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CMIP5气候模式对中国未来气候变化的预估和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候模式是研究气候系统和气候变化的有力工具,其模拟结果是进行气候预测和气候变化风险评估的重要数据基础。随着全球气候变暖速度加快,地表生态环境、水文动态循环过程、社会经济发展等都受到其影响,进而影响到人类的生产和生活。利用气候模式对未来气候变化特征进行评估和预测,可为人类调整发展策略以适应气候变化提供科学依据。通过汇总CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)模式在气候变化方面的相关研究,综述了CMIP5气候模式在农业生产、水文动态监控以及其他领域中的应用,最后指出了CMIP5气候模式在模拟预估未来气候变化上存在的不足,并展望了CMIP5气候模式在未来的应用。  相似文献   

一、水文气象学与水文循环水文气象学是利用气象学及水文学的某些原理和方法研究水文循环与水量平衡中与降水,径流,蒸发等水文气象要素有关问题的一门学科。它是气象学与水文学之间的边缘  相似文献   

兰江流域气候与水文模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王守荣  康丽莉  石英 《气象学报》2008,66(3):320-328
该文建立了气候-水文嵌套模式,用于气候变化情景下流域气候、水文模拟,并在此基础上进行水资源评估.首先应用20km高分辨率的区域气候模式RegCM3,嵌套全球环流模式FvGCM的大气部分,在中国东部地区进行了两组30a积分的模拟试验,即控制试验和未来预测试验.控制试验(1961-1990年)结果表明,RegCM3能较细致地刻画浙江省的地形分布,模拟的浙江省的多年平均气温和降水均呈现出明显的地形特征,与实况较为符合.兰江流域年平均气温模拟较好,但夏季降水模拟量明显偏低.在未来预测试验中,构建了SRES A2排放情景下兰江流域2071-2100年的气候变化情景.然后,用兰江流域的历史观测资料对分布式水文模型DHSVM进行了率定和验证,该模型较好地再现了兰江流域的历史径流过程,具有较好的模拟特性.最后,将RegCM3的两组试验结果输入到DHSVM中,驱动模型进行水文模拟.模拟结果表明:相对于1961-1990年,兰江流域2071-2100年各月的平均气温均呈上升趋势,年平均气温上升幅度达2.84 ℃;年降水量也将增加,主要发生在4-7月的汛期,可能会导致汛期洪涝灾害发生频率上升;年径流深变化与年降水量变化基本一致,汛期径流将明显增加.在全球持续变暖的背景下,兰江流域未来高温热浪和洪涝等气候、水文极端事件有可能进一步加剧.  相似文献   

随着全球变暖,极端天气气候事件增强,天气气候灾害造成的损失也愈发严重。当前气候预测的准确性远远不能满足社会需要,气候系统预测理论和方法面临着众多挑战性问题。为提档气候预测科学水平和准确率,由南京信息工程大学和中山大学承担的“气候系统预测研究中心”获得国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目支持(2021年1月—2025年12月)。在该项目执行的前三年,项目团队开展了大量深入系统的研究,并取得了若干重要进展:1)揭示了气候系统的若干关键变化、驱动力和机制;2)剖析了海-陆-冰-气相互作用对我国重大极端气候事件的影响;3)在气候系统数值模式研发和预测系统集成方面取得重要进展;4)发展了延伸期-S2S-年代际的气候系统预测理论和方法。本文对这些进展作了扼要介绍,并针对气候与环境变化归因、古今气候环境研究融合、跨时空气候系统变异和极端气候、人工智能与气候科学、年代际预测和风险应对体系等关键科学问题做了展望。  相似文献   

姜彤  孙赫敏  李修仓  苏布达 《气象》2020,46(3):289-300
水文循环是地球上海洋、陆地和大气之间相互作用中最活跃且最重要的枢纽,受气候变化影响最为显著。本文回顾了气候变化对全球水文循环的影响,并对20世纪60年代以来中国降水、蒸散发、地表径流及大气水汽含量等陆地水文循环要素变化进行了评估。气候变暖使得全球水文循环加强,观测数据表明自1970年以来,全球对流层和地表水汽含量呈现增加趋势,但由于监测网络在空间覆盖和时间响应的限制,热带水汽增加与环流减弱之间相互影响,使得气候变化对区域水文循环的影响不确定性较大。在全球气候变化背景下,中国水文循环符合全球水循环变化的特征,又表现出更为复杂的区域特征,各个流域间空间差异增大。大气水汽含量在80年代后呈现上升的趋势;60年代以来,中国降水平均态虽然无明显变化但空间差异显著增加,实际蒸散发平均值微弱增加,空间差异增大,地表径流空间差异增大,某些流域呈现减少趋势。21世纪以来,由蒸散发再凝结形成的降水量增加,大气内循环活跃程度加大。  相似文献   

近年来,国家级水文气象预报业务已经取得了明显进展,但与国外先进水平相比还有一定的差距。总结了近十年来国内外水文气象预报业务现状和技术进展,目前国家级的技术支撑状况和所面临的挑战,并提出未来发展计划。目前,水文气象预报技术主要是以基于统计学的致灾阈值模型和分布式水文模型等为主,结合大数据分析与人工智能的气象—水文—地质耦合预报模式将在水文气象预报中发挥重要作用。流域天—空—地基监测、水文气象灾害机理研究和多尺度分析是水文气象预报的重要基础;基于无缝隙精细化智能网格降水的水文气象预报技术及水文集合预报模式是水文气象预报的发展方向。  相似文献   

水文气象研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵琳娜  包红军  田付友  梁莉  刘莹 《气象》2012,38(2):147-154
从面向流域的定量降水估测与预报、流域水文模型、水文气象耦合预报三个方面系统介绍水文气象研究进展。研究指出,融合天气雷达、卫星遥感及实况降水等多源信息是精细化定量降水估测产品的主要发展方向;采用多模式降水预报集成技术是提高定量降水预报精度的重要途径;分布式水文模型是流域水文模型的发展方向;引入定量降水预报的水文气象耦合预报模式可以延长洪水预报预见期,水文集合预报是水文预报方法的有效解决途径,而数值预报模式与水文模型的双向耦合模式是另一重要发展方向。  相似文献   

气候变化检测与归因的实践指南(GPGP)综合了4种检测归因方法,它囊括了目前研究这一因果链采用的不同途径。自1990年政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一次评估报告以来,气候变化的检测与归因从气温升高和其他系统或变量变化趋势的研究开始,经历了从全球、半球、海洋与陆地、七大洲乃至区域尺度的细化进程。人为气候变化的指纹检测与归因方法已普遍用于全球大尺度水文循环要素——纬度带平均降水、强降水、径流、比湿、水汽含量等时空型态变化的研究,个别地也应用到流域尺度,如以冰雪融水补给为主的河流的天然流量、积雪和最低温度变化的研究。对于以降水为主,且受人类活动干扰较大的流域,观测的水文循环要素变化的检测与归因,大多数聚焦于观测的气候要素及非气候变量对其的影响,而不回答变化是自然的还是人为强迫引起的。这种方法要求高质量长系列的观测数据、先进的统计检验技术以及物理基础好的水文模型。对于水文循环要素对气候变化敏感的流域,若观测数据满足要求,则采用正规的检测与归因方法或最优指纹法识别外强迫及驱动因子的影响研究,将具有重要科学意义和发展前景。  相似文献   

丹江口水库流域致洪过程的水文气候特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用1970-1995年5-10月丹江口水库流域各水文气象站或雨量点逐日降水资料和丹江口水库水文资料,采用常规统计方法,对该流域致洪过程的水文气候特征进行了客观分析。结果表明:该流域致洪过程主要集中于7-9月,这一时段的致洪过程次数占其总次数的70.2%;而就致洪过程的持续时间和洪水强度而言,则以9-10月表现突出。  相似文献   

科学出版社于1997年出版了刘国纬教授的专著《水分循环的大气过程》,这不仅是刘国纬教授的一项重要成果,也是我国地球科学界的一件喜事。这本专著把我们的注意力引向了一个重要而又长期被忽视的领域。它在唤起我们应当发展水文气象学。1指出了一个重要问题刘国纬教授指出了“水分循环是地球上最重要的物质循环之一”,说“水分循环使我们的星球生气勃勃”。而“大气中的水汽成为全球水分循环中最活跃的分量”。他的这些看法唤起了气象学者和水文学者对“水分循环的大气过程”这个问题的汪意力。气象学者知道大气中的水分问题的重要性,很…  相似文献   

The simulation of hydrological consequences of climate change has received increasing attention from the hydrology and land-surface modelling communities. There have been many studies of climate-change effects on hydrology and water resources which usually consist of three steps: (1) use of general circulation models (GCMs) to provide future global climate scenarios under the effect of increasing greenhouse gases, (2) use of downscaling techniques (both nested regional climate models, RCMs, and statistical methods) for "downscaling" the GCM output to the scales compatible with hydrological models, and (3) use of hydrologic models to simulate the effects of climate change on hydrological regimes at various scales. Great progress has been achieved in all three steps during the past few years, however, large uncertainties still exist in every stage of such study. This paper first reviews the present achievements in this field and then discusses the challenges for future studies of the hydrological impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

The hydrologic changes and the impact of these changes constitute a fundamental global-warmingrelated concern. Faced with threats to human life and natural ecosystems, such as droughts, floods, and soil erosion, water resource planners must increasingly make future risk assessments. Though hydrological predictions associated with the global climate change are already being performed, mainly through the use of GCMs, coarse spatial resolutions and uncertain physical processes limit the representation of terrestrial water/energy interactions and the variability in such systems as the Asian monsoon. Despite numerous studies, the regional responses of hydrologic changes resulting from climate change remains inconclusive. In this paper, an attempt at dynamical downsealing of future hydrologic projection under global climate change in Asia is addressed. The authors conducted present and future Asian regional climate simulations which were nested in the results of Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) experiments. The regional climate model could capture the general simulated features of the AGCM. Also, some regional phenomena such as orographic precipitation, which did not appear in the outcome of the AGCM simulation, were successfully produced. Under global warming, the increase of water vapor associated with the warmed air temperature was projected. It was projected to bring more abundant water vapor to the southern portions of India and the Bay of Bengal, and to enhance precipitation especially over the mountainous regions, the western part of India and the southern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. As a result of the changes in the synoptic flow patterns and precipitation under global warming, the increases of annual mean precipitation and surface runoff were projected in many regions of Asia. However, both the positive and negative changes of seasonal surface runoff were projected in some regions which will increase the flood risk and cause a mismatch between water demand and water availability in the agricul  相似文献   

IPCC AR6报告解读:气候变化与水安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保障水安全是应对和缓解气候变化的核心问题,也是实现可持续发展的前提。IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组报告单独设立第四章“水”,分析了气候变化对全球水循环的影响,评估了水循环变化对人类社会和生态系统的影响,指出了当前与未来的水安全风险,分析了与水相关适应措施的收益与成效。报告显示,人类活动导致的气候变化加速了全球水文循环,对水安全产生负面影响,面临水安全风险的人口与地区增多,并增加了由社会经济因素造成的水资源脆弱性。水安全风险随全球升温水平的升高而增加,在水安全脆弱地区表现更为显著。将全球升温限制在1.5℃可有效降低未来的水安全风险,有助于实现水安全、可持续发展和具有气候恢复力的发展三重目标。我国水安全问题突出,急需在“灰-绿”基础设施生态水文效应、三维水资源短缺、水-粮食-能源耦合、地球系统模拟器研发应用等方面重点开展研究工作。  相似文献   

The future climate change projections are essentially based on coupled general circulation model (CGCM) simulations, which give a distinct global warming pattern with arctic winter amplification, an equilibrium land-sea warming contrast and an inter-hemispheric warming gradient. While these simulations are the most important tool of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predictions, the conceptual understanding of these predicted structures of climate change and the causes of their uncertainties is very difficult to reach if only based on these highly complex CGCM simulations. In the study presented here we will introduce a very simple, globally resolved energy balance (GREB) model, which is capable of simulating the main characteristics of global warming. The model shall give a bridge between the strongly simplified energy balance models and the fully coupled 4-dimensional complex CGCMs. It provides a fast tool for the conceptual understanding and development of hypotheses for climate change studies, which shall build a basis or starting point for more detailed studies of observations and CGCM simulations. It is based on the surface energy balance by very simple representations of solar and thermal radiation, the atmospheric hydrological cycle, sensible turbulent heat flux, transport by the mean atmospheric circulation and heat exchange with the deeper ocean. Despite some limitations in the representations of the basic processes, the models climate sensitivity and the spatial structure of the warming pattern are within the uncertainties of the IPCC models simulations. It is capable of simulating aspects of the arctic winter amplification, the equilibrium land-sea warming contrast and the inter-hemispheric warming gradient with good agreement to the IPCC models in amplitude and structure. The results give some insight into the understanding of the land-sea contrast and the polar amplification. The GREB model suggests that the regional inhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric water vapor and the non-linear sensitivity of the downward thermal radiation to changes in the atmospheric water vapor concentration partly cause the land-sea contrast and may also contribute to the polar amplification. The combination of these characteristics causes, in general, dry and cold regions to warm more than other regions.  相似文献   

Most studies on the impact of climate change on regional water resources focus on long-term average flows or mean water availability, and they rarely take the effects of altered human water use into account. When analyzing extreme events such as floods and droughts, the assessments are typically confined to smaller areas and case studies. At the same time it is acknowledged that climate change may severely alter the risk of hydrological extremes over large regional scales, and that human water use will put additional pressure on future water resources. In an attempt to bridge these various aspects, this paper presents a first-time continental, integrated analysis of possible impacts of global change (here defined as climate and water use change) on future flood and drought frequencies for the selected study area of Europe. The global integrated water model WaterGAP is evaluated regarding its capability to simulate high and low-flow regimes and is then applied to calculate relative changes in flood and drought frequencies. The results indicate large ‘critical regions’ for which significant changes in flood or drought risks are expected under the proposed global change scenarios. The regions most prone to a rise in flood frequencies are northern to northeastern Europe, while southern and southeastern Europe show significant increases in drought frequencies. In the critical regions, events with an intensity of today's 100-year floods and droughts may recur every 10–50 years by the 2070s. Though interim and preliminary, and despite the inherent uncertainties in the presented approach, the results underpin the importance of developing mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change impacts on a continental scale.  相似文献   

IPCC AR6报告解读:水循环变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水循环在全球和区域气候变化中扮演重要角色,与全球变暖背景下水循环变化密切相关的淡水资源短缺、副热带干旱区扩张、极端旱涝灾害频发等问题日益突出,严重制约生态系统和人类社会的可持续发展。在IPCC第六次评估报告中,第一工作组首次单独设立一章,即第八章,用于系统性评估全球水循环变化。评估显示,自20世纪中叶以来,人类活动已经显著地改变了全球水循环,包括大气湿度和降水强度的整体性增加,全球干旱模态改变,南半球风暴轴向极地移动等。已经发生的水循环变化受到温室气体、气溶胶、土地利用在内的多种人类强迫的影响,而未来全球水循环变化将逐渐由温室气体主导。  相似文献   

In order to perform hydrological studies on the PRUDENCE regional climate model (RCM) simulations, a special focus was put on the discharge from large river catchments located in northern and central Europe. The discharge was simulated with a simplified land surface (SL) scheme and the Hydrological Discharge (HD) model. The daily fields of precipitation, 2 m temperature and evapotranspiration from the RCM simulations were used as forcing. Therefore the total catchment water balances are constrained by the hydrological cycle of the different RCMs. The validation of the simulated hydrological cycle from the control simulations shows that the multi-model ensemble mean is closer to the observations than each of the models, especially if different catchments and hydrological variables are considered. Therefore, the multi-model ensemble mean can be used to largely reduce the uncertainty that is introduced by a single RCM. This also provides more confidence in the future projections for the multi-model ensemble means. The scenario simulations predict a gradient in the climate change signal over Northern and Central Europe. Common features are the overall warming and the general increase of evapotranspiration. But while in the northern parts the warming will enhance the hydrological cycle leading to an increased discharge, the large warming, especially in the summer, will slow down the hydrological cycle caused by a drying in the central parts of Europe which is accompanied by a reduction of discharge. The comparison of the changes predicted by the multi-model ensemble mean to the changes predicted by the driving GCM indicates that the RCMs can compensate problems that a driving GCM may have with local scale processes or parameterizations.  相似文献   

As global warming is scientifically and widely accepted, its impacts at regional scales are raising many questions for wine producers. In particular, climate parameters, especially temperature, play a decisive role in vine growth and grape ripening. An overview of expected climate change in terms of bioclimatic indexes (Winkler and Huglin) and thermal extremes in the wine-producing region of Champagne is presented. A variable-grid atmospheric general circulation model, ARPEGE-Climate, with a local zoom at 50 km over the area of interest, is used to investigate potential future changes in thermal extremes and bioclimatic indexes. Changes in daily maximum and minimum temperatures at key stages are discussed for three emission scenarios (B1, A1B, A2) that are currently used in studies of impacts of climate change. Model outputs are analyzed and critically assessed for a control period (1971–2000) and for changes in extreme events in relation to future scenarios, such as a decrease in extreme low temperatures in spring (April) during bud break and an increase in extreme high temperatures in summer, associated with more frequent heat waves during ripening.  相似文献   

大气水汽变化的反馈作用是影响平衡气候系统敏感性的最大反馈作用之一,能够放大其他温室气体增暖的效应,并可能导致极端天气气候事件的发生趋多趋强。因此,全面分析大气水汽的时空分布特征及其长期变化趋势,评估大气水汽反馈的区域气候效应,对于我们深入认识和理解全球变暖背景下区域气候响应的机理具有重要意义。综合国内外最新研究,已基本能够确定水汽反馈效应为一种使得全球增暖加快近一倍的强烈正反馈,并已能够估计其大致变化范围,但是此估计仍存在较大不确定性。随着卫星和探空技术的发展,目前已有的长期水汽资料日趋丰富,但资料之间也存在一些不确定性问题,同时单个资料本身也存在非均一性问题。最新的气候系统模式已能够大致模拟大气水汽的反馈效应,但近年的进展速度却并不令人乐观。我国的水汽观测和水汽反馈效应的研究也已取得长足进步,可以基本确定为水汽变化与地面温度存在正反馈关系,而与降水的关系虽然也较为密切,但因区域气候变化仍存在较大的不一致性。  相似文献   

Trends in precipitation are critical to water resources. Considerable uncertainty remains concerning the trends of regional precipitation in response to global warming and their controlling mechanisms. Here, we use an interannual difference method to derive trends of regional precipitation from GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project) data and MERRA(ModernEra Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications) reanalysis in the near-global domain of 60?S–60?N during a major global warming period of 1979–2013. We find that trends of regional annual precipitation are primarily driven by changes in the top 30% heavy precipitation events, which in turn are controlled by changes in precipitable water in response to global warming, i.e., by thermodynamic processes. Significant drying trends are found in most parts of the U.S. and eastern Canada,the Middle East, and eastern South America, while significant increases in precipitation occur in northern Australia, southern Africa, western India and western China. In addition, as the climate warms there are extensive enhancements and expansions of the three major tropical precipitation centers–the Maritime Continent, Central America, and tropical Africa–leading to the observed widening of Hadley cells and a significant strengthening of the global hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

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