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茂县位于川西北地区,为我国羌族居住地。城区后山龙沟为老的泥石流沟,流域面积为14.63km^2,主沟长9.3km,有三条支沟,主、支沟沟床比降大。流域内出露地层性为志留系茂县群灰色、灰绿色、黑色千枚岩、风化严重。近年来,由于对后山森林植被破坏,加之灌渠渗漏,致使龙洞沟两岸发生多处崩塌滑坡,在暴雨季节曾多次发生大规模泥石流。龙洞沟泥石流应视其形成特征,采取以挡拦、排导等工程措施为主,结合植树造林,预警预报、工程管理等措施为辅的综合防治方案。  相似文献   

汶川极震区锄头沟泥石流发育特征及启动机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震过后大量的老泥石流被激活,随着潜伏期的过去,雨季来临,松散物源开始重新活跃。通过对锄头沟泥石流的实地调查及现场测量发现,该沟流域面积较大,支沟发育,支沟及主沟后缘比降大,主沟中下段宽缓,泥石流物源主要为崩塌物源,分布于流域中上部和支沟内,泥石流由中上部和支沟启动,汇聚于主沟内,并沿沟道下段堆积,并通过室内试验等手段,还原了泥石流发生时的激发雨量及物源分布特征。震后极震区泥石流的具有物源类型丰富、易发程度高、激发雨量偏小和支沟群发等特点,该沟泥石流还出现了堵溃型泥石流现象。  相似文献   

巫溪白鹿溪泥石流沟的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白鹿溪位于大巴山腹地、大宁河与堵河分水岭西侧,气候环境属秦巴山区暴雨中心东南边缘,流域内固体碎屑物质充分、储量巨大,历史上曾多次爆发泥石流。调查发现,白鹿溪泥石流沟由多条支沟组成,其中杨家湾是规模、危险性和破坏性最大的支沟。支沟是高频小规模泥石流沟,但是在一定条件下也可能爆发相当规模的大型泥石流。主沟是低频大规模泥石流沟,主沟大规模泥石流的爆发是支沟大规模泥石流诱发的;白鹿一带的泥石流堆积体是历次泥石流爆发形成的复合堆积体。区内人类工程经济活动日趋强烈,白鹿溪存在再次爆发泥石流的环境地质条件,可直接威胁到白鹿镇及下游大宁河沿岸居民的生命财产安全,应当引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

在对和田县阿瓦提村泥石流灾害地形地貌、地层岩性、工程地质条件、水文地质条件以及人类工程活动等分析的基础上,对研究区泥石流灾害的发育特征、形成机制以及影响因素等进行了分析。研究结果表明:研究区泥石流灾害流域面积90.5km~2,共发育有一条泥石流主沟和四条泥石流支沟;将泥石流沟划分为形成流通区和堆积区,其水源主要为降雨;影响因素主要为风化、降雨、融雪、地震以及人类工程活动。  相似文献   

在对甘肃省舟曲县“8.8”特大泥石流调查的基础上,分析计算了三眼峪泥石流的静力学和动力学特征值。三眼峪泥石流重度介于2.O~2.15t/m^3之间,属于黏性泥石流;支沟大眼峪和小眼峪坡降大,谷底窄,泥石流流速比主沟流速大,最大流速达9.2m/s,流通区积蓄能量巨大;主沟最大流量位于大眼峪沟与小眼峪沟交汇处(峪门口),流量达1830m^3/s,一次最大冲出量为152×10^4m^3,泥石流规模为特大型;三眼峪沟泥石流冲压力最大为小眼峪沟沟口断面处,冲击力为245kPa;实测泥石流堆积扇中石块最大粒径为11.2m,计算三眼峪沟泥石流中石块最大运动速度达15.06m/s。特征值分析结果可为舟曲泥石流灾后重建过程中工程设计提供重要依据。  相似文献   

石坎河小流域位于汶川地震发震断裂-映秀—北川断裂带上,强震后流域内滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害显著增强。本文收集整理了震前、震后流域内地质灾害的数据资料,详细分析研究了流域内地质环境条件、震后9a内泥石流活动特征及其治理工程情况,在此基础上讨论其工程防治的最佳时机。通过研究得出:(1)石坎河流域支沟纵坡降大,主沟纵坡降相对较小,暴发多次泥石流灾害后支沟沟道多下切,主河道淤积严重,灾害叠加放大效应明显;(2)石坎河流域暴发多次泥石流灾害后河谷变宽,地形改变较大、物源减少明显,流域内暴发泥石流的规模逐渐减小,未来暴发的泥石流规模一般不会再超过2013年7月9日的泥石流规模;(3)石坎河流域泥石流工程防治最佳时机应为2013年7月9日泥石流灾害后。  相似文献   

沃绰沟泥石流沟为九龙河左岸的一条支沟,位于四川省九龙县乃渠乡水打坝村沃绰沟组,流域面积7.29km2,主沟沟长4.51km,纵坡降416.9‰。。2011年9月26日九龙县沃绰沟暴发了泥石流,毁坏耕地,直接威胁13户60人的生命财产安全。在工程地质调查的基础上,分析了泥石流的基本特征,并计算了单沟泥石流危险度,对泥石流危险性进行了分析评价,该沟属于中度危险的泥石流沟。结合沃绰沟泥石流的发育特征,提出了防治方案。  相似文献   

本文在概述车大人沟河流域泥石流形成的地形地貌、物源和水源等条件的基础上,采用多元线性回归分析方法,选取了物源储量、支沟完整性系数、支沟边坡坡度、支沟沟床比降、冲沟密度、侵蚀模数、不良地质现象和植被覆盖率等八个指标作为自变量,建立与泥石流活跃度间相关关系的数学表达式,计算出车大人沟河40条泥石流支沟活跃度值,从而进行分区评价。将该区泥石流活跃度划分为高、中、低易发区和不发育区,其结果与实地灾情相符,可为车大人沟河流域泥石流防治规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

四川泸沽铁矿大顶山矿区泥石流及其防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大顶山支沟为一典型矿山泥石流沟。其根本原因是由于人为开矿弃渣所造成。流域面积1.8km^2,支沟长2km,沟床平均纵比降38.5%。松散固体物质储量在700万m^3以上,一旦遭遇强暴雨,极易形成泥石流。50年一遇设计频率的泥石流流量为364m^3/s,100年一遇设计频率的泥石流流量为419m^3/s。拦砂坝设计高度20m,最大基础埋深8m,高出原沟床面12m,可拦挡松散固体物质32万m^3。在设计频率下发生的泥石流,拦砂坝可以有效拦挡,不会对盐井沟3号拦砂坝造成直接危害。大顶山支沟泥石流防治工程的日常维护需按设计书的要求进行。此外,建议在汛期加强巡查,人工爆破沟内直径大干1m的石块,禁止在沟内及山坡上,特别是排土场上乱挖滥采矿石,以免加速废石矿渣向下游输送运移。同时继续实行封山育林,努力恢复植被覆盖,增大排土场人工堆石坡的稳定性。  相似文献   

四川省金川县城区红桥沟、蔡家沟泥石流及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红桥沟、蔡家沟为大渡河上游(大金川)右岸的一级支沟,位于四川省金川县城区,曾多次发生过严重的泥石流灾害,直接威胁金川县城的安全。这两条沟的泥石流均为粘性泥石流,重度为2.10—2.25t/m^3,具有松散固体物质以表层滑塌及崩塌补给为主,成灾快,危害严重,活动频率较高,暴雨是泥石流的激发因素等特征。在分析红桥沟、蔡家沟泥石流性质及活动特征的基础上,提出拦、停、排的防治工程设计方案,工程实施后取得了很好的减灾及生态、环境效益。  相似文献   

对兰州市1663km2范围内的表层土壤和大气干湿沉降空间分布模式进行了分析,认为表层土壤中Hg的含量差异较大,其中Hg的平均含量为0.14×10^-6,最高值为6.38×10^-6。对土壤中Hg的存在形式进行了研究,认为燃煤是其主要来源。大气总汞浓度年平均值为28.62×10^-9,其中采暖期为48.48×10^-9,非采暖期为9.42×10^-9。根据国家土壤环境质量标准,兰州市№环境质量达到Ⅰ级标准的土壤面积为1376.1km2,占研究区总面积的82.75%;Ⅱ级土壤面积246.8km2,占14.84%;Ⅲ级土壤面积31.7km2,占1.91%;Ⅳ级土壤面积8.4km2,占0.51%。Ⅲ、Ⅳ级区域主要分布在兰州市西固区石化厂及其附近、七里河区西关十子一城关区二热电厂。  相似文献   

余根锌 《福建地质》2002,21(4):206-210
根据武夷山吴顿-霞浦重力测量剖面反演结果。结合布格重力异常特征分析,闽东北地壳大体分为3层,其中上地壳厚度7km-13km,主要为花岗岩,沉积岩,变质岩类,中地壳厚度9km-11.4km,属中性岩类,下地壳厚度8.4km-13.2km,属基性岩类,总体表现为“二隆夹一坳”的特点,莫霍面深度为31.4km-27.6km。  相似文献   

The Lachlan Fold Belt has the velocity‐depth structure of continental crust, with a thickness exceeding 50 km under the region of highest topography in Australia, and in the range 41–44 km under the central Fold Belt and Sydney Basin. There is no evidence of high upper crustal velocities normally associated with marginal or back‐arc basin crustal rocks. The velocities in the lower crust are consistent with an overall increase in metamorphic grade and/or mafic mineral content with depth. Continuing tectonic development throughout the region and the negligible seismicity at depths greater than 30 km indicate that the lower crust is undergoing ductile deformation.

The upper crustal velocities below the Sydney Basin are in the range 5.75–5.9 km/s to about 8 km, increasing to 6.35–6.5 km/s at about 15–17 km depth, where there is a high‐velocity (7.0 km/s) zone for about 9 km evident in results from one direction. The lower crust is characterised by a velocity gradient from about 6.7 km/s at 25 km, to 7.7 km/s at 40–42 km, and a transition to an upper mantle velocity of 8.03–8.12 km/s at 41.5–43.5 km depth.

Across the central Lachlan Fold Belt, velocities generally increase from 5.6 km/s at the surface to 6.0 km/s at 14.5 km depth, with a higher‐velocity zone (5.95 km/s) in the depth range 2.5–7.0 km. In the lower crust, velocities increase from 6.3 km/s at 16 km depth to 7.2 km/s at 40 km depth, then increase to 7.95 km/s at 43 km. A steeper gradient is evident at 26.5–28 km depth, where the velocity is about 6.6—6.8 km/s. Under part of the area an upper mantle low‐velocity zone in the depth range 50–64 km is interpreted from strong events recorded at distances greater than 320 km.

There is no substantial difference in the Moho depth across the boundary between the Sydney Basin and the Lachlan Fold Belt, consistent with the Basin overlying part of the Fold Belt. Pre‐Ordovician rocks within the crust suggest fragmented continental‐type crust existed E of the Precambrian craton and that these contribute to the thick crustal section in SE Australia.  相似文献   

The main results of seismic investigations in the transition zone from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean and in several regions of the Pacific Ocean are reported briefly. One of the most surprising findings is the existence of a layer with a P-velocity of 9 km/sec only 12–15 km below the oceanic crust-mantle boundary. Some recommendations for future investigations are given.  相似文献   

大陆深俯冲的最大深度——来自数值模拟实验的结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用粘弹性材料8块体有限元模型并设定温度场后进行的大陆深俯冲二维数值模拟表明,在组合载荷(负浮力、洋中脊推力从上到下10~30MPa 和地幔对流拖曳力100MPa)作用下,陆壳俯冲实际垂向位移可达117km,最终俯冲深度达到147km,而洋壳实际垂向位移约162km,最终俯冲深度达到231km;在洋壳、陆壳俯冲到一定深度以前,它们的俯冲速度基本保持不变,表现为洋壳、陆壳底端的位移-时间曲线近似为直线;当俯冲时间超过9Ma,洋壳、陆壳分别达到167km、96km 深度后,俯冲速度会越来越慢。  相似文献   

南海壳体不同深度构造应力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据三维有限元方法,计算了南海壳体不同深度构造应力的数值分布,每个层面的应力值分别为:130km深处的偏应力值变化范围为-5.1~3.25MPa;80km深处为-5~2.9MPa;30km深处为-5.5~2.15MPa;10km深处为-3.6~0.67MPa;地壳表层的数值明显变化较大,从-2.5MPa变至0.11MPa。并初步探讨了构造应力与壳体运动的关系。  相似文献   

A few long-range airborne magnetic profiles flown at an altitude of 7.5 km a.s.l. across the Indian shield are analysed and interpreted in terms of magnetization in the lower crust. The wavelengths of the crustal anomalies are in the range of 51–255 km and this is used to separate them from signals originating at shallow depths. Spectral analysis of these profiles provided a maximum depth of 34–41 km for the long-wavelength anomalies and 9–10 km for the shallow sources identified as Mohorovic̆ić discontinuity and the basement respectively. The magnetic “high” recorded in satellite observations over the Indian shield is interpreted as due to a bulge of 3–4 km in the Moho under the Godovari graben, with a magnetization of 200 nT in the direction of the Earth's present-day magnetic field. Similarly the magnetic lows observed over the Himalaya are interpreted in terms of thickening of the granitic part of the crust from 18 to 23.5 km with a magnetization contrast of 200 nT in the direction of the Earth's present-day magnetic field.  相似文献   

赵强  杨国东  张旭晴  邵鹏 《世界地质》2018,37(3):938-944
利用覆盖九寨沟地区的RadarSat—2数据与Sentinel—1A数据,采用精轨数据进行定轨,消除轨道误差,并结合合成孔径差分(D-InSAR)方法中的双轨差分技术,获取2017年8月8日Mw7. 0级地震的同震形变场。结果表明,视线方向(LOS)最大沉降量约为20 cm,隆起量达9 cm。基于弹性半空间形变模型反演该地震的断层滑动分布,得出该地震断层滑动以左旋走滑为主,走向为330°,倾角为32°,滑动角为-170°,同震滑动分布主要集中在4~12 km深度处,最大滑动量位于9 km处,约为6. 14 m,平均滑动量为0. 57 m。反演获得的地震标量矩为4. 06E+18N·m,震级Mw约为6. 4,深度为19. 5 km。  相似文献   

安徽巢湖大型平卧褶皱研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巢湖平卧褶皱由一个背斜和一个向斜组成,枢纽呈NNE向,轴面微向NWW平卧背斜根部倾斜。卷入褶皱的地层为上震旦统至上三叠统,厚达3.1km。褶皱分布面积约380km~2,波长9km,波幅18km。后期直立褶皱叠加于平卧褶皱之上,褶皱缩短量达19.17km,缩短率约53.7%,褶皱受控于大玵台阶状滑脱断层。褶皱地层由NWW往SEE运动,是一种变动滑脱褶皱。  相似文献   

To study the deep dynamic mechanism leading to the difference in rifting pattern and basin structure from shelf to oceanic basin in passive continental margin,we constructed long geological sections across the shelf,slope and oceanic basin using new seismic data.Integrated gravity-magnetic inversion and interpretation of these sections were made with the advanced dissection method.Results show that the basement composition changes from intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the sheff to intermediate-basic rocks in the slope.The Moho surface shoals gradually from 31 km in the sheff to 22.5 km in the uplift and then 19 km in the slope and finally to 13 km in the oceanic basin.The crust thickness also decreases gradually from 30 km in the northern fault belt to 9 km in the oceanic basin.The crustal stretching factor increases from the shelf toward the oceanic basin,with the strongest extension under the sags and the oceanic basin.The intensity of mantle upwelling controlled the style of basin structures from sheff to oceanic basin.In the Zhu 1 depression on the shelf,the crust is nearly normal,the brittle and cold upper crust mainly controlled the fault development;so the combinative grabens with single symmetric graben are characteristic.In the slope,the crust thinned with a large stretching factor,affected by the mantle upwelling.The ductile deformation controlled the faults,so there developed an asymmetric complex graben in the Baiyun (白云) sag.  相似文献   

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