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TS03航次创新性地投放了 6台被动源海底地震仪(POBS)到马里亚纳海沟南部"海斗深渊区",实施了万米级水深的天然地震观测,通过十字放炮获得POBS的精确坐底位置是后续研究工作中至关重要的一环.本文首先对POBS的SEG-Y数据进行裁截误差修复,然后采用直达水波走时反演的方法得到这6个POBS的精确坐底位置,并进行精度分析.结果显示,POBS下沉过程中偏移方向各不相同,偏移距离190~650 m;SEG-Y数据裁截误差修复使拾取的直达水波到时更精确,位置校正的走时残差RMS值显著降低,结合正常时差校正(NMO)方法验证,位置校正精度可达10 m,且海斗深渊陡峭地形造成的折射震相对位置校正结果影响不大.此项POBS坐底位置校正工作,不仅为后续研究提供了可靠基础和保障;同时进一步证明,十字放炮作业结合海底地震仪进行直达水波走时反演,是获取深水区域仪器精确位置的可靠方式.  相似文献   

在海上实施三维地震探测过程中,人工震源枪阵中心与船上GPS的距离及地震探测作业中的船行方向造成炮点实际位置与预设位置有一定偏差;自由落体投放的OBS由于海流的影响会偏离原定设计位置(投放点),因此,炮点与海底地震仪(OBS)的位置校正是三维地震结构研究中的基本环节.本文利用艏向信息校正了炮点位置;采用蒙特卡洛和最小二乘法方法对海底地震仪的位置进行了校正,并探讨了直达水波曲线特征.结果表明 OBS位置一般偏离设计点1 km左右,其误差范围在20 m以内,校正后的OBS记录剖面展示了真实的记录情况.该研究结果为下一步西南印度洋的三维层析成像研究提供了坚实数据基础,同时为今后南海的三维深部地壳结构探测提供经验与借鉴.  相似文献   

新型坐底式海洋可控源电磁发射系统及其海试应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用拖曳式海洋可控源电磁发射系统在探测埋藏较浅的天然气水合物资源时,会遇到一些新问题.如拖曳式轴向发射偶极源不能贴紧海底,发射偶极源和海底间海水的电磁衰减,使得10 Hz以上的相对高频能量难以导入至海底以下介质;发射偶极源有可能出现水平或垂向摆动;拖曳式发射时,时间窗口内叠加的数据有限;拖曳路线可能与海底构造走向平行,不利于揭示探测目标体的异常形态.新型坐底式发射系统有望解决上述问题.坐底式发射系统的硬件部分包括甲板端供电和监控单元、长距离电力和数据通信单元,以及水下发射机主体.新型坐底式发射系统的发射电极紧贴海底,没有海水层衰减,有利于相对高频的人工源电磁信号经过海底以下介质传输至接收端;通过超短基线信标更容易精确定位发射机拖体,利用姿态方位参考系统确定发射电极的供电方向,可以精确校正电偶源水平偏角的影响;增加单点供电时间,提高接收信号信噪比;提供两对电偶极源,从两个相互垂直的方向对异常体进行人工源激发.2015年海洋试验的结果表明,坐底式与拖曳式发射系统联合作业,可从多角度对海底异常体进行宽频带电磁激发,为数据采集提供丰富的场源信息.  相似文献   

炮点和海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)位置校正是三维地震数据处理的基本环节,也是获取高精度三维速度结构的关键所在.本文基于南海洋陆转换带(Continental-Oceanic-Transition zone,COT)IODP367/368钻探区开展的三维OBS深地震探测数据,开展了炮点及OBS位置校正研究,新的校正方法主要体现在三个方面:(1)利用连续三个炮点的平均航向对中间炮点进行位置校正,更真实地反映气枪枪阵与船体之间的软连接状态;(2)根据"滑动窗口"思想将海水声学速度阈值划分成N等份,通过循环测试获得全局最优的OBS位置校正结果,改进了前人方法只能获得局部最优解的问题;(3)针对单条测线穿过的OBS,通过加入其临近测线的直达水波走时,构成视双测线OBS位置校正法,提高了校正精度.49台OBS位置校正结果表明,除3台单测线法校正的OBS在垂直测线方向存在较大不确定性外,其余误差范围均为35m左右.本文改进的OBS位置校正方法,不仅提高了单条测线穿过的OBS位置校正精度,保证后续三维地震结构研究的可靠性,而且为今后类似的OBS位置校正提供了经验和借鉴.  相似文献   

被动源海底地震仪(OBS)探测是海洋深部结构研究的重要方法之一.受投放区洋流、海底地形崎岖,以及海底温压环境等多种因素影响,OBS数据预处理面临时钟漂移,姿态及水平方位角偏差等问题.本文基于国产OBS硬件结构特点与其观测数据特性,针对仪器姿态校正、时间校正和水平方位角校正三个关键环节构建技术解决方案.通过硬件架构特征构建仪器姿态校正方案;结合仪器记录的石英晶振特点和背景噪声互相关方法提出时间校正技术;基于最小化P波切向分量能量和P波主成分分析两个技术方法进行水平方位角校正.上述预处理技术体系在苏拉威西海域被动源OBS数据预处理中取得了良好的应用效果,综合背景噪声水平与地震信号的时频分析结果,表明该预处理技术能有效提高被动源OBS观测数据质量,为进一步的科学研究奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

由于实验室测试环境条件与深海海底的原位温压环境存在较大的差异,取样测量的沉积物声学参数通常偏离海底原位状态的真实值.该文利用深水型压载式沉积声学原位测量系统,在水深超过5000 m的西太平洋海域开展了沉积物声学原位测量试验,准确获取了深海底原位状态下沉积物的声速和声衰减系数,并同步采集了沉积物柱状样品.结果显示,实验室测量的沉积物声速、声衰减系数均高于原位测量结果.通过温压校正和数据—模型对比表明,实验室声速比与原位声速比存在较大的差异,难以通过温压校正模型和频散模型完全改正,这可能与深海沉积物的结构扰动有关.较之浅海沉积物,软弱的深海沉积物结构更易受到采样过程的扰动,因而深海沉积物的声学特性测量更为困难,这表明在深海海底声学研究采用原位测量技术具有必要性.该研究标志着我国海底声学研究由浅海走向深海,对推动海底声学的深入研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

海底节点(OBN)在有效弥补拖缆地震(TS)的勘探盲区、提供多波和宽方位角数据、定点和重复性等方面具有优势,成为海洋地震勘探的新技术方法.近十年来,OBN勘探技术和装备得到了快速发展,节点地震仪的性能进一步被优化,海底工作的时间和水深得到大幅度提升;智能自动化节点地震勘探系统走向实用,显著地提高了采集工作效率;针对OBN资料的特点,目前已研发了位置校正、上行/下行波场分离、镜像偏移、PS波成像与速度建模等处理方法,提高了成像品质,推动了OBN地震勘探在海洋油气田调查、地震识别和油气藏开发过程中的动态监测(4D)等方面的应用进程.本文重点介绍了 OBN方法原理、工作特点、发展历程和应用实例,分析了 OBN技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

海洋地球物理研究与海底探测声学技术的发展   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
海洋地球物理以物理学的思维与方法研究占地球三分之二面积的海洋系统.20世纪地球科学迅猛发展,它的重大进展是海底扩张说与板块构造说的出现和海底大洋的发现,以及前者所引发的地球科学思想革命,从固定论向活动论的思维转变.海底研究对于20世纪地球科学发展的贡献极为巨大,而海洋地球物理是推动海底科学研究的重要原动力.海洋地球物理在20世纪地球科学的发展中有过辉煌的成就,占有十分重要的地位;在新的21世纪里,海洋地球物理研究仍然保持着前沿科学的地位,继续推动着地球科学的进展.目前的海底探测主要还是依赖于声学探测技术.水下声学定位技术是实现水下探测系统精确定位和海底高精度探测的基础.传统性的海洋地震探测技术是研究海底构造与海洋岩石圈深部结构和寻找海底矿产的主力技术,它近年来无论在海上采集技术还是数据处理技术方面都发展得很快.多波束测深、侧扫声呐测图和海底地层剖面测量等则是近数十年快速发展起来探测海底浅部结构信息的技术.这些技术已经在当代海底科学研究、海底资源勘查、海洋工程和海洋开发,以及海洋军事活动等方面发挥出极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

南黄海海底大地电磁测深试验研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对南黄海盆地深层地震地质条件差,地震波受屏蔽,能量严重衰减,在海洋反射地震资料中很难识别反映中-古生界的反射地震波组,不能满足南黄海盆地前第三系油气资源前景评价的需要等问题,于2006年5月,开展了南黄海海域海底大地电磁测深试验,在盆地内五莲斜坡和胶州凹陷区布设了3个海底大地电磁测深点,取得了可靠的海底观测数据.本文详细阐述了海底大地电磁测深与常规大地电磁测深在数据处理方法上的差别,论述了海洋电磁噪声对海底大地电磁场观测的影响,提出了海底大地电磁场实测资料“水平姿态”校正、“方位”校正和“海洋电磁噪声”校正的方法.通过对试验观测资料的处理和反演,并结合地质、物性资料进行综合分析,结果表明在南黄海盆地海底以下深部还存留有古生代地层,这对于南黄海前第三系含油气前景的评价具有重要意义.试验结果也证明了海底大地电磁测深技术在研究古生代残留盆地方面的问题可以发挥相当好的作用.  相似文献   

基于重力地质法的南中国海海底地形反演   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据重力地质法(GGM),利用南中国海海域内63179个船测控制点水深将测高自由空间重力异常划分为长波参考场和短波残差场,并反演出了该海域112°E-119°E,12°N-20°N范围的1’×1’海底地形模型,该过程中使用的海水和海底洋壳密度差异常数1.32 g·cm-3通过实测水深估计得到.利用反演得到的GGM模型对剩余的10529个检核点船测水深插值计算后与实测水深进行比较,其较差结果的均值为-1.64 m,标准差为76.95 m,相对精度为4.06%.此外,根据船测点数量、分布和海底地形的不同,选择了三个海域进行统计,结果表明:在船测控制点分布均匀的海域,GGM模型精度优于ETOPO1模型,在控制点过于分散的海域其精度会有所下降,但好于船测水深的直接格网化结果.为进一步探究检核点的较差结果中出现较大数值的成因,本文对精度较差的点位进行了单独分析,选择了两条船测航迹剖面进行了研究,并分析了检核点的水深较差、相对精度与水深和重力异常的关系,结果表明:GGM模型精度受水深和重力异常的相关性影响较小,受海底地形复杂程度影响较大,地形坡度变化平缓海域的预测精度明显高于海山地区.最后,综合GGM模型和ETOPO1模型优势,利用所有船测水深作为控制,生成了综合的海底地形模型.  相似文献   

A method that links acoustic mapping data to underwater video observations of seafloor substrate is described for use in defining fish habitat. Three study areas in the Aleutian Islands were acoustically mapped using sidescan and multibeam sonar. The sidescan sonar data were used to compute average reflectivity (hardness) and seafloor complexity. The multibeam depth data were used to determine local slope, rugosity (seafloor roughness) and relative height. Underwater video was collected from three to four transects in each of the three study areas. The underwater video was used to classify the seafloor into nine observed primary and secondary substrate classes. A statistical relationship between the observed (video) and the remotely sensed (acoustic) seafloor characteristics was estimated using a classification tree. The best classification tree utilized rugosity, reflectivity and complexity data and produced misclassification rates of less than 25% overall. Mean grain size of sediment samples was not strongly related to the acoustic data. Error rates were highest for those substrate classes with the smallest number of data points. The results highlight the need for adequate sample sizes and coverage of all potential substrate types when groundtruthing acoustic maps.  相似文献   

气枪震源信号是短时非平稳信号,采用频谱细化算法能提高频谱分析的准确性。首先进行了改进线性调频Z变换(MCZT)和FFT两种频谱分析算法的误差仿真计算,然后进行气枪震源的水下子波信号和地震波信号的对比计算。结果表明MCZT计算误差较小、计算时间较少,能有效提高气枪震源信号频率和幅度特征提取的准确性,是气枪震源信号频谱特征分析的一个有效方法。  相似文献   

High-resolution bathymetric side-scan sonar (BSSS) performs the functions of traditional side-scan sonar, while also providing a depth-sounding function that allows simultaneous measurement of seafloor topography and geomorphology. Submarine microtopography and microgeomorphology detection ability and advanced underwater acoustic digital communication are important technical capabilities of the Jiaolong manned submersible. High resolution BSSS achieved accurate detection of seafloor topography and geomorphology at a depth of 7000 m, and successful mapping of local microtopography and microgeomorphology in the Mariana Trench.  相似文献   

利用中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源和海底地震仪(OBS)在我国北部浅海海域开展了人工地震深部地球物理探测试验.基于水深条件和压制水体虚反射、提升低频能量的需要,使气枪震源有足够的输出能量和高品质子波特性,研究了立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源工作机理,经远场子波理论模拟优选了组合参数并进行了海上试验工作.结果表明,中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源,适应了浅水海域的激发环境,降低了由虚反射造成的局部陷波和干扰作用,有效地改善了OBS信号的品质,获得了Ps,Pg,PmP,Pn等多种震相.创新了由中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源在浅海区OBS探测中的应用,也填补了南黄海海域深地震探测数据的空白,为南黄海、渤海深部地壳结构研究及含油气盆地形成演化研究提供了重要的基础资料.  相似文献   

A marine seismic method based on continuous source and receiver wavefields has been developed. The method requires continuous recording of the seismic data. The source that may consist of multiple source elements can emit signals continuously while moving. The ideal source wavefield to be used with this method should be as white as possible both in a temporal and a spatial sense to avoid deep notches in the spectrum enabling a stable multi-dimensional deconvolution. White noise has such properties. However, equipment that can generate white noise does not exist. In order to generate a continuous source wavefield that is approaching the properties of white noise using existing equipment onboard marine seismic vessels, individual air-guns can be triggered with short randomized time intervals in a near-continuous fashion. The main potential benefits with the method are to reduce the environmental impact of marine seismic surveys and to improve acquisition efficiency. The peak sound pressure levels are significantly reduced by triggering one air-gun at a time compared to conventional marine seismic sources. Sound exposure levels are also reduced in most directions. Since the method is based on continuous recording of seismic data and the air-guns are triggered based on time and not based on position, there are less vessel speed limitations compared to conventional marine seismic data acquisition. Also, because the source wavefield is spread out in time, the wavefields emitted from source elements in different cross-line positions can be designed such that the emitted wavefield is spatially white in this direction. This means that source elements in multiple cross-line positions can be operated simultaneously, potentially improving the cross-line sampling and/or the acquisition efficiency.  相似文献   

Within the road pavement acceptance tests, destructive as well as non-destructive tests of individual road layers are performed to verify the standard requirements. The article describes a method for providing quick, effective and sufficiently accurate measurements of both dowel and tie bar positions in concrete pavements, using a two-channel ground penetrating radar (GPR). Measurements were carried out in laboratory and in-situ conditions. A special hand cart for field measurements, set for the testing requirements, was designed. It was verified that following the correct measuring and assessment method, it is possible to reach accuracy of determining the in-built rebar up to 1 cm in vertical direction and up to 1.5 cm per 11.5 m of measured length in horizontal direction. In the in-situ tests, GPR identification of possible anomalies due to the phase of concrete pavement laying was presented. In the conclusion, a measurement report is mentioned. The standard requirements for the position of dowels and tie bars cover maximum possible deviation of the rebar position from the project documentation in vertical and horizontal direction, maximum deflection of rebar ends to each other, and maximum translation of rebar in the direction of its longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

Marine magnetotelluric measurements using “free‐fall’’ instruments without effective compasses suffer from the problem of unknown orientation of the receivers at the seafloor. While past works indicate that marine magnetotelluric orientation of the instruments can be estimated by reference to land deployments of known orientation using the transfer tensor method, there is limited published information on how this is implemented in practice. We document this method and propose a set of new time‐ and frequency‐domain approaches to solve this orientation problem of the seafloor receivers. We test these methodologies in onshore and offshore magnetotelluric data whose orientations are well known and apply these techniques to marine magnetotelluric data with unknown orientation. For the controlled tests, both time‐ and frequency‐domain approaches produce overall comparable results. To investigate the effects of the subsurface structure distribution on the orientation process, a dimensionality analysis of a controlled dataset is carried out. In subsequent analysis using the available disoriented marine magnetotelluric data from offshore Brazil and from the Vassouras magnetic observatory on the mainland for remote referencing, frequency‐domain methods yield approximate orientation angles among themselves with low standard deviation each. Time‐domain results are consistent for most cases but differ from frequency‐domain results for some situations.  相似文献   

Twenty-four heat flow measurements are clustered in 5–20 m.y. and 60–80 m.y. old seafloor on the crest and northern flank of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. The crestal heat flow stations are characterized by (1) low mean heat flow relative to that predicted by theoretical models, (2) thin sediment cover, and (3) high ratio of standard deviation to mean heat flow, all of which indicate a system dominated by convective heat transfer. The measurements made on older seafloor of the northern flank have (1) mean heat flow equal to the theoretical predictions of conductively-cooling lithospheric plate models, (2) thick sediment cover, and (3) low ratio of standard deviation to mean heat flow. Thus convective loss associated with hydrothermal circulation is not considered to be important in 60–80 m.y. old seafloor on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. The pattern of heat flow on this ridge is thus similar to that in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans: hydrothermal circulation is dominant on the ridge crest but is suppressed on the flanks, possibly due to a difference in the hydraulic admittance of the sediment between the two regions.  相似文献   

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