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2019年3月,利用相干多普勒测风激光雷达首次在辽东湾西部绥中地区进行了风廓线测量试验。根据研究区域海岸线走向采用风向的十六分位法定义局地海风和陆风,分析和提取海陆风特征验证了多普勒测风激光雷达在春季季风间断期间观测海陆风的可行性,并计算和分析了大气边界层湍流能量的变化以及回流水平变化等特性。结果表明:1)绥中地区春季存在明显的海陆风环流特征,测风激光雷达观测海陆风出现的时间与地面自动气象站观测的数据较为一致,符合海陆风日的定义。2)海陆风日发生时,水平局地回流指数(RF)较小,1.2 km以下的RF值小于0.5,使得污染物循环累积,较易形成雾霾天气;但是海风时大气边界层的高度可达1 km以上,有利于低层大气污染物向高层扩散,减轻低层大气污染。研究结果为该地边界层参数化方案的设计和污染的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

应用2008年天津市14个自动气象站逐小时观测资料、北京站探空资料和天津站6h一次的地面常规观测资料,分析了2008年天津地区夏季海陆风对城市热岛日变化特征的影响.结果表明:在大气层结稳定条件下,海陆风日与非海陆风日相比,天津市热岛强度的日变化幅度增大,海风能使城市降温,削弱城市热岛强度,推迟夜间热岛的出现时间,而陆风能使夜间热岛显著增强;天津市热岛强度与海风向内陆传播的距离有密切关系,在海陆风日,当天气尺度地转风与离岸风的方向一致时,海风的传播距离较近,而当天气尺度地转风与向岸风方向一致时,海风的传播距离较远,当海风只能到达津南、东丽或宁河站时,天津市热岛强度增幅最大,随着海风传播距离的增加,热岛强度的总体增幅减小.  相似文献   

海陆风环流及其湍流特征模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文建立了一个采用上实用的E-ε闭合方案的边界层模式。作为应用,模拟研究了海陆风环流、陆上和海上热力风边界层以及湍流特征。结果表明,海风环流中的湍流能量大于陆风环流中的。  相似文献   

利用葫芦岛观测站1980—2009年观测资料,分析了葫芦岛沿岸海陆风风速的季节特征和日变化规律,以及海陆风环流对沿岸环境的影响。结论如下:1)葫芦岛站点在冬季出现海陆风日数最多,其他依次为秋季、夏季和春季。陆风风速从春季到冬季呈现递减趋势;海风在春季最大,其次为秋季的,冬季的最小。总体上,海陆风日中海风要强于陆风。2)对海陆风风速椭圆拟合结果表明,海陆风在10:32由陆风转化为海风,海风在16:32达到最大,在21:42由海风转化为陆风,陆风在04:32达到最大。3)由于海风的存在,沿岸地带在春夏两季日最高气温在12时出现,秋冬季的在13时出现。4)能见度日变化在四季中表现一致,早晨能见度转好的时刻比最低气温出现时刻滞后约2 h,在海风维持较长时间后空气绝对湿度增加导致能见度开始转差。5)冬季静止型海陆风日比例最高,再循环型海陆风日在秋季出现最多,而夏季通风型海陆风日出现最多。  相似文献   

雷达观测的渤海湾海陆风辐合线与自动站资料的对比分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究渤海西岸海陆风的演变规律,应用天津新一代天气雷达结合地面自动气象站实时资料,统计分析2007年晴空环境下,雷达监测到的由渤海湾海陆风导致的28次边界层辐合线的生消、演变规律,并研究雷达观测的海陆风辐合线与自动站观测的渤海湾海陆风的对应关系.结果表明:(1)雷达探测的沿海岸线形成的边界层辐合线对应的就是渤海湾海陆风辐合线;(2)海陆风辐合线只有在每年的5-9月才能在雷达上观测到,而且主要集中在6-9月;(3)晴空环境下,当较强的一条海陆风辐合线沿海岸线或在海上生成后移过雷达站,或直接生成在雷达站西北侧时,自动站观测显示陆风转为海风;(4)雷达探测的海陆风辐舍线强度越强,且其垂直伸展高度越高,对应的自动站观测的海风风速越大.  相似文献   

奥帆赛是奥运会唯一以自然风为动力的竞赛项目,而北京奥运会期间的8月,青岛的风速是一年中最小的,因风速过小致使帆船竞赛地法进行的情况时有发生。鉴于青岛的弱风与海陆风的发展状况关系密切,文中分析8、9月青岛奥帆赛和残奥帆赛期间竞赛海域海陆风的发展条件,并用高分辨率数值模式对相关个例进行了模拟试验研究。结果发现,地面背景气流、边界层中上部径向气流和周围地形、海陆分布等边界层特征,都对竞赛海域海陆风的发展产生影响。其中晴天时,地面西风、弱的北风和东风、均压场环境以及边界层中上部弱的北风条件等,都是竞赛海域海风发展的有利条件;而地面南风(无论大小)、强的北风以及边界层中上部较强的南风和很强的北风等,则是海风发展的不利条件。此外,当地面为东北风时,位于竞赛海域上游的崂山对地面风速有阻挡减弱的作用,从而有利于海风的发展;地面为南风时,崂山和浮山等地形强迫气流在竞赛海域附近向左右分为两支,胶州湾和崂山湾侧向海风(东南风)急流发展又加大了这种分流作用,导致竞赛海域常减小为弱风,使比赛无法进行。以上结论在2008年奥帆赛和残奥帆赛气象保障预报服务中得到运用。  相似文献   

大连金州地区海陆风特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据2005年大连金州气象站的常规风向风速资料对金州地区的海陆风特征进行了分析,并应用MM5v3模式模拟了海陆风发生时的风场变化,计算了海风和陆风延伸到内陆和海面的距离。结果表明:大连金州地区海陆风的发生主要受太阳辐射强度和海陆温差的影响,在春夏季晴朗天气条件下海陆风发生的频率较高、平均风速较大,而海陆风的延伸距离主要受风速影响。  相似文献   

对南沙区海陆风环流的季节分布、持续时间等特征及其对夏季最高气温和2月能见度的影响进行了统计分析。结果表明:南沙区海陆风环流较明显,发生比例最高集中在2、7和8月。海风和陆风互相转化的时段特征明显:陆风转海风主要发生于10:00—14:00,海风转陆风主要时段为18:00—次日01:00。通过海陆风环流对高温天气的影响分析表明,南沙地区夏季只有海陆风环流遭到破坏时才会出现高温天气。在海陆风日,海风和陆风的风向转变对南沙能见度的变化有一定的影响。  相似文献   

宁波一次典型夏季海陆风过程观测分析和数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据我国宁波台塑项目环境评估期间使用系留气艇对一次典型海陆风过程进行时间加密探测所获得的资料,分析了弱盛行风影响下海陆风环流的时空变化规律,并用分辨率为5 km的WRF模式模拟了此次海陆风过程。观测结果表明,在成熟海风期间的高空存在明显的返回气流,所观测到的海风环流相当完整;陆风过程伴有下沉逆温层出现。数值模拟结果表明,海陆风的开始时间、持续时间与实测基本一致,海风期间的返回气流也清晰可见。  相似文献   

利用惠来国家基本站连续5年地面风观测资料,对惠来县海陆风环流的季节分布、持续时间、风速风向等地面气候特征进行分析,结果表明:该地区四季都有海陆风环流出现,夏季出现频率最高,海风平均持续时间为9.6 h;海风年均风速明显大于陆风,海风发展最强盛时刻出现在15:00前后;秋、冬两季陆风以顺时针方向向海风转变,春、夏季则反之。  相似文献   

边界层参数化对海南岛海风环流结构模拟的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用WRF V3.7详细分析了应用8种边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYNN2.5、MYNN3、ACM2、BouLac、UW、SH、GBM)所模拟的2014年5月25日海南岛海风环流结构的差异,其中YSU、ACM2和SH为非局地闭合方案,MYNN2.5、MYNN3、BouLac、UW和GBM为局地闭合方案。结果表明:对于海风环流水平结构的模拟,15时,YSU、ACM2、BouLac、UW和SH模拟的北部海风较强,SH和GBM的内陆风速偏大。温度与海风发展强度相对应,MYNN2.5与MYNN3模拟的岛屿温度偏低,海陆温差小,海风相对较弱。对于海风环流垂直结构的模拟,09时海风开始,但强度较小,且存在残余陆风,向内陆传播距离较短,YSU、MYNN2.5和SH方案的海风相对较强。12时,海风已呈现出较为清晰的环流结构,YSU和ACM2的海风厚度及向内陆传播距离相对强于其它方案,MYNN3的环流结构则不太明显,且向内陆推进距离短,海风相对较弱。15时,海风发展强盛,MYNN2.5和MYNN3方案模拟的海风垂直强度较小,ACM2方案的海风垂直环流特征最为明显。18时,海风的强度和扰动均有所减弱,ACM2、BouLac和UW的整体海风相对强于其它方案。21时海风已基本转为陆风,BouLac与UW的陆风环流结构最为清晰。位温、水汽及海风垂直环流强度的发展变化与海风的演变过程基本一致。造成ACM2模拟海风偏强的原因是其边界层垂直混合偏强,形成了足够的湍流混合强度所致。对于边界层高度的模拟,ACM2的边界层顶最高,这与此方案所模拟的海风强度偏大相吻合,其它方案的边界层高度与海风强度并不完全一致。   相似文献   

澳门及其邻近地区海陆风的模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用宾州/美国国家大气研究中心的MM5模式来模拟澳门的海陆风和珠江口的三维风场。模式设计为四重套网格,分辨率分别为 1km,3 km,9 km,27 km。使用常规观测资料作为初始场,模拟时间为30小时。结果表明采用高分辨率(1km)模拟能很好地捕捉到澳门的海风和陆风。海风锋和热力内边界层也清楚可见。如果最小分辨率为3 km,则只捕捉到海风,陆风却模拟不出来。  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations were made of the Marine Boundary Layer at Tarapur, a site near Bombay on the sea coast, by acoustic sounder and instrumented tower. The meteorological tower was used to sense wind and temperature at various levels up to a height of 120 m while the acoustic sounder was used to examine the thermal structure of the boundary layer up to a height of 700 m. Data recorded for the year 1982 have been analysed.Analysis of the data shows that while the normal structures of thermal echoes and shear echoes represent the mixing depth of the atmospheric boundary layer, the often observed elevated layers are due to sea breeze reversals with their base giving a measure of the depth of the sea-breeze circulation during the day. A sea breeze has been detected during both spring (March to May) and autumn (October to December) months. The onset times are around 1000 hr during spring months and around noon during the autumn period, the height of development being respectively up to 500 and 350 m. The capability of the sodar to detect the base and thickness of the sea breeze, is clearly revealed.  相似文献   

PSU/NCAR MM5 was utilized to simulate the sea-land breeze circulation in Macao and the three-dimensional flow around the Pearl River estuary. Four two-way nested grids having resolution of 1, 3, 9, and 27 km were included in the simulation. It was initialized with conventional observational data, and a 30 h simulation and analysis of one sea-land breeze case were performed. It was shown that the model with a finer resolution (1 km) captures the sea breeze and land breeze in Macao with reasonable skill. The sea breeze front and the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) were also obviously revealed. However, the coarser horizontal resolution (3 km) could capture the sea breeze but not the land breeze. This research is jointly supported by the grant of the Chinese State Commission of Science and Technology Climbing A “SCSMEX” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49794030).  相似文献   

The daytime boundary-layer heating process and the air-land heat budget were investigated over the coastal sea-breeze region by means of observations over the Sendai plain in Japan during the summer. In this area, the onset of the sea breeze begins at the coast around 0900 LST, intruding about 35 km inland by late afternoon. The cold sea breeze creates a temperature difference of over 10°C between the coastal and inland areas in the afternoon. On the other hand, warm air advection due to the combination of the counter-sea breeze and land-to-sea synoptic wind occurs in the layer above the cold sea breeze in the coastal region. Owing to this local warm air advection, there is no significant difference in the daytime heating rate over the entire atmospheric boundary layer between the coastal and inland areas. The sensible heat flux from the land surface gradually decreases as distance from the coastline increases, being mainly attributed to the cold sea breeze. The daytime mean cold air advection due to the sea breeze is estimated asQ adv local =–29 W m–2 averaged over the sea breeze region (035 km from the coastline). This value is 17% of the surface sensible heat fluxH over the same region. The results of a two-dimensional numerical model show that the value ofQ adv local /H is strongly affected by the upper-level synoptic wind direction. The absolute value ofQ adv local /H becomes smaller when the synoptic wind has the opposite direction of the sea breeze. This condition occurred during the observations used in the present study.  相似文献   

盛夏渤海湾大气边界层辐合线触发对流风暴对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赵金霞  徐灵芝  卢焕珍  范苏丹 《气象》2012,38(3):336-343
本文对渤海湾2008—2009年,由大气边界层辐合线引起的对流风暴进行了分析。结果表明,在高温、高湿不稳定大气层结环境条件下:(1)单一的海风锋在其端点可产生对流性降水。(2)海风锋与弱冷锋相遇,或者两条海风锋相交,或者雷暴单体的出流边界与海风锋相遇均会产生强对流风暴。(3)渤海湾边界层辐合线触发对流风暴大多发生在每年7 8月,且在副热带高压控制渤海湾后东退的过程中,此时大气层结处在高温、高湿不稳定状态。辐合线触发的对流风暴是沿辐合线移动,移动方向取决于辐合线两侧的主导风向。(4)边界层辐合线触发对流风暴,具有突发性强,持续时间短等特点,分析渤海湾边界层辐合线的移动与演变能提高强对流风暴的临近预报、预警,减少突发性天气引起的灾害。  相似文献   

This work presents the detailed characterization of sea breeze (SB) over the Rayong coastal area, one of the most rapidly developed and highly industrialized areas during the last decade in Thailand, using observation data analysis and fine-resolution (2?km) mesoscale meteorological modeling with incorporation of new land cover and satellite-derived vegetation fraction data sets. The key characteristics considered include frequency of SB occurrence, sea-breeze day (SBD) identification, degree of inland penetration, and boundary layer development. It was found that SBs occur frequently in the winter due mainly to relatively large land–sea temperature contrasts and minimally in the wet season. Monthly mean SB onset and cessation times are at around 12–15 local time (LT) and 18–21 LT, respectively, and its strength peaks during the early- to mid-afternoon. Monthly SB hodographs generally exhibit clockwise rotations, and SB inland penetration (at PCD-T tower) ranges widely with the monthly means of 25–55?km from the coast. Mesoscale MM5 modeling was performed on two selected SBDs (13 January and 16 March 2006), on which the SBs are under weak and onshore strong influences from background winds, respectively. Simulated near-surface winds and temperature were found to be in fair-to-acceptable agreement with the observations. The SB circulation along the Rayong coast is clearly defined with a return flow aloft and a front on 13 January, while it is enhanced by the onshore background winds on 16 March. Another SB along the Chonburi coast also develops separately, but their fronts merge into one in the mid-afternoon, resulting in large area coverage by the SB. Simulated planetary boundary layer height over the land area is significantly affected by a thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) induced by an SB, which is found to be low near the coast and increases toward the front (up to 800–1,000?m along the Rayong coast).  相似文献   

日照沿海海陆风的气候特点及其对天气的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
使用近海海温资料和莒县站、日照站气象资料,用对比分析的方法分析了日照地区沿海海陆风的气候特征及对当地天气的影响。发现海陆风明显的季节变化和日变化对当地气温、降水、湿度及天空状况等气象要素的空间和时间分布影响显著。海风强盛季节的午后和陆风强盛季节的早上,沿海的温度梯度常具有海风锋和海岸锋的特征,使沿海地区低云和雷暴天气明显增多,降水分布具有明显的海陆风和地形影响特征。  相似文献   

Summary The dispersion of recycled particulates in the complex coastal terrain surrounding Kangnung city, Korea was investigated using a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic numerical model and lagrangian particle model (or random walk model). The results show that particulates at the surface of the city that float to the top of thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) are then transported along the eastern slope of the mountains with the sea breeze passage and nearly reach the top of the mountains. Those particulates then disperse eastward at this upper level over the coastal sea and finally spread out over the open sea. Total suspended particulate (TSP) concentration near the surface of Kangnung city is very low. At night, synoptic scale westerly winds intensify due to the combined effect of the synoptic scale wind and land breeze descending the eastern slope of the mountains toward the coast and further seaward. This increase in speed causes development of internal gravity waves and a hydraulic jump up to a height of about 1km above the surface over the city. Particulate matter near the top of the mountains also descends the eastern slope of the mountains during the day, reaching the central city area and merges near the surface inside the nocturnal surface inversion layer (NSIL) with a maximum ground level concentration of TSP occurring at 0300 LST. Some particulates are dispersed following the propagation area of internal gravity waves and others in the NSIL are transported eastward to the coastal sea surface, aided by the land breeze. The following morning, particulates dispersed over the coastal sea from the previous night, tend to return to the coastal city of Kangnung with the sea breeze, developing a recycling process and combine with emitted surface particulates during the morning. These processes result in much higher TSP concentration. In the late morning, those particulates float to the top of the TIBL by the intrusion of the sea breeze and the ground level TSP concentration in the city subsequently decreases.  相似文献   

利用常规天气资料、地面加密自动站资料、天津中尺度模式产品资料以及卫星云图和多普勒雷达等资料,对2009年9月26日出现在天津地区的局地暴雨过程进行天气学、动力学诊断分析和中尺度分析.结果表明,本次暴雨的天气尺度主要的影响系统是500 hPa高空槽,中尺度系统是由海陆风环流形成的地面中尺度辐合线.降水前天津市具有较好的热力不稳定条件,较好的能量储备,有利的动力条件,一定量级的水汽辐合,边界层的东风将渤海的水汽输送至天津市,是本次过程的主要水汽来源.天气尺度的积云对流与海风锋的碰撞触发不稳定能量的释放,引发第一阶段的强降水,边界层东风急流再度加强所产生的抬升效应引发第二阶段的降水.中尺度切变线通过提供带状辐合上升运动起着胚胎和组织积云对流的作用,使得降水回波和对流云团沿中尺度切变线发展、加强和移动,产生了明显的列车效应,导致了这场历史罕见的秋季局部暴雨过程,也充分凸显出海陆风环流对本次暴雨的重要作用.  相似文献   

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