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利用三维海洋环流模式(parallel ocean program,POP),探讨典型浓度路径(representative concentration pathway,RCP)情景下21世纪格陵兰冰川不同的融化季节对海平面变化的影响。结果表明:在RCP4.5情景下,当格陵兰冰川以7%×a~(-1)的加速度快速融化时,相比于只在夏半年融化,全年融化会导致动力海平面在北冰洋、北大西洋副极地海域加速上升,而在欧洲西北部和北大西洋副热带海域加速下降;比容海平面在北美沿岸加速上升,热带大西洋和南大西洋副热带海域也有所上升,北冰洋、欧洲西北部和北大西洋副热带则显著下降。格陵兰冰川不同的融化季节对海平面变化影响的不同,主要是由于相比于只在夏半年融化,格陵兰冰川全年融化会造成大量较冷较淡的融冰水被滞留在格陵兰岛南部海域,在冬半年,会导致上层海洋层化加强和大西洋经向翻转流进一步减弱,一方面造成大量海水在北大西洋副极地海域堆积;另一方面导致向北的热盐输运减弱,从而造成了北冰洋、北大西洋副极地和副热带海域东部的热比容海平面显著下降和盐比容海平面加速上升。  相似文献   

2007年,联合国政府间气候变化小组(IPCC)曾预测:到2100年,全球海平面将上升18—59厘米。但是,最近在全球气候变化大会上,有专家称海平面的实际上升速率已经超过了IPCC的预测。澳大利亚天气与气候研究中心的专家表示,格陵兰岛与南极的海冰融化速度相当快。有数据显示,从1993年起,这两处的海平面每年上升3毫米。与南极相比,格陵兰冰盖相对较小,因此更易受到气候变化的干扰。如果格陵兰冰盖全部融化,全球海平面将平均升高6米。专家表示,按照目前的融化速度,到2100年,全球海平面很可能将上升1米,  相似文献   

本文利用大洋环流模式POP研究RCP4.5情景下21世纪格陵兰冰川不同的融化速率对全球及区域海平面变化的影响。结果显示:当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年1%增加时,全球大部分海域的动力和比容海平面变化基本不变,主要是由于格陵兰冰川在低速融化时并不会导致大西洋经向翻转流减弱。当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年3%和每年7%增加时,动力海平面在北大西洋副极地、大西洋热带、南大西洋副热带和北冰洋海域呈现出显著的上升趋势,这是因为格陵兰冰川快速融化导致大量的淡水输入附近海域,造成该上层海洋层化加强和深对流减弱,导致大西洋经向翻转流显著减弱;与此同时,热比容海平面在北冰洋、格陵兰岛南部海域和大西洋副热带海域显著下降,而在热带大西洋和湾流海域明显上升;此时盐比容海平面的变化与热比容海平面是反相的,这是由于大量的低温低盐水的输入,造成北大西洋副极地海域变冷变淡、大西洋经向翻转流和热盐环流显著减弱,引起了太平洋向北冰洋的热通量和淡水通量减少,导致了北冰洋海水变冷变淡,同时热带大西洋滞留了更多的高温高盐水,随着湾流被带到北大西洋,北大西洋副极地海域低温低盐的海水,被风生环流输运到副热带海域。  相似文献   

本文探讨了极地海洋生物过程中碳和其它生源物质的转换、其流程和通量以及对全球气候变化的作用,海冰对海洋生态系及全球气候变化的影响;分析了极地海洋生物产物二氧化碳和硫化物等生源气体与极地气候的直接联系,从而阐明了极地海洋生物学过程在地极海洋生态与全球气候变化中的重要性。  相似文献   

工业革命以来,人类活动导致的以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体持续排放,被认为与全球气候变化密切相关,引发诸多极端气候事件,导致海平面上升、海水酸化、海水暖化等一系列环境负面效应。海洋是地球最大的活跃碳库,增汇潜力巨大。为应对全球气候变化,人为干预海洋生态系统、促进其对大气二氧化碳额外吸收封存的海洋负排放技术体系成为国际研究热点。根据负排放技术的应用场景,目前海洋负排放技术体系涵盖侧重于生态保护和修复的滨海湿地蓝碳、侧重于环境友好型养殖产业的海水养殖环境碳汇和借助生态工程技术手段的负排放工程增汇。海洋负排放技术在实现人为增汇的同时,有望通过促进海洋生物的生长和繁殖、提高海洋生态系统的稳定性和抗干扰能力、促进海洋生态系统内部及其与陆地生态系统之间的资源循环利用,发挥其生态治理功能,从而应对海洋环流改变、海水酸化脱氧等全球海洋环境恶化以及人类活动污染的局部胁迫。  相似文献   

1南大洋的碳吸收能力超出预期在南极洲周围的南大洋,深层海水上升到表层时可以吸收大量空气中的二氧化碳,并携带这些二氧化碳再次沉入海底,直到几百年后再次上升。因此,科学家一直在密切关注南大洋吸收二氧化碳的能力。早期直接测量海水含碳量的研究认为,南大洋吸收的二氧化碳占所有海洋吸收量的40%以上。  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了IPCC 《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》(SROCC)的主要结论,并对主要观点进行了解读。报告主要关注全球变暖背景下高山、极地、海洋和沿海地区现在和未来的变化及其对人类和生态系统的影响,以及实现气候适应发展路径的方案。在全球变暖背景下,冰冻圈大面积萎缩,冰川冰盖质量损失,积雪减少,北极海冰范围和厚度减小,多年冻土升温,全球海洋持续增温,1993年以来,海洋变暖和吸热速度增加了一倍以上。同时,海洋表面酸化加剧,海洋含氧量减少。全球平均海平面呈加速上升趋势,2006—2015年全球海平面上升速率为3.6 mm/yr,是1901—1990年的2.5倍,但存在区域差异。高山、极地和海洋的生态系统的物种组成、分布和服务功能均发生变化,并对人类社会产生了显著负面影响。极端海洋气候事件发生频率增多,强度加大。1982年以来,全球范围内海洋热浪的发生频率增加了一倍,且范围更广,持续时间更长。海平面持续上升加剧了洪涝、海水入侵、海岸侵蚀等海岸带灾害,并影响沿海生态系统。海洋及冰冻圈的变化及其影响在未来一定时期仍将持续,应对这些影响而面临的挑战,应加强基于生态系统的适应和可再生能源管理,强化海岸带地区的海平面上升综合应对,打造积极有效、可持续和具有韧性的气候变化应对方案。  相似文献   

2011-2014年中国北极物理海洋学的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
曹勇  赵进平 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):1-10
过去十几年北极的快速变化以海冰变化为主要特征。然而,在冰-海-气变化系统中海洋起着关键性的作用。海洋是北极变化的关键因素,不仅影响着海冰的融化与冻结等过程,而且是大气变化的主要能量来源。在北极海冰快速变化的背景下,北冰洋的海洋特征也发生了一系列的变化。第四次国际极地年之后我国在北极科学研究中取得了一系列的进展,本文从北冰洋水团、锋面、海流等主要水文现象,以及上层海洋结构等方面,总结了2011-2014年我国在北极物理海洋学方面取得的一系列成果。  相似文献   

东南极冰-海相互作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南大洋海冰过程是全球气候变化的重要因子之一。它的季节变化显著,覆盖面积变动于夏季(2月)的4×10~6km2和冬季(9月)的20×10~6km2之间。由于南大洋冰面积的变化幅度如此之大,因此其季节变化对于气候变化的影响在重要性上仅次于北半球雪域的季节性变化。海冰主要通过3种特定方式影响气候:(1)海冰影响表面反射率,限制了极地大气与海洋间的直接接触,从而改变表面热平衡;(2)海冰改变了温度的季节循环,秋季冻结释放潜热,春季融化吸收热量,推迟了温度极值的出现;(3)海冰的运动产生了一个向赤道的负的盐…  相似文献   

在地球冷暖交替的变化中,欧洲如同跳跳板的最远一角,暖得最快也冷得最快;如果全球持续变暖,全世界都将变得温暖异常,包括西伯利亚地区,而欧洲会变成北半球的寒极,取代今天西伯利亚的地位,这种趋势说到底就是格陵兰和北冰洋的海洋持续融化的结果。[编者按]  相似文献   

Anomalous change of the Antarctic sea ice and global sea level change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AnomalouschangeoftheAntarcticseaiceandglobalsealevelchange¥XieSimei;ZouBing;WangYiandBaoChenglan(1.NationalMarineEnvironmentF...  相似文献   

Defining and interpreting shoreline change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successfully managing the coastal zone requires careful consideration of all the components of shoreline motion. Shoreline movement is a complex phenomenon that is the result of both natural processes and man-made effects. Some of these processes occur over millennia, while others are recent and may be cyclic. Understanding changes to the shore requires both a complete understanding of the underlying processes and an ability to accurately measure the changes. Many uncertainties exist, and predictions must be approached with an understanding of potential errors. Agencies using predictions must exercise caution and be prudent in the application of predictions for management decisions.  相似文献   

World fisheries, already vulnerable, are under increasing pressure from the impacts of climate change. Using the Tasmanian rock lobster industry as a case study, we considered the efficacy of risk perception as a tool to inform how to communicate the science of climate change and suggestions for management in relation to development of adaptation strategies for fisheries. Fishers surveyed in this study operate in a fishery that is expected to undergo large changes as a consequence of climate change. Fishers also reported observations of similar large changes in the marine environment and lobster fishery consistent with climate change; yet most fishers surveyed expressed doubts about whether climate change was a real process. The important point for adaption of the industry to climate change is that fisher perceptions of risk tended to create barriers to acceptance of climate change as an issue. This means that there is a barrier to communication and awareness about climate change and thus a barrier to future action on the issue. Improving acceptance of climate change and thus ability to adapt will require the development of communications that are culturally appropriate and palatable to fishers. We argue that the application of social learning principles in communications about climate change may be one constructive way forward.  相似文献   

The properties of the climate system as a physical object are considered. Major concepts of the mathematical theory of climate are stated, and the problems of constructing mathematical climate models are discussed. The results of reproducing the present-day climate are analyzed, and the sensitivity of the climate system to changes in the content of greenhouse gases is considered. Major directions are formulated in which the development of the mathematical theory of climate and of modeling climate and climate change is possible.  相似文献   

The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a project of the intergovernmental Arctic Council, intended to synthesize knowledge of the effects of climate change on the Arctic. This paper is based on the primary output of the ACIA project, a 1042 page book entitled Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Our concern is with the effects of Arctic climate change on fisheries. To set the stage, however, we first discuss those chapters that logically precede the fisheries discussion, the chapters concerned with past and present climate change, climate modeling and marine systems. The conclusion notes that moderate climate warming will probably benefit most Arctic fisheries. The conclusion also considers the role of anthropogenic causation in climate change and its policy implications.  相似文献   

欧鳗“狂游症”病毒的细胞定位与超微病变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜江华  颜青  方莹  黄印尧  倪子绵  陈信忠 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):54-56,T001
应用电镜标本制备和观察技术对45尾“狂游症”欧鳗的主要脏器进行系统观察,在脑、心脏、肌肉和皮肤组织中,发现一种致病性病毒,多数病毒定位于细胞的内质网腔,一般为球状或椭圆球状,大小约为50~80nm×100~150nm,具有囊膜,囊膜外附有纤突,可以造成脑细胞的肿胀、空泡变性和心肌细胞线粒体的结构破坏和空泡化等细胞病变.人工感染欧鳗中找到同样病毒,表明该病毒是欧鳗“狂游症”的致病原.  相似文献   

Technical change in fisheries is an under-researched area in resource economics and management. This is surprising, because technical progress is the main driver of the development in fishing power and capacity. This article reviews the recent research and development in technology that have occurred in fisheries. New policy implications of introducing technical change into the standard bioeconomic model are illustrated. Bycatch saving technical change is critical to bycatch reduction and ecosystem based fisheries management, and optimal policies cost-effectively reduce bycatch, create incentives to induce bycatch saving technical change, and establish technology policy for research and development.  相似文献   

This paper explores the utility of qualitative scenario approaches to examine the potential impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity conservation on the east coast of Australia. This region is large and diverse, with considerable variation in marine biodiversity and, concomitantly, considerable diversity in the likely impacts from climate change. The results reinforce a number of key points. Engaging with stakeholders in scenario planning provides not only a focus to discuss the future in a disciplined way, but also provides ongoing reference points for contemporary decision making and planning. The paper illustrates how qualitative scenario planning provides opportunities to address the challenges of marine biodiversity conservation in a changing environment.  相似文献   

In hot water: zooplankton and climate change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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