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中老缅交界地区橡胶种植的时空格局及其地形因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
封志明  刘晓娜  姜鲁光  李鹏 《地理学报》2013,68(10):1432-1446
橡胶林地是东南亚地区主要的土地利用类型,动态监测橡胶种植并分析其时空变化规律,对于区域土地资源开发、生态环境保护以及维护边境安全稳定具有重要意义。本文基于遥感技术实地研究了中老缅交界地区1980-2010 年的橡胶林地分布格局及其时空变化规律,定量分析了橡胶林地的分布特征及其地形因素的影响与限制。结果表明:(1) 2010 年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地面积为60.14 万hm2,占土地面积的8.17%,是研究区最大的土地利用类型。就林地结构来看,橡胶成林(≥10 年) 与橡胶幼林(<10 年) 之比大体是5:7,近10 年来橡胶林地扩展迅速。(2) 1980-2010 年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地已由最初的7.05 万hm2增加到60.14 万hm2,扩展近9 倍,橡胶林地扩张显著。橡胶林地已呈现由集中至分散、由边境向国外,“以景洪为中心、北上南进、西拓东扩”的空间分布格局与地域扩展特征。(3) 中老缅交界地区橡胶种植受地形因素制约,橡胶林地4/5 以上集中在600~1000 m适宜区间,很少超过1200 m;近2/3 集中分布在8°~25°的坡地,极少或很少分布在超过35°的急陡坡;主要分布在南坡和东坡,北坡和西坡相对较少,橡胶种植强度也呈现相同规律。(4) 橡胶林地国别对比分析表明,中国境内橡胶林地在向高海拔、陡坡地扩展,老缅境内具有较大地形适宜空间,有利于橡胶种植的跨境发展。(5) 中老缅交界地区的橡胶种植必将由中国向老挝和缅甸跨境发展,老挝和缅甸境内,特别是近中国边境地区的橡胶林地持续扩张已是不可避免。  相似文献   

山地多民族地区农业文化景观的演变与当地地理空间的复杂性和民族文化的多样性特征密切相关。运用遥感、GIS技术,并结合田野调查,点面结合,分析了西双版纳傣族自治州橡胶文化景观的空间格局及其对民族关系的影响。研究表明:受全球化的影响,西双版纳地区传统稻作文化正逐渐式微,因经济利益驱使导致橡胶种植面积急剧扩大,土地利用方式改变,这是橡胶文化景观兴起的主要空间演化机制。橡胶文化在给当地少数民族带来丰厚经济收入和促进现代化发展的同时,也造成了生态多样性的破坏,民族特色经济、文化的损害,民族发展互补性的减少以及民族经济共生关系的打破。民族感情和民族认同让位于经济利益,民族乡土社会结构受到冲击,民族共生关系受到影响,这些都集中体现在橡胶文化景观上。通过研究文化景观演变与民族关系的关联,可以丰富人地关系理论的内涵,引入民族因素和文化因素来思考民族地区人地关系,扩展当今全球化变革影响下民族地理学研究的内容,同时也在实践上为做好民族工作和构建新型和谐民族关系提供新的思路。  相似文献   

以新垦植橡胶林、成熟橡胶林、高海拔橡胶林为研究对象,对其进行人为固碳增汇管理,比较三种复合农林模式橡胶林与同条件下橡胶纯林的植被碳储量及其未来固碳潜力,并分析三种复合农林橡胶林土壤碳储量。植被生物量碳储量通过各类增汇植物的生物量回归模型、热带树种生物量通用模型、异速生长模型进行拟合预测;土壤碳储量通过土壤剖面分层采样(0~10 cm,10~20 cm,20~30 cm,30~50 cm,50~100 cm)进行估算。研究显示:1.复合农林橡胶林现存生物量碳储量为1.19~52.89 t/hm~2,10 a后固碳潜力为1.28~106.08 t/hm~2,20 a后固碳潜力为2.23~233.89 t/hm~2;2.林下添加增汇植物后土壤碳储量显著高于橡胶林,新垦植模式中,橡胶+大叶千斤拔土壤碳储量比橡胶林增加54.95 t/hm~2;成熟橡胶林模式中,橡胶+大叶千斤拔土壤碳储量比橡胶林增加35.58t/hm~2,橡胶+可可土壤碳储量比橡胶林增加4.33 t/hm~2。结果表明:构建复合农林橡胶林可总体提高橡胶林植被碳储量及固碳潜力,提高土壤碳储量,但增汇植物种类、种植密度、生长速度不同,固碳潜力大小不一。  相似文献   

沙质荒漠化遥感监测与环境影响研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
曾永年  冯兆东 《山地学报》2005,23(2):218-227
荒漠化、全球变暖和生物多样性的减少是人类面临的最主要的环境问题,其中沙质荒漠化又是困扰当前人类社会最严重的环境—社会经济问题。由此,就沙质荒漠化的遥感监测及环境影响研究方面进行了评述与展望。自1977年联合国荒漠化大会以来,通过20多年的努力与研究实践,沙质荒漠化遥感监测已建立了一套以遥感目视解译为主的经验性指标体系,但目前尚未形成一个完全适应于遥感监测的指标体系;沙质荒漠化遥感监测方法从定性走向定量,从主观走向客观。但仍缺乏有效的沙质荒漠化遥感监测方法与技术路线;沙质荒漠化对全球变化的响应的研究相对薄弱,如何准确预测未来气候变化对沙质荒漠化过程的影响是值得深入开展的一项研究工作;沙质荒漠化对气候变化的影响研究多以数值摸拟为主,其中沙质荒漠化对区域气候产生根本性影响的作用机制的研究有待进一步深化;沙质荒漠化对碳循环的影响研究近年来得到重视,但沙质荒漠化对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响研究仍比较薄弱,沙质荒漠化土地土壤碳流失及固碳潜力是有待进一步研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

肖池伟  封志明  李鹏 《地理科学进展》2016,35(10):1228-1236
橡胶生产关乎国计民生,特别是天然橡胶,其与钢铁、石油、煤炭并称四大工业原料,为重要的战略物资。本文基于FAO橡胶数据库,从全球、区域、国家等层次定量分析了1961-2013年全球橡胶生产的时空格局及其演变特征,探讨了影响橡胶产量的主要因素。结果表明:①从时间格局上看,1961年以来全球橡胶总产增速较快,总体呈上升趋势;橡胶主要生产国(主产国)产量占全球的90%以上,并存在明显的阶段性增长特征。②就空间格局而言,橡胶生产具有明显的地域集中性,主产国集中分布在亚洲特别是东南亚,其中以泰国、马来西亚和印尼最为集中,但其产量差异显著并有进一步扩大趋势。③种植面积是主产国橡胶产量的主要影响因子;少部分国家(如中国、泰国)受橡胶单产水平的影响明显。④全球橡胶生产由传统“三巨头(泰国、马来西亚和印尼)”向“双核(泰国和印尼)”集聚,东南亚主产国橡胶林由海岛国家向中南半岛扩展,且中南半岛发展势头强劲,已成为全球橡胶主产区中的优势产区。  相似文献   

中南半岛森林覆被变化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中南半岛森林覆被是热带地区极为重要的自然资源,对当地生态环境和社会经济发展都有重要影响。本文从遥感监测与制图、时空变化格局、影响因素和生态环境效应4 个方面,系统总结和评述了中南半岛森林覆被变化的研究进展,并对研究问题和发展方向进行了讨论。研究表明:①中南半岛森林覆被遥感监测数据源由光学遥感逐渐转向雷达遥感,监测方法向采用多分类器和多源信息转变,监测对象主要是天然森林覆被,人工林监测仍面临多重困难;②1980-2010 年期间,中南半岛不同地区森林覆被变化时空差异明显,其中,在1990 年前森林覆被面积为净增加,之后净减少;在空间上,泰国、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨森林面积在1990 年后均持续减少,只有越南呈增长趋势;③中南半岛森林覆被变化的直接驱动因素主要为经济林扩张、刀耕火种农业、道路建设和商业采伐,间接驱动因素包括人口、社会经济和政策等因素,主要表现为森林数量变化、森林退化和森林再生/恢复等方面,其程度与干扰方式、强度、频率直接相关;④中南半岛森林覆被变化的生态环境效应主要体现在水分效应、大气环境效应、土壤效应和生物效应4方面。  相似文献   

翟佳豪  刘影  肖池伟 《热带地理》2022,42(8):1376-1385
基于1987—2018年西双版纳30 m分辨率橡胶林数据集,利用叠置、缓冲区等GIS空间分析方法,对比分析了过去32年橡胶林沿道路、河流和边境线的空间变化特征与区域差异。结果表明:1) 1987—2018年,西双版纳橡胶种植面积在道路、河流沿线5 km以内分别增加了1 874.6和1 484.6 km2,在边境地区(国境线20km缓冲带)增加了1 393.1 km2。2)从道路沿线看,受橡胶种植可达性和交通运输影响,过去32年道路5 km缓冲带内的橡胶林平均占比超过九成。3)从河流沿线看,因灌溉和水源等需求,过去32年河流沿线5 km缓冲带内橡胶林平均占比69.7%。值得注意的是,受天然橡胶价格持续低迷、城镇化与生态环境保护等影响,2010年河流沿线橡胶林种植面积开始下降,沿线2 km内表现尤为显著。4)从边境地区看,西双版纳橡胶林种植呈明显趋边性特征,跨境种植频繁。过去32年边境沿线地区橡胶林平均占比55.6%,且由1987年的35.4%上升到2018年的66.2%,其中,在中缅边境的扩张面积和速率高于中老边境。  相似文献   

西北内陆河流域治理政策作为国家重要生态环境治理政策受到广泛关注。以石羊河流域生态环境退化最为严重的民勤绿洲为研究区,结合历史文献数据、问卷调查数据、遥感影像数据,运用描述性统计分析和土地荒漠化遥感监测,对比分析石羊河流域治理政策实施初期和实施7 a后农户开荒、用水、种植行为的变化以及生态环境对农户行为变化的响应。结果表明:(1)政策实施7 a上游来水量累积增加了4.44亿m3;农户停止了开荒行为,人均耕地由≥ 0.33 hm2减少到 ≤0.17 hm2,农户用井水灌溉的比例减少17.9%,灌溉方式向更节水的沟灌、膜上灌、喷灌发展;农户减少耗水作物小麦与籽瓜的选择频数和种植面积;生态移民迁出1.05万人,平均每年输转农村剩余劳动力5.61万人。(2)近60%的农户认为该区整体生态环境变好,且荒漠化遥感监测显示2013年该区重度、中度和轻度荒漠化面积分别减少0.24%、5.35%、3.5%。近90%的农户认为环境的改善与流域治理有关。  相似文献   

中国城市化与生态环境系统耦合研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗媞  刘艳芳  孔雪松 《热带地理》2014,34(2):266-274
城市化过程与生态环境变化之间的相互联系、相互作用,是面向可持续发展的人文过程与自然过程综合研究的重要课题。基于系统耦合理论,文章将具有城市化特征的各类城市人文要素的集合与组成生态环境的各类自然要素的集合视为2个相互独立又彼此影响的系统,分别从理论与方法的角度梳理并总结了当前中国城市化过程与生态环境变化之间关系的研究进展。中国学者不仅在城市化与生态环境耦合关系和演化规律认识上取得了成果,而且在定量评价与测度两大系统各要素及系统之间的耦合机制方面积累了经验,也提出了实现城市化发展与生态环境维护相互协调的对策。综合而言,目前国内研究在内容上的多维性特征、方法上的多元化特征和研究对象上的区域性特征明显,但同时还存在理论基础薄弱、定量评价指标体系缺乏以及研究的滞后性和被动性等问题,今后应围绕城市化与生态环境系统耦合理论框架和方法体系、系统作用观测与评价指标体系及预警机制、城市生态空间扩展与优化的模式与方法等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

当前,生态补偿已成为激励生态保护的重要手段,生态补偿受偿意愿影响因素的研究也成为生态经济学研究的热点问题之一。迁西传统板栗复合栽培系统是符合当地自然条件的典型农林复合系统,但由于当地生态环境脆弱,同时受到短期利益驱动,导致板栗单一种植逐年增多,水保防护林受到蚕蚀,造成了水土流失等问题。本文以迁西板栗农林复合系统为例,在对当地100名农户调查的基础上,采用问卷调查和模型构建法,就板栗复合栽培系统生态补偿受偿意愿影响因素进行分析。结果表明:当地农户的受教育程度、家庭经济情况、对环境破坏行为的关注程度、环境保护行为对农户收入的影响以及农户对生态补偿的了解程度都显著影响其受偿意愿。通过对受偿意愿影响因素的研究,为明晰农户参与生态补偿的机制提供案例,其研究结果也可为进一步制定科学的生态补偿标准提供依据,为当地环境的保护起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

Rubber plantation is the major land use type in Southeast Asia. Monitoring the spa- tial-temporal pattern of rubber plantation is significant for regional land resource development, eco-environmental protection, and maintaining border security. With remote sensing tech- nologies, we analyzed the rubber distribution pattern and spatial-temporal dynamic; with GIS and a newly proposed index of Planted Intensity (PI), we further quantified the impacts and limits of topographical factors on rubber plantation in the border region of China, Laos and Myanmar (BRCLM) between 1980 and 2010. The results showed that: (1) As the dominant land use type in this border region, the acreage of rubber plantation was 6014 km2 in 2010, accounting for 8.17% of the total area. Viewing from the rubber plantation structure, the ratio of mature- (〉10 year) and young rubber plantation (〈 10 year) was 5:7. (2) From 1980 to 2010, rubber plantation expanded significantly in BRCLM, from 705 km2 to 6014 km2, nearly nine times. The distribution characteristics of rubber plantation varied from concentrated toward dispersed, from border inside to outside, and expanded further in all directions with Jinghong City as the center. (3) Restricted by the topographical factors, more than 4/5 proportion of rubber plantation concentrated in the appropriate elevation gradients between 600 and 1000 m, rarely occurred in elevations beyond 1200 m in BRCLM. Nearly 2/3 of rubber plantation concentrated on slopes of 8~-25~, rarely distributed on slopes above 35~. Rubber plantation was primarily distributed in south and east aspects, relatively few in north and west aspects. Rubber planted intensity displayed the similar distribution trend. (4) Comparative studies of rubber plantation in different countries showed that there was a remarkable increase in area at higher elevations and steeper slopes in China, while there were large appropriate topog- raphical gradients for rubber plantation in Laos and Myanmar which benefited China for rubber trans-boundary expansion. (5) Rubber plantation in BRCLM will definitely expend cross borders of China to the territories of Laos and Myanmar, and the continuous expansion in the border region of China will be inevitable.  相似文献   

中国城市化和工业化进程所带来的粮食安全问题一直是政府和学术界关注的焦点。中国近25年来快速的城市化与工业化导致耕地资源减少和环境污染加剧,对国家粮食安全和农业可持续发展产生一定影响。本文基于中国土地利用/覆盖变化最新解译结果和中国分县粮食产量数据,重建了中国1 km分辨率的粮食产量空间数据,分析了中国1990-2015年工矿用地扩张及其对粮食产能的影响。结果表明:中国工矿用地面积在1990-2015年间增长了326%,扩张速率从1990-2000年的288 km2/a增加到2000-2010年的1482 km2/a,近5年(2010-2015年)扩张速率最快,达2600 km2/a。过去25年间工矿用地扩张导致耕地面积减少1.7×104 km2,直接导致粮食产能损失约6.49 Mt(106 t),因工矿用地扩张可能会对周边耕地污染等间接影响的粮食产量达83.20 Mt。经评估,国家工矿用地扩张对粮食产能潜在影响总体上是当前粮食总产能的17%。在空间分布特征方面,工矿用地扩张对粮食产能的直接影响呈现由东部沿海地区向西北地区逐渐减小趋势;间接影响在中部和西部地区相对较大。  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s the Lao government has dramatically increased the number of large‐scale land concessions issued for agribusinesses. While studies have documented the social and environmental impacts of land dispossession, the role of Vietnamese labour on these Vietnamese‐owned rubber plantations has not previously been investigated. Taking a political ecology approach, we situate this study at the intersection between ‘land grabbing’ studies and work on ‘labour geographies’. Most of the remittances generated from Vietnamese working in Laos are used for non‐agricultural purposes, with people purposely choosing to not invest in agriculture in Vietnam. Vietnamese labour on Lao plantations still has significant spatial implications, both in Laos and in Vietnam, including through the norms, formal rules and practices introduced at rubber plantations by Vietnamese workers and management, but also through labour regime changes in Vietnam. In Laos, one of the most significant results has been to make certain spaces less welcoming to Lao labour. This study particularly points to the importance of geopolitics, as the close political relationship between Laos and Vietnam, and the fact that Vietnamese companies and managers are involved, is crucial for understanding the particular nature of the labour geographies associated with Vietnamese rubber plantations in Laos.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the direct and cascading land system consequences of a Chinese company's land acquisition for rubber cultivation in northern Laos. Transnational land acquisitions are increasingly acknowledged as an important driver of direct land use conversion with implications for local land‐based livelihoods. The paper presents an empirical case study of the village of Na Nhang Neua in Nambak District, Luang Prabang Province, using a mixed methods approach to investigate the positive and negative implications for household agricultural strategies, income generation and food security. Combining the conceptual lenses of land systems and livelihood approaches, this paper demonstrates how the land use system has changed substantially because of the establishment of the rubber plantation by the company, notably in the linkages between livestock rearing, upland shifting cultivation and lowland paddy rice cultivation. The changes go beyond the immediate competition for land caused by the rubber plantation: a penalty scheme introduced by the rubber company for damage to rubber trees caused by browsing animals has led the villagers to abandon livestock rearing, causing a cascade of negative effects on the entire land use system, especially on soil fertility, rice yields and food production.  相似文献   

This paper is a multi‐sited ethnography of cross‐border rubber cultivation between China and Laos. Smallholder minority rubber farmers from Xishuangbanna (China) have forged successful informal share‐cropping arrangements to grow rubber trees on the land of relatives and friends in neighbouring Laos. By becoming rich and entrepreneurial rural citizens, Akha and Tai farmers have also, in their own eyes, raised their own ‘quality’ (suzhi) and see themselves as ‘modern’. By examining various meanings of ‘modern’ in China, and contrasting the rubber farmers' experience with Jacob Eyferth's notion of rural ‘deskilling’, this paper shows how through learning to plant, cultivate and tap rubber, these farmers have taken on the discipline and technical knowledge of ‘modern’ workers and become ‘skilled’. By rising in ‘quality’, minority farmers on China's periphery challenge the entrenched binaries of urban/rural, modern/backward, prosperous/poor and Han/minority nationality. Xishuangbanna minority farmers acknowledge that they are also ‘backward’ in the Chinese social hierarchy, but their extension of rubber cultivation to kin and others in Laos has confirmed their modernity as dispensers of development, technical know‐how and ‘superior’ Chinese culture to Lao farmers who are ‘backward and poor’. In contrast to large state rubber farms that have failed to establish rubber plantations in northern Laos, minority farmers have created regionalization.  相似文献   

Since 1979,the Pearl River Delta(PRD) of China has experienced rapid socioeconomic development along with a fast expansion of construction area. Affected by both natural and human factors,a complex interdependency is found among the regional changes in construction area,GDP and population. A quantitative analysis of the four phases of the regional land use data extracted from remote sensing images and socioeconomic statistics spanning 1979 to 2009 demonstrates that the proportion of construction area in the PRD increased from 0.5% in 1979 to 10.8% in 2009,accompanied with a rapid loss of agricultural land. An increase of one million residents was associated with an increase of GDP of approximately 32 billion yuan before 2000 and approximately 162 billion yuan after 2000. Because the expansion of construction area has approached the limits of land resource in some cities of the PRD,a power function is found more suitable than a linear one in describing the relationship between GDP and construction area. Consequently,the Logistic model is shown to provide more accurate predictions of population growth than the Malthus model,particularly in some cities where a very large proportion of land resource has been urbanized,such as Shenzhen and Dongguan.  相似文献   

中国土地利用时空特征分析   总被引:195,自引:5,他引:195  
在遥感技术与GIS技术的支持下,对中国近5年来土地利用的时间动态特征和空间动态特征进行了定量分析。具体表现为通过数学建模,利用土地利用动态度模型、土地利用程度模型、垦殖指数模型等对土地利用时空特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:5年间中国土地利用类型发生变化比较大的区域主要分布在东部和北部地区,特别是东北部地区土地利用类型变化比较剧烈,而西部变化相对缓慢;土地利用各类型中面积增加的有耕地、水域、建设用地和未利用地,而林地、草地面积减少;耕地增加的区域位于东北部地区,特别是黑龙江省耕地面积增加最多;林草地以及未利用地的面积变化主要发生在新疆、内蒙和黑龙江等地区,其它地区变化幅度相对较小。  相似文献   

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