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本文首次运用显微CT技术对中国早期料珠进行研究。X-射线衍射(XRD)及CT切片分析结果表明,河南淅川县马川墓地出土的料珠为玻璃珠,与西周时期的釉砂珠在结构上存在显著区别。显微CT技术为料珠材质的鉴定提供了一种新方法。结合玻璃珠的三维模型表明,战国时期玻璃珠内的气泡以球形为主,内部存在许多细小不规则的空隙,应是采用模压法工艺制造;这是在研究中首次发现战国时期采用模压法工艺制造玻璃珠。西汉时期玻璃珠内的气泡是纺锤状,应是采用拉制法工艺制造。显微CT技术能清晰无损地揭示古代玻璃珠内部结构特点,显示了该技术在古代玻璃珠制造工艺研究中有着广阔的运用前景。  相似文献   

提出了玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震系统,该系统由上下基础梁、玻璃珠-石墨隔震层、滑移限位装置构成。为研究这种玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震系统的滑移性能,进行了12个设有玻璃珠-石墨隔震层基础滑移隔震砌体墙试件的低周反复荷载试验。试件分两组:第一组6个试件,隔震层为纯玻璃珠,玻璃珠直径分别为3mm、5mm,施加的竖向荷载分别为25k N、50k N、75k N;第二组6个试件,隔震层为玻璃珠-石墨,玻璃珠直径分别为3mm、5mm,施加的竖向荷载分别为25k N、50k N、75k N。对比分析了各试件的滑移启动荷载、滑移滞回曲线、滑移层损伤演化、隔震与消能减震性能。研究表明:纯玻璃珠隔震层,玻璃珠粒径较大时滑移启动荷载相对较小,滞回曲线饱满,滑移性能较好,少量玻璃珠有挤压损伤;玻璃珠-石墨隔震层,滑移启动荷载相对于纯玻璃珠隔震要小,滞回曲线光滑饱满,滑移性能良好,无玻璃珠挤压损伤现象。村镇低层砌体房屋采用玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震结构,可获得良好的隔震和消能减震效果。  相似文献   

为研究不同构造的土坯结构玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震体系的受力性能,进行了5个不同构造的玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震土坯墙试件的低周反复荷载下受力性能试验。试件1墙体为370mm土坯墙,试件2墙体为土坯墙夹砌粉煤灰砌块承重节能一体化370mm墙体,试件3墙体为在试件2墙体基础上加设交叉钢筋的墙体,试件4墙体为在试件2墙体基础上内置钢丝网的墙体,试件5墙体为在试件2墙体两端用再生砖代替土坯砌筑的墙体。基于试验,分析了各试件基础滑移隔震性能,研究了不同构造土坯墙的承载力、延性、滞回特性和破坏特征。研究表明:玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震层隔震性能稳定;滑移隔震层上下基础梁限位孔及其限位钢筋装置可有效控制基础滑移限值;相同墙厚的土坯夹砌粉煤灰砌块墙和土坯墙抗震性能接近;加设交叉钢筋的墙体抗剪承载力明显提高;内置钢丝网的墙体整体性好,抗震耗能能力显著提高;墙体端部用再生砖代替土坯砌筑后,由于再生砖强度高于土坯,提高了墙体边缘约束性能,抗震性能明显提高。玻璃珠-石墨基础滑移隔震土坯结构可用于单层土坯农房结构隔震设计。  相似文献   

姜景山 《中国科学D辑》2009,(8):1028-1028
浩瀚的太空,无穷尽的空间,人类生活在其中的地球上.自古以来,人类对太空始终存着深深的思考与向往.地球有一颗长久相伴的天然卫星——月球.月球是人类有文明以来,特别是近代,期望能够征服的天体.自20世纪50年代人类进入太空、开辟太空时代以来,已经多次用人造飞行器对月进行探测.特别是20世纪60年代以后十多年间,以美国、前苏联为代表的国家花巨大资金进行了月球探测.1969年,美国月球人阿姆斯特朗第一次踏上月球,开辟了人类就地探月的先河.经过十几年的宁静期后,20世纪90年代,以美国提出“重返月球”计划为起点,各个国家起动了新一轮探月热潮.在这股热潮中,  相似文献   

莒南县白常明代王璟家墓是1668年山东莒县8.5级大震(以下简称大震)乞今保留下来的重要遗迹之一。为了研究该大震,我们曾经对此遗迹进行过多次实地考察,特别对于大震以后保留下来的震迹变动情况,查阅了该墓地民国以前有关地方志和各种碑刻、题记,并召开包括王璟后裔在内的各种座谈会。认为在大震后300余年时间里,王璟家墓墓地主体结构并未遭到严重变动,但是局部扰动是存在的。如大震后有几次整修陵园的墓志记载,墓地现有大  相似文献   

目的:探讨磨玻璃结节样肺腺癌的多排螺旋CT(MSCT)表现及病理基础,旨在提高对该病良恶性诊断的准确性。方法:回顾性分析经病理证实为肺腺癌的21个磨玻璃密度结节(GGNs)病灶的CT资料,分析病灶的大小、性质、瘤肺界面、病灶边缘、空泡征、胸膜凹陷征及穿行支气管、血管的表现,并将病理结果分为浸润前病变和浸润性病变两组进行CT特征的对照。结果:浸润前病变14个,其中13个长径小于2.0 cm,10个为纯磨玻璃结节(pGGNS)、9个瘤肺界面清晰光滑、8个有分叶征、3个有毛刺征;浸润性病变7个,其中4个长径大于2.0 cm,5个为混合型磨玻璃结节(mGGNs)、7个瘤肺界面清晰毛糙、6个有分叶征、6个有毛刺征及4个有棘突征;另外浸润性病变空泡征、胸膜凹陷征及穿行支气管、血管走行及形态的改变较多见。结论:磨玻璃结节样肺腺癌的MSCT表现有一定特征性,GGNs体积较大、呈混合密度(有实性成分)、瘤肺界面清晰毛糙、出现深分叶征、毛刺征或棘突征、空泡征、胸膜凹陷征、病灶内穿行的支气管和血管出现异常改变,提示浸润性病变概率明显增加。   相似文献   

正曲踏墓地出土的古象雄国3世纪随葬品——天珠和黄金面具、迄今为止青藏高原地区发现的年代最早的中原内地丝织品——鸟兽纹"王侯"汉字织锦、目前中国考古发现最早的出现于3世纪的茶叶、历代中央政府赐给西藏僧俗首领的珍贵玉印、布画金成公主进藏图唐卡……由北京市人民政府、西藏自治区人民政府主办,北京市文物局、西藏自治区文物局协办,首都博物馆、西藏博物馆承办的《天路文华——西藏历史文化展》在近日首都博物馆开幕,展览汇集北京、西藏、河北、  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中的微玻璃陨石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文论述了来自世界各大洋的玻璃微粒的物理特性、化学成分和微结构特征,并同玻璃陨石进行了对比。从而认为,这些玻璃微粒并非为海底火山物质,而是典型的微玻璃陨石,并指出它们有可能起源于月球火山作用。  相似文献   

常规的幕墙抗震设计,往往只考虑玻璃质量对幕墙整体的影响而忽略玻璃刚度,将玻璃结构转化为等效质量施加于幕墙支撑结构进行抗震分析。然而,当幕墙结构承受大震作用时,幕墙支撑结构已进入塑性状态,将产生较大变形,此时玻璃刚度将在一定程度上影响幕墙整体刚度。尤其是对于复杂的超高层幕墙结构,玻璃刚度对幕墙整体刚度的影响具有一定的未知性,需要深入研究。针对这一问题,本文依托上海中心大厦幕墙结构,研究了考虑玻璃结构的幕墙大震下的弹塑性响应,并将其与未考虑玻璃结构的响应进行对比分析。结果表明,玻璃结构对建筑主体结构影响较少,对幕墙结构层间位移角抑制明显,从而减少了支撑结构内力;对高楼层,加速度放大系数有一定抑制作用,但对低楼层,加速度放大系数抑制作用有限。  相似文献   

目的:研究新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的CT特征。方法:回顾性分析26例确诊为COVID-19患者的病例资料(男14例,女12例),分析其胸部高分辨CT表现,重点观察病变形态、分布以及病变区有无肺血管增粗、支气管充气征、小叶间隔增厚。结果:26例COVID-19患者中病变分布于肺周围区20例,其中17例胸膜下区;18例累及双肺,8例累及一侧肺;单个肺叶受累6例,2~4叶受累10例,5叶受累10例;单发病灶3例,多发病灶23例;以单纯磨玻璃密度影(pGGO)为主要表现19例,混合性磨玻璃密度影(mGGO)11例,肺实变伴周围磨玻璃密度影(GGO)4例;1例初次CT检查表现为直径3mm大小的磨玻璃密度影,4天后复查CT时病灶明显增大,呈斑片状混合磨玻璃密度影;病变区血管增粗17例,占65.4%;支气管充气征15例,占57.7%;小叶间隔增厚16例,占61.5%;以铺路石征为主要表现8例,占30.8%。单侧少量胸腔积液3例,纵隔淋巴结增大1例。结论:COVID-19的高分辨CT表现具有一定特征,双肺多发磨玻璃密度影伴病变区血管增粗、支气管充气征及小叶间隔增厚提示临床诊断。   相似文献   

In this study, graft copolymerization of itaconic acid (IA) and crotonic acid (CA) onto the crosslinked chitosan beads were carried out using ammonium persulfate as initiator. Grafted chitosan beads were characterized by FT‐IR analysis and grafting percentage determination. Grafting efficiency and add‐on percentages values of grafted chitosan beads were determined as 23–29 and 32–47%, respectively. Then, equilibrium isotherms and kinetics of brilliant green adsorption onto grafted chitosan beads were investigated. The results indicated that the pseudo‐second‐order kinetic model fitted better than the data obtained from pseudo‐first‐order model for the adsorption of brilliant green onto grafted chitosan beads. The fit of data for brilliant green (BG) adsorption onto grafted chitosan beads suggested that the Langmuir model gave closer fittings than the Freundlich model.  相似文献   

祁生旺  邓安 《地震学刊》2012,(5):600-605
复合填料是以废铸砂、粉煤灰、聚苯乙烯颗粒(EPS)、水泥和水为原料,拌合后形成的一种轻质填筑材料。其中,EPS颗粒含量适当时,能减少或消除复合填料的冻胀和融沉,可作为季节性冻土区的路基填料。假设复合填料中除EPS颗粒外的骨料颗粒、孔隙冰为刚性介质,同时考虑EPS颗粒变形和填料孔隙变形对复合填料冻结过程的影响,在已有的冻土水热耦合分离冰模型的基础上,得到考虑EPS颗粒变形影响的饱和填料一维冻结水热耦合控制方程,进而预测填料的冻胀量。与室内模型试验结果对比表明,本文模型可用于该种具有弹性颗粒复合填料的冻胀量模拟,为工程中冻胀量预测提供依据。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩溶洞成像要素分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳酸盐岩油气藏储集空间以裂缝和溶洞为主,在地震剖面上主要表现为"串珠状"。为了研究溶洞成像规律,本文通过大量的数值模拟,分析溶洞的成像分辨率,探讨溶洞成像与上覆地层、信噪比(SNR)、覆盖次数、偏移速度和偏移方法之间的定量关系。研究认为:①无论是溶洞的纵向分辨率还是横向分辨率,均满足1/4波长调谐规律,可以将薄层机理转用至溶洞分辨率解释;②溶洞的存在会对上覆地层产生下拉效应,使溶洞在地震剖面上呈塌陷等"非串珠状"特征;③高覆盖和小道距(面元)可提高串珠能量,压制偏移附带的背景噪声;④叠前偏移能改善资料的SNR,提高成像精度,特别是低SNR资料;⑤偏移速度偏小,串珠边缘下拉,反之会上翘,速度偏大带来的成像质量变差的程度要大于速度偏小;⑥不同偏移方法对缝洞成像效果存在差异,对于低SNR资料,溶洞成像拟选取频率域或频波域方法。  相似文献   

Palo Blanco is an approximately 1600 year old archaeological site located in Fiambalá Valley, in the Andean region of Argentina. Pioneer archaeological studies published in the 70s reported the existence of five residential units in this site. Also a small cemetery which included three circular tombs was discovered near to these buildings. Since that time, a profuse sedimentation covered the zone, so nowadays there are no evidences of most of these buildings on surface. Because of an imprecise location of the structures, most of the buildings became in fact missed. Then, in this work we aimed to re-localize two of the missed buildings, a residential unit and a tomb, by applying ground penetrating radar (GPR) methodology. We used fast fixed offset GPR configurations to investigate two areas in which these buildings could be expected. We used experimental and synthetic patterns to aid the identification of the characteristic signals due to the archaeological targets. We applied migration to the data to better define and resolve unclear anomalous signals. The employed methodology revealed the location of both buildings. Also a number of new non-reported structures were predicted and confirmed.  相似文献   

In diatremes and other volcanic vents, steep bodies of volcaniclastic material having differing properties (particle size distribution, proportion of lithic fragments, etc.) from those of the surrounding vent-filling volcaniclastic material are often found. It has been proposed that cylindrical or cone-shaped bodies result from the passage of “debris jets” generated after phreatomagmatic explosions or other discrete subterranean bursts. To learn more about such phenomena, we model experimentally the injection of gas-particulate dispersions through other particles. Analogue materials (glass beads or sand) and a finite amount of compressed air are used in the laboratory. The gas is made available by rapidly opening a valve—therefore the injection of gas and coloured particles into a granular host is a brief (<1 s), discrete event, comparable to what occurs in nature following subterranean explosions. The injection assumes a bubble shape while expanding and propagating upwards. In reaction, the upper part of the clastic host moves upward and outward above the ‘bubble’, forming a ‘dome’. The doming effect is much more pronounced for shallow injection depths (thin hosts), with dome angles reaching more than 45°. Significant surface doming is also observed for some full-scale subterranean blasts (e.g. buried nuclear explosions), so it is not an artefact of our setup. What happens next in the experiments depends on the depth of injection and the nature of the host material. With shallow injection into a permeable host (glass beads), the compressed air in the “bubble’ is able to diffuse rapidly through the roof. Meanwhile the coloured beads sediment into the transient cavity, which is also closing laterally because of inward-directed granular flow of the host. Depending on the initial gas pressure in the reservoir, the two-phase flow can “erupt” or not; non-erupting injections produce cylindrical bodies of coloured beads whereas erupting runs produce flaring upward or conical deposits. Changing the particle size of the host glass beads does not have a large effect under the size range investigated (100–200 to 300–400 μm). Doubling the host thickness (injection depth) requires a doubling of the initial gas pressure to produce similar phenomena. Such injections—whether erupting or wholly subterranean—provide a compelling explanation for the origin and characteristics of multiple cross-cutting bodies that have been documented for diatreme and other vent deposits.  相似文献   

轻质混合土是一种新型的轻质土工材料,具有轻质、环保、高强等特点。本文对添加不同种类泡沫塑料颗粒的轻质混合土试样进行了无侧限抗压强度试验、等向压缩试验及三轴剪切试验。试验结果表明:泡沫塑料颗粒种类对轻质混合试样的力学特性有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Zero‐valent, iron‐encapsulated alginate beads were synthesized and were applied for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. The effects of several important parameters including solution pH, contact time, initial concentration and reaction temperature on Cr(VI) removal levels were investigated in batch studies. An initial solution pH of 1.0 was seen to be most favorable for Cr(VI) removal. The removal process was quick and almost 80% of the removal was attained within 60 min. The kinetic data followed the second‐order equation well. The Cr(VI) removal was almost reaction temperature‐independent and decreased with an increase in Cr(VI) initial concentration. The removal of Cr(VI) by iron‐encapsulated alginate beads was found to be significantly higher than that of non‐encapsulated alginate beads.  相似文献   

Growth of 11 calcium alginate immobilized marine microalgal species belonging to eight taxonomical groups has been checked in the present work. Cellular densities inside the calcium alginate beads were monitored during 17 days. Good growth and maintenance of the structure of the beads were both found for some of the assayed species. One of those species (Tetraselmis chui, Prasinophyceae) was selected in order to perform a short term (up to 24 h) heavy metal accumulation experiment. Beads of calcium alginate containing (or not) cells of T. chui were exposed to 820 μg L−1 Cu and 870 μg L−1 Cd separately during a 24 h period, and accumulation of heavy metals in the beads was measured after this time and compared. Concentration of each metal in the supernatants was monitored at 5, 10, 60 min and 24 h from the beginning of the experiment. After 24 h, practically all Cu was removed by the beads. Beads with immobilized algae removed around 20% of total Cd, while beads without algae removed half of that percentage.  相似文献   

除了积极的扩大水源(如人工造雨、冰川化雪、河流改道、修建水庫等措施)以解决我国西北地区的干旱面貌之外,降低水庫里由于自然蒸发而損失的水量具有一定的意义。据国內外一些不完全的資料,儲在水庫里的水由于表面自然蒸发,其年失水量是相当惊人的。  相似文献   

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