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井间地震数据直达波走时层析成像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用矢量射线追踪正演模拟技术计算地震波直达波传播的路径及走时,进而利用射线走时及路径的内插,发展了弯曲射线迭代反演技术.该方法可用来重建井间地层的速度图像.基于所发展的方法,我们对较为复杂的典型地质模型进行了井间速度重建.结果表明该方法是一项快速、高精度的走时层析成像技术.  相似文献   

利用矢量射线追踪正演模拟技术,计算地震波传播的路径及走时,进而利用射线走时及路径的内插,发展了弯曲射线迭代反演技术。该方法可用来重建井间地层的速度图像。基于所发展的方法,我们对两种较为复杂的典型地质是行了井间速度重建。结果表明该方法是一项快速、高精度的跨孔数据速度重建技术。  相似文献   

多数井间地震走时层析成象法是将震源到接收器间的射线路径近似为直线,但这只有当研究区域速度变化较小时才有效.实际上许多地区都可观测到速度变化达到10—20%以上,引起显著的射线弯曲.虽然在研究井间成象问题时有人已考虑到这一非线性效应.但多数结果并不令人满意.本文提出一种二维射线追踪的迭代反演方法并成功地应用于野外实测数据. 本方法是先进行迭代射线追踪然后来修改速度模型.每次迭代都把在当前模型中经射线追踪计算得到的理论走时与观测走时之差通过线性方程组与未知的速度扰动联系起来,并通过阻尼最小二乘法求出用来修改模型的速度扰动.迭代一直进行到理论走时与观测资料拟合到给定误差,或走时拟合无法再改进时为止.理论模拟表明本方法经几次迭代后就可收敛到正确解. 利用这一方法处理了结晶岩地区的实测井间地震实验数据.地震波的频率范围是1—6.6 kHz,允许的分辨率为几米.得到的速度图象与其它地质和地球物理资料十分吻合.根据求解的速度模型计算出的马斯洛夫(Maslov)理论地震图与实际波形图相当一致,这也有力地验证了本反演方法的有效性.  相似文献   

二维复杂层状介质中地震多波走时联合反演成像   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
黄国娇  白超英 《地球物理学报》2010,53(12):2972-2981
采用新近提出的多次波射线追踪正演算法,结合共轭梯度法求解带约束的阻尼最小二乘最优化反演问题,分析讨论了利用多震相走时资料进行联合反演成像的方法及技术.考虑到不同震相走时的拾取误差不同,反演算法中引入了不同震相种类数据的权系数; 由于同时反演速度模型和反射界面起伏中不同模型参数变化对走时影响程度的不同, Jacobi偏导矩阵元素中引入了不同参数的归一化因子; 另外,为了克服射线密度过大(或过小)区域速度模型的过度(或欠)更新问题,反演算法中引入了等权射线密度的概念.几种数值模拟实例表明(含噪声敏感性试验): 多波走时的联合或同时反演成像技术是一种提高走时成像空间分辨率,进而降低重建模型失真度行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

跨孔观测地震数据的速度重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用矢量射线追踪正演模拟技术 ,计算地震波传播的路径及走时 ,进而利用射线走时及路径的内插 ,发展了弯曲射线迭代反演技术 .该方法可用来重建井间地层的速度图像 .基于所发展的方法 ,我们对两种较为复杂的典型地质模型进行了井间速度重建 .结果表明该方法是一项快速、高精度的跨孔数据速度重建技术  相似文献   

地震走时层析成像是反演地层各向异性参数分布的有效方法,但是关于地震各向异性介质走时层析成像的研究并不多,其技术远远没有达到成熟的阶段.在野外数据采集时,地表反射波观测方式相对井间和垂直地震剖面观测方式的成本更低,利用qP反射波走时反演各向异性参数具有更加广泛的实用价值.本文实现的TI介质地震走时层析成像方法结合了TI介质反射波射线追踪算法、走时扰动方程和非线性共轭梯度算法,它可以对任意强度的TI介质模型进行反演,文中尝试利用qP反射波走时重建TI介质模型的参数图像.利用qP反射波对层状介质模型和块状异常体模型进行走时反演,由于qP波相速度对弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数的偏微分不同,所以可以分别反演弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数.数值模拟结果表明:利用qP反射波可以反演出TI介质模型的弹性模量参数与Thomsen参数,不同模型的走时迭代反演达到了较好的收敛效果,与各向同性介质走时反演结果相比较,各向异性介质走时反演结果具有较好的识别能力.  相似文献   

本文讨论了射线和射束理论地震图对速度模型和弯曲界面变化的敏感性.Nowack和Lutter(1989)以前的成果给出走时和射线振幅相对于光滑变化的速度变化导数,在实施构造的线性化最大似然反演时这些导数是需要的.在射线近似中,局部应用Snell定律、校正波前曲率以及使用局部平面波反射/透射系数来体现光滑界面,利用费马原理可沿着原始射线轨迹直接计算走时的偏导数.对于反射/透射射线的振幅扰动,必须考虑扰动后的两点射线轨迹的射线偏移.本文遵循的方法是利用没有额外射线追踪的扰动理论近似计算扰动后的两点射线,然后沿着这条近似的两点射线直接计算扰动的射线振幅,包括修正过的反射/透射系数和几何扩展.进行了若干次数值实验,利用走时和振幅反演速度和界面形状来检验所得出的偏导数算子、走时和振幅反演结果,还与对大尺度性质不太敏感而对不均匀曲率较敏感的振幅作了比较.  相似文献   

伴随状态法初至波走时层析是基于最优化理论的一种层析成像方法,该方法不必进行射线追踪,用两次正演的计算量便可以获得梯度,具有计算效率高、内存占用小等优点,但是其一阶方向在初始模型或观测孔径不理想的情况下往往无法获得正确的反演结果,而二阶方向的实现又比较困难且费时.在伴随状态法的基础上,将走时差替换为定值,再次进行反演,便可以得到类似于射线密度的矩阵,用该矩阵的逆可以方便地进行预条件.基于该方法,本文提出了一种简单易行的预条件伴随状态法初至波走时层析的实现方法.理论模型和实际资料处理结果都表明,该方法既保留了伴随状态法初至波走时层析的优点,又可以克服一阶方向的局限,获得良好的反演效果.  相似文献   

为提高弹性波CT层析成像中反演成像的质量,同时考虑到CT走时方程中系数矩阵的病态性和BPT-SIRT算法重建图像质量较低的问题,提出基于主元加权预处理和对BPT-SIRT算法加权的方法。该方法对BPT得到的初始迭代值进行加权预处理,在CT走时方程中的系数矩阵主元上叠加一个权值,再通过非线性的指数加权函数对射线路径矩阵中的元素进行加权。通过数值模拟和预制含缺陷的钢管混凝土试件对该方法进行验证,结果表明本文的方法具有更好的收敛速度和精度,对缺陷的识别效果更好。   相似文献   

赖晓玲  张先康 《地震学报》1997,19(5):506-516
研究利用反射波的走时反演三维弯曲界面和介质层速度的计算方法.各层界面利用分段非完全三次多项式描述.正问题采用一种快速的三维射线追踪方法.反演过程采用变阻尼最小二乘法.数值模拟结果表明,解很快收敛到真模型.处理了通过唐山震区的实测资料,重建了该震区莫霍界面三维构造形态,并揭示了该区域构造与地震活动的关系.   相似文献   

基于MSFM的复杂近地表模型走时计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震走时层析成像方法是解决复杂近地表模型速度建模问题的重要技术.该方法是一种迭代反演方法,在反演过程中需要反复计算地震射线走时.故而,高效高精度且能适应复杂模型的走时计算方法是地震走时层析成像实用化的关键技术之一.本文引入医学成像领域研究的MSFM(Multi-stencils Fast Marching Methods)用于地震层析反演中的走时计算.该方法在标准FMM(Fast Marching Methods)基础上利用坐标旋转生成新的FMM计算模板,使计算网格点对角方向邻点参与计算,改善了标准FMM存在对角方向误差大的缺陷.本文分析对比了MSFM和标准FMM的计算精度和计算效率;针对地震层析成像技术解决的起伏地表模型建模问题,研究了起伏地表模型地震走时计算的MSFM实现方法;采用炮点邻近区域局部细分网格技术只需增加很少的计算量即可大幅提高计算精度.理论分析和模型试算表明MSFM算法明显改善了FMM的计算精度,同时保持了FMM算法的高效性.文章通过对崎岖地表模型的正演和层析反演试算,验证了基于MSFM的地震走时计算方法对复杂模型有很强的适应能力.研究表明该方法作为地震走时层析反演中高效高精度的正演算法,有很好的应用价值.  相似文献   

To carry out a 3D prestack migration of the Kirchhoff type is still a task of enormous computational effort. Its efficiency can be significantly enhanced by employing a fast traveltime interpolation algorithm. High accuracy can be achieved if secondorder spatial derivatives of traveltimes are included in order to account for the curvature of the wavefront. We suggest a hyperbolic traveltime interpolation scheme that permits the determination of the hyperbolic coefficients directly from traveltimes sampled on a coarse grid, thus reducing the requirements in data storage. This approach is closely related to the paraxial ray approximation and corresponds to an extension of the wellknown     method to arbitrary heterogeneous and complex media in 3D. Application to various velocity models, including a 3D version of the Marmousi model, confirms the superiority of our method over the popular trilinear interpolation. This is especially true for regions with strong curvature of the local wavefront. In contrast to trilinear interpolation, our method also provides the possibility of interpolating source positions, and it is 56 times faster than the calculation of traveltime tables using a fast finitedifference eikonal solver.  相似文献   

This paper presents a traveltime inversion approach, using the reflection traveltimes from offset VSP data, to reconstruct the horizontal and vertical velocities for stratified anisotropic media. The inverse problem is reduced to a set of linear equations, and solved by the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique. The validity of this inversion scheme is verified using two sets of synthetic data simulated using a finite‐difference method, one for an isotropic model and the other for an elliptically anisotropic model. The inversion result demonstrates that our anisotropic velocity inversion scheme may be applied to both isotropic and anisotropic media. The method is finally applied to a real offset VSP data set, acquired in an oilfield in northwestern China.  相似文献   

有序波前重建法的射线追踪   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一种新的计算最小走时和射线路径的方法——有序波前重建法. 文中算法按照波前面的实际扩展顺序外推计算走时,采用以计算点为中心的走时计算策略,直接记录计算点获取最小走时的前一节点坐标,同步计算最小走时和射线路径,得到一种全局算法. 该方法具有原理简单、易于实现、不受介质速度差异大小限制、计算速度快等优点. 数值实验表明有序波前重建法具有较高的计算精度和运行效率.  相似文献   

We propose a two-dimensional, non-linear method for the inversion of reflected/converted traveltimes and waveform semblance designed to obtain the location and morphology of seismic reflectors in a lateral heterogeneous medium and in any source-to-receiver acquisition lay-out. This method uses a scheme of non-linear optimization for the determination of the interface parameters where the calculation of the traveltimes is carried out using a finite-difference solver of the Eikonal equation, assuming an a priori known background velocity model. For the search for the optimal interface model, we used a multiscale approach and the genetic algorithm global optimization technique. During the initial stages of inversion, we used the arrival times of the reflection phase to retrieve the interface model that is defined by a small number of parameters. In the successive steps, the inversion is based on the optimization of the semblance value determined along the calculated traveltime curves. Errors in the final model parameters and the criteria for the choice of the best-fit model are also estimated from the shape of the semblance function in the model parameter space. The method is tested and validated on a synthetic dataset that simulates the acquisition of reflection data in a complex volcanic structure. This study shows that the proposed inversion approach is a valid tool for geophysical investigations in complex geological environments, in order to obtain the morphology and positions of embedded discontinuities.  相似文献   

We present a method for estimating P- and S-velocities within defined layers (macromodel), using only kinematic properties (i.e. traveltimes) of the wavefield. The method does not require identification of mixed-mode events on prestack or post-stack data. After obtaining a Vp-depth model by coherency inversion, S-velocities are determined by coherency optimization along computed traveltime curves for mixed-mode events on prestack data. Since the method does not involve any dynamic wavefield computations, a simple ray-tracing algorithm is used to solve the forward problem. The simplicity of the scheme, together with the ability to apply it locally, makes it highly suitable for interactive use. Results of this method may be used to detect Poisson's ratio anomalies within or between layers and may serve as an initial model for more complicated elastic inversion algorithms.  相似文献   

The possibilities for reconstructing seismic velocity distributions containing low-velocity anomalies by iterative tomographic methods are examined studying numerical and analogue 2D model data. The geometrical conditions of the model series were designed to generalize the geometrical characteristics of a typical cross-hole tomographic field case. Models with high (30%) and low (8%) velocity contrasts were realized. Traveltimes of 2D ultrasonic P-waves, determined for a dense net of raypaths across each model, form the analogue data set. The numerical data consists of traveltimes calculated along straight raypaths. Additionally, a set of curved-ray traveltimes was calculated for a smoothed version of the high-contrast model. The Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) was chosen from the various tomographic inversion methods. The abilities of this standard procedure are studied using the low-contrast model data. The investigations concentrate on the resolving power concerning geometry and velocity, and on the effects caused by erroneous data due to noise or a finite time precision. The grid spacing and the source and receiver patterns are modified. Smoothing and slowness constraints were tested. The inversion of high-contrast analogue model data shows that curved raypaths have to be considered. Hence, a ray-tracing algorithm using velocity gradients was developed, based on the grid structure of the tomographic inversion. This algorithm is included in the SIRT-process and the improvements concerning anomaly localization, resolution and velocity reconstruction are demonstrated. Since curved-ray tomography is time-consuming compared with straight-ray SIRT, it is necessary to consider the effects of grid spacing, ray density, slowness constraints and the  相似文献   

We describe two practicable approaches for an efficient computation of seismic traveltimes and amplitudes. The first approach is based on a combined finite‐difference solution of the eikonal equation and the transport equation (the ‘FD approach’). These equations are formulated as hyperbolic conservation laws; the eikonal equation is solved numerically by a third‐order ENO–Godunov scheme for the traveltimes whereas the transport equation is solved by a first‐order upwind scheme for the amplitudes. The schemes are implemented in 2D using polar coordinates. The results are first‐arrival traveltimes and the corresponding amplitudes. The second approach uses ray tracing (the ‘ray approach’) and employs a wavefront construction (WFC) method to calculate the traveltimes. Geometrical spreading factors are then computed from these traveltimes via the ray propagator without the need for dynamic ray tracing or numerical differentiation. With this procedure it is also possible to obtain multivalued traveltimes and the corresponding geometrical spreading factors. Both methods are compared using the Marmousi model. The results show that the FD eikonal traveltimes are highly accurate and perfectly match the WFC traveltimes. The resulting FD amplitudes are smooth and consistent with the geometrical spreading factors obtained from the ray approach. Hence, both approaches can be used for fast and reliable computation of seismic first‐arrival traveltimes and amplitudes in complex models. In addition, the capabilities of the ray approach for computing traveltimes and spreading factors of later arrivals are demonstrated with the help of the Shell benchmark model.  相似文献   

2D inversion of refraction traveltime curves using homogeneous functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method using simple inversion of refraction traveltimes for the determination of 2D velocity and interface structure is presented. The method is applicable to data obtained from engineering seismics and from deep seismic investigations. The advantage of simple inversion, as opposed to ray‐tracing methods, is that it enables direct calculation of a 2D velocity distribution, including information about interfaces, thus eliminating the calculation of seismic rays at every step of the iteration process. The inversion method is based on a local approximation of the real velocity cross‐section by homogeneous functions of two coordinates. Homogeneous functions are very useful for the approximation of real geological media. Homogeneous velocity functions can include straight‐line seismic boundaries. The contour lines of homogeneous functions are arbitrary curves that are similar to one another. The traveltime curves recorded at the surface of media with homogeneous velocity functions are also similar to one another. This is true for both refraction and reflection traveltime curves. For two reverse traveltime curves, non‐linear transformations exist which continuously convert the direct traveltime curve to the reverse one and vice versa. This fact has enabled us to develop an automatic procedure for the identification of waves refracted at different seismic boundaries using reverse traveltime curves. Homogeneous functions of two coordinates can describe media where the velocity depends significantly on two coordinates. However, the rays and the traveltime fields corresponding to these velocity functions can be transformed to those for media where the velocity depends on one coordinate. The 2D inverse kinematic problem, i.e. the computation of an approximate homogeneous velocity function using the data from two reverse traveltime curves of the refracted first arrival, is thus resolved. Since the solution algorithm is stable, in the case of complex shooting geometry, the common‐velocity cross‐section can be constructed by applying a local approximation. This method enables the reconstruction of practically any arbitrary velocity function of two coordinates. The computer program, known as godograf , which is based on this theory, is a universal program for the interpretation of any system of refraction traveltime curves for any refraction method for both shallow and deep seismic studies of crust and mantle. Examples using synthetic data demonstrate the accuracy of the algorithm and its sensitivity to realistic noise levels. Inversions of the refraction traveltimes from the Salair ore deposit, the Moscow region and the Kamchatka volcano seismic profiles illustrate the methodology, practical considerations and capability of seismic imaging with the inversion method.  相似文献   

动态网络最短路径射线追踪   总被引:38,自引:10,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
最短路径射线追踪算法,用预先设置的网络节点的连线表示地震波传播路径,当网络节点稀疏时,获得的射线路径呈之字形,计算的走时比实际走时系统偏大. 本文在波前扩展和反向确定射线路径的过程中,在每个矩形单元内,通过对某边界上的已知走时节点的走时进行线性插值,并利用Fermat原理即时求出从该边界到达其他边界节点的最小走时及其子震源位置和射线路径,发展了相应的动态网络算法. 从而克服了最短路径射线追踪算法的缺陷,大大提高了最小走时和射线路径的计算精度.  相似文献   

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