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八十年代,人们在赤道电激流区观测到数公里尺度的强非线性波动现象。对这一现象目前还没有满意的理论解释。 根据一些作者对速度剪切对不稳定性的影响的讨论,我们认为速度剪切对长波的影响不是决定性的,描述梯度漂移不稳定性的基本方程可以作相当大的简化。对一个简单的等离子体密度分布模型,该微分方程可以解析地求解。 本文结果表明,大尺度波的相速度和增长率不仅依赖于波数,也依赖于模数—非局域解在不稳定区域中的节点数。与局域理论相比,非局域效应大大地减小了增长率。结果还表明,如果考虑复合耗散,增长率的长波截断与观测结果是吻合的,另外,波的相速度与观测结果也相合。 线性分析的结果还不能完全解释大尺度波现象,但是本文的解析解对今后的非线性分析很有帮助。 类似的分析方法将应用到夜间赤道电激流区和中纬Es层。  相似文献   

黑洞旋转能量的电磁提取及其在天体物理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪定雄 《天文学进展》2007,25(3):193-205
该文着重介绍了两种大尺度磁场提取黑洞旋转能量的机制,即BZ机制和MC机制,以及BZMC共存模型在天体物理中的应用。BZ机制对应于连接黑洞与遥远天体物理负载的"开放"磁力线,而MC机制对应于连接黑洞与吸积盘的"闭合"磁力线。在BZ过程中大尺度磁场把黑洞的旋转能量以Poynting能流的形式输送到天体物理负载,成为驱动黑洞系统的喷流和伽马射线暴的中心发动机。在MC过程中能量和角动量通过大尺度磁场在黑洞与吸积盘之间转移。BZMC共存模型在高能天体物理中的应用包括以下几个方面:1)对活动星系核与黑洞双星的陡发射指数的拟合;2)对黑洞X射线双星的高频QPO与喷流的相关性的解释;3)对伽马射线暴的能量、时标的拟合以及对伽马射线暴与超新星成协的解释。最后对另外两种大尺度磁场提能机制,即BP机制和PC机制也作了简略介绍。  相似文献   

本文根据太阳活动区AR5395中存在旋转运动特征,建立了一个扭转的共生磁流管模型,从一组完整的磁流体动力学方程组研究活动区底部的旋转运动储存能量。通过数值方法研究了三维流场和磁场的耦合效应。结果表明活动区底部的旋转运动产生的扰  相似文献   

宇宙的结构是由初始密度扰动发展而成的。在引力和宇宙膨胀的作用下,初始密度扰动不断增长,经过线性和非线性阶段,逐渐演化为现今的宇宙结构。在一个给定的宇宙学模型下,可以用一系列动力学方程来描述宇宙中暗物质和重子物质的运动及演化历史。在过去的几十年间,随着算法的完善和计算机技术的发展,从最初几十个粒子的纯引力模拟到1010个粒子在秒差距量级的多体加流体动力学模拟,大量不同的数值模拟技术被用来研究宇宙结构的形成和演化。在这个过程中,数值模拟的分辨率和精度不断提高,模型中对重子物质物理过程的描述也越来越完善。这些模拟技术与观测结果相结合,使人们对宇宙的大尺度结构以及星系团的形成和演化有了更深刻的理解,也在一定程度上影响了观测的发展方向和设备研发。不同数值模拟结果在纯引力研究方面得到了较好的统一,但不同的星系模型使得流体模拟的结果存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

孔大力 《天文学报》2014,(2):189-190
<正>本论文5章内容分为流体静力学、黏性流体运动学和低黏性流体动力学3个部分.按研究课题划分,主要包含行星流体、生物流体与高性能计算方法3个方面.在流体静力学部分中,经典马克劳林椭球形状理论首次被推广到更真实的类地行星分层模型.该模型可准确计算在自引力平衡条件下,旋转岩石行星外表面与核-幔-边界的椭球形状.为相关行星外部引力场问题的研究和快速旋转液态内核区域内的磁流体力学数值模拟提供了关键拓扑约束.  相似文献   

应用5GHzVLBI技术在历元1997.12的观测结果,给出BL Lac天体AO 0235+164在毫角秒尺度上的最新图像.该致密天体的射电结构由一个亮核所支配,另外在东北和西南方向各存在一个相对较弱的子源,其中东北方向的子源要比西南方向的明显得多.模型拟合结果显示,该源的喷流位置角为66.4°,该数值超过以往的任何一次观测结果.根据流量密度随时间的变化关系,我们发现AO0235+164在波长6cm上可能存在两种周期性的变化,即1—2年的短周期性变化和3-5年的长周期性变化这两种周期性的变化可能是由于喷流的爆发和旋转两种效应共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)探测和大尺度结构(LSS)巡天是两种研究宇宙演化的重要手段。近年来高精度的宇宙微波背景辐射实验和大尺度结构巡天可以对今天的宇宙学模型给出精确测量,比如宇宙曲率、暴胀模型参数和原初非高斯性等。宇宙大尺度结构的原初非高斯性揭示了在甚早期宇宙中引发大尺度结构的原初扰动的物理诱发机制,有效地对不同暴胀模型进行区分,是研究甚早期宇宙的有效工具和手段。但是最近的研究结果表明,很多大尺度结构巡天的数据被系统误差严重污染,如大气视宁度、天光背景等,这些误差导致由大尺度结构巡天数据给出的原初非高斯的研究结果与实际情况相差甚远。大尺度结构巡天数据的系统误差消除和它对限制宇宙原初非高斯性的改善,对更好地了解甚早期宇宙具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对N体数值模拟中暗物质晕的卫星星系的空间分布进行三轴椭球拟合,以拟合椭球的轴比来衡量该分布的扁平程度,通过比较不同条件下的轴比分布分析样本数量、样本选取方式以及对样本径向分布的归一化对计算结果的影响,并考察了暗晕所在的大尺度结构的空间方向与拟合椭球的空间取向之间的关系.发现对样本径向分布的归一化对计算结果具有较大影响,同时发现大尺度丝状结构中的暗晕的拟合椭球的短轴更趋于与丝状结构的方向垂直,而大尺度片状结构中的暗晕的拟合椭球的短轴则更趋于与片状结构的法线方向平行.  相似文献   

本文分析了在慢自转的旋转坐标系中有引力、带磁场、可压缩、全导电气体内线性波的传播。因为能量方程中辐射因素在不同类型天体中表现的方式不同,没有简单的表达式。所以,作为一种初步的探索,我们采用在局部地区不限于绝热模式的压强与密度的关系封闭此动力学系统。研究线性波的目的实际上等于研究此天文气体中局部地区的一种物理特征,即信息传播的方式。在上述情况下,线性波的普遍色散关系的无量纲形式是(8)式。磁场为零:(9)式;磁场、自转为零:(10)式;磁场、自转和引力场均为零时,变为声波的色散关系(11)式;在磁场不为零的情况下,有下述特例:1.波传播方向垂直于磁场但不垂直于自转轴方向(13)式;此时传播方向与重力方向平行时有(14)式;无自转时有(15)式;无引力场时有(16)式:(16)式为快磁声波;2.波传播方向垂直于磁场又垂直于引力场时为(17)式;在此情形下,无自转时简化为快磁声波(18)式; 3.波传播方向垂直于磁场面又垂直于自转轴方向时有(19)式;此时传播方向与重力方向平行则为(20)式。我们的研究证明,在一般的情形下,都没有纯模而只有混杂模,特别是引入自转之后有些模与波的纬度有关,我们称之为“物理几何”波。本文是初步分析,当我们计入能量方程并考虑了辐射的影响时,可能有更有趣的结果。  相似文献   

在太阳活动区AR5395中存在不断地旋转运动。产生了一系列大耀斑之后,活动区的磁场位形重新组建。活动区内的磁场被剪切。本文建立了一个剪切的开放的磁拱模型,利用2(1/2)维的理想磁流体动力学方程组,研究了磁拱底部的磁场剪切储存能量。通  相似文献   

The evolution of the large‐scale component of the magnetic field generated by an ensemble of Rossby vortices is numerically simulated. The distribution of the Rossby vortices excited at the beginning of each Carrington rotation is determined from the analysis of Kitt Peak synoptic maps. Our model also considers 11‐year hydrodynamic and 22‐year magnetic field oscillations. In the vicinity of the Rossby vortices, the toroidal magnetic field is significantly amplified and the sign of the angle between the rope of the field lines and the equator is in accordance with observations for “normal” sunspots. We also suggest the possibility of the interpretation by our model of “abnormal” sunspot phenomena. We find that an inverse cascade, namely, the merging of Rossby vortices, gives rise to the formation of large‐scale hydrodynamic structures with a life‐time on the order of a solar cycle period. We conclude from this that the formation of such structures can thus explain the appearance of long‐lived, large‐scale component in the distribution of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

A set of equations which governs the nonlinear dynamics of drift–Alfvén waves in an inhomogeneous relativistic electron-positron plasma with a small admixture of heavy ions is derived. It is shown that these equations admit a stationary solution in the form of a two-scale dipolar vortex. The conditions for the existence of such structures are discussed. It is shown that the presence of heavy ions in are lativistic electron-positron plasma significantly reinforces the spatial localization of the solitary waves which results in the appearance of exponentially localized vortex structures. It is also shown that the small scale micropulse structure of radio pulsar radiation (e.g., in the case of the pulsar PSR 0905+08) can be interpreted as a signature of the vortex structure in the outer region of the pulsar polar magnetosphere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A Rossby vortex was used to simulate the travelling of a large-scale magnetic structure across the equator. This process is reflected in the drift of the longitudinally averaged vertical component of the magnetic field and in the formation of distinct rotation periods of the nonaxisymmetric components in different latitude belts similar to the ones revealed from experimental data.  相似文献   

Observations by recent space missions reported the detection of Rossby waves (r-modes) in light curves of many stars (mostly A, B, and F spectral types) with outer radiative envelope. This article aims to study the theoretical dynamics of Rossby-type waves in such stars. Hydrodynamic equations in a rotating frame were split into horizontal and vertical parts connected by a separation constant (or an equivalent depth). Vertical equations were solved analytically for a linear temperature profile and the equivalent depth was derived through free surface boundary condition. It is found that the vertical modes are concentrated in the near-surface layer with a thickness of several tens of surface density scale height. Then with the equivalent width, horizontal structure equations were solved, and the corresponding dispersion relation for Rossby, Rossby-gravity, and inertia-gravity waves was obtained. The solutions were found to be confined around the equator, leading to the equatorially trapped waves. It was shown that the wave frequency depends on the vertical temperature gradient as well as on stellar rotation. Therefore, observations of wave frequency in light curves of stars with known parameters (radius, surface gravity, rotation period) could be used to estimate the temperature gradient in stellar outer layers. Consequently, the Rossby mode may be considered as an additional tool in asteroseismology apart from acoustic and gravity modes.  相似文献   

We consider a spherical, solid planet surrounded by a thin layer of an incompressible, inviscid fluid. The planet rotates with constant angular velocityWe study the vortex motion within this rotating ocean. For this purpose, we obtain a linearized version of the Navier-Stokes equation and adopt it as our ocean model; next, we prove analytically that a certain function of vorticity is an invariant of motion.Using this ocean model and this invariant property of vorticity, we are able to establish a general equation governing the motion of vortices within a fluid shell: it is a nonlinear partial differential equation of the third order for the stream function of motion.We finally examine some particular solutions of this vorticity equation that represent solitary waves of permanent form and decay within a finite distance. These solutions have been represented in terms of quadratic, exponential, and hyperbolic functions.The question whether these vortices that propagate as solitary waves could be solitons depends on their behavior when they collide with each other; this has not yet been resolved.Retired, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  相似文献   

We consider a spherical, solid planet surrounded by a thin layer of an incompressible, inviscid fluid. The planet rotates with constant angular velocity about a fixed axis. The motion imparted by this planetary rotation upon the fluid particles of the ocean has been assumed to be governed by a linear version of the Navier-Stokes equation.We study the vortex motion within this rotating ocean and establish that the propagation of vortices depends on a third-order partial differential equation for the stream function. We prove that, in the most general case, this vorticity equation cannot generate any solitary waves; however, should the vertical component of vorticity satisfy a certain functional relationship, then we have obtained a family of solitary waves of permanent form.Retired, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Using the Lagrangian approach, the author considered the temporal evolution of an ensemble of interacting magnetohydrodynamic cyclones, obeying equations of the Langevin type, in a rotating medium. The problem is topical for fast-rotating convective objects: cores of planets and a number of stars, where the Rossby numbers are much less than unity and the geostrophic balance of forces is observed. In this work, results of simulation are given both for the two-dimensional case, when axes of cyclones can rotate only in the vertical plane, and for the three-dimensional case when the axes are rotating by two angles. It is shown that a change in the heat flux on the shell boundary impacts the frequency of reversals of the mean dipole magnetic field, which agrees with results of simulation in three-dimensional models of a planetary dynamo. Applications of the model for the giant planets are considered, and an explanation of certain episodes of the geomagnetic field in the past is offered.  相似文献   

We present evidence to suggest that the large, rapidly moving features in Jupiter's equatorial currents are manifestations of Rossby solitary waves. Their morphological and dynamical similarity to the great red spot and the white ovals is revealed and discussed in the context of the available theory.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the possible existence of large horizontally flowing eddies or Rossby waves in the sun's convection zone and photosphere. We present here and in Part II a mathematical model which shows that flows of this type, driven by an assumed latitudinal temperature gradient, can act as hydromagnetic dynamos to induce magnetic fields that periodically reverse.In this part, we discuss the assumptions for the model, review earlier linear analyses that demonstrate the ability of Rossby waves to induce solar-like magnetic fields, and finally derive the non-linear equations that govern the model. The analysis is simplified by confining the fluid and magnetic fields to a thin rotating annulus. The flow is taken to be nearly incompressible, heliostrophic and hydrostatic. Induced magnetic fields are allowed to react upon the inducing motions. Transports of momentum and magnetic flux by smaller scale convective motions, and the transport of heat by these motions and radiation, are parameterized by diffusion coefficients. The solar convection is also assumed to be responsible for the latitudinal temperature gradient.Part II will be published in Solar Phys. 9, No. 1.  相似文献   

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