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重庆水文仪器厂生产的 ZLS—I 型直读流速显示器,能直接显示流速,使用简捷方便,但电磁计数器不十分可靠,经常由于手动复零等原因,卡阻不跳字、或乱跳字,出现机械故障,因而一些测站有不敢使用的情况。这里介绍的用电子计算器作为直读流速显示器,方法简单可靠,既不影响电子计算器的功能,又能充分发挥该厂直读流速显示器线路的作用。一般的电子计算器都有加常数的功能:要计算若干个数分别都加上某一常数时,只要第一次按下常数以后依次按动被加数及“等于键”就可以分别求得他们的和。例如:按动 c+1=在计算器显示1,再按键,显示2,即原来显示数1再加上常数1的和。如果继续按动键,可分别得到3,4,5,……n。计算器的这一特点,可以用来作为计数器使用(参见本刊1981年第1期(《使用计算器作为计数器的几点经验》)。现将改制方法介绍如下:  相似文献   

目前,我国不少水文测站的缆道测流设备都采用袖珍计算器进行水深和起点距计数,而缆道绞车的运行一般都还用手动控制。由于缆道设备在运行中,电动机的运转速度和计数器的计数速度是比较快的,靠人工监视手动操作控制电机停、转,往往难以准确定位。特别是山区性河流,水面漂浮物多,操作人员既要观察漂浮物,又要观读计数器就更加困难。针对这个  相似文献   

目前水文测验中使用的计数器,大致可分机械、电磁和数码管计数器等几种。无论那一种在使用上都有一定的缺点,如机械计数器和电磁计数器,常因加工工艺不够精密,故障较多,响应速度又慢;数码管计数器造价高,处理抗干扰困难等。随着计算器生产的迅速发展,目前国内市场供应日多,容易买到;只须购买一般简易的计算器,经过简单的改装,就能成为水文测验中使用的一种计数器,不但可以作为测速  相似文献   

水文测船悬杆测验设备技术改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张广海  刘以泉等 《水文》2001,21(6):57-58
针对黄河下游悬杆测验设备落后的局面,对绞车进行了部分改造,并研制了一套适合于测船安装的HCX-1型直读式流速水深计数器,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

在水文测验的实际工作中,多次要用到可逆计数器来解决出现正反转相互交替在一起的计数问题。如缆道测流时的起点距计数(当超过测点位置后要返回原位置;当发现已测过的垂线中有出错的垂线,需返回出错垂线重测时等);用缆道或测船测流时的测点深计数(这时测量的程序是正转作为水深计数,反转作为  相似文献   

随着电子技术的飞速发展,数控仪表在水文缆道上的应用越来越广泛,如缆道数控仪、流速显示仪、水深、起点距的电子计数器及流量计算仪等都是数控仪表。在使用这些数控仪器、仪表时,经常会遇到这样一种情况:一台数控仪在室内调试完成,一切逻辑动作正常,但一旦在水文缆道上投入使用,就出现数字乱跳,动作乱套的现象,使仪器无法应用。这种  相似文献   

对使用SEM-500扫描电子显微镜过程中常出现的显示屏有固定回归线、无图象或开关、计数器失灵以及能谱仪不能收集谱或其引导程序出错等故障,可以在分析原因的基础上通过不同的方法进行捡修,排除故障,以确保仪器的正常使用。  相似文献   

日本地质调查所以及“矿研”钻探工业公司等单位于1975年研制成功能在水深300米的海底钻进1米的小型海底钻机MD300PT之后,又于1977年9月—78年3月研制成了MD500H大型海底钻机。日本地质调查所根据工业技术院的特别研究项目于1978年6~7月在山阴近海的隐歧诸岛周围进行海底地质调查。在水深81米~490米的海底使用MD500H成功地从4个取样点获得了岩芯,这是从原达数米的表层沉积物下面采取的数米长的岩心,充分达到了预期的目的。由于电源是使用蓄电池组装于钻机体内,所以能从船上用声波发出钻进指令或  相似文献   

BD-14型(摆锤)定向仪以其结构简单、轻便、易于操作等优点而广泛用于受控定向孔施工和钻孔纠斜,但该仪器要用220V交流电源供电,这给用柴油机作动力,且在机台使用直流发电机照明的单位带来不便。为此,我们对该仪器的地表仪器进行了改进,使其增加了用电池供电及电缆漏电检测两项功能,更方便了现场使用。1.电路原理(见下图)虚线框内为改制及新增电路。  相似文献   

为了解明渠湍流涡运动尺度沿水深的分布特征,使用高精度粒子图像测速法水槽试验系统测量充分发展的明渠湍流,利用改进后的功率谱分析方法,对明渠湍流涡运动尺度沿水深分布、上升流、下扫流和平均涡量等进行了分析。结果表明:明渠湍流涡运动尺度大小沿水深增加呈先增大后减小;沿水深增加下扫流比上升流更容易发生;各自水深的顺向涡涡量大于逆向涡涡量,在近壁区平均涡量最大;明渠湍流近壁区产生涡量大、尺度小的涡结构,沿水深增加,涡尺度发展变大,但受水面区下扫流抑制,涡尺度又变小。  相似文献   

分层止水技术在污染场地环境调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于工业与化工企业违规排放废(污)水,造成了场地区域土壤与水资源的污染,在后期污染场地环境调查评价中,地下水污染深度界定尤为重要,地下水污染深度是地下水健康风险评估的主要依据。在河北省沧县某化工厂污染场地环境调查中,采用锥形止水器进行2层坐封式有效分层止水,准确界定地下水的污染深度。结合该工程实例,阐明分层止水器的分层止水技术进行第四系地下水污染深度调查、界定的技术方法。实践证明,该技术具有施工简单、使用灵活等优点,止水效果良好,技术有效、可行。  相似文献   

西北旱区湿地周边农田易盐渍化,合理实时控制和降低地下水水位是实现湿地保护及其周边农田盐渍化防控“双赢”的有效途径。选取西北石羊河流域邓马营湖湿地与农田之间过渡带为示范研究区,通过分析地下水埋深变化特征及其与表层土壤盐分的协同关系,确定生态水位阈值,并基于该阈值研发了由虹吸辐射井群为支撑的地下水“水位-水量”智能双控技术,其关键点是:采用一井虹吸联通多个辐射井,用于增大弱透水层区单井涌水量,实现水位面状控制;利用电系统、信号系统和控制器集成智能控制子系统,实现地下水水位和水量的实时控制。该技术示范应用结果表明:随地下水埋深增大,农田盐渍化风险和湿地植被芦苇覆盖率均降低,农田盐渍化防控和湿地保护的地下水埋深阈值为1.9~3.0 m;每年7—8月的潜水蒸发阶段是表层土壤主要积盐时段,期间智能双控系统可将地下水埋深调控在水位阈限范围;该双控作用不仅能够控降灌溉引起的表层土壤电导率的增大幅度,而且还能有效降低表层土壤的积盐速率;相对微咸水,淡水灌溉条件下智能双控技术的淋盐和控盐效果更明显。因此,这项技术能够实现地下水水位精准调控,对旱区湿地保护及其周边农田盐渍化防控具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

张东方 《探矿工程》2018,45(11):29-33
地热勘查孔(探采结合孔)是在矿山钻探施工工艺的基础上进行的探索性施工。着重介绍了福建省泉州市聚龙小镇DZK1地热勘查孔在钻探施工过程中遇到的施工难题以及新技术、新工艺的应用。如大口径单管取心、空压机洗井和活塞洗井相结合的洗井方法、套管的隔级使用、深孔测试钻杆密闭性、深孔磨钻头、在涌水量大的地层钻进等。  相似文献   

深海研究中的底栖有孔虫:回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
底栖有孔虫在古环境研究中的应用先是用作古水深或水团的标志物。随着新技术的应用,识别出了2种不同的底栖有孔虫微生境:外生种和内生种;认识到甚至深海底栖有孔虫,也能对表层浮游生物勃发的季节性短暂事件作出响应,因为沉降到海底的有机物质供养着底栖有孔虫。目前,底栖有孔虫被广泛应用于估算海洋表层生产力和底层水团的含氧量。回顾了深海底栖有孔虫生态研究的历史和其在古海洋学中的应用,并强调研究、应用中的新方法、新技术。中国已经加入了诸如IODP等深海研究计划,有必要向我国学术界提供底栖有孔虫研究的新方向,以资参考。  相似文献   

Observations of water surface elevation (WSE) and bathymetry of the lagoons and cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula (YP) in southeast Mexico are of hydrogeological interest. Observations of WSE (orthometric water height above mean sea level, amsl) are required to inform hydrological models, to estimate hydraulic gradients and groundwater flow directions. Measurements of bathymetry and water depth (elevation of the water surface above the bed of the water body) improve current knowledge on how lagoons and cenotes connect through the complicated submerged cave systems and the diffuse flow in the rock matrix. A novel approach is described that uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to monitor WSE and bathymetry of the inland water bodies on the YP. UAV-borne WSE observations were retrieved using a radar and a global navigation satellite system on-board a multi-copter platform. Water depth was measured using a tethered floating sonar controlled by the UAV. This sonar provides depth measurements also in deep and turbid water. Bathymetry (wet-bed elevation amsl) can be computed by subtracting water depth from WSE. Accuracy of the WSE measurements is better than 5–7 cm and accuracy of the water depth measurements is estimated to be ~3.8% of the actual water depth. The technology provided accurate measurements of WSE and bathymetry in both wetlands (lagoons) and cenotes. UAV-borne technology is shown to be a more flexible and lower cost alternative to manned aircrafts. UAVs allow monitoring of remote areas located in the jungle of the YP, which are difficult to access by human operators.  相似文献   

This study aims to follow the effect of the diagenetic transformations on the clayey fraction and the organic matter of the Tunisian southern sub-surface. 61 samples from oil well named NWA-1 were recuperated for series of analyses. This study follows a comparative approach between the mineralogical, geochemical and petrographic studies. To discuss results from a statistical viewpoint, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied in order to find out any correlation between different components. The associated minerals quartz, feldspar, calcite, pyrite, anhydrite, gypsum, dolomite and olivine are also detected. These associated minerals remove by-products by the illitization reaction. The Index of Crystallinity (IC) of illite shows that, except some anomalies, the studied samples are between the epizone and the anchizone. Downward, samples show the effect of diagenetic processes and weak signs of low-grade metamorphism. As regards to the organic matter, values of Tmax range between 333°C and 463°C. On the other hand, potential hydrocarbon compounds (S2) show low values compared to those of (S1); but they maintain a similar variability from 0.63 to 21.12. SEM observations and X-ray microanalyses supported the formation of authigenic micro-quartz. The PCA of clay minerals, chemical components, and the depth shows three different populations. Feldspar, chlorite and quartz make up a population positively correlated with the depth. The second population seems to be indifferent to depth variation; it is made up of two sub-populations: the population of illite, gypsum and anhydrite, which is obtained by a counter clock rotation of depth population; and the population of pyrite, kaolinite, olivine phyllosilicate, which is obtained by an anticlockwise rotation of depth population. Third, the population of smectite, calcite and dolomite is inversely proportional to the depth variation. On the other hand, the PCA of TOC, Tmax, HI, S1, S2 and the depth make up a homogenous statistical population following the depth evolution.  相似文献   

基坑降水自动控制系统的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前基坑降水时所配置的潜水泵偏大,常出现空转现象,及所使用的自动控制系统结构复杂,存在难以维修的问题,研制出一种水位自动控制装置。该装置由浮球拉动杠杆,杠杆推动微动开关按钮,开关再与继电器联接,构成一种新箝位液位开关。在该装置中,配置一深一浅两个箝位液位开关,浅的控制水位深度,深的控制水泵位置,从而组成一个纯电工电路的自动控制系统,达到有水则抽,无水则停,自动降水的目的。该装置的特点是:节能、延长机械寿命、节省劳动力成本、维修方便。  相似文献   

Counter point bar deposits in the meandering Peace River, North‐central Alberta, Wood Buffalo National Park, are distinct from point bar deposits in terms of morphology, lithofacies and reservoir potential for fluids. Previously referred to as the distal‐most parts of point bars, point bar tails and concave bank‐bench deposits, counter point bar deposits have concave morphological scroll patterns rather than convex as with point bars. The Peace is a large river (bankfull discharge 11 700 m3 sec?1, width 375 to 700 m, depth 15 m, gradient 0·00004 or 4 cm km?1) in which counter point bar deposits are dominated by silt (80% to 90%), which contrasts with sand‐dominant (90% to 100%) point bar deposits. Beginning at the meander inflection (transition from convex to concave), counter point bar deposit stratigraphy thickens as a wedge‐like architecture in the distal direction until the deposit is nearly as thick as the point bar deposits. The low permeability silt‐dominant lithofacies in counter point bar deposits will limit reservoir extent and movement of fluids in both modern and ancient subsurface fluvial deposits. In the exploration and extraction of bitumen and heavy oil in subsurface fluvial rocks, identification and mapping of reservoir potential of point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits is now possible in the fluvial‐dominated tidal estuarine Lower Cretaceous Middle McMurray Formation, North‐east Alberta. Recent geophysical advances have facilitated imaging of some ancient buried point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits which, on the basis of morphological shape of sedimentary bodies observed from seismic amplitude, can be interpreted and mapped as depositional elements or blocks that contain associated sandstone or siltstone dominant lithofacies, respectively. As counter point bar deposits exhibit poor permeability and thus limit reservoir potential for water, natural gas, light crude, heavy oil and bitumen, counter point bar deposits should be avoided in resource developments. Geophysical imaging, interpretation and mapping of point bar deposit and counter point bar deposit elements provide new opportunities to improve recovery of bitumen and heavy oil and reduce development costs in subsurface cyclic steam stimulation and steam‐assisted gravity drainage projects by not drilling into counter point bar deposits.  相似文献   

云南丽江盆地地下水脆弱性评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
应用美国环保署EPA的地下水脆弱性DRASTIC评价方法,考虑地下水位埋深、含水层净补给量、含水层介质、土壤包气带、地形地貌、包气带介质和水力传导系数等7个评价因子,结合GIS技术,对云南丽江古城所在的丽江盆地地下水脆弱性从自然和人类影响两方面进行评价。研究表明,丽江盆地地下水脆弱性高,污染严重,水资源保障率低,已危及丽江世界遗产地下水生态安全。加强对水资源环境的综合研究和保护,是进一步推动丽江社会、经济、环境协调发展的重要工作。  相似文献   

唐河流域水利水电资源开发利用存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程建京 《地下水》2003,25(1):49-51
唐河流域位于山西省北部,通过浑源、灵丘两县,汇入河北省大清河。境内流域面积2071km^2,水资源总量2.134亿m^3。根据该流域水土资源的时空分布特点,本文就境内流域水利水电资源开发利用中存在的问题,提出了解决的对策和充分利用水电资源的途径。  相似文献   

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