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圆弧条分法是分析土坡稳定性的一种简单而有效的方法,但在确定潜在滑动面时较为繁琐,需反复试算。在圆弧条分法的基础上,将匀质简单土坡的稳定安全系数转化为一个一元函数,求稳定系数的极小值及其所对应的滑动圆弧的位置,由此可以快速搜索到最危险滑动面,并得到相应的稳定系数。  相似文献   

搜索简单土坡潜在滑动面的一种新方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
圆弧条分法是分析土坡稳定性的一种简单而有效的方法,但在确定潜在滑动面时较为繁琐,需反复试算。在圆弧条分法的基础上,将匀质简单土坡的稳定安全系数转化为一个一元函数,求稳定系数的极小值及其所对应的滑动圆弧的位置,由此可以快速搜索到最危险滑动面,并得到相应的稳定系数。  相似文献   

在边坡稳定性上极限分析中, 由于考虑了材料的理想弹塑性本构关系与相关流动法则, 相比极限平衡法更符合岩土材料的特征。在以往的二维边坡极限分析上限法中, 要求坡面形态为规则的直线, 而无论是天然边坡还是人工边坡, 边坡的坡面形态往往并非规则的直线。此外, 以往的边坡极限上限分析中得到的稳定数Ns=c/γH主要针对土坡的临界高度计算, 且未考虑孔压等外力对边坡施加的外功率。不同于传统极限平衡法采用静力学的平衡条件, 本研究针对非直线型坡面边坡稳定性问题, 假定滑动面为对数螺旋线, 基于极限分析上限定理和虚功原理, 提出了一种边坡发生旋转破坏时旋转中心的确定方法, 推导出了非直线型坡面边坡的重力虚功功率和能量平衡方程的解析解, 并提出了基于内、外功率之比的稳定系数K用以评价边坡的稳定性。通过算例比较了不同形态天然边坡的稳定性和人工削坡对边坡稳定性的影响, 并分析了边坡的坡度(β)、土体的内摩擦角(φ)、黏聚力(c)以及孔压系数(ru)对稳定系数K的影响规律。对于坡度较大的边坡, 通过削坡改变坡面形态提高了边坡的稳定系数K。稳定系数K随黏聚力的增加而非线性增大, 随孔压系数的增加而降低。当黏聚力相对于孔压系数对边坡稳定性影响更大时, 稳定系数K随内摩擦角的增加而增大; 反之, 稳定系数K则随内摩擦角的增加而减小。以上结果符合对边坡稳定性分析的普遍认知, 验证了模型的合理性。另外, 通过将该方法与传统的Bishop法的计算结果进行对比, 发现安全系数Fs=1与稳定系数K=0的临界状态物理意义相同, 稳定系数K随黏聚力非线性增加, 更符合边坡的渐进破坏过程。   相似文献   

由于传统搜索方法对岩质边坡滑裂面的确定无法兼顾效率与精度, 如何迅速准确确定潜在滑裂面仍然是个难题。极限平衡法在岩质边坡稳定性分析中备受认可, 采用岩质边坡平面剪切滑动模型, 以滑裂面的倾角来表征潜在滑裂面的位置; 基于极值法, 推导了极限平衡条件下平面剪切破坏型岩质边坡潜在滑裂面的解析解, 并结合香港秀茂坪路边坡对其准确性进行了验证, 进一步对四川宜宾打营盘山公路多级边坡进行了整体稳定性分析。结果表明: 香港秀茂坪边坡采用本文方法确定的边坡潜在滑裂面倾角与实际滑坡倾角基本一致。实际工程应用中, 采用Slide软件中布谷鸟搜索法和模拟退火法两种搜索方法得到的滑裂面倾角分别为38.0°和37.0°, 本解析法所得倾角为34.8°; 选用Janbu法、Morgenstern-Price法和Sarma法分别计算对应的稳定系数, 结果均为1.04左右, 本文所得稳定系数为1.15, 可见本文方法所得结果基本准确。通过参数敏感性分析发现, 随着黏聚力的增加, 边坡滑裂面倾角越来越小, 稳定系数也随之增加; 而当内摩擦角增大时, 边坡滑裂面倾角和稳定系数也随之增大。   相似文献   

均质土坡潜在滑面的确定 ,是对均质土坡进行稳定性计算的必要前提。传统的以瑞典圆弧法为代表的刚体极限平衡方法 ,虽然能够确定出均质土坡的滑面 ,但工作量较大 ,使用不方便。因此 ,在塑性极限分析方法的基础上 ,提出了一种新的搜索滑面的方法  相似文献   

在分析一维观测量、二维和三维坐标点置信区间、区域的基础上,利用几个重要的数学分布,导出了线、面这一p维随机向量的置信区域——p维超空间误差椭球半径的计算公式,同时应用实例验证了该通式与常规公式的一致性。这不仅为GIS中线、面的精度评定提供了一个指标,而且为任意p维随机向量在不同置信度下、置信区间大小的确定提供了一个通用公式  相似文献   

软硬互层结构的顺层岩质边坡破坏类型复杂、难于防治, 针对此类边坡地质灾害易发、多发的问题, 从坡面角度、岩层倾向及组合形式、节理分布等方面进行了研究。边坡物理模型试验是揭示边坡变形破坏机理的重要手段, 基于相似理论, 以重庆市万州区孙家滑坡为工程依托, 根据滑坡区地质勘探报告设计了室内边坡物理模型试验; 试验通过顶升模型箱模拟重力加载来探究顺层岩质边坡发生破坏时, 前缘坡角和软弱夹层倾角之间的关系; 结合有限元分析软件Plaxis 2D对物理模型进行了多组数值模拟试验, 以验证软硬互层顺层岩质边坡破坏机制。试验结果表明: 对于顺层岩质边坡, 当软弱夹层的倾角在22°左右, 前缘开挖坡角58°左右时, 顺层岩质边坡容易发生滑动, 滑动面为后缘节理面和软弱夹层的贯通面。因此, 顺层岩质边坡稳定性受层面和节理面密度的控制, 当边坡含多层软弱层面时, 易沿层面和后缘节理贯通面发生破坏, 随着软弱面层数增加, 边坡稳定系数逐渐降低。研究成果可以为公路开挖切坡导致的顺层岩质边坡失稳机理研究及其稳定性评价提供理论依据, 为顺层岩质边坡失稳的预测预报提供支撑。   相似文献   

地震边坡稳定性是岩土工程和地震工程中研究的重点问题之一。针对锚杆格构支护的均质土坡在地震荷载作用下的动力响应,通过振动台模型试验,分析了不同坡高地震加速度和速度响应规律、边坡位移特征及支护结构破坏特征,揭示了均质土坡及其支护结构在地震作用下的变形破坏机理。结果表明:随着振动次数的增加,边坡模型自振频率逐渐降低;低频动荷载作用下坡体上部加速度响应最大,但随着振动频率的增加,放大作用降低,即边坡对低频振动波有放大作用,而对高频振动波却有滤波作用;振动频率较小时,坡体整体速度较大,但不同高度差异较小,破坏并不明显;振动频率接近模型边坡自振频率时,坡体上部速度最大,下部速度最小,且变化明显,破坏性最大;动荷载作用过程中,滑坡体的变形模式表现为旋转位移和水平位移,滑体和基体间相对位移上部较大;支护结构破坏时,上层锚杆和中层锚杆被拔出,上部格构发生严重隆起;虽然边坡做往复运动,但最终仍有一定相对位移;在设计支护结构时,要适当加长上部锚杆的长度,并且对中、上部格构进行补强。  相似文献   

本文从典型滑坡实例出发,阐明邕江南宁河段沿岸滑坡的形成条件及位移特征,并近似地应用园弧法理论推广到层状非均质粘性土滑坡中,建立滑坡力学模型,进行稳定性计算,论证了滑坡滑弧形态、下切深度及下切层位,对滑坡进行了稳定性评价。在滑坡稳定性计算中,引用了T..菲辛科园弧确定法确定计算滑动面,加快了优选滑面的速度。该方法简便,可在同类地区推广应用。  相似文献   

日照市东港区后村镇挪庄村崩塌地质灾害点高差大、坡度陡,危害对象多,自1998—2021年多次发生局部崩塌,造成道路破坏及房屋受损,严重威胁着人民群众的生命财产安全。本文通过现场调查、地质测绘及工程勘察等技术手段,查清了崩塌体失稳机理的主要原因,分析了现状稳定性,通过采用圆弧滑动条分法计算,计算出边坡稳定性系数为0.761,边坡属不稳定状态。通过边坡修整、砌筑挡土墙及截(排)水沟、防护和绿化工程等工程治理措施后,对坡面稳定性进行了计算,治理后的边坡满足规范要求的稳定安全系数。地质灾害治理工程带来的经济效益、社会效益及环境效益凸显。  相似文献   

This paper describes a precise method combining numerical analysis and limit equilibrium theory to determine potential slip surfaces in soil slopes. In this method, the direction of the critical slip surface at any point in a slope is determined using the Coulomb’s strength principle and the extremum principle based on the ratio of the shear strength to the shear stress at that point. The ratio, which is considered as an analysis index, can be computed once the stress field of the soil slope is obtained. The critical slip direction at any point in the slope must be the tangential direction of a potential slip surface passing through the point. Therefore, starting from a point on the top of the slope surface or on the horizontal segment outside the slope toe, the increment with a small distance into the slope is used to choose another point and the corresponding slip direction at the point is computed. Connecting all the points used in the computation forms a potential slip surface exiting at the starting point. Then the factor of safety for any potential slip surface can be computed using limit equilibrium method like Spencer method. After factors of safety for all the potential slip surfaces are obtained, the minimum one is the factor of safety for the slope and the corresponding potential slip surface is the critical slip surface of the slope. The proposed method does not need to pre-assume the shape of potential slip surfaces. Thus it is suitable for any shape of slip surfaces. Moreover the method is very simple to be applied. Examples are presented in this paper to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method programmed in ANSYS software by macro commands.  相似文献   

利用Sentinel-1降轨卫星数据,研究2017-08-09新疆精河MW6.3地震的同震形变与断层滑动破裂。考虑轨道和大气误差的影响,基于模型改正后的精细同震干涉图显示,视线向最大地表位移约为7 cm,未发现有地表破裂。此外,基于弹性半空间位错模型,采用两步法策略分别反演地震的均匀断层几何参数和同震滑动分布,结果显示,精河地震发震断层以逆冲运动为主,主破裂区位于8~17 km深度,最大滑移量为0.6 m,表明该地震是一次由逆冲型隐伏断层产生的单次破裂事件。InSAR结果给出的地震释放矩能量为2.91×1018 Nm,相当于矩震级MW6.25,与USGS、CENC等机构给出的震级一致。  相似文献   

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In analyzing seismic stability of a slope with upper bound limit analysis method, the slip surface is often assumed as a log-spiral or plane slip surface. However, due to the presence of a weak layer and unfavorable geological structural surface or a bedrock interface with overlying soft strata, the preexisting slip surface of the slope may be irregular and composed of a series of planes rather than strictly log-spiral or plane shape. A computational model is developed for analyzing the seismic stability of slopes with pre-existing slip surfaces. This model is based on the upper bound limit analysis method and can consider the effect of anchor bolts. The soil or rock is deemed to follow the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. The slope is divided into multiple block elements along the slip surface. According to the displacement compatibility and the associated flow rule, a kinematic velocity field of the slope can be obtained computationally. The proposed model allows not only calculation of the rate of external work owing to the combined effect of self-weight and seismic loading, but also that of the energy dissipation rate caused by the slip surface, interfaces of block elements and anchorage effect of the anchors. Considering a direct relationship between the rate of external work and the energy dissipation rate, the expressions of yield acceleration and permanent displacement of anchored slopes can be derived. Finally, the validity of this proposed model is illustrated by analysis on three typical slopes. The results showed that the proposed model is more easily formulated and does not need to solve complex equations or time consuming iterations compared with previous methods based on the conditions of force equilibrium.  相似文献   

圆曲线的透视根据圆曲线相对视点、画面的位置不同,可以有五种结果,分别为直线、圆、椭圆、双曲线、抛物线  相似文献   

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以多源观测为约束,利用近场GPS、InSAR同震位移和强震观测数据联合反演2017年九寨沟MS7.0地震发震断层的几何形状和破裂模型,并初步分析其地震成因。结果表明,九寨沟地震的发震断层走向154°,倾角80°,以左旋走滑为主,兼有少量正断分量;地震破裂主要集中在2~12 km深度范围,最大滑移量为1.6 m,位于地下6 km深处,断层在近地表没有滑移;地震释放的地震矩为5.59×1018 Nm,矩震级为MW6.44。结合余震分布认为,该地震的发震断层为隐伏的虎牙断裂北段。  相似文献   

A steep rock hill with two side slopes located at DK30+256 of National Road 213 was used as a prototype for analysis. The full process from initial deformation to sliding of the slope during ground shaking was simulated by using a new Continuum-based Discrete Element Method. During the earthquake, when shaking amplitudes were lower,the stress concentration points firstly appeared at the top of the slip mass, and then some tension failure points appeared, followed by shear failure points. At the same time, both the instantaneous frequencies of accelerations in the bedrock and that in the slip mass basically stayed in two different ranges. The energy transmittance coefficients of the sliding surface also stayed in a high range. As the ground shaking lasted,the number of failure points gradually increased until landslide occurrence. The instantaneous frequencies of accelerations in the slip mass and the energy transmittance coefficients of sliding surface gradually decreased, and both finally converged to a lower range. And then, the reasons triggering landslides are analysis in the joint time-frequency domain using Hilbert-Huang Transform, as follows: the differences of distribution and dissipation of the earthquake energy and the inconsistency of movements between the slip mass and the bedrock were the two major influence factors.  相似文献   

Unlike the limit equilibrium method (LEM), with which only the global safety factor of the landslide can be calculated, a local safety factor (LSF) method is proposed to evaluate the stability of different sections of a landslide in this paper. Based on three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation results, the local safety factor is defined as the ratio of the shear strength of the soil at an element on the slip zone to the shear stress parallel to the sliding direction at that element. The global safety factor of the landslide is defined as the weighted average of all local safety factors based on the area of the slip surface. Some example analyses show that the results computed by the LSF method agree well with those calculated by the General Limit Equilibrium (GLE) method in two-dimensional (2D) models and the distribution of the LSF in the 3D slip zone is consistent with that indicated by the observed deformation pattern of an actual landslide in China.  相似文献   

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