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Radio Frequency Interference(RFI)mitigation is essential for supporting the science output of Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)due to its high sensitivity.In order to protect FAST from RFI,an Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)study has been carried out and the operation of a Radio Quiet Zone(RQZ)is ongoing.RFI measurements of the telescope instruments and monitoring of the active radio services outside the site have revealed the radiation properties of the RFI sources.Based on the measurement results and theoretical analysis,various EMC methods have been implemented for the telescope to decrease the RFIs.Meanwhile,the main RFI sources in the FAST RQZ,such as mobile stations,broadcast stations and navigation instruments,have been identified,and the technical measures have been adopted to protect the quiet radio environment around the site.The early science outputs of FAST have demonstrated the efficiency of RFI mitigation methods.  相似文献   

Detection and mitigation of radio frequency interference(RFI) is the first and also the key step for data processing in radio observations, especially for ongoing low frequency radio experiments towards the detection of the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization(Eo R). In this paper we demonstrate the technique and efficiency of RFI identification and mitigation for the 21 Centimeter Array(21CMA), a radio interferometer dedicated to the statistical measurement of Eo R. For terrestrial, man-made RFI, we concentrate mainly on a statistical approach by identifying and then excising non-Gaussian signatures, in the sense that the extremely weak cosmic signal is actually buried under thermal and therefore Gaussian noise. We also introduce the so-called visibility correlation coefficient instead of conventional visibility, which allows a further suppression of rapidly time-varying RFI. Finally, we briefly discuss removals of the sky RFI, the leakage of sidelobes from off-field strong radio sources with time-invariant power and a featureless spectrum. It turns out that state of the art technique should allow us to detect and mitigate RFI to a satisfactory level in present low frequency interferometer observations such as those acquired with the 21 CMA, and the accuracy and efficiency can be greatly improved with the employment of low-cost, high-speed computing facilities for data acquisition and processing.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference(RFI) is a serious issue in radio astronomy. This paper proposes a U-Net network model with atrous convolution to detect RFI. Using the ability of convolutional neural networks to extract image features of RFI, and learning RFI distribution patterns, the detection model of the RFI is established. We use observational data containing real RFIs obtained by the Tianlai telescope to train the model so that the model can detect RFI. Calculate the probability of a data point being RFI pixel by pixel, and set a threshold. At the same time the dropout layer was added to avoid overfitting problems. If the predicted probability of a data point exceeds the threshold, it is considered that there is RFI, and if the predicted probability of a data point does not exceed the threshold, then it is considered that there is no RFI,so that the part of the image with RFI is flagged. Experimental results show that this approach can achieve satisfactory accuracy in the detection of radio observation images with a small amount of RFI.  相似文献   

从海量的天文观测数据中快速搜寻罕见的快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst, FRB)事件, 干扰缓解是其中一项关键而具有挑战的工作. 射频干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)会淹没真实的天文事件, 还会导致搜寻管线输出大量的假阳性候选体. 由于干扰来源及其种类的复杂性, 目前并没有一种通用的方法可以解决这个问题. 为了降低干扰对FRB观测搜寻的影响, 分析和研究了南山26m射电望远镜L波段观测数据中的干扰情况, 针对主要的窄带干扰和宽带干扰建立了3层次的干扰缓解处理流程, 从而有效缓解了观测数据的干扰污染情况. 将该流程嵌入到FRB色散动态谱搜寻(Dispersed Dynamic Spectra Search, DDSS)管线中, 实验结果表明, 搜寻管线的检测率和检测精度得到了进一步的提高. 该方法为FRB观测数据干扰缓解处理提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

随着500 m口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, FAST)等大型射电望远镜的建设和使用,脉冲星巡天数据进入PB时代.为解决如此大量高速采样的标量数据挖掘问题,促进新天文现象的发现,提出一种基于无监督聚类的脉冲星候选体筛选方案.该方案采用基于密度层次、划分方法的混合聚类算法,结合MapReduce/Spark并行计算模型和基于滑动窗口的分组策略,进而提高大量候选体信号筛选的效率.通过在脉冲星数据集HTRU2 (High Time Resolution Universe)上的对比实验,结果表明该算法能取得较高的精确度和召回率,分别是0.946和0.905,并且当并行节点足够时,该算法的时间复杂度相比串行执行明显下降.可见,该方法为脉冲星观测大数据的分析挖掘提供一种可行思路.  相似文献   

在射电天文观测中,射频干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)会以多种形式混入望远镜接收系统,给观测带来误判或者降低观测信噪比.近年来国内国际射电天文快速发展,国内国际大型射电望远镜和阵列先后建设,观测灵敏度大为提高,射频干扰的影响尤为突出.随着科技发展和人类活动的加剧,射频干扰日益严重且不可逆转.提出利用2维离散小波变换的方法分析射电天文观测的数据,对望远镜系统输出的时间频率序列进行小波变换,根据小波系数分离出原始信号中各分量,每个分量统计得到相应的阈值,将各分量与阈值相比较识别干扰成分并标记去除.利用该方法对实际观测数据进行了处理,结果表明该方法能够很好地标记并消减干扰信号,且提高了观测的信噪比.  相似文献   

In radio astronomy observations, radio frequency interference (RFI) is mixed into the telescope receiving system in various forms. The existence of RFI brings misjudgment to the observation or reduces the observational signal-to-noise ratio. In recent years, the domestic and overseas radio astronomy has developed rapidly. Large-scale radio telescopes and telescope arrays at home and abroad have been constructed successively. Observation sensitivity is greatly improved, and the influence of RFI is particularly prominent. With the development of science and technology and the intensification of human activities, the RFI has become increasingly serious and irreversible. We propose to use the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform method to analyze the data of radio astronomy observations, and to perform wavelet transform on the time-frequency sequence output by the telescope system. According to the wavelet coefficients, the every component in the original signal is separated, and the corresponding threshold value is obtained by the statistics on each component. Each component is compared with the threshold to identify the interference component, and to mark it for removal. This method is used to process the actual observation data. The results show that this method can well mark and eliminate the interference signal, and improve the observational signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world. In this paper, we apply photogrammetry to measure local area surface accuracy of the FAST main reflector. Contrast with the existing photogrammetric methods that need to stick the cooperation target on the panel. In this paper, we directly detect nodes according to their natural feature. Analyzing the FAST reflector composition, we propose a two-step Hough transform method for node detection. Due to the high similarity of the neighboring area around nodes, it is hard to match two images by the feature matching method. Therefore, we apply the nodes combination approach to obtain the homography matrix between two photos for nodes matching. After nodes detection and matching,triangulation and bundle adjustment algorithms are adopted for 3 D reconstruction. During the experiment,the adjusted node position deform a local area of the FAST main reflector into a spherical cap with a radius of 300 m. The experimental result shows that the measurement accuracy of the sphere with a radius of 300 m is 12.299 mm, indicating that it is feasible to apply photogrammetry for the FAST main reflector measurement.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference (RFI) is one of the main challenges in the search of radio targets and their accurate analysis. The efficient RFI detection and mitigation techniques are required in the radio data processing. Existing RFI mitigation algorithms typically fall into three categories: component decomposition methods, threshold-based methods, and machine learning methods. The threshold-based algorithms are widely used in real applications because of its clear principle, simple structure, and easily implementation. Especially, the SumThreshold method is becoming more concerned for its good performance in RFI detection. Therefore, this work investigates the principles and algorithm of SumThreshold, and discusses its characteristics and applicability.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world,and is now being commissioned after the first light in September 2016.Very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)is among the key science topics according to the original design.The FAST VLBI system has been established,and the first VLBI fringe has been successfully obtained.FAST will significantly improve the sensitivity of the existing VLBI networks in the future,and some science projects in need of high sensitivity will benefit from its participation.  相似文献   

射频干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)是射电目标搜寻和精确分析研究的关键影响因素,因此RFI检测是相关数据处理中的一个重要环节.已有RFI检测方法可分为成分分解法、阈值分析法、机器学习类方法.从应用广泛性和可解释性方面考虑,阈值分析法最具代表性,特别是SumThreshold是近年备受关注的一个RFI检测方法.从SumThreshold方法的原理、算法设计、优化要点、适用性等方面进行介绍和探讨,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

相控阵馈源(Phased array feeds, PAFs)接收机作为下一代微波接收机, 为大口径射电天文望远镜的射电干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)缓解工作带来了新的解决方法. PAFs接收机对射电望远镜焦平面的电磁波进行空域采样, 返回时域阵列信号, 使用最小方差无失真响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, MVDR)波束合成器可以自适应地识别RFI的方向, 同时抑制RFI在输出信号中的功率, 从而达到提升射电望远镜灵敏度的效果. 仿真结果表明MVDR波束合成器对有源高能量的射电干扰有很强的识别能力和一定程度的缓解能力, 同时, 该波束合成器对各阵元信道中加性噪声累积引起的无源干扰有很强的抑制能力, 因此, PAFs接收机的MVDR波束合成器可以增强日益复杂电磁波环境下射电望远镜的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

We report the first measurements of radio frequency spectrum occupancy performed at sites aimed to host the future radio astronomy observatory in Indonesia. The survey is intended to obtain the radio frequency interference (RFI) environment in a spectral range from low frequency 10 MHz up to 8 GHz. The measurements permit the identification of the spectral occupancy over those selected sites in reference to the allocated radio spectrum in Indonesia. The sites are in close proximity to Australia, the future host of Square Kilometre Array (SKA) at low frequency. Therefore, the survey was deliberately made to approximately adhere the SKA protocol for RFI measurements, but with lower sensitivity. The RFI environment at Bosscha Observatory in Lembang was also measured for comparison. Within the sensitivity limit of the measurement equipment, it is found that a location called Fatumonas in the surrounding of Mount Timau in West Timor has very low level of RFI, with a total spectrum occupancy in this measured frequency range being about 1 %, mostly found at low frequency below 20 MHz. More detailed measurements as well as a strategy for a radio quiet zone must be implemented in the near future.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference(RFI) is an important challenge in radio astronomy. RFI comes from various sources and increasingly impacts astronomical observation as telescopes become more sensitive. In this study, we propose a fast and effective method for removing RFI in pulsar data. We use pseudo-inverse learning to train a single hidden layer auto-encoder(AE). We demonstrate that the AE can quickly learn the RFI signatures and then remove them from fast-sampled spectra, leaving real pulsar signals. This method has the advantage over traditional threshold-based filter method in that it does not completely remove contaminated channels, which could also contain useful astronomical information.  相似文献   

500 m口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope,FAST)是一个超大口径的可动望远镜,有三项技术创新,一是选址,二是轻型馈源索支撑,三是主动反射面。在主动反射面上,单元面板的面型和面板的出厂加工精度对电磁波在反射面的汇聚有很大影响。FAST主反射面由4 600块三角形反射面板拼接而成,每块面板为边长11 m三角形,这对FAST反射面面板的测量技术提出了更高的要求。摄影测量直接在影像上进行量测,无需接触物体本身;所摄影像信息丰富,可以从中获得所研究物体的大量几何信息和物理信息;适用于大范围、多目标测量,效率高。目前世界上最大的射电望远镜,如GBT和ARECIBO都是采用摄影测量技术进行反射面面形检测。在对现有的面型检测技术调研并试验后,提出基于数字近景摄影测量的方法,对FAST反射面11 m单元面板的面型进行检测,数分钟完成反射面板面型的一次检测,测量精度达到2.5 mm,经过调整后的单元面板的面型精度达到了3.0 mm,结果表明摄影测量应用于FAST反射面单元面板面型检测是可行的。  相似文献   

刘奇 《天文学报》2021,62(4):46
电磁兼容性是设备或系统的重要性能指标, 也是保障系统的工作效能和提高系统可靠性的重要因素. 大口径射电望远镜运行阶段, 台址周围无线电业务及内部潜在的电磁干扰会降低观测系统灵敏度、影响天文观测的质量. 本论文针对拟建的新疆110 m全向可动射电望远镜(Qi Tai raido Telescope, QTT)开展了系统电磁兼容评估技术及控制方法研究, 具有重要的工程应用价值. 首先, 依据现有电波环境测量方法的不足, 深入分析了仪器设备的关键参数配置方法及测量时间计算方法, 采用Y因子法校准测量数据, 提出一种准实时电波环境测量方法. 面向高重复性宽带频谱, 分析了宽带频谱信号和噪声特征, 结合标准差理论, 提出一种基于邻值比较的信噪分离方法, 并采用邻值统计方法优化关键参数, 提高信噪分离精度. 针对QTT台址, 开发了自动化电波环境监测系统, 该系统6 GHz以下频段系统增益大于40 dB, 系统噪声系数小于2 dB, 测量不确定度小于1.49 dB, 具有极高的系统灵敏度和测量精度; 分析了频谱监测数据流, 设计了基于HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)的数据存储格式, 开发了自动化电波环境测量和监控软件及数据处理软件. 依据QTT台址长期监测数据, 评估分析了台址电磁环境、主要干扰源特征及其影响. 其次, 提出大口径射电望远镜馈源口面干扰电平限值量化方法, 建立了基于台址地形的电波传播模型, 分析了现有电波传播模型的优缺点及适应性, 结合QTT台址实际地形及地质特征, 采用Longley-Rice和Two-Ray电波传播模型, 预测分析了QTT台址潜在干扰区域电磁干扰达到射电望远镜的电波路径衰减, 结合大口径射电望远镜天线增益量化方法, 提出设备所在位置干扰电平限值量化方法, 运用该方法对QTT台址潜在干扰区域的干扰电平限值进行量化. 依据设备所在位置干扰电平限值, 调研分析了国内外军用、民用电磁兼容测量标准, 结合电磁干扰对射电天文观测的影响, 提出一种大口径射电望远镜电磁兼容控制方法, 解决了现有电波暗室测量系统无法直接测量评估电子设备电磁兼容的问题, 该电磁兼容控制方法计划应用于QTT建设及运行阶段, 确保系统拥有良好的电磁兼容性. 最后, 依据QTT台址潜在干扰区域干扰电平限值, 结合典型电子设备电磁辐射频谱, 分析了QTT电磁兼容设计需求, 提出电磁兼容设计初步方案. 另外, 针对台址建筑设施内的中低电磁辐射干扰源, 提出一种低成本建筑屏蔽方法, 应用于QTT台址现有建筑.  相似文献   

Apart from externally generated Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), the occurrence of self-interference is a major concern at any modern radio telescope site. Antenna servo motor controllers, data acquisition processors, and fast computing capabilities operate very close to extremely sensitive and wideband radio astronomical receivers. In this paper, we present a set of measurements of the RFI level generated by a cluster of computers that will be installed at the site of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). The measured levels are compared to Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-2, which gives the threshold levels for interference detrimental to radio astronomy observations. Our analysis shows that, with proper shielding of the noisiest devices, it will be possible to preserve the present excellent RFI conditions of the SRT site.  相似文献   

In astronomical observations, the radio frequency interference (RFI) will cause pseudo spectra and reduce the reliability and validity of observational data. The RFI mitigation, which includes many technical innovations of devices and the method studies of data processing, aims at reducing the influence of RFI on the radio astronomical observation. Various efforts were made to improve the anti-RFI capability of the multi-beam receiver (Superconducting Spectroscopic Array Receiver, SSAR) of the Delingha 13.7 m telescope. The interference transmission path was analyzed. The concepts of the device RFI direct coupling coefficient and the device RFI system coupling coefficient were proposed. The proportions of interference introduced in the receiver system by the different devices were quantified, and the interference-susceptible devices in the system were located. After the anti-RFI treatment of the interference-susceptible devices, the anti-RFI capability of the receiver system is improved by 30 dB in average, and the astronomical observation efficiency of the telescope is increased by more than 10%.  相似文献   

We developed a pulsar search pipeline based on PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit(PRESTO).This pipeline simply runs dedispersion,Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) and acceleration search in process-level parallel to shorten the processing time.With two parallel strategies,the pipeline can highly shorten the processing time in both normal searches and acceleration searches.This pipeline was first tested with Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survery(PMPS) data and discovered two new faint pulsars.Then,it was successfully applied in processing the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) drift scan data with tens of new pulsar discoveries up to now.The pipeline is only CPU-based and can be easily and quickly deployed in computing nodes for testing purposes or data processing.  相似文献   

在天文观测中,射频干扰会造成假谱,降低数据的可靠性和有效性.射频干扰消减旨在减少干扰信号对射电天文观测的影响,包含器件方面的技术革新和数据处理领域的方法研究.针对德令哈13.7 m望远镜接收机中频部分引入的射频干扰,通过优化中频器件的抗射频干扰能力,提高了接收机的整体抗射频干扰能力,以主动消除方法来减少射频干扰耦合到接收机内部.分析了接收机干扰的传输路径,提出了器件射频干扰的直接耦合系数和器件射频干扰的系统耦合系数的概念,为定位干扰敏感器件并量化干扰引入比重提供了基础.经过抗射频干扰优化后,接收机抗干扰能力改善30 dB左右,望远镜的天文观测效率提高10%以上.  相似文献   

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