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敖红 《地球物理学报》2008,51(4):1029-1039
以热磁分析为主,对中国北方泥河湾盆地更新世河湖相地层中灰绿色粉砂和灰黄色粉砂/细砂两种典型沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,有效确定了这两类沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、粒度特征以及加热过程中磁性矿物的变化过程和产物,并对其包含的古环境意义进行了初步探讨.灰绿色粉砂样品主要含有磁铁矿和赤铁矿两种磁性矿物,磁性相对较弱,颗粒相对较细;灰黄色粉砂/细砂主要含有磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,磁性相对较强,颗粒相对较粗.在氩气环境中经700℃加热处理后,这两种沉积物中的绿泥石都分解,并生成超细粒(处于超顺磁和单畴颗粒区间)的磁铁矿,导致磁化率大幅升高.因此泥河湾盆地沉积物的热磁特征可以用来检测样品中绿泥石的相对含量,进而反映该地区化学风化作用强度的变化.此外,灰绿色粉砂样品中绿泥石含量比灰黄色粉砂/细砂样品的含量高,在氩气中加热后,磁化率升高幅度也较高,可能反映了化学风化相对较弱的沉积环境.  相似文献   

本文对发育在澳大利亚悉尼附近的Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学研究,测量了磁化率、饱和磁化强度、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁等常温磁学参数和磁滞回线,并对所有样品进行了热磁分析.实验结果表明:全新世软土层主要磁性矿物为MD颗粒磁铁矿,磁性矿物含量与黄土高原黄土层相当.中新世老成土层随地层深度增加主要磁性矿物由磁铁矿转变为磁赤铁矿,随着磁铁矿向磁赤铁矿的转化,开始出现赤铁矿;磁性矿物粒径分布较广,以PSD颗粒为主,其次为SD颗粒,同时含有少量MD颗粒;磁性矿物含量高于黄土高原强发育古土壤层.中新世红土矿层主要磁性矿物为赤铁矿,同时含有少量磁赤铁矿和针铁矿,属于铁的富集层,赤铁矿以SD颗粒为主,含少量PSD和MD颗粒.Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤形成时期,对应着一种全球性高温多雨气候,地表化学风化作用十分强烈.丰富的降水,导致中新世老成土层发生淋溶作用,磁铁矿在向下淋溶迁移过程中逐渐氧化为磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,铁氧化物最终在红土矿层淀积,磁赤铁矿经高温压实作用再结晶转化为赤铁矿.磁性矿物转化过程可概括为磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿化的磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿—赤铁矿,其中部分磁赤铁矿具有热稳定性,在空气(氩气)环境中加热到700℃未发生转化.  相似文献   

西安市道路灰尘磁学特征及其对环境的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
西安市道路表面灰尘样品的环境磁学研究显示磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)以及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)均比较高,表明样品中磁性矿物含量较高.其中磁化率(χ)主要受人类活动强度影响,而非磁滞磁化率(χARM)及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)则由人为活动强度和磁性矿物种类共同决定.κ-T曲线以及等温剩磁(IRM)获得曲线显示样品中磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿等亚铁磁性矿物占主导,并可能含有少量的单质铁,其相对含量与人类活动种类有关:与单纯的交通排放及冶金活动相比,密集的人群流动可带来更多的单质铁矿物.磁畴图谱显示磁性矿物粒径变化不大,以准单畴及多畴颗粒等粗颗粒为主,明显大于成土作用形成的磁性颗粒.综合磁性矿物含量种类以及粒径可辨别污染及污染来源,提供污染监测的磁学手段,并初步进行污染来源划分.  相似文献   

三门峡盆地晚新生代沉积物磁性载体类型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对三门峡盆地晚新生代沉积岩样品进行岩石磁学研究,通过三轴饱和等温剩磁和剩磁矫顽力实验、交变退磁和热退磁实验及磁化率测定,发现黄土-古土壤、河湖相灰绿层和冲洪积层3种不同岩性的磁载体存在显著差异.即黄土-古土壤以磁铁矿为主,赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿很少;河湖相灰绿色沉积磁性矿物含量较低,主要为赤铁矿和磁铁矿,但磁铁矿较多,此外还有一些不稳定磁性矿物(如针铁矿、菱铁矿等);冲洪积物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿为主,磁铁矿相对较多.  相似文献   

加热环境对人工合成磁赤铁矿热磁行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
热磁测量,包括高温磁化率和高温磁化强度测量,是根据热磁曲线转折点的温度(居里点、尼尔点或相变点)鉴定样品中磁性矿物种类的有效方法.本文选取两个人工合成磁赤铁矿样品,利用四种热磁测量仪器分析不同的条件下测得的热磁曲线.依据样品与空气接触程度,将测量环境设为开放、封闭、封闭(通入氩气或氮气)三类.结果表明:热磁测量环境的开放程度对居里点和曲线可逆程度产生极大的影响.封闭环境下测得的居里点较开放环境下的低,分别对应磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿;开放系统的热磁曲线不可逆程度高于封闭系统.造成这些差异的原因是氧化还原条件的不同.本文的磁赤铁矿样品在封闭的条件下,加热至250 ℃左右开始转化为磁铁矿,因此无法通过居里点被正确识别;在开放的氧化环境下,加热的最终产物为赤铁矿,能够测得正确的居里点.本实验结果启发人们:在不同的加热环境下,磁性矿物可能表现出不同的热磁行为,根据单一的热磁曲线,很容易对样品中磁性矿物的种类造成误判.全面对比不同条件下的测量结果,才能够得出更为准确的结果.  相似文献   

磁赤铁矿的几种类型与特点分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着环境磁学的广泛开展和应用,最近20年来磁赤铁矿(γ-Fe2O3)被人们所日益熟悉.现在它已经被发现是一种地表十分常见的矿物,与磁铁矿常常相伴随,是氧化透水通气环境的很好指示矿物.它也是制造音乐和录像磁带的重要磁性材料,在工业有很广泛的用途.磁赤铁矿的人工合成一般由磁铁矿通过在低于300℃的氧化环境中加热几个小时甚至几天时间来形成.它受热不稳定而产生化学变化的磁学性质是其重要特点,即加热到250℃之后该矿物一般就会被不同程度转变成为赤铁矿.因此实际上无法测量其居里点.后来对人工合成磁赤铁矿样品研究进一步发现,该矿物受热可以部分热稳定,居里温度约为645℃.本文通过不同粒度人工磁铁矿系列样品进行热磁测量实验时发现,超细粒级(假单畴(PSD)和多畴(MD)细粒)磁铁矿在快速加热过程中,形成了完全热稳定的磁赤铁矿.而且,用同样的样品在另外加热炉中快速加热到700℃高温,并且在该温度停留10min,然后冷却下来,也可以达到相同的效果.即由此两个过程形成的磁赤铁矿,再从室温加到700℃的居里温度测量过程几乎达到百分之百可逆,即完全对热稳定性特点.我们用X衍射和穆斯堡尔谱技术来鉴定和确认加热前的磁铁矿和快速加热形成的磁...  相似文献   

伊犁黄土的磁学性质及其与黄土高原对比   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
近20多年来黄土高原的黄土磁学性质与古气候研究取得了重要进展, 极大地推动了东亚古季风演化、亚洲内陆干旱化及过去全球变化的研究, 但对亚洲内陆天山地区的黄土磁学性质知之甚少. 选择天山伊犁盆地黄土剖面进行了系统的磁性测量, 包括磁化率、无磁滞磁化率、高低温磁化率和磁滞参数等, 并与黄土高原进行了对比, 开展了伊犁黄土的X射线衍射矿物学分析, 初步探讨了伊犁黄土磁化率增强的机制. 结果表明, 伊犁黄土磁性矿物的总含量要远远低于黄土高原, 但磁性矿物类型与黄土高原黄土基本类似, 以磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿为主, 部分样品还有钛铁矿等. 在磁性矿物中磁赤铁矿占的比例总体上要比黄土高原黄土低, 而磁铁矿和赤铁矿占的比例比黄土高原黄土要高. 磁性矿物的粒度要比黄土高原粗, 以准单畴(PSD)和多畴(MD)为主. 成壤作用产生的细粒超顺磁体对磁化率的贡献非常有限, 粒径为PSD和MD的磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿为伊犁黄土磁化率的主要贡献者. 伊犁黄土磁化率增强既有风速论模式(阿拉斯加或西伯利亚黄土成土模式), 又有黄土高原超细颗粒成壤模式, 但以前一种模式为主导. 伊犁黄土磁化率增强除与源区的原生磁性矿物有关以外, 还与当地的地形气候环境和地质背景有关. 伊犁黄土磁化率增强的机制十分复杂, 将磁化率应用古气候的解释时要慎重.  相似文献   

对苏北盆地兴化1#钻孔岩心沉积物进行了质量磁化率、频率磁化率、变化曲线、等温剩磁和磁滞回线等参数的测试分析,结果表明,粘土质沉积物中的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿和赤铁矿;砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物除了磁铁矿和赤铁矿外,还含有少量的磁赤铁矿和针铁矿.针铁矿普遍存在于钻孔下部的样品中.整个钻孔沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒都是介于单畴和多畴之间的准单畴颗粒,但粘土质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于单畴颗粒,而砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于多畴.根据不同的磁性矿物组合特征,选择合理的温度和磁场强度区间对古地磁退磁结果进行分析,得到沉积物可靠的特征剩磁方向,为古地磁年代学提供依据.  相似文献   

本文对黄土高原和天山黄土区表土进行系统的岩石磁学和粒度测试分析,探讨了表土磁性特征及其环境意义,结果表明表土中的强磁性矿物均为磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,弱磁性矿物为赤铁矿和纤铁矿或针铁矿,黄土高原黄土地层中的磁赤铁矿至少有部分属于风积成因.黄土高原表土中磁化率与频率磁化率呈良好的正相关,气候作用是主导黄土高原表上磁化率增强的主...  相似文献   

以黄土高原西北缘的靖远和古浪剖面(包含黄土层L1上部和占土壤层SO)作为研究对象,选取代表性样品进行磁化率、频率磁化率、热磁曲线、等温剩磁获得曲线和磁滞回线等测定.结果表明,靖远和古浪L1黄土和SO古土壤具有相似的岩石磁学特征.磁性矿物含量相对较低,载磁矿物均以磁铁矿为主,同时含有磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,且SO占土壤中的磁赤...  相似文献   

Magnetic properties as well as the magnetomineralogy were investigated in rocks underlying a 7 km long aeromagnetic anomaly situated in the Moldanubian crystalline unit of the Bohemian Massif. The anomaly is caused by highly magnetic cordierite gneiss forming a stripe of NE — SW direction east of the town of Humpolec, eastern Bohemia. Magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy (AMS), natural remanent magnetization, field and temperature variations of susceptibility were measured. Optical study of thin sections, electron microprobe and Mössbauer studies were also used to reveal the carrier of the high susceptibility and the high NRM. There appear to be two major generations of Fe-Ti oxides: older hematite with ilmenite exsolutions (Ti-hematite) which is the dominant remanence phase, and younger magnetite, the dominant susceptibility phase, usually associated with rutile. This indicates a reaction Hematite + Ilmenite → Magnetite + + Rutile; the trace elements in magnetite, as well as texture and morphology of the oxide grains support this assertion. An additional minor portion of maghemite is revealed by Mössbauer and thermomagnetic results. The Ti-hematite belongs to the oldest mineral assemblage in the rock, despite its anhedral morphology. Inclusions in Ti-hematite, among which corundum and abundant paragonite occur, record a strongly peraluminous and probably disequilibrium association during the crystallization of the Ti-hematite.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of natural specimens of hematite and goethite is studied under continuous heating with various additives: with carbon (sugar), nitrogen (carbamide), and elemental sulfur. It is found that heating of hematite with carbon above 450°C results in the formation of single-domain magnetite, while the magnetic susceptibility rises by a factor of 165. The increase in magnetic susceptibility on heating of hematite with nitrogen above 540°C reflects the generation of a single-domain maghemite with the Curie point of about 650°C, which is stable to heating. After the first heating, the magnetic susceptibility increases by 415 times. The subsequent cycle of thermal treatment results in the transition of maghemite to hematite, a decrease of MS, and an increase of coercivity. Heating with sulfur produces a stable single-domain magnetite at a temperature above the Curie point, which is manifested in the cooling curves. Here, the MS increases by a factor of 400. The heating curves for goethite exhibit a sharp drop in susceptibility to a temperature of 350–360°C, which reflects the transition of hematite to goethite. Heating of hematite with carbon produces stable maghemite at above 530°C, and with sulphur and nitrogen, it produces magnetite. When heated with pyrite, hematite reduces to magnetite under the action of sulfur released from pyrite.  相似文献   

An investigation of the rock magnetic properties using stepwise isothermal remanence (IRM) acquisition, thermomagnetic analysis and temperature-dependent susceptibility history, identifies magnetite as the carrier of the main fraction of the remanence, associated with maghemite and hematite in Malan loess (L1), Holocene soil (S0) and last-glacial paleosol (S1). The presence of short-lived direction fluctuations indicates that no significant smoothing occurs in L1 when its remanence is locked, and thus L1 is capable of recording the geomagnetic secular variation (PSV), while the PSV has been severely smoothed or wiped out by pedogenic processes during S1 formation. It has been suggested that the Mono Lake and Laschamp excursions are two independent geomagnetic events based on this study.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic measurements of Nihewan sediments from Xujiayao section demonstrate that magnetite, hematite and maghemite are dominant remanent magnetization carriers. Monitoring the variations of magnetic susceptibility (MS) and saturating isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) at low temperature are the attractive ways of detecting the presence of magnetite, maghemitization and superparamagnetic grain sizes. Low-temperature MS investigations suggest that susceptibility enhancement for Xujiayao samples is mainly due to the remarkable presence of SD/MD magnetite to some degree though some magnetite grains have been partially oxidized at some depths. It is tentatively concluded that both SD/MD magnetite and hematite are of detrital origin and carry a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM), whereas maghemite can be attributed to be chemical origin, overprinting a reversed polarity component of Matuyama age.  相似文献   

A detailed rock magnetic investigation of loess/palaeosol samples from the section at Lingtai on the central Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is presented. Thermal demagnetisation of isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) and Curie temperature measurements suggest the presence of magnetite, maghemite and hematite as remanence carrying components. Bulk and grain size fractionated samples have been analysed using coercivity spectra of remanence acquisition/demagnetisation curves, which identify four main remanence carriers in different grain size fractions of loesses and palaeosols. A linear source mixing model quantifies the contribution of the four components which have been experimentally derived as dominating endmembers in specific grain size fractions. Up to two thirds of the total IRM of the palaeosols are due to slightly oxidised pedogenic magnetite. Two detrital components dominate up to 90% of the IRM of the loess samples and are ascribed to maghemite of different oxidation degree. Detrital hematite is present in all samples and contributes up to 10% of the IRM. The iron content of the grain size fractions gives evidence that iron in pedogenically grown remanence carriers does not originate from the detrital iron oxides, but rather from iron-bearing clays and mafic silicates. The contribution of pedogenic magnetite to the bulk IRM increases with the increasing degree of pedogenesis, which depends in turn on climate change.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics and microstructures of magnetic minerals extracted from Chinese loess and paleosols were investigated using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results indicate that maghemite in loess–paleosol sequences was transformed from magnetite through oxidation of magnetite. Maghemite transformed from eolian magnetite during chemical weathering has low-angle grain boundaries among maghemite nano-crystals. Some nano-crystalline maghemites with nanoporous texture resulted from microbe-induced precipitation of magnetite or transformation of poorly crystalline ferric Fe (oxy)hydroxides in presence of Fe-reducing bacteria. Aggregates of euhedral maghemite nano-crystals were transformed from magnetite magnetosomes. Both microbe-induced nanoporous magnetite and microbe-produced magnetite magnetosomes are directly related to microbial activities and pedogenesis of the paleosols. It is proposed that the formation of nano-crystalline maghemite with superparamagnetic property in paleosol results in the enhancement of magnetic susceptibility, although the total amount (weight percent) of magnetic minerals in both paleosol and loess units is similar. Our results also show that nano-crystalline and nanoporous magnetite grains prefer to transform into maghemite in semi-arid soil environments instead of hematite, although hematite is a thermodynamically stable phase. This result also indicates that a decrease in crystal size will increase stability of maghemite. It is also inferred that surface energy of maghemite is lower than that of hematite.  相似文献   

大荔人遗址黄土-古土壤剖面岩石磁学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自从大荔人化石被发现以来,其遗址剖面便成为研究热点.先前的研究主要集中在地层的对比划分与头盖骨年龄的推断方面,然而对于载磁矿物的鉴定及其古气候含义方面的研究却相对较少.鉴于此,本文运用热磁分析、饱和等温剩磁和剩磁矫顽力谱分析、磁滞回线分析、频率磁化率分析、热退磁分析等方法,对大荔人遗址剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学性质研究,鉴定出其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿,赤铁矿,磁赤铁矿,磁畴状态主要是似单畴.磁铁矿,赤铁矿是样品中特征剩磁的携带者;主要起源于成土作用的超顺磁颗粒和新生成的亚铁磁性矿物,是古土壤样品磁化率增强的主要贡献者;古土壤中软磁性矿物的含量高于黄土.样品中磁赤铁矿的含量并不高.黄土-古土壤样品的频率磁化率曲线,古里雅冰芯氧同位素、细微粒浓度曲线,岐山五里铺剖面有机质含量曲线在古气候记录方面具有一致性,都展示出至少从MIS5以来,气候从冰期到间冰期的变化是渐变的,反之则表现了突变特征.上述岩石磁学研究丰富了大荔剖面的磁学领域研究内容,为相关课题的深入研究提供了依据.  相似文献   

It draws much attention of scientists how early hu- mans occupy and adapt to the rigorous climate and environment at high northern latitudes in East Asia after they stepped out of Africa, passed West Asia and finally arrived in East Asia[1-4]. Reliable age determi- nations of Paleolithic sites from northeastern Asia not only help to find out the earliest occupation of early humans in this region, but also relate to the founda- tion of the overall framework of human origin and migration[1-8]…  相似文献   

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