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不同水肥条件下水稻氮素运移与转化规律研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
针对不同的水肥处理,采用15N示踪方法,观测分析了氮素在稻田的时空分布及运移规律、挥发及淋失损失规律、氮素在水稻植株中的分布特征、稻田氮量平衡等。结果表明:不同灌溉方式下,由于稻田水分状况的差异导致土壤养分时空分布不同,从而影响其对作物的有效性;由于节水灌溉稻田水分相对较少,基质浓度较高,挥发损失高于淹灌。虽然节水灌溉下稻田渗漏液NH4及NO3-浓度较淹灌高,但由于此时总渗漏量显著减少,氮的总淋失较淹灌条件少;节水灌溉下,适当增加追肥次数,有利于减少各种氮素养分的损失,提高氮肥利用率;节水灌溉下水稻对氮素的吸收利用率高于淹灌,且有利于氮素养分向稻谷转移。  相似文献   

SRA1B情景下中国主要作物需水预测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分析气候变化下中国主要作物需水规律,有助于从粮食安全与水资源可持续利用角度应对气候变化。根据IPCC提供的SRA1B情景下大气环流模式MIROC3.2的输出,利用FAOPenman-Monteith公式计算参考作物腾发量;根据FAO作物系数、SAGE作物分布与柯本气候分类,得到计算单元的作物系数,根据参考作物腾发量与作物系数估算作物需水量;考虑需水与有效降水旬尺度的随机匹配,预测SRA1B情景下未来50年中国各地区主要作物的灌溉需水量。结果表明,参考作物腾发量总体上呈上升趋势,全国平均增加约8%;作物需水量总体上呈增加趋势,东北地区平均增加约10%;灌溉需水量总体上呈增加趋势,东北与华南增加显著。分析表明,SRA1B情景下气温升高是作物需水量增加的主要原因,降水的增加使华北地区灌溉需水量的增加不显著,降水的减少使东北与华南灌溉需水量显著增加。  相似文献   

气候变化下长江中下游水稻灌溉需水量时空变化特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
选择长江中下游单季中稻为研究对象,结合45个气象站1961~2010年逐日气象资料,基于统计降尺度模型(SDSM),生成HadCM3气候模式A2和B2两种情景下各站点参考作物腾发量和降水数据。基于联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)推荐的作物系数法,并考虑有效性降雨和不同地区深层渗漏量,分析历史和未来的水稻灌溉需水时空变化特征。结果表明:过去50年,除了太湖流域以外的长江中下游大部分区域的参考作物腾发量和水稻需水量都呈显著下降趋势,而显著下降的水稻灌溉需水量主要位于鄱阳湖流域;未来两种情景下,参考作物腾发量、水稻需水量和水稻灌溉需水量均值都呈下降趋势,但水稻灌溉需水量降幅最小;水稻需水量和水稻灌溉需水量在长江中下游地区的变化趋势具有明显的空间异质性,水稻需水量大幅减少的区域由太湖流域向汉江和洞庭湖流域扩展。未来水稻灌溉需水量减少的区域主要分布在太湖流域、汉江流域东部和洞庭湖流域北部,并随时间推移呈扩大趋势。  相似文献   

从合理调控生态用水角度出发,探讨典型岩溶断陷盆地区农作物生态需水问题。根据蒙自断陷盆地的岩溶地貌特征,分别选取位于盆地、坡面和高原面的大洼子、朵古、牛耳坡3个观测点,利用Penman-Monteith公式、作物系数(FAO推荐)及同期有效降雨量,估算3个观测点2018年的参考蒸散量、生态需水量以及不同作物生长所需的人工灌溉水量。结果表明:(1)大洼子、朵古及牛耳坡的参考蒸散量分别为1 346.10 mm、1 200.00 mm、1 064.30 mm,远大于同期降水量,均呈现出蒸发旺盛的特点,加大了作物对于水分的需求;同时三者的参考蒸散量表现出较为明显的时空差异,使得3个观测点的农业种植条件存在差异;(2)大洼子种植的水稻、小麦、花生、油菜、大豆、马铃薯、葡萄等作物的生态需水定额均远大于大洼子同期的有效降水,在大洼子种植的作物均需要大量人工浇灌才能正常生长,而农作物的种植与其种植条件匹配度不高;(3)朵古及牛耳坡种植的玉米、万寿菊的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较小甚至完全满足,表明玉米、万寿菊在高原山区的种植是与当地种植条件相匹配的;而种植在朵古及牛耳坡的苹果、烤烟的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较大,表明在高原山区大量种植苹果及烤烟对于人工浇灌要求较高;(4)研究区大部分农作物在生长发育阶段内所需的水分主要依靠人工灌溉,与本地降水分布规律匹配度不高,区内农业结构与种植模式有待调整。在岩溶断陷盆地内要种植耗水较少,对热量要求较高的作物,山区则需要发展具有生态保护和经济效益的作物,但种植的重点区域仍是盆地区。   相似文献   

本文结合观测试验探讨不同灌溉方式下水稻作物的需水量及需水的规律。试验结果表明:在淹灌方式下,水稻完全封垄后的孕穗和抽穗开花期,叶面吸收热能率最大,蒸腾量也最大,需水量也较大;相比于淹灌方式,浅湿灌溉方式下水稻的蒸腾强度都有不同程度的降低,其中以分蘖末期最为明显,蒸腾强度减少了30%,其次是孕穗期的蒸腾强度也减少了27%,其它时期也有不同程度的减少,该灌溉方式下水稻作物需水量减少,有利于农业节水灌溉。研究成果对于水稻作物的节水灌溉方式具有指导价值。  相似文献   

为探讨节水高产喷灌模式,用数学模拟和田间试验相结合方法,研究了冬小麦在喷灌条件下田间水分运移规律。数学模拟结果与田间实测土壤含水率吻合良好。在此基础上模拟计算出不同喷灌定额下,消耗于作物蒸腾、表土蒸发和深层渗漏的水量,结果表明40~60mm喷灌定额下的农田水分无效消耗(表土蒸发+深层渗漏)最小,从而得出节水高产的冬小麦喷灌灌溉模式。经田间试验对比,获得相同产量条件下,本文提出的模式比现行喷灌模式节约灌溉水45%。  相似文献   

高阳 《地下水》2019,(1):253-254
大洼灌区是以稻田为主的灌区,农业用水以水稻为主。为预测水稻耗水量,须分析育苗期、稻田期和生长期耗水量等定额。采用水稻生态肥控节水灌溉技术和节能灌溉技术,使灌区水稻产量和水分利用效率分别提高10%~15%和15%~20%。可以提高水分利用效率和肥料利用率,减少深层渗漏,降低土壤酸化和地下水污染的风险,保护生态环境,促进农业良性循环,实现精准化和产业化经营。对保证粮食安全和农业可持续发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

胡学祥  徐学飞  周建国 《水文》2018,38(4):68-72
以普洱市永庆试验点水稻为例,开展水稻需水规律及灌溉定额试验研究,以试验结果及永庆1970~2014年气象数据为基础,分析得到了不同水文年普洱水稻需水量与灌溉定额。结果表明,普洱地区日均ET0从返青期开始减小,抽穗开花期最小,后不断增加,与日照时数呈极显著正相关关系(p=0.001),与相对湿度呈显著负相关关系(p=0.014)。水稻日均需水量变化和ET0变化趋势一致,也是在抽穗开花期最小,返青期最大,这和其他地区水稻需水规律有较大差异。全生育期水稻作物系数为1.11。丰水年、平水年和枯水年需水量分别为533.8mm、574.2mm、601.1mm,受降雨量普遍偏高的影响,不同水文年水稻灌溉定额偏小,丰水年、平水年和枯水年灌溉定额分别为247.2mm、296.6mm和316.2mm。  相似文献   

预测农田水分渗漏和氮素淋失的两种模型比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
以田间试验为基础,分别用平衡模型和动力学模型计算了3个小区农田水分渗漏量和氮素淋失量,并对其结果进行了比较,平衡模型计算的水分渗漏量为191~202mm,氮素淋失量为38~63kg·N/hm2;而用动力学模型计算的水分渗漏量为168~234mm,氮素淋失量为27~53kg·N/hm2。造成结果差异的主要原因是:平衡模型没有考虑向上的水流和非饱和流;而动力学模型同时考虑了二者。动力学模型需要大量的田间实测资料,主要应用于农田氮素循环、定量评价水氮资源利用率、优化水肥管理措施等方面。平衡模型仅需要非常少的资料,就能够得到农田水分渗漏量和氮素淋失量,这对精度要求不太高的农田水肥管理来说,不失为一种好方法。  相似文献   

通过山西省临县湫水河灌区灌溉试验站进行马铃薯需水量变化规律及灌溉制度试验。分析在该地区气候条件下马铃薯需水量与需水规律、种植灌水与产量同,以及耗水量与产量之间的关系。试验得出:马铃薯耗水强度在发芽期为1.13~3.09 mm/d,幼苗期为2.99~4.31 mm/d,块茎形成期为4.03~5.51 mm/d,块茎增长期为4.30~5.73 mm/d,淀粉积累期降为2.42~3.40 mm/d。试验还提出马铃薯在不同生育阶段比较适宜的土壤水分控制下限,以及较为合理的灌溉制度,同时计算得出马铃薯各个生育阶段的作物系数Kc值。  相似文献   

作物水分利用效率是评价农业用水效率的重要指标,由于气候差异,采用作物水分利用效率评价不同区域的用水效率可能存在一定误差,尚缺乏深入研究。基于潜在水分利用效率指标和气象数据,计算了2014年中国小麦、玉米和水稻在充分灌溉条件下的潜在水分利用效率,分析了区域气候差异对作物水分利用效率的影响,提出了相对水分利用效率和理论节水潜力的概念和计算方法,并进行了实例研究。结果表明:各类作物在不同站点的潜在水分利用效率的标准差为0.49~1.01 kg/m3,多数作物潜在水分利用效率的空间差异大于实际水分利用效率的空间差异;主要作物的平均相对水分利用效率为50.7%,其理论节水潜力为884.8~4 064.5 m3/hm2;作物水分利用效率和广义节水潜力指标可能高估或低估作物的用水效率和节水潜力。研究认为在比较区域间作物的水分利用效率时不能忽略气候差异的影响;由于考虑了区域气候差异,相对水分利用效率和理论节水潜力指标更合理。  相似文献   

Recent sediment accumulation rates were measured in Moon Lake, a large (10.1 km2) Mississippi River oxbow lake in northwestern Mississippi. Moon Lake, which receives channeled inflow from an intensively cultivated soybean, rice, and cotton watershed (166 km2) and limited overland flow from surrounding lands, exhibited depositional patterns that were associated with (1) points of inflow, (2) flow patterns, and (3) lake morphology. From 1954 to 1965, 70 percent of the lake bottom experienced accumulation rates greater than 2 cm/yr. Accumulation rates exceeded 4 cm/yr in areas of delta formation. Changes in cropping systems during the 1960s, from cotton to soybeans and rice which require less cultivation, resulted in significantly (a = 0.01) less sediment accumulation during the period 1965- 1982 when 86 percent of the lake averaged less than 2 cm/yr sediment deposition. If current sediment accumulation rates continue, open water habitat in the lake will be reduced by only 3 to 7 percent during the next 50 years.Contribution of the Sedimentation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Oxford, MS 38655  相似文献   

判别工业用水环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)形状,揭示其形成机制,能够指示工业用水量随经济发展的长期变化趋势,可为工业用水管理提供重要依据。以山东省1980-2016年工业用水为例,采用三次模型、二次模型和非参数局部加权回归(LOWESS),分析工业用水与人均GDP人均关系,判断工业用水EKC形状;通过由对数平均迪式指数法(LMDI)测算出的用水效率、产业结构和经济规模对工业用水变化贡献值,以及利用四参数Logistic曲线得出的工业用水效率长期变化特征,定量分析揭示N型EKC的形成机制。结果表明,山东省工业用水随人均GDP增加先增长、后下降、再增长,工业用水EKC形状为N型;在工业用水效率快速提高、工业用水量持续下降后,由于用水效率逐渐接近极限、提高速度减缓、节水量大幅降低,经济规模扩张增加的用水量无法被抵消,工业用水不再下降、反而出现再增长,曲线形状由倒U型变成N型。N型是对倒U型工业用水EKC的一个补充,工业用水量不会"自动"持续下降,而是存在再增长可能;要实现工业用水量持续下降,必须深度挖掘节水潜力,持续提高用水效率,并推动工业结构向节水方向调整。  相似文献   

Based on the Virtual Water Theory, the research analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of major crops in China. Analysis results indicate that the unit virtual water content varies with the type of crop obviously as well as the distribution region. We also found irrational water utilization in some regions, which means that the renewable water sources could not meet the water demand for crop growth. With a view solving these problems found in the research, discussions on agricultural water-saving technology, comprehensive allocation of crops, selection of rational cropping pattern, full use of green water and trade of virtual water were carried out, which may result in some theoretical basis for the sustainable utilization of agricultural water resources in China.  相似文献   

Zhang, J., Lu, H., Wu, N., Li, F., Yang, X., Wang, W., Ma, M. & Zhang, X. 2010: Phytolith evidence for rice cultivation and spread in Mid‐Late Neolithic archaeological sites in central North China. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 592–602. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00145.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The history of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation in North China is ambiguous owing to a lack of evidence from rice remains with precise ages in archaeological sites. In this paper, we present rice phytolith evidence from six archaeological sites in the Guanzhong Basin, central North China, dating from c. 5500 to 2100 cal. a BP (calibrated/calendar ages) based on 19 AMS‐dates. The phytoliths found in the three archaeological sites located on the second river terrace (Quanhu, Yangguanzhai and Anban) include three types of phytoliths from rice, namely bulliform, parallel‐bilobe and double‐peaked. These findings suggest that the earliest cultivated rice in central North China occurred not later than c. 5690 cal. a BP. After c. 5500 cal. a BP, the farming pattern in the Guanzhong Basin was characterized by dominant dry crops (e.g. millets) and locally cultivated rice. A likely spread route of rice from the lower reaches of the Huanghe (Yellow) River towards the Guanzhong Basin in central North China is speculated to have happened at c. 5690 cal. a BP. The findings of this study help us to understand the farming pattern in the area and how rice spread across the semi‐arid regions of East Asia.  相似文献   

The study presented here was undertaken to determine the climatic water balance and droughts of Pageru River Basin by using the rainfall data of eight rain gauge stations in and around the Pageru River Basin. The data have been collected and analysed to compute the water balance parameters. The analysis of the data revealed that the annual distribution is mostly controlled by the physiography of the region. A comparison of water balance and cropping pattern adopted in the villages indicates that the area under the basin is only suitable for cultivation of drought-resistant crops, such as jowar, ragi, bajra, etc.  相似文献   

Rapid social and economic development results in increased demand for water resources. This can lead to the unsustainable development and exploitation of water resources which in turn causes significant environmental problems. Conventional water resource management approaches, such as supply and demand management strategies, frequently fail to restore regional water balance. This paper introduces the concept of water consumption balance, the balance between actual evapotranspiration (ET) and target ET, and establishes a framework to realize regional water balance. The framework consists of three stages: (1) determination of target ET and actual ET; (2) quantification of the water-saving requirements for the region; and (3) reduction of actual ET by implementing various water saving management strategies. Using this framework, a case study was conducted for Guantao County, China. The SWAT model was utilized to aid in the selection of the best water saving management strategy by comparing the ET of different irrigation methods and crop pattern adjustments. Simulation results revealed that determination of SWAT model parameters using remote sensing ET is feasible and that the model is a valuable tool for ET management. Irrigation was found to have a greater influence on the ET of winter wheat as compared to that of maize, indicating that reduction in winter wheat cultivation is the most effective way to reduce regional ET. However, the effect of water-saving irrigation methods on the reduction of ET was not obvious. This indicates that it would be difficult to achieve regional ET reduction using water-saving irrigation methods only. Furthermore, selecting the best water saving management strategy by relying solely on the amount of reduced ET was insufficient, because it ignored the impact of water conservation measures on the livelihood of the agricultural community. Incorporating these considerations with our findings, we recommend changing the current irrigation method to sprinkler irrigation and replacing 20% of the winter wheat-maize cultivated area with cotton, as the best strategy to achieve water balance in the study area.  相似文献   

在实地采访、地块土地利用/覆盖调查和1 260个土样的收集和实验室分析等野外工作的基础上,对比分析了1984—1985年和2003—2004年265个家户的人口、农业系统、土地利用和土壤质量数据,研究了孟加拉国6个村庄农业诱导强度增强对土地和土壤质量的影响。1984—2004年家户和土质数据的百分比变化用来构建诱导强度增强模型和土地退化模型中的统计变量和土地退化指标。结果表明:研究区种植强度和土地生产力的增加主要是由于低压泵灌溉的普及,化肥和杀虫剂的使用以及水稻、蔬菜和虾生产的多元化高产。诱导强度增强模型可以解释研究区81%的种植强度增量和73%的土地生产力增量。人口压力和市场驱动也诱发了农业利用强度的增加;环境约束起到了一定制约作用;低压泵灌溉等应对干旱的技术也对农业增产有一定贡献。然而动力耕作机、低压泵灌溉和化学物质的持续利用再加上除草性水稻、蔬菜和虾的频繁耕作和养殖已经导致土壤结构、质地和化学属性的退化,生产力也有所降低。利用强度越大的土地退化现象越严重,生产力下降得也更多。土地的不断退化将有可能会引发孟加拉国的马尔萨斯危机。  相似文献   

Modern varieties — Their real contribution to food supply and equity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gurdev S. Khush 《GeoJournal》1995,35(3):275-284
Green revolution technology, centered on high-yielding varieties, has revolutionized rice production since the late 1960's. These varieties are characterized by higher yield potential, better grain quality, shorter growth duration, multiple resistance to diseases and insects and tolerance to problem soils. High yielding varieties are now planted to 70% of the world's rice lands. Most countries in the Asian rice belt have become self sufficient in rice and some have exportable surpluses. The real prices of rice have declined in most countries. This price decline has benefitted the urban poor and rural landless. Labor requirement has also increased from higher intensity of cropping and resulted in growth of income of the rural landless workers. Availability of rice varieties with multiple resistance reduced the need for application of agrochemicals and facilitated the adoption of integrated pest management practices. The population of rice consumers is increasing at the rate of 2% annually. However the rate of growth of rice production has slowed to 1.2%. To reverse this trend, rice plant types with higher yield potential are being developed.  相似文献   

Extension of nitrogen fixation to rice — Necessity and possibilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen supply is critical in attaining yield potential. Achieving the 50% higher yields that will be needed by 2025 will require at least double the 10 m tons of N fertilizer that is currently used each year for rice production. But manufacturing of fertilizer N is dependent on fast depleting non-renewable energy resources. It is in this context that biological nitrogen-fixation-derived N assumes importance in the lowland soils that provide about 86% of the world's rice.Among the conventional systems, green-manure legumes have high N supply potential. But due to associated additional costs such as labour and land opportunity, they do not form an attractive option for farmers. Rice associative N2 fixation (ANF) although has low activities, any increase will be attractive to farmers as it does not require changes in existing cropping systems, and soil and water management practices. Recently, we identified quantitative trait loci underlying ANF in rice (Wu, P.; Zhang, G.; Ladha, J. K.; McCouch, S. and Huang, N.: Restriction fragment length polymorphic markers associated with rice varietal ability to stimulate nitrogen fixation in rhizosphere. Rice Genetic Newsletter 1994 — submitted). The presence of this trait in rice provides an evidence of the occurrence of genetic factors which regulate interaction of rice with diazotrophs in rhizosphere. However, the ANF trait governing the loose diazotroph-rice association appears to have limited potential for enhancing yield. To achieve higher yields, intimate association similar to sugar cane-Acetobacter/legume-rhizobia symbioses will have to be developed in rice. In this paper, we discuss the strategies for transferring nitrogen-fixing capacity to rice.  相似文献   

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