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利用公里网格法和样带群落调查相结合的方法 ,2011-2012年对黄河三角洲滨海湿地维管植物物种多样性进行了全面调查,分析了物种多样性现状和受威胁的主要因素,在此基础上提出了保护策略,为黄河三角洲滨海湿地植物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

围填海活动对中国滨海湿地影响的定量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在中国滨海地区,大规模围填海活动导致滨海湿地持续减损,湿地生物栖息地的丧失和滨海湿地生态系统功能的退化,严重削弱了滨海地区可持续发展的资源基础。为了定量分析围填海活动对中国滨海湿地的影响,以辽河三角洲、黄河三角洲、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲滨海湿地为例,利用湿地遥感分类数据,通过建立滨海湿地生态地理单元,比较了1990年和2008年两个时期四大三角洲滨海湿地的状况,定量评估了围填海活动对中国滨海湿地影响的区域和类型差异。研究结果表明,与1990年时相比,至2008年,无论是中国滨海湿地整体还是四大三角洲局域尺度,围填海活动都是滨海湿地减损的重要驱动力,尤其体现在对北方滨海潮间滩涂和南方红树林等类型滨海湿地的大面积侵占,威胁到滨海湿地生物多样性最关键的生境类型和关键生态系统服务区域。在四大三角洲,围填海区域的主要土地利用类型在空间分布上存在一致性和差异性,表现在4种主要土地利用类型所占面积比例排序具有一致性,即水产养殖用地面积所占比例最大,农田次之,其后是工业建筑、港口建筑;以及在四大三角洲中4种主要土地利用类型所占面积比例的差异性,即黄河三角洲的水产养殖用地面积相对最大,长江三角洲的其他3种土地利用类型所占面积相对最大。为了避免围填海活动对滨海湿地的进一步破坏,在确定保护和修复优先区域的基础上,应该着手强化滨海潮间滩涂和盐沼等关键生境类型的保护、修复和生态补偿模式的相关研究和实践工作。  相似文献   

分析了对盐城滨海湿地影响较大的一些地方政策,发现这些政策对盐城滨海湿地及其生物多样性保护存在诸多不利,主要表现在:湿地开发利用政策偏重经济发展,轻视湿地及其生物多样性保护;湿地围垦政策的制定缺乏科学依据,导致盲目、超强度围垦;沿海产业政策不合理,致使湿地环境污染;湿地政策的执行缺乏有效的保障机制等。解决这些问题需要完善湿地相关政策体系,确立可持续发展作为盐城滨海湿地政策的指导思想,选择全面保护的湿地政策目标;制定综合性湿地及其生物多样性保护和可持续利用政策体系,例如,建立和完善湿地保护投入政策机制、湿地资源生态补偿政策机制,完善湿地保护和可持续利用的技术政策、产业政策等;完善湿地政策执行的管理体制,加强湿地政策的法律化。  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地具有涵养水源、调蓄洪水、提供生物栖息地、保护物种基因和生物多样性、降解污染等多种生态系统服务功能,在维护流域生态安全方面发挥着重要作用。由于对湿地资源的过度利用,导致湿地内部生境破碎化、生物栖息地退化、生物多样性锐减和湿地污染日趋严重,湿地生态安全问题越来越突出。在加强湿地宏观管理的基础上,优化调整湿地区域经济结构,调控湿地水土资源管理,加强湿地水污染防治,建立起符合湿地生态系统整体性特点的湿地生态安全管理策略,遏制生态安全恶化趋势,促进洞庭湖生态经济区的建设和可持续发展。  相似文献   

根据中国科学院遥感应用研究所国家重点实验室完成的2008年湿地遥感数据,对中国滨海湿地保护现状进行综合评价。基于滨海湿地生态地理分类体系构建的湿地类型、保护状况和目标保护物种分布,综合考虑国民生产总值和人口密度等社会、经济因素,以滨海湿地生物多样性保护为目标,运用系统保护规划的理论和方法,以Marxan软件作为空间优化模型,构建中国滨海湿地保护优先格局,建立优先保护单元150个,面积共有49 109.24 km2。已有湿地保护体系中的滨海湿地面积仅占不到中国滨海湿地总面积的10%,许多重要滨海湿地生境在已有保护系统之外,需要依据优先保护格局,对已有滨海湿地保护体系进行调整,最终形成合理保护网络,这对中国滨海湿地保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

湿地植被是滨海湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,对滨海湿地生态功能的发挥起了重要作用。在分析不同类型典型滨海湿地的环境特征基础上,从滨海湿地植被的物种组成、空间分布、演替特征和主要影响因素等方面,综述了国内外滨海湿地植被演替研究现状及动态,提出未来滨海湿地植被演替研究的方向:滨海湿地植被演替与生态恢复、滨海湿地植被演替对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

江苏盐城滨海湿地研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏盐城滨海湿地是我国重要的湿地之一,适宜的气候条件和优越的自然环境孕育了丰富的生物资源,在生物多样性保护方面占有举足轻重的地位。近年来,江苏滨海湿地正面临着大规模围垦、污染、资源过度利用、生物入侵等一系列生态环境问题,湿地系统功能退化日趋严重。总结近30年学者对盐城滨海湿地的海岸冲淤、环境演变、野生动物保护及外来物种对这一地区生态系统的影响等方面的研究成果,为湿地生态环境保护、修复及可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

人类活动对中国滨海湿地的影响及其保护对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐东霞  章光新 《湿地科学》2007,5(3):282-288
人类为了获取大量生产和生活资料对滨海湿地资源进行了大规模的开发利用活动,给滨海湿地生态系统带来了严重的负面影响,如石油开发造成了石油污染、植被退化和动物栖息地减少等,大大降低了滨海湿地的生态功能和社会与经济效益。以辽河三角洲湿地、黄河三角洲湿地、红树林湿地等滨海湿地为例,从石油开发、湿地污染、土地利用变化、湿地开发、城市和港口建设、水利工程建设、湿地水文过程和热带海岸开发等方面探讨了人类活动对中国滨海湿地的影响,并提出了保护滨海湿地的对策和建议。  相似文献   

盘锦滨海湿地面积大、类型多、生物多样性丰富、服务功能价值高,在区域经济社会发展中起到了重要作用。全面分析了盘锦滨海湿地资源现状、特点及存在的问题,提出了科学保护盘锦滨海湿地资源的对策。  相似文献   

基于生态水文学的黄河口湿地生态需水评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据生态系统保护的要求,以提高生态系统承载力、保护河口生态系统完整性和稳定性为原则,以促进区域生态系统的良性维持为目标,从生物多样性保护的角度,研究确定了23600hm^2的黄河三角洲应补水的湿地恢复和保护规模。在此基础上,采用景观生态学的原理和方法,在湿地植物生理学、生态学、水文学研究基础上及遥感和GIS技术的支持下,研究水分—生态耦合作用机理,建立基于生态水文学的黄河口湿地生态需水及评价模型,并运用预案研究方法和景观生态决策支持系统的规划评价思想,预测和评价了黄河口湿地不同补水方案产生的生态效果,重点研究了丹顶鹤、东方白鹳、黑嘴鸥等指示性物种适宜生境条件与湿地补水后的生态格局变化。评价结果表明,黄河三角洲湿地具备东方白鹳及丹顶鹤等保护性鸟类的繁殖和越冬的潜在生境条件,但其生境质量并不十分理想,通过湿地补水,作为珍稀鸟类重要栖息地芦苇湿地面积从现状的10000hm^2增加至22000hm^2,生态承载力大幅提高;研究在统筹黄河水资源条件、水资源配置工程措施和湿地生态系统综合保护需求后,推荐提出了黄河三角洲湿地恢复和保护的3.5亿m^3黄河补水量及补水时期。  相似文献   

Leschenault Estuary consists of a large lagoonal-like water body, which opens into Koombana Bay through a short and deep entrance channel at its southern end. Since the only major tributary discharges into the estuary opposite the entrance channel, much of the freshwater discharge in the winter passes directly out to sea. Consequently, during the year of the present study, the mean monthly salinities in the main body of the estuary remained above 20 per mil. This presumably accounts for the fact that the ichthyofaunal composition in the shallows of the estuary did not undergo the type of marked changes that are exhibited in other south-western Australian estuaries, in which salinities often fall below 10 per mil in winter. Despite the maintenance of high salinities in Leschenault Estuary and a close proximity to Koombana Bay, the estuary contained a far greater density and markedly different species composition of fish than that found in that marine embayment. This difference reflected, in part, the high abundance in Leschenault Estuary of some species whose entire life cycle is confined to estuaries,e.g. the atherinidsAtherinosoma elongata andLeptatherina wallacei and the gobiesPseudogobius olorum andAfurcagobius suppositus, and the fact that the juveniles of several marine species,e.g. Hyperlophus vittatus, Sillaginodes punctata, Mugil cephalus andGymnapistes marmoratus were also largely or entirely restricted to the estuary. In contrast,Lesueurina platycephala, which was by far the most abundant species in Koombana Bay, was absent in the estuary. Furthermore, the relatively protected region of Koombana Bay contained a greater density and different composition of fish than the more exposed region of this embayment. This reflected the greater use that was made of the protected region as a nursery area by certain marine species,e.g. Aldrichetta forsten andSillago bassensis. Our data, when taken in conjunction with those collected on the fish fauna in other south-western Australian estuaries, demonstrate that, within this geographical region, some fish species are specifically adapted to the estuarine environment, and that certain marine species apparently have a strong preference for using the highly protected and productive waters of this type of environment as a nursery area.  相似文献   

Anisakid nematodes are common in Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, and Arctic areas. Current distributional knowledge of anisakids in the polar regions is reviewed. Climatic variables influence the occurrence and abundance of anisakids, directly influencing their free-living larval stages and also indirectly influencing their predominantly invertebrate (but also vertebrate) hosts. As these parasites can also be pathogenic for humans, the paucity of information available is a source of additional hazard. As fish are a major human dietary component in Arctic and Antarctic areas, and are often eaten without heat processing, a high risk of infection by anisakid larvae might be expected. The present level of knowledge, particularly relating to anisakid larval stages present in fishes, is far from satisfactory. Preliminary molecular studies have revealed the presence of species complexes. Contemporary climate warming is modifying the marine environment and may result in an extension of time during which anisakid eggs can persist and hatch, and of the time period during which newly hatched larvae remain viable. As a result there may be an increase in the extent of anisakid distribution. Continued warming will modify the composition of the parasitic nematode fauna of marine animals, due to changes in feeding habits, as the warming of the sea and any localised reduction in salinity (from freshwater runoff) can be expected to bring about changes in the species composition of pelagic and benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative diatom analyses from the north Nile Delta lakes sediments of Egypt were used to evaluate the paleoenvironmental development of the lakes and climatic changes during the late Holocene. We analyzed 565 samples taken from 19 cores from Manzala, Burullus and Edku lakes. A total of 263 diatom species and varieties were identified. Multivariate statistical analyses distinguished 17 ecological groups that reflect changes in water salinity, lake-level and trophic state of the lakes, which in turn are mainly related to climatic changes and anthropogenic impacts. Manzala and Burullus lakes experienced a series of alternation between fresh, brackish and marine episodes, which were associated with wet and dry climates. Edku Lake cores, however, contained only three ecological groups that are characteristic of brackish water conditions. The general depositional regime in the lakes indicated five environmental phases: (a) a deep freshwater phase when the Nile flood water reach the lakes during humid warm climate; (b) a shallow freshwater phase with some macrophytes during a dry climate; (c) a shallow brackish water phase when Nile floodwater ceased during a dry climate and the lakes shifted to brackish conditions; (d) a mixed environmental phase when the seawater mixed with freshwater from drains and canals (water salinity fluctuated widely from freshwater to estuarine and full marine conditions); (e) a fully marine phase when seawater entered the lakes at all stages of the tide.  相似文献   

2008~2010年,在鱼类资源调查的基础上,分析了莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性特征。调查结果显示,莫莫格国家级自然保护区有鱼类物种5目11科42属49种,其中本区土著种5目10科38属45种,包括中国特有种4种,中国易危种5种,冷水种8种,国家II级保护动物1种。土著种群落中,有鲤形目(Cyprini-formes)鱼类32种,鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类29种,鮈亚科(Gobioninae)鱼类13种;古北界北方区黑龙江亚区黑龙江分区的物种为22种;源于东部平原和北方平原生态类群的鱼类有27种;适应于江—湖缓流环境和淡水定居生活的鱼类有33种;草上产卵和水层产卵繁殖的鱼类有37种;杂食性和初级肉食性种类有28种,它们均相对占优势。莫莫格国家级自然保护区与嫩江的鱼类群落物种结构Jaccard系数和Morisita-Horn相似性指数分别为0.918和0.838;稀有种(包括中国易危种)和常见种分别为14种和25种;物种多度格局近似于对数正态分布。这些结果表明,莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性与嫩江密切相关,鱼类区系复杂,物种组成与生态类型多样;群落结构相对较稳定,多样性程度相对较高,但仍面临着稀有种(包括中国易危种)尚占有一定比例而导致群落结构脆弱的潜在威胁。保持嫩江鱼类群落结构的稳定,对维护和发展莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

A textural analysis of the siliceous sediments component of a small saline lake in south-eastern South Australia (Lake Cantara South) was undertaken. The data indicated periods of marine incursion, lagoonal dominance and elevated freshwater inputs. Lake Cantara originated as a marine embayment; then followed periods of intermittent marine connection; finally, the lake became athalassic (mostly saline but with occasional freshwater inundations). This history accords well with that derived from an examination of mollusc fossils (marine, estuarine, athalassic saline, and freshwater forms) and with previously published mineralogical, geochemical and geomorphological evidence.  相似文献   

Data on benthic macroinvertebrates of the northern Caspian Sea in 1980–1991 were collected by the Caspian Fishery Research Institute. During the initial period of the water-level rise, the main trends in benthic macroinvertebrates were increases in the biomass of the main groups and decreases in the relative abundance of species of Mediterranean origin. There was no significant alteration in species composition. The increased abundance was due to improved trophic conditions and a decrease in the numbers of benthos-feeding fish. Some decrease in the relative abundance of species of marine origin was related to a decrease in water salinity.  相似文献   

Data on chrysophyte cyst to diatom ratios as an index to track Holocene paleosalinity changes are presented. Six sediment cores taken in four coastal systems influenced by Holocene sea level changes indicate that during the transition from marine/brackish to brackish/freshwater and freshwater conditions, increases in the cyst to diatom ratio were recorded. These data suggest that Holocene changes in paleosalinities in coastal aquatic systems may be tracked by using this simple index, however other factors (such as changes in nutrient levels) may complicate some interpretations. Nevertheless, data required to calculate this simple index are easy to obtain, and so relatively little effort is required to obtain some paleolimnological information on these two important algal groups.  相似文献   

头足类种类众多,分布范围广,是世界上最具开发潜力的海洋生物类群之一,近年来,北极海域渔业资源开发得到了世界各国的重视。据统计,头足类在北极海域共14科26属约43种,分别隶属于乌贼目、八腕目和枪形目,主要种类为僧头乌贼(Rossia palpebrosa)、莫氏僧头乌贼(Rossia moelleri)、深海多足蛸(Bathypolypus arcticus)、深海蛸(Benthoctopus piscatorum)、西伯利亚深海蛸(Benthoctopus sibiricus)、须蛸(Cirroteuthis muelleri)和黵乌贼(Gonatus fabricii),北极大部分头足类都是通过探捕、兼捕或者从其他动物胃含物中获得,大部分分布在格陵兰海、挪威海和巴伦支海等海域。黵乌贼资源丰度为最高,但目前均没有商业性开发。本综述系统收集了分布在北极的头足类种类及其有关资料,为北极头足类资源合理开发及研究北极海域生态系统提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

The northeastern Gulf of Mexico contains some of the most diverse and productive marine habitat in the United States. Much of this habitat, located on the shelf edge in depths of 50 to 120 m, supports spawning for many economically important species, including groupers. Here, we couple acoustic surveys with georeferenced videography to describe the primary spatial and geologic features of spawning aggregation sites for four economically important species: gag (Mycteroperca microlepis), scamp (M. phenax), red grouper (Epinephelus morio), and red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), with notes on fish distribution and abundance and spawning activities. We provide information on movement patterns of reef fish determined using acoustic telemetry. Finally, we discuss the possible coupling of geomorphology with hydrographic features to influence the overall productivity of the region and the importance of spatial fishery management in sustaining that productivity.  相似文献   

A morphometric analysis of the gills ofOreochromis alcalicus grahami has been carried out on specimens from ecologically distinct lagoons and a water-holding tank of Lake Magadi, a highly alkaline salt lake situated in a volcanically active region of the southern part of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. The data were compared with those fromOreochromis niloticus, a close relative that lives in fresh water and with data from other fresh water and marine fish. Our primary goal was to identify the possible adaptive features which enable the fish to survive in an environment characterized by severely fluctuating levels of oxygen, a condition exacerbated by factors such as high temperature, alkalinity and osmolarity. The specimens ofO. a. grahami from the south-western lagoons of the lake had gills better adapted for gas exchange with a body mass specific diffusing capacity for oxygen which was about 2 times greater than that of the gills of the specimens from the fish spring lagoons and 2.5 times that of those from the water-holding tanks. Some parameters of the gills ofO. a. grahami, e.g. the gill filament length and number of gill filaments are significantly greater than those ofO. niloticus but the number of secondary lamellae, area of secondary lamellae and the diffusing capacity of the gills are similar in the two species. Compared with most other fish, the gills ofO. a. grahami appear to be particularly well adapted for gas exchange especially by having a thin water-blood barrier. Perhaps in no other extant fish have the gills had to be so exquisitely designed to meet environmental extremes and regulate complex and at times conflicting functions such as gas exchange, iono-regulation, acid-base balance and nitrogenous waste excretion as inO. a. grahami  相似文献   

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