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刘超  杜鹏  王银  余思汗  杨顺 《华南地震》2021,41(1):84-93
利用无人机摄影测量技术获取影像数据,在集成SfM算法的Photoscan软件上进行影像的处理,通过定量分析有无地面控制点生成的DEM精度,进一步明确了其在水平位置和垂直高程上的差异;对比两种情况下在数据获取、处理过程和结果精度的优缺点,探讨了两者在地震不同方面的应用前景.结果 表明:在无控制点的情况下,影像数据获取简易,处理时间较短,处理结果水平位置(XY)误差<2.00 m,垂直高程(Z)绝对值误差超过了100.00 m但在局部范围内的相对高程值误差<0.5 m,适用于地震应急现场无人机震后影像的快速获取、处理和分析;在有控制点的情况下,影像数据获取复杂、处理时间较长,但处理结果精度高,水平位置和垂直高程误差均<5 cm,适用于活动构造的定量研究和微地貌的精细解译及定量分析,可见有无地面控制点在地震不同方面具有良好的发展前景.  相似文献   

随着获取高分辨率数字地形数据技术的成熟化,越来越多地被应用到地球科学研究中。一种低成本且操作简单的获取高分辨率地形数据的新技术——SfM(Structure from Motion)的出现,将使得活动构造研究中高分辨率数据的使用更加广泛。文中首先介绍了SfM技术的工作原理和操作流程,选取祁连山北缘洪水坝河东岸进行数据采集,生成DEM数据的点云平均密度为220.667点/m~2,像素分辨率达6.73cm,覆盖面积达0.286km~2。其次,详细对比了SfM数据与差分GPS数据之间的精度。结果表明,SfM数据经过高程误差垂向校正和倾斜校正以后,与DGPS数据之间的高程差值基本上集中在约20cm左右,倾斜校正将高程差降低了约50%。90%置信区间内2种数据之间的高程差为10~15cm,局部误差在30cm左右,但所占比例不足10%,若采用更加精确的校正方法,可能误差还会更低。基于SfM数据提取的断层陡坎高度沿断裂走向分布显示,洪水坝河东岸最新一次构造活动垂直位移量在1m左右。因此,具有较高垂直精度的SfM数据,在植被稀少地区能够替代DGPS进行高精度地形测量。2种数据之间仍然存在的高程误差可能与生成DEM的方式以及SfM数据精度有关,SfM数据精度还受控于地面控制点数量、相机分辨率、照片密度、拍摄高度等条件,同时也与地表形态等内在因素有关。  相似文献   

刘超  雷启云  余思汗  杨顺  王银 《地震学报》2021,43(1):113-123
本文首先介绍了无人机摄影测量技术获取数字高程模型(digital elevation model,缩写为DEM)和地貌数据(正射影像)的作业流程,对比分析了三种不同质量密集点云生成的DEM在水平位置和高程上的差异;然后以1709年中卫南M7?大地震的主体地表破裂带为例,提取其上地震断层的垂直位错量和水平位移量.研究结果...  相似文献   

高精度、高分辨率的地形地貌数据是活动构造定量研究的基础。摄影测量方法的出现和快速发展为获取高精度地形地貌数据提供了一种经济有效的技术手段。相比于传统的测量方法,摄影测量方法可在大范围内同时进行,不受地面通视条件的限制,且测量成本相对较低。尤其近年来,随着计算机视觉理论及高效的自动特征匹配算法的发展,一种名为"Structure from Motion"(SfM)的三维重建技术被引入摄影测量方法中,极大地提高了摄影测量的自动化程度。文中介绍了摄影测量方法的基本原理及发展历程,并综述了摄影测量方法在活动构造研究中的应用,最后通过SfM摄影测量方法在活动构造研究中的1个具体应用实例,展示了摄影测量方法在活动构造定量研究中的巨大应用潜力。  相似文献   

丽江-小金河断裂斜切中国西南“川滇菱块”,走向北东,为一高角度斜滑断裂.与平面遥感影像相比,通过三维影像解译断错地貌有显著的优越性.印度P5卫星数据具备真正2.5m分辨率,在制图方面,像对生成DEM以及制图精度可达1∶25000.本文依据立体像对提取DEM的原理,利用ENVI软件DEM Extraction模块提耿出了丽江-小金河断裂带P5立体像对的DEM.文中利用等高线套合分析法和剖面线法对DEM精度进行评价,结论认为,DEM精度优于1∶5万地形图等高线高程精度,而且与实时动态差分(RTK)测量结果比较一致.文章重点选取了丽江市北东方向干塘子和西南方向南溪盆地两处,将三种高程数据——从P5立体像对提取出的DEM、google earth影像地形高程和1∶5万矢量地形图等高线生成的DEM,结合Google Earth影像做成三维立体影像,较为直观地对三种高程数据进行了有效的对比,结论认为,P5立体像对生成的DEM精度最高.在室内利用高精度三维立体图对丽江-小金河断裂断层地貌进行了解译,经过野外踏勘和探槽验证,证明三维影像解译具有很高的利用价值.  相似文献   

经过近10年的迅速发展,无人机摄影测量已成为活动构造研究的常用方法之一。但对于无人机摄影测量的精度评估,尤其是高起伏地区的精度评估存在不足。为此,选择白龙江北岸光盖山-迭山断裂沿线的黑峪寺、化马村,开展无人机摄影测量,并构建正射影像(DOM)和数字地表模型(DSM),配合差分GPS测绘进行校正和精度验证。通过对比实测控制点和图像提取点分析点精度,通过对比实测剖面与提取剖面分析剖面精度。研究结果表明,未经控制点校正的图像提取点与实测点存在较大误差,水平误差为5~8 m,垂直误差为几十米至上百米,但通过少数控制点校正后,点精度可达20 cm以内;6条实测剖面与提取剖面(提取自控制点校正后的图像)平均垂直精度总体为分米级,即0.16~0.65 m,标准差为0.13~0.69 m,略低于低起伏区的精度,对于测量条件恶劣的高起伏区,该精度是可接受的;异常高的垂直误差常出现在地形突变、低矮植被密集、行走困难等测量条件不理想位置。图像控制点中心点的准确识别、提取剖面线的修正准确性等因素也会影响精度评估的可靠性。  相似文献   

马建  黄帅堂  吴国栋 《中国地震》2019,35(3):550-557
利用微型无人机摄影测量技术,获取了博-阿断裂在乌苏通沟东岸的高精度地形、地貌数据,解译DEM数据,并结合野外调查工作,明确了断裂在乌苏通沟东岸冲洪积扇上19.3~31.1m的水平位错。分析获取的陡坎剖面,且对比陡坎两侧地貌的剥蚀程度,认为陡坎形成后受到后期水流的侵蚀,部分陡坎的高度在一定程度上被放大,断裂的实际垂直位错在0.7m左右。通过实例展示了无人机摄影技术在活动构造研究中的巨大潜力以及在微构造信息提取中的独特优势。  相似文献   

Lidar能够实时快速的获取高精度的三维地面信息;Lidar产品能方便的与多种实用程序软件接口直接连接,如CAD、三维动画软件等等。这些优势使得Lidar得到了越来越广泛的应用。机载激光雷达(Light Detection And Ranging,简称LiDAR)量测技术是应用机载激光雷达系统进行三维空间测量,得到密集的地面物体的三维坐标点云数据,再通过相关软件处理后,获得DEM、等高线图、正射影像图及三维建筑物模型。由于Li DAR系统本身包含激光、全球定位系统(GPS)和惯性导航系统(INS)三种技术,并与数字航摄仪相结合,而且激光脉冲不受阴影和太阳角度影响,其高程数据精度不受航高限制,因此经过专用软件处理,可在空中完成地面高程模型DEM及数字正射影像图DOM的大规模生产,大大提高航测成图的作业生产效率,减少生产环节,缩短生产周期,提高成图精度。由于比常规摄影测量更具优越性,近些年得到了迅速发展。  相似文献   

基于SfM方法的高密度点云数据生成及精度分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
地形数据的质量(精度和分辨率)影响着地球科学的研究水平。Li DAR测量是目前获取高分辨率地形数据的有效技术方法之一,但是其高昂的测量成本和相对复杂的后期数据处理限制了Li DAR技术的大众化应用。近年来,一种被称为Sf M(Structure from Motion)的适合大众化使用的新的高精度3维地形数据获取技术开始引起人们的注意。这种新型数字摄影测量技术可以利用高效的图像特征匹配算法从多视角照片中提取重叠区域的3维地形数据。由于Sf M技术仅需要目标物体的照片,而且对相机拍摄位置、图像尺度及拍摄焦距没有要求,因此利用简单测量平台采集地面照片就可以获取高质量的3维地形数据。与Li DAR技术相比,大大降低了获取高精度数据的成本,使得高精度3维地形数据的使用大众化。文中介绍了Sf M技术的基本原理和流程,展示了Sf M技术获取高精度3维地形数据的简单而有效的特性,特别适合于植被稀少的区域。文中利用近千米高空拍摄的、具有约70%重叠度的一套随Li DAR飞行采集的数字航空照片生成具有真彩色的高密度Sf M点云数据,点密度高达25.5个/m2,可生成分辨率0.2m的DEM(数字高程模型)。对比相同区域的LiDAR点云数据,统计分析表明58.3%的Li DAR数据与Sf M数据的垂直偏差0.1m,88.3%的Li DAR数据的垂直偏差0.2m;而且发现不同地貌的Sf M数据精度存在差异,平缓地形的Sf M数据精度高于陡峭地形的Sf M数据精度。文中还介绍了以氦气球作为拍摄平台的Sf M测量系统,可以快捷地获取高精度的3D地形数据和正射影像,比目前常用的差分GPS测量具有更高的效率和数据精度。  相似文献   

本文针对新型便携式行业级无人机精灵4RTK开展了实测数据的定位精度分析,从有、无控制点情况下的绝对定位精度和无控制点情况下的相对定位精度2方面入手,详细计算后者水平距离和高程差的测量误差,探讨网络RTK技术的无控制点情况在活动构造中的应用。结果表明,无人机精灵4RTK在天气较晴朗、飞行高度100 m、镜头角度正射向下、旁向和航向重叠率均为70%等实测条件下,有控制点情况下水平位置和高程测量误差均<4.5 cm,无控制点情况下水平位置测量误差<0.60 m、高程测量误差<1.90 m;无控制点情况下,当实际水平距离<300 m时,水平距离测量误差<0.100 m,当高程差<2.8 m时,高程差测量误差<0.100 m;以复合运动性质的发震断层为例,初步探讨认为无人机精灵4RTK的网络RTK技术在无控制点情况下提取活动构造的定量参数时,其水平位移量精度能够达到厘米级,垂直位错量精度可能达不到厘米级,当垂直位错量小于8.0 m时,精度能够达到0.157 m。  相似文献   

With the development of the techniques acquiring high-resolution digital terrain data,the digital terrain data acquisition technology has been widespread applied to the geoscience research.A revolutionary,low-cost and simply operative SfM (Structure from Motion) technology will make obtain high-resolution DEM data more convenient for researches on active tectonics.This paper summarizes the basic principles and workflows of SfM technology and processes and selects the Hongshuiba River area along the northern margin of the Qilian Shan to conduct data collection.We use a series of digital pictures to produce a texture with geographic information,in which data resolution is 6.73cm/pix and average density of point cloud is 220.667 point/m2.The coverage area is 0.286km2.Further,in order to compare the accuracy between SfM data and differential GPS (DGPS) data in details,SfM data are vertically shifted and tilt-corrected.After optimizing corrections of SfM data,the absolute value of elevation difference between two data substantially concentrates around 20cm,roughly equivalent to 2-folds of data error only after the elevation error correction.Elevation difference between two data is 10~15cm in 90% confidence interval.The maximum error is about 30cm,but accounts for less than 10%.Along the direction of fault trace,the height of fault scarp extracted from SfM data shows that vertical displacement of the latest tectonic activity in the east bank of Hongshuiba River is about 1m,and some minimum scarps height may be 0.3m.The results show SfM technology with high vertical accuracy can be able to replace differential GPS in high-precision topographic survey.After correcting of SfM data,elevation difference still exists,which may be associated with methods of generating DEM and SfM data accuracy,which in turn is controlled by the number and distribution of Ground Control Points (GCPs),photos density and camera shooting height,but also related to surface features,Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault  相似文献   

Traditional method to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM)through topographic map and topographic measurement has weak points such as low efficiency, long operating time and small range. The emergence of DEM-generation technology from high resolution satellite image provides a new method for rapid acquisition of large terrain and geomorphic data, which greatly improves the efficiency of data acquisition. This method costs lower compared with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), has large coverage compared with SfM (Structure from Motion). However, there is still lack of report on whether the accuracy of DEM generated from stereo-imagery satisfies the quantitative research of active tectonics. This research is based on LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suit)software platform, using Worldview-2 panchromatic stereo-imagery as data source, selecting Kumishi Basin in eastern Tianshan Mountains with little vegetation as study area. We generated 0.5m resolution DEM of 5-km swath along the newly discovered rupture zone at the south of Kumishi Basin, measured the height of fault scarps on different levels of alluvial fans based on the DEM, then compared with the scarp height measured by differential GPS survey in the field to analyze the accuracy of the extracted DEM. The results show that the elevation difference between the topographic profiles derived from the extracted DEM and surveyed by differential GPS ranges from -2.82 to 4.87m. The shape of the fault scarp can be finely depicted and the deviation is 0.30m after elevation correction. The accuracy of measuring the height of fault scarps can reach 0.22m, which meets the need of high-precision quantitative research of active tectonics. It provides great convenience for rapidly obtaining fine geometry, profiles morphology, vertical dislocations of fault and important reference for sites selection for trench excavation, slip rate, and samples. This method has broad prospects in the study of active tectonics.  相似文献   

High resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) are increasingly produced from photographs acquired with consumer cameras, both from the ground and from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, although such DEMs may achieve centimetric detail, they can also display systematic broad‐scale error that restricts their wider use. Such errors which, in typical UAV data are expressed as a vertical ‘doming’ of the surface, result from a combination of near‐parallel imaging directions and inaccurate correction of radial lens distortion. Using simulations of multi‐image networks with near‐parallel viewing directions, we show that enabling camera self‐calibration as part of the bundle adjustment process inherently leads to erroneous radial distortion estimates and associated DEM error. This effect is relevant whether a traditional photogrammetric or newer structure‐from‐motion (SfM) approach is used, but errors are expected to be more pronounced in SfM‐based DEMs, for which use of control and check point measurements are typically more limited. Systematic DEM error can be significantly reduced by the additional capture and inclusion of oblique images in the image network; we provide practical flight plan solutions for fixed wing or rotor‐based UAVs that, in the absence of control points, can reduce DEM error by up to two orders of magnitude. The magnitude of doming error shows a linear relationship with radial distortion and we show how characterization of this relationship allows an improved distortion estimate and, hence, existing datasets to be optimally reprocessed. Although focussed on UAV surveying, our results are also relevant to ground‐based image capture. © 2014 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

With the development of photogrammetry technology and the popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)technology in recent years, using UAV photogrammetry technology to rapidly acquire high precision and high resolution topographic and geomorphic data on the fault zone has gradually become an important technical means. This paper first summarizes the basic principle and workflow of a new digital photogrammetry technology, SfM (Structure from Motion), which is simple, efficient and low cost. Using this technology, we conducted aerial image acquisition and data processing for a typical fault landform on the northern of Caka Basin in Qinghai. The digital elevation model (DEM)with 6.1cm/pix resolution is generated and the density of point cloud is as high as 273 points/m2. The coverage area is 0.463km2. Further, the terrain and slope data parallel to the fault direction are extracted by topographic analysis method, and combined with the contour map and the slope diagram generated by the DEM, a fine interpretation and quantitative study of complex multilevel geomorphic surfaces is carried out. Finally, based on the results of sophisticated interpretation of geomorphology, we got the vertical displacements of the T1 terrace to the T3 terrace as (1.01±0.06)m, (1.37±0.13)m and (3.10±0.11)m, and the minimum vertical displacements of the T4 terrace and the T5 terrace as (3.77±0.14)m and (5.46±0.26)m, respectively, through the topographic profile data extracted by DEM. Such vertical displacement parameters are difficult to obtain directly by traditional remote sensing images, which shows the great application prospect of UAV photogrammetry technology in the quantitative study of active tectonics.  相似文献   

In order to complete the field investigation to the 25 November 2016 Arketao MW6.6 earthquake, ultra-low altitude remote-sensing data were obtained from miniature unmanned aerial vehicle. The surface rupture surveying has important significance for earthquake research. This paper selects the macro-epicenter of Arketao as the study area. The pictures were obtained with DJI Phantom 3 professional input into the software, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Orthophoto Map (DOM) were acquired based on photogrammetry method using the overlapped optical remote-sensing images of UAV. Using these data, we can identify surface ruptures that have vertical dislocation. We selected six feature points and drew the elevation profile. In the elevation profile map, we chose smooth part of the surface rupture sides and obtained the trend line. A stable point in the surface rupture was selected and the abscissa of the point was taken into the equation of two straight lines. Then subtracting the results of the two equations, we can get the vertical dislocation of the surface rupture. On this basis, we chose six feature points and determined their vertical dislocation, which are between 4.4cm and 10.4cm. What's more, taking Bulungkou Xiang in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for example, we speculated some surface ruptures that have vertical dislocation. It can provide a new method for identifying surface rupture in the field. In addition, we get DEM data of the Bulunkou area where ambient conditions are very poor, by using miniature unmanned aerial vehicle and taking 255 photos. Putting those photos into the EasyUAV software, we got the area digital elevation of 2cm resolution. Comparing these data with RTK data, we summarized some practical problems and solutions in the practical operation and evaluated the accuracy of miniature unmanned aerial vehicle data. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient is 0.996 6. In terms of absolute elevation, the average result of UAV and RTK differs by 156.96m. In terms of relative elevation, the average result of UAV and RTK differs by 9.74m. Compared with the previous test of Pishan County, there is a notable divergence in the results. It shows that the data accuracy will be affected to some extent in the cold weather in high elevations. The specific impact needs further exploration.  相似文献   

Alluvial fans that are in the process of development always show complex geomorphic features due to natural modification. Accordingly, analyzing these fans whether to be influenced by tectonic deformation is one of the technique difficulties in active tectonic studies. Complex alluvial fans are the focus of the study of active tectonics such as fracture mapping and activity behavior analysis, for they have often retained important structural information. Traditional measurement methods, such as satellite remote sensing, RTK GPS and Lidar, are difficult to meet the demand for the study of micro tectonic deformation because of the reason of accuracy or cost performance. The recent UAV photogrammetry technology, due to its many advantages such as low cost, high resolution, and efficiency of exporting DEM and DOM data, has been widely used in three-dimensional modeling, ground mapping and other fields. In the quantitative study of active tectonics, this technology fills up the deficiency in the research of the micro structure of the traditional measurement. Through detailed field investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we further used this technology to obtain the topographic data of a complex alluvial fan located at the southern marginal fault of Barkol Basin, Xinjiang. Pointing at the alluvial fans that are in the process of development, and on the basis of topographic analysis and image processing for DEM, we take the research method of secondary partitions of the geomorphic surface and cut the alluvial fans longitudinally according to the difference of its age. Through the establishment of profile cluster within each partition, separate analysis and data contrast with the adjacent partitions, we acquired the tectonic activity information during the development of alluvial fan. The tectonic vertical deformation of this alluvial fan is about 2.5m.  相似文献   

Historical aerial photographs are an invaluable tool in shoreline mapping and change detection in coastal landscapes. We evaluate the extent to which structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetric methods can be applied to quantify volumetric changes along sandy beaches, using archival imagery. We demonstrate the application of SfM-derived digital surface models (DSMs) at East Beach and Lady Bay in southwest Victoria, Australia, using photographic datasets taken in 1969, 1977 and 1986, and compare them to LiDAR-derived DSMs acquired at both sites in 2007. The SfM approaches resulted in two entire and two partial suitable DSMs out of six datasets. Good-quality DSMs were spatially continuous with a good spread of ground control points (GCPs) near the beach at Lady Bay, whereas unsuitable DSMs were mostly restricted by poor distribution and number of GCPs in spatially segmented areas of East Beach, due to limited overlapping of images, possible poor quality of GCPs and also the propagation of errors in the derived point clouds. A volume of approximately 223 000 ± 72 000 m3 was deposited at Lady Bay between 1969 and 2007, despite minimal erosion observed near the breakwater. The partially suitable dataset of East Beach indicated that beach erosion of at least 39 m3 m−1 occurred immediately to the east of the seawall after 1977. We also discuss the drawbacks and strengths of SfM approaches as a benchmark of historical erosion assessments along sandy beaches. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluate the extent to which accurate topographic data can be obtained by applying Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetric methods to archival imagery. While SfM has proven valuable in photogrammetric applications using specially acquired imagery (e.g. from unmanned aerial vehicles), it also has the potential to improve the precision of topographic data and the ease with which can be produced from historical imagery. We evaluate the application of SfM to a relatively extreme case, one of low relative relief: a braided river–floodplain system. We compared the bundle adjustments of SfM and classical photogrammetric methods, applied to eight dates. The SfM approach resulted in data quality similar to the classical approach, although the lens parameter values (e.g. focal length) recovered in the SfM process were not necessarily the same as their calibrated equivalents. Analysis showed that image texture and image overlap/configuration were critical drivers in the tie‐point generation which impacted bundle adjustment quality. Working with archival imagery also illustrated the general need for the thorough understanding and careful application of (commercial) SfM software packages. As with classical methods, the propagation of (random) error in the estimation of lens and exterior orientation parameters using SfM methods may lead to inherent systematic error in the derived point clouds. We have shown that linear errors may be accounted for by point cloud registration based on a reference dataset, which is vital for the further application in quantitative morphological analyses when using archival imagery. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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