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海气之间交换系数的研究报道很多(Anderson,1981; Hicks,1972),但由于观测时间、地点及所取资料的不同,所得结果也不相同。通常认为,风应力系数CD=1.5*10-3,热量CH和水汽CE的交换系数近似地等于CD(Businger,1975),其可能误差为±50%。Deardorff(1968)认为交换系数依赖于边界层的稳定度。而 Bunker(1976)根据他的理论给出了大西洋不同温度层结、不同风速范围下的海气交换系数。Frieche和Schmidt(1976)的实测资料分析表明,交换系数在不稳定条件下比稳定条件下要大得多,赵永平等(1982)也得出了相同的结论。Kondo(1975)在实验的基础上,依据稳定与不稳定条件下的廊线给出了交换系数CD,CH,CE的表达式,其结果与在1974-1975年气团变性实验(AMTEX)中Murty和Nitta等(1976)用热收支法计算的结果及风洞实验结果相一致。 渤海、黄海和东海紧邻大陆,受典型的季风气候影响,夏季的逆温和冬季冷空气爆发产生的强烈不稳定对海气之间的交换系数产生很大影响,因此了解本海区特定条件下非绝热交换系数的量级、变化及分布是十分必要的。本文根据渤海、黄海和东海区实测的水文气象资料,利用 Kondo的计算方法计算了该海区冬、夏季非绝热条件下的动量(CD)、热量(CH)、水汽(CE)交换系数和海面热收支,并探讨了海面热平衡的简化计算方法。  相似文献   

海雾是海气相互作用的产物,是海上出现的一种灾害性天气。它对海上航运、海洋捕捞、水产养殖、港务活动及沿海地区农作物和人类身体健康都有重大的影响,因此,海雾研究受到世界各沿海国家的普遍重视。国内对黄、东海海雾研究已做了大量工作。王彬华(1983)对中国邻海海雾的分布、特性和变化,以及海雾形成的海洋和大气环境作了比较全面的论述。此外,井传才(1980)、狩生义明(1972)、赵永平(1983)等对黄、东海海雾的统计特征及天气学分类进行了分析,亦得到了有益的结果。但以上工作大多是采用沿海台站的观测资料进行分析的结果。本文根据近十几年(1983-1994年)的卫星云图和近3年(1992-1994)出现在黄、东海区的15个典型个例,分析了海雾在海上的出现频率,海雾过程中海洋和大气背景场,提出了黄海海雾出现和不出现的24小时大气环流型,为黄、东海海雾的预报提供了依据。  相似文献   

我国沿海野生海藻中产量最大的首推马尾藻类,而北方沿岸所产马尾藻中以海蒿子(Sargassum pallidum)为最多,为我国北方建立褐藻胶工业的主要原料。 我国北方沿海产量较多的马尾藻中除海蒿子外,还有海黍子(S. kiellmanianum) 、鼠尾藻(S. thunbergii)等。为了扩大褐藻胶工业的原料范围,有必要对这些海藻中所含褐藻胶的质与量在全年生长期内的季节变化进行了解,以便考虑配合使用。 我国南方所产马尾藻的种类和数量都远较北方为多,据估计年产量至少比北方要多10倍,是我国南部水产资源中一项待开发的巨大财富。因此,对它们所含褐藻胶的质与量进行普遍的测定,对于这些天然资源的开发利用是不可缺少的资料。  相似文献   

牡蛎是世界性广布类群,也是世界各国都极为重视的海水养殖对象,具有很重要的经济意义。但牡蛎的种类等许多与养殖、资源开发密切相关的问题在国内外都未能得到很好的解决,限制了一些相关学科的发展。在我国;由于社蛎种类比较混乱,甚至盲目引进了我国已有分布并开展养殖的种类,因此,尽快解决双壳类分类的难题之一——牡蛎的分类及系统演化等问题势在必行。 牡蛎的分类硏究开始较早,但直到林奈(Linnaeus,1758)时代才正式提出牡蛎属(Ostrea)的命名。以后许多学者如 Lamarck(1819), Sowerby(1870-1871),Lamy(1929)和Thomson(1954)等分别对牡蛎进行了较系统的分类研究,提出了一些新的分类阶元。到70年代初,世界上记载的现存牡蛎已达100多种,然而牡蛎栖息的环境复杂,贝壳的形态变化极大,多数种类单纯依靠贝売的形态特征是很难区分的。根据推测(Harry,1985),这100多种牡蛎中大约有近2/3是同物异名。Stenzel(1971)总结了古贝类和现生贝类的分类成果,并结合原壳等特征将牡蛎亚目分为2个科、5个亚科(其中3个现生亚科)。后来 Torigoe(1981)又根据牡蛎繁殖方式的不同修正了Stenzel的分类系统,提出了一个新的亚科——巨蛎亚科,并比较系统地报道了日本的22种现生牡蛎。Harry(1985)将现生牡蛎分为2个科、4个亚科、24属,共计36种,并提出了一些新的分类特征。以上两位学者都注意到了牡蛎的内部结构特征在分类上,特别是在亚科阶元上的应用。但在种类鉴定中, Torigoe仍然过于强调贝壳的形态差异,因而导致了许多同物异名,而Harry则特别注重环境的影响,仅仅根据壳形差异的连续性又将一些种类不恰当地合为一种,如主要分布于印度一西太平洋区的小蛎属牡蛎,以往的记载大约有7种, Harry(1985)将其全部并为一种,而 Torigoe(1981)仅在日本海域就记述了5种。60年代初就有一些学者开始借助其他手段来解决牡蛎分类中的疑难问题。Ranson(1960)研究了34种牡蛎原壳的形态,为 Stenzel(1971)对古代和现代牡蛎的系统分类奠定了基础,但在他的报告中很难看出种间差别。目前,国内外牡蛎染色体组型研究的文章有近30篇,报道了21种牡蛎(当然有些是同物异名)的染色体组型,除复瓦牡蛎(Parahyotissa imbricata)外,其余20种的染色体都为10对中着丝点或近中着丝点染色体,组型差异甚微,很难作为分类依据。 Buroke et al,(1979a,b)和Torigoe (1978,1975)等利用蛋白质及同工酶电泳分析的方法研究了牡蛎属间的遗传差异,取得了一定的进展,但由于涉及的种类有限,种内的遗传差异程度还了解甚微,因此,很难阐明种间的相互关系。到目前为止,在许多外形相似牡蛎的分类研究方面还没有找到比较满意的解决办法。 有关牡蛎解剖学的报道主要发表在30-60年代, Awati & Rai(1931), Leenhardt(1926)和Galtsoff(1964)分别对僧帽牡蛎( Saccostrea cucullata)、欧洲牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)和美洲牡蛎(Crassostrea virginica)进行了比较全面的解剖学研究;Nelson(1938)和Yonge(1926)对欧洲牡蛎、美洲牡蛎和食用牡蛎(Ostrea edulis)的消化系统进行了比较详细的组织学、解剖学研究。由于当时贝类生理学的迅速发展,人们更多地进行组织学的研究,而很少注意到各部分之间的相互关系。另外,这些研究涉及的种类有限,在许多方面已不能代表牡蛎亚目的全貌。 到目前为止,还未见任何现生牡蛎系统演化方面的报道,对化石种类虽有一些研究、讨论,但尚无一致的结论。 50年代前,我国一些学者(张玺,1937;叶希珠等,1954)只是记述了牡蛎的个别种类,直到1956年张玺、楼子康才对牡蛎的分类进行了比较系统的研究,然而随着时代的前进,这些研究已远远不能满足科学发展的需要。李孝绪(1989)研究了中国常见牡蛎外套腔的形态,证实广东养殖的“红肉”、“白肉”牡蛎应属于两个不同的种,但并没有解决他们的种名问题。 Morris(1985)仅仅根据壳形记述了香港地区的6种牡蛎。 本文根据大量的资料,对我国的牡蛎(原20种)做了详细的解剖学研究,将其修正为15个种(含一新属、新种),并在强蛎亚科中发现了第三个心耳和第三条回心静脉。文章还讨论了一些主要系统的演化过程,初步论证了现生牡蛎属间的演化关系,提出了一些新的分类依据,同时发现了一个具有重要演化意义的单行属种——爪蛎属,猫爪牡蛎。通过对外套腔的形态比较,作者将中国的牡蛎分为3种类型6个组,在原有两种类型的研究基础上(李孝绪,1989),又增加了一个新类型。 根据 Harry(1985)的分类系统和作者的修正,中国的现生牡蛎应分别隶属于2科4亚科.10属,共计15个种。  相似文献   

二十碳五烯酸(EPA)是n-3系列高度不饱和脂酸,具有降血脂、抑制血小板聚集、降血压、抗动脉粥样硬化等作用(刘玉军,1987;Clemons, et al.,1985)。人和动物体几乎不能合成EPA,只能从食物中获取,而海藻是不饱和脂防酸的(原始)初级生产者。 在以往研究的基础上,我们选择了EPA含量较高,且易于养殖的小球藻 Chlorella sp-2 (李荷芳等,1999)为原料,用不同的营养液对其进行培养,分析藻体中的脂肪和EPA的含量变化,以便选择能使小球藻生长好、脂肪含量及EPA含量均高的营养条件,为开辟EPA的新来源提供依据。  相似文献   

在我国,关于黄海、东海温、盐度逆转结构的分析研究,主要是在80年代以后开始的。翁学传等(1984)、曹欣中等(1982)和丁宗信(1983)对东海某一特定海域的温、盐度逆转结构进行过分析,但是对整个黄海、东海海区来说,有关这方面的研究尚未见报道。 本文根据1983-1986年中国科学院海洋研究所在黄海、东海每年夏季调查的CTD观测资料,同时参考1963年以来国家海洋局调查的标准断面资料,对黄海、东海夏季(6-8月)温、盐度逆转結构的分布及其成因进行初步的分析研究。 根据资料和兰淑芳等(1985)的分析,北黄海很少出现温、盐度逆转结构的类型,虽偶有出现,但分布也不规律,因此本文把研究海区重点放在南黄海和东海(图1)。  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部海域是上升流多发区,近年来已引起众多海洋学家的重视。我国海洋学家通过对台湾海峡区水团、海流和营养盐等的分析研究,不仅得出了台湾海峡西部海域上升流的分布范围和特征,并对其成因也作了探讨,取得了一些有价值的研究结果。由于这些研究都是采用间接方法,因此对上升流的主要成因尚存在不同的看法。本文通过对引起台湾海峡西部海域上升流的各驱动力因子量级的分析,进而判断出上升流的主要成因。  相似文献   

本文第一作者早在1985年就提出,潮混合效应控制着夏季黄海冷水团的边界及海面冷水分布(赵保仁,1985)。1987年又进一步通过水文调査资料和卫星图片给出了黄海周围的浅水陆架锋(或称潮汐锋)的分布及强锋区的跨锋断面中的温度、盐度和坏流结构特征,并指出夏季的黄海沿岸流在性质上属沿锋面运动的强流(赵保仁,1987a,b),而后又对黄海西部的陆架锋进行了一次专门调査(赵保仁等,1991)。此外,他还指出黄海的强温跃层的形成和转移现象也与潮混合现象密切相关(赵保仁,1989)。因此,研究潮混合现象对阐明发生在黄海的多水文物理现象都是至关重要的。 为深入了解黄海的潮混合特征,作者把渤海、黄海和东海作为一个整体完成了一次精度较高的潮汐、溯流数值计算,在潮汐、潮流的分布方面,揭示了前人尚未阐明的一些特征。本文根据这些数值结果,计算了近最大潮流流速和层化参数,阐明了渤海、黄海和东海的潮混合特征及其对降温期黄海冷水团分布变化的影响。此外,还用 Sim pson等人(1981)的能量模式计算了南黄海西部的风、潮混合效率。  相似文献   

中国海域已报道的约90种对虾中,半数具有经济价值。其中中国对虾、墨吉对虾和长毛对虾无论在捕捞还是在养殖业上都具有十分重要的地位。由于3种虾的形态非常相近,特别是在早期生活史阶段,它们的幼体和仔虾很难区分,因而给对虾种群补充、预报和其它有关研究造成困难。尤其在热带海域,对虾生殖季节重叠,幼体和仔虾的鉴别更加重要,各期仔虾的数量统计需以严格的形态鉴别作为依据。作者对三种对虾的幼体的形态,区别已有专文报道(Liu and Liu,1994)。本文深入细致地研究了中国对虾、墨吉对虾和长毛对虾仔虾的发育形态学,并进行了比较,使3种对虾的仔虾得以区别,并为今后的对虾生态学研究及资源管理奠定基础,提供依据。  相似文献   

本研究采用了一种新的元素检测方法,即用X射线分析显微镜来引导分离羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiformis)中有机溴化合物。新鲜羊栖菜经提取、浓缩、洗脱等处理,所得洗脱液经冷冻干燥后,用X射线分析显微镜分析其元素组成。X射线荧光光谱得到的结果表明,这种检测方法十分有效,能够证实有机溴化合物在PVPP柱色谱中得到了有效的浓缩与分离。MALDI-TOFMS质谱显示存在两个有机溴化合物,分子量分别为330和554,质谱的同位素特征表明,每个有机溴化合物分子中分别含有一个溴原子。该有机溴化物具有以下的化学特征:水溶性较强,能够被PVPP柱吸附,而在弱碱条件下溶出;在水溶液中不太稳定,容易形成沉淀。该有机溴化物的紫外可见光谱特征具有多酚化合物的特点,并与海藻中的砷化物具有某种程度的相互作用。  相似文献   

The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas include several important hydrological features: inflow of the Pacific water, Alaska coast current ( ACC ), the seasonal to perennial sea ice cover, and landfast ice 'along the Alaskan coast. The dynamics of this coupled ice-ocean system is important for both regional scale oceanography and large-scale global climate change research. A mumber of moorings were deployed in the area by JAMSTEC since 1992, and the data revealed highly variable characteristics of the hydrological environment. A regional high-resolution coupled ice-ocean model of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas was established to simulate the ice-ocean environment and unique seasonal landfast ice in the coastal Beaufort Sea. The model results reproduced the Beaufort gyre and the ACC. The depthaveraged annual mean ocean currents along the Beaufort Sea coast and shelf hreak compared well with data from four moored ADCPs, but the simulated velocity had smaller standard deviations, which indicate small-scale eddies were frequent in the region. The model resuits captured the sea,real variations of sea ice area as compared with remote sensing data, and the simulated sea ice velocity showed an ahnost stationary area along the Beaufort Sea coast that was similar to the observed landfast ice extent. It is the combined effects of the weak oceanic current near the coast, a prevailing wind with an onshore component, the opposite direction of the ocean current, and the blocking hy the coastline that make the Beaufort Sea coastal areas prone to the formation of landfast ice.  相似文献   

Rossby波对菲律宾以东太平洋海平面年际变化的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用能够反映斜压大洋对大尺度海表面风应力旋度响应的一层半约化重力模式研究菲律宾以东太平洋海区Rossby波与海平面年际变化的关系.模式分别利用海区东侧验潮站和卫星高度计海表面数据作初始东边界,对Rossby波西传路径上的风应力旋度进行积分,得到西侧海平面信号.结果发现,模拟的海平面信号跟验潮站和卫星高度计资料相关性很高,并能模拟出海平面年际变化特征和低(高)异常信号由东侧产生并向西传播的过程,反映了一阶斜压Rossby波对菲律宾以东太平洋海区年际海平面变化的动力机制.  相似文献   

边缘海氮循环过程研究是全球海洋氮循环研究的重要组成部分,对全球氮源汇格局有显著影响,进而对全球气候变化产生反馈。人为活动和气候变化又是影响边缘海关键氮循环过程速率的重要因素。南海作为中国和西北太平洋最大的边缘海,是边缘海氮循环研究的理想场所。本文详细总结了南海近岸和海盆区的氮源汇过程及其内循环过程的最新研究进展,结果显示人为活动对上述过程的显著扰动。此外,全球变暖和海洋酸化正改变不同的氮循环过程速率,并可能引起南海氮收支平衡的不确定性。文章最后提出了边缘海氮循环研究的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Decadal-Scale Climate and Ecosystem Interactions in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Decadal-scale climate variations in the Pacific Ocean wield a strong influence on the oceanic ecosystem. Two dominant patterns of large-scale SST variability and one dominant pattern of large-scale thermocline variability can be explained as a forced oceanic response to large-scale changes in the Aleutian Low. The physical mechanisms that generate this decadal variability are still unclear, but stochastic atmospheric forcing of the ocean combined with atmospheric teleconnections from the tropics to the midlatitudes and some weak ocean-atmosphere feedbacks processes are the most plausible explanation. These observed physical variations organize the oceanic ecosystem response through large-scale basin-wide forcings that exert distinct local influences through many different processes. The regional ecosystem impacts of these local processes are discussed for the Tropical Pacific, the Central North Pacific, the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the California Current System regions in the context of the observed decadal climate variability. The physical ocean-atmosphere system and the oceanic ecosystem interact through many different processes. These include physical forcing of the ecosystem by changes in solar fluxes, ocean temperature, horizontal current advection, vertical mixing and upwelling, freshwater fluxes, and sea ice. These also include oceanic ecosystem forcing of the climate by attenuation of solar energy by phytoplankton absorption and atmospheric aerosol production by phytoplankton DMS fluxes. A more complete understanding of the complicated feedback processes controlling decadal variability, ocean ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycling requires a concerted and organized long-term observational and modeling effort. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Global climate models have predicted a rise on mean sea level of between 0.18 m and 0.59 m by the end of the 21st Century, with high regional variability. The objectives of this study are to estimate sea level changes in the Bay of Biscay during this century, and to assess the impacts of any change on Basque coastal habitats and infrastructures. Hence, ocean temperature projections for three climate scenarios, provided by several atmosphere–ocean coupled general climate models, have been extracted for the Bay of Biscay; these are used to estimate thermosteric sea level variations. The results show that, from 2001 to 2099, sea level within the Bay of Biscay will increase by between 28.5 and 48.7 cm, as a result of regional thermal expansion and global ice-melting, under scenarios A1B and A2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A high-resolution digital terrain model, extracted from LiDAR, data was used to evaluate the potential impact of the estimated sea level rise to 9 coastal and estuarine habitats: sandy beaches and muds, vegetated dunes, shingle beaches, sea cliffs and supralittoral rock, wetlands and saltmarshes, terrestrial habitats, artificial land, piers, and water surfaces. The projected sea level rise of 48.7 cm was added to the high tide level of the coast studied, to generate a flood risk map of the coastal and estuarine areas. The results indicate that 110.8 ha of the supralittoral area will be affected by the end of the 21st Century; these are concentrated within the estuaries, with terrestrial and artificial habitats being the most affected. Sandy beaches are expected to undergo mean shoreline retreats of between 25% and 40%, of their width. The risk assessment of the areas and habitats that will be affected, as a consequence of the sea level rise, is potentially useful for local management to adopt adaptation measures to global climate change.  相似文献   

区域海平面变化是目前气候变化研究的热点问题。海平面变化具有时间和空间的异质性,分析海平面变化,应充分考虑时间和空间的差异。基于集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)、最小二乘法,利用卫星高度计、验潮站数据,分析了1993—2016年间中国近海及周边海域海平面的时空变化规律。利用EEMD,计算了1993—2016年中国近海海平面变化空间结构的时间变化规律。结果表明中国近海海平面持续升高,但海平面变化在空间分布和时间上的变化并不均匀。空间结构大致分三个部分:大陆沿岸海平面持续上升且上升速率逐年增加,近海海区升高速率逐年降低,而研究区域内的西太平洋西部海区先减速升高又加速降低。分别利用EEMD分解和线性最小二乘拟合算法计算了1993—2016年中国近海海平面平均上升速率的空间分布,结果表明两种方法得到的海平面升高速率的空间分布大致吻合。两种方法均显示沿海地区的上升速率远大于近海海区,沿海地区上升速率大约为6 mm/a,近海海区上升速率大约为2 mm/a。但EEMD方法显示在广东沿岸和靠近赤道部分区域的上升速率更大。分别计算了大陆沿岸、近海及西太平洋西部海区三个海区内空间平均的海平面时间变化的线性及非线性趋势。非线性趋势显示大陆沿岸海区海平面加速上升,上升速率由1993年的3.65 mm/a,增加到2016年的5.03 mm/a;近海地区海平面上升速率逐年变小,由1993年的4.51 mm/a,减缓至2016年的3.8 mm/a;西太平洋西部海区海平面先减速上升,后加速下降,从1993年的上升率为9.5 mm/a,逐渐变化到2016年的下降率为2.27 mm/a。利用验潮站数据分析了大连、坎门、香港的水位变化,除大连海平面上升速率降低外,其余均显示海平面上升速度逐年升高,和卫星高度计的结果吻合。  相似文献   

TrendanalysisofrelativesealevelriseorfallofthetidegaugestationsinthePacific¥MaJirui;TianSuzhen;ZhengWenzhenandChaiXinminInsit...  相似文献   

A set of spatially nested circulation models is used to explore interannual change in the northeast Pacific (NEP) during 1997–2002, and remote vs. local influence of the 1997–1998 El Niño on this region. Our nested set is based on the primitive equations of motion, and includes a basin-scale model of the north Pacific at ∼40-km resolution (NPac), and a regional model of the Northeast Pacific at ∼10-km resolution. The NEP model spans an area from Baja California through the Bering Sea, from the coast to ∼2000-km offshore. In this context, “remote influence” refers to effects driven by changes in ocean velocity and temperature outside of the NEP domain; “local influence” refers to direct forcing by winds and runoff within the NEP domain. A base run of this model using hindcast winds and runoff for 1996–2002 replicates the dominant spatial modes of sea-surface height anomalies from satellite data, and coastal sea level from tide gauges. We have performed a series of sensitivity runs with the NEP model for 1997–1998, which analyze the response of coastal sea level to: (1) hindcast winds and coastal runoff, as compared to their monthly climatologies and (2) hindcast boundary conditions (from the NPac model), as compared to their monthly climatologies. Results indicate penetration of sea-surface height (SSH) from the basin-scale model into the NEP domain (e.g., remote influence), with propagation as coastal trapped waves from Baja up through Alaska. Most of the coastal sea-level anomaly off Alaska in El Niño years appears due to direct forcing by local winds and runoff (local influence), and such anomalies are much stronger than those produced off California. We quantify these effects as a function of distance along the coastline, and consider how they might impact the coastal ecosystems of the NEP.  相似文献   

From the analyses of the satellite altimeter Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) data, tidal gauge sea level data and historical sea level data, this paper investigates the long-term sea level variability in the East China Sea(ECS).Based on the correlation analysis, we calculate the correlation coefficient between tidal gauge and the closest MSLA grid point, then generate the map of correlation coefficient of the entire ECS. The results show that the satellite altimeter MSLA data is effective to observe coastal sea level variability. An important finding is that from map of correlation coefficient we can identify the Kuroshio. The existence of Kuroshio decreases the correlation between coastal and the Pacific sea level. Kurishio likes a barrier or a wall, which blocks the effect of the Pacific and the global change. Moreover, coastal sea level in the ECS is mainly associated with local systems rather than global change. In order to calculate the long-term sea level variability trend, the empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method is applied to derive the trend on each MSLA grid point in the entire ECS. According to the 2-D distribution of the trend and rising rate, the sea level on the right side of the axis of Kuroshio rise faster than in its left side. This result supports the barrier effect of Kuroshio in the ECS. For the entire ECS, the average sea level rose 45.0 mm between 1993 and 2010, with a rising rate of(2.5±0.4) mm/a which is slower than global average.The relatively slower sea level rising rate further proves that sea level rise in the ECS has less response to global change due to its own local system effect.  相似文献   

Principal components analysis was used to examine monthly data on sea level obtained from tide-gauge records from the west coast of southern Africa over the period 1957—1975. After a simple correction had removed the effect of local atmospheric pressure, this statistical analysis revealed the structure of nearshore ocean variability over time periods of months to years. The first principal component, accounting for over 55 per cent of the variability in monthly mean sea level, was a near uniform rise and fall everywhere along the west coast of southern Africa. The spectrum of this large-scale structure showed a strong interannual trend, which correlated well with long-term trends of temperature anomaly over the entire South-East Atlantic, and a high-frequency term, which could not be resolved at a time period of one month. The second principal component showed the contrasting response of the northern and southern sites on a seasonal scale, and it could be correlated with seasonal wind data. These results compared well with similar analysis carried out in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

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