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渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与原型盆地   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
结合近几年来渤海湾盆地区深层地震勘探与解释的成果,重点论述了渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与盆地原型,提出燕山期构造变形样式总体在纵向上可分为三个构造层,分别称为上部、中部和下部;横向上总体可分为三个构造带,西部为向西逆冲的薄皮逆冲带,中部为冲断—走滑带,东部为厚皮褶皱—冲断带,主体由两期挤压方向皆为NW—SE向的褶皱—逆冲变形形成;并将其演化分为三个阶段:燕山早期、燕山中期和燕山晚期。但是,渤海湾盆地区燕山期的构造变形特征和原型盆地有所变化,其空间上的差异是基底构造格局及其空间差异叠合的结果。综合其它研究结果还表明,渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造是在西太平洋大陆边缘弧的挤压构造背景下,陆内壳下拆沉和壳内挤出逃逸构造的综合动力作用下形成的。  相似文献   

"燕山运动"年代和燕山构造带侏罗纪的构造性质仍存在着争论.燕山山间盆地沉积地层记录了燕山运动的活动历史及盆地构造性质,开展盆-山系统同构造沉积及其构造控制关系研究,准确确定地层年代,重新建立年代地层格架是进一步揭示燕山侏罗纪至早白垩世构造变形机制、变形年代的有效途径.本文通过对燕山西段与太行山北段交接部位的冀北张家口地区褶皱-逆冲带与山间沉积盆地的构造和沉积结合研究表明,研究区沉积盆地中发育的所谓"侏罗纪地层"可能为晚三叠世-早侏罗世、中侏罗世和晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期地层;受生长褶皱-逆冲构造控制,在褶皱-逆冲带边缘形成褶皱前渊型、逆冲前渊型、断展褶皱型、断弯褶皱型及断弯褶皱与断展褶皱复合型生长地层;重建的由褶皱-逆冲带与挠曲盆地构成的晚三叠世-早侏罗世、中侏罗世、晚侏罗世和早白垩世早期的"源-汇"系统反映了燕山运动在研究区起始于中侏罗世;在晚侏罗世晚期-早白垩世早期至少发生了3次褶皱-逆冲事件,形成了基底卷入式褶皱-逆冲构造和小型山间挠曲盆地;基底卷入式褶皱-逆冲带与挠曲盆地"对"的自东向西迁移,可能受控于西太平洋"平板式"前进俯冲作用.  相似文献   

中西部冲断带形成于两古板块"镶嵌式"拼接成陆后的再冲断.多尺度地球物理资料解释表明,浅层构造变形具有"横向有序分带、垂向多属性分层、纵向差异分段"特征,深部构造变形表现为分层解耦和差异收缩,造山带与盆地的岩石圈在咬合冲断时强-弱层对置.本文利用物理模拟实验和延时摄影方法,基于"挤压-碰撞"模型正演了冲断带变形过程,实验结果表明:造山带仰冲盆地并相互拼接,前者冲起折返,后者前陆冲断;盆内滑脱层的存在会产生构造分层,上构造层的变形以断层相关褶皱为主,且扩展范围受控于滑脱层;上构造层的挤压缩短量比下构造层大,变形扩展更远;下构造层的变形以叠瓦构造和双重构造为主,其断层倾角由前陆向腹陆逐渐增大,断面由下凹变为上凸,断片由侧向叠置变为垂向叠置;高角度逆断层的变形经历了脆性变形、韧-脆性变形和韧性变形三个阶段.  相似文献   

西昆仑东南构造样式及其对增生弧造山作用的意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
西昆仑东南甜水海地区表现为由东北往西南以麻扎-康西瓦冲断系、泉水沟冲断系、甜水海冲断系和南南西边缘盲冲断系而限定数个招皱-逆冲构造带或者褶皱构造带的构造格局构造变形样式总体上以向南逆冲的褶席和逆冲叠瓦扇为特征,以由东北往西南构造变形样式依次出现复式背形堆垛和叠瓦扇组合,到侏罗山式语皱构造带的变化其中用皱样式依次出现大型紧闭平卧卜倒转招皱、中尺度尖棱招皱和具圆筒状转折端的开阔格皱,而断层变化则由断层面产状几乎水平的多重复杂冲精席系到缓倾的顶板冲断层-底板冲断层组合样式到叠瓦扇冲断层.大地构造相分析表明研究区构造变形强度自北东向南西呈递减趋势,与库地一麻扎一带的增生楔杂岩可能组成了复杂的增生楔造山作用的增生楔和前陆招皱冲断带的复杂组合因此,研究区的构造格局并非简单的“塔什库尔干一甜水海地体”,而是复杂的增生弧造山带.  相似文献   

库车前陆褶皱带盐相关构造样式   总被引:56,自引:2,他引:56  
塔里木盆地库车前陆褶皱带中段中新生代地层中发育一套下第三系盐岩层, 对该区构造变形起着重要控制作用. 根据野外地质调查、地震资料和钻井资料对盐相关构造研究表明, 库车前陆褶皱带发育盐上、盐间和盐下三套不同的构造样式. 盐上构造样式主要包括逆冲断层及断层相关褶皱、盐推覆构造、三角带构造和盐成凹陷. 盐间构造样式主要包括盐枕构造、盐间断褶构造和盐焊接构造等. 盐下构造样式主要包括叠瓦冲断带、双重构造、背冲断块或断褶构造. 研究表明, 库车前陆褶皱带盐上、盐间和盐下构造样式形态迥异, 但它们是在统一应力场作用下形成的, 在成因上有着密切联系, 其动力学机制与重力作用、挤压作用和盐岩层塑性流动作用密切相关.  相似文献   

合肥盆地和郯庐断裂带南段深部地球物理特征研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
根据重、磁、电、震资料联合反演和综合解释,研究了合肥盆地和郯庐断裂带南段深部结构特征和构造样式. 合肥盆地呈现深部印支面以下为逆冲断层、以上为张性正断层的构造样式,盆地构造反转发生在晚侏罗世,早白垩世是裂陷盆地形成的主要时期,早白垩世晚期合肥盆地发生构造反转,发育冲逆、冲推覆构造. 郯庐断裂带南段表现为“上正下逆”的构造变形样式和正花状构造特征,并经历了复杂的挤压走滑-引张正断层变形过程.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地位于中亚造山带西段,地表地质已有大量成果,但对该盆地深部结构构造研究相对薄弱,这制约了对该区构造演化的认识.通过对研究区大量二维地震剖面的详细构造解释,揭示出准噶尔盆地东缘主要的逆冲断裂有:乌伦古东、红盆、红盆南、喀拉萨依、滴水泉北、滴水泉南和沙西等断裂.断裂整体组合表现为向北西发散、向南东收敛的逆冲-走滑构造特征,可分为三组构造体系.北部叠瓦式褶皱-逆冲体系位于研究区北部,走向北西,倾向北东,表现为自北向南的叠瓦式逆冲推覆构造,整体上具有北老南新的特征,断裂最早形成于石炭纪,之后向南不断拓展.中部逆冲-走滑体系位于研究区中部,近东西走向,断面陡立,印支期为左行压扭,燕山期发生右行走滑,伴生少量小型正断层.南部褶皱-逆冲体系位于研究区南部,北东走向,倾向北西,分支断裂主体均为走向北东的逆断层.全区断层相关褶皱常见有断展和断弯褶皱.区域构造对比表明,在南阿尔泰和北天山两大造山带的挤压汇聚作用下,准噶尔盆地东缘在三叠纪-早白垩世期间持续发生陆内变形.其中研究区北部主控断裂指示了自北向南的逆冲推覆,动力来自南阿尔泰造山带的持续挤压;南部褶皱不对称性和主逆冲断层指示动力来自北天山造山带的持续挤压;中部走滑断裂早期逆冲作用较强,后期叠加走滑构造,是南、北两大动力系统发生复杂交接转换的结果,并调节了盆地内部次级块体的运动,使其向西挤出.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐城市活断层发震构造模型初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈军  宋和平  李军 《内陆地震》2007,21(3):193-204
根据地表活断层资料、深地震反射剖面资料、石油地震剖面资料、流动地震观测和小震精确定位资料,通过与北天山山前典型发震构造的对比及逆断裂-褶皱与推覆构造的基本结构特征,初步建立了乌鲁木齐目标区发震构造模型。乌鲁木齐目标区可分为2个主要的地震构造,它们均是逆冲推覆构造。西侧为北天山山前逆冲推覆构造,由根部逆断裂、中部滑脱面和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,根部逆断裂及前缘挤压褶皱带上发育全新世活断层,滑脱构造具有自南向北扩展的特点,未来的7级强震可能发生在根部断裂附近,而前缘挤压褶皱隆起构造,即西山隆起及其相伴生的西山断层和王家沟断层组、九家湾断层组,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。东侧为博格达弧形推覆构造的西翼,其发震构造也由根部逆断层、中部滑脱层和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,推覆构造具有自南向北扩展的特点。现今的推覆体前缘为阜康南断裂和古牧地背斜。该推覆构造带内部的雅玛里克断层、白杨南沟断层、碗窑沟断层和八钢-石化断裂,不是全新世活动断层,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。  相似文献   

Izanagi板块在晚中生代向NW前进式俯冲于欧亚板块东部之下,诱发形成了燕山构造带一系列挤压构造,然而构造的具体形成时间以及弥散分布于燕山构造带的山间盆地的控盆构造属性、构造活动与沉积作用之间的相互关系依然存在着较大的争议.本文基于对北京北部千家店盆地上侏罗统-下白垩统土城子组的沉积作用、物源及盆缘、盆内构造的精细研究,认为:千家店盆地西缘发育断展褶皱型生长构造与生长地层,土城子组第二段顶部和第三段地层在盆地西缘生长,它们受控于翼部旋转模式的断展褶皱作用;千家店盆地内发育的两条小型逆冲断层,均表现为盆地基底下马岭组逆冲于土城子组地层之上,可能控制了断弯褶皱型生长地层的发育;盆地"源-汇"过程分析表明,尚义-平泉断裂上盘基底地层为千家店盆地晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期地层的主要物源区;断展褶皱型生长地层底界面处火山岩获得的最年轻的一组锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(140.8±2.4)Ma,它可能代表了断展褶皱型生长构造活动的起始时间.千家店盆地断展褶皱型生长构造和生长地层的发现,证明了千家店盆地早白垩世早期是受控于褶皱-逆冲作用的山间挠曲盆地.近E-W向的尚义-平泉断裂与NE向的千家店逆冲断层和盆内的两条逆冲断层可能构成一个统一的右行走滑式逆冲构造系统,共同控制了千家店盆地土城子组的沉积,其构造作用可能与侏罗纪至早白垩世初Izanagi板块向NW的前进式平板俯冲有关.  相似文献   

芦山地震的发震构造迄今为止仍不明确。文中基于中国地震局地震预测研究所2008—2009年间布设于龙门山断裂带南段的流动地震台站观测剖面、芦山地震余震精定位结果等地球物理资料对深部构造单元进行了分析;同时基于阶地变形资料、遥感资料、区域地质资料等手段对地表构造变形进行了分析;综合两者建立芦山地震的构造变形模式并研究芦山地震的发震构造。初步认为由于断层面倾角的差异,芦山地震的构造变形模式和中北段与汶川地震有关的主要破裂段的变形模式有所不同。南段前山断裂近直立的断层面最终以对下盘的挤压作用为主,并在下盘地块内形成逆冲断层引发了芦山地震;而北段中央断裂陡倾的断层面使得仍然以上盘的逆冲作用为主。新生逆冲断层的上盘形成了1个活动背斜,第四纪以来该活动背斜之上的阶地面已经发生了显著的变形,该断层最新的1次活动导致了芦山地震的发生。大溪乡与太平镇之间向SE方向凸出的弧形断层段长期以来已经累积了巨大的位移量或构造变形量,是应变释放、构造运动都集中发生的段。芦山地震只是这种构造模式的长期演化过程中的1次地震事件,未来南段前山断裂下盘的这些新生活动逆冲断层仍然具有发生类似地震的危险性。  相似文献   

The Taishu Group is a folded, Eocene–Lower Miocene, thick sedimentary package exposed widely on Tsushima Island between the Japan Sea and East China Sea. This location makes the strata important to understand tectonics and paleo-environments in the Far East, but the timing of the folding is controversial. We studied the styles of brittle deformations of the strata. It was found that flextural-slip folds were dominant. Mesoscale faults were classified into two groups: NE–SW trending reverse faults and NW–SE trending strike-slip faults. Members of both the groups showed movements largely perpendicular to the fold axes. The latter group consisted of sinistral and dextral faults. Accordingly, we interpreted that they were transfer faults activated during the folding. Consequently, mesoscale faults and flexural-slip faults evidence the map-scale plane strain of the Taishu Group in the plane perpendicular to the NE-trending fold axes. There were few transpressional deformations in the group. This is inconsistent with the transpression hypothesis for explaining the simultaneous folding and Japan Sea opening. Another hypothesis in which the folds in Tsushima are regarded as an onshore part of the Taiwan-Shinji fold belt is inconsistent with the timing of folding suggested by mining geologists to be consistent with and contemporaneous with this deformation. On the other hand, we found that dolerite dikes and sills were involved in the folding. Therefore, we conclude that the folding began during the late Early Miocene time and climaxed during the ore mineralization at around 15 Ma. We suggest that the folding in Tsushima was the easternmost manifestation of the compressional regime around the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in the Early to early Middle Miocene, and that the compression was brought about by the arrival of the Philippine Sea plate to initiate buoyant subduction under Kyushu.  相似文献   

It is indicated that the salt beds have a bearingupon the hydrocarbon accumulation more than 80%discovered oil-gas reserves of the world[1]. The saltbeds can change the occurrence of overlying horizons,forming various structural traps[2,3]. The salt bed itselfis the most effective caprocks. The deposits ofhigh-saliniferous environment may have favorablepetroleum-generating conditions[4]. The salt beds withlow specific thermal conductivity may result in highergeothermal gradient of sub-salt str…  相似文献   

块体搬运沉积体系是一种重力作用下形成的深水沉积体系,在全球大陆边缘沉积体系中扮演着重要角色.块体搬运沉积作用不仅造成危害极大的深水地质灾害,而且与海洋天然气水合物和深水油气的形成过程与富集有密切联系.根据新获得的海底地形地貌资料和地震资料,揭示了块体搬运沉积体系识别特征,明确了其分布范围.这些块体搬运沉积体系具有明显的...  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔前缘构造变形和精细结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
马尼拉俯冲带是南海的东部边界,记录了南海形成演化的关键信息,同时也是地震和海啸多发区域.本文利用过马尼拉俯冲带北段的高分辨率多道地震剖面,分析了研究区内海盆和海沟的沉积特征,精细刻画了区内增生楔前缘的构造变形、结构以及岩浆活动特征.研究区内增生楔下陆坡部分由盲冲断层、构造楔和叠瓦逆冲断层构成,逆冲断层归并于一条位于下中新统的滑脱面上,滑脱面向海方向的展布明显受到增生楔之下埋藏海山和基底隆起的影响;上陆坡的反射特征则因变形强烈和岩浆作用而难以识别;岩浆活动开始于晚中新世末期并持续至第四纪.马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔的形成时间早于16.5 Ma,并通过前展式逆冲向南海方向扩展;马尼拉俯冲带的初始形成时间可能在晚渐新世,而此时南海海盆扩张仍在持续.南海东北缘19°N-21°N区域为南海北部陆坡向海盆的延伸,高度减薄的陆壳的俯冲造成马尼拉海沟北段几何形态明显地向东凹进.  相似文献   

This work provides a structural analysis and a stratigraphic revision of the sedimentary successions of the Ligurian Accretionary Complex (LAC) cropping out in the southern Apennines along the boundary between Campania, Lucania and Calabria regions. Two fold and thrust sets characterize the progressive deformation related to the Early Miocene inclusion of these successions in the tectonic accretionary wedge. A third deformation stage, affecting also the Middle-Upper Miocene unconformable wedge-top basin deposits, is associated to the thrust front eastward migration. In this orogenic phase the Apennine thrust sheet pile, formed by LAC and Apennine Platform Units, tectonically covered the successions located in the westernmost sector of the Lagonegro-Molise Basin. Finally a Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene regional fold set deformed the whole orogenic prism as consequence of a thick-skinned tectonics expressed by means of deeply rooted thrusts in the buried Apulian Platform carbonates. Maghrebian Flysch Basin and LAC successions show a similar stratigraphy indicating continuity between paleogeographic basin domains, as well as between the Paleogene-Lower Miocene succession of Sicilide Unit and the corresponding deposits of Lagonegro-Molise Basin as consequence of drowning of the interposed Panormide Platform starting from the uppermost Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Although the precise boundaries and kinematics of the Sinai subplate are still doubtful, it has a significant role in the tectonic evolution of the northern Red Sea region. On the basis of earthquake distribution, the Sinai region can be considered as a subplate partially separated from the African plate by the Suez rift. The relative motion between Africa, Sinai and Arabia is the main source generating the present-day earthquake activity in the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba regions.According to geological observations, the southern segment of the Dead Sea fault system can be characterized by a left-lateral displacement of about 107km since the Middle Miocene, in contrast to the northern segment where only 25 to 35km offset can be inferred. We think that along the southern segment the total displacement was 72km until the late Miocene (10Ma). The earthquake activity is strongly reduced along the northern segment of the Dead Sea fault segment. Therefore, we suggest that the northern part (Yammouneh fault) evolves through initial cracking of the crust due to build-up of stress since the Pliocene time (5Ma) and propagates northward into Lebanon and Syria. This last 5 million years is the period when the southern and northern segments became linked and formed a single fault system with a new displacement of 35km.According to the proposed model the predicted opening pole of the Red Sea is near 34.0oN, 22.0oE with an angle of total rotation of 3.4o since the early miocene, providing a 0.82cm/a opening rate in the northern Red Sea. We suggest that the Dead Sea strike-slip fault was active since Middle Miocene time (15Ma) with a slip rate of 0.72cm/a to provide a total displacement of about 107km. This strike slip motion occured about an Euler pole near 33.0oN, 21.0oE with a rotation angle of about 3.0o. It can be inferred from the proximity of the pole and angle of rotations for the Red Sea and Dead Sea fault that more than 85% of the motion has been accommodated on the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea fault and less than 15% in the Gulf of Suez.This model predicts a normal extensional motion in the Gulf of Suez with a minor left-lateral strike-slip component. We expect the pole of this motion to be at 31.0oN, 29.0oE, offshore of Alamein city about 320 km west of the Nile Delta. The rate of motion through the last 15Ma (Middle Miocene) is about 0.1 cm/a and the angle of rotation is 0.9o. During this period the total opening of the Suez rift is 15 km while the rest of the motion (45 km) occured mainly through the first phase of the development before the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

天山的晚新生代构造变形及其地球动力学问题   总被引:73,自引:6,他引:73  
张培震  冯先岳 《中国地震》1996,12(2):127-140
天山是大陆内部典型的新生代复活造山带,其新生代构造变形的方式,变形量,速度及过程等对于认识大陆内部造山带的变形机理有着重要的意义。本文在对南北天山主要活动构造地质填图和综合研究的基础上,重点探讨了天山的晚新生代构造变形特征及其动力学问题。早更新世以来,特别是早,中更新世之间,天山的构造活动由内部向南北两侧扩展,使得两侧的新生代凹陷逐渐褶皱成山,形成数排新生代褶皱带,整个天山的现代构造活动是一种扇形  相似文献   

南天山及塔里木北缘构造带西段地震构造研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
田勤俭  丁国瑜  郝平 《地震地质》2006,28(2):213-223
南天山及塔里木北缘构造带位于帕米尔地区东北侧,地震活动强烈。文中通过地质构造剖面、深部探测资料和地震震源机制解资料,综合研究了该区的地震构造模型。结果认为,该区的构造活动主要表现为天山地块逆冲于塔里木地块之上。天山构造系统包括迈丹断裂及其前缘推覆构造;塔里木构造系统包括深部的塔里木北缘断裂、基底共轭断层和浅部的推覆构造。塔里木北缘断裂是发育于塔里木地壳内部的高角度断裂,其形成原因在于塔里木和天山构造变形方向的差异。塔里木北缘断裂为研究区大地震的主要发震构造,天山推覆构造和塔里木基底断裂系统均具有不同性质的中强地震发震能力  相似文献   

龙门山南段前陆区晚第四纪构造变形样式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
龙门山中南段前陆区是青藏高原东缘唯一发育新生代薄皮构造与沉积盆地的地段,研究其最新构造变形样式有助于深入理解青藏高原向东扩展的构造机理.论文通过青衣江河流阶地测量与古青衣江洪积扇形态重建,研究了龙门山南段前陆区晚第四纪活动构造格局及其活动性,取得了如下认识:(1)青衣江河流阶地纵剖面显示,龙门山南段前陆地区晚第四纪变形主要为褶皱作用,总体地壳缩短速率为2.5~3.9 mm·a-1,远大于山区冲断带0.48~0.77 mm·a-1的地壳缩短速率,地壳缩短主要由前陆地区吸收;(2)青衣江古洪积扇错断变形显示,龙门山南段前陆区活动构造表现为北西—南东向地壳缩短与近东西向的地壳缩短的叠加作用,两者分别受控于巴颜喀拉块体南东向推挤作用与川滇块体向东推挤作用;(3)自中新世初川滇块体向南东挤出,四川盆地西南角起到分流青藏高原物质的作用,其西南侧物质通过鲜水河—小江断裂带的左旋错动向南东方向分流,其西北侧物质通过龙门山断裂带的右旋错动向北东方向分流,迎面受到了最大的推挤作用,进而向前陆扩展形成了薄皮褶皱构造带.  相似文献   

Crustal shortening of Southwest Japan in the Late Miocene   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract Tectonic deformation of an island arc is interpreted on the basis of geophysical data. Extensive reflection seismic, gravity, geomagnetic data around the back-arc region of Southwest Japan delineate east-west to northeast-southwest folding, and imply conspicuous compression on the southern margin of the Sea of Japan. Because geological data of exploration boreholes indicate that the coinpressive regime was dominant in the late Miocene, the tectonic event seems to be linked with coeval resumption of subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate. Strong coupling of the young buoyant oceanic plate brought about north-south shortening of the overriding continental lithosphere, and left wrench deformation at the southwestern corner of the Sea of Japan. Amount of shortening for the back-arc shelf and mountainous ranges of Southwest Japan is estimated to be ca 10 km, adopting a uniform ratio of shortening (0.944) since the Miocene determined on the shelf from depth-converted seismic profiles. Along the western side of a bend of boundary between the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, the middle Miocene and younger sediments upon the back-arc shelf are much less deformed than the northern equivalents, and the fore-arc Miocene strata are deformed by left wrenching, facts which are indicative of northerly initial convergence of the Philippine Sea Plate at the end of Miocene and crustal decoupling on the west of Kyushu Island.  相似文献   

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