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野外沿山西清徐地裂缝的展布区进行详细的地质调查、地质填图和地球物理勘探,查明地裂缝的分布范围、活动特征,分析成因类型,确定建筑物避让距离。勘察区范围内地裂缝的展布大部分地段局限于交城断裂带东侧200 m之内,方山村、西梁泉、东梁泉村在200 m之外仍有地裂缝分布,其地裂带影响宽度为244 m。清徐地裂缝有两种成因类型,即构造地裂和非构造地裂。构造地裂为清徐西边山一带主要的地裂缝类型,受交城断裂带的控制,分布于交城断裂带及其附近,具有规模大、破坏性强的特点;非构造地裂位于六合村和大峪村,六合村地裂缝主要是由超采地下水导致地面沉降而产生,大峪村地裂缝是由于采煤引起的采空区地裂,非构造裂缝呈规模较小、分布范围小的特点。分析认为,清徐一带建筑物避让交城断裂带的距离为:方山、西梁泉、东梁泉3个村乙类建筑避让带的宽度确定为280 m;其他各村乙类建筑避让距离仍为200 m,丙类建筑按规范确定的100 m避让,且不得跨越地裂缝;交城断裂下盘(西侧)避让带宽度为:西侧的乙、丙类建筑的避让距离为100 m。  相似文献   

河北省邯郸市地裂缝成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邯郸市地裂由三个地裂带组成,呈北北东走向。1968年地裂急剧发展,1978年以后,邯郸市多处新建筑又受到地裂破坏,造成地面、房屋、管道、围墙破裂。地裂缝表现为张性,裂缝两侧伴随重直位置,个别点有顺扭现象。根据对邯郸市地面沉降、地下水水位变化以及邯郸断裂全新世活动资料的分析,我们认为,邯郸地裂特征与因地下水下降漏斗形成的地裂不同,邯郸地裂的形成是邯郸断裂现今活动的反映。  相似文献   

1977年以来,西安市区陆续发现地裂缝,使裂缝附近建(构)筑物遭到不同程度的变形和破坏,直接影响了市政工程建设。因此,弄清该区地裂缝的成因有其重要的现实意义。 地裂缝的分布特征 目前查明,西安市区主要有6条地裂缝带,即铁炉庙—后村—小寨—吉祥村地裂缝带(下文简称铁炉庙地裂缝带)、辛家庙—重机宿舍地裂缝带(下文简称辛家庙地裂缝带)、南廊门—煤矿设计院—南廊村地裂缝带(下文简称和平门外地裂缝带)、西北大学—团结村  相似文献   

作者发现华北地区现代地裂缝、历史地裂和黄土构造节理等松散土层破裂,与地震活动、地质构造、地貌和卫星照片反映的现代地壳破裂网格一致,它们都是σ_1轴为NEE~SWW向的新构造应力场作用下的产物,它控制了华北区断裂、地裂与地震活动,决定了松散土层破裂的系统性和区域性.华北断块西部与南部因基底构造蠕滑在表土中主要产生蠕滑地裂缝;其东部和北部因活断层速滑发生强震,同时在表土中出现有水平位移的地震断层和地裂缝.  相似文献   

西安铁炉庙地裂缝与地下水的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1.地裂缝的基本特征1977年8月—9月西安辛家庙铁炉庙一带相继发现地裂缝。铁炉庙地裂缝位于市东南郊渭河三级阶地内黄土塬前缘洼地的北侧,东起铁炉庙,经后村、小寨、西到吉样村,断续延伸约6.5公里,尤以铁炉庙地段最为发育。其总体走向为北70°东,倾角70—90°(一般为76°)。由数十条地裂缝组成裂缝带,宽度为8—20米,一般在10米左右。地裂所经之处,建筑物多被裂开。  相似文献   

渭河地震带地裂与地震活动的周期性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王景明 《地震学报》1985,7(2):190-201
近年来,渭河地震带10个县、市发现地裂缝,其中西安市区有7条,共长26.3公里,危害城市建设。作者在咸阳、西安、渭南发现了埋在地下的汉、唐、明等朝代的古地裂缝,它们与史料记载的18次地裂共同组成四个完整的长周期,各长700——800年,与地震活动周期相一致。 这些规律为该区地裂与地震活动的预报提供了一些新依据。   相似文献   

薛店地裂缝成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
万荣县薛店村地裂缝出现于1983年7月29日10时左右。裂缝总体走向北东,总长约1400米(图1),裂缝通常为一条,个别地段为两条或三条,间隔5—6米,一般宽为1米,局部段落陷为深坑。裂缝穿过果园、村庄,使道路、院墙、房屋裂缝或倒塌,有67户受灾,破坏房屋220余间(见封二、封底)。地裂发生前因暴雨薛店村内积水达1米多深,众多院落进水,供销社一带洪水漫入房内。地裂后约半小时,洪水主要沿裂缝泄完,从而又减轻了洪水可能造成的灾害。 类似薛店村的地裂缝,在万荣县多次出现,群众称为“流海缝”,是指水可经  相似文献   

基于断裂力学理论,应用FLAC3D数值模拟方法对交城断裂活动时附近土体的变形特征进行模拟计算。计算结果表明:断层活动带动上覆土层差异沉降及应力场变化,当断层错动量达到一定程度,断层附近出现拉应力区,土体在拉张应力和自身重力作用下产生垂直差异形变,从而产生地裂缝。将数值模拟结果与方山探槽揭示的地裂缝剖面特征进行对比,二者结果相互印证,说明清徐地裂缝是交城断裂活动的结果,二者具有明显的对应关系,地裂缝为构造成因裂缝。数值模拟结果为研究断裂和地裂缝成因关系提供了佐证。  相似文献   

本文采用有限元方法对西安市地裂缝的地震效应进行了分析,其目的在于探索强震时地裂缝对地面运动的影响。所用方法的理论基础是在双向地震动的作用下求解多质点体系的强迫振动方程组。[M]{(?)}+[C](?)}+[K]{X}=[M]({A_x}(?)。(t)+{A_y}(?)。(t))。式中[M]、[C]、[K]分别为体系的质量、阻尼、刚度矩阵,{x}、{x}、{x}分别为体系自由度的加速度、速度、位移向量,{A_x}、{A_y}为水平和垂直方向的自由度向量,(?)。(t)、(?)。(t)为水平及垂直方向上的基岩强震加速度时程向量。分析时根据西安市地裂缝的具体情况,做了如下简化: 1.裂缝不作为发震构造,即强震时裂缝不是弹性波的发源地。强震是通过铰结支座输入进来的。2.裂缝带在模型上是一向下尖灭的楔体,楔体顶面宽10米,楔体深20米,中间有一宽1米、深2米的裂口。整个模型的土质是层状的,各层土的主要参数在现场测定。裂缝带楔体的参数不易取得,按经验强度取周围原土的一半左右。3.模型厚度为50米,输入地震为El Centro和文县强震记录,输入时将最大加速度值调整为150gal。计算结果表明,西安裂缝带在强震时对地面运动没有显著的影响,如地裂缝带内外的各种反映强震运动特征的指标几乎都没有什么差异。因为地裂缝带从区域上看毕竟是个很小的地质单元体,这样小的规模尚不足以对强震地面运动产生显著的影响。但是,地裂缝带在强震时的永久地形变却是值得注意的。从这一点上看,裂缝带内外地基失效程度必定有很大的差别,从而使裂缝上的震害加重。可见,在强震时,除地裂缝带本身因地基失效使震害加重而外,裂缝基本不对强震地面运动规律产生影响。所以在进行防震规划时,不必在常规的设防带之外再加宽防震地带。  相似文献   

澜沧7.6级地震形变带   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
俞维贤  柴天俊 《地震地质》1991,13(4):343-352
澜沧7.6级地震形变带主要以地震裂缝带的形式出现,未发现有类似耿马7.2级地震的地震断层。裂缝主要沿木戛断裂带和大塘子断裂带分布,构造地裂缝的性质有左旋和右旋。对构造地裂缝实测资料及现场的综合分析认为:澜沧7.6级地震的主压应力方向应为近南北向至北北东向,地震时断层活动主要以右旋为主,左旋地裂缝是在断层突发性的右旋错动下的产物  相似文献   

徐锡伟  钱瑞华 《地震地质》1994,16(4):355-364
通过实地考察、槽探和浅层地震探测等手段以及对地质构造和地下水超采环境的分析,详细地研究了大同铁路分局地裂缝带的三维构造特征,指出现今处于发展中的地裂缝带是由东向西扩展的,扩展速率为260~520m/a,地裂缝带两侧的差异升降运动速率达22.1~24.4mm/a,主地裂缝带的水平拉张速率约1.11~11.6mm/a,垂直错动速率0.2~8.57mm/a,左旋错动速率1.87~3.57mm/a。地裂缝带的活动方式为无震蠕滑型,扩展中的地裂缝是一种无震的地质灾害  相似文献   

Geostatistical techniques are used to quantify the reference mean areal rainfall (ground truth) from sparse raingaugenetworks. Based on the EPSAT-Niger event cumulative rainfall, a linear relationship between the ground truth considered as the mean area rainfall estimated from the densely available raingauge network and the area rainfall estimated from sparse network are derived. Also, a linear relationship between the ground truth and point rainfall is established. As it was reported experimentally by some authors, the slope of these relationships is less than one. Based on the geostatistical framework, the slope and the ordinate at the origin can be estimated as a function of the spatial structure of the rainfall process. It is shown that the slope is smaller than one. For the special case of one gauge inside a fixed area or a Field Of View (FOV), an areal reduction factor is derived. It has a limit value which depends only on the size of the area and the spatial structure of the rainfall process. The relative variance error of estimating the FOV cumulative rainfall from point rainfall is also given.  相似文献   

Geostatistical techniques are used to quantify the reference mean areal rainfall (ground truth) from sparse raingaugenetworks. Based on the EPSAT-Niger event cumulative rainfall, a linear relationship between the ground truth considered as the mean area rainfall estimated from the densely available raingauge network and the area rainfall estimated from sparse network are derived. Also, a linear relationship between the ground truth and point rainfall is established. As it was reported experimentally by some authors, the slope of these relationships is less than one. Based on the geostatistical framework, the slope and the ordinate at the origin can be estimated as a function of the spatial structure of the rainfall process. It is shown that the slope is smaller than one. For the special case of one gauge inside a fixed area or a Field Of View (FOV), an areal reduction factor is derived. It has a limit value which depends only on the size of the area and the spatial structure of the rainfall process. The relative variance error of estimating the FOV cumulative rainfall from point rainfall is also given.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet plateau has the world's largest area of seasonally frozen ground. Here, shallow groundwater displays behavior that is distinct from that elsewhere in the world. In the present study, we explore the seasonal and interannual variation of the shallow groundwater levels from 2012 to 2016, and attempt to quantitatively evaluate the relative influences of individual driving factors on the shallow groundwater levels based on boosted regression trees. The results show that: (1) on a seasonal scale, the groundwater levels were characterized by a double peak and double valley relationship, while on an interannual scale the groundwater levels showed a slightly downwards trend from 2012 to 2016; and (2) during the frozen period, the seasonal variation of groundwater levels was determined by mean air temperature through its effect on the soil thaw–freeze process, accounting for 53.15% of total variation. Meanwhile, ET0 and rainfall exerted little impact on the seasonal variation of groundwater levels, which might be attributed to the aquitard of frozen soil that impedes the exchange between surface water and groundwater. Moreover, there was a lag between groundwater levels and soil freezing–thawing. During the non-frozen period, the mean air temperature was again the most important factor impacting the variation of groundwater levels, through its effect on ET0, and accounted for 40.75% of total variation, while rainfall had little effect on groundwater levels when rainfall intensity was less than 12 mm/day. These results will benefit predictions of future trends in groundwater levels within the context of global warming.  相似文献   

1996年2月3日云南丽江发生7.0级强烈地震,震后考察发现了广泛的地表破坏现象,主要包括地裂缝、崩塌、滑坡、地面陷落、田坎位错及地表跳石等,基本集中分布在Ⅸ度极震区范围内,但有关地震地裂缝的描述较少。近期,在进行大具盆地野外地质调查时发现1处新的地裂缝,位于云南丽江7.0级地震微观震中附近,具体位置为大具盆地南部峨嵋子村西北、将台河二级阶地上,长约35 m,总体走向350°左右,最窄处宽约0.3 m,最宽处表现为凹陷坑,宽约2.2 m。经当地村民确认,新发现的地表地裂缝是1996年丽江地震形成的,该地裂缝在震后考察时未提及。  相似文献   

西安孕育严重的地面沉降及地裂缝灾害,严重制约着城市的现代化发展,本文采用GPS精密定位和InSAR遥感差分技术对西安地面沉降和地裂缝进行变形监测与分析,获取了西安地面沉降与地裂缝整体变形现状的珍贵信息,通过对这些变形信息的研究分析,揭示了西安现今地面沉降与地裂缝时空演化特征和机理:随着停止或限采地下水,西安地面沉降量级由20世纪90年代中期的最大年沉降速率20~30 cm/a减少到不足10 cm/a,且超过60%的沉降区域的年沉降速率已由90年代中期的5~8 cm/a减少到不足2 cm/a;原有的沉降中心大部分已不存在或大大减小;地裂缝在时空活动与分布上与地面沉降存在明显的关联性;地面沉降和地裂缝随着西安高新区的建设向南、西南、东南逐步扩展.  相似文献   

地裂缝环境下马蹄形地铁隧道与土体相互作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以穿越地裂缝带的西安地铁2号线为研究背景,通过数值模拟对地裂缝作用下马蹄形地铁隧道与土体相互作用的机理进行了研究。研究结果表明:随着上、下盘位错量的增加,地裂缝处受影响的土体范围逐渐增大,土体的竖向位移也逐渐变大;上盘下降过程中,下盘隧道顶部沉降变形最大,上盘隧道顶部沉降变形最小;隧道的变形区域出现在预设地裂缝两侧,并且随着竖向位错的增大而增大,当错距d=100mm时,地裂缝处的隧道结构发生破坏。隧道的最大主应力位于结构出现裂缝和受剪切破坏的区域,随着位错量的增加,隧道的最大主应力变化剧烈。地裂缝处,隧道结构上部靠下盘区域受拉,靠上盘区域受压,隧道结构下部靠下盘区域受压,靠上盘区域受拉。在实际工程中,地铁隧道穿越地裂缝时,宜采用分段式隧道结构。  相似文献   

工程中所遇到的土体大多数以非饱和土形态存在。以海南地区的特殊土红粘土为研究对象,在对其进行土—水特性研究的基础上,认为Van Genuchten模型较好地反映了海南红粘土饱和度与基质吸力的关系。结合Bishop提出的非饱和土的有效应力表达式,分析了降雨及蒸发下地裂缝的发展机制。通过数值算例发现,在非饱和土中,静止土压力系数不再保持不变,而是随着深度和稳定流流量的变化而变化,与饱和土中的静止土压力系数的性质有很大不同,这在工程实际中对支挡结构的设计具有重要的指导意义;在非饱和土中,由于静止土压力系数存在负值,容易产生地裂缝,且在蒸发条件下,最大地裂缝深度理论上比在无渗流和降雨条件下的大。  相似文献   

持续降雨是边坡发生失稳破坏的主要诱因之一,基于饱和—非饱和渗流理论,对梅州市大埔县某边坡的渗流场进行模拟,研究在不同降雨工况下该边坡土体体积含水率的时空变化规律。研究结果表明:相同条件下,降雨强度越大(降雨历时越长),边坡表层土体体积含水率变化越大;降雨强度60 mm/d历时1 d的暴雨对边坡表层土体体积含水率的增幅作用存在着一定的滞后性,其余工况未表现出滞后现象;降雨强度为120mm/d和300 mm/d的两种工况各研究点任意时段体积含水率较为接近;当降雨强度达到60 mm/d以上时,边坡内部体积含水率空间变化主要受降雨历时影响,降雨历时越长,降雨入渗深度和体积含水率变化越大。  相似文献   

Two environmental tracer methods are applied to the Ti-Tree Basin in central Australia to shed light on the importance of recharge from floodouts of ephemeral rivers in this arid environment. Ground water carbon-14 concentrations from boreholes are used to estimate the average recharge rate over the interval between where the ground water sample first entered the saturated zone and the bore. Environmental chloride concentrations in ground water samples provide estimates of the recharge rate at the exact point in the landscape where the sample entered the saturated zone. The results of the two tracer approaches indicate that recharge rates around one of the rivers and an extensive floodplain are generally higher than rates of diffuse recharge that occurs in areas of lower topographic relief. Ground water 2H/1H and 18O/16O compositions are all depleted in the heavier isotopes (delta2H = -67 per thousand to -50 per thousand; delta18O = -9.2 per thousand to -5.7%o) compared with the long-term, amount-weighted mean isotopic composition of rainfall in the area (delta2H = -33.8 per thousand; delta18O = -6.3 per thousand). This indicates that recharge throughout the basin occurs only after intense rainfall events of at least 150 to 200 mm/month. Finally, a recharge map is developed to highlight the spatial extent of the two recharge mechanisms. Floodout recharge to the freshest ground water (TDS <1,000 mg/L) is approximately 1.9 mm/year compared with a mean recharge rate of approximately 0.2 mm/year to the remainder of the basin. These findings have important implications for management of the ground water resource.  相似文献   

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