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压电材料智能力矩控制器对具有不确定参数升船结构顶部厂房地震反应的鲁棒控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文中建立了压电材料智能力矩控制器对具有不确定参数升船结构顶部厂房地震反应鲁棒控制的设计计算方法,并对中国某升船结构的等效结构体系进行了仿真分析。计算结果表明,智能力矩控制器能有效地减小顶部厂房的鞭梢效应。在考虑顶部厂房因端部山墙引起的侧移刚度不确定性的条件下,智能力矩鲁棒控制器的控制效果和稳定性要优于常规的主动控制器。 相似文献
多层建筑结构水平剪扭-竖向地震反应的智能复合隔震控制 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
本文在提出了“碟形弹簧-橡胶隔震垫”和MR阻尼器组合而成的智能复合隔震系统的基础上,建立了智能复合隔震系统对多层建筑结构“水平剪扭-竖向”地震反应控制的设计计算方法。提出了智能复合隔震系统对建筑结构水平地震反应的模糊半主动控制策略和对建筑结构竖向地震反应的被动控制方法。以一个五层框架结构为例进行了仿真分析。分析结果表明,本文提出的智能复合隔震系统是一种十分简单和有效的隔震系统。它可克服建筑结构常规隔震系统的两个主要缺点,有效地抑制多层建筑结构的多维地震反应。 相似文献
滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统对地震频谱和结构刚度的鲁棒性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地震功率谱密度函数的频率范围和结构刚度变化对滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统减震效果的影响分析表明:控制系统减震效果对地震功率谱的频域宽窄不敏感,而对功率谱所覆盖的结构自振频率敏感;结构刚度发生±15%的变化对减震效果的影响不大.分析还表明,滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统对于结构非线性地震反应有显著的减震作用. 相似文献
本文提出了ER/MR智能阻尼器对空间网壳结构地震反应半主动控制的设计计算方法.文中,在推导了ER/MR智能阻尼器杆件有限单元模型的基础上,建立了设置ER/MR智能杆件的网壳结构地震反应的运动方程.应用本文提出的局域半主动控制策略,我们得到了ER/MR智能阻尼器对空间网壳结构地震反应半主动控制的计算方法.工程实例的计算结果表明:ER/MR智能杆件是一种不会失稳的控制装置,在结构上合理布置ER/MR智能杆件和合理选取ER/MR智能杆件的参数可获得较好的减震效果. 相似文献
A fuzzy‐logic control algorithm, based on the fuzzification of the MR damper characteristics, is presented for the semiactive control of building frames under seismic excitation. The MR damper characteristics are represented by force–velocity and force–displacement curves obtained from the sinusoidal actuation test. The method does not require any analytical model of MR damper characteristics, such as the Bouc‐Wen model, to be incorporated into the control algorithm. The control algorithm has a feedback structure and is implemented by using the fuzzy‐logic and Simulink toolboxes of MATLAB. The performance of the algorithm is studied by using it to control the responses of two example buildings taken from the literature—a three‐storey building frame, in which controlled responses are obtained by clipped‐optimal control and a ten‐storey building frame. The results indicate that the proposed scheme provides nearly the same percentage reduction of responses as that obtained by the clipped‐optimal control with much less control force and much less command voltage. Position of the damper is found to significantly affect the controlled responses of the structure. It is observed that any increase in the damper capacity beyond a saturation level does not improve the performance of the controller. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对巨-子结构隔震体系,在隔震层处或子结构顶部与主结构连接处,施加SMA-压电智能复合阻尼器,从而形成巨-子结构智能隔震体系。本文通过限界Hrovat最优控制算法设计了巨-子结构智能隔震体系的半主动控制器,在此基础上,对巨-子结构智能隔震体系进行了Simulink控制效果仿真分析,同时比较了控制装置安装位置的不同对结构控制效果的影响,并与普通隔震结构的减震效果进行了对比。研究结果表明,智能隔震控制1(隔震层加控制装置)和智能隔震控制2(子结构顶部加控制装置)2种控制方案在控制结构的位移方面效果相差不大。总体而言,智能隔震控制2对于控制子结构单元顶部的绝对加速度效果更为显著,但是相对于普通隔震而言,特别是在控制隔震层位移方面2种方案都具有较好的控制效果。实施智能控制可以有效改善巨-子结构被动控制体系的抗震性能,并能降低隔震结构在遭受强震时由于隔震层出现过大位移导致结构倾覆的危险。 相似文献
应用MBC策略的MRD 隔震结构半主动控制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
磁流变阻尼器(Magnetorheological Damper,MRD)与隔震垫组成的半主动隔震系统能有效地改善被动隔震系统的性能,消除隔震层因过大变形产生的不利影响。基于市场机制的控制(Market-Based Control,MBC)策略是一种利用自由经济市场来模拟控制系统,用销售商和消费者来代替能量源系统和受控系统,并应用市场中商品的供需规律来完成系统控制能量的分配,实现对受控系统有效控制的策略。本文将MBC策略应用于此种半主动隔震系统,提出了相应的控制策略,实现对MRD电压的实时有效控制。算例分析表明,采用此策略能充分利用MRD的变阻尼特性,使结构振动控制效果显著。 相似文献
基于瞬时最优算法的磁流变阻尼隔震结构半主动控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用瞬时最优控制算法,对附加了磁流变阻尼器的多自由度隔震结构进行了半主动控制的数值模拟。首先,将被动隔震装置——叠层钢板橡胶垫与磁流变阻尼器相结合,形成磁流变智能隔震系统。其次,根据瞬时最优控制算法的基本原理,针对磁流变阻尼器的特点,建立与之相适应的半主动控制算法。最后,以六层隔震结构为例,进行数值分析。比较了被动与半主动控制的结构反应,并得到较好的控制效果。 相似文献
Passive supplemental damping in a seismically isolated structure provides the necessary energy dissipation to limit the isolation system displacement. However, damper forces can become quite large as the passive damping level is increased, resulting in the requirement to transfer large forces at the damper connections to the structure which may be particularly difficult to accommodate in retrofit applications. One method to limit the level of damping force while simultaneously controlling the isolation system displacement is to utilize an intelligent hybrid isolation system containing semi-active dampers in which the damping coeffic ient can be modulated. The effectiveness of such a hybrid seismic isolation system for earthquake hazard mitigation is investigated in this paper. The system is examined through an analytical and computational study of the seismic response of a bridge structure containing a hybrid isolation system consisting of elastomeric bearings and semi-active dampers. Control algorithms for operation of the semi-active dampers are developed based on fuzzy logic control theory. Practical limits on the response of the isolation system are considered and utilized in the evaluation of the control algorithms. The results of the study show that both passive and semi-active hybrid seismic isolation systems consisting of combined base isolation bearings and supplemental energy dissipation devices can be beneficial in reducing the seismic response of structures. These hybrid systems may prevent or significantly reduce structural damage during a seismic event. Furthermore, it is shown that intelligent semi-active seismic isolation systems are capable of controlling the peak deck displacement of bridges, and thus reducing the required length of expansion joints, while simultaneously limiting peak damper forces. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This study investigates the effectiveness of the non-smooth semi-active control algorithm on suppressing the vibration performance of a building structure subjected to seismic waves. According to the Lyapunov stability theory, it has bene proven that the non-smooth semi-active control algorithm can achieve a finite-time stability of the vibration relative to the isolation layer of a building structure. Through numerical simulation of two buildings with different parameters subjected to the input of a seismic wave, the vibration conditions of passive control, LQR semi-active control and non-smooth semiactive control are compared and analyzed. The simulation results show that the non-smooth semi-active control algorithm has a better robustness and effectiveness in restraining the impact of earthquakes on the structure. 相似文献
为改善近断层地震动作用下隔震桥梁结构的抗震性能,基于Benchmark结构振动控制问题,研究附加黏滞阻尼器、磁流变(MR)阻尼器的组合隔震策略.非线性动力分析过程中,优化了黏滞阻尼器的阻尼系数和速度指数,并设计了分散模糊控制器来确定施加给磁流变阻尼器的电压.研究结果表明:采用黏滞阻尼器和磁流变阻尼器可提高隔震桥梁结构在... 相似文献