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起伏条件下云雾的重力碰并生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾震潮  詹丽珊 《气象学报》1962,32(4):301-307
云雾中的气象要素和云雾物理量经常有着起伏,因此研究重力碰并在这种起伏条件下如何使云滴生长,从而形成滴谱,是很必要的。本文对云中小水滴浓度(或含水量)有起伏时的云雾滴生长进行了计算,得到了云滴的一种理论分布。由此可以看出,在起伏条件下,云滴生长是比较快的。在比较短的时间和比较薄的云中有可能形成相当大的云滴,即半径50μ乃至100μ以上的云滴。因此在均匀条件下,凝结生长和重力碰并增长中的所谓“生长障碍”区(云滴半径在20—30μ左右)也就不存在。  相似文献   

支克广  俞香仁 《气象》1984,10(2):15-15
1982年冬季,我们在吉林市松花江晨雾观测中,使用云雾粒子光固印模法,在气温为-22℃和-24℃的两次晨雾中,发现许多团聚形的冰晶。这种冰晶看来有点类似软雹,是由更小的冰晶松散地聚合而成,表面嶙峋起伏,似布满凇结,与取样片碰撞后,常常轻微散碎(见图①,编注:本文附图均见封二)。值得注意的是,在散碎的冰团中,往往可以看到留有一个结合较牢固、进入光固液较深的核。这个核或是由棱角分明的晶体组成,或是由冻滴组成,晶体或冻滴的直径一般小于10μ,结合的滴数1—10个(见图②)。在这两次的雾样品中,还找到了由几个似乎是滴结合成的不规则的小冰晶(见图  相似文献   

最近英国正在研究激光造雨。其原理是:云层里的水滴微粒在激光射线作用下,会凝聚在一起,形成体积颇大的水滴,因此,在需要的地方就可以降雨了。这个作用的物理机制为:激光射线使小水滴中打出电子,使一部分小水滴带正电荷,而另一部分带负电。在静电力的作用下,带相反电荷的两种水滴互相吸引,融成一片。当这个过程重复次数足够多时,  相似文献   

一、引言在降水机制或滴谱形成理论的研究中,无论是积状云还是层状云;无论在均匀条件下或是起伏环境中,都不可避免地要涉及到水滴重力碰并增长问题。在许多理论研究和模拟实验中,考虑水滴重力碰并增长过程,都要用水滴增长到某种大小所需的时间。但由于水滴下落末速度与其直径间的解析关系至今不明确,因而,在重力碰并下,水滴增长到某种尺度所需的时间也不能用解析式表达。这给降水机制,滴谱理论等的深入研究造成一定的困难。例如,在起伏条件下,经  相似文献   

杨绍忠  酆大雄 《气象学报》2007,65(6):976-982
为了检测降水物中冻结核的相对浓度,在Vali均匀水滴冻结实验方法的基础上,研制了一种可自动检测冻结信号和处理实验数据的装置。其主体是由一组热电偶制冷的冷台,49个热敏元件等间隔地贴在冷台上,其中一个贴上小型的Pt100测温元件,另一个作为信号参考,其他47个热敏元件各滴上一个被测水滴。试验进行时冷台和水滴线性降温,降温率由818P4欧陆控温仪控制。每个水滴冻结时释放的潜热被热敏元件检测,经电路转换为电压信号,全部水滴冻结产生的一串等值信号由计算机实时跟踪监测。可得到水滴冻结的温度谱和时间谱。通过软件计算可方便地推导出水中所含冻结核的微分和积分浓度的温度谱。与以前的同类装置相比,提高了效率和检测精度。文中简要地介绍了该系统的结构、软件功能、试验程序,并给出了几种人工和自然水样的初步检测结果。这个装置对检测水中冻结核和播云催化剂研究都是有用的。人工冰核(如AgI)常用于人工增雨作业,如果对催化前后的降水样品取样检测它们的冻结核含量,可能发现其中的差别,有助于评估播云效果。  相似文献   

张铮  林祥明 《大气科学》1987,11(2):195-201
为了解单个AgI水溶胶滴的冻结特性,本文采用热电偶金属丝悬挂水滴,在小冷室中对AgI水溶胶滴和蒸馏水滴的冻结过程进行了观测,实验结果指出:虽然影响水滴冻结的因子很多,但滴的冻结温度主要取决于水滴中的杂质,由于水滴中出现了AgI水溶胶粒子,因而使得AgI水溶胶滴与蒸馏水滴的冻结温度谱呈现明显的差异,然而若将AgI水溶胶单滴冻结谱的峰值温度,与在小云室中测定的AgI水溶胶雾滴的成冰阈温相比较,两者很为一致,因此揭示出这两种成冰机制的内在联系.观测水滴冻结的另一特征参数固有冻结时间(由滴内冰芽形成到滴全部冻结所  相似文献   

导线积冰的云雾特征观测研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
导线积冰在贵州山区是常见的气象灾害, 导线积冰增长率与气象云雾因子密切相关。研究选择贵州西部、北部、中部3个积冰区进行了专门外场观测, 观测项目有:云滴谱、含水量、气温、风向、风速、导线上积冰的长径、短径。观测分析表明:贵州云滴浓度、特征平均直径没有显著性地区差异; 云滴平均浓度140~312个/cm3, 云滴算术平均直径、均立方根直径、中值体积直径分别为7.5 μm, 11.3 μm和20 μm; 14 μm以上大云滴浓度平均占云滴总浓度的12.5%, 但对含水量的贡献高达78%, 大滴与导线碰撞效率高, 大滴是导线积冰的关键因子; 云雾含水量平均0.20 g/m3; 在0~-6 ℃之间, 含水量随温度的降低而降低; 南北向导线积冰比东西向的积冰多; 导线积冰增长率与含水量的大小成正比, 风速超过3 m/s时, 积冰增长率与风速有较明显的正比关系。  相似文献   

云雾和降水滴谱参数(数密度和粒径)的智能化测量方法,多数是通过测量雨雾滴产生的阴影、光强或者散射能量进而间接反演估算实现的.应用显微摄影原理和嵌入式技术,研制了一套嵌入式显微成像自动测量样机,经几何尺度定标后,在南京信息工程大学气象楼顶,利用样机分别对2011年10月28日(毛毛雨天)和11月1、4日(雾天)的小水滴的影像进行外场采集和测量.初步实测结果表明样机可直接实时获取粒径在5~300 μm范围内的毛毛雨和雾滴的二维图像.经图像识别处理,得到了该范围内的毛毛雨和雾滴谱参数,并绘制了其数密度直方图.该样机体积小、质量轻,采用蓄电池电源供电,便于外场应用,其搭载的触摸屏可供多人同时观察样品并进行讨论,实时拍摄的图像以文件形式储存,便于分类管理、检索和编辑等后期处理.  相似文献   

设计一种用于研究水滴碰撞过程的小型垂直风洞,采用高速摄影技术可分析水滴碰撞后出现的各种现象。实验的结果表明碰撞后可出现:(1)合并,包括在尾流区的合并,指出连接结构以及碰撞角和碰撞速度的影响;(2)反跳;(3)暂时合并;(4)破碎,包括(?)铃式和袋式破碎以及破碎后大、小水滴之间的再碰撞。  相似文献   

根据1989年冬季,在我省西南部大凉山海拔高度2000—2900m的高寒重冰区,进行的云雾及气象条件的梯度观测。对冰区云雾中云雾滴谱、滴的分布特征和滴的浓度、尺度、液态含水量及随距地高度的变化等进行了分析研究,揭示了高海拔高寒重冰区云雾的一些基本特征。  相似文献   

利用山东省2007年10月27日1架次机载粒子测量系统(Particles Measuring System,PMS)积层混合云探测资料,分析了云中粒子浓度和尺度、液态含水量,以及小云滴和大云滴谱的垂直分布特征,比较了催化前后云微物理特征的变化。结果表明,催化前,云层中小云滴谱型为单峰,谱宽随高度增加先变窄后变宽,大云滴谱型在云低层为单峰,中高层为双峰谱,谱宽随高度增加先变宽后变窄,并且没有探测到降水粒子。催化后,小云滴尺度在低层减小、高层增加,整层液态水含量减小;大云滴浓度增加,尺度增大,出现降水粒子,固态粒子类型增多。在3 700~4 000 m高度层内小于10μm粒子明显增加,说明凝结过程比较明显,并且10~27.5μm粒子开始出现,启动了云滴的碰并机制。小云滴谱变化较小,基本为单峰谱,但在较大云滴处谱型略有起伏,在3 000m和3 300m高度的谱宽增宽。大云滴粒子谱有较大的变化,低层变成双峰谱,谱宽最宽可达650μm,中高层为双峰或多峰,峰值从小值向较大值移动。2D-P探头在催化云高层探测到降水粒子,谱型呈单调下降形态,谱宽最大为600μm。  相似文献   

祁连山是我国西北地区重要的生态屏障,地形云是祁连山主要降水云系,加强对祁连山云微物理过程的认识,对科学有效开展人工增雨作业、改善生态环境具有重要意义。利用2020年8月29日祁连山一次地形云降水过程的飞机观测数据,研究祁连山地区夏季云降水过程的微物理特征。此次降水过程云系呈明显的分层结构,云底高度为4000 m,整层含水量较丰富,云水大值区出现在4500~5300 m高度,与云滴高浓度区对应,云水含量主要由粒子直径为15~20 μm的云滴粒子贡献。小云粒子和大云粒子平均浓度分别为7.54 cm-3和0.86 cm-3,有效直径平均值分别为11.02 μm和198.11 μm,呈现出浓度小、直径大的特征。云系翻越祁连山过程中南北坡云微物理特征有明显变化,北坡(背风坡)粒子浓度、直径和液态水含量明显大于南坡(迎风坡)。祁连山地区不同高度小云粒子谱呈单峰型分布,Gamma分布可较好拟合直径小于50 μm的云滴谱,直径大于50 μm的云粒子谱更符合幂指数分布。凝华和聚并是冰相层冰雪晶的增长机制,混合层冰晶增长以贝吉龙过程为主,并伴有凇附和聚并生长。  相似文献   

The evolution of cloud droplet size spectra is calculated using an adiabatic condensational growth model. Broadness (e.g., standard deviation of diameter) of cloud droplet spectra in adiabatic cloud parcels was determined to be critically dependent on cloud supersaturation. Although droplet spectra become narrower as growth continues, the rate of narrowing is slower when cloud supersaturation is lower. This actually leads to broader droplet spectra for more continental clouds or for weaker updrafts because both of these conditions are associated with lower cloud supersaturations. More continental type clouds, which have higher concentrations of smaller droplets, were indeed found to have larger dispersions (standard deviation of diameter/mean diameter of cloud droplets). Some of these results were consistent with observations, but the larger dispersions that were much more commonly observed for continental compared to maritime clouds were due almost exclusively to smaller droplets rather than broader droplet distributions. Contrary to the model calculations, typical observations show that cleaner clouds usually have broader droplet spectra. The gaps in magnitude between theory and observations of broadness are significant in all clouds. When cloud parcels that had ascended under different updraft conditions were compared at a constant cloud altitude, parcels with lower updrafts were predicted to have broader droplet spectra with larger mean diameters. This trend of apparent spectral broadening was consistent with observations for some near-adiabatic cloud parcels.  相似文献   

根据雷达探测的云回波雷达反射率因子和多普勒速度,利用两种独立的双频反演算法,估算了云微物理参数。利用离散偶极子近似(Discrete Dipole Approximation,DDA)计算了云滴后向散射截面和衰减截面,根据模拟数据实验了三种频段组合的反演结果,探讨算法对滴谱参数、粒子形状的敏感性,比较两种方法反演水云和冰云的优劣。结果表明:双频比(Dual-Frequency Ratio,DFR)和多普勒速度差(Doppler Difference of Velocity,DDV)在水云中都可独立推导中值直径(D_(0)),但在高频波段,基于DFR的算法对雨、云水和水汽的衰减非常敏感,而基于DDV的方法受衰减的影响较小。鉴于高频波段衰减完全订正的困难性,水云的DDV反演方法比DFR更直接准确。对于冰云,DFR的技术相较于DDV的方法具有明显的优势,因为两频段处的DFR在冰云中的动态范围更大,而DDV的动态范围相对于系统和测量误差较小。  相似文献   

运用已建立的气溶胶核化清除的物理化学模式,研究了云的动力学因子(如:气块上升速度、夹卷作用)对云滴化学非均匀性的影响。计算结果表明:较强烈的云发展(较大的气块上升速度)可加强由于气溶胶核化和云滴凝结增长造成的云滴化学的非均匀程度。夹卷作用抑制了云的发展,因而减弱了这种非均匀程度。夹卷作用同时也造成总体液态水中S(VI)、H+等浓度的增加,在Smax附近可达1个量级。如果考虑气溶胶粒子的夹卷,则可使气块内云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小的变化更加复杂化,如:不仅云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小而变化,即使对于相同大小的云滴之间,其污染物浓度也可相差很大。  相似文献   

华北地区层状云微物理特性及气溶胶对云的影响   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
利用机载粒子探测系统(PMS,ParticleMeasurementSystem)对1990年9、10月和1991年4月的春秋两季层状云进行了云及降水的微物理特征探测,分析了云微观特征和垂直分布,初步探讨了气溶胶对云的影响。结果表明,华北地区层状云的基本特征为云滴数浓度79.2cm-3、液态含水量0.03g.m-3、有效直径11μm并有垂直差异;云下气溶胶数浓度与云滴数浓度两者之间存在正相关关系,但其定量关系还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2007,83(3-4):698-708
Airborne aerosol collections were performed over Wakasa bay (36°00′N, 135°30′E) in March and Kumano open sea (34°00′N, 136°50′E) and Seto (35°10′N, 137°10′E) in July 2001 at altitudes between 1.0 and 5.8 km. The particles were individually analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Relatively large mineral-dust (mostly clay) particles were abundant in the March samples. They also dominated in July in the mid-troposphere higher than 4 km altitude, whereas sea salt and ammonium sulfate were more abundant at lower altitudes. Ca-coated grid samples show many traces of aqueous sulfate droplets. The proportions of former sulfate droplets to the total collected particles apparently increased with increasing relative humidity at the time of sampling. TEM analysis revealed that a significant fraction of these former droplets enclose mineral-dust particles as well as sea salt, soot, and fly ash. Some enclose mixtures of mineral-dust, sea-salt, soot, and fly ash particles. The results provide evidence that mineral dust from the Asian continent could acquire coatings of sulfate while being transported in the free troposphere. The mineral-dust particles probably acquired the sulfate coatings either through heterogeneous uptake of gaseous SO2 and subsequent oxidation or through coagulation with cloud or fog droplets. The presence of the mixed particles in sulfate droplets also indicates that aggregation of particles of different origins occurred through cloud processing. Such sulfate-coated dust particles would affect cloud formation, precipitation, and chemistry of the free troposphere.  相似文献   

The microphysical characteristics of wintertime cold clouds in North China were investigated from 22 aircraft observation flights from 2014 to 2017, 2020, and 2021. The clouds were generated by mesoscale weather systems with little orographic component. Over the mixed-phase temperature range (–40°C to 0°C), the average fraction of liquid, mixed-phase, and ice cloud was 4.9%, 23.3%, and 71.8%, respectively, and the probability distribution of ice mass fraction was a half-U-shape, suggesting that ice cloud was the primary cloud type. The wintertime mixed-phase clouds in North China were characterized by large cloud droplet number concentration, small liquid water content (LWC), and small effective diameter of cloud droplets. The main reason for larger cloud droplet number concentration and smaller effective diameter of cloud droplets was the heavy pollution in winter in North China, while for smaller LWC was the lower temperature during flights and the difference in air mass type. With the temperature increasing, cloud droplet number concentration, LWC, and the size of ice particles increased, but ice number concentration and effective diameter of cloud droplets decreased, similar to other mid-latitude regions, indicating the similarity in the temperature dependence of cloud properties of mixed-phase clouds. The variation of the cloud properties and ice habit at different temperatures indicated the operation of the aggregation and riming processes, which were commonly present in the wintertime mixed-phase clouds. This study fills a gap in the aircraft observation of wintertime cold clouds in North China.  相似文献   

In this study we observed the microphysical properties, including the vertical and horizontal distributions of ice particles,liquid water content and ice habit, in different regions of a slightly supercooled stratiform cloud. Using aircraft instrument and radar data, the cloud top temperature was recorded as higher than -15℃, behind a cold front, on 9 September 2015 in North China. During the flight sampling, the high ice number concentration area was located in the supercooled part of a shallow convective cloud embedded in a stratiform cloud, where the ambient temperature was around -3℃. In this area,the maximum number concentrations of particles with diameter greater than 100 μm and 500 μm(N_(100) and N_(500)) exceeded 300 L~(-1) and 30 L~(-1), respectively, and were related to large supercooled water droplets with diameter greater than 24 μm derived from cloud–aerosol spectrometer probe measurements. The ice particles types in this region were predominantly columnar, needle, graupel, and some freezing drops, suggesting that the occurrence of high ice number concentrations was likely related to the Hallett–Mossop mechanism, although many other ice multiplication processes cannot be totally ruled out.The maximum ice number concentration obtained during the first penetration was around two to three orders of magnitude larger than that predicted by the Demott and Fletcher schemes when assuming the cloud top temperature was around-15℃.During the second penetration conducted within the stratiform cloud, N_(100) and N_(500) decreased by a factor of five to ten, and the presence of columnar and needle-like crystals became very rare.  相似文献   

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