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雷州半岛红树林海区底栖动物多样性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002年7~9月,对雷州半岛7个主要红树林区生物多样性进行了调查,采集到底栖动物共188种,其中软体动物有110种,节肢动物门48种,鱼类18种,星虫门3种,多毛类8种,腕足动物门1种。高潮区以甲壳类为优势种,中低潮区以软体动物为优势种类。总平均生物量和总平均栖息息密度分别为106.8 g/m2和320个/m2;底栖动物的种类、生物量和栖息密度与底质和潮位线有密切的关系,与平均盐度呈正相关。并提出一批经济价值高和可开发利用的种类。  相似文献   

杭州湾北岸软相潮间带软体动物种类多样性及其季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1975年9,12月和1976年5,7月杭州湾北岸软相潮间带底栖生物调查的软体动物资料,计算了种类多样性(H′)、坤类丰度(d)、种类均度(J)和种类优势度(D_2)四个指数值,闸述了区内五个断面软体动物种类多样性的特性及其季节变化。  相似文献   

雷州半岛红树林滩涂底栖生物多样性的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
分析了广东省雷州半岛红树林滩涂底栖生物种类组成与数量分布特点,用Shan non-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielous种类均匀度(J)、种类丰度(D)、Berger-Parker优势度指数(I)4个测定红树林群落种类多样性指标进行数值分析。结果表明,调查所采获的底栖生物种类共有68科165种,种类组成以软体动物和甲壳类动物为主。红树林滩涂全年平均生物量为223.25g/m^2,平均栖息密度为2lO.97个/m^2。H′甚高,2个季度平均为2.2633~2.7411,J平均为0.6407~0.6411,D平均达到1.4910~2.6232。全年各类群生物组成中,生物量及栖息密度以软体动物居首位。红树林滩涂底栖生物主要经济种类有中国绿螂(Glauconome chinensis)、四角蛤蜊(Mactrar Mactra) veneriformis)、青蛤(Cyclinasinensis)等20多种。  相似文献   

贝类动物因具贝壳而得名,又因身体柔软被称为软体动物。如果把化石种类计入在内,全世界共有贝类动物14.5万多种,是动物界中仅次于节肢动物的第二大门,包括无板纲、单板纲、多板纲、瓣鳃纲、腹足纲、掘足纲和头足纲等七大类。除瓣鳃纲有淡水种类和腹足纲有淡水、陆栖种类外,这七大纲的贝类都生活在海洋中。  相似文献   

闽江口以北福建沿岸潮间带软体动物生态初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1984年10—11月和1985年4—5月对闽江口以北沿岸潮间带16条断面的生态调查,总结了该区软体动物的分布、种类组成,探讨了其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,该区软体动物187种,属5纲13目61科。其中腹足纲100种、瓣鳃纲74种。岩岸生物量最高(421.71g/m~2)、密度761.1个/m~2;垂直分布以岩礁和砂质岸的低潮带最高。在种类组成上以暖水性种类(占55%)为主,广温广布种占42.8%。全区种类多,数量大,经济种和主要种占41.2%,应予以开发。  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站邻近埔渔洲红树林区软体动物生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了大亚湾埔渔洲红树林区软体动物种类组成,数量分布和群落结构特点,报道软体动物已鉴定有35种,主要由樱蛤科、帘蛤科和汇螺科组成;按种类性质,大多属于广温广盐广布种。平均生物量为51.15g/㎡,平均栖息密度为58个/㎡,群落可划分高、中、低3个分布带,同时简要地分析了生物群落与环境因子的关系。  相似文献   

广东湛江硇洲岛是典型的潮间带生态系统,属于热带气候,适宜底栖生物生存。底栖动物作为生态指标的一部分,可以反映出地理环境的多样性。于2011~2012年在硇洲岛潮间带五个位点进行底栖软体动物采样,以研究软体动物的季节演替变化,结果检出软体动物有4纲49科71属共104种。其中双壳纲39种,占总数的37.50%;腹足纲59种,占总数的56.73%;多板纲4种,占总数的3.85%;头足纲2种,占总数的1.92%。种类数秋季最多共61种,春季32种,夏季51种,冬季55种。各季节间共有种类数为19~33种。有8个种类为3个季节共有种,有12个种类为4个季节共有种,季节种间更替率为0.58~0.76,春秋季种间更替率最高,夏秋季种间更替率最低。优势种10种,其中1个物种为全年优势种,有2个物种为3个季节共有种。不同物种在潮间带分异明显,中潮区软体动物有58种,低潮区软体动物有44种,高潮区软体动物只有3种。调查显示各季节软体动物栖息密度变化明显,按降序排列为春季、夏季,秋季、冬季。季度Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化范围为2.45~3.42,年均值为2.99;季度Pielou物种均匀度指数变化范围为0.53~0.66,年均值为0.58;季度Margalef物种丰富度指数变化范围为2.42~4.61,年均值为3.73; Simpson指数变化范围为0.69~0.80,年均值为0.76。调查显示各断面均受到不同程度的人为干扰,相关性分析发现栖息密度与悬浮物和总有机碳正相关(P<0.05)。优势种的转变与沿岸上升流的强弱以及养殖废水的不规则排放有关。软体动物的栖息密度与大型海藻的分布呈相反趋势,低潮区软体动物栖息密度小,与其结构和食性有关。  相似文献   

海州湾潮间带大型底栖动物的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2002年6月对海州湾3种底质的潮间带底栖动物进行了采样分析.结果显示,该区被鉴定出的大型底栖动物共有98种,其中多毛类为13种、软体动物为53种、甲壳类为25种、棘皮动物为2种、其它类动物为5种,软体动物和甲壳类的种类可占80%;该区潮间带大型底栖动物的平均生物量和平均栖息密度分别为257.30 g/m2和953个/m2,软体动物生物量(201.19 g/m2)和栖息密度(727 个/m2)分别占总数的78%和76%.经底栖动物种类相似性聚类分析和多维尺度排序,可将该区潮间带大型底栖动物划分为岩礁、沙滩和泥沙滩3个群落.通过对3个底栖动物群落的生态特征及相关环境因子分析得出:对于种类,泥沙滩群落 > 岩礁群落 > 沙滩群落;对于生物量、息栖密度、多样性指数和均匀度指数,岩礁群落 > 泥沙滩群落 > 沙滩群落;泥沙滩群落中的TE断面优势种分布显著而使多样性指数和均匀度指数明显低于其它两条泥沙滩断面.沙滩群落和岩礁群落的底栖动物分布分别与海水浴场和货运码头较多的人为活动影响有关,而泥沙滩群落的分布差异主要与海岸开敞度、海流潮汐作用、滩涂贝类养殖及优势种分布影响有关.泥沙滩是该区经济贝类的重要养殖场所,为使养殖种类健康生长,建议对沿岸排污口水质及养殖区沉积物环境质量进行定期监测.  相似文献   

在沾4孔650m岩芯中共发现海相软体动物化石29属37种,淡水种5属5种分布在8个层位,另有2个疑似海相小双壳的层位。凡出现海相软体动物化石的层位,同时含有孔虫化石。另有3—5个层发现有孔虫等海相生物化石。表明本地300万年来受到8—13次海水的影响。  相似文献   

水产动物中的血液为什么会有各种不同的颜色呢?这是因为,在不同种类的动物血液中含有不同的色素所致。虽然各种水产动物的血液颜色各不相同,但它们都具有输送氧气等新陈代谢功能。现略举数例介绍如下:(1)甲壳类。海洋里的甲壳类节肢动物如鲎,它的血液是蓝色的。(2)贝壳类。海淡水中的贝类如河蚌、蚬等,它们的血液是淡蓝色的。(3)软体动物。海洋中的软体动物如海蛸、墨鱼等,它们的血液是绿色的。  相似文献   

Water works during the 1960s and 1970s changed the northern part of the Rhine–Meuse estuary in the south-west of the Netherlands into a freshwater lake, from west to east divided into three basins called the Haringvliet, the Hollands Diep and the Biesbosch. Concurrently water quality parameters (e.g. nutrients and pollutants) changed drastically during the last 50 years. This study combines macrozoobenthic monitoring data from the region from 1960 to 2001 with trends in abiotic parameters to evaluate historic developments of the communities, including densities, species numbers and diversity, and assess future developments as a first step to a rehabilitation of the estuary as planned for January 01, 2008. During the 1960s, the macrozoobenthic densities of Oligochaeta and/or Polychaeta dominated communities increased with a gradual decrease of saltwater intrusion and salinity variability. The first years after the basins became stagnant, the species numbers per sample and the Shannon diversity were high due to the coexistence of salt and freshwater species. An increase in nutrient and pollutant loads led to a decrease in the macrozoobenthos densities. As water and sediment quality gradually improved, nowadays the former estuary contains high diversity and high density macrozoobenthic communities, whereas Oligochaeta and/or Polychaeta were dominant in the 1960s, and Bivalvia and Gastropoda were more abundant during the 1970s. Macrozoobenthic communities moved from the east to west with a time-lag, which may primarily be attributed to changing salinities, salinity variances and oxygen levels. Therefore, the current communities of the Haringvliet show similarities with the communities that occurred already during the 1960s in the Biesbosch. This study shows the value of macrozoobenthos monitoring data over longer periods. The possible impact of a new saltwater inlet in the west of the Haringvliet, allowing in the near future saltwater to enter 11.5 km eastward, yet alternated by frequent flushing with freshwater to ascertain that the salt intrusion does not reach further, on the development of the macrozoobentic communities is discussed.  相似文献   

爱神螺科(Eratoidae)是宝贝总科中的1个小科,均为小型动物,全世界分布的种类也很少,最多不超过40种,故以往我国很少有人对它进行系统的研究,至今仅报道过3种(Yen,1936; Kuroda,1941;张玺等,1975)。作者根据中国科学院海洋研究所40余年在全国沿海搜集到的标本,整理鉴定为7种,分隶于3属2亚属,其中有2个新种和2个新记录。  相似文献   

Using data from existing studies, assemblages of freshwater fishes and decapod crustaceans were examined at 39 sites in urbanised catchments and 57 sites in forested (reference) catchments within the greater Auckland region, New Zealand. Eleven native and 1 exotic fish species and 2 native decapod crustacean species were recorded. Species richness and fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores were lower overall in streams in urbanised catchments. Shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) and mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were more dominant in urban streams; all other commonly occurring species were found significantly more often in reference streams. Non‐diadromous native species (Cran's bully (Gobiomorphus basalts) and freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifions)) were absent from urban streams, but relatively abundant in reference streams. This absence of non‐diadromous species, together with the urban occurrence of five diadromous species suggests that migratory barriers pose less of a threat to freshwater communities than physico‐chemical disturbance in streams in the Auckland urban region.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the depth distributions of four major Southern Ocean macrobenthic epi- and infaunal taxa, the Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Isopoda, and Polychaeta, from subtidal to abyssal depth. All literature data up to summer 2008, as well as the unpublished data from the most recent ANDEEP I–III (Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns) expeditions to the Southern Ocean deep sea are included in the analysis. Benthic invertebrates in the Southern Ocean are known for their wide bathymetric ranges. We analysed the distributions of four of the most abundant and species-rich taxa from intertidal to abyssal (5200 m) depths in depth zones of 100 m. The depth distributions of three macrofaunal classes (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta) and one order (Isopoda) showed distinct differences. In the case of bivalves, gastropods and polychaetes, the number of species per depth zone decreased from the shelf to the slope at around 1000 m depth and then showed stable low numbers. The isopods showed the opposite trend; they were less species rich in the upper 1000 m but increased in species numbers from the slope to bathyal and abyssal depths. Depth ranges of families of the studied taxa (Bivalvia: 31 families, Gastropoda: 60, Isopoda: 32, and Polychaeta: 46 families) were compiled and illustrated. At present vast areas of the deep sea in the Southern Ocean remain unexplored and species accumulation curves showed that only a fraction of the species have been discovered to date. We anticipate that further investigations will greatly increase the number of species known in the Southern Ocean deep sea.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(2):233-243
The Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania, West Africa, is an area of tidal flats and shallow inshore waters bordering the sandy desert of the Sahara. The project Banc d'Arguin 1985–1986 investigated predominantly benthic biomass and production, the same data allow investigation of the species diversity and the distribution of the tidal flat fauna of the Banc d'Arguin. We sieved and analysed 410 core samples (diameter 10 cm) from 82 locations with 0.6 mm mesh size. A total of 111 taxa were identified. Polychaeta were most diverse with 42 species belonging to 20 families. Other large species groups were Gastropoda (20 species, 14 families), Amphipoda (14 taxa, 8 families) and Bivalvia (15 species, 10 families). Densities ranged from 152 to 5635 ind. m−2, with an average of 1404 ind. m−2. Six taxa accounted for more than half of the total density. H' values were generally low with values ranging from 0 to 2.78 nats. Low evenness values indicated a high degree of dominance.The total density was independent of any sediment characteristic, probably because of the large range of species. Densities of dominant species did show a correlation with sediment size. A fraction of the individuals could have been lost with our use of a 0.6 mm sieve. Many species occurred only at a few stations. An explanation for this could be that stations are dominated by different species, while the diversity within a station is relatively low. The occurrence of opportunistic species supports this explanation. The Banc d'Arguin is a reversed estuary, and the stress caused by high temperatures and salinity could result in opportunistic assemblages. The (theoretical) high turnover rate of these opportunistic assemblages could be the key to the importance of the Banc d'Arguin for wintering shorebirds.  相似文献   

中国海洋贝类染色体研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙振兴 《海洋通报》2004,23(6):77-83
概括总结了我国已报道的40种海洋贝类的染色体组型研究结果,腹足纲的染色体数目有2n=30,34,36和60;双壳纲的染色体数目有2n=20,22,28,32,34和38等几种类型。分析了贝类染色体制备的特点,预先向活贝体内注射PHA,可有效地增加中期分裂相。产生核型差异的原因可能是制片时的处理条件不同或因染色体结构重排以及地域差异造成的同种异体之间的核型多态。双壳纲和绝大多数腹足纲贝类都没有性染色体,而非整倍体是染色体畸变的结果。最后介绍了显带技术和荧光原位杂交技术在贝类染色体研究中的应用现状,认为FISH技术将为贝类染色体的鉴定提供有效的方法。  相似文献   

荔枝螺属Thais,隶属于腹足纲(Gastropoda)、骨螺科(Muricidae)。本属动物主要生活在潮间带的岩石上或石砾间。过去对荔枝螺属虽有些零星报道,但缺乏系统研究。作者通过整理分类中国科学院海洋生物标本馆收藏的骨螺科标本,共鉴定出荔枝螺属20种,其中2种在中国沿海为首次报道。  相似文献   

An example of diagenesis and reservoir quality of buried sandstones with ancient incursion of meteoric freshwater is presented in this study. The interpretation is based on information including porosity and permeability, petrography, stable isotopic composition of authigenic minerals, homogenization temperatures (Th) of aqueous fluid inclusions (AFIs), and pore water chemistry. These sandstones, closely beneath or far from the regional unconformity formed during the late Paleogene period, are located in the thick Shahejie Formation in the Gaoliu area of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Early-diagenetic calcite cements were leached to form intergranular secondary pores without precipitation of late-diagenetic calcite cements in most sandstones. Feldspars were leached to form abundant intragranular secondary pores, but with small amounts of concomitant secondary minerals including authigenic quartz and kaolinite. The mass imbalance between the amount of leached minerals and associated secondary minerals suggests that mineral leaching reactions occurred most likely in an open geochemical system, and diagenetic petrography textures suggest that advective flow dominated the transfer of solutes from leached feldspars and calcites. Low salinity and ion concentrations of present pore waters, and extensive water rock interactions suggest significant incursion of meteoric freshwater flux in the sandstones. Distances of the sandstones to the regional unconformity can reach up to 1800 m, while with significant uplift in the Gaoliu area, the burial depth of such sandstones (below sea level) can be less than 800–1000 m during the uplift and initial reburial stage. Significant uplift during the Oligocene period provided substantial hydraulic drive and widely developed faults served as favorable conduits for downward penetration of meteoric freshwater from the earth's surface (unconformity) to these sandstone beds. Extensive feldspar leaching has been occurring since the uplift period. Coupled high Th (95∼115 °C) of AFI and low δ18O(SMOW) values (+17∼+20‰) within the quartz overgrowths show that quartz cementation occurred in the presence of diagenetic modified meteoric freshwater with δ18O(SMOW) values of −7∼−2‰, indicating that authigenic quartz only have been formed during the late reburial stage when meteoric fresh water penetration slowed down. Secondary pores in thin sections and tested porosity suggest that meteoric freshwater leaching of feldspars and calcite minerals generated approximately 7–10% enhanced secondary porosity in these sandstones. Meteoric freshwater leaching reactions cannot be ignored in similar sandstones that located deep beneath the unconformity, with great uplift moving these sandstones above or close to sea level and with faults connecting the earth's surface with the sandstone beds.  相似文献   

Drowned reefs, fossil reefs or paleo-reefs, are important ecologically as areas of high biodiversity, foraging, shelter environment, and as areas supporting the spawning aggregations of economically important reef fish species. This is particularly significant when the structures are situated in a wide soft-bottom continental shelf. The presence of limestone structures, fossil reefs and pinnacles dating from circa 8 to 9 ka, to the north of the Paria Peninsula in north-eastern Venezuela, has been known to local fishermen for decades. Using echograms obtained during acoustic fisheries evaluations and the scarce previously available information, an improved location map of hard-bottom structures was made. Benthic samples to study macromolluscs were taken at depths between 54 and 93 m using an unmodified 2-m beam trawl. Four trawl samples were located over fossil reef areas while another four were situated in soft-bottom valleys between limestone structures. Fossil reefs in the area showed a highly patchy distribution. A total of 91 species from 43 Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Scaphopoda families were found, Gastropoda being the dominant class with 49 species. Paleo-reef-covered areas showed higher species richness and only 21% of the species found were common to both substrates. Gastropods Tonna maculosa and Polystira albida were the most abundant species and occurred in both substrate types. Bivalve life habits, a mixture of organism–substrate relationships, shell fixation, mobility and feeding type, differed significantly according to bottom type. Six species are recorded for the first time for eastern Venezuelan waters. Bottom heterogeneity plays an important role in marine ecosystems, providing shelter to fish populations and may be significant as breeding and nursery areas. Its presence in a region with biogeographical interest, situated in the confluence of three major provinces and with oceanographic conditions varying seasonally from upwelling dominated to Orinoco River discharges, makes this the area of interest and it should be evaluated as a possible Marine Protected Area.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, Pleurohranchaea novaezelandiae Cheesoman (Mollusca: Gastropoda) readily ate juvenile and adult Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Invertebrate predators such as P. novaezelandiae might effectively determine the lower limit of the zone occupied by A. tenebrosa, by eating those individuals which are found below about low water of neap tides.  相似文献   

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