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河南省获嘉县农田水分供需特征及秸秆覆盖效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秸秆覆盖可以减少土壤表面水分蒸发,提高水分利用效率.以不覆盖处理为对照,2005年10月至2007年10月在获嘉县农场对冬小麦和夏玉米生育期间进行了秸秆覆盖处理对比观测.结果表明,秸秆覆盖后近地层气象要素发生了改变,覆盖后近地层空气温度升高,水汽压降低,地表土壤温度下降;秸秆覆盖有明显的保墒、蓄水作用,提高了土壤水分利用率;同时秸秆覆盖对提高冬小麦的成穗数,增加冬小麦和玉米的千粒重有明显作用.试验期间,推广田冬小麦增产幅度为8.7%,夏玉米增产幅度为8.9%.  相似文献   

探讨灾害性天气背景下麦田的通量特征,对深入认识灾害发生规律及应对灾害具有重要的科学意义。利用郑州农业气象试验站涡度相关系统观测资料,分析了2013年和2017年干热风天气下麦田通量特征。结果表明:干热风削弱了小麦群体光合作用能力,且对麦田通量的影响白天最明显。白天,不同程度干热风影响下麦田CO_2通量较正常天气明显减少,平均减少33.0%~59.7%,峰值减小25.0%~38.2%,且峰值出现时间有不同程度的提前。灌浆不同时期干热风对麦田通量的影响程度不同,灌浆中期麦田CO_2通量平均值减小最多。干热风天气下净辐射增强,使得土壤热通量、潜热通量和感热通量不同程度增加,能量通量的峰值整体自重度干热风天气、轻度干热风天气、正常天气依次减小。干热风天气使麦田可供能量的分配发生明显变化,蒸发比自重度干热风天气、轻度干热风天气、正常天气依次减小,且轻度干热风天气蒸发比峰值明显后移。  相似文献   

高度对彭曼蒸发公式二因子δ/(δ+γ)与γ/(δ+γ)的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
王懿贤 《气象学报》1981,39(4):503-506
水利工程设计,农、林、牧业等的土壤改良、土壤水分的调节、灌溉定额的制定以及研究作物的水分状况、制定农业气候区划等均需要蒸发的资料;蒸发过程的机制又联系到近地层中涡动交换的规律。因此,蒸发研究在生产实践上及学术研究上都具有重要的意义。计算蒸发的公式甚多,但可概括为空气动力学方法、能量平衡法和经验公式法三类。彭曼(Penman,H.L.)联系了空气动力学方法与能量平衡法而创造了综合法。他的公式建立在可靠的物理学基础上,又消去了蒸发面的测量值,使得数据易测  相似文献   

利用塔克拉玛干沙漠大气环境综合观测试验站——塔中站2014年30 min步长实测数据,系统分析塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地地表辐射和能量平衡特征及小气候特征。结果表明:塔中地区辐射平衡和能量平衡各分量均表现为春、夏季较大,秋、冬季较小,并具有明显的日变化特征,峰值出现在12:00(地方时,下同)左右。该地区地表能量通量(净辐射通量、感热通量、潜热通量和土壤热通量)中,净辐射、感热通量和土壤热通量均在08:00开始上升,至14:00左右达到峰值,而潜热通量变化很小。感热通量为能量的主要消耗形式,春、夏、秋、冬四季分别占净辐射的百分比为44. 6%、68. 1%、55. 2%和55. 3%,其次为土壤热通量,仅有很少能量用于水的相变。云和沙尘对能量通量各分量有明显削弱作用。近地层空气温度白天随高度的增加降低,夜晚则随高度的增加升高,空气相对湿度也呈明显变化规律。近地层水平风速随高度增加明显增大,风向以东北风为主。  相似文献   

张晓惠  高志球  魏东平 《大气科学》2012,36(5):1053-1062
陆—气之间的能量交换是通过近地层湍流热量和水汽通量来实现的.以往的研究表明近地层阻抗对湍流能量通量有着不同程度的影响,但是关于陆面模式中阻抗系数的取值范围却始终没有统一的标准.为了深入了解简单生物圈模式 (SiB2) 中近地层阻抗系数取值变化对湍流能量通量的影响,我们以那曲站为例,分别采用传统的逐个因子分析法和考虑参数间相互作用的部分因子分析法定量地研究了夏季该观测站近地层湍流能量通量分别对冠层阻抗系数C1和地表阻抗系数C2的敏感性响应.结果表明,感热通量对地表阻抗系数C2更为敏感,而潜热通量则对冠层阻抗系数C1较为敏感;感热通量随C1增加而增大,随C2增加而减小,而潜热通量则随C1或C2的增加而减小;不管是感热通量还是潜热通量,它们对阻抗系数的敏感度随阻抗系数的增大而减小,而对阻抗系数的相对敏感度则随阻抗系数的增大而增大.最后,结合那曲站夏季下垫面稀疏短草的分布特点分析了造成感热通量和潜热通量敏感变化各异的原因.  相似文献   

植被覆盖度对兰州地区气象场影响的模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何建军  余晔  陈晋北  刘娜  赵素平 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1611-1621
利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式耦合Noah陆面过程模式,模拟了兰州地区冬季气象场,并用观测资料对模拟结果进行了检验。利用2006年中分辨率成像分光辐射计(MODIS)植被归一化指数(NDVI)计算得到的植被覆盖度替换模式默认的植被覆盖度,研究了植被覆盖度对WRF模式模拟结果的影响。结果表明,新的植被覆盖度数据使研究区域的地表反照率减小,发射率增加,感热通量白天增加、夜间减小;还明显地改进了WRF模式对近地面温度和风速的模拟;植被覆盖度对地表蒸发有很大影响,冬季干旱半干旱地区的植被基本处于休眠状态,地表蒸发以直接蒸发为主,使用新的植被覆盖度数据后,模拟区域的植被覆盖度增加,地表蒸发减小,近地面水汽含量减少,WRF模式模拟的边界层高度增大。  相似文献   

基于2001年和2010年中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS(MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)土地覆盖数据,利用公共陆面模式(Community Land Model, CLM)模拟真实的土地利用/覆盖变化(Land Use/Cover Change, LUCC)对地表能量平衡和水分循环过程的影响。研究表明:1)在2001~2010年,中国LUCC最明显的区域位于干旱半干旱区过渡带、半干旱半湿润区过渡带和南方地区;中国区域荒漠减少0.92%,草地减少0.01%,农田增加0.77%,森林增加2.86%,植被覆盖度整体增加。2)在2001年和2010年两种土地利用/覆盖背景下,LUCC使大部分地区感热通量增加,植被蒸腾、蒸发潜热通量增加,土壤表面蒸发潜热通量减小。3)LUCC使大部分地区地表径流减小;中国西北东部、华北和东北地区土壤湿度减小,其他地区土壤湿度增加,仅干旱半干旱过渡带上的土壤湿度发生了显著变化。4)当典型过渡带区域由荒漠变为草地后,感热通量增加1.11 W m?2,潜热通量增加0.14 W m?2;冠层蒸腾和蒸发分别增加0.039 mm d?1、0.009 mm d?1。土壤湿度平均减小0.01 m3 m?3,且随深度增加变干更明显,这是由于根系吸收了较多深层土壤水分,以满足植被显著增加的蒸腾而产生的结果。当草地变为灌木时,其能量通量和水分循环的变化与上述结果类似。  相似文献   

<正>一、项目背景由人为活动对地—气能量平衡的影响而引起的旱地地表和大气组分的变化,肯定会对区域性气候产生影响,且已经被众多数学模型所模拟,也被大量野外试验所证实。随着塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线生态防护屏障及塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地石油基地人工绿地建成后,区域性下垫面性质有所改变,引起了地表温度、近地层温湿度、风速、地表粗糙度、反照率以及土壤微环境等特征参数的变化,使得近地层能量分配格局发  相似文献   

骆红  张志明 《四川气象》1997,17(1):12-15
从下垫面能量平衡及能量支出分配的规律性出发,研究了大气逆辐射增大1%、2%及5%以后,近地层气温及陆地实际蒸散发量的变化值。并指出大气保温效应增强对土壤含水量及径流量的影响。  相似文献   

根据 1 997~ 1 998年观测资料 ,从热量平衡角度出发 ,论述了土壤深松保墒增墒的物理基础 ,初步探讨了深松条件下田间土壤有效水动态变化规律和保墒作用 .深松改变了近地层水热状况 ,导致土壤水分蒸发减少、土壤孔隙度增大 ,可接纳的天然降水增加 ,30~ 50 cm土层含水量比对照提高 2 0 %以上 ,产量平均提高 2 0 %~ 30 % .  相似文献   

Modeling the impact of partial surface mulch on soil heat and water flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Surface residue is an integral part of many cropping systems, and there are opportunities to optimise its value as mulch by improving our understanding of how it affects the near surface soil physical environment. In this study we use field measurements and a coupled soil heat and water flow model to demonstrate the effects of partial surface mulch on the near surface soil physical environment. The model is based on general physical laws and allows analysis of general system behaviour in response to changes in both inputs and systems variables. The field measurements were obtained on both a clay and a sand soil from experiments carried out in the semi-arid tropics. The treatments included a bare soil surface and 0 (completely mulched), 5 cm and 15 cm bare row zones. Both measurements and simulations showed that partial surface mulch cover can have dramatic effects on the soil physical environment near the soil surface, with the development of very strong horizontal gradients across bare soil—mulched soil boundaries. They also show that bare row zones are able to act as either a source or sink for heat and water, and that the resultant soil environmental conditions will exert strong control of soil biological activity. Although model simulations did not always match exactly with the specific measurements, they did capture the major trends given by the field data. While this suggests a certain robustness about the way the processes are modeled, there are several areas in which the model needs improvement and these are highlighted in the paper.Journal Paper No. J16277 of the Iowa Agricultural Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

A traditional mulching technique used in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, allows dry farming as well as pronounced water savings in irrigation. It is known to reduce evaporational losses, but is also supposed to enhance the nocturnal condensation of water vapour from the atmosphere. The mulch layer consists of porous volcanic rock fragments abundantly available on the island. The mulched surface is believed to cool rapidly and to be more hygroscopic than a bare soil surface. This was investigated during a field experiment conducted over 68 nights during different seasons in 2001 and 2002, as well as some simple laboratory measurements. It was found that nocturnal condensation on the mulch surface (max 0.33 mm) was lower than on the bare soil surface (max 0.57 mm) or any one of three alternative mulch substrates. However, a slightly stronger nocturnal cooling of the mulched as compared to the bare surface was present. It is shown that these contrary findings can be explained by the higher hygroscopicity of the dry loam soil, resulting in condensation gains beyond the strict definition of dew. Differences in plant-availability of non-hygroscopic dew water and hygroscopic water uptakes are discussed, and conditions under which mulching would show positive condensation effects are defined. This includes a theoretical section demonstrating that non-hygroscopic mulch layers of a proper thickness can provide small amounts of dew to plant roots at the mulch–soil interface. This condensation could also happen during the day and would be favoured by a high amplitude of the diurnal atmospheric moisture cycle.  相似文献   

在半湿润的南京地区,以微型马铃薯荷兰七号为指示作物,采用平地起垄覆膜的种植方式,分别选用黑色地膜(BM)与普通白色地膜(WM)做比较,并以不覆膜的平地作为对照(CK),分析不同处理对微型马铃薯生理指标、产量以及种植区土壤质量的影响.发现BM处理下微型马铃薯的淀粉质量分数和产量最高,较WM处理增产31.1%,较CK增产43.7%;覆膜处理显著降低了耕层土壤的速效钾质量分数,BM处理下耕层土壤的速效磷质量分数最低,但土壤铵态氮与硝态氮质量分数显著高于其他处理;覆膜处理有效提高了微型马铃薯出苗期的耕层土壤含水量,BM处理下微型马铃薯生育期内的表层土壤温度明显低于WM,且高于对照,对微型马铃薯的生长更有利.  相似文献   

Basic methodologies and calculation results of the spring wheat field evapotranspiration are considered when a traditional agricultural practice and soil mulching are used. It is shown that in individual regions of the area under study, the soil mulching can result in the reduced evapotranspiration from agricultural fields and a possible formation of overmoistening centers.  相似文献   

黄土高原冬小麦地膜复盖的农业气象效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地膜复盖是60年代国外农业生产中的一项新技术。它可以有效地改善作物地段的土壤水分和热量状况,有利于作物的生长发育和产量的提高。在我国逐步推广使用,取得了较好的结果。本文利用山西省两试验点,在1987—1988年冬小麦生长季进行复膜试验的资料,系统地分析了其农业气象效应。试验结果表明,黄土高原高海拔地区复膜栽培冬小麦是提高其产量的有效措施。  相似文献   

冬小麦田午时冠层温度与气温和地温的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
基于野外实测数据,分晴日、阴日及不区分阴晴3种情况,研究了湿润与较干冬小麦田午时冠层温度、气温和地温间的定量关系。结果表明:湿润麦田晴日使用气温预测冠温效果最好,基于最终模型估算冠温的平均误差仅1.03℃,标准差为1.26℃。较干麦田晴日与阴日用地温估算冠温效果最佳,基于最终模型估算冠温的平均误差分别为1.64,1.54 ℃;其估算冠温的标准分别为2.05,1.89℃。用本文统计建模法预测结果的误差低于目前用NOAA影像反演冠温时2~3℃的均方根误差。研究结果也说明使用气温和地温预测麦田冠温是切实可行的。这就为冠温数据的获取提供了廉价有效的新方法;同时也使利用遥感影像与地面气象站常规观测资料相结合的方法,在较大的区域范围内进行冬小麦需水预测成为可能。  相似文献   

The reanalysis ofthree-dimensional fields of water temperature and velocity ofcurrents in the Black Sea in January–March in 1971–1991 is used for studying the spatial distribution of sea surface temperature, heat content of the upper layer, and heat fluxes on the sea surface near the Caucasian coast and the southern coast of Crimea. It is demonstrated that a warm current in the upper layer of the sea and the high values of the heat flux from the sea to the atmosphere are observed in these areas in winter. The possible effect of the above features on the interannual variability of winter air temperature in Sochi and Yalta is assessed.  相似文献   

2006-2010年下辽河平原地温和土壤热通量变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据国家沈阳农田生态系统野外研究站2006-2010年监测数据,分析0-100cm 土层8个层次的地温、0-100 cm地温、地温极值、0-20 cm地温与气温的关系和土壤热通量的变化趋势。结果表明:从年际变化看,8个层次地温和地温极值呈下降趋势;0 cm层次地温变化受外界影响较大。研究区域年尺度0-20 cm地温与气温有比较一致的变化规律。作物生长季节,可分为4-7月气温上升和8-10月气温下降两阶段;这两个不同阶段的0-20 cm地温与气温分别做线性拟合,与整个生长季4-10月线性拟合相比,线性相关性可信度更高。土壤热通量受气温和土壤质量含水量影响年际变化较大,年尺度土壤热通量≥0 MJ/m2,该区域地表是热汇。  相似文献   

A method is considered for space-time refinement of surface air temperature obtained from the atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia over a limited area by means of use of a complex of the atmospheric boundary layer models and surface heat and water budget model. The latter describes all major processes of heat and water exchange at the underlying surface and within the soil and vegetation using 14 external parameters for different types of landscapes and soils. The side and upper boundary conditions for the local model are provided from the GCM model. Different statistical estimates of the modeling results show possibility and reliability of the refinement for time changes of the quantity under calculation as well as for development of averaged fields reflecting small-scale inhomogeneities of the landscape.  相似文献   

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