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根据大洋河流域规划设计,通过水文分析,计算大洋河河道各频率洪峰流量、分析洪水特性,由于邻近大洋河口的大鹿岛站为临时站,潮水位资料匮乏,因而把大东港站潮位资料作为本次潮水位设计的理论依据,同时计算不同频率潮位,将大鹿岛站作为大洋河河口的设计潮位,计算结果可知:发生20年和100年一遇洪水时,对应起点水位分别为4.22 m和4.51 m。计算结果可供相关规划设计部门参考。  相似文献   

分别用实测时段降水量和洪峰流量资料、《甘肃省暴雨洪水图集》及《甘肃省暴雨特性研究》计算石堡子河流域10 min、30 min、1 h、3 h、6 h、24 h,1%设计面雨量和1%设计洪峰流量,并进行误差分析。结果表明:使用《甘肃省暴雨洪水图集》及《甘肃省暴雨特性研究》计算的成果存在较大误差。《甘肃省暴雨洪水图集》及《甘肃省暴雨特性研究》已不能准确反映流域现阶段的水文特性,建议对其进行修订。  相似文献   

何口水文站是淮河三级河流--澧河的重要控制站.该站自建站以来,断面以上曾发生"19750806"、"19750808"、"20000715"、"20040717"四次大范围堤防漫溢及多处决口的特大洪水.在水文年鉴中,这些洪水的洪峰流量均为断面处的实测流量,不包括断面以上漫溢决口的流量,因此设计单位进行水文频率计算时不能直接应用.如何确定这些洪水的洪峰流量是设计单位多次向我们提出的要求.笔者应用单位线法、径流深与洪峰流量相关法、上下游洪峰流量相关法等三种方法对上述洪水的洪峰流量进行了分析计算,并对成果进行比较论证,供有关部门应用时参考.  相似文献   

在实际工作中,往往遇到工程所在地点洪水流量资料不足,或没有实测水文资料,又很难采用其它途径来解决洪水资料不足的问题。我国多数地区雨量资料较长,测站数目较多,这种情况下自然地就会提出这样一个问题:如何用暴雨资料推求设计洪水。通常采用频率计算的方法,求得指定频率的各种历时的设计暴雨量,然后通过典型暴雨进行缩放,得出设计暴雨过程,再进行产流、汇流计算,推求相应的洪水过程。  相似文献   

为了保证库拉木勒克萨依引水工程安全建设,对古尔嘎赫德河进行洪水水文分析。古尔嘎赫德河流域无水文测站,以相近流域的尼雅水文站、且末水文站、克里雅水文站作为参证站对出山口洪水进行分析计算。根据各参站证计算值,分别采用洪峰流量模比系数地区综合频率曲线法、面积比指数法对库拉木勒克萨依引水枢纽设计洪水进行计算。经评定分析,采用地区综合洪峰流量模比系数法计算设计洪水值更精准,可供枢纽工程设计参考。  相似文献   

渚河流域地处大巴山深山区,该流域处于陕南最大降水中心附近,雨量充沛,渚河流域洪水计算选用红椿水文站作为参证站,根据红椿水文站历年统计资料计算,红椿水电站坝址处多年平均流量为21.9 m3/s。渚河流域的洪水主要由暴雨形成,对渚河流域暴雨洪水类型及来流量分析,对洪水资料的选样和代表性进行分析分析,采用水文比拟法和经验公式法对设计洪水进行了计算,直接采用红椿水文站的分期设计洪水成果,用水文比拟法推算到厂址,同时将红椿水文站1979~2002年24年的实测年最大洪峰流量和24 h和72 h的洪量进行相关分析,采用同倍比放大法来求得电站坝址处的设计洪水过程线,使用该方法推求结果合理,可为同类工程设计和管理运行提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以泾河水系汭河支流石堡子河流域为研究对象,利用华亭水文站实测降水径流资料,分析探讨了泾河上游石堡子河流域设计时段雨量与设计洪峰流量之间的关系。研究表明:时段雨量设计值与洪峰流量设计值之间呈抛物线型关系,且抛物线开口随时段的延长而增大。一定频率的暴雨未必能产生同频率的洪水。  相似文献   

罗纹河为渭河右岸一级支流,罗纹河洪水多由局地暴雨和大范围强降水形成,河陡流短,汇流较快雨停峰现的情况较为普遍。针对罗纹河暴雨洪水特征,以罗纹河流域东14 km的罗夫河上的罗夫堡水文站为参证站,基于51 a完整的实测洪峰资料及历史调查洪水成果,对罗纹河设计洪水进行计算,最终确定20 a一遇(P=5%)洪水,对应的洪峰流量为206 m~3/s。该成果可在工程设计中直接参考使用。  相似文献   

张良 《地下水》2014,(5):168-169
张家口市地处河北省西北部,境内降水比较集中,沟谷众多,洪水暴涨暴落。在中、小型水利工程、公路工程、河道整治工程之中,小流域不同频率的洪峰流量决定了工程项目的选址、规模、预算和效益,具有重要的意义。针对张家口市小流域洪水实际情况,以安固里河为例,分别采用地区经验公式法、推理公式法、水文资料频率计算法三种方法对洪峰流量进行了计算。通过对三种洪峰流量计算方法结果进行分析,推荐以水文资料频率计算法作为张家口市小流域设计洪水首选方法。在没有实测水文资料情况下如果工程比较重要、资金比较充裕可以选取安全系数较高的地区经验公式计算结果;如果工程重要程度一般、资金有限制可以选取安全系数较高推理公式计算结果。  相似文献   

郑希娟  李岩 《水文》2002,22(4):37-41
洪水频率(或重现期)是指一定时期内某种洪水出现的机率。目前我国对单个站点的洪水频率分析习惯于采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布。这种方法需要查表并用机率格纸进行手工适线,比较繁琐,而且受人为因素影响大。以淮河王家坝水文站年最大洪峰流量系列为例,应用电子表格,采用极值分布、皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布和三参数对数正态分布等多种洪水频率分析方法进行洪水频率计算并加以对比研究,得出该站的不同重现期的洪峰流量,以供广大水文工作者参考。  相似文献   

Flash flood forecasting of catchment systems is one of the challenges especially in the arid ungauged basins. This study is attempted to estimate the relationship between rainfall and runoff and also to provide flash flood hazard warnings for ungauged basins based on the hydrological characteristics using geographic information system (GIS). Morphometric characteristics of drainage basins provide a means for describing the hydrological behavior of a basin. The study examined the morphometric parameters of Wadi Rabigh with emphasis on its implication for hydrologic processes through the integration analysis between morphometric parameters and GIS techniques. Data for this study were obtained from ASTER data for digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, topographic map (1:50,000), and geological maps (1,250,000) which were subject to field confirmation. About 36 morphometric parameters were measured and calculated, and interlinked to produce nine effective parameters for the evaluation of the flash flood hazard degree of the study area. Based on nine effective morphometric parameters that directly influence on the hydrologic behavior of the Wadi through time of concentration, the flash flood hazard of the Rabigh basin and its subbasins was identified and classified into three groups (High, medium, and low hazard degree). The present work proved that the physiographic features of drainage basin contribute to the possibility of a flash flood hazard evaluation for any particular drainage area. The study provides details on the flash flood prone subbasins and the mitigation measures. This study also helps to plan rainwater harvesting and watershed management in the flash flood alert zones. Based on two historical data events of rainfall and the corresponding maximum flow rate, morphometric parameters and Stormwater Management and Design Aid software (SMADA 6), it could be to generate the hydrograph of Wadi Rabigh basin. As a result of the model applied to Wadi Rabigh basin, a rainfall event of a total of 22 mm with a duration of 5 h at the station nearby the study area, which has an exceedance probability of 50 % and return period around 2 years, produces a discharge volume of 15.2?×?106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 12.5 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge).  相似文献   

李建昌  李继清 《水文》2018,38(2):1-7
按照超阈值理论对洪水资料进行抽样,应用Copula函数分别建立了超阈值洪水洪峰、3d洪量和7d洪量与其发生时间的联合分布,得到了不同量级洪水在发生时间上的概率分布图,对水库汛期防洪调度运用具有一定的指导意义。同时,应用Copula函数建立了年最大超阈值洪水洪峰、3d洪量和7d洪量的联合分布,以此得到设计标准和校核标准的设计洪水,并通过同频率放大法得到了设计洪水过程线,该洪水过程线更符合水文现象的内在规律,展现了超阈值理论和Copula函数在水文洪水频率分析计算领域的良好应用前景。  相似文献   

王雪梅  翟晓燕  郭良 《水文》2023,43(4):45-52
流域暴雨山洪过程时空异质性强,准确评估雨洪变化特性和洪水危险性对山洪灾害防治具有重要意义。以7个降雨特征指标和6个洪水特征指标刻画流域场次雨洪特性,采用中国山洪水文模型和洪水频率指标相结合,模拟和评估口前流域洪水过程及其危险性。结果表明:场次洪水洪峰模数、洪峰时间偏度、高脉冲历时占比、涨落洪速率与降雨总量、平均雨量、最大雨强、雨峰位置系数、基尼系数等降雨特征指标显著相关,三场致灾洪水过程的降雨均呈现量级大、强度大、历时短、暴雨中心偏中下游的特点;率定期和验证期的平均径流深相对误差均在9%以内,平均洪峰流量相对误差均在11%以内,平均峰现时间误差均在1.7 h以内,平均Nash-Sutcliffe系数为0.80和0.76;各场次洪水有0.0%~93.3%的河段流量达到一般危险及以上等级,三场致灾洪水过程的危险性等级最高,分别有80.0%、35.0%和1.7%的小流域河段流量达到高危险及以上等级。研究可为山区小流域暴雨洪水危险性评估、灾害响应和复盘等提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

徐玲玲  张巍 《水文》2017,37(1):64-67
洪水灾害常常给社会造成严重的经济损失,小流域洪水汇流速度快,易对下游造成瞬时毁灭性灾害,采取有效的小流域治理措施是必须的。根据山丘平圩区小流域特点分析比较设计洪水的计算方法,推荐采用瞬时单位线法,同时对小流域分片设计洪水组合进行了研究分析。以团结河流域上段治理为例进行具体分析,计算出该流域20年一遇防洪设计流量为472.60m3/s,为类似该地区的山丘、平原、圩区混合区设计洪水分析总结经验,提供参考,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Assessing flash flood hazard in an arid mountainous region   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Although flash floods are one of the major natural disasters that may hamper human development in arid areas, aspects of the process leading to their initiation remain uncertain and poorly understood. In the present study, wadi El-Alam Basin, one of the major basins in the Eastern Desert of Egypt that is frequently subjected to severe flash flood damage, is selected for investigation. Here, a hydrological modeling approach was used to predict flash flood hazard within the basin. Earlier work conducted for the same basin showed that such approach is successful and was able to accurately highlight the locations of historical flood damage. However, such work was based on one set of arbitrary model parameters. The present study has taking into account the rainfall as the excitation factor in the adopted hydrological modeling. The study aims to build on the earlier study by investigating impacts of variation of rainfall depth, areal coverage, and location on flash flood generation. Results demonstrate that the basin under study requires a rainstorm intensity of at least 40 mm in order to initiate surface runoff with a noticeable flood peak at its main outlet. The location of rainstorm has a major effect on the shape of the basin final hydrograph. Furthermore, in the study basin, the upstream flood appears to be of a magnitude and a peak flow that is much higher than those for downstream ones, which believes to be strongly attributed to the surface steepness and impermeability of the former. The used approach shows to be useful in the rapid assessing of flash flood hazard in mountainous desert and could be adopted, with appropriate modifications, elsewhere in arid regions.  相似文献   

Flood frequency analysis based on simulated peak discharges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flood frequency approaches vary from statistical methods, directly applied on the observed annual maximum flood series, to adopting rainfall–runoff simulation models that transform design rainfalls to flood discharges. Reliance on statistical flood frequency analysis depends on several factors such as the selected probability distribution function, estimation of the function parameters, possible outliers, and length of the observed flood series. Through adopting the simulation approach in this paper, watershed-average rainfalls of various occurrence probabilities were transformed into the corresponding peak discharges using a calibrated hydrological model. A Monte Carlo scheme was employed to consider the uncertainties involved in rainfall spatial patterns and antecedent soil moisture condition (AMC). For any given rainfall depth, realizations of rainfall spatial distribution and AMC conditions were entered as inputs to the model. Then, floods of different return periods were simulated by transforming rainfall to runoff. The approach was applied to Tangrah watershed in northeastern Iran. It was deduced that the spatial rainfall distribution and the AMCs exerted a varying influence on the peak discharge of different return periods. Comparing the results of the simulation approach with those of the statistical frequency analysis revealed that, for a given return period, flood quantiles based on the observed series were greater than the corresponding simulated discharges. It is also worthy to note that existence of outliers and the selection of the statistical distribution function has a major effect in increasing the differences between the results of the two approaches.  相似文献   

生物滞留设施规模设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟莹莹  王会肖  张书函 《水文》2018,38(3):7-12
研究提出了基于单场次降雨分析以及基于长系列降雨统计的生物滞留设施规模设计方法。针对国内市政排水设计一般采用设计重现期的概念,基于单场次降雨分析的规模设计方法用暴雨强度公式和雨型分配方法计算设计降雨过程,由设计降雨推算设施入流过程,用水量平衡法推算出流过程,用洪量削减率、洪峰削减率、洪峰延迟时间评估设计效果。基于长系列降雨统计的规模设计方法对长期日降雨量进行统计分析,得出不同降雨发生频率对应的设施入流量及处理量,用年径流总量削减率评估设计效果。  相似文献   

本文以紫坪铺水库为例,在建立洪水过程随机模型的基础上,用统计试验手段探讨了设计洪水过程线作为水库防洪安全设计依据的适用性。结果表明:设计洪水过程线法能导致水库实际防洪安全标准偏离指定设计标准(偏高或偏低)。影响偏离的主要因素为时段洪量设计值的抽样误差和典型过程线的形状。现行方法的适用性是有条件的。  相似文献   

Flooding in urban area is a major natural hazard causing loss of life and damage to property and infrastructure. The major causes of urban floods include increase in precipitation due to climate change effect, drastic change in land use–land cover (LULC) and related hydrological impacts. In this study, the change in LULC between the years 1966 and 2009 is estimated from the toposheets and satellite images for the catchment of Poisar River in Mumbai, India. The delineated catchment area of the Poisar River is 20.19 km2. For the study area, there is an increase in built-up area from 16.64 to 44.08% and reduction in open space from 43.09 to 7.38% with reference to total catchment area between the years 1966 and 2009. For the flood assessment, an integrated approach of Hydrological Engineering Centre-Hydrological Modeling System (HEC-HMS), HEC-GeoHMS and HEC-River analysis system (HEC-RAS) with HEC-GeoRAS has been used. These models are integrated with geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing data to develop a regional model for the estimation of flood plain extent and flood hazard analysis. The impact of LULC change and effects of detention ponds on surface runoff as well as flood plain extent for different return periods have been analyzed, and flood plain maps are developed. From the analysis, it is observed that there is an increase in peak discharge from 2.6 to 20.9% for LULC change between the years 1966 and 2009 for the return periods of 200, 100, 50, 25, 10 and 2 years. For the LULC of year 2009, there is a decrease in peak discharge from 10.7% for 2-year return period to 34.5% for 200-year return period due to provision of detention ponds. There is also an increase in flood plain extent from 14.22 to 42.5% for return periods of 10, 25, 50 and 100 years for LULC change between the year 1966 and year 2009. There is decrease in flood extent from 4.5% for 25-year return period to 7.7% for 100-year return period and decrease in total flood hazard area by 14.9% due to provisions of detention pond for LULC of year 2009. The results indicate that for low return period rainfall events, the hydrological impacts are higher due to geographic characteristics of the region. The provision of detention ponds reduces the peak discharge as well as the extent of the flooded area, flood depth and flood hazard considerably. The flood plain maps and flood hazard maps generated in this study can be used by the Municipal Corporation for flood disaster and mitigation planning. The integration of available software models with GIS and remote sensing proves to be very effective for flood disaster and mitigation management planning and measures.  相似文献   

Leh and surrounding region of the Ladakh mountain range in the trans-Himalaya experienced multiple cloudbursts and associated flash floods during August 4–6, 2010. However, 12.8 mm/day rainfall recorded at the nearest meteorological station at Leh did not corroborate with the flood severity. For better understanding of this event, hydrological analysis and atmospheric modeling are carried out in tandem. Two small catchments (<3 km2) were studied along the stream continuum to assess the flood characteristics to identify the cloudburst impact zones. Peak flood discharges were estimated close to the head wall region and at the catchment outlet of the Leh town and the Sabu eastern tributary catchments. Storm runoff depth is estimated by developing a triangular hydrograph by using the known time base of the flood hydrograph. This triangular hydrographs have been transformed further into storm hydrographs to gain a better understanding of the storm duration by using the dimensionless hydrograph method at selected cross sections. Storm duration is estimated by using the relationship between time to peak and time of concentration of the catchment. The peak flood estimates ranged from 122(±35 %) m3/s for Leh town catchment (2.393 km2), 545(±35 %) m3/s for Sabu eastern tributary catchment (2.831 km2) to 1,070(±35 %) m3/sec for Sabu catchment (64.95 km2). To assess the atmospheric processes associated with this event, a triple nest simulation (27, 9 and 3 km) is performed using Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system. The simulation does show the evolution of the event from August 4 to 6, 2010. Observation constraints, orographic responses, etc. make such analysis complex at such scale. Independent estimate by the atmospheric process model and the hydrological method shows the storm depth of 70 mm and 91.8(±35 %) mm, respectively, in catchment scale. Hydrological evaluation further refined the spatial and temporal extents of the cloudbursts in the respective catchments with an estimated storm depth of 209(±35 %) mm in 11.9 min and 320(±35 %) in 8.8 min occurring in an area of 0.842–1.601 km2, respectively. This study shows that the insight developed on the cloudburst phenomena by the atmospheric and the hydrological modeling is hugely constrained by the spatial and temporal scales of data used for the analysis. Apart from this, study also highlighted the regular occurrence of cloudburst events over this region in the recent past. Most of such events go unreported due to lack of monitoring mechanisms in the region and weaken our ability to understand these events in complete perspective.  相似文献   

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