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黄河口的变迁对邻近海区潮波运动影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,黄河三角洲附近海区的潮汐和潮流分布具有如下显著特征:黄河口外存在M2分潮的无点潮(方国洪,1986)和S2分潮的无潮点(王淑雪等,1987),以及五号桩海区属于规则全日潮区。 关于黄河口外存在M2分潮无潮点的问题,自Ogura(1936)首次提出以来,一直是本区潮汐潮流研究中倍受重视的问題。据方国洪(1986)的统计,迄今为止,反映在黄河口外存在M2分潮无潮点位置的渤海同潮图的文献已有20篇之多(丁文兰,1985;山广林等,1983;方国洪,1986;方国洪等,1985;方国洪等,1986;王淑雪等,1987;刘爱菊等,1980;孙文心等,1981;沈育疆,1980;侍茂崇等,1985;黄祖珂,1991;An,1977;Fang1986 Nishida,1980;Ogura,1936; ?opИc,1958)。从表1可以看出,历年来不同学者给出的黄河口外M2分潮无潮点的位置各不相同,本文作者认为这主要是由于黄河三角洲的变迁造成的。统计表明,在1855年至1984年间,近代黄河三角洲自套尔河口至淄脉沟口的年淤进速率为0.16km,挑河湾至宋春荣沟口为0.16km,而年淤进速率最大的五号桩区(即直接影响黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置的区域)的年淤进速率达0.3km。海湾中的无潮点是入射的潮波与自湾顶反射的潮波叠加而形成的节点,由于近代黄河三角洲的海岸线不断向海中推进,在黄河尾闾的不同时期,黄河三角洲海岸线的位置便有显著变化,这必然会使无潮点的位置随着时间的推移而发生变化。然而表1中M2无潮点的不同位置并不完全是由于黄河三角洲岸线变化引起的,由于表1中的多数无潮点的位置是数值计算的结果,而不同的人在数值计算中所用的边界条件和底摩擦应力的表达式及其系数又不尽相同,因此必然造成计算结果的差异。这里值得指出的是王淑雪等(1987)的结果,这一结果是根据1985年8-9月在黄河口外几个站进行连续1个月的水位观测资料得出的M2无潮点位置,在此点上,M2分潮振幅仅为0.8cm。当然,由于渤海潮汐中存在着显著的天文一气象分潮(方国洪等,1986),故根据夏天一个月的潮汐资料分析得到调和常数与由长期(如一年)潮汐资料所得到的调和常数是有差别的,由此而得到的无潮点的位置仍会有一定的误差,但应该说,这一结果所给出的无潮点位置对于清水沟流路的单一顺直阶段的黄河三角洲岸线而言,已是最接近实际的了。既然黄河口的变迁是黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置的变化的主要因子,那么自1855年以来由于黄河口的不断变迁使黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置产生了怎样的变化?本文将探讨这一问題。至于黄河口外是否有S2分潮无潮点的问题,或者说,黄河口外曾存在过的S2分潮的无潮点现在是否已经消失仍是人们所关心的问题,本文中也将讨论。 实测表明,在M2分潮无潮点附近的验潮站处,潮位的全日潮分量(即K1和O1分潮)作用突然增大,使黄河三角洲沿岸的潮汐性质发生了显著变化,即不规则半日潮→不规则全日潮→规则全日潮→不规则半日潮(表2)。近一百多年来黄河三角洲的变迁对黄河三角洲沿岸各站的潮汐性质的变化究竟产生了什么样的影响也是本文将探讨的内容之一。 本文将利用数值模拟方法,通过考察不同时期黄河三角洲附近海域潮汐、潮流的分布特征,对上述各问题加以探讨,为黄河口的开发提供依据。  相似文献   

黄河口邻近海域无潮点的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在30年代小仓申吉便发现渤海存在两个半日潮(M2)无潮点,并用等高线法作出了同潮图.50多年来,秦皇岛附近的无潮点位置基本确定,而黄河口邻近海域的无潮点位置不大确定,自1980年以来,许多学者[1-5]先后对渤海潮波进行数值计算,在得出各自的潮波图中,反映了作者们对无潮点位置的判断,当时由于黄河口邻近海域的实测水位资料少,无法判断哪种图更符合实际情况,而只是一种推测.近年来,国家海洋局北海分局在黄河口五号桩海港码头轴线上,放置几台水位计进行水位观测,获取了一个月的同步观测资料,经分析确定M2无潮点的位置在03号站的东南方约2km处[6].  相似文献   

黄河海港位于渤海南部M_2分潮无潮点周围,潮汐变化复杂。长期以来,由于潮位实测资料稀少,给该海域的潮汐分析和予报带来许多困难。为适应黄河海港建设的需要,我们在1986年4月11日至今,于海港引堤主轴线上5米水深沉船处进行水位观测,首次获得了黄河海港较长时间的水位观测资料。水位观测所用的仪器为安德拉水位计。在两年多的观测中,1986年4月至1987年3月,观测资料较好,因此我们选用此期间的水位观测资料进行分析。并用分析所得调和常数进行潮汐预报,其效果较满意。另外,  相似文献   

综合利用山东沿海长期验潮站和短期验潮站获取的逐时观测潮位资料,采用最小二乘原理的调和分析方法得到山东沿海验潮站的潮汐调和常数。根据调和常数计算沿岸海域潮汐特征值,分析山东沿海潮汐的时空特征。结果表明:山东沿海潮汐类型以规则半日潮和不规则半日潮为主;山东沿海平均潮差在0.35~3.06 m范围内,平均大潮差、平均小潮差、最大可能潮差与平均潮差变化基本一致;在山东沿海的黄河口及莱州湾附近海域呈现出明显的潮高日不等现象;涨、落潮历时日不等存在区域性分布;平均高潮间隙在1.7~11.7 h之间变化。  相似文献   

综合利用4个验潮站的逐时观测潮位资料,采用最小二乘原理的调和分析方法得到验潮站的潮汐调和常数。根据调和常数计算沿岸海域潮汐特征值,分析4个站位海域潮汐的时空特征。结果表明:秦皇岛附近受半日潮无潮点的影响为正规全日潮,其余3站位均为不规则半日潮性质;4个验潮站中龙口站和秦皇岛站属于弱潮海区,葫芦岛站和塘沽站属于中潮区。4个站位平均大潮差、平均小潮差、最大可能潮差与平均潮差的变化趋势基本一致,月平均潮差存在"双峰型"和"多峰型";葫芦岛验潮站、塘沽验潮站以及龙口验潮站均呈现出较不明显的潮高日不等现象;涨、落潮历时日不等,存在区域性分布。  相似文献   

鸭绿江口的潮汐特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对1985年和1996年鸭绿江口6个站位的水位数据进行调和分析,结果显示,鸭绿江口的潮汐以半日潮为主,M2 分潮占优.此外,潮高日不等和涨落潮历时不等的现象较为显著,与实测水位结果一致;由口门向上游方向潮差逐渐减小,落潮历时增大,涨潮历时减小,且落潮历时长于涨潮历时.最下游枢岛验潮站的平均海平面为0.08 m;最上游丹东站为1.14 m(1985);从下游至上游平均海平面呈现增大趋势,主要原因是鸭绿江口为向上游迅速束窄的狭长形喇叭口,大面潮水涌入后水位被束窄抬升所致.利用调和常数计算的潮位与观测数据基本吻合,表明研究区观测期间水位主要受潮汐作用的控制.  相似文献   

针对2012-04—07甲子以东海域3个站的潮位和海流连续观测资料,采用潮汐和潮流调和分析、海流旋转功率谱等方法,研究了它们的潮汐和各层潮流的分布特征,探讨了这些特征形成的原因。结果表明:1)甲子港及其以东40km海域典型日潮的形成是由于M2分潮的无潮点的存在和潮能在甲子外海的辐散两种原因引起的;2)日潮海域的潮流则是正规半日潮流的性质;3)研究海域的潮波较为复杂,驻波性质不明显,前进波性质较为突出;4)通过类比黄河口M2分潮的无潮点,认为该海区存在一个退化到岸上的M2无潮点是可能的。  相似文献   

渤海主要分潮的模拟及地形演变对潮波影响的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于FVCOM数值模式,利用1972年和2002年水深岸线数据,分别对渤海主要潮波系统进行模拟,研究了水深岸线变化对渤海主要分潮的影响。结果表明渤海地形演变会引起各分潮无潮点位置移动和振幅的改变,其中M2、S2分潮黄河口附近无潮点位置向东北方向迁移20km以上,且渤海湾湾顶振幅减弱,莱州湾内振幅增强;K1、O1分潮位于渤海海峡附近的无潮点亦向东北方向偏移,移动距离为10km左右,且渤海湾湾顶振幅明显减弱。在此基础上,本文通过敏感性数值实验,对导致黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置移动的主要因素进行了初步分析。结果显示,在岸线不变的情况下,水深变化导致无潮点向东北方向迁移;而岸线变化导致无潮点向东南方向迁移。  相似文献   

使用嵊泗站所布设的地波雷达观测获取的径向流数据,以及嵊泗、芦潮港、岱山3个潮汐观测站水位资料,采用两点近似投影方法反演流场全矢量流速,并用T_tide程序计算调和常数,分别计算O1、K1、M2、S2各分潮流速场及迟角场,并计算各点上的潮能通量及潮能耗散,得到嵊泗岛以西杭州湾口区域潮能耗散同地形存在良好对应关系,充分证明了采用地波雷达观测数据进行潮能耗散计算这一方法的可行性,供相关工作者作进一步研究和讨论。  相似文献   

南麂岛附近海域潮汐和潮流的特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以2008年冬季在浙江近海南麂岛附近投放的4个底锚系观测的水位和流速资料为依据,分析了潮汐和潮流特征。水位谱分析结果显示半日分潮最显著,全日分潮其次;近岸的浅水分潮比离岸大。水位调和分析结果表明:潮汐类型均为正规半日潮,近岸处的平均潮差大于3m,最大可能潮差大于6m,潮汐呈现出显著的低潮日不等和回归潮特征。流速谱分析结果显示半日分潮流最强,全日分潮流其次,且比半日分潮流小得多;近岸浅水分潮流比远离岸显著。流速调和分析结果表明:潮流类型均为正规半日潮流,靠近岸的两个站浅水分潮流较显著;最显著的半日分潮流是M2分潮流,其最大流速介于0.32~0.48m/s之间,全日分潮流均很弱,最大流速小于0.06m/s。M2分潮流均为逆时针旋转,椭圆率越靠近海底越大;最大分潮流流速分布为中上层最大、表层略小、底层最小;最大分潮流流速方向的垂向变化很小,底层比表层略为偏左;最大分潮流流速到达时间随深度的加深而提前,底层比中上层约提前30min。潮流椭圆的垂向分布显示这里的半日分潮流以正压潮流为主;日分潮流则表现出很强的斜压性。  相似文献   

We examined and compared tidal currents and water column structure between a near-shore station (12 km from the coast) and an offshore station (32 km from the coast) adjacent to the Caeté River, Pará Region, Brazil. Although the coastal system of Pará is largely influenced by local tides and wind, we found substantial differences in the dominant forcing agents between stations. Water column dynamics at the near-shore station were largely affected by local tidal processes, while differences between surface and bottom layer flows also indicated the importance of gravitational circulation at this station and a substantial influence of the adjacent Caeté River discharge. In comparison, at the offshore station, water column structure was largely influenced by a semi-diurnal tidal flow, an along-coastal current flow (mainly associated with the North Brazil Current) and the dynamics of local wind flow. The near-shore station at low tide showed a high level of stratification; at high tide such stratification was reduced. In comparison, stratification was only apparent within the upper 6 m at the offshore station, the rest of the water column was relatively well-mixed. The stratification within Station 1 at low tide was a result of the bi-directional movement of water discharged from the Caeté River, with lower salinity surface water and high salinity bottom water resulting in an estuarine-like circulation environment. The spatial variability and lack of correlation in current flow and water column structure between the near-shore and offshore stations suggest that a flow field resulting from differences in local circulation, tidal variability and wind persistence separate areas. We argue that this separation may indicate that the offshore station is located in a transition region between the Caeté River waters and the local coastal area.  相似文献   

埕岛油田海区海底地形变化及预防措施   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综合在胜利石油管理局埕岛油田海区多年来工程测绘与地质勘察资料 ,对埕岛油田海区地形地貌特征及其变化与发育趋势进行了论述 ,同时讨论了埕岛油田海上工程中需要重视的问题以及有关的工程防护问题。  相似文献   

采用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对2018年6月上海近海海域9个站位的同步潮流资料进行分析.分析结果表明:该海域潮流涨落潮不等现象显著,大部分站位的落潮流历时长于涨潮流历时,长江口内(C1~C3)落潮流最大流速远大于涨潮;该海域基本以半日潮为主,同时存在规则半日潮和不规则半日潮,考虑到该海域浅海分潮流具有较大的比重,...  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(4):313-329
This study concerns the possible interrelationships of wave data among wave-measuring stations. This study uses wave records collected at Station Pi-Tou-Chiao (PTC) from 1983 to 1988, and at Station Keelung (KL) from 1983 to 1988. Depending upon the amount of consecutive data missing in the records, three methods were used to estimate their values. The methods used for data completion are: interpolation, ARMA model, and O'Carroll [O'Carroll, F.M., 1984. Weather modelling for offshore operations. The Statistician, 33, 161–169.] model. Using monthly transfer functions (TFs) between these two stations, the interrelationships of the significant wave heights measured at PTC and KL were estimated, and the records of the two measuring stations were set to have equal lengths. Assessments of the proposed methods were carried out by comparing the mean values, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis of both the completed and estimated wave records. The results indicate that the proposed methodologies can be used to fill in data gaps and to transfer data from one station to another—both of these methodologies are needed in the study of oceanographic time series.  相似文献   

We have examined the vertical distributions of planktonic bivalve larvae, particularly the clam Ruditapes philippinarum and the mussel Musculista senhousia which are common and abundant on tidal flats of eastern Ariake Bay, southern Japan. Submersible pumping gear was used to take samples at 2 stations every 2 hours during the spring tide over a whole tidal cycle and/or through daytime and nighttime. Water samples were pumped up from 3 to 5 depths from the surface to sea bottom. Regardless of tidal cycles, D-shaped larvae were concentrated near the surface, while umbo larvae were found at the surface to intermediate depths. On average, these larval densities were significantly higher at the station close to the shore than the offshore station, with no significant difference between daytime and nighttime and between flood and ebb tides at each station. The velocity and direction of water movement at both stations revealed remarkable difference between the surface and bottom waters. The larvae at the surface may quickly disperse and be transported elsewhere, while those in water close to the sea bottom may tend to be retained.  相似文献   

A long-term sea level series were analyzed, recorded at 12 coastal tide gauges located on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific coast of the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. Estimates for the maximum heights of the tidal level, storm surges, and tsunamis were obtained separately, as well as for the rare recurrence of the total sea level height with the probability of these individual components superposition. The maximum total height of the sea level without a tsunami were obtained for the Magadan station, where the main factor is anomalously large tides, as well as for Iturup and Matua islands, where the highest storm surges were recorded. The minimum values were obtained for Ust’-Kamchatsk and Malokuril’sk (Shikotan Island) on different flanks of the study area. When a tsunami is included, the maximum values of possible total sea level rises were observed on the Pacific coast of the Kuril Ridge and the influence of tides and meteorologically induced oscillations are small. On the east coast of Kamchatka adjacent to the considered closed area, the role of tsunamis is much smaller. At the Kuril’sk station, where the height of the largest tsunami (Chilean, May 1960) was about a half the strongest surge height, the contribution of the tsunami scarcely affected the resulting estimates. As a rule, the contribution of a tsunami becomes significant at other stations on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk with a recurrence period of 100 years.  相似文献   

本文基于海上与其附近沿岸台站短期观测资料的分析,提出了水文和气象两种计算方法。用这些方法,采用附近沿岸台站的观测资料,可以得到海上累年的最大波高。检验结果表明,水文方法比气象方法好。  相似文献   

Long-term hourly data from 35 tide gauge stations, including 15 stations in the Gulf of Finland, were used to examine tidal sea level oscillations of the Baltic Sea. High-resolution spectral analysis revealed the well-defined fine structure of tidal peaks with diurnal peaks at most stations being higher than semidiurnal. At some stations (e.g., Narva, Daugava, and Wladyslawowo), high frequency radiational tidal peaks with periods multiple of the solar day (3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 cpd) were detected; the respective oscillations are supposed to be caused by seabreeze winds. Harmonic analysis of tides for individual yearly sea level series followed by vector averaging over the entire observational period was used to estimate the amplitudes and phases of 16 tidal constituents. The maximum tidal oscillations of 17–19 cm were found to be observed in the Gulf of Finland and, first of all, in Neva Bay (in the head of the gulf). Diurnal or mixed diurnal tides are predominant in almost the entire Baltic Sea. The comparison of the observed tides with those theoretically computed showed that the existing numerical models of the main tidal harmonics generally quite accurately reproduce the structure of the tides in the Baltic Sea except for some regions of the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

Coastal acoustic tomography system and its field application   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The coastal acoustic tomography system (CATS), composed of five moored acoustic stations, has been constructed to measure current fields. The system is developed with special considerations in mind, including the use of Global Positioning System clock signals in the synchronization of the system clock timing among the multiple acoustic stations, and the use of the differently coded Gold sequences to identify the acoustic signals corresponding to individual stations from a received signal. The CATS was successfully applied to map the structure of strongly nonlinear tidal currents in the coastal sea. In spite of the limited spatial resolution caused by inadequate sound transmission data, the two-dimensional tidal vortices features of growth, translation, and decay processes are reconstructed through an inverse analysis of the acoustic travel time obtained among the station pairs. It is evident that the CATS is a powerful tool for measuring variable current fields generated in the coastal seas  相似文献   

利用东印度洋海域周边长期验潮站实测数据、TOPEX/Poseidon等系列卫星测高反演结果,评估了DTU10,EOT11a,FES2014,GOT4.8,OSU12和TPXO8六种全球潮汐模型精度,根据卫星测高结果给出了浅水分潮改正量和长周期分潮改正量的经验模型,又在此基础上分析并构建了研究区域精度最优的深度基准面模型。考虑到全球潮汐模型在近岸的影响因素及验潮站位置,将13个验潮站分成开阔海域与近海海域两类,与潮汐模型的对比,结果表明,DTU10和FES2014模型分别在开阔海域和近海海域精度最优。根据潮汐模型在不同分潮处的精度,如EOT11a模型在O1和K1分潮处精度较高,DTU10在N2,M2,S2和K2分潮处精度较高等,分别构建了开阔海域与近海海域的组合深度基准面模型,计算得知误差分别为11.33和20.95 cm,其精度显著提高。  相似文献   

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