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在大地电磁实测数据中阻抗张量次对角元素的相位值超出正常象限(一、三或二、四象限)的现象称为相位超象限.这种现象无法利用各向同性介质的一、二维反演来解释,而与特定形态的三维各向同性介质有关的电流槽效应有可能是引起相位超象限现象的原因之一.本文首先重建了四个能引起相位超象限的三维各向同性介质理论模型,对模型结构和响应特征进行了总结.随后结合麦克斯韦方程组介绍了电流槽效应产生的原理,并通过近似解析公式分析了电流槽效应对电、磁场的影响.最后,我们针对最近几年来在青藏高原北缘观测到的相位超象限大地电磁测深数据,重点对河西走廊北侧的三个连续相位异常数据进行了三维反演研究,反演模型能够很好地拟合实测的相位超象限数据.通过对模型中存在于上地壳的不同规模高导异常结构进行三维正演检验,最终确定位于测点北东方向的巴丹吉林沙漠构成了区域高导体,它与紧邻测点东侧的局部高导体相连,在平面上形成了"L"型的高导构造,是引起河西走廊北侧相位超象限大地电磁观测数据的主要原因.除此之外,紧邻测点西侧的孤立高导体也会对相位异常的分布范围产生影响.  相似文献   

由于浅部、局部不均匀三维异常体的影响,大地电磁测深(Magnetotelluric,MT)观测数据往往需要进行畸变校正.本文针对相位张量不受局部电场畸变影响的特点,研究相位张量分析约束下的大地电磁测深(MT)阻抗张量GB(Groom-Bailey)分解方法.分析由相位张量得到的相关参数,结合初步电性结构维性判断及二维或近似二维电性结构条件下电性主轴方向等信息,设计较合理的GB阻抗张量分解初始模型,提高GB算法的稳定性及可靠性.同时,在传统GB分解求解模型的基础上,将各向异性参数引入目标函数,并采用共轭梯度法进行模型的最优化求解.理论数据计算结果表明,MT阻抗张量GB分解方法的计算结果,依赖于初始模型中电性主轴角、阻抗张量值等参数的选择,相位张量分析约束下的GB分解方法能有效改善算法的稳定性和计算结果的可靠性.此外,研究表明,在合理的初始模型选择下,较之传统的GB分解方法,尽管各向异性参数仍旧无法求出,但带各向异性参数的GB分解方法在计算效率和结果可靠性方面均具有一定的优势.选择实际大地电磁测深点数据进行方法验证,取得了理想的电性分析结果.  相似文献   

受计算机硬件水平限制,大地电磁(MT)三维反演难以在实际中推广应用,MT数据解释仍以二维反演为主.地质构造具有一定的二维性特征,但不同的地质构造走向往往不同、MT测线无法与每个构造的走向垂直,这使得实际MT数据并不满足严格的二维反演条件.因此,有必要开展大地电磁测深二维反演对"准二维"地质构造的适应性研究.本文设计三个理论地电模型,通过三维正演计算获得各测点大地电磁响应,以此模拟实际观测数据.对MT数据进行相位张量分析,结果表明设计的地电模型主要表现为二维性特征.利用非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)反演算法对理论MT数据进行二维反演研究,重点讨论了测线方向、电性主轴旋转策略及反演模式选择,对反演结果的影响.对比分析反演结果,得到如下认识:1.测线方向对反演结果影响较小;2.电性主轴旋转角度对反演结果影响较大;3.TE+TM联合模式及单独TM模式的反演效果较好.研究结果表明:当一条测线下方在横向与纵向上存在走向不同的多个异常体时,对整条剖面分测点、分频段进行电性主轴旋转,反演所得结果最可靠.  相似文献   

带地形的大地电磁二维正演数值模拟多数基于电性各向同性理论,由于地球内部电性各向异性现象的普遍存在,基于电性各向异性理论研究地形起伏情况下大地电磁二维正演数值模拟就显得非常迫切.本文首先由麦克斯韦方程出发,引入张量电导率,求得一组关于平行走向的电场分量Ex和磁场分量Hx的二阶偏微分方程,使用有限差分法求解出Ex和Hx的近似解,并以此求得其他场分量;其次,引入地形因素,改变变量在网格节点中的排列方式,选择交错排列方式从而给有限差分系数矩阵的最大带宽分配合理的存储空间;最后,使用Weaver的方法解决TM模式下,在地-空分界面垂直于构造走向的一些区域存在不同电导率的问题.通过对带地形的二维电性各向异性结构做正演模拟,研究地形因素对大地电磁响应的影响;以电性各向异性理论为基础,将地形因素引入对实测大地电磁资料的处理中,通过做二维正演拟合和未引入地形因素的结果做对比,说明电性各向异性现象的普遍存在,认识地形因素对观测大地电磁场的影响,为今后分析解释实测大地电磁资料包含地形因素和电性各向异性情况提供理论基础和技术指导.  相似文献   

二维对称各向异性介质大地电磁反演   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
考虑一种二维构造走向与一水平各向异性主方向一致的对称各向异性介质. 在这种特殊情况下,若假设电导率沿垂向和倾向表现相同的各向异性, 即sigma;zz=sigma;yy,则得到形式完全等同于各向同性情形TE和TM极化方程的微分方程. 因此, 就可用各向同性完全相同的反演方法, 获得二维各向异性介质的电导率. 亦即各向同性介质的TE和TM极化反演结果, 可以解释为对称各向异性介质两主方向上的电阻率. 这为MT解释提供了新的解释途径及其理论依据. 最后用由此发展起来的各向异性介质反演方法,对甘肃天祝永登一带大地电磁资料进行了反演试验,获得了该区地壳介质各向异性电导率结构   相似文献   

大地电磁各向异性二维模拟及实例分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经过半个多世纪的发展,国内外利用大地电磁法研究地球内部电性结构取得了令人瞩目的成就,这些研究成果多数是基于电性各向同性理论.然而地球内部普遍存在电性各向异性现象,地壳和上地幔中存在的电性各向异性是地电模型、地下结构和构造模型间一个重要的联系因素.本文首先由麦克斯韦方程出发,引入张量电导率,根据二维电性各向异性结构的特点,得到一组关于平行走向的电场分量Ex和磁场分量Hx的偏微分方程.使用有限差分法求解偏微分方程,求出Ex和Hx的近似解,并以此求得其它场分量;随后,通过对普通及特殊的二维电性各向异性结构做正演模拟,研究其对观测大地电磁场的影响,从而认识在普通及某种特定地质条件下的电磁传播特性,为其后对大地电磁实测资料的处理解释奠定理论基础;最后,以本文的研究成果为基础,将电性各向异性理论引入对实测大地电磁资料的处理解释中,通过对新疆某地的大地电磁资料做二维正演拟合解释,说明了电性各向异性现象的普遍存在,也验证了理论的正确性及算法的实用性,为今后分析解释大地电磁资料中的电性各向异性现象提供理论依据和技术指导,并开拓了对大地电磁实测资料处理的思路和方法.  相似文献   

李勇  林品荣  刘祖鉴 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3923-3933
考虑地球介质电导率任意各向异性且随空间位置连续变化的情况,本文实现了直接求解电磁场的可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)三维有限元数值模拟.首先给出了电导率任意各向异性介质中CSAMT二次电场满足的控制方程及其相应变分问题,然后采用任意六面体单元对研究区域进行剖分,在网格单元中对任意各向异性电导率进行线性插值,解决了实际工作中岩矿石电导率各向异性且连续变化的情况,将变分问题转化为线性代数方程组的求解.电导率各向异性且连续变化一维模型三维有限元数值模拟结果与电导率各向异性且分层均匀渐进模型解析解结果对比验证了方法的有效性;三维地电模型电导率随位置线性变化且各向同性、主轴各向异性、方位各向异性和倾斜各向异性的数值模拟结果表明,电导率各向异性且连续变化对CSAMT视电阻率和相位数据均有明显的影响.  相似文献   

从电偶源三维地电断面可控源电磁法的二次电场边值问题及其变分问题出发,采用任意六面体单元对研究区域进行剖分,并且在单元分析中同时对电导率及二次电场进行三线性插值,实现电导率分块连续变化情况下,基于二次场的可控源电磁三维有限元数值模拟.这个新的可控源电磁三维正演方法可以模拟实际勘探中地下任意形状及电性参数连续变化的复杂模型.理论模型的计算结果表明,均匀大地计算的视电阻率误差和相位误差分别为0.002%和0.0005°.分层连续变化模型的有限元计算结果表明,其与对应的分层均匀模型解析结果有明显差异.三维异常体组合模型以及倾斜异常体等复杂模型的有限元计算结果也有效地反映了异常形态.  相似文献   

当地表存在三维非均匀电导率分布时,区域大地电磁响应发生畸变. 以往对这种畸变研究多假设近地表为三维,区域构造为一维或二维. 对于更一般的三维/三维构造,为了分析并消除这种畸变影响,真实反映地下三维区域构造信息,本文实现了三维大地电磁相位张量积分方程数值算法,并研究在不同地质模型下相位张量响应. 结果表明,相位张量不仅可以反映一般三维构造信息,亦可有效反映复杂近地表构造下三维区域构造信息,而无须假设区域构造为一维或二维,证明相位张量具有较强抗近地表局部非均匀构造干扰能力,能够保持更为一般的三维区域构造信息. 为了加快正演计算,同时保持一定精度,算法采用了积分方程多网格法.  相似文献   

地球介质的电性特征在不同深度上都可能表现出各向异性,识别电各向异性有助于深入理解地球内部物质状态及变形环境,促进对动力学模型的理解.本研究在已实现的任意电各向异性大地电磁有限差分正演算法的基础之上,通过构建常规的各向异性反演目标函数,完成对目标函数及其梯度的计算.借助成熟的非线性共轭梯度反演技术,实现了对大地电磁各向异性介质的反演过程.在此基础上,构建了二维方位各向异性理论模型,来验证反演过程的稳定性.理论模型的反演结果直观地显示了大地电磁各向异性反演对模型参数中垂直电导率恢复上的局限性;在各向异性结构分析上需要将电导率张量作为整体考虑.对青藏高原北部东昆仑—柴达木盆地西段的实测大地电磁数据进行反演,并对比早期二维各向同性反演结果发现,各向同性结构中位于祁漫塔格山脉下方上地幔顶部存在低阻异常带,在相同的位置,各向异性结构中表现出明显的方位各向异性,其各向异性低阻主轴电阻率指示的剪切带走向与地表造山带走向不一致,这暗示该处的应力环境复杂,除了受印度—欧亚板块碰撞控制外,还可能受到邻近阿尔金走滑断裂带左行剪切运动的影响.  相似文献   

In magnetic routine interpretation the comparison of two-dimensional model curves with measured magnetic anomalies is widely used for an approximate evaluation of the position and depth of magnetic models. Before starting an interpretation of a survey by means of two-dimensional models, it is very useful to have an idea of the shape of anomalies caused by extended but finite bodies, taking into account various strike directions: Three sets of anomalies of thin plates (horizontal length 19, downward length 9, width 1) dipping 30°, 60°, and 90° resp. for various strike directions and an inclination of 20° were computed. Some of these anomalies, e.g. those with nearly N-S strike direction look rather complicated, and at the first glance one would not expect that they are caused by such simple bodies. Several profiles crossing the computed anomalies perpendicularly were interpreted two-dimensionally. For less extended anomalies the depths determined for the top of the plates are 10-20% too small, the magnetization amounts to 50–75 % of the value of the finite bodies. The interpretation of the profiles covering more extended anomalies gave very accurately the same values for the position, depth and magnetization for the two-dimensional body as for the original three-dimensional model. Anomalies of vertical prisms with varying extensions in the y-direction were computed. Their differences in amplitude and in the distance maximum-minimum show that interpretation of short anomalies by two-dimensional methods yields depth errors of up to 20 percent. To see the possibilities of the separation of superimposed anomalies dike anomalies were added to the anomaly of a broad body in great depth and several attempts were made to interpret parts of the composite anomalies. The interpreted bodies lie too deep. In complicated cases the depth values can have large errors, but experienced interpreters should be able to keep the errors in the range of one third of the depth values.  相似文献   

本文研究并建立了一种模拟各向异性地层中三维电性异常体电磁响应的积分方程算法.首先讨论了并矢Green函数及其相关积分的计算,将水平层状各向异性地层中的电场并矢Green函数分解成含有奇异项的直达波与非奇异的来自各个层界面的反射和透射波两个部分,再应用等效体积单元和表面积分技术对积分方程的奇异核进行离散化处理以便提高离散方程的精度.然后为了节省计算机内存以及计算时间,引入基于Krylov子空间的迭代算法求解积分方程的离散化矩阵方程.最后通过与现有文献中的结果作对比从而检验了所述算法的有效性,并结合具体算例考察分析了地层的各向异性对三维电性异常体电磁响应的影响特征和规律.  相似文献   

地震的感应磁效应(二)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文是“地震的感应磁效应(一)--三维电磁感应的数值理论”一文的继续。首先从理论和实际计算两个方面证明了三维电磁感应数值方程解的唯一性、收敛性和稳定性,从而充实了作为研究地壳、上地幔电性结构横向不均匀性理论基础的“三维数值方法”。作为这一理论方法的实际应用,文中对不同源场周期和具有不同埋藏深度的三维电导率异常体进行了模拟计算,以研究地震感应磁效应的大小、空间分布特征和频率特性。模拟计算结果表明,对于周期从数秒到数分钟的地磁短周期变化,若电导率异常体的线度与5至7级地震的震源体积大体相当,其电导率较原背景电导率高近一个量级,其感应磁效应主要特征为:在异常体正上方,地面磁场的水平分量变化最大,相对变化量约30%;在异常体于源场方向一致的两侧,垂直分量变化最大,相对变化量约40-50%。因此,观测短周期地磁场的异常变化,有可能是监测地震孕育过程地下电性变化的一种试验途径。但由于上述异常强度在空间上衰减迅速,所以观测必须接近震源区,这对测点的选择是个不利的因素。  相似文献   

在一些地层层理发育的地区,地下介质存在显著的电各向异性,此时基于各向同性模型解释含各向异性效应的可控源音频大地电磁(CSAMT)测深观测数据会导致错误的结果.本文通过引入3×3的对称正定张量表征电导率各向异性,采用非结构四面体网格和矢量有限元方法离散电场满足的矢量Helmholtz方程,并将电磁场源等效为系列电偶极子,实现任意各向异性介质中CSAMT高效数值模拟.本文首先通过层状各向异性模型检验三维有限元算法的精度和有效性,进一步建立三维地电模型研究异常体各向异性和围岩各向异性对CSAMT响应的影响,最后使用视电阻率极性图来识别各向异性电导率主轴方向.数值模拟结果表明,各向异性电导率对CSAMT视电阻率幅值及分布规律都有很大影响,视电阻率极性图能够很好地识别各向异性主轴方向.  相似文献   

We present the results of a long-period electromagnetic investigation of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Rhenish Shield in Western Germany. The magnetotelluric phase data reveal a frequency-dependent regional strike that varies only smoothly across the array. At short periods (t<100 s) the striking of the maximum phase splitting is N45°E, which can be explained with an electrical anisotropic lower crust. At long periods (t>1000 s) there is a consistent striking in WE direction, which provides strong evidence of an anisotropic structure in the upper mantle, too. Geomagnetic data were also used, whereas we reference the magnetic field components of all sites to an arbitrarily chosen field site. That provides a direct view of the anomalous current flow. We show that in case of a non-one-dimensional electrical substructure of the reference site all magnetic transfer functions of the other sites can be affected by lateral conductivity contrasts beneath the reference site. A simple method to remove such effects is introduced. Applying this method the magnetic data show a distinct anomaly in the northwestern part of the area. Finally, we present a 3D model of the conductivity structure beneath the Rhenish Shield which contains a superposition of two anisotropic structures in the lower crust (2000 S) and the upper mantle (20?000 S), respectively, and a local anomaly in the upper crust (4000 S).  相似文献   

Estimation of hydraulic parameters is essential to understand the interaction between groundwater flow and seawater intrusion. Though several studies have addressed hydraulic parameter estimation, based on pumping tests as well as geophysical methods, not many studies have addressed the problem with clayey formations being present. In this study, a methodology is proposed to estimate anisotropic hydraulic conductivity and porosity values for the coastal aquifer with unconsolidated formations. For this purpose, the one-dimensional resistivity of the aquifer and the groundwater conductivity data are used to estimate porosity at discrete points. The hydraulic conductivity values are estimated by its mutual dependence with porosity and petrophysical parameters. From these estimated values, the bilinear relationship between hydraulic conductivity and aquifer resistivity is established based on the clay content of the sampled formation. The methodology is applied on a coastal aquifer along with the coastal Karnataka, India, which has significant clayey formations embedded in unconsolidated rock. The estimation of hydraulic conductivity values from the established correlations has a correlation coefficient of 0.83 with pumping test data, indicating good reliability of the methodology. The established correlations also enable the estimation of horizontal hydraulic conductivity on two-dimensional resistivity sections, which was not addressed by earlier studies. The inventive approach of using the established bilinear correlations at one-dimensional to two-dimensional resistivity sections is verified by the comparison method. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity agrees with previous findings from inverse modelling. Additionally, this study provides critical insights into the estimation of vertical hydraulic conductivity and an equation is formulated which relates vertical hydraulic conductivity with horizontal. Based on the approach presented, the anisotropic hydraulic conductivity of any type aquifer with embedded clayey formations can be estimated. The anisotropic hydraulic conductivity has the potential to be used as an important input to the groundwater models.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) observations at some sites in the vicinity of the Waterberg Fault/Omaruru Lineament (WF/OL), a major tectono-stratigraphic zone boundary in the Central Zone of the Damara Belt, show evidence for strong three-dimensional (3D) effects. We observe very high skew values, phases over 90°, and a strong correlation of parallel components of the electric and magnetic fields at long periods. Because of the dense site spacing and good spatial coverage, we can positively attribute these effects to local geology and are able to resolve structural detail within the WF/OL. Mapping LaTorraca’s electric characteristic vectors in form of ellipses proved particularly useful in identifying key elements of the conductivity structure for subsequent modelling. 3D and 2D anisotropic modelling can reproduce most of the observed 3D effects. The conductivity anomalies revealed in the area are: (i) a conductive ring structure in the shallow crust along the northern part of the profile; (ii) an anisotropic region in the upper crust with high conductivity parallel to the WF/OL; (iii) anisotropy in the lower crust with a different but undetermined strike direction; and (iv) a shallow elongated conductor sub-normal to the WF/OL. Modelling studies further suggest that the (anisotropic) fault zone is approximately 10 km wide and may reach down to a depth of 14 km or more.  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林浩特-东乌旗剖面壳幔电性结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究二连-东乌旗贺根山一带成矿构造环境,提供矿产资源勘查、预测、评价的地质背景依据,跨贺根山和锡林浩特板块缝合带一线布设了26个超宽频带长周期大地电磁测深点,点距3~6 km,剖面长度100 km,在对获取的资料采用Robust变换、互参考处理的基础上,定性分析了视电阻率和相位曲线、二维偏离度、电性主轴,并采用二维共...  相似文献   

Fitts CR 《Ground water》2006,44(1):99-101
Although most current applications of the analytic element method are formulated for isotropic hydraulic conductivity, anisotropic domains can be modeled with analytic elements using the well-known coordinate transformation where one coordinate axis is scaled by the square root of the anisotropy ratio. If the standard analytic solution for steady radial flow to a well is used with this coordinate transformation, the resulting solution correctly models the far field but it does not meet the constant head boundary condition at the well radius. This could be a significant shortcoming if you are interested in the flow field close to the well or want to estimate the head at the pumping well. A new solution for two-dimensional steady flow to a well in an anisotropic domain is presented. This solution satisfies the governing equations exactly and meets the constant head boundary condition at the well radius exactly. It was derived using a conformal mapping.  相似文献   

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