian trough was accompanied by the convergence of abnormal northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, resulting in more rainfall in this region.In the drier soil experiments, less precipitation appeared over YRNC. The East Asian monsoon circulation seems to show little sensitivity to dry soil anomalies in NCEP GCM/SSi B.  相似文献   

夏季逐月东亚高空急流异常对我国降水的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据1981~2010年NCEP/DOE再分析资料与中国160站降水资料,利用统计学、物理量诊断等方法,探讨夏季东亚季风环流系统重要成员——东亚高空西风急流位置、强度逐月变化与我国降水的关系。分析表明:6~8月东亚高空西风急流比各自气候态位置偏南(北)时,易造成6月华南、江南地区降水、7月江淮流域降水以及8月长江中上游地区降水偏多(少)。本文重点分析2010年6月、2007年7月及2006年8月东亚高空西风急流位置异常时东亚高、低纬度环流特征及其对我国降水影响的物理成因。研究发现:2010年6月东亚高空西风急流稳定在35°N以南。急流轴南侧(北侧)为强辐散(辐合)距平,相应低层辐合(辐散),造成江南、华南地区从低层至高层的强上升运动,配合整层偏西水汽通量距平,为该地区持续性降水提供了有利的动力和水汽条件;2007年7月东亚高空急流位置偏南、强度偏弱,急流月内尺度扰动偏强,使得东亚中高纬度冷空气活动频繁,造成淮河流域出现持续性暴雨;2006年8月东亚高空西风急流位置持续偏北、强度偏强,有利西太平洋副高西伸、北抬,我国四川—重庆地区受副高控制,出现了极端高温干旱天气。  相似文献   

近百年中国东部夏季降水的时空变率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用中国东部25°N以北28个站1880-1999年夏季季降水序列,用旋转复经验正交函数(RCEOF)方法,研究了中国东部地区百年干湿的时空演变规律。结果表明,夏季降水空间变率大值区依次为:长江中下游地区、淮河流域、江南、华北、西南及东北。除西南外的5个关键区大体上反映了从6月到8月夏季雨带自南向北椎进所滞留的地区。旋转空间位相分布揭示了长江中下游地区、江南、东北的旱涝异常主要表现为驻波振动特征;而淮河流域、华北、西南地区显示出降水异常信号具有部分的行波特征。尤其第4空间模显示出旱涝异常信号从东北南部可沿着黄淮下游传到长江下游地区。对于近百年中国东部地区夏季于湿变化,长江中下游地区、淮河流域、华北及东北四个地区都存在20-25年时间尺度的周期振荡;长江中下游地区及华北地区都存在准60年时间尺度的振荡周期;东北地区主要表现出36年时间尺度的振荡周期;淮河流域存在明显的70-80年时间尺度的振荡周期;华北地区存在的11年时间尺度的振荡周期恰好与太阳黑子活动的11年周期相一致。在年代际时间尺度(包括次年代际时间尺度)上,长江中下游、淮河流域及华北地区的夏季降水的变化与太阳活动有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

The ENSO’s Effect on Eastern China Rainfall in the Following Early Summer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
ENSO’s effect on the rainfall in eastern China in the following early summer is investigated by using station precipitation data and the ERA-40 reanalysis data from 1958 to 2002. In June, after the El Nino peak, the precipitation is significantly enhanced in the Yangtze River valley while suppressed in the Huaihe River-Yellow River valleys. This relationship between ENSO and the rainfall in eastern China is established possibly through two teleconnections: One is related to the western North Pacific (WNP) ...  相似文献   

根据1958~2011年中国东部(105°E以东)316站逐日降水观测资料及环流逐日再分析资料,利用统计分析、物理量诊断等方法,探讨华南前汛期盛期(5月21日至6月10日)中国东部降水异常模态及对应大气环流特征和可能成因。分析发现,华南前汛期盛期中国东部降水异常表现为两个相互独立的降水模态:第一模态为华南全区一致型,当其时间系数为正(负)时,整个华南降水偏多(少),黄河中游降水偏少(多);第二模态为华南沿海东部型,当其时间系数为正(负)时,华南沿海东部降水偏多(少),而长江中下游降水偏少(多)。研究发现,造成华南前汛期盛期两个降水型的环流特征有明显差异:全区一致型降水主要受东亚高空西风急流南北偏移、副热带高压脊东西偏移及低层南海北部异常风场影响;沿海东部型降水主要由东亚高空西风急流强弱及位置异常、副热带高压强弱变化、低层日本以南西太平洋异常风场导致。此外,两个降水型对应环流异常的成因也各不相同。第一模态中高层环流异常由丝绸之路遥相关型导致,低层风场异常在5月下旬由阿拉伯海向下游传播的风场异常波列引起,在6月上旬则由西太平洋西移的异常反气旋(气旋)造成。第二模态的中高层环流异常先后由极地—欧亚遥相关型、环球遥相关型引起,低层风场异常由高层环流异常的动力作用造成。两降水型均存在整层深厚的垂直运动,但第一模态的垂直运动在高层闭合且对应显著的辐合辐散异常,第二模态则不具有上述特征。  相似文献   

In this study, the interannual and interdecadal relationship between midsummer Yangtze River-Huaihe River valley (YHRV) rainfall and the position of the East Asia westerly jet (EAWJ) were investigated. The midsummer YHRV rainfall was found to significantly increase after the 1980s. Moreover, the location of the EAWJ was found abnormally south of the climatic mean during 1980–2008 (ID2) compared to 1951–1979 (ID1). During ID2, associated with the southward movement of the EAWJ, an anomalous upper-level conver-gence occurred over middle-high latitudes (35°–55° N) and divergence occurred over lower latitudes (~30°N) of East Asia. Correspondingly, anomalous descending and ascending motion was observed in middle-high and lower latitudes along 90°–130° E, respectively, favoring more precipitation over YHRV. On an interan-nual time scale, the EAWJ and YHRV rainfall exhibited similar relationships during the two periods. When the EAWJ was centered abnormally southward, rainfall over YHRV tended to increase. However, EAWJ-related circulations were significantly different during the two periods. During ID1, the circulation of the southward-moving EAWJ exhibited alternating positive–negative–positive distributions from low to middle– high latitudes along the East Asian coast; the most significant anomaly appeared west of the Okhotsk Sea. However, during ID2 the EAWJ was more closely correlated with the tropical and subtropical circulations. Significant differences between ID1 and ID2 were also recorded sea surface temperatures (SSTs). During ID1, the EAWJ was influenced by the extratropical SST over the northern Pacific; however, the EAWJ was more significantly affected by the SST of the tropical western Pacific during ID2.  相似文献   

The characteristics of moisture transport over the Asian summer monsoon region and its relationship with summer precipitation in China are examined by a variety of statistical methods using the NCEP/NC AR reanalysis data for 1948-2005.The results show that:1) The zonal-mean moisture transport in the Asian monsoon region is unique because of monsoon activities.The Asian summer monsoon region is a dominant moisture sink during summer.Both the Indian and East Asian monsoon areas have their convergence cente...  相似文献   

利用中国北方季风区46站盛夏降水观测资料,采用经验正交函数分解(EOF)、合成分析和相关分析等方法,将盛夏北方季风区划分为4类雨型:A型全区一致偏多、B型全区一致偏少、C型华北偏多东北偏少和D型华北偏少东北偏多,并对比分析了四类雨型同期大气环流和前期至同期海温演变特征的差异,以探讨其形成机制及前期预测信号。结果表明:四类雨型对应的东亚大气环流和海温演变具有明显的差异。A型年:东亚副热带西风急流(西风急流)和西太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)位置偏北,东亚夏季风偏强,欧亚中高纬以纬向环流为主,北方季风区低层辐合、高层辐散,冷暖空气在北方季风区辐合;从前冬至夏季,赤道中东太平洋类似于东部型La Ni?a发展年的海温异常分布,北大西洋海温三极子模态(NAT)负位相逐渐形成;B型年则基本相反。C(D)型年:西风急流异常偏北(略偏南),西太副高偏西(东)偏北,华北盛行西南(西北)风,东北盛行东北(东南)风,华北地区对流层低层辐合(辐散)高层辐散(辐合),东北地区对流层低层辐散(辐合)高层辐合(辐散),东北冷涡较弱(活跃);从前冬至夏季,赤道中东太平洋和印度洋逐渐由暖海温向冷海温转变(El Ni?o分布形态逐渐形成)。  相似文献   

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