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岷江上游草地资源及合理利用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张建平  叶延琼  樊宏 《山地学报》2002,20(3):343-347
岷江上游自然条件复杂,生态环境类型多样。共7个天然草地类型,面向达813538hm^2,占幅员总面积的32.9%。天然草地理论载畜量143.02万个羊单位,1999年牲畜存栏177.89万个羊单位,超载率24.4%。由于超载放牧,导致草地退化(毒草增多、鼠虫害面积增大、牧草覆盖度下降,产草量降低)。针对草地资源特点有退化状况,提出了草地合理利用建议:①加强草场利用规范和管理;②实行草地承包,落实草场“三权”政策;③调整畜群结构,控制牲畜数量;④提高牲畜出栏率,发展季节性畜牧业;⑤改良天然草地,治理退化草地;⑥发展人工草地,建立打贮草基地,提高抗实保蓄能力。  相似文献   

畜牧业和种植业在西藏高原不同地区长期处于分离发展状态,这种分离的格局导致了土地利用强度加剧和草场与农田生态系统的退化。农牧结合可通过行业间生态位互补提高粮食和饲料生产力,并有效提升复合生态系统的弹性,因此,通过协调畜牧业和饲料作物生产,走向区域协同成为农牧业发展和退化生态系统恢复的综合解决途径。通过区域耦合,协调专业化畜牧业和集约化农业,是解决放牧系统牧草不足和畜牧业生产瓶颈的有效办法。目前,要实现农牧业发展的区域协同,还必须从局域农场向区域层面推进。为此,从2016年起,国家重点研发计划项目"青藏高原退化高寒生态系统恢复与重建与技术示范"开始实施,旨在通过建立生产和生态功能相协调的草牧业技术体系,协调生态-草-牧关系,实现遏制草地退化和转变畜牧业发展方式的双赢目标。面对青藏高原草地退化的严峻威胁,迫切需要通过生态功能与生产功能相协调的方式实现区域协同。本专辑组织发表草地生态和管理的相关论文,以期促进高寒生态系统的管理和可持续利用。  相似文献   

黑河上游生态建设的模式与效益   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
在黑河上游实施的以牛羊育肥、退化草原的植被恢复、人工草地建设为主要内容的生态建设, 通过技术集成和试验示范, 效果显著。混播一年生草地平均产干草9.6t·hm2, 每公顷约可为400只羊提供冬春季节补饲用草, 补饲措施可降低牲畜越冬死亡率50%以上, 提高仔畜成活率10%; 围栏封育增加草地水源涵养功能, 可使土壤含水量提高20%左右。绵羊育肥可使示范区农牧民人均增加收入300元。农业结构已经呈现明显的"山地河谷绿洲"一体化发展的系统耦合新结构, 系统耦合的效应对植被的保护起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   

5622 2003032112干旱、半干旱草原退化、沙化区的重要选择:设施草业生产二Faeility fodder produetion as important seleetion in deterio-raring。nd desert region of arid or semi一arid grassland/赵山志,夏明…//农业工程学报一2003,19(l)一184一186 针对干早、半干早草原退化、沙化区传统的靠天然草地的放牧型草原畜牧业走到了一个十分困难境地的现实,指出了在严重缺水地区发展露天人工草地会带来新的沙漠化和土地退化.提出了具有高技术、高投人、高产出特征的牧草生产新概念—设施草业.设施草业生产方式是牧草在日光温室内生长,如…  相似文献   

放牧是世界各国利用草地的主要方式之一,其中草畜平衡又是畜牧业可持续发展的核心问题。然而,草畜平衡评估方面的方法相对较少,而且往往忽略了非生物因素对牧草产量的动态影响。本研究将长期的野外数据与遥感数据以及温度和降水的气候记录相结合,量化了2000–2016年期间气候变化和人类活动对藏北高原高寒草地草畜平衡的影响。我们采用了两种不同的方法,分别是基于平衡理论的静态方法和基于非平衡理论的动态方法,同时还讨论了这两种方法在制定草地可持续管理潜在政策时的不确定性和缺陷。静态算法的结果表明,2000–2016年,除尼玛县(包括双湖县)外,所有县的草地都存在严重的过度放牧现象。相比之下,动态方法结果显示,2000–2016年仅有8年过度放牧,其余9年整个藏北高原高寒草地有盈余。此外,动态方法还发现藏北高原东南和西南地区县域的高寒草地过度放牧,而中部地区县域的高寒草地放牧较少,草地有盈余,这与实地调查结果一致。然而,对于受到人类不合理活动严重干扰的高寒草地,静态方法仍然值得推荐。  相似文献   

高寒嵩草草甸的被动与主动退化分异特征及其发生机理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高寒嵩草草甸是广布于青藏高原的地带性植被之一,自1980年代以来,发生退化,形成大面积的"黑土型"次生裸地。目前的研究普遍认为,高寒嵩草草甸的退化是由于过度放牧引起的植被演替和啮齿类动物对草场的破坏所致。而本研究认为,随着持续的超载放牧,高寒嵩草草甸的退化过程可以分为异针茅 羊茅-矮嵩草群落、矮嵩草群落、小嵩草群落和杂类草-黑土型次生裸地的四个演替阶段;其经历了异针茅 羊茅-矮嵩草群落向矮嵩草群落植被的被动退化过程和由小嵩草群落向杂类草-黑土型次生裸地的主动退化过程;其发生的动力分别为放牧作用和嵩草特殊的生物学特性(高地下/地上比)引起的草毡表层极度加厚作用。草毡表层的极度加厚,造成土壤水分渗透速率的降低和土壤-牧草之间水分、营养供求的失调,是导致高寒矮嵩草最终退化的根本原因。同时提出高寒嵩草草甸在被动退化阶段,通过降低放牧强度,灭鼠、封育是可以逆转的,而一旦进入主动退化阶段,草皮的塌陷、斑驳,最终形成"黑土滩"型退化草地,这是不可避免的也是不可逆转的。  相似文献   

西藏定结县草地资源与畜牧业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜牧业生产是西藏定结县的支柱产业之一,但由于人类的不合理利用导致该区草地资源出现面积配置与时间利用上的不平衡;割草、放牧兼用草地发展滞后;草畜矛盾突出,草地退化严重以及畜群结构不合理,品种退化,草地利用效率低等问题。为实现该县草地资源的合理有效利用和高原山区畜牧业生产的可持续发展,达到促进全县农村经济发展、调整农村产业结构、提高农牧民经济收入和生活水平的目的,本文提出以下对策措施:①发展人工草地,提高草地抗灾保畜能力;②改良牲畜,提高牲畜质量,发展“效益型畜牧业”;走畜草平衡、以草定畜的道路;④推广饲草加工,实行舍饲养百;加强草原管理,合理利用草地资源。  相似文献   

Yabello牧场是埃塞俄比亚博拉纳的一个半干旱地区的牧场,目前面临着草场退化的严重挑战。植被覆盖的变化、过度放牧和季节性变化极大地影响了Yabello牧场的牧草组成和生物量。本文评估了植被覆盖、放牧和季节对Yabello牧场的牧草组成和生物量的影响。首先采用1 m×1 m的随机样方进行实验,根据植被覆盖类型和放牧变化选择样点,并对季节影响进行评估。使用SAS统计软件和MicrosoftExcel分析牧草组成、牧草高度和质量数据。本研究总共记录了26种草种,其中Chloris roxburghiana, Chrysopogon aucheri和Chrysopogon aucheri草种均表现出最高的平均单种覆盖高度和生物量产量。因此,建议将这些草种用于研究区域退化草地的恢复。研究结果还表明,植被覆盖类型、放牧和季节变化是决定牧草种类组成、牧草高度和生物量产量的关键因素。最后,研究结论还认为控制灌木丛植被并平衡放牧水平的可持续管理对于该地区的可持续牧草生产和生物多样性保护至关重要。  相似文献   

选取巴塘高寒草甸设置封育及自然放牧样地,通过野外实地监测及室内试验相结合的方法,分析封育措施对植被群落结构及土壤持水能力的影响。结果显示:1)封育措施显著提高了高寒草甸植被群落总盖度及平均高度(p0.05),增加了群落的物种丰富度、均匀度及复杂程度,植被群落中禾本科和豆科植物等优良牧草显著增加,菊科、莎草科以及有毒杂草类植物所占比重有所下降。2)封育措施丰富了高寒草甸植被群落垂直分层结构,退化草地垂直结构由一层增加至三层。3)封育措施降低了高寒草甸0~40 cm层面土壤容重,二者差异在10~20 cm层面最明显(p0.05)。4)尽管未达到显著水平(p0.05),封育样地0~40 cm层面土壤有机碳密度均高于自然放牧样地。5)封育措施明显改善了高寒草甸土壤持水能力。其中,封育样地0~10、10~20、20~40 cm深度土壤饱和持水量、毛管持水量及田间持水量均高于自然放牧样地,封育条件下0~40 cm整个土层土壤饱和持水量、毛管持水量及田间持水量增加速率分别为1.4、1.9、1.7 mm/a。封育措施有利于退化草地生态环境的恢复,是遏制和改善高寒草地退化的有效措施。  相似文献   

Yabello牧场是埃塞俄比亚博拉纳的一个半干旱地区的牧场,目前面临着草场退化的严重挑战。植被覆盖的变化、过度放牧和季节性变化极大地影响了Yabello牧场的牧草组成和生物量。本文评估了植被覆盖、放牧和季节对Yabello牧场的牧草组成和生物量的影响。首先采用1 m×1 m的随机样方进行实验,根据植被覆盖类型和放牧变化选择样点,并对季节影响进行评估。使用SAS统计软件和MicrosoftExcel分析牧草组成、牧草高度和质量数据。本研究总共记录了26种草种,其中Chloris roxburghiana, Chrysopogon aucheri和Chrysopogon aucheri草种均表现出最高的平均单种覆盖高度和生物量产量。因此,建议将这些草种用于研究区域退化草地的恢复。研究结果还表明,植被覆盖类型、放牧和季节变化是决定牧草种类组成、牧草高度和生物量产量的关键因素。最后,研究结论还认为控制灌木丛植被并平衡放牧水平的可持续管理对于该地区的可持续牧草生产和生物多样性保护至关重要。  相似文献   

Animal husbandry and crop farming are specialized for development in separate areas on the Tibetan Plateau. Such a pattern of isolation has led to current concerns of rangeland and farming system degradation due to intensive land use. The crop-livestock integration, however, has been proven to increase food and feed productivity thorough niche complementarity, and is thereby especially effective for promoting ecosystem resilience. Regional synergy has emerged as an integrated approach to reconcile rangeland livestock with forage crop production. It moves beyond the specialized sectors of animal husbandry and intensive agriculture to coordinate them through regional coupling. Therefore, crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been suggested as one of the effective solutions to forage deficit and livestock production in grazing systems. But it is imperative that CLI moves forward from the farm level to the regional scale, in order to secure regional synergism during agro-pastoral development. The national key R & D program, Technology and Demonstration of Recovery and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau, aims to solve the problems of alpine grassland degradation by building up a grass-based animal husbandry technology system that includes synergizing forage production and ecological functioning, reconciling the relationship between ecology, forage production and animal husbandry, and achieving the win-win goals of curbing grassland degradation and changing the development mode of animal husbandry. It is imperative to call for regional synergy through integrating ecological functioning with ecosystem services, given the alarming threat of rangeland degradation on the Tibetan Plateau. The series of papers in this issue, together with those published previously, provide a collection of rangeland ecology and management studies in an effort to ensure the sustainable use and management of the alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

放牧家畜与食草野生动物争草(畜兽冲突)是人兽冲突在草原放牧业中的具体体现,其涉及面广,对牧民生计影响明显。畜兽冲突强度研究对完善野生动物损害补偿制度、促进人与自然和谐共生具有重要意义。论文通过地面调查与模型模拟,考虑草地牧草产量、家畜存栏量和食草野生动物种群数量,提出了放牧家畜与食草野生动物争草冲突强度量化方法,评价了三江源国家公园玛多县牧草地畜兽争草强度。结果表明:(1)据2022年样线调查和随机森林模型估计,玛多县藏野驴(Equus kiang)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)种群密度分别为0.2157头/km2、0.1655只/km2,种群数量分别为5307头、4073只,折合23264羊单位(SU),2018年末各类家畜存栏量34.2万SU,畜兽争草相对强度为1/14.7。(2)玛多县高寒草甸、高寒草原的可食牧草产量分别为118.7 g/m2、88.3 g/m2,可承载密度分别为0.2710 SU/hm2、0.1532 SU/hm2,理论承载力52.85万SU。家畜承载率、食草野生动物承载率、家畜+食草野生动物承载率分别为64.7%、4.4%和69.1%。(3)国家公园内的乡镇,草地承载力盈余,家畜承载率低、野生动物承载率高,但畜兽争草相对强度较大,建议完善移民搬迁、野生动物损害补偿制度,强化国家公园体制建设;国家公园外的乡镇,草地超载严重,家畜承载率高,畜兽争草强度不高,建议减畜增效、绿色发展。  相似文献   

An understanding of seasonal changes in pasture biomass, production and offtake of different range types is fundamentally important for the efficient management of livestock grazing. However, few studies have quantified these changes for transhumance systems, despite the fact that transhumance is still the main form of livestock management in several regions of the world and is often critical for the livelihoods of the people. One such area is the Northern Areas of Pakistan, where six villages and their pastures were selected for study. Pastures were categorized within foothill, dry temperate and alpine range types, and seasonal biomass, production and offtake of the vegetation was estimated by clipping paired caged and uncaged quadrats. The alpine range type had by far the highest biomass and offtake; the foothill and dry temperate range types were much more sparsely vegetated. Although alpine pastures were heavily used, particularly in spring, there was no evidence for consistent over-utilization of pasture resources. Within the dry temperate range type, production was highest during spring but significantly under-used. This indicates a potential for increased use of dry temperate pastures during spring, an important period both for early recovery of livestock body condition after winter and to reduce the heavy pressure on the alpine pastures at this time.  相似文献   

内蒙伊盟牧场利用与沙漠化及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄兆华 《中国沙漠》1981,1(1):21-32
本世纪七十年代以来, 沙漠化问题在世界范围内引起了广泛的注意。沙漠化对社会生产和人类的生活与生产是一个严重的威胁。内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟是一个沙漠化比较严重的地区, 迄一九七七年, 全盟流沙面积达27, 666平方公里, 比解放初扩大1.3倍。伊盟牧业在国民经济中比重很大, 牧区约占全盟面积72%。在沙漠化成因中, 牧场的利用不合理是一个主要的方面。因此, 研究牧场利用与土地沙漠化的关系, 总结牧民合理利用牧场的经验, 并提出防治沙漠化的途径, 对于解决这个地区的沙漠化问题, 是十分重要的。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the key resource interactions driving the current trend in intramontane mobility as a traditional subsistence practice in the Garhwal Himalaya region of Uttaranchal, India. For hundreds of years, the natural resource based mid-altitude villages in the Pindar River basin hinged on the annual summer migration to highland pastures. Where self-sufficiency has been obtained through an environmentally embedded tradition of crop and livestock farming, highland forests and alpine pastures continue to provide the human and animal requirements of fuelwood and fodder, as well as the forest products defining traditional diets and cottage industry. The paper reports the data from a rapid appraisal survey of resources obtained by households in selected mid-altitude villages from the seven highland locations that have sustained the centuries-old subsistence culture of the Pindar basin. While livestock have been the crucial link in a forest/fodder–manure–cultivation chain that has necessitated households' dependence on highland pastures and forests, over the last four decades there has been a decline in the numbers engaged in livestock raising and, concomitantly, the annual migration to summer pastures. Instead, there is a trend towards increased cultivation of cash crops and forest resource collection in the traditional highland encampment areas.  相似文献   

We consider the current tendencies in the agricultural production of Siberia's steppe regions and the processes that are responsible for the current state and future utilization of pastures. It is shown that the ongoing reduction in livestock population, combined with a decrease in sown areas, has led to an increase in natural meadowlands, and to a widespread occurrence of post-pasture demutational successions. We outline the digression and demutation stages of steppe and sandy-steppe pastures and identify the features of their similarity and difference associated with resistance to grazing pressure. It is shown that overgrazing and underutilization decrease their natural potential. We have defined the degradation and desertification criteria for pastures, and the priorities of their utilization.  相似文献   

Maintaining the health and productivity of rangelands by controlling the livestock stocking rate to remain within carrying capacity is of significance to ensure sustainable management of rangeland ecosystems. But we know little about the safe carrying capacity in particular rangeland landscapes. This has hampered efforts to use rangelands in a risk-averse manner in fluctuating rainfall environments, and especially in arid and semiarid areas. To address this lack of information, we took Kailash Sacred Landscape in China (KSL-China) as our study site and used remote sensing data, meteorological data and statistical data from 2000 to 2015 to analyze rangeland carrying capacity, stocking rate, and major influencing factors. Rangeland carrying capacity presented an increasing trend, while stocking rate was gradually decreasing, resulting in an increase of carrying rate in the study area. The increased carrying capacity was closely related to increased rainfall. Stocking rate declined owing to government regulations, particularly implementation in 2004 of the national policy of Returning Grazing Land to Grassland. There was a sharp reduction of livestock number below 200 000 standard sheep units (SU) after 2005. The decrease of stocking rate had a stronger effect on rangeland carrying rate than did the increase of carrying capacity. Ecosystem restoration programs have provided subsidies to pastoralists to encourage them to reduce livestock numbers. Our findings suggest that a safe rangeland carrying capacity is ca. 170 000 SU in KSL-China. There is a carrying capacity surplus of ca. 50 000 SU for safe animal husbandry development in the study area. More importantly, future climate warming and increases in grazing may jointly play a key role in affecting rangeland carrying capacity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of drought on grazing patterns of livestock in a communal rangeland in Namaqualand. Water points were the foci of almost all grazing routes even after the drought, and the areas away from the water points were less heavily utilized. The mountains could be regarded as key resource areas for livestock since the grazing intensity was higher in the elevated areas of the rangeland than on the surrounding low lying areas during and immediately after drought. Spatial patterns of resource use by livestock on the commons did not differ during the drought and post-drought period. The lengths of the daily grazing routes were similar for both periods. This may be a consequence of the weakness of animals during the drought when forage was scarce which prevented them from walking further. The size of home ranges of the herds did not change during the two monitoring periods. We attribute this to social reasons because herders try to avoid the mixing of herds. In the commons of Namaqualand, herders are also spatially constrained and this restricts their options to adapt to drought, and hence many animals died.  相似文献   

Fire regimes emerge partly from human activities that reflect cultural‐ecological knowledge of the relationships among fire, vegetation, grazing, climate, and other variables, as well as social relations. More knowledge of such “fire cultures,” past and present, therefore remains necessary to better understand the causes and persistent consequences of landscape burning. In the neotropics, people have used fire for centuries to manage livestock pastures. Conventional wisdom has long posited that such practices derived solely from antecedent European and indigenous, Native American fire cultures. Analysis of accounts of rangeland burning from throughout the neotropics during colonial times, however, demonstrates that ranchers incorporated African fire cultures and that the timing of burning shifted from early during the dry season in the sixteenth century to late during the dry season by the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

藏北高山嵩草草甸植被和多样性在沙漠化过程中的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为确定沙漠化对高山嵩草草甸植被组成、结构和物种多样性的影响,了解高寒区草甸沙漠化的原因,选择西藏那曲安多县南部沙漠化严重区域为调查区,按照沙漠化的不同程度设置样地,系统调查了轻度、中度、重度和极重度沙化草甸的植被变化,结果表明:中度、重度和极重度沙化区的植被与轻度沙化草甸有显著的差异;在中度和重度沙化区,高寒草甸的建群种高山嵩草已被家畜不喜食或更具抗性的植物种所取代,而在极重度沙化的流动沙丘上无植被生长;从过牧的退化草甸到半流动、流动沙丘,植物种多样性呈显著的降低趋势。轻度沙化草甸物种数、个体密度和丰富度指数最多;中度沙化草甸的Shannon\|Wiener指数和均匀度指数最大,而优势度指数最小;在沙化过程中,高寒草甸的植被盖度显著下降,地上生物量也在下降,虽然轻度、中度和重度沙化草地的地上生物量显著高于极重度沙化区,但前者之间却无显著差异。地下根系生物量也呈显著下降的趋势。过牧是造成高山嵩草草甸沙化的主要原因。  相似文献   

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