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分析威宁气候资源、地域分布和气象灾害的对农业生产影响,提出防灾减灾的对策和种植业发挥优势的合理布局。 相似文献
This paper investigates the impacts of climate change on US returns to research investments on agricultural productivity. We examine this using a historical data set in a panel time-series econometric model of state agricultural productivity. The fitted model allows derivation of the rate of return to research investments and the effects of climate change thereon. We find climate change is altering the rate of return to public agricultural research in a spatially heterogeneous manner. Increases in precipitation raise returns to research, while the impact of higher temperatures varies by region, are negative in Southern areas, particularly the Southern Plains, and positive in northern areas. We simulate the impact of projected climate change and find cases where agricultural productivity is reduced, for example in the Southern Plains. Finally, we consider the amount of research investment that is needed to adapt to overcome the impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity. Under the 2100 scenario, a 7–17 % increase in total US research investment is needed to adapt, but effects by region differ greatly—some requiring little changes and the Southern Plain requiring an increase as high as 57 %. 相似文献
Adaptation is a complex, dynamic, and sometimes unequal process. Stemming from social ecological systems theories of climate change adaptation and adaptive capacity, this case study introduces the concept of ‘divergent’ adaptation. Adaptation is divergent when one user or group's adaptation causes a subsequent reduction in another user or group's adaptive capacity in the same ecosystem. Using the example of pastoral and agricultural groups in northern and southern rainfall zones of Niger, this study illustrates the concept of divergent adaptation by identifying changes to the adaptive capacity of users who are currently engaged in conflicts over access to natural resources. Similar to other studies, we find that expansion of farmland and the consequent loss of pastoral space are restricting pastoral adaptation. Divergent adaptations favoring agricultural livelihoods include cultivating near or around pastoral wells or within pastoral corridors, both of which limit the mobility and entitlements of pastoralists. Institutions rarely secure pastoral routes and access to water points, a problem that is compounded by conflicting modes of governance, low accountability, and corruption. The case study illustrates the need to enhance the adaptive capacity of multiple user groups to reduce conflict, enhance human security, and promote overall resilience. 相似文献
Climate change and sustainable development have been addressed in largely separate circles in both research and policy. Nevertheless, there are strong linkages between the two in both realms. This paper focuses on the scientific linkages and discusses the opportunities they provide for integrated policy development, and the necessity to consider the risk of trade-offs. It is suggested that integration may not only provide new opportunities, but may even be a prerequisite for successfully addressing both issues. Since the feasibility of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations is dependent on general socio-economic development paths, climate policy responses should be fully placed in the larger context of technological and socio-economic policy development rather than be viewed as an add-on to those broader policies. The arguments are supported by a range of examples for various economic sectors in the areas of both mitigation and adaptation, largely drawn from IPCC’s Third Assessment Report. 相似文献
A theoretical investigation of climate stability and sensitivity is carried out using three simple linearized models based on the top-of-the-atmosphere energy budget. The simplest is the zero-dimensional model (ZDM) commonly used as a conceptual basis for climate sensitivity and feedback studies. The others are two-zone models with tropics and extratropics of equal area; in the first of these (Model A), the dynamical heat transport (DHT) between the zones is implicit, in the second (Model B) it is explicitly parameterized. It is found that the stability and sensitivity properties of the ZDM and Model A are very similar, both depending only on the global-mean radiative response coefficient and the global-mean forcing. The corresponding properties of Model B are more complex, depending asymmetrically on the separate tropical and extratropical values of these quantities, as well as on the DHT coefficient. Adopting Model B as a benchmark, conditions are found under which the validity of the ZDM and Model A as climate sensitivity models holds. It is shown that parameter ranges of physical interest exist for which such validity may not hold. The 2?×?CO 2 sensitivities of the simple models are studied and compared. Possible implications of the results for sensitivities derived from GCMs and palaeoclimate data are suggested. Sensitivities for more general scenarios that include negative forcing in the tropics (due to aerosols, inadvertent or geoengineered) are also studied. Some unexpected outcomes are found in this case. These include the possibility of a negative global-mean temperature response to a positive global-mean forcing, and vice versa. 相似文献
改革开放20多年来,我省的农业气象科技有了长足的发展,为农业和农村经济持续稳定发展注入了新的活力,取得了显著的社会经济效益,气象工作功不可没。但随着改革的不断深入,我省农业气象发展的同时,也面临着许多亟待解决的问题:农业气象对农业和农村经济发展的促进作用尚未得到充分发挥;专业结构布局不够合理;大多数县站单靠农民责任田取样;气象科技投入渠道单一;科技成果转化力度不够,自主创新不足,仍阻碍着气象科技与农业产业化发展的有机结合;广大气象科技人员的积极性尚未得到充分调动和发挥。跨入21世纪,我国“入世”… 相似文献
The consequences of climate change and sustainable development remaining as separate discourses are explored, both in general and in the Canadian context. One of these consequences is the difference in emission and economic development scenarios generated by the two groups. A second is that strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are designed and assessed in a narrow technical context, divorced from the economic and social forces that underlie them. We identify the need for climate change and sustainable development to be represented in a more explicit manner in each other's research agendas, and for integrated assessment of climate change to incorporate alternative methodologies that complement global scale integrated assessment models. These methodologies should include greater involvement of stakeholders as partners with researchers in a shared learning experience. 相似文献
通过对武鸣县境内出现干旱与洪涝灾害的规律和特点分析,找出了降水特征及旱涝形成的原因其及对农业生产的影响,并根据现代农业生产的特点提出了生产逮议,为使农业生产趋利避害,取得高产稳产打下良好的基础。 相似文献
Climate resilient development is emerging as a global policy strategy that integrates climate adaptation and mitigation into sustainable development decisions. For the Caribbean small island developing state (SIDS) of Antigua and Barbuda, the national government is pursuing climate resilient development through multilateral climate funds to protect economic growth from climate and weather-related disasters. Critical adaptation literature argues that interpreting climate vulnerability through an economic growth lens prioritizes economic solutions over other development concerns, which can further the uneven distribution of climate vulnerability and risk. Despite revealing the consequences of market-based climate actions, research has yet to fully understand the economization of vulnerability, which describes the political techniques that render and reconfigure vulnerability in calculated ways. By tracing the discursive interactions between multilateral climate financial institutions and the Antigua and Barbuda national government, this paper empirically examines how vulnerability is economized through climate resilient development. Findings identify the construction of ‘adaptation economies’ in watershed areas, which are economies that can capitalize upon climate challenges within areas of highest vulnerability through fee-for-climate services. The results illustrate that economic growth rationalities characterize climate vulnerability problematizations, which incentivize solutions that enforce the economic development of areas with the highest disaster impacts. Based on these findings, this study emphasizes a need to critically evaluate national actor efforts to re-organize development under climate financing rationales, and its vulnerability-inducing effects. 相似文献
利用1953—2005年本溪地区温度和降水资料,运用统计学方法对20世纪80年代前后本溪地区的气候变化特点进行了研究。结果表明:近50多年来,本溪地区的年各季平均气温呈波动性上升趋势,平均气温倾向率为0.28℃/10 a,冬季最大为0.54℃/10 a;年降水量和各季降水量呈波动性减少趋势,年降水量倾向率为-31.67 mm/10 a,春季倾向率为1.54 mm/10 a,其他各季倾向率均为负值;水热匹配条件趋于恶化,干旱发生频率增大。同时,分析了气候变化对农业生产的影响,为合理利用本地气候资源提供参考依据。 相似文献
利用1953-2005年本溪地区温度和降水资料,运用统计学方法对20世纪80年代前后本溪地区的气候变化特点进行了研究。结果表明:近50多年来,本溪地区的年各季平均气温呈波动性上升趋势,平均气温倾向率为0.28℃/10 a,冬季最大为0.54℃/10 a;年降水量和各季降水量呈波动性减少趋势,年降水量倾向率为-31.67 mm/10 a,春季倾向率为1.54 mm/10 a,其他各季倾向率均为负值;水热匹配条件趋于恶化,干旱发生频率增大。同时,分析了气候变化对农业生产的影响,为合理利用本地气候资源提供参考依据。 相似文献
The stability of an idealized climate system is investigated using a simple coupled atmosphere-ocean box model. Motivated by the results from general circulation models, the main physical constraint imposed on the system is that the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere is fixed. The specification of an invariant equatorial atmospheric temperature, consistent with paleoclimatic data, allows the hydrological cycle to be internally determined from the poleward heat transport budget, resulting in a model that has a plausible representation of the hydrological cycle-thermohaline circulation interaction. The model suggests that the stability and variability of the climate system depends fundamentally on the mean climatic state (total heat content of the system). When the total heat content of the climate system is low, a stable present-day equilibrum exists with high-latitude sinking. Conversely, when the total heat content is high, a stable equatorial sinking equilibrium exists. For a range of intermediate values of the total heat content, internal climatic oscillations can occur through a hydrological cycle-thermohaline circulation feedback process. Experiments conducted with the model reveal that under a 100-year 2 × CO 2 warming, the thermohaline circulation first collapses but then recovers. Under a 100-year 4 × CO 2 warming, the thermohaline circulation collapses and remains collapsed. Recent paleoclimatic data suggest that the climate system may behave very differently for a warmer climate. Our results suggest that this may be attributed to the enhanced poleward freshwater transport, which causes increased instability of the presentday thermohaline circulation. 相似文献
Global agricultural development programs aim to support smallholder farmers and farming communities by strengthening sustainable and resilient food production systems – which can also promote climate change mitigation as a co-benefit by reducing the emissions and enhancing removals of greenhouse gases (GHG). This study presents estimated GHG emissions reductions of almost 100 agricultural development projects over 51 low- and middle-income countries supported by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), USAID-Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative, and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO, previously DfID). Together, these projects promoted a net GHG emissions reduction of 6.5 MtCO 2e per year. The forest management and promotion of improved agroforestry systems in the project areas contributed the most to the total mitigation co-benefits of the investment portfolios (∼3.9 MtCO 2e/y). Improved crop management with minimum tillage practices, residue incorporation, water management in paddy rice, and the use of organic fertilizers also made a large contribution to the GHG emissions reduction (∼1.5 MtCO 2e/y). Grass and pasture land management across the selected projects account for a net emission reduction of 0.2 MtCO 2e/y. The implementation of improved agricultural practices in combination proves more effective for improving productivity and generating mitigation co-benefits than used in isolation. However, the aggregate impacts of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration should be interpreted carefully, which quickly can be lost quick. The interventions promoted by the global agricultural development programs have shown immense potential in reducing net GHG emissions or emission intensity in agriculture and allied sectors. For moving forward to achieve the net-zero and 1.5 °C goals including food security, the global agriculture development programs need to prioritize working on agriculture policy development and implementation so that agriculture expansion does not continue to drive land-use change. This needs to move from the traditional agriculture development programs to transformational changes. 相似文献
作为《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称公约)和《巴黎协定》资金机制最大运营实体,绿色气候基金(GCF)不仅是发达国家兑现1000亿美元长期资金承诺的重要平台,亦是公约和《巴黎协定》目标达成的关键因素。文中系统总结了GCF在推进气候变化国际合作进程、为发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金支持、推动私营部门参与应对气候变化行动等方面的积极作用。提出在当前多边合作面临挑战的复杂背景下,GCF亦面临美国退群、缺乏有效决策机制、项目质量及秘书处能力有待提高等系列问题。文章认为,一个持续有效运营的GCF是国际社会落实《巴黎协定》实施细则的重要保障,各方应尽快凝聚政治共识,推动GCF在全球气候治理体系中继续发挥积极作用。首先,应通过引入投票权决策机制、完善政策缺口、创新业务模式等措施提升基金治理和运营效率;其次,通过尽快完成正式增资进程、拓宽资金渠道、加强剩余资金管理等方式确保充足及可持续的资金来源;最后,还应通过强化与现有气候基金的协调互补、加大与多边发展银行的合作等途径与各方资金形成合力,推动资金流向低碳和气候韧性发展领域。文章还提出,中国应在有效发挥发达国家和发展中国家桥梁作用的基础上,引导GCF投票权改革以消除政治因素对GCF长远发展的负面影响,同时通过积极争取获得下届董事席位,推进与GCF全方位合作、参与GCF正式增资进程等举措,服务生态文明建设及全球应对气候变化目标。 相似文献
随着信息时代的到来,承载信息的网络愈来愈受到人们的关注。气象部门利用其自身的“网络”优势,黑龙江省气象局与省农办联合于2000年2月制定了以气象网络为主建设农业经济信息网(简称农经网)的方案,并通过了省政府办公会议的审定。 相似文献
根据相空间嵌入定理,按照Grassberger和Procaccia提出的计算分数维的方法,利用近百年来南、北半球地面气温资料,估算了气候吸引子的分数维,计算结果表明:气候吸引子的分数维南半球为3.3~3.7,北半球为3.2~3.7。它提供了气候吸引子的自相似结构的基本信息,表明模似气候系统最少需要4个独立变量。另外,还讨论了气候噪声对估算维数的影响。 相似文献
Agriculture is responsible for the bulk of Ireland’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the potential to mitigate some of these emissions through the adoption of more efficient farm management practices may be hampered by farmers’ awareness and attitude towards climate change and agriculture’s role in contributing to GHG emissions. This paper presents results from a survey of 746 Irish farmers in 2014, with a view to understanding farmers’ awareness of, and attitudes to, climate change and GHG emissions. Survey results show that there was a general uncertainty towards a number of questions related to agricultural GHG emissions, e.g. if tilling of land causes GHG emissions, and that farmers were reluctant to take action to reduce GHG emissions on their farm. To further explore farmers’ attitudes towards climate change, a multinomial logit model was used to examine the socio-economic factors that affect farmers’ willingness to adopt an advisory tool that would show the potential reduction in GHG emissions from the adoption of new technologies. Results show that farmers’ awareness of human-induced global climate change was positively related to the tool’s adoption. Key policy insights Irish farmers are generally not sufficiently aware of the impact of their activities on climate change. A quarter of farmers believed that climate change will only impact on their business in the long-term; such an attitude may lead to a reluctance amongst these farmers to adopt management practices that reduce GHG emissions. Awareness of climate change affects positively the adoption of new tools to reduce GHG emissions on farmers’ farms. IT literacy affects willingness to adopt new tools to address GHG emissions. Reception of agri-environmental advice can have a positive influence on farmers’ willingness to adopt new GHG emission abatement tools. Farmers in receipt of environmental subsidies are more likely to adopt new abatement tools, either because they are more environmentally conscious or because the subsidy raised their environmentally consciousness. Willingness to adopt differs between different farm enterprises; operating dairy enterprise increases the willingness to adopt new advisory mitigation tools. 相似文献
主要概述了中国科学院大气物理研究所近些年来在气候动力学与气候预测理论研究领域的若干重要研究进展.通过对气候系统变化多尺度特征及其动力学的分析和研究,提出了一系列气候系统动力学理论,并在此基础上提出了适合于我国季风气候特点的气候预测理论和方法,在国际上率先开展了跨季度数值气候预测,进一步建立了先进、完善的短期数值气候预测系统,并应用于我国夏季旱涝预测业务.这些工作既带有极大的基础性意义,同时也具有巨大的应用价值,为我国大气科学及气候科学乃至环境科学的研究提供了重要工具. 相似文献