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正宇宙再电离是宇宙从黑暗时期到完全电离过渡的重要阶段,也是宇宙学研究的一个非常重要的课题,但是目前为止人们对宇宙再电离仍然缺乏足够精确的观测,其中最大的问题是微弱的有效信号往往淹没于巨大的前景噪声中因而很难提取出来.本工作中研究了宇宙再电离时代的动力学苏尼阿耶夫-泽尔多维奇效应(Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich, k SZ)、X射线背景以及与中性氢的21 cm信息的互相  相似文献   

宇宙再电离时期(epoch of reionization, Eo R)的探测是SKA的重要科学目标之一,也是目前许多SKA探路者阵列的首要科学目标。由于宇宙再电离信号非常微弱,因此在数据处理的过程中存在许多难点,如高精度校准、大视场高动态成像等。对默奇森宽场阵列(Murchison Widefield Array, MWA)、低频阵列(Low Frequency Array, LOFAR)、21CMA阵列(21 Centimeter Array, 21CMA)等SKA低频先导干涉阵列的基本数据处理方法进行了综述,如干扰的识别与去除、数据校准、可视度研究以及成像研究等,并对数据处理时用到的一些常用技术与软件作了相应的介绍与总结。  相似文献   

在继承平方公里阵列(Square Kilometre Array,SKA)望远镜的中国低频探路者——"宇宙第一缕曙光"探测项目21CMA在十年间所积累的经验和广泛国际合作的基础上,计划小规模改造现有设备,迅速掌握数字多波束合成、高动态大视场成像、前景去除等SKA低频成像的关键核心技术。同时,与SKA低频阵(SKA-low)先导设备MWA(Murchison Widefield Array)开展深层次合作,预选未来用于SKA1-low宇宙再电离深度成像的观测候选区域,为最终利用SKA第一阶段(SKA1)低频阵列,对选定观测候选区域进行深度定点观测做好充分准备,最终实现SKA1既定的首要科学目标。该项目还将建设中国SKA区域中心数据处理原型样机,并以21CMA和MWA实测数据为基础,完成低频射电干涉成像的数据处理流程,为建设中国SKA区域数据中心打下基础。  相似文献   

本文假设星族Ⅲ是由大质量恒星VMOs组成,VMOs的高光度辐射将使背景宇宙重新获得电离。我们讨论了宇宙热电子对宇宙微波背景的康普顿散射效应。结果表明,VMOs时期的电离宇宙将使3K背景辐射产生一个畸变,在低频的瑞利一金斯频率范围,温度偏差为:凸T_0/T_0~10~(-3)—10~(-5),一旦这个量被观测到,将是对VMOs现象进行确证。  相似文献   

该文利用Integrated Sachs-Wolfe(ISW)效应探测宇宙大尺度引力势随时间的变化速率,从而能够在宇宙学尺度上检验引力的性质.以Yukawa引力势为例,探讨了利用ISW效应检验引力性质的能力.计算表明,ISW效应对引力的性质很敏感,通过与宇宙微波背景辐射实验WMAP五年的观测结果相比较,发现相对于牛顿常数,等效牛顿常数在宇宙学尺度上最多只有约2%的改变.  相似文献   

嫦娥四号着陆器搭载的低频射电频谱仪(Low Frequency Radio Spectrometer, LFRS)已成功开展观测,每月把观测数据传回地面,并且把经过一定预处理后的2C级别的频谱数据释放给科学团队。旨在评估该级别数据是否满足探测宇宙黑暗时代21 cm整体谱的要求,对生成的2C级别数据进行了长时间积分,并模拟仿真银河系前景射电辐射。通过对两套数据进行对比分析发现,2C数据减弱40~50 dB,几乎不包含银河系前景的远场辐射信号,这种大幅度的减弱进而影响了该载荷对宇宙黑暗时代的探测能力。  相似文献   

星系红移巡天的一个主要目标是依据光谱红移测距,详细刻画宇宙中星系的三维空间分布。由于星系本动速度的存在,红移空间的星系分布存在着严重畸变,在大小尺度上有着不同模式的各向同性偏离。通过对红移畸变的观测研究,人们可从中获取速度场的信息,因此,红移畸变已成为暗能量探测的重要探针之一,为检验宇宙学尺度上的引力模型提供帮助。当前星系红移巡天项目已经取得了非凡成功,为人们提供了详细的星系空间分布数据。人们据此测量了星系的相关函数和功率谱,提取了精确的红移畸变信号,并通过模型拟合限制出了一批不同红移处宇宙结构增长率的估值,为探索宇宙尺度的引力模式提供了数据支持。主要介绍红移畸变模型、星系红移巡天观测和宇宙结构增长率测量等研究进展。  相似文献   

本文从实验测量的电中微子质量m_v_e=34±4eV的数值出发,指出宇宙间中微子质量将占总质量的99%,由此导致宇宙的闭合性.此外本文着重讨论了宇宙间中微子将主要是左手征态的中微子,由此才能在广泛的范围内和目前已知各观测资料相一致。本文还表明,由宇宙学所给出的中微子质量和的上限将是sum from i to (m_(vi)≤200 eV而不是通常的40eV。  相似文献   

自1998年超新星观测发现宇宙加速膨胀以来,暗能量问题已经成为当前天体物理和宇宙学研究中最重要的问题之一.此后关于宇宙微波背景辐射和大尺度结构的测量也进一步支持了1998年的发现.该文首先概述了宇宙学的起源,然后详细介绍了目前解释宇宙加速膨胀机制的三类模型,包括各模型提出的动机、存在的优缺点,以及当前的主要进展等.最后对暗能量模型作了总结和展望.  相似文献   

本文对类星体的发射线红移分布作了功率谱分析,进一步证实了其中明显地存在着相对于x=F(z,q_0)(方程(8))的周期性。这种周期性的存在并不表明类星体的红移是非宇宙学的,因为,它可以被解释为大爆炸早期宇宙中的密度波(声波)扰动的一种遗迹。对这种模型做了下列的分析检验:1.周期成分与非周期成分之比随着样品的增加而逐渐减少;2.对于给定方向上的一组类星体,其周期性应比全天类星体的周期性更显著;3.复合时期之前的Jeans波长应决定这种周期性的波长. 利用这种周期性推得减速参数q_0>0.5。这进一步支持了通过其他途径得到的结论:宇宙可能是封闭的。  相似文献   

The shape of the Earth and of planets depends on the exciting forces and on the rheology of the medium. From the equilibrium equation, we present the main modelisations of the viscous and inviscid fluids and we essentially describe the characteristics of linear viscoelastic deformations, for the Maxwell viscoelastic model of rheology. We use the elastic, viscoelastic and fluid Love numbers in order to investigate the associated relaxation modes. For these various kinds of rheology of the planets interior, we compute the geoid and the topography induced by an internal mass distribution. Finally, we show the importance of this viscoelastic deformation calculations in the study of the celestial body rotations.  相似文献   

阿昌族有独立的语言而没有文字,是否有传统的天文内容,过去还未有人进行发掘。我们首次从实地调查的结果得知,阿昌人中流传的对宇宙的解释,属于天文学发展初期的认识。大约从明朝改用农历后,还保留有4个传统节日和部分原始信仰。从六月火把节和十月会街节推断,其原用历法是将一年分成10个月的“十月太阳历”,两个节日是源于“十月历”的冬夏两次过新年。崇拜太阳而不崇拜月亮可作为旁证。  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the Solar System is surrounded by a swarm of comets, the so-called Oort Cloud, which contains approximately 1011 members. The observed comets belong to a small subsection of the Cloud, and they have very elongated orbits. The origin of the Cloud is presently unclear. Here we consider the possibility that the comets were born in a star cluster together with the Sun. We follow the evolution of the star cluster with its embedded swarm of comets and calculate the rate at which stars accumulate stable comet companions. We conclude that if the Oort Cloud of comets was born in this process, then the present day density of comets in interstellar space has to be high, and that comets make a significant contribution to the overall mass density of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

大行星轨道运动与太阳黑子数的中长周期变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对不同序列的太阳黑子数资料作了分析研究,计算得到了可能的太阳黑子活动的中长周期变化,并分别与由大行星轨道运动引起的日心轨道角动量变化的周期进行比较,发现二者具有比较一致的谱结构。基于本文的讨论和文[17]的结论,我们进一步认为大行星轨道运动是太阳黑子数周期性变化的可能的外部因素。  相似文献   

Irregular satellites—moons that occupy large orbits of significant eccentricity e and/or inclination I—circle each of the giant planets. The irregulars often extend close to the orbital stability limit, about 1/3-1/2 of the way to the edge of their planet's Hill sphere. The distant, elongated, and inclined orbits suggest capture, which presumably would give a random distribution of inclinations. Yet, no known irregulars have inclinations (relative to the ecliptic) between 47 and 141°.This paper shows that many high-I orbits are unstable due to secular solar perturbations. High-inclination orbits suffer appreciable periodic changes in eccentricity; large eccentricities can either drive particles with ∼70°<I<110° deep into the realm of the regular satellites (where collisions and scatterings are likely to remove them from planetocentric orbits on a timescale of 107-109 years) or expel them from the Hill sphere of the planet.By carrying out long-term (109 years) orbital integrations for a variety of hypothetical satellites, we demonstrate that solar and planetary perturbations, by causing particles to strike (or to escape) their planet, considerably broaden this zone of avoidance. It grows to at least 55°<I<130° for orbits whose pericenters freely oscillate from 0 to 360°, while particles whose pericenters are locked at ±90° (Kozai mechanism) can remain for longer times.We estimate that the stable phase space (over 10 Myr) for satellites trapped in the Kozai resonance contains ∼10% of all stable orbits, suggesting the possible existence of a family of undiscovered objects at higher inclinations than those currently known.  相似文献   

利用历史地磁场模型资料和日长资料,计算和分析了1840~2000年期间地磁场变化与日长变化的互相关特点。结果表明,地磁变化与日长变化存在时滞相关。地磁场强度参数的变化比日长变化超前7.5~10a(年);地磁场西向漂移参数比日长变化滞后,其中,西漂分量.λ12和.λ23滞后7.5a,而地磁场的平均漂移速度和纬度漂移分量滞后20~22.5a。  相似文献   

We present BVRI colors of 13 jovian and 8 saturnian irregular satellites obtained with the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma, the 6.5 m Magellan Baade Telescope on La Campanas, and the 6.5 m MMT on Mt. Hopkins. The observations were performed from December 2001 to March 2002. The colors of the irregular satellites vary from grey to light red. We have arbitrarily divided the known irregular satellites into two classes based on their colors. One, the grey color class, has similar colors to the C-type asteroids, and the other, the light red color class, has colors similar to P/D-type asteroids. We also find at least one object, the jovian irregular J XXIII Kalyke, that has colors similar to the red colored Centaurs/TNOs, although its classification is insecure. We find that there is a correlation between the physical properties and dynamical properties of the irregular satellites. Most of the dynamical clusters have homogeneous colors, which points to single homogeneous progenitors being cratered or fragmented as the source of each individual cluster. The heterogeneously colored clusters are most easily explained by assuming that there are several dynamical clusters in the area, rather than just one, or that the parent body was a differentiated, heterogeneous body. By analyzing simple cratering/fragmentation scenarios, we show that the heterogeneous colored S IX Phoebe cluster, is most likely two different clusters, a grey colored cluster centered on S IX Phoebe and a light red colored cluster centered on S/2000 S 1. To which of these two clusters the remaining saturnian irregulars with inclinations close to 174° belong is not clear from our analysis, but determination of their colors should help constrain this. We also show through analysis of possible fragmentation and dispersion of the six known uranian irregulars that they most likely make up two clusters, one centered on U XVI Caliban and another centered on U XVII Sycorax. We further show that, although the two objects have similar colors, a catastrophic fragmentation event creating one cluster containing both U XVI Caliban and U XVII Sycorax would have involved a progenitor with a diameter of ∼395 km. While such an event is not impossible it seems rather improbable, and we further show that such an event would leave 5-6 fragments with sizes comparable to or larger than U XVI Caliban. The stable region around Uranus has been extensively searched to limiting magnitudes far beyond that of U XVI Caliban. The fact that only U XVI Caliban, the larger U XVII Sycorax and four much smaller objects have been found leaves us with a distribution not compatible with a catastrophic event with such a large progenitor. The most likely solution is therefore two separate events creating two uranian dynamical clusters.  相似文献   

中国古历定朔推步综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“朔”简言之表日月黄经相等,先民对其认识经历了一个从平朔到定朔的过程,通过研究古历,文中分析并归纳了不同时期中国古历日制度的基本元素之一-朔的两种推步方法:“积年法”和“《授时历》法”,其中包括平朔,日躔,月离,及定朔的推步方法等;得出了由各历的基本历数直接推出的中国古历定朔计算的一般公式,同时亦给出了《授时历》的推朔法和部分算例。  相似文献   

The recently detected accelerated expansion of the Universe is related to the existence of a new type of matter called the Λ field or quintessence. Constraints were obtained on its equation of state from the absence of clustering of this matter on scales much smaller than the cosmological horizon. The question of how these constraints affect the possibility of fitting the accelerated expansion by such cosmological models as the Chaplygin gas model is discussed.  相似文献   

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