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Simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Z Cam type dwarf nova SY Cancri were used to obtain absolute flux calibrations. A comparison of the photometric calibration with a wide-slit spectrophotometric calibration showed that either method is equally satisfactory. A radial velocity study of the secondary star, made using the far-red Na  i doublet, yielded a semi-amplitude of   K 2= 127 ± 23 km s−1  . Taking the published value of  86 ± 9 km s−1  for K 1 gives a mass ratio of   q = M 2/ M 1= 0.68 ± 0.14  ; this is very different from the value of  1.13 ± 0.35  quoted in the literature. Using the new lower mass ratio, and constraining the mass of the white dwarf to be within reasonable limits, then leads to a mass for the secondary star that is substantially less than would be expected for its orbital period if it satisfied a main-sequence mass–radius relationship. We find a spectral type of M0 that is consistent with that expected for a main-sequence star of the low mass we have found. However, in order to fill its Roche lobe, the secondary must be significantly larger than a main-sequence star of that mass and spectral type. The secondary is definitely not a normal main-sequence star.  相似文献   

We study the absorption lines present in the spectra of the long-period cataclysmic variable GK Per during its quiescent state, which are associated with the secondary star. By comparing quiescent data with outburst spectra we infer that the donor star appears identical during the two states and the inner face of the secondary star is not noticeably irradiated by flux from the accreting regions. We obtain new values for the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary star,     , a projected rotational velocity,     and consequently a measurement of the stellar mass ratio of GK Per,     . The inferred white dwarf radial velocities are greater than those measured traditionally using the wings of Doppler-broadened emission lines suspected to originate in an accretion disc, highlighting the unsuitability of emission lines for mass determinations in cataclysmic variables. We determine mass limits for both components in the binary,     and     .  相似文献   

We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variable V347 Pup (=LB 1800). There is evidence of irradiation on the inner hemisphere of the secondary star, which we correct for using a model to give a secondary-star radial velocity of   K R= 198 ± 5 km s−1  . The rotational velocity of the secondary star in V347 Pup is found to be   v sin  i = 131 ± 5 km s−1  and the system inclination is   i = 840 ± 23  . From these parameters we obtain masses of   M 1= 0.63 ± 0.04 M  for the white dwarf primary and   M 2= 0.52 ± 0.06 M  for the M0.5V secondary star, giving a mass ratio of   q = 0.83 ± 0.05  . On the basis of the component masses, and the spectral type and radius of the secondary star in V347 Pup, we find tentative evidence for an evolved companion. V347 Pup shows many of the characteristics of the SW Sex stars, exhibiting single-peaked emission lines, high-velocity S-wave components and phase-offsets in the radial velocity curve. We find spiral arms in the accretion disc of V347 Pup and measure the disc radius to be close to the maximum allowed in a pressureless disc.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy and photometry of GD 448, a detached white dwarf – M dwarf binary with a period of 2.47 h. We find that the Na  I  8200-Å feature is composed of narrow emission lines, owing to irradiation of the M dwarf by the white dwarf, within broad absorption lines that are essentially unaffected by heating. Combined with an improved spectroscopic orbit and gravitational redshift measurement from spectra of the Hα line, we are able to derive masses for the white dwarf and M dwarf directly (0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.096 ± 0.004 M, respectively). We use a simple model of the Ca II emission lines to establish the radius of the M dwarf assuming the emission from its surface to be proportional to the incident flux per unit area from the white dwarf. The radius derived is 0.125 ± 0.020 R. The M dwarf appears to be a normal main-sequence star in terms of its mass and radius, and is less than half the size of its Roche lobe. The thermal time-scale of the M dwarf is much longer than the cooling age of the white dwarf, so we conclude that the M dwarf was unaffected by the common-envelope phase. The anomalous width of the Hα emission from the M dwarf remains to be explained, but the strength of the line may be due to X-ray heating of the M dwarf owing to accretion on to the white dwarf from the M dwarf wind.  相似文献   

We have discovered that the spectrum of the well-known dwarf nova EM Cyg is contaminated by light from a K25V star (in addition to the K-type mass donor star). The K25V star contributes approximately 16 per cent of the light from the system and if not taken into account has a considerable effect upon radial velocity measurements of the mass donor star. We obtain a new radial velocity amplitude for the mass donor star of K 2=202±3 km s1, compared with the value of K 2=135±3 km s1 obtained in Stover, Robinson & Nather's classic study of EM Cyg. The revised value of the amplitude, combined with a measurement of rotational broadening of the mass donor, v  sin  i =140±6 km s1, leads to a new mass ratio of q M 2 M 1=0.88±0.05. This solves a long-standing problem with EM Cyg, because Stover et al.'s measurements indicated a mass ratio q >1, a value that should have led to dynamically unstable mass transfer for the secondary mass deduced by Stover et al. The revised value of the mass ratio, combined with the orbital inclination i =67±2°, leads to masses of 0.99±0.12 M and 1.12±0.08 M for the mass donor and white dwarf respectively. The mass donor is evolved, because it has a later spectral type (K3) than its mass would imply.
We discuss whether the K star could be physically associated with EM Cyg or not, and present the results of the spectroscopic study.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy of the eclipsing recurrent nova U Sco. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star was found to be     from the motion of the wings of the He  ii λ 4686-Å emission line. By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be     . From these parameters, we obtain a mass of     for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of     for the secondary star. The radius of the secondary is calculated to be     , confirming that it is evolved. The inclination of the system is calculated to be     , consistent with the deep eclipse seen in the light-curves. The helium emission lines are double-peaked, with the blueshifted regions of the disc being eclipsed prior to the redshifted regions, clearly indicating the presence of an accretion disc. The high mass of the white dwarf is consistent with the thermonuclear runaway model of recurrent nova outbursts, and confirms that U Sco is the best Type Ia supernova progenitor currently known. We predict that U Sco is likely to explode within ∼700 000 yr.  相似文献   

We separate and analyse the component spectra of the composite‐spectrum binary HD 208253. We find that the cool primary is an evolving star of spectral type G7 III, while its hot secondary is an early‐A dwarf. The giant is currently near the lowest point of the red‐giant branch and is slightly less luminous than its dwarf companion. We provide a set of precise radial‐velocity measurements for both stars. The double‐lined orbit which we derive from them shows that the component mass ratio is close to unity (q = 1.05 ± 0.01). We deduce the physical properties of both stars, determine their respective masses to be 2.75 ± 0.07 Me (giant) and 2.62 ± 0.07 Me (dwarf), and show that the orbit's inclination is within a degree or two of 68°. The spectrum of the A‐type component has quite component has quite narrow lines (we infer a rotational velocity of 18 km s–1), though since the period of the orbit is well over 1 year that component cannot be in synchronous rotation. An intriguing property of the dwarf is its enhanced Sr and Ba, though it does not exhibit the other spectral peculiarities that would signal a classical Am star. While by no means unique amongst the multitude of oddities exhibited by A and early‐F stars, this dwarf which we have uncovered in a long‐period binary offers valuable constraints and challenges to stellar‐evolution theory. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The white dwarf in the eclipsing binary system V471 Tau is viewed through the atmosphere of the active K star prior to ingress and after egress. In the far UV the surface brightness of the hot white dwarf far outshines the K star emission. We can use this to probe the structure of the extended K star atmosphere along one line of sight, in absorption, on spatial scales of the radius of the white dwarf (10,000 km). The time series of HST/STIS spectra which show a hot (>250,000 K) extended (>1 K star radius) atmosphere around the K star. We see discrete structures in the velocity‐resolved spectra, on spatial scales of less than 100,000 km. The mean velocity is that expected of gas in co‐rotation with the K star, but the discrete velocity structures have excursions of up to 70 km/s from the mean. The mean temperature seems to increase with height above the K star photosphere. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometry of the eclipsing old nova BT Mon (Nova Mon 1939). By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be K R = 205 ± 5 km s−1 and its rotational velocity to be v  sin  i  = 138 ± 5 km s−1. We also measure the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star to be K R = 170 ± 10 km s−1. From these parameters we obtain a mass of 1.04 ± 0.06 M⊙ for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of 0.87 ⊙ 0.06 M⊙ for the G8 V secondary star. The inclination of the system is found to be 82°.2 ± 32°.2 and we estimate that the system lies at a distance of 1700 ± 300 pc. The high mass of the white dwarf and our finding that BT Mon was probably a fast nova together constitute a new piece of evidence in favour of the thermonuclear runaway model of classical nova outbursts. The emission lines are single-peaked throughout the orbital cycle, showing absorption around phase 0.5, high-velocity S-wave components and large phase offsets in their radial velocity curves. In each of these respects, BT Mon is similar to the SW Sex stars. We also find quasi-periodic flaring in the trailed spectra, which makes BT Mon a candidate intermediate polar.  相似文献   

We present red spectra in the region ∼ λ 7000–8300 Å of the eclipsing dwarf nova IP Peg, with simultaneous narrow-band photometry centred at 7322 Å. We show that by placing a second star on the slit we can correct for the telluric absorption bands which have hitherto made the TiO features from the secondary star unusable. We use these TiO features to carry out a radial velocity study of the secondary star, and find this gives an improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio of a factor of 2 compared with using the Na  i doublet. In contrast with previous results, we find no apparent ellipticity in the radial velocity curve. As a result we revise the semi-amplitude to K 2=331.3±5.8 km s−1, and thus the primary and secondary star masses to 1.05-0.07+0.14 M⊙ and 0.33-0.05+0.14 M⊙ respectively. Although this is the lowest mass yet derived for the secondary star, it is still overmassive for its observed spectral type. However, the revised mass and radius bring IP Peg into line with other cataclysmic variables in the mass–radius–period relationships.
By fitting the phase-resolved spectra around the TiO bands to a mean spectrum, we attempt to isolate the light curve of the secondary star. The resulting light curve has marked deviations from the expected ellipsoidal shape. The largest difference is at phase 0.5, and can be explained as an eclipse of the secondary star by the disc, indicating that the disc is optically thick when viewed at high inclination angles.  相似文献   

We present high- and medium-resolution spectroscopic observations of the cataclysmic variable BF Eridani (BF Eri) during its low and bright states. The orbital period of this system was found to be 0.270881(3) d. The secondary star is clearly visible in the spectra through the absorption lines of the neutral metals Mg  i , Fe  i and Ca  i . Its spectral type was found to be K3±0.5. A radial velocity study of the secondary yielded a semi-amplitude of   K 2= 182.5 ± 0.9 km s−1  . The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the white dwarf was found to be   K 1= 74 ± 3 km s−1  from the motion of the wings of the Hα and Hβ emission lines. From these parameters, we have obtained that the secondary in BF Eri is an evolved star with a mass of  0.50–0.59 M  , whose size is about 30 per cent larger than a zero-age main-sequence single star of the same mass. We also show that BF Eri contains a massive white dwarf  ( M 1≥ 1.2 M)  , which allows us to consider the system as a Type Ia supernova progenitor. BF Eri also shows a high γ-velocity  (γ=−94 km s−1)  and substantial proper motion. With our estimation of the distance to the system  ( d ≈ 700 ± 200 pc)  , this corresponds to a space velocity of ∼350 km s−1 with respect to the dynamical local standard of rest. The cumulative effect of repeated nova eruptions with asymmetric envelope ejection might explain the high space velocity of the system. We analyse the outburst behaviour of BF Eri and question the current classification of the system as a dwarf nova. We propose that BF Eri might be an old nova exhibiting 'stunted' outbursts.  相似文献   

A time-resolved spectroscopic study of V603 Aql (Nova Aquilae 1918) is presented. An orbital period of P orb=01385±00002, consistent with previous results, and a radial velocity semi-amplitude of K =20±3 km s1 are obtained from the radial velocity variations of the H emission line. Similar K values are also found in H , H , and He  i emission lines. Using the measured FWHM of the H line and assuming that the derived semi-amplitude is that of the white dwarf, we deduce a most likely mass ratio of q =0.24±0.05 and stellar masses of M 2=0.29±0.04 M and M 1=1.2±0.2 M for the secondary and primary (the white dwarf) star, respectively. The dynamical solution also indicates a very low orbital inclination, i =13°±2°. We find that the continuum and line variations are modulated with both the positive and the negative superhump periods, indicating that they arise from similar regions of the accretion disc. Moreover, we find, for the first time from spectroscopy, evidence of negative superhumps in addition to the positive superhumps. Positive superhumps are explained within the disc instability model as caused by an eccentric disc surrounding the white dwarf, which is precessing (apsidal advance) because of tidal instabilities, causing the observed positive superhumps. A nodal precession in the accretion disc is currently believed to be the cause of the observed negative superhumps. The low value of q is consistent with the expected value for systems that show superhumps, in accordance with the eccentric disc model. We find no evidence of periodicity associated with the spin period.  相似文献   

We present the results of a multisite spectroscopic and photometric campaign on the Be star ω Orionis. From the photometry and radial velocity variation of several spectral lines, we confirm that the star is a variable with period     . Only one period can be extracted from both the photometric and radial velocity observations. We find that the projected rotational velocity from the helium lines     is considerably smaller than from the metal lines     . The line profiles show an excess absorption feature moving from blue to red for half the period and from red to blue for the other half of the period. Another excess absorption feature moves exactly out of phase. The excess absorption features are present in photospheric lines as well as in lines which are significantly affected by circumstellar material, such as H β . From this we conclude that the periodic variations are most probably associated with corotating circumstellar material.  相似文献   

We present time-resolved, J ‐band (1.025–1.340 μm) infrared spectra of the short-period dwarf novae (DNe) WZ Sge and VY Aqr, and single spectra of the short-period DN EF Peg and the nova-like variable PX And. There is some evidence in the spectra of VY Aqr and EF Peg that we have detected the secondary star, both in the continuum slope and also through the possible presence of spectral features. The spectra of WZ Sge and PX And, on the other hand, show no evidence for the secondary star, with upper limits for its contribution to the J ‐band light of 10 and 20 per cent respectively. The spectral type of the secondary in WZ Sge is constrained to be later than M7.5V. Using skew mapping, we have been able to derive a value for the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary star in VY Aqr of K R =320±70 km s−1, which in conjunction with K W from Thorstensen & Taylor gives a mass ratio of q =0.15±0.04.  相似文献   

White dwarfs are the evolutionary endpoint of the low-and-medium mass stars. In the studies of white dwarfs, the mass of white dwarf is an important physical parameter. In this paper, we give an analysis about the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and hope to find the relation between mass and velocity distribution of white dwarfs. We get the radial velocity and tangential velocity of every DA white dwarf according to their proper motion and spectral shift. Through analyzing the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs, we find that the small-mass white dwarfs, which are produced from the single-star evolution channel, have a relatively large velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a spectral differential technique with which the dynamical mass of low‐mass companions can be found. This method aims at discovering close companions to late‐type stars by removing the stellar spectrum through a subtraction of spectra obtained at different orbital phases and discovering the companion spectrum in the difference spectrum in which the companion lines appear twice (positive and negative signal). The resulting radial velocity difference of these two signals provides the true mass of the companion, if the orbital solution for the radial velocities of the primary is known. We select the CO line region in the K band for our study, because it provides a favourable star‐to‐companion brightness ratio for our test case GJ 1046, an M2V dwarf with a low‐mass companion that most likely is a brown dwarf. Furthermore, these lines remain largely unblended in the difference spectrum so that the radial velocity amplitude of the companion can be measured directly. Only if the companion rotates rapidly and has a small radial velocity due to a high mass, does blending occur for all lines so that our approach fails. We also consider activity of the host star, and show that the companion difference flux can be expected to have larger amplitude than the residual signal from the active star so that stellar activity does not inhibit the determination of the companion mass. In addition to determining the companion mass, we restore the single companion spectrum from the difference spectrum using singular value decomposition. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present K -band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the nova-like variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2 to M6.
The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of H  i and He  i . The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths that are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10–30 per cent for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K -band flux. In conjunction with the K -band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems.
The spectra of the nova-like variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of H  i and He  i – even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits Na  i , Ca  i and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65 per cent of the observed K -band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the nova-like variables. The implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs which become low-luminosity (or high-gravity) extreme helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a helium white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. As the helium-burning shell moves inwards with repeating shell flashes, the effective temperature gradually increases as the star evolves towards the helium main sequence. When the mass interior to the helium‐burning shell is approximately 0.25 M, the star enters a regime where it is pulsationally unstable. We have obtained radial pulsation periods for these models.
These models have properties very similar to those of the pulsating helium star V652 Her. We have compared the rate of period change of the theoretical models with that observed in V652 Her, as well as with its position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. We conclude that the merger between two helium white dwarfs can produce a star with properties remarkably similar to those observed in at least one extreme helium star, and is a viable model for their evolutionary origin. Such helium stars will evolve to become hot subdwarfs close to the helium main sequence. We also discuss the number of low-luminosity helium stars in the Galaxy expected for our evolution scenario.  相似文献   

We have obtained I -band photometry of the neutron star X-ray transient Aql X-1 during quiescence. We find a periodicity at 2.487 cycles d−1, which we interpret as twice the orbital frequency (19.30±0.05 h). Folding the data on the orbital period, we model the light-curve variations as the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star. We determine the binary inclination to be 20°–30° (90 per cent confidence) and also determine the 95 per cent upper limits to the radial velocity semi-amplitude and rotational broadening of the secondary star to be 117 and 50 km s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The first orbital solution for the spectroscopic pair in the multiple star system σ Scorpii, determined from measurements with the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer, is presented. The primary component is of β Cephei variable type and has been one of the most intensively studied examples of its class. The orbital solution, when combined with radial velocity results found in the literature, yields a distance of  174+23−18 pc  , which is consistent with, but more accurate than the Hipparcos value. For the primary component we determine  18.4 ± 5.4 M, −4.12 ± 0.34 mag  and  12.7 ± 1.8 R  for the mass, absolute visual magnitude and radius, respectively. A B1 dwarf spectral type and luminosity class for the secondary is proposed from the mass determination of  11.9 ± 3.1 M  and the estimated system age of 10 Myr.  相似文献   

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