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Hydrograph analyses of groundwater depletion process in the spring were used for estimation of karstification degree and groundwater sensitivity to pollution in the whole catchment area. Differences of individual depletion hydrographs enable assessment of the anticipated extent of absorption, attenuation and self-purification processes during the groundwater penetration through the rock environment between its infiltration and its outflow in the spring. The method was applied in the SW part of the Velka Fatra Mountains (Slovakia) “Tlsta” hydrogeological structure. In total, 209 individual recession curves from 20 gauged springs were analyzed. Depending on characteristic groundwater depletion hydrographs with independent sub-regimes, categories of groundwater sensitivity to pollution were defined. Finally, resulting sensitivities to pollution were linked to lithostratigraphical units in the area.  相似文献   

Prediction and evaluation of pollution of the subsurface environment and planning remedial actions at existing sites may be useful for siting and designing new land-based waste treatment or disposal facilities. Most models used to make such predictions assume that the system behaves deterministically. A variety of factors, however, introduce uncertainty into the model predictions. The factors include model and pollution transport parameters and geometric uncertainty. The Monte Carlo technique is applied to evaluate the uncertainty, as illustrated by applying three analytical groundwater pollution transport models. The uncertainty analysis provides estimates of statistical reliability in model outputs of pollution concentration and arrival time. Examples are provided that demonstrate: (a) confidence limits around predicted values of concentration and arrival time can be obtained, (b) the selection of probability distributions for input parameters affects the output variables, and (c) the probability distribution of the output variables can be different from that of the input variables, even when all input parameters have the same probability distribution  相似文献   

Based on the dynamic analysis and research of pollution risk of groundwater sources, this paper creates the dynamic assessment method of pollution risk of groundwater source area under the theory of “source-pathway-receptor”, and applies this method to one typical fissure karst groundwater source area in northern China. Following the 30-year petroleum pollutant migration simulation and pollution risk assessment of groundwater source area, this study finds that the very high risk zone is mainly located in Q Petrochemical Company and the surrounding area and the area adjacent to River Z. Within this period of thirty years, the pollution risk of groundwater source area has showed a dynamic trend that features an inverted “V” shape. The ratio of very high risk zone to the total area will be 18.1%, 17.47% and 16.62% during the tenth year, the twentieth year and the thirtieth year separately, and will reach the highest level of 19.45% during the fifteenth year. Meanwhile, the vertical migration distance of pollutant centre concentration changed from the surface soil at the outset to the deepest point of about 250 meters underground during the tenth year. The results of this risk assessment indicate the dynamic feature of pollution risk. The dilution, degradation and migration of petroleum pollutants in groundwater system contribute to an ultimate decline in pollution risk.  相似文献   

The importance of groundwater for potable supply, and the many sources of anthropogenic contamination, has led to the development of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability mapping. An Analysis of Co-Variance and Analysis of Variance are used to validate the extensively applied UK methodology, based upon nitrate concentrations from 1,108 boreholes throughout England and Wales. These largely confirm the current aquifer and soil leaching potential classifications and demonstrate the benefits of combining soil and low permeability drift information. European legislation such as the Water Framework Directive will require more dynamic assessments of pollutant risk to groundwater. These results demonstrate that a number of improvements are required to future intrinsic groundwater vulnerability methodologies. The vertical succession of geological units must be included, so that non-aquifers can be zoned in the same way as aquifers for water supply purposes, while at the same time recognising their role in influencing the quality of groundwater in deeper aquifers. Classifications within intrinsic vulnerability methodologies should be based upon defined diagnostic properties rather than expert judgement. Finally the incorporation into groundwater vulnerability methodologies of preferential flow in relation to geological deposits, soil type and land management practices represents a significant, but important, future challenge.
Resumen La importancia de las aguas subterráneas en el abastecimiento de agua potable, y las muchas fuentes de contaminación antropogénica, ha llevado al desarrollo del mapeo de vulnerabilidad a la contaminación intrínseca de aguas subterráneas. Se han utilizado un análisis de co-varianza y análisis de varianza para validar la metodología que se ha aplicado extensamente en UK basada en concentraciones de nitrato de 1108 pozos a través de Inglaterra y Gales. Se confirma ampliamente las clasificaciones actuales de acuíferos y potencial de lixiviación del suelo y se demuestra los beneficios de combinar la información de suelos y derrubios de baja permeabilidad. La legislación europea tal como el Marco Directivo del Agua requerirá evaluaciones más dinámicas del riesgo a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Estos resultados demuestran que se requieren varias mejoras en las metodologías futuras de vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Tiene que incluirse la secuencia vertical de las unidades geológicas de modo que las unidades que no son acuíferos puedan zonificarse de la misma manera que los acuíferos con fines de abastecimiento de agua, mientras que al mismo tiempo se reconozca el papel que tienen en la influencia de la calidad de agua subterránea en acuíferos profundos. Las clasificaciones de las metodologías de vulnerabilidad intrínseca deberían basarse en las propiedades diagnósticas características más que en el juicio experto. Finalmente la incorporación de flujo preferencial en las metodologías de vulnerabilidad de agua subterránea en relación a las formaciones geológicas, tipo de suelo y prácticas de manejo de la tierra representa un desafío futuro no solo significativo sino que importante.

Résumé Limportance des eaux-souterraines pour lalimentation en eau potable, et les multiples sources de contaminations anthropiques, ont conduit au développement de cartes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines aux pollutions. Une analyse de la co-variance et lanalyse de la variance sont utilisées pour valider la méthodologie extensive utilisée en UK, basée sur les concentration en nitrates de 1108 forages en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Ceci confirme les classifications courantes basées sur la nature des aquifères et le potentiel de lessivage des sols, et démontre le bénéfice que lon peut tirer à combiner linformation dérivant des sols et des faibles perméabilités. La législation européenne telle la Directive Cadre Européenne demandera des évaluations plus dynamiques des risques de pollution affectant les eaux souterraines. Ces résultats démontrent quun certain nombre daméliorations sont nécessaires aux futures méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines. La succession verticale dunités géologiques doit être pris en compte, de telle manière que les parties non-aquifères puissent être zonées de la même manière que les aquifères pour lapprovisionnement en eaux potables, et reconnaître par la même occasion leur influence sur la qualité des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères profonds. Les classifications utilisées dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque devraient être basées sur les propriétés dun diagnostique défini plutôt que sur un jugement expert. Finalement lincorporation, dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque, des écoulements préférentiels en relation avec les formations géologiques, les types de sol et les pratiques daménagement du territoire représentent un challenge futur significatif et ortant.

以西北某城市傍河水源地及其上游原油储备库为研究区,利用地下水数值模拟软件GMS建立了地下水流和溶质运移耦合模型。根据不同的水源地地下水开采方案,应用危害最大化原则,预测未来10年内原油储备库地下水中有机污染羽对水源地的影响。结果表明,虽然原油储备库距离水源地较近,但由于原油储备库所在区域仅有薄层含水层,而水源地处于其下游的断陷盆地内,形成了特殊的水文地质结构。这使得原油储备库地下水向下游的补给十分有限。水源地地下水补给主要来自北面的黄河,即使水源地加大开采也只能对石油污染羽产生很小的拉动作用。在这种情况下,10年之内原油储备库污染羽不会污染水源地地下水。从长远考虑,为增加水源地的供水安全,应恢复黄河南河道,在增加水源地补给的同时,也在水源地与污染场地之间形成天然的水力屏障,可以从根本上防止有机污染羽对水源地的威胁。  相似文献   

Daqing Oilfield is located in the northeast of Songnen Plain in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, which is a petrochemical industry gathering place based on petroleum refining, chemical industry, chemical fiber and fertilizer. In recent years, the quantity demand of petroleum and petrochemical production for groundwater in Daqing Oilfield is growing, and it’s of great significance to analyze and study the quality and pollution degree of groundwater for groundwater exploitation, utilization and protection. In this paper, groundwater quality of Daqing Oilfield evaluated by Nemerow Index is poor, and most points are Class IV groundwater; When evaluating groundwater pollution by hierarchical ladder method, the results show that the severe and extremely severe pollution points account for 34.48% in shallow phreatic water and 20% in deep confined water, showing that shallow groundwater is more seriously polluted than the deep. The main components influencing the quality of groundwater in the study area are total hardness, total dissolved solids, Cl-, SO42- and so on, which are affected by both the native environment and human activities; The main pollution components in groundwater are nitrite and nitrate nitrogen which are affected by human activities. Daqing Oilfield groundwater pollution is characterized by inorganic pollution, while organic components related to human activities contribute less to the groundwater pollution currently.  相似文献   

Fort Morgan Peninsula is an attached portion of a dynamic barrier complex in the northern Gulf of Mexico and is a large tourist area that brings in a significant amount of revenue for Alabama. Many of the hotels and tourist attractions depend on the groundwater as their water supply. The over-withdrawal of groundwater and saltwater intrustion will have a negative impact on the ecology, tourism and economy if groundwater resources are not properly monitored and managed. In this study a calibrated groundwater flow model was used to analyze the sustainability of groundwater resources at Fort Morgan Peninsula. Detailed flow budgets were prepared to check the various components of inflow and outflow under different water use and climatic conditions. The results indicated the locations where groundwater was over-pumped and subjected to saltwater intrusion, or will be subjected to saltwater intrusion under a range of projected water use and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

As nitrate pollution in groundwater has become increasingly serious in recent years, nitrogen isotope was adopted in this paper to define its sources in a typical agricultural area of Dong'e hydrogeological unit. The results show that: Higher content of NO_3~- detected in shallow groundwater is 27.77 mg/L on average and δ15 N content ranges from 7.8‰ to 12 ‰, indicating that shallow groundwater is mainly contaminated by sewage or feces. In contrast, less NO_3~- in deep groundwater(karst water) has an average value of 12.81 mg/L and δ15 N content is between 7.2‰ and 14.3‰, which is closely related to human disturbance as mentioned above. In addition, considering relatively low groundwater quality at some monitoring sites, reasonable fertilization is a better choice in the study area to reduce nitrate source in groundwater.  相似文献   

Environmental tracers are used to estimate groundwater ages and travel times, but the strongly heterogeneous nature of many subsurface environments can cause mixing between waters of highly disparate ages, adding additional complexity to the age-estimation process. Mixing may be exacerbated by the presence of wells because long open intervals or long screens with openings at multiple depths can transport water and solutes rapidly over a large vertical distance. The effect of intraborehole flow on groundwater age was examined numerically using direct age transport simulation coupled with the Multi-Node Well Package of MODFLOW. Ages in a homogeneous, anisotropic aquifer reached a predevelopment steady state possessing strong depth dependence. A nonpumping multi-node well was then introduced in one of three locations within the system. In all three cases, vertical transport along the well resulted in substantial changes in age distributions within the system. After a pumping well was added near the nonpumping multi-node well, ages were further perturbed by a flow reversal in the nonpumping multi-node well. Results indicated that intraborehole flow can substantially alter groundwater ages, but the effects are highly dependent on local or regional flow conditions and may change with time.  相似文献   

This modeling study evaluated the capability of alternative funnel-and-gate structures with three gates for capturing contaminated groundwater in a hypothetical unconfined aquifer. Simulated interceptor structures were linear and 45 m wide, consisting of three gates and two funnels (walls). One gate occupied the center and two gates occupied the ends of the interceptor structures. The structures, positioned perpendicular to regional groundwater flow, traversed the entire thickness of the aquifer. A total of four structures were evaluated (numbers designate widths of end, center, and end gates, respectively, in meters): 3-3-3, 2-5-2, 1-7-1, and 4-1-4. Particle tracking and zonal water budgets identified shapes of capture zones and discharge patterns for each interceptor structure. A mass transport model, accounting for advection and hydrodynamic dispersion, tested the capability of each structure for capturing a contaminant plume. Results suggest that: time-dependent capture zones underestimate the amount of time to capture a contaminant plume, wide center gates facilitate plume capture, and wide end gates facilitate lateral containment of contaminants. Of the structures simulated, the 2-5-2 configuration was relatively efficient at processing and containing the simulated contaminant plume.  相似文献   

Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta,China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China is an important issue related not only to nitrate dispersion and health concerns but also to mass transport and interactions of groundwater, sea, and river waters in the coastal area. The spatial distribution of nitrate, nitrate sources, and nitrogen transformation processes were investigated by field surveys and geochemical methods. Nitrate occurred mainly in shallow layers and had a spatial distribution coinciding with geomorphology and land/water use. Irrigation water from the Yellow River and anthropogenic waste are two main nitrogen sources of nitrate in the delta, and both denitrification and mixing processes could take place according to characteristics identified by ionic and isotopic data.  相似文献   

Remotely-sensed elevation data are potentially useful for constructing regional scale groundwater models, particularly in regions where ground-based data are poor or sparse. Surface-water elevations measured by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) were used to develop a regional-groundwater flow model by assuming that frozen surface waters reflect local hydraulic head (or groundwater potential). Drainage lakes (fed primarily by surface water) are designated as boundary conditions and seepage lakes and isolated wetlands (fed primarily by groundwater) are used as observation points to calibrate a numerical flow model of the 900 km2 study area in the Northern Highland Lakes Region of Wisconsin, USA. Elevation data were utilized in a geographic information system (GIS) based groundwater-modeling package that employs the analytic element method (AEM). Calibration statistics indicate that lakes and wetlands had similar influence on the parameter estimation, suggesting that wetlands might be used as observations where open water elevations are unreliable or not available. Open water elevations are often difficult to resolve in radar interferometry because unfrozen water does not return off-nadir radar signals.  相似文献   

This study outlines an improved method, DIVERSITY, for delineating and rating groundwater sensitivity. It is an acronym for DIspersion/VElocity-Rated SensitivITY, which is based on an assessment of three aquifer characteristics: recharge potential, flow velocity, and flow directions. The primary objective of this method is to produce sensitivity maps at the county or state scale that illustrate intrinsic potential for contamination of the uppermost aquifer. Such maps can be used for recognition of aquifer sensitivity and for protection of groundwater quality. We suggest that overriding factors that strongly affect one or more of the three basic aquifer characteristics may systematically elevate or lower the sensitivity rating. The basic method employs a three-step procedure: (1) Hydrogeologic settings are delineated on the basis of geology and groundwater recharge/discharge position within a terrane. (2) A sensitivity envelope or model for each setting is outlined on a three-component rating graph. (3) Sensitivity ratings derived from the envelope are extrapolated to hydrogeologic setting polygons utilizing overriding and key factors, when appropriate. The three-component sensitivity rating graph employs two logarithmic scales and a relative area scale on which measured and estimated values may be plotted. The flow velocity scale ranging from 0.01 to more than 10,000 m/d is the keystone of the rating graph. Whenever possible, actual time-of-travel values are plotted on the velocity scale to bracket the position of a sensitivity envelope. The DIVERSITY method was developed and tested for statewide use in Kentucky, but we believe it is also practical and applicable for use in almost any other area.  相似文献   

In this paper, groundwater aquifer vulnerability map has been developed by incorporating the major geological and hydro-geological factors that affect and control the groundwater contamination using GIS based DRASTIC model. This work demonstrates the potential of GIS to derive a map by overlying various spatially referenced digital data layers that portrays cumulative aquifer sensitivity ratings across the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, providing a relative indication of groundwater vulnerability to contamination. In fact, the groundwater is the major natural resources in Kathmandu for drinking purpose. The decline in groundwater levels due to the over exploitation and thus extracted water from shallow aquifer has been contaminated by the infiltration of pollutants from polluted river and land surface is continuous and serious. As the demand for water for human and industrial use has escalated and at the same time, the engineering and environmental costs are much higher for new water supplies than maintaining the existing sources already in use. Management of groundwater source and protecting its quality is therefore essential to increase efficient use of existing water supplies. Aquifer vulnerability maps developed in this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and predictive groundwater management. Further, a sensitivity analysis has been performed to evaluate the influence of single parameters on aquifer vulnerability assessment such that some subjectivity can be reduced to some extent and then new weights have been computed for each DRASTIC parameters.  相似文献   

地下水污染具有隐蔽性,污染过程缓慢且难以治理,近年来中国高度重视地下水环境保护工作,作为支撑“以防为主”保护理念的地下水污染源解析技术研究已成为地下水污染防治领域的研究热点。介绍了国内外地下水污染源解析方面的主要技术方法,包括同位素法、荧光光谱法、地质统计学法、主成分分析法、正定矩阵因子分析模型、自组织映射技术6种常用方法的基本原理及在地下水污染识别领域的应用和研究动态,总结了这些方法的优缺点与适用性,并就上述方法在地下水污染研究中的应用前景和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

In north-eastern Algeria, the Seybouse River is an important source of water used mainly for irrigation of large agricultural areas extending from the Guelma region to Annaba city. Industrial activities in this region contribute substantial water pollution to the river and the groundwater. Based on the different sources of pollution, mapping of areas vulnerable to groundwater pollution has been accomplished by combining land use and data on groundwater levels. The resulting maps show that the most vulnerable areas are those with large industrial activities—in Meboudja, Bouchegouf and Guelma. Infiltration and runoff contribute to pollution, and the highest infiltration rate is generally observed in areas of agricultural and industrial activities. Pollution of the aquifers in this area is of concern. Mountains, such as the Edough and Gelaat Bou Sbaa, contribute high runoff that carries pollutants towards the groundwater.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution is a major global environmental issue especially in the large cities and trace metals are considered as most important aquatic pollutants. The present study is based on the measurement and characterization of various physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, TDS, DO, alkalinity, hardness, and chloride), major cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K) and selected trace metals (Sr, Li, Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Ag, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb) in the groundwater of Lahore, Pakistan during summer and winter (2017–18) seasons. Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in urban areas of Lahore. Seasonal comparison of the data indicated that majority of the metals showed relatively higher concentrations during winter than summer. Most of the metals exhibited significant spatial variability during both seasons; relatively higher metal levels were found in the old settlements and thickly populated areas of the city. Average concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cd and Co in the groundwater were found to be higher than the national and international guideline values. Factor analysis and cluster analysis revealed major anthropogenic contributions of Ni, Co, Cd, Cu, Cr and Pb in the groundwater while rest of the metals showed mixed and/or natural contributions. Evaluation of human health risks for the metal contents in groundwater revealed that Pb, Co, Ni and Cd were associated with significantly higher non-carcinogenic risks (HQing > 1); the calculated risk for children was considerably higher than the adults. Moreover, the carcinogenic risk associated with Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb exceeded the safe limits. The present study revealed significantly higher anthropic pollutants in the groundwater which imposed considerable risks to human; therefore, it is recommended to implement immediate remedial measures to ensure safe drinking water.  相似文献   

The Paluxy aquifer in north-central Texas is composed primarily of Lower Cretaceous clastics. This aquifer provides water for both domestic and agricultural purposes in the region. The study area for this investigation incorporates the outcrop and recharge areas, as well as the confined and unconfined portions of the aquifer. The purpose of this investigation is to develop a predictive modeling approach for evaluating the susceptibility of groundwater in the Paluxy aquifer to contamination, and then compare this susceptibility evaluation to water-chemistry data collected from wells completed within the aquifer. Using such an approach allows one to investigate the potential for groundwater contamination on a regional, rather than site-specific scale. Based on data from variables such as land use/land cover, soil permeability, depth to water, aquifer hydraulic conductivity and topography, subjective numerical weightings have been assigned according to each variables' relative importance in groundwater pollution susceptibility. The weights for each variable comprise a Geographic Information System (GIS) map layer. These map layers are combined to formulate the final pollution susceptibility map. Using this method of investigation, the pollution susceptibility map classifies 32% of the study area as having low pollution susceptibility, 41% as having moderate pollution susceptibility, 25% as having high pollution susceptibility, and 2% as having very high pollution susceptibility. When comparing these modeling results with water-chemistry data from wells within the Paluxy aquifer, the four wells with the highest concentration of nitrate contamination are all found within regions of very high pollution potential. This confirms the accuracy and usefulness of the predictive modeling approach for assessing aquifer pollution susceptibility. Received: 1 June 1999 · Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

Mediterranean Spain is a region with intensive agricultural production combined with an important seasonal water demand for water supply. High application rates of inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, input of plant protection products and intensive irrigation, sometimes with treated wastewater, is a common practice. As a result, most aquifers show nitrate contamination problems of agricultural origin. Data on pesticide residues is scarce, as systematic monitoring is not currently done. In Majorca Island, values up to 700 mg/l of nitrate in groundwater have been observed. To analyse the current situation derived from non-point pollution, several actions have been taken at different scales: declaration of a nitrate vulnerable zone, field experiments to evaluate nitrogen transport to the aquifer and the development of a GIS-simulation model to generate nitrate risk maps.  相似文献   

邢润华  吴正  杜国强 《华东地质》2022,43(3):336-344
利用1∶25万土地质量地球化学调查数据,对安徽省宣州区土壤重金属污染风险进行评估,并开展土壤重金属来源解析。结果表明:研究区土壤重金属污染风险总体较低,低污染风险的土壤占74.64%;污染风险可控的土壤占25.04%,主要影响指标为Cd、 As以及 Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn;污染风险较高的土壤占0.32%,主要影响指标为Cd。重金属形态分析结果显示:土壤Cd、Pb生态风险高于As、Hg,其中As、Hg残渣态占比最高,Cd离子交换态占比最高,Pb残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态占比较高。通过表层土壤、深层土壤元素含量相关性分析,推断区内土壤重金属主要来源于成土母质,局部地区土壤(Hg、Cd、Cu、Zn、As、Pb等高含量)主要受矿山开采、畜牧业养殖等人为活动影响。  相似文献   

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