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强风天气下边界层结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地层观测的强风运动表明,叠加在平均流动之上的脉动通常有两种,一种是随机的湍流脉动,还有一种具有相干结构的阵风扰动。分析表明,上层强风的剪切运动产生阵风,并向下传递能量,对近地层的通量传输起到重要作用。本文利用北京325 m气象塔、位于海拔1257 m的妙峰山测风塔和位于海拔1688 m的灵山测风塔的资料,分析了强风天气下,边界层上层出现阵风并向下传递的过程,进一步证实无论在近地层还是边界层上层,强风期间,叠加在平均流动上除了高频湍流脉动之外,还有周期为1~10分钟的阵风,即相干结构。阵风峰期有下沉运动,阵风谷期有上升运动。这些相干结构在边界层上层产生,向下运动和传播过程中受到平均气流梯度的切变作用和地面摩擦,破碎为湍流结构。边界层上层的阵风和湍流产生的动量通量向下传递,使得强风期间,边界层中阵风和湍流对通量具有同样的输送能力,对边界层中沙尘、污染物等气溶胶的传输具有重要作用。本研究为模式中进行通量输送参数化方案的修正提供了观测和理论依据。  相似文献   

高风速相干结构对通量输送影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
切变湍流的相干结构是湍流研究中的重大发现,它表明湍流运动并非完全随机,其中具有可检测的有序结构.本文通过处理南京浦口地区大气边界层观测数据,来分析不稳定层结中高风速相干结构特征.本次观测项目包括对场地中央的气象铁塔上2 m和40 m高度上超声风速仪的脉动速度、温度测量以及风廓线雷达对边界层风速廓线的测量.对超声水平风速时间序列数据进行小波变换 (时间尺度400 s),通过阈值来识别这种高风速相干结构.与多普勒风廓线雷达测量结果对比后发现,这种方法确定的相干结构符合常规的认识,具有较长的时间尺度和较大的垂直尺度 (接近边界层厚度).分析三天相干结构特性得到无量纲空间间隔约为6,即每隔6个边界层厚度的水平位置出现一个高速相干结构.通过与垂直风速小波系数的比较,发现高风速相干结构与向下垂直风速之间有较好相关,这与湍流中 “阵风” 现象的研究结论相似.使用四象限分析方法分类得到两种动量通量输送为负的运动:较小水平风速的上扬 (ejection) 运动 (简称为上扬运动) 和较大水平风速的下扫 (sweep) 运动 (简称为下扫运动),这两种运动在整个湍流活动中处于主导地位.高风速相干结构通过促进下扫运动和抑制上扬运动来影响动量通量的输送.  相似文献   

本文根据320米气象塔上水平风速的观测资料,分析了不同天气条件下边界层大气中湍流的宽谱特性及其垂直分布结构. 结果表明,大气边界层水平风速低频谱的垂直分布是很复杂的,在不同的天气条件下,这种垂直分布特征具有明显的差异.边界层温度和风速的垂直结构也会影响到水平风速低频谱的垂直分布. 在水平风速低频谱中,除了与天气过程有关的4天周期峰值和反映气象要素日变化频率的峰值外,在十几分钟到几十分钟频率范围内还存在着几个峰值,而且有时在不同的高度上,峰值频率有所不同.这可能反映了一些中尺度系统的特征,也可能是这些中尺度系统与局地地形的综合作用所引起的.  相似文献   

刘辉志  王雷  杜群 《大气科学》2018,42(4):823-832
本文总结了2012~2017年中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室大气边界层物理研究的最新进展,主要包括不同下垫面(城市、青藏高原、草原、沙漠、湖泊、海洋等)大气边界层观测实验、大气湍流和阵风相干结构的理论研究以及大气数值模拟的参数化改进等,同时对未来几年内大气边界层物理的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

大气边界层湍流相干结构的识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先利用数字滤波方法对淮河流域试验的大气边界层湍流观测资料进行三项分解,将大气边界层湍流的风速信号分解为近似各项同性的小尺度涡和各向异性的大尺度涡。然后再将大尺度涡信号进行离散正交小波分解,寻求相干结构的主要特征尺度。对于大气边界层湍流垂直脉动风速来说,其相干结构的主要特征尺度为16s;对径向与纬向脉动来说,其相干结构的主要特征尺度为32-64s。在此基础上,利用小波的反变换提取出相干结构的信号与非相干结构的信号,并计算两间的相关系数,最大仅有0.02。此外,对原始大气湍流观测信号不进行数字滤波,直接利用本中子波分析法提取湍流相干结构所得结果作比较研究;并探讨了采用对称或似对称离散正交小波对此研究的影响。  相似文献   

北京地区一次特大强风过程边界层结构的研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
刘小红  洪钟祥 《大气科学》1996,20(2):223-228
利用北京325 m气象塔资料对1993年4月9日北京地区出现的一次特大强风过程的边界层结构(风、温、风切变及阵风特征)进行了分析。随着该次大风的过境,边界层内风场出现数个风速高值中心,高度位于200~300 m,时间间隔1~3 h。伴随上层风速垂直切变和阵风特性。湍流能谱的计算结果表明了大尺度涡旋对边界层湍流微结构的影响。  相似文献   

大气边界层强风的阵性和相干结构   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
我国北方春季冷锋过境后,常骤发强风,甚至起沙扬尘,持续数小时甚至一二天,通过对边界层超声风温仪的资料分析,可知大风常叠加有周期为3~6 min的阵风,较有规律,且有明显的相干结构:阵风风速峰期有下沉运动,谷期有上升运动;阵风扰动以沿平均流的顺风方向分量为主,横向和垂直方向的分量都较小,其本质是低频次声波和重力波的混合;阵风沿顺风向且向下传播.周期小于1 min的脉动在水平面上基本是各向同性的不规则的湍涡.大风期间,无论是平均流、阵风和湍流脉动,至少在120 m高度以下,主要都有西风和北风动量下传,感热上传.平均流的动量下传强于由脉动下传的量,与一般天气情况不同,而且阵风与湍流的动量下传的量值差不多.平均流和阵风在动量传送上起相当大的作用.  相似文献   

冷锋过境时的边界层阵风结构分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文对冷锋过境时强风条件下平均风速、阵风、阵风系数、阵风谱、水平和垂直自相关进行了计算和分析。证明在强风条件下各层最大风速可以通过平均风速乘以各层的大于1的阵风系数求得。并且指出,该阵风系数随高度呈负指数规律变化。 阵风谱和自相关函数的计算结果表明,所有大气湍流统计量都与高度有关。320米以下各层阵风谱的含能区均在20秒到20分钟周期范围内,呈现出多峰值现象,而且含能区的峰频随高度明显地向低频方向移动。湍流总动能随高度的分布不是单一性减小的,而且在30米和150米高度附近出现两个极大值。阵风的水平自相关和  相似文献   

阵风预报对于输电铁塔线路设计、风力发电、建筑和桥梁设计以及航空气象安全等至关重要。目前,基于不同观测资料和计算方法,学者们给出了不同的阵风或阵风因子参数化公式,没有公认的一致结果。利用中国气象局南海(博贺)海洋气象科学试验基地离岸4.5 km和6.5 km的两个海洋气象观测塔在2008—2018年七个台风期间观测的10 Hz高频湍流脉动数据,分析了观测高度、平均时间、下垫面特征和大气稳定度对阵风因子计算结果的影响,研究了近海海上台风过程中阵风因子与平均风速和湍流特征参数的关系。不同于以往研究给出阵风因子是常数,给出了阵风因子随10 m风速变化的计算公式,为阵风预报及相关防灾减灾提供参考依据。   相似文献   

2009年“莫拉克”台风登陆过程阵风特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李永平  郑运霞  方平治 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1188-1199
利用上海台风研究所移动观测车获取的“莫拉克”台风登陆过程中超声风、温等观测资料对地面阵风特性进行了诊断分析.结果表明,在风速时间序列中叠加有周期为3-7 min的阵风扰动,显现出明显的相干结构,即沿顺风方向阵风风速峰期有下沉运动,谷期有上升运动;阵风扰动的各向异性特征明显,沿顺风方向的阵风扰动能量最大,其次是沿侧向和垂直方向的扰动能量;沿顺风方向的阵风垂直动量通量向下传播,而沿侧风方向阵风扰动动量垂直通量总体贡献接近于0.阵风扰动沿顺风方向的积分空间尺度和时间尺度最大,沿侧风方向和垂直方向其次,均明显大于湍流的积分空间和时间尺度.此外,阵风扰动的其他特征还包括:感热垂直通量极小;当平均风速较大时阵风风向变化幅度较小,而风速较小时阵风风向变化幅度则较大;动力学分析表明,阵风扰动主要表现出重力内波的一些特性.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of turbulent and gusty characteristics in the atmospheric boundary layer under weak wind period has been carried out.The data used in the analysis were from the multilevel ultrasonic anemometer-thermometers at 47 m,120 m,and 280 m levels on Beijing 325 m meteorological tower.The time series of 3D atmospheric velocity were analyzed by using conventional Fourier spectral analysis and decompose into three parts:basic mean flow(period 10 min),gusty disturbances(1 min period 10 min)and turbulence fluctuations(period 1 min).The results show that under weak mean wind condition:1)the gusty disturbances are the most strong fluctuations,contribute about 60% kinetic energy of eddy kinetic energy and 80% downward flux of momentum,although both the eddy kinetic energy and momentum transport are small in comparison with those in strong mean wind condition;2)the gusty wind disturbances are anisotropic;3)the gusty wind disturbances have obviously coherent structure,and their horizontal and vertical component are negatively correlated and make downward transport of momentum more effectively;4)the friction velocities related to turbulence and gusty wind are approximately constant with height in the surface layer.  相似文献   

In southern China,cold air is a common weather process during the winter season;it can cause strong wind,sharp temperature decreases,and even the snow or freezing rain events.However,the features of the atmospheric boundary layer during cold air passage are not clearly understood due to the lack of comprehensive observation data,especially regarding turbulence.In this study,four-layer gradient meteorological observation data and one-layer,10-Hz ultrasonic anemometer-thermometer monitoring data from the northern side of Poyang Lake were employed to study the main features of the surface boundary layer during a strong cold-air passage over southern China.The results show that,with the passage of a cold air front,the wind speed exhibits low-frequency variations and that the wind systematically descends.During the strong wind period,the wind speed increases with height in the surface layer.Regular gust packets are superimposed on the basic strong wind flow.Before the passage of cold air,the wind gusts exhibit a coherent structure.The wind and turbulent momentum fluxes are small,although the gusty wind momentum flux is slightly larger than the turbulent momentum flux.However,during the invasion of cold air,both the gusty wind and turbulent momentum fluxes increase rapidly with wind speed,and the turbulent momentum flux is larger than the gusty wind momentum flux during the strong wind period.After the cold air invasion,this structure almost disappears.  相似文献   

An observational analysis of the structures and characteristics of a windy atmospheric boundary layer during a cold air outbreak in the South China Sea region is reported in this paper. It is found that the main structures and characteristics are the same as during strong wind episodes with cold air outbreaks on land. The high frequency turbulent fluctuations(period<1 min) are nearly random and isotropic with weak coherency, but the gusty wind disturbances(1 min相似文献   

Wind-Turbine Wakes in a Convective Boundary Layer: A Wind-Tunnel Study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Thermal stability changes the properties of the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer, and in turn affects the behaviour of wind-turbine wakes. To better understand the effects of thermal stability on the wind-turbine wake structure, wind-tunnel experiments were carried out with a simulated convective boundary layer (CBL) and a neutral boundary layer. The CBL was generated by cooling the airflow to 12–15 °C and heating up the test section floor to 73–75 °C. The freestream wind speed was set at about 2.5 m s?1, resulting in a bulk Richardson number of ?0.13. The wake of a horizontal-axis 3-blade wind-turbine model, whose height was within the lowest one third of the boundary layer, was studied using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (S-PIV) and triple-wire (x-wire/cold-wire) anemometry. Data acquired with the S-PIV were analyzed to characterize the highly three-dimensional turbulent flow in the near wake (0.2–3.2 rotor diameters) as well as to visualize the shedding of tip vortices. Profiles of the mean flow, turbulence intensity, and turbulent momentum and heat fluxes were measured with the triple-wire anemometer at downwind locations from 2–20 rotor diameters in the centre plane of the wake. In comparison with the wake of the same wind turbine in a neutral boundary layer, a smaller velocity deficit (about 15 % at the wake centre) is observed in the CBL, where an enhanced radial momentum transport leads to a more rapid momentum recovery, particularly in the lower part of the wake. The velocity deficit at the wake centre decays following a power law regardless of the thermal stability. While the peak turbulence intensity (and the maximum added turbulence) occurs at the top-tip height at a downwind distance of about three rotor diameters in both cases, the magnitude is about 20 % higher in the CBL than in the neutral boundary layer. Correspondingly, the turbulent heat flux is also enhanced by approximately 25 % in the lower part of the wake, compared to that in the undisturbed CBL inflow. This study represents the first controlled wind-tunnel experiment to study the effects of the CBL on wind-turbine wakes. The results on decreased velocity deficit and increased turbulence in wind-turbine wakes associated with atmospheric thermal stability are important to be taken into account in the design of wind farms, in order to reduce the impact of wakes on power output and fatigue loads on downwind wind turbines.  相似文献   

Long-term study of coherent structures in the atmospheric surface layer   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A long-term study of coherent turbulence structures in the atmospheric surface layer has been carried out using 10 months of turbulence data taken on a 30-m tower under varying meteorological conditions. We use an objective detection technique based on wavelet transforms. The applied technique permits the isolation of the coherent structures from small-scale background fluctuations which is necessary for the development of dynamical models describing the evolution and properties of these phenomena. It was observed that coherent structures occupied 36% of the total time with mean turbulent flux contributions of 44% for momentum and 48% for heat. The calculation of a transport efficiency parameter indicates that coherent structures transport heat more efficiently than momentum. Furthermore, the transport efficiency increases with increasing contribution of the structures to the overall transport.  相似文献   

The South China Sea(SCS) is an eddy-active area. Composite analyses based on 438 mesoscale ocean eddies during 2000–2012 revealed the status of the atmospheric boundary layer is influenced remarkably by such eddies. The results showed cold-core cyclonic(warm-core anticyclonic) eddies tend to cool(warm) the overlying atmosphere and cause surface winds to decelerate(accelerate). More than 5% of the total variance of turbulent heat fluxes, surface wind speed and evaporation rate are induced by mesoscale eddies. Furthermore, mesoscale eddies locally affect the columnar water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rain rate. Dynamical analyses indicated that both variations of atmospheric boundary layer stability and sea level pressure are responsible for atmospheric anomalies over mesoscale eddies. To reveal further details about the mechanisms of atmospheric responses to mesoscale eddies, atmospheric manifestations over a pair of cold and warm eddies in the southwestern SCS were simulated. Eddy-induced heat flux anomalies lead to changes in atmospheric stability. Thus, anomalous turbulence kinetic energy and friction velocity arise over the eddy dipole, which reduce(enhance) the vertical momentum transport over the cold(warm) eddy, resulting in the decrease(increase) of sea surface wind. Diagnoses of the model's momentum balance suggested that wind speed anomalies directly over the eddy dipole are dominated by vertical mixing terms within the atmospheric boundary layer, while wind anomalies on the edges of eddies are produced by atmospheric pressure gradient forces and atmospheric horizontal advection terms.  相似文献   

Large vortices with scales ranging from hundreds meters to tens of kilometers are generallyfound in the atmospheric convective boundary layer(CBL).These vortices play important roles in the vertical transport of momentum,heat,water vaporand other tracers in the boundary layer.On the basis of the view of interaction between theconvection in CBL and the gravity waves in the upper stable layer the authors developed aconvection-wave theory on the formation of large vortices.According to the theory thewavenumber spectrum of the large vortices mainly depends on the atmospheric conditions in bothof the upper and lower layers,such as wind speed,wind direction shear,stratification as well astemperature jump.In the present paper satellite image and weather data in a case of cold air outbreak over warmocean are analyzed to study every stage of the convective processes,such as cloud street,convective cell as well as their transformation.According to the theory the wavenumbercompositions for cloud street and convective cell are calculated,respectively,on the basis of theatmospheric conditions at every stage.The distributions of vertical motions,convergent band anddisturbed interface are obtained and compared with the cloud patterns in the convective processes.Thus the study seems to offer a likely explanation for the origin of large vortices in CBL.  相似文献   

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