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横山滑坡是一个具有多层滑带且处于蠕滑挤压阶段的新生滑坡。研究表明,由于雨季降水和地表水渗入倾向(氵居)水河、倾角呈10°~15°的潜在多层滑带内,导致主滑带岩石泥化和软化并形成塑性蠕滑区段,滑体在自重压力作用下沿滑带蠕动,形成滑坡。降水和地表水渗入,造成滑带岩石泥化和软化,使岩石强度降低,是滑坡形成的主要原因;山坡超挖过陡和具有宽阔的临空地带等,是滑坡形成的重要因素和条件。而因煤层采空而形成的冒落,不是引起滑坡发生的原因。  相似文献   

基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,采用多层次分析(AHP)法,以北京密云水库上游部分库区为研究对象,根据库区实际情况,选取植被覆盖率、土壤类型、坡度、高程、降雨量、土地利用六种影响滑坡灾害发生的因素作为评价因子,对区域滑坡风险进行分析。同时,在ArcGIS的空间分析环境中运行权重叠加,将研究区域划分成无危险区、低危险区、中危险区、高危险区和极危险区。结果表明,研究区域内大部分地区比较稳定,最易发生滑坡的区域主要集中在密云水库东北部的河谷、山谷地带,呈零星状分布。  相似文献   

本文通过对陕南基岩滑坡—石家坡高速滑坡的研究,提出了高速基岩滑坡的多级冲程和超前溅泥气浪问题。文中着重讨论了陕南基岩滑坡的形成条件与因素以及高速滑坡多级冲程和超前溅泥气浪的形成机制等问题。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水前后,沿高桥断裂带发生了一系列地震活动。为了解断层泥特征与断裂活动的关系,在野外地质调查基础上,对高桥断裂带内的断层泥进行X光衍射和粒度分布测试。结果显示,高桥断裂带断层泥的粘土矿物含量一般低于35%,并且主要矿物为不具膨胀性的绿泥石和伊利石|断层泥分维值在2.20~2.67之间变化,表明高桥断裂带的运动方式以粘滑为主。断层力学性质和断层泥分维计算均表明其具有分段性,结合断裂附近的地震活动认为,北东段较南西段稳定,但不排除高桥断裂带未来有发生中强地震的可能性。  相似文献   

分析了四川理县一处山体滑坡2014-08~2015-08的监测数据。结果表明,滑坡处于缓慢发生中,滑移的主要方向指向山体旁的学校;1 a中3个监测点在该方向上的累积位移量分别为180 mm、262 mm和448 mm。分析降雨量资料发现,降雨对山体滑坡有延迟的影响。利用ANSYS软件对滑坡发生的过程进行数值模拟,并计算监测点的位移,结果与实际观测情况吻合较好,得到降雨量与弹性模量、密度、粘聚力、内摩擦角之间的关系。该数值模拟实验提供了一种预测滑坡的新方法。  相似文献   

2021年6月10日20时30分左右, 贵州省兴仁彭家洞发生高速滑坡, 滑坡体高速运动沿途铲刮坡面崩塌堆积体, 造成3人遇难, 18栋房屋损毁。通过对滑坡发生前后影像资料遥感解译、灾害发生现场详细的地质调查及室内综合分析等技术手段, 对彭家洞滑坡的特征进行了详细描述, 阐明了滑坡发生的运动特征与形成机理。研究表明: 斜坡地形"上陡-中缓-下陡"与岩土结构"上硬下软"是滑坡形成的内在因素, 人类工程活动、强降雨的饱水加载和下渗软化作用是滑坡形成的外在因素; 滑坡平面形态呈折线形, 根据运动特征和堆积结构将滑坡分为滑源区(Ⅰ)、铲刮-流通区(Ⅱ)、铲刮堆积区(Ⅲ)3个区; 滑坡是由危岩带形成、滑坡孕育及斜坡失稳3个阶段孕育形成的挤压-推移式高速滑坡。研究结果对贵州类似的斜坡地带及岩土结构区域开展防灾减灾工作具有较强的指导作用。   相似文献   

如果滑坡发生时间信息不完备则会导致滑坡与降雨时序关系错误,以至于降雨阈值模型精度偏低。以重庆市万州区1995-2015年所发生的降雨型滑坡为研究对象,将区内严重缺失历史滑坡时间信息的恒合乡作为验证区,提出了一种基于长短时记忆网络(LSTM)融合时域卷积网络(TCN)的模型方法。该方法通过模拟降雨型滑坡发生时间与降雨量间的非线性关系,重建降雨型滑坡事件在某日发生的时间概率。将重建时间信息后的滑坡事件进行了验证与筛选,应用于累积有效降雨量-降雨历时曲线的合理划分,构建了滑坡气象预警模型。结果表明,本方法所预测滑坡时间概率平均值达到90.33%,高于人工神经网络(ANN)(71.17%)、LSTM(72.75%)和TCN(86.91%)的概率。利用预测概率高于90%的滑坡,将验证区18个时间信息扩充至201个。基于扩充时间信息后的滑坡数据所构建的气象预警模型比仅利用历史滑坡事件具有更合理的预警分级,在严重警告级别上有效预警率提升了42.86%。结果说明该方法可弥补野外调查中灾害数据时间信息不足的问题,为降雨型滑坡气象预警工作提供数据支撑,由此提高气象预警准确率。  相似文献   

湖南省泥石流、滑坡和崩塌等地灾一半与种竹子有关,竹子根系在花岗岩沙性土壤中的含水量非常高,持水性很好,这会提高土壤含水量。如果遇到强降水,或者大风的天气,发生滑坡和泥石流的几率就非常大。  相似文献   

<正>滑坡(土体和岩体滑动、也包括泥石流和崩塌等)是丘陵和山区经常发生的地质灾害。在我国的大多数山区几乎每年都会发生大大小小的滑坡,在有些地方一年可以发生几次,甚至几十次。滑坡灾害的特点是:发生  相似文献   

以延安市13个县区地质灾害详细调查成果为基础,对区内滑坡进行了统计分析,并采用ArcGIS软件将滑坡叠加在地形图中,研究了区内滑坡的时空分布规律和发育特征。研究表明,空间上,北部砂黄土地区滑坡发育数量明显比南部壤黄土地区多,滑坡在一、二级河流河谷区两侧及多条河流交汇处集中分布,阴坡发生滑坡的比率高于阳坡,滑坡在年降雨量多的地区集中分布,在人口和交通工程密集区域内集中分布;时间上,滑坡在6-9月份的雨季相对集中,在晚更新世末和全新世初期相对集中。其发育特征表现为:区内滑坡有7种类型,但以黄土滑坡(黄土内滑坡、黄土与红黏土接触面滑坡、黄土与基岩接触面滑坡、沿古土壤面滑坡)为主,滑坡体长度主要集中在6~300 m,宽度主要集中在15~300 m,厚度主要集中在1~20 m,滑坡体面积在0.009 6×104~40.5×104 m2之间,体积在0.026 88×104~1 620×104 m3之间,其中以中小型滑坡为主;提出了因地制宜的针对性建议,为区域内的防灾减灾工作提供了一定的参考。   相似文献   

In the purple hilly region, erosions and landslides are all serious, and it is of great scientific value and practical significance to study their formation mechanism and distribution features there.In this paper, soil micromorphological methods and techniques were used to study the erosion zonal distribution in the region. The results indicated: (1)According to erosion process, the spacial distribution zones of the erosions and landslides in the purple hilly region with different solums were divided into scouring erosion zone, transport-diffusion zone, rocks and soil turbulence zone and sediment-bury zone; (2) The soil micromorphologic taxonomic feature identifying different erosion-landslide zone were found by studying the soil micromorphology of erosive zone in purple hilly region; (3) As for the erosion-landslide formation in the region, besides the external factors, the internal factors were found more important and favorable for landslide formation through the studies on the micormorphologieal features of slide soil.  相似文献   

由于具有类似的工程地质和水文地质条件, 在高度相关的降雨作用下, 同一个区域中的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害常成群出现。在区域尺度预测浅层斜坡失稳灾害对滑坡灾害的防灾减灾工作具有重要的意义。为此, 提出了一种基于力学原理的降雨诱发浅层斜坡失稳灾害预测新模型RARIL。该模型采用修正Green-Ampt模型进行降雨入渗分析, 采用无限体边坡模型进行安全系数计算, 利用可靠度原理考虑区域斜坡稳定性分析中的参数不确定性。该模型具有可考虑降雨诱发浅层斜坡的失稳力学机理、可考虑区域内斜坡土体参数不确定性, 以及计算效率高、易于在GIS平台上实现等优点。案例分析表明, RARIL模型较为准确地预测了2010年8月12日11∶00至2010年8月14日9∶00期间强降雨在四川省汶川县映秀镇附近的303省道K0-K20段沿线区域引发的滑坡灾害, 研究结果证明RARIL模型在预测降雨诱发区域斜坡失稳灾害方面有很好的应用前景。   相似文献   

本文利用全国1∶100万土地利用数据和1∶400万土壤肥力综合质量数据,从耕地的地形特征和土壤肥力两个角度,对贫困地区和非贫困地区的耕地自然质量进行比较研究。研究表明:贫困地区平原型、丘陵型耕地比重较低、山地型和陡坡型耕地比重较高;贫困地区耕地土壤肥力的平均水平和非贫困地区差别不大,但土壤肥力好和较好的耕地所占比重较小。本文还建立了包括地形特征和土壤肥力综合质量两个因素的耕地自然质量评价指数,从县域尺度对全国耕地自然质量进行定量评价,并发现贫困地区耕地自然质量评价指数在低值区集中的特征更为显著。  相似文献   

Landslides are natural disasters which can pose a serious threat to human and property in many areas around the world. The Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Regional Slope-stability (TRIGRS) model was used to investigate the rainfall-induced shallow landslides in a forested mountain region, Korea. Various input data for TRIGRS model include time-varying rainfall, topographic characteristics, soil depth, material strength, and hydraulic properties. A series of calculations were conducted in determining the slope stability over the Jangheung region in Korea during the storm occurred on August 6, 1998. The results show that TRIGRS model captured about 64.1% of landslides that were extracted from the IKONOS2 imageries. The model demonstrated how the factor of safety changed with time during a storm considering both the transient and spatial responses of pore water pressure in its slope stability calculation.  相似文献   

以湖南省澧源镇为例,利用证据权模型和灰色关联度模型分别计算了坡度、地层岩性、斜坡形态、土地利用类型、人类工程活动5个因子二级状态证据权值和一级因子权重;综合2种模型确定全区滑坡易发性指数后,完成基于斜坡单元的全区滑坡易发性区划;根据研究区岩土体类型(碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩类和松散岩土体类)分组研究不同滑坡发生概率下的有效降雨阈值曲线(I-D曲线)。研究降雨时间为3日、有效强度为22.4 mm/d的降雨工况下各岩土体类型滑坡发生的时间概率。综合时间概率和易发性结果得到澧源镇基于有效降雨阈值的滑坡灾害危险性区划图。研究结果表明:澧源镇滑坡灾害高和极高易发区占研究区总面积的25%,主要沿澧河分布;极高危险区和高危险区占研究区总面积的14%,主要分布在澧河北侧。   相似文献   

滑坡变形演化特征一直是滑坡灾害预测与防治领域急需解决的关键问题, 但对于多层滑带滑坡的变形演化特征却少有研究。以物理模型试验为手段建立了三层滑带滑坡物理试验模型, 完成了多层滑带滑坡变形演化全过程的模拟。基于PIV技术获取坡表位移数据, 通过柔性测斜仪监测滑坡深部位移, 同时布设土压力盒获取滑坡内部土压力的变化情况, 实现了多层滑带滑坡演化过程多参量数据分析。试验结果表明, 多层滑带滑坡破坏过程可分为初始、等速、加速和破坏4个阶段。不同破坏阶段滑坡的主要变形区域不同, 下层滑体受到上层滑体牵引作用, 在重力和推力作用下滑坡变形逐渐向浅层发展。变形过程中滑坡应力逐渐向滑带集中, 滑坡推力沿埋深方向呈多级梯形分布。加速变形阶段滑带处应力迅速增大, 滑坡体内产生多层应力集中带, 滑带位置推力变化与滑坡位移显著相关。   相似文献   

The use of LIDAR-derived shaded relief maps led to the identification of all potential landslide areas in a hilly region in Northern Bavaria (1590 km2), Germany. Every possible structure was investigated by field investigation which resulted in a detailed database of 1002 landslides within the study area. The analysis of geological, lithological, topographical and morphological properties (spatial ratio, lithological and geological setting, length/width distribution, material properties and slope angle) revealed characteristic appearances of the landslides and possible relationships between different aspects. Strong relations between the lithological setting, spatial ratio of the mapped landslides and distribution of slope angle could be observed. This study shows the value of high-resolution shaded relief maps for detecting and mapping landslides in a large area with comparatively little work and time in comparison to the traditional approach to mapping. It reveals that many landslides were not known before. Landslides are much more common in Northern Bavaria and have a higher influence on the denudation rate of the Franconian Alb than expected before.  相似文献   

On August 8~(th), 2017, an Ms 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, northern Sichuan Province, China. The Jiuzhaigou Valley World National Park was the most affected area due to the epicentre being located in the scenic area of the park. Understanding the distribution characteristics of landslides triggered by earthquakes to help protect the natural heritage sites in Jiuzhaigou Valley remains a scientific challenge. In this study, a relatively complete inventory of the coseismic landslides triggered by the earthquake was compiled through the interpretation of high-resolution images combined with a field investigation. The results indicate thatcoseismic landslides not only are concentrated in Rize Gulley, Danzu Gully and Zezhawa Gully in the study area but also occur in the front part of Shuzheng Gully along the road network(from the entrance of Jiuzhaigou Valley to Heye Village). The landslides predominantly occur on the east-and southeastfacing slopes in the study area, which is a result of the integrated action of the valley direction and fault movement direction. The back-slope effect and the slope structure caused the difference in coseismic landslide distribution within the three gullies(Danzu Gully, Rize Gully, and Zezhawa Gully) near the inferred fault. In addition, the topographic position index was used to analyse the impact of microlandforms on earthquake-triggered landslides by considering the effect of the slope angle. The study results reveal a higher concentration of landslides in the slope position class of the middle slope(30°-50°) in Jiuzhaigou Valley. These findings can provide scientific guidance for the protection of natural heritage sites and post-disaster reconstruction in Jiuzhaigou Valley.  相似文献   

Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect basins, a massive number of landslides existing in Qionghai Lake Basin were investigated for landslide distribution characteristics and geomorphological evidences, with further comparison and analysis using historic seismic analog method. The landslides found in Qionghai Lake Basin showed clear features of seismic triggering with strongly controlled by Zemuhe fault. These landslides are still active at present. Some new slides generally occur in ancient slope failure zones causing serious secondary hazards in recent years. In this study we strengthen the idea that the landslides triggered by the 185o Xichang earthquake (Ms7.5) have long term activity and prolonged impact on the mountain disasters with a period of more than 16o years. Our results support growing evidence that coseismic landslides have a prolonged effect on secondary disasters in a basin, and invite more careful consideration of the relationship between current basin condition and landslide history for a longer period.  相似文献   

Rudraprayag in Garhwal Himalayan division is one of the most vulnerable districts to landslides in India. Heavy rainfall, steep slope and developmental activities are important factors for the occurrence of landslides in the district. Therefore, specific assessment of landslide susceptibility and its accuracy at regional level is essential for disaster management and proper land use planning. The article evaluates effectiveness of frequency ratio, fuzzy logic and logistic regression models for assessing landslide susceptibility in Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand state, India. A landslide inventory map was prepared and verified by field data. Fourteen landslide parameters and generated inventory map were utilized to prepare landslide susceptibility maps through frequency ratio, fuzzy logic and logistic regression models. Landslide susceptibility maps generated through these models were classified into very high, high, medium, low and very low categories using natural breaks classification. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, spatially agreed area approach and seed cell area index (SCAI) method were used to validate the landslide models. Validation results revealed that fuzzy logic model was found to be more effective in assessing landslide susceptibility in the study area. The landslide susceptibility map generated through fuzzy logic model can be best utilized for landslide disaster management and effective land use planning.  相似文献   

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