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中国地区电离层TEC暴扰动研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
电离层总电子含量(TEC)是空间天气研究和监测预报的重要参量.本文引入了电离层TEC扰动指数DI, 对青岛等6个台站的DI数据进行分析,选取DI>0.35(DI≤-0.30)作为正(负)相电离层TEC扰动的强度标准,并以连续6 h及以上的DI满足该值来判定电离层TEC暴扰动事件.对电离层TEC暴扰动事件的统计分析表明,在地方时日落后至子夜前为发生高峰时段,正(负)相暴扰动事件平均持续时间约为10.9 h(10.5 h),正相暴发生率以冬季为多,夏季为少,而负相暴则以夏季略高.发现位于赤道异常驼峰区的广州站和位于高中纬度的海拉尔站比典型中纬地区的北京站电离层TEC暴扰动更易发生,且低纬地区以正相暴扰动为主.分析表明,约有70%的电离层TEC暴扰动伴随着有地磁扰动,但是电离层TEC暴扰动并不完全由地磁扰动所引起,强烈气象活动等局地环境因素也可能对电离层TEC暴扰动有着重要影响.  相似文献   

本文利用Madrigal数据库的TEC数据对2001—2010年间的156次单主相型磁暴事件,统计分析了欧洲扇区从赤道到极光带共5个纬度区域的电离层暴特征,结果表明:(1)电离层暴有明显的纬度分布特征,正负暴出现次数的比例随纬度的降低呈现明显的增加趋势,但夏季赤道地区趋势相反,正负暴比例比更高纬度的反而降低;(2)与主相相比,恢复相期间大部分纬度地区正暴数量减少,负暴数量增加,但赤道地区恢复相期间正暴数量反而增加;(3)中低纬地区电离层暴随磁暴MPO地方时分布特征明显,正暴所对应的MPO主要分布在白天,而MPO发生在夜间容易引起负暴;(4)电离层负暴主要发生在夜间,中、高纬地区负暴的开始时间存在‘时间禁区’,但不同纬度‘时间禁区’的地方时分布有一定差异,正暴分布则相对分散.  相似文献   

暴时低纬电离层不规则体响应特征的多手段观测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2010年10月11日发生了一次中等强度的磁暴.本文利用三亚(18.4°N,109.6°E)数字测高仪、VHF雷达和GPS TEC/闪烁监测仪数据以及120°E子午线附近我国漠河(53.5°N,122.4°E)、北京(40.3°N,116.2°E)和武汉(30.6°N,114.4°E)的数字测高仪和GPS TEC/闪烁监测仪数据,分析了磁暴期间我国中低纬地区电离层不规则体的响应特征.结果表明:这次磁暴触发了10月11日午夜前后两个时段低纬(三亚)电离层不规则体事件,而在较高的纬度地区(武汉及以北),并没有观测到电离层不规则体与闪烁.在午夜前,电离层不规则体的发生受磁暴主相期间快速穿透电场激发;在午夜后,电离层不规则体受磁暴恢复相的扰动发电机电场触发,该时段伴随行星际磁场北向翻转的过屏蔽穿透电场也可能是扰动源之一.此外,磁暴期间不同尺度的电离层不规则体会伴随发生.  相似文献   

2006年4月13~17日西太平洋地区电离层暴时特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用西太平洋地区的15个电离层台站的测高仪数据和国际GPS服务中心IGS 36个站提供的TEC数据,以及由美国喷气推进动力学实验室提供的Jason 1 TEC数据对2006年4月13~17日间一次由冕洞高速流所引发的磁暴所造成的电离层效应进行了分析.分析结果表明这次电离层暴呈现出显著的纬度效应,foF2和TEC等参量显示在磁暴主相期间对称分布的强正暴效应中心在磁纬±30°~±40°,且持续时间超过12 h.负暴效应被限制在中高纬地区,在磁暴进入恢复相时,开始向低纬渗透,且具有明显的地方时效应.TIMIED卫星测量的Σ[O/N2]显示磁暴发生后,暴时环流使得中低纬地区的Σ[O/N2]有大幅增加,而中高纬地区则显著下降.通过对hmF2的分析发现磁暴主相期间,有磁层电场向中低纬地区穿透,且持续时间较长为1~3 h.因此这次强正暴效应可能是由风场、电场和化学成分这三个因素的共同作用造成的.这次磁暴造成的电离层暴响应非常复杂,对造成各种正负暴的物理和化学机制还需要进一步的研究.  相似文献   

2015年3月磁暴期间中国中低纬地区电离层变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
2015年3月17日爆发了本太阳活动周最大的地磁暴,Dst指数达到-233 nT.本文利用电离层测高仪f_。F_2和h_mF_2、北斗同步卫星(BDSGEO)TEC以及GPS电离层闪烁S4指数对此次磁暴期间中国中低纬地区(北京、武汉、邵阳和三亚)的电离层变化进行分析,并对此次磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制进行了探讨.磁暴期间,中低纬电离层暴整体表现为正相暴之后长时间强的负相暴.3月17日白天中纬正相暴为风场抬升电离层所致,而驼峰区及低纬地区正相暴由东向穿透电场所引起;3月18日白天长时间的强负相暴为西向扰动发电机电场和成分扰动所引起;3月17和18日夜间的负相暴可能是日落东向电场受到抑制以及赤道向风场对扩散的抑制导致驼峰向赤道压缩所致,同时被抑制的日落东向电场强度不足以触发产生赤道扩展F,导致低纬三亚和邵阳夜间电离层闪烁在磁暴期间受到完全抑制.这是我们首次基于北斗同步卫星TEC组网观测开展的电离层暴研究.  相似文献   

不同地磁扰动事件期间全球电离层的扰动形态分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用全球电离层台站提供的观测数据,分析 了5次不 同类型磁暴事件期间全球电离层F2层f0F2和hmF2的扰动变化. 主要结果 表明:对于延迟型主相磁暴S(C)和S(E),中高纬电离层首先会出现明显的正相扰动,随 后是明显延迟的负相扰动,负相扰动覆盖范围广,甚至扩展到低纬区, 且持续时间很长, 恢 复及其缓慢,其中S(C)型的扰动更为明显; 对于非延迟型主相磁暴S(A)、S(B)和 S(D ),高纬电离层正相扰动持续时间较短甚至不出现,中高纬电离层负相扰动的出现、发展和 恢复也相对较快; 磁暴主相强度的大小会对电离层负相扰动的强度、发展和持续时间产生一 定的影响; 高纬电离层扰动在非延迟型主相磁暴恢复相期间会出现明显的地方时效应,地方 时效应随纬度的降低而增强,并且会明显影响到中低纬电离层的扰动;电离层扰动从高纬到 低纬的变化趋势为:f0F2的扰动由负相向正相转化,hmF2的增加由全天出现趋向于只存在于夜间,反映了不同扰动物理机制的作用.  相似文献   

大尺度电离层行扰的GPS观测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用日本境内的高空间分辨率的双频GPS台站资料,观测研究了发生于2000年7月中旬太阳强活动期间的一次大尺度电离层行扰. 结果表明:在7月15日11:00UT-1:00UT期间观测区域的电离层中出现了大尺度电离层行扰. 在15:00UT之前,扰动周期为2h左右,在15:00UT以后,扰动周期为1h左右;总电子含量扰动幅度的变化范围约为1-2TECU;通过对15:00-17:00UT之间总电子含量扰动曲线同相位点的分析,发现这期间的电离层行扰的扰动速度约为600-700m/s,扰动波长在2200km左右,扰动传播的方向几乎沿着经线从高纬向低纬传播. 该行扰与此次强太阳活动有直接的关系,因其发生在7月15日的磁暴急始之前数小时,因此与磁暴本身没有因果关系,应与磁暴之前先期到达地球空间的高能质子流有关.  相似文献   

本文利用DMSP F13和F15卫星观测数据,对2001—2005年58个磁暴(-472 nT≤Min.Dst≤-71 nT)期间高纬顶部电离层离子整体上行特征进行了统计研究.观测表明,磁暴期间,顶部电离层离子上行主要发生在极尖区和夜间极光椭圆区.在北半球,磁正午前,高速的离子上行(≥500 m·s-1)多集中在65° MLat以上;午后,高速离子上行区向低纬度扩展,上行速度要略高于午前;在南半球,磁午夜前,DMSP卫星在考察区域内几乎所有的纬度上都观测到了高速上行的离子;午夜后,各纬度上观测到上行离子的速度明显降低.离子上行期间,DMSP卫星在极区顶部电离层高度上也频繁地观测到电子/离子增温,且电子增温发生的频率要远高于离子增温.O+密度变化分析显示,DMSP卫星磁暴期间观测到的上行离子更多地源于顶部电离层高度.这些结果表明电子增温在驱动暴时电离层离子整体上行过程中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

GPS data from the International GNSS Service (IGS) network were used to study the development of the severe geomagnetic storm of November 7–12, 2004, in the total electron content (TEC) on a global scale. The TEC maps were produced for analyzing the storm. For producing the maps over European and North American sectors, GPS measurements from more than 100 stations were used. The dense network of GPS stations provided TEC measurements with a high temporal and spatial resolution. To present the temporal and spatial variation of TEC during the storm, differential TEC maps relative to a quiet day (November 6, 2004) were created. The features of geomagnetic storm attributed to the complex development of ionospheric storm depend on latitude, longitude and local time. The positive, as well as negative effects were detected in TEC variations as a consequence of the evolution of the geomagnetic storm. The maximal effect was registered in the subauroral/auroral ionosphere during substorm activity in the evening and night period. The latitudinal profiles obtained from TEC maps for Europe gave rise to the storm-time dynamic of the ionospheric trough, which was detected on November 7 and 9 at latitudes below 50°N. In the report, features of the response of TEC to the storm for European and North American sectors are analyzed.  相似文献   

We have used a global time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the magnetosphere and particle tracing calculations to determine the access of solar wind ions to the magnetosphere and the access of ionospheric O+ ions to the storm-time near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current during the September 24–25, 1998 magnetic storm. We found that both sources have access to the plasma sheet and ring current throughout the initial phase of the storm. Notably, the dawnside magnetosphere is magnetically open to the solar wind, allowing solar wind H+ ions direct access to the near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current. The supply of O+ ions from the dayside cusp to the plasma sheet varies because of changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure and in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Most significantly, ionospheric O+ from the dayside cusp loses access to the plasma sheet and ring current soon after the southward turning of the IMF, but recovers after the reconfiguration of the magnetosphere following the passage of the magnetic cloud. On average, during the first 3 h after the sudden storm commencement (SSC), the number density of solar wind H+ ions is a factor of 2–5 larger than the number density of ionospheric O+ ions in the plasma sheet and ring current. However, by 04:00 UT, ∼4 h after the SSC, O+ becomes the dominant species in the ring current and carries more energy density than H+ ions in both the plasma sheet and ring current.  相似文献   

2013年3月和2015年3月爆发了2次相似的地磁暴,引起了全球不同地区电离层的变化。本文利用中国大陆构造环境监测网络260余个基准站在中国地区的GNSS电离层TEC观测数据,结合电离层测高仪和电离层甚高频相干散射雷达观测,对2次磁暴期间中国地区的电离层变化特性进行了对比分析。结果显示,2013年3月磁暴期间,中国不同地区电离层变化较弱或不明显,而2015年3月磁暴期间中国地区电离层变化整体表现为大范围的强负相暴,中国地区不同程度的电离层响应主要受到不同的磁暴强度和磁暴期间不同的能量输入影响。2次磁暴期间电离层F层不均匀体的发生受到不同程度的影响,可能由不同种类的暴时电场导致。陆态网络数据空间覆盖范围广、时间分辨率高,在研究中国地区磁暴期间的电离层变化特性方面具有优势。  相似文献   

曲靖非相干散射雷达功率剖面的初步观测与分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了非相干散射雷达功率剖面与电离层电子密度剖面之间的关系,给出了曲靖非相干散射雷达功率剖面的一些观测结果,结合电离层垂直探测数据,初步介绍了曲靖非相干散射雷达在夜间电离层波状扰动、低纬电离层异常区北驼峰位置、电离层电子密度日落增强和暴时变化等观测研究中的应用.本文结果丰富了对我国曲靖地区电离层空间天气特性的认识,显示了该雷达在我国低纬电离层空间天气观测研究中的良好应用前景.  相似文献   

The storm period of 8–12 November 2004 offers an opportunity for insight into the phenomena of low-latitude ionospheric structure during geomagnetically disturbed times because of the strength of the disturbances, the timing of the storms, and the instrumentation that was operating during the interval. We will take advantage of these factors to model the ambient ionosphere and the plasma turbulence responsible for radio scintillation within it, using the AFRL low-latitude ambient/turbulent ionospheric model and the storm-time model features described in the companion paper [Retterer, J.M., Kelley, M.C., 2009. Solar-wind drivers for low-latitude ionospheric models during geomagnetic storms. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., this issue]. The model plasma densities show very good agreement with the densities measured by the Jicamarca ISR as well as with the total electron content (TEC) measured by the Boston College South American chain of GPS receivers. The detection by the radar of coherent returns from plasma turbulence match well the times of predicted ionospheric instability. The predicted geographic extent of the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles was matched by DMSP satellite observations and our forecasts of scintillation strength were validated with measurements of S4 at Ancon and Antofagasta by stations of the AFRL SCINDA network.  相似文献   

1986年2月的太阳耀斑爆发导致了强烈的磁暴和电离层暴。 对我国多个台站有关电离层观测记录的分析表明:这次电离层暴呈现出显著的纬度效应,井在武昌、广州等地区形成了明显的“暴中心”。在暴变期间,伴随有大尺度的TID。在某些时段内,F区电子密度剖面产生了特殊的畸变。 对暴变形态特征及其形成机制进行了一些初步讨论。  相似文献   

We present a study of ionospheric and thermospheric response during a November 9–10, 2004 major geomagnetic storm event (DsT ~?300 nT). We utilize the North American sector longitude chain of incoherent scatter radars at Arecibo, Millstone Hill, and Sondrestrom, operating as part of a coordinated international mesosphere/lower thermosphere coupling study experiment. Total electron content (TEC) determinations from global positioning system (GPS) ground receivers, ground magnetometer traces from the Canadian CANOPUS array, Defense Meteorological Satellite Platform (DMSP) topside data, and global convection patterns from the SuperDARN radar network are analyzed to place the detailed radar data in proper mesoscale context. The plasmaspheric boundary layer (PBL) expanded greatly in the dusk sector during ring current intensification to span more than 25° of magnetic latitude, reaching as far south as 30° invariant latitude. Strong sub-auroral polarization stream velocities of more than 1 km/s were accompanied by large upwards thermal O+ fluxes to the overlying magnetosphere. The large PBL expansion subsequently exposed both Millstone Hill and Sondrestrom to the auroral convection pattern, which developed a complex multicell and reverse convection response under strongly northward IMF conditions during a period of global interplanetary electric field penetration. Large traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances caused significant neutral wind and ion velocity surges in the mid-latitude and tropical ionosphere and thermosphere, with substorm activity launching equatorward neutral wind enhancements and subsequent mid-latitude dynamo responses at Millstone Hill. However, ionosphere and thermosphere observations at Arecibo point to significant disturbance propagation modification in the post-dusk sector PBL region.  相似文献   

The Weimer and IZMEM statistical convection models are driven with a time series of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) measurements made onboard the Wind spacecraft. The model outputs are used to infer the ionospheric convection velocity at Casey, Antarctica (80.8°S geomagnetic latitude), and then compared with measurements of Doppler velocity made using a Digisonde, and measurements of F-region convection implied by a collocated magnetometer. During a single, representative campaign interval, 13–17 February 1996, the Weimer model explained 19% (42%) of the variation in Doppler speed (direction) observed by the Digisonde, and 21% (14%) of the equivalent convection components observed by the magnetometer. This compares with IZMEM which explained 16% (46%) of the variation in Doppler speed (direction) observed by the Digisonde, and 34% (32%) of the equivalent convection components observed by the magnetometer. In general, there was better agreement between convection direction than convection speed. Some of the disagreement was probably due to differences between the IMF measured by Wind located ∼170 RE upstream in the solar wind and the IMF actually arriving at the magnetopause. However, the results of this study do show that measurements of ionospheric velocity using different experimental techniques need heavy averaging to identify a common component of velocity controlled by the IMF vector. The present time series approach was also used to estimate 16±5 min as the time required for the ionospheric convection to reconfigure in response to IMF changes occurring at the magnetopause.  相似文献   

2001年3月19日至22日期间电离层暴分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2001年3月19日至22日期间ACE卫星观测的行星际资料、电离层垂测仪资料以及中国地区TEC资料,分析了发生在这期间的电离层暴过程.结果表明:(1)日冕物质抛射造成的行星际环境为电离层暴的发生提供了大尺度环境背景;(2)强烈的电离层负暴发生在磁暴恢复相阶段;(3)强烈电离层负暴能够用暴环流理论解释.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1401-1408
The response of the low latitude ionosphere to high latitude convection has long been the subject of considerable interest. Radar, ionosonde, magnetometer, and satellite measurements have been extensively used for studying the time-dependent characteristics of low-latitude disturbance electric fields and currents, and their coupling to the high latitude convection. Several global convection models have been used to explore the relationship between inner magnetospheric processes, and mid- and low-latitude ionospheric electrodynamic effects during geomagnetically active times. Recently, significant progress has been made in quantifying the average storm time-dependent responses of low latitude electrodynamic plasma drifts and currents to changes in the high latitude convection, and in the validation of global convection and ionospheric disturbance models. However, there are several fundamental questions dealing mostly with the large variability of the disturbance electric fields. In this review, we examine the latest progress in these studies and discuss a number of outstanding problems.  相似文献   

Observations of a flux transfer event (FTE) have been made simultaneously by the Equator-S spacecraft near the dayside magnetopause whilst corresponding transient plasma flows were seen in the near-conjugate polar ionosphere by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar. Prior to the occurrence of the FTE, the magnetometer on the WIND spacecraft ≈226 RE upstream of the Earth in the solar wind detected a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which is estimated to have reached the subsolar magnetopause ≈77 min later. Shortly afterwards the Equator-S magnetometer observed a typical bipolar FTE signature in the magnetic field component normal to the magnetopause, just inside the magnetosphere. Almost simultaneously the CUTLASS Finland radar observed a strong transient flow in the F region plasma between 78° and 83° magnetic latitude, near the ionospheric region predicted to map along geomagnetic field lines to the spacecraft. The flow signature (and the data set as a whole) is found to be fully consistent with the view that the FTE was formed by a burst of magnetopause reconnection.  相似文献   

Using vertical and oblique radio-sounding data, we analyze the ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances during the magnetic storm that occurred in northeastern Russia on March 17–19, 2015. We consider the heliospheric sources that induced the magnetic storm. During the main and early recovery phases, the midlatitude stations are characterized by extremely low values of electron density at the F2 layer maximum. Using oblique sounding data, we recorded signals that propagated outside the great circle arc. In evening and night hours, no radio signals were found to pass along the Norilsk–Irkutsk and Magadan–Irkutsk paths. The observed ionospheric effects are shown to be caused by a sharp shift of the boundaries of the main ionospheric trough to the invariant latitude 46° N during the main phase of the magnetic storm. The negative ionospheric disturbance during the recovery phase of the storm, which was associated with significant variations in the composition of the neutral atmosphere, led to a change in the mode composition of received radio signals and a decline in observed maximal frequencies in daytime hours of March 18, 2015 by more than 2 times.  相似文献   

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