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去年8月,我台协助新疆石油管理局在东疆五彩湾地区建立了个气象站,9月1日正式工作,站址暂定在五彩湾石油前线指挥部(44°48'N,88°52'E).这样,气象部门没有投资,却在条件很艰苦的戈壁滩上  相似文献   

Sea surface electric field observations off the coast from Goa (15°25'N, 73°47'E) to Madras (13°04'N, 80°15'E) around Sri Lanka, in a distance range 25-135 km from coast, during 9-20 May 1983 were taken. In this paper we have examined the diurnal variation of electric field in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal regions covered during the cruise of the research ship ORV Gaveshani. An aspect of electric field dependence on coastal distance and Aitken Nuclei concentration has also been studied. An attempt to examine the latitude dependence of field was also made. Results obtained in the above studies are presented and compared with those obtained elsewhere.  相似文献   

Based on the ozone and aerological sounding data at Syowa Station (69°00'S, 39°35'E), Antarctica during 1966-1979 and Lhasa Station (39°40'N, 91°08'E), Tibetan Plateau during 1979-1983, the processes of temperature increase in spring over the Tibetan Plateau and the Antarctica are compared in this paper, and the relationship between the increase of air temperature and variation of total ozone and ozone partial pressure is analyzed. It is found that: (1) The process of temperature increase over the Tibetan Plateau is quite different from that over the Antarctica in spring. This is a proof that the heating effects of their ground surface on the atmosphere are of great difference; (2) Sudden increase of total ozone is always associated with sudden warming in the stratosphere over the Antarctica, but sudden decrease of total ozone is associated with sudden warming in the troposphere over the Tibetan Plateau in spring; and (3) There is a good positive correlation, with a correlation coefficient of about  相似文献   

新疆地处我国西北边陲.地理座标为:73°40'E-96°18'E;34°25'N-49°11'N.总面积为165万平方公里,占全国总面积的六分之一. 新疆气候属温带大陆性气候.冬季漫长、严寒;夏季短且炎热,春秋两季变化剧烈.基本气候特征是:有丰富的光热资源,但热量不稳定;水分资源分布不匀,但比较稳定;风能资源有开发应用潜力;灾害性天气气候种类繁多.  相似文献   

一、引言独山子地区位于84°56'E,44°20'N,海拔高度750m左右.地处天山北麓,地势南高北低,北部为宽广平坦的戈壁荒原,东南方有依什克塔山,地形复杂,直接影响这一地区的局地流场和温度层结,增加了污染物输送扩散过程的特殊性和复杂性.因此,研究该地区近地层的温度场变化情况,是大  相似文献   

The association among the geomagnetic activity (Ap index) and atmospheric electric field, meteorological parameters was investigated using a long series of continuous data set available tor Colaba (18 ° 53'N, 72 ° 48'E, 11m ASL) for the period 1936-1966. The meteorological parameters used for the investigation are the surface pressure, temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity. The results of the above study indicate that the atmospheric electric field and the meteorological parameters are associated with the geomagnetic storms with Ap > 100 . The atmospheric electric field shows an increasing trend after the geomagnetic storm. The surface pressure dips and surface temperatures increase after a geomagnetic storm. The wind velocity shows a decreasing trend and the relative humidity shows an increasing trend after the geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

浅谈20世纪90年代后的气候变化对农业生产的影响及措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林口县位于黑龙江省的东南部,129°17'~30°45'E,44°46'~45°58'N。在张广才岭、老爷岭、达山余脉之间的“低山丘陵”。气候特点属中温大陆性季风气候,冬季寒冷少雪、春季少雨干、夏季降水分段集中、秋季凉爽,初霜偏早。由于复杂的地形影响,各乡镇气候差异较大,多项气要素的分布也很不均匀。但光、热、水三大气候素能满足农作物生长发育的需要。为了更好地发农业生产潜力,充分合理利用气候资源,以科带动农业生产的发展,根据林口县气象局957~2003年气候资料进行初步地计算分析,研了1991~2003年气候变化对农业生产及有关方的影响;根据气…  相似文献   

昭苏县位于新疆西北边陲,为中亚内陆腹地的一个高位山间盆地,地处80°10'~81°31'E、42°38'~43°15'N。全境总面积1.12万km2,县属草场40.6万hm2,耕地3.63万hm2。全县海拔在1323~6769m,县城海拔近2000m,农作区平均海拔1890m。昭苏县属温带山区干旱半湿润冷凉气候类型。其特点是“冬长无夏,春秋相连”,年均降水量512.2mm。冷季长,寒冷多雪,暖季多雷雨和冰雹。冰雹是昭苏县主要的农业气象灾害。其特点是:地方性强、雹日多、灾情重。昭苏盆地处于克士敏山南背风坡,年均雹日22.1d,是全疆冰雹特多地区。为了抵御冰雹灾害,昭苏县一直在坚持不…  相似文献   

富锦市位于黑龙江省东部三江平原(131°59'E,47°14'N),总面积8.229×103km2,其中总耕地面积2.62×105hm2,两座山峰坐落于辖区之内,别拉音山海拔472m,位于富锦西部,乌尔古力山海拔545m,位于富锦东部,全市地势低平呈西北高、东南低,平均海拔60m。受两座山峰及个别丘陵地形的影响,富锦市历年来形成三条主雹线,西部围绕别拉音山为第一雹线,东部围绕乌尔古力山为第二雹线,南部围绕部分丘陵和小山峰形成第三雹线,降雹概率以一线、二线较高,三线次之,历年平均降雹2.1次,最多年4次。近年来由于气候的变化,平均年降雹5次,最多年8次,冰雹灾害重。199…  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations for the total column densities of NO2,O3 and H2O were carried on using the portable Spectrometer (438-450 nm and 400-450 nm) and the visible Spectrometer (544.4-628 nm) during premonsoon thunderstorms and embedded hail storm activity at Pune (18°32'N & 73°51'E),India.These observations confirm the fact that there is an increase in O3 and NO2 column densities during thunderstorms.The increase in O3 was observed following onset of thunderstorm,while the increase in NO2 was observed only after the thunder flashes occur.This implies that the production mechanisms for O3 and NO2 in thunderstorm are different.The observed column density of NO,value (1 to 3×1017molecules cm-2) during thunderstorm activity is 10 to 30 times higher than the value (1×10th molecules cm-2) of a normal day total column density.The spectrometric observations and observations of thunder flashes by electric field meter showed that 6.4×1025molecules/flash of NO2 are produced.The increased to-oil column den  相似文献   

The variations noticed in the atmospheric electric field recorded at Pune (18°32'N, 73°51'E, 559 m ASL), a tropical inland station located in Dcccan Plateau, India, during the period 1930-1987, have been examined in relation to the variations observed in the Angstrom turbidity coefficient (β) and selected meteorological parameters. The monthly and annual mean values of the atmospheric electric field. Angstrom turbidity coefficient (β), rainfall, temperature and relative humidity for the years 1930-1938, 1957-1958, 1964-1965, 1973-1974 and 1987 were considered in the study.The results of the above study indicated gradual increases in the atmospheric electric field over the period of study (1930-1987) which is statistically significant at less than 5%level. The increases noticed during different periods varied from 30 to 109%. The increase noticed during the period (1930-1938) and (1973-1974) was maximum (109%). The Angstrom turbidity coefficient also showed systematic increases during the period of s  相似文献   

The association between the lunar phases and the atmospheric electric field has been investigated from the superposed epoch analysis of the long series of continuous data of the vertical electric field for Colaba, Bombay (18 ° 53'N, 73 ° 48'E 11 mASL) for the period 1947-1966. Also the periodicities in the atmospheric electric field have been studied from the spectral analysis of the data. The study has indicated that when the full moon is within 4 of the ecliptic plane i.e.,Bf 4 ° , the electric field peaks on the day of the full moon followed by a steep fall in the field values up to 4 days following the full moon day and there after it showed a steep increase. Also, the electric field has exhibited 5-9 day periodicity and its multiples are nearly always present. The periodicity in the electric field corresponds with the average time interval between the successive magnetic sector boundary (MSB ) crossings i.e., 7 days. On most of the occasions, the MSB crossing day is associated with a maximum of  相似文献   

保康县龙坪镇位于31°33'~31~4'N,111°22'~111°32'E,地处神农架腹地,与甫漳县三景乡毗邻,海拔高度:最高1840米,最低仅800米,平均1300米。热量资源不足是制约本镇玉米生长发育的主要气象因素。如春季温度回升迟缓,土壤耕作层温度偏低,并时有倒春寒天气发生,致使玉米播种至出苗时间延长,引发烂种缺苗,扬花期低温防雨寡照,有效积温偏少,空秕率增高,千粒重降低,灌浆成熟期阳光少、日照时间短,且易受秋寒危害,成熟度不够。因此,龙坪镇露地玉米一般年景亩产徘徊在120~150千克。1984年试种地膜玉米,1988年大力推行,当年全镇种植地膜玉米8000亩,平均单产达258.4千克。由于地膜覆盖特有的增温保墒效应,促使玉米单产大幅度上升。  相似文献   

越赤道气流通道上的经向垂直环流结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用1981年夏季月份,各标准等压面上格点风资料,分析了东半球低纬地区(40°—180°E、30°N—30°S),越赤道气流通道上各种物理量场分布和经向垂直环流。从而揭示了越亦道气流和季风环流及哈德莱环流相互之间的关系。  相似文献   

一、信息因子根据形势和诊断的原则,我们选取9个因子进行逐日编码: X_1(10101)图,地面95-110°E,25-35°N有冷锋且30-40°N,95-110°E有高压时编1,无时编0. X_2(10302)图,700hpa上90-110°E,30-40°N有高压编1,无时编0. X_3(10302)图,700hpa25-33°N,95-15°E有低涡时编1,无时编0.  相似文献   

Based on the ozone and aerological sounding data at Syowa Station (69o 00'S, 39o35'E), Antarctica during 1966-1979 and Lhasa Station (39o40'N, 91o08'E), Tibetan Plateau during 1979-1983, the processes of temperature increase in spring over the Tibetan Plateau and the Antarctica are compared in this paper, and the relationship between the increase of air temperature and variation of total ozone and ozone partial pressure is analyzed. It is found that: (1) The process of temperature increase over the Tibetan Plateau is quite different from that over the Antarctica in spring. This is a proof that the heating effects of their ground surface on the atmosphere are of great difference; (2) Sudden increase of total ozone is always associated with sudden warming in the stratosphere over the Antarctica, but sudden decrease of total ozone is associated with sudden warming in the troposphere over the Tibetan Plateau in spring; and (3) There is a good positive correlation, with a correlation coefficient of about 0.85, between the temperature increase and variation of ozone partial pressure in the stratosphere over the Antarctica in spring.  相似文献   

The monthly mean sea surface temperature data of 6 areas are used to study the El Nino/Southern Oscillation signals in the global tropical ocean. These areas are in the 5°N-5°S latitude zone at 1) eastern Pacific (110°-140°W), 2) western Atlantic (30°-50°W), 3) eastern Atlantic (10°W-10°E), 4) western Indian Ocean (30°-50°E), 5) central Indian Ocean (70°-90°E) and 6) far western Pacific (120°-140°E), and the data cover the 120-month period of December 1968 to November 1978.A power spectrum analysis shows that the characteristic time of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (about 3-4 years) appears not only in the eastern Pacific but also in other areas of the tropics except for the western Pacific, where the spectrum is of white noise. The amplitude of oscillation in the eastern Pacific is about 4 times larger than the others, making the El Nino/Southern Oscillation signal the strongest in this area. According to a cross-spectrum analysis, there is no time lag between the variation in the cent  相似文献   

文中用500 hPa信号场研究了长江中游地区暴雨发生的气候异常环境,并提出用信号场合成图的检验方法来分析暴雨规律.结果表明,暴雨过程与无雨过程在500 hPa信号场中异常信号显著区的出现及分布形势有明显不同.分析14次暴雨过程的合成图,发现在发生暴雨过程第1天,正异常区常常出现在贝加尔湖附近地区(40°~50°N,80°~100°E)和中国华南地区(20°~25°N,100°~130°E),负异常区出现在中国长江中游北部地区.暴雨过程出现的主要特征是在110°E附近,形成南北向的"+-+"分布形势和波列.  相似文献   

<正>一、概述中国大气本底基准观象台(China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory),简称瓦里关全球本底台。位于青海省海南藏族自治州境内的瓦里关山顶(海拔3816米,东经100°55'E,北纬36°17'N)。该山属于青藏高原东北边缘的青海南山山系,呈西北-东南走向,是一个孤立的纺棰状山体,相对高差约为600米。该山及周围广大地区的自然环境以浅草植被和干旱、半干旱的荒漠草原及沙洲居多。瓦里关全球本底台是世界气象组织/全球大气  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and scale range of two significant areas were obtained by analyzing the relationship among summer rainfall in Yunnan province, height field and SST field (40°S – 40°N, 30 °E – 70°W) across the North Hemisphere at 200 hPa, 500 hPa and 850 hPa for Jan. to May and correlation, and field wave structure. Remote key regions among summer rainfall in Yunnan province, height field and SST field (40°S – 40°N, 30°E – 70°W) across the North Hemisphere at 200 hPa, 500 hPa and 850 hPa were studied through further analyzing of the circulation system and its climate / weather significance. The result shows that the forecast has dependable physical basis when height and SST fields were viewed as predictors and physical models of impacts on rainy season precipitation in Yunnan are preliminarily concluded.  相似文献   

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