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鲍媛媛 《大气科学》2021,45(5):994-1006
对比强厄尔尼诺次年2016年和1998年长江中下游梅雨季风环流异同点,并探讨其物理机制,结果表明:(1)2016年梅雨集中期和1998年两段梅雨期季风环流有诸多相似特征:西北太平洋副热带高压(副高)偏强偏西、南亚高压偏强偏东、孟加拉湾到南海西南季风偏弱;此外,华北东部到江淮均有冷槽维持;副高持续稳定地将西南季风引导至长江中下游形成强西南暖湿气流,并与来自冷槽的北方南下干冷空气辐合,在高层辐散形势配合下形成强降雨。(2)三段梅雨期,青藏高原附近均为高压脊控制,受暖平流及高原热源、梅雨凝结潜热等因素影响,青藏高原到江南、华南一带大气中高层呈大范围强温度正距平;印度尼西亚群岛附近洋面为海温正距平,对流和热源偏强;这是季风环流相似特征形成的两个重要因素。(3)2016年梅雨集中期,青藏高原暖脊最强,东部冷槽最浅,海温正距平范围最大最北,因而南亚高压和副高位置最北,梅雨雨带也最北;梅雨集中期的结束与冷空气减弱以及台湾以东洋面等海域海温正距平显著增强引起超强台风“尼伯特”登陆有关;7月第4候之后,菲律宾以东洋面、南海及东海海域海温正距平增强,对流活跃,导致7月21日之后副高显著偏北;因而没能出现第2段梅雨集中期。(4)1998年7月中旬至8月初,青藏高原上空高压脊较浅,北部呈位势高度负距平,冷空气势力较强,温度偏低,东部冷槽深,西北太平洋海温正距平区域维持不变,故南亚高压和副高异常偏南,从而出现第2段梅雨。  相似文献   

林爱兰  LI Tim  王璐  李春晖 《大气科学》2021,45(3):633-650
采用观测分析和数值试验等方法,分析夏季南亚高压与热带季节内振荡(ISO)之间的关系,并对两者之间的相互作用进行量化诊断,探讨其物理过程。主要结果表明:南亚高压ISO与热带ISO活动关系密切,当热带ISO处于印度洋位相(第1、2、3位相),则南亚高压东脊点位置偏西,当ISO处于太平洋位相(第5、6、7位相),则南亚高压东脊点位置偏东。与热带ISO关系最密切的是南亚高压东部附近区域,即东亚—西太平洋地区(15°~25°N,110°~140°E),该关键区也是南亚高压ISO最显著区域。在热带ISO的调制下,关键区对流层大气垂直结构产生斜压性异常变化,导致高层南亚高压东脊点的东伸(西退)对应中低层西太平洋副热带高压西脊点的东退(西伸)。在南亚高压与热带ISO之间关系中,主要是热带ISO对南亚高压的影响,南亚高压东部关键区ISO强度40%来源于热带ISO的贡献,而南亚高压对热带ISO平均强度的影响很弱。热带ISO影响南亚高压的物理过程如下,热带ISO从印度洋向东传播至西太平洋时,强对流产生分支,部分由于东亚—西太平洋的有利夏季风背景转为向北传播,ISO向北传播过程中对流强度进一度加强,这就相当于存在一个赤道非对称热源。在热源的作用下,大气产生异常响应,在热源的西北侧,即东亚—西太平洋地区,对流层低层为气旋性环流异常、位势高度负异常,对流层高层为反气旋性环流异常、位势高度正异常,从而导致南亚高压东脊点偏东。而当热带ISO处于印度洋位相时,大气异常响应与上述相反,南亚高压东部位势高度降低,南亚高压东脊点西撤。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reveal a long-distance-relayed water vapor transport(LRWVT) east of Tibetan Plateau and its impacts. The results show that from August to October, east of Tibetan Plateau, there exists a unique LRWVT,and the water vapor from the South China Sea and the western Pacific can affect the Sichuan Basin, Northwest China and other Chinese regions far from the tropical sea through this way. From August to October, the precipitation of the region east of the Plateau is closely linked both in the intra-annual and inter-annual variations, and the LRWVT from the South China Sea and the western Pacific is an important connection mechanism. The large-scale circulation background of the LRWVT impacting the precipitation of the region east of the Plateau is as follows: At high levels,the South Asian High is generally stronger than normal and significantly enhances with its northward advance and eastward extension over the region east of the Plateau. At mid-level, a broad low pressure trough is over Lake Balkhash and its surroundings, and the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH) is northward and westward located, and the western part of Sichuan Basin and the eastern part of Northwest China are located in the west and northwest edge of WPSH.  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压(SAH)中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原双模态分布,表现为东—西振荡的形式。同时,SAH的东缘还存在规律性的向东亚地区东伸或西退至青藏高原,表现为另一种形式的东西振荡。本文利用NCEP1逐日再分析资料、APHRODITE逐日降水数据以及印度地区逐日降水数据,研究了SAH这两类东—西振荡的联系以及它们对亚洲地区环流和天气影响的差异。结果表明,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡位相可显著影响其东缘东伸/西退的发生及其幅度。尽管在SAH中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原模态时,均可以出现SAH东缘的向东亚东伸,但青藏高原模态下发生东伸的频率明显高于伊朗高原模态;在伊朗高原模态时则更容易出现SAH东缘的西退。而且,在青藏高原模态下发生的SAH东缘东伸的幅度也比伊朗高原模态时更大。进一步研究发现,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡主要与印度北部及整个青藏高原地区的降水异常型密切联系,并与异常降水有关的热力和动力作用变化相耦合。而SAH东缘的东伸/西退则通过引起西太副高的西进/东退,与东亚地区偶极子型的降水异常(青藏高原中东部、长江与黄河之间的中下游地区的降水异常与长江以南地区的相反)相联系。此外,SAH中心为青...  相似文献   

利用1951—2016年逐月中国160站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR全球大气再分析资料和NOAA_ERSST_V4海表温度资料,分析了南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压(西太平洋副高)经、纬向位置的关系及其位置配置对中国东部夏季降水的影响,结果表明:(1)南亚高压与西太平洋副高在纬向上的东西进退存在明显的反相关系,在经向上主要存在一致变化的特征,并依此定义了纬向、经向位置指数。纬向位置指数大(小)表示南亚高压与西太平洋副高纬向上距离远(近),经向位置指数大(小)表示两高压经向位置均趋于偏北(南);(2)纬向位置指数与我国华北、华南沿海地区降水呈显著正相关,而与长江中下游、东北北部地区降水呈显著负相关;经向位置指数与我国华北、东北南部地区降水呈显著正相关,而与我国江南、华南地区降水呈显著负相关;(3)南亚高压与西太平洋副高的经向、纬向位置指数与关键海区的前期春季、同期夏季海表温度均有显著的相关,热带太平洋-印度洋、北印度洋、中东太平洋前期春季、同期夏季海表温度与南亚高压东脊点呈显著正相关,与南亚高压脊线及西太平洋副高西脊点均呈显著负相关,而北太平洋海表温度主要与西太平洋副高脊线呈显著正相关。   相似文献   

The spatial-temporal features of the extremely severe drought and the anomalous atmospheric circulation in summer 2006 are analyzed based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the characteristic circulation indices given by the National Climate Center of China, and the daily precipitation data of 20 stations in the east of Southwest China (ESC) from 1959 to 2006. The results show that the rainless period started from early June and ended in early September 2006 with a total of more than 80 days, and the rainfall was especially scarce from around 25 July to 5 September 2006. Precipitation for each month was less than normal, and analysis of the precipitation indices shows that the summer precipitation in 2006 was the least since 1959. The extremely severe drought in the ESC in summer 2006 was closely related to the persistent anomalies of the atmospheric circulation in the same period, i.e., anomalies of mid-high latitude atmospheric circulation, western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), westerlies, South Asian high, lower-level flow, water vapor transport, vertical motion, and so on. Droughts usually occur when the WPSH lies anomalously northward and westward, or anomalously weak and eastward. The extreme drought in summer 2006 was caused by the former. When the WPSH turned stronger and shifted to the north and west of its normal position, and the South Asian high was also strong and lay eastward, downdrafts prevailed over the ESC and suppressed the water vapor transfer toward this area. At the same time, the disposition of the westerlies and the mid-high latitude circulation disfavored the southward invasion of cold air, which jointly resulted in the extremely severe drought in the ESC in summer 2006. The weak heating over the Tibetan Plateau and vigorous convective activities over the Philippine area were likely responsible for the strong WPSH and its northwestward shift in summer 2006.  相似文献   

2003年夏季异常天气与西太副高和南亚高压演变特征的分析   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:14  
通过入梅前后东亚环流与多年平均的对比,表明2003年夏季我国东部旱涝分明、长江以南高温少雨、淮河流域持续多雨、强降水过程频繁等特点是与西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)活动特征有关。该年副高偏强、位置异常偏西,垂直结构呈现较强的动力性特征,即低层为辐散下沉运动、高层为辐合,脊线随高度向北倾斜。副高西北侧的梅雨锋区强,且风切变明显。动力和热力诊断结果表明,200 hPa南亚高压脊线以北东传的负涡度平流产生的辐合下沉运动,有利于对流层中下层副高的加强西伸。500 hPa副高西北侧的雨带位置与对流层上层副热带急流的位置和东伸的南亚高压对应。高层西风带和南亚高压的动力作用也会引发副高短期的东西振荡。降水区对流层高层产生的潜热释放,使副高西北侧加热率垂直方向的非均匀分布增加,导致了副高加强西进。热带天气系统的活动,对副高维持和加强也有不可忽视的作用。正是西风带、副热带和热带系统相互作用,动力和热力因素的综合影响,造成了该年副高及其所带来的天气异常。  相似文献   

为了分析 EI Nio事件发生和消亡中热带太平洋纬向风应力的动力作用,建立一个类似于Zebiak的简单热带海洋数值模式,在观测到的风应力异常的强迫下,模拟赤道太平洋地区 1971年1月至 1998年8月海表温度异常的变化。结果表明,模式对观测的Nio3区海表温度异常(SSTA)有很好的模拟能力。模拟和观测Ni区SSTA之间的相关系数可达 0.90。模式对 El Nio事件期间赤道太平洋海表温度异常随时间变化也有较好的模拟能力。为了分析El Nio期间SSTA的空间分布及其随时间变化的动力学机制,还对1986~1989年 ENSO循环期间赤道太平洋地区观测的 SSTA的传播特征及其形成机制进行了分析。模式较好地模拟出了观测到的赤道太平洋地区SSTA的传播特征,即从1986年底至1987年 4月, SSTA具有向东传播的特征,从 1987年 6月至 1988年 2月具有向西传播的特征。动力学分析的结果表明,赤道中西太平洋地区的缔向风应力异常对 El Nio事件的发生和消亡具有重要作用。赤道中西太平洋地区的西风异常可强迫出东传的Kelvin波,这个东传的 Kelvin波对正 SSTA的东传起主要作用,当这个东传的 Kelv  相似文献   

This study examines the features and dynamical processes of subseasonal zonal oscillation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) during early summer, by performing a multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MVEOF) analysis on daily winds and a diagnosis on potential vorticity (PV) at 500 hPa for the period 1979–2016. The first MV-EOF mode is characterized by an anticyclonic anomaly occupying southeastern China to subtropical western North Pacific regions. It has a period of 10–25 days and represents zonal shift of the WPSH. When the WPSH stretches more westward, the South Asian high (SAH) extends more eastward. Above-normal precipitation is observed over the Yangtze–Huaihe River (YHR) basin. Suppressed convection with anomalous descending motion is located over the subtropical western North Pacific. The relative zonal movement of the SAH and the WPSH helps to establish an anomalous local vertical circulation of ascending motion with upper-level divergence over the YHR basin and descending motion with upper-level convergence over the subtropical western Pacific. The above local vertical circulation provides a dynamic condition for persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. An enhanced southwest flow over the WPSH’s western edge transports more moisture to eastern China, providing a necessary water vapor condition for the persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. A potential vorticity diagnosis reveals that anomalous diabatic heating is a main source for PV generation. The anomalous cooling over the subtropical western Pacific produces a local negative PV center at 500 hPa. The anomalous heating over the YHR basin generates a local positive PV center. The above south–north dipolar structure of PV anomaly along with the climatological southerly flow leads to northward advection of negative PV. These two processes are conducive to the WPSH’s westward extension. The vertical advection process is unfavorable to the westward extension but contributes to the eastward retreat of the WPSH.  相似文献   

2016年和1998年汛期降水特征及物理机制对比分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
利用多种大气环流、海表温度、积雪面积等数据,并利用个例对比分析和统计方法,研究了2016年汛期(5-8月)中国旱、涝特征及与1998年的异同点,并对比分析了这两年导致降水异常的大气环流和外强迫因子。结果表明:(1)2016年汛期中国降水总体偏多,长江中下游和华北各有一支多雨带。与1998年相比,这两年南方多雨带均位于长江流域,梅雨雨量均较常年偏多1倍以上,但梅雨季节进程有显著差异,1998年发生典型的“二度梅”,而2016年梅雨结束后长江流域降水显著偏少,主要降水区移至北方。(2)2016年5-7月乌拉尔山高压脊明显偏弱,而1998年欧亚中高纬度呈“两脊一槽”型,这与北大西洋海温距平在这两年前冬至春季几乎完全相反的分布型密切相关。(3)这两年5-7月热带和副热带地区环流较为相似,副热带高压偏强、偏西,东亚夏季风偏弱,来自西北太平洋的水汽输送通量均在长江中下游形成异常辐合区,这主要是受到了前期相似的热带海温异常的影响,均为超强厄尔尼诺事件和热带印度洋全区一致偏暖模态。(4)这两年8月环流形势有显著差异,2016年8月副热带高压断裂,西段与大陆高压结合持续控制中国东部上空,夏季风迅速转强,长江流域高温少雨。而1998年8月夏季风进一步减弱,长江流域发生“二度梅”。2016年8月MJO异常活跃并长时间维持在西太平洋地区,激发频繁的热带气旋活动,对副热带地区大气环流的转折有重要作用。而1998年8月MJO主要活跃在印度洋地区,使得副高持续前期偏强的特征。除海洋和上述环流差异外,2016年前冬至春季青藏高原积雪的冷源热力效应远不及1998年强,这可能是导致2016年夏季风偏弱的程度不及1998年,而2016年汛期华北降水较1998年偏多的原因之一。   相似文献   

以往的研究已证实,西太平洋副热带高压(副高)在1970s后期减弱东退.基于大气模式(CAM4)的理想型海温强迫试验,结果表明:副高的东退可能是大气对于正位相太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的相应.伴随着PDO转变为正位相,西太平洋至印度半岛以及热带东太平洋的对流加热增强,大气表现为Gill型响应,在亚洲大陆至西太平洋上空低层产生气旋性异常,有利于副高东退.同时,高层产生反气旋异常,使得东亚西风急流加强和向南扩展,进而调节西太平洋上空的次级环流,进一步有利于副高东退.  相似文献   

为了分析ElNio事件发生和消亡中热带太平洋纬向风应力的动力作用,建立一个类似于Zebiak的简单热带海洋数值模式,在观测到的风应力异常的强迫下,模拟赤道太平洋地区1971年1月至1998年8月海表温度异常的变化。结果表明,模式对观测的Nio3区海表温度异常(SSTA)有很好的模拟能力。模拟和观测Nio3区SSTA之间的相关系数可达0.90。模式对ElNio事件期间赤道太平洋海表温度异常随时间变化也有较好的模拟能力。为了分析ElNio期间SSTA的空间分布及其随时间变化的动力学机制,还对19861989年ENSO循环期间赤道太平洋地区观测的SSTA的传播特征及其形成机制进行了分析。模式较好地模拟出了观测到的赤道太平洋地区SSTA的传播特征,即从1986年底至1987年4月,SSTA具有向东传播的特征,从1987年6月至1988年2月具有向西传播的特征。动力学分析的结果表明,赤道中西太平洋地区的纬向风应力异常对ElNio事件的发生和消亡具有重要作用。赤道中西太平洋地区的西风异常可强迫出东传的Kelvin波,这个东传的Kelvin波对正SSTA的东传起主要作用,当这个东传的Kelvin波到达东边界,由于东边界的反射作用,在东边界产生西传的Rossby波,这个西传的Rossby波对赤道中东太平洋地区正SSTA的西传起主要作用。东传Kelvin波和反射的Rossby波对ElNio期间赤道东太平洋正SSTA二次峰值的形成具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Both 1981 and 2013 were weak La Niña years with a similar sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the tropical Pacific, yet the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) during August exhibited an opposite anomaly in the two years. A comparison indicates that, in the absence of a strong SST anomaly in the tropics, the cold advection from Eurasian high latitudes and the convection of the western Pacific warm pool play important roles in influencing the strength and position of the WPSH in August. In August 1981, the spatial pattern of 500 hPa geopotential height was characterized by a meridional circulation with a strong ridge in the Ural Mountains and a deep trough in Siberia, which provided favorable conditions for cold air invading into the lower latitudes. Accordingly, the geopotential height to the north of the WPSH was reduced by the cold advection anomaly from high latitudes, resulting in an eastward retreat of the WPSH. Moreover, an anomalous cyclonic circulation in the subtropical western Pacific, excited by enhanced warm pool convection, also contributed to the eastward retreat of the WPSH. By contrast, the influence from high latitudes was relatively weak in August 2013 due to a zonal circulation pattern over Eurasia, and the anomalous anticyclonic circulation induced by suppressed warm pool convection also facilitated the westward extension of the WPSH. Therefore, the combined effects of the high latitude and tropical circulations may contribute a persistent anomaly of the WPSH in late summer, despite the tropical SST anomaly being weak.  相似文献   

潘菊芳 《气象学报》1954,25(2):101-122
夏半年太平洋高压的平均变化,带著突变性质的增强和减弱,突然的增强发生6月到7月,而4月至6月更有逐渐减弱的趋向,到9月中旬以後则突然的减退.夏季西太平洋高压脊的东西进退和整个西风环流变化及西风环流的情况密切关连,同时太平洋高压本身也是西风环流及其变化的重要因素之一.当西风环流强时,太平洋高压比较强大,这时太平洋高压脊的变化很少,在西风环流小波动东移的过程中,太平洋高压脊只有微小的摆动.但西风带波动较大时,随着西风槽和高压脊的东移,太平洋高压脊便有了比较长时期的和明显的东退和西伸,它的周期一般都在5、6天左右.如果西风环流起了大型的变化,即西风环流由强转弱,再由弱转强,太平洋高压脊随之不断的东退和西伸,进退的范围可达30-40经距.它的周期较长,一般都在半个月的光景,最长的可达一个月,10天以内的很少.太平洋高压脊除了和西风带的环流,极地高压和低压槽有关外,也和它南边的气压系统,如台风和热带风暴有关.  相似文献   

Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and HadISST sea surface temperature (SST) data, the joint effects of the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific on variations of area of the summertime western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) for period 1980–2016 are investigated. It is demonstrated that the central tropical Indian Ocean (CTI) and central equatorial Pacific (CEP) are two key oceanic regions that affect the summertime WPSH. During autumn and winter, warm SST anomalies (SSTAs) in CEP force the Walker circulation to change anomalously, resulting in divergence anomalies over the western Pacific and Maritime Continent (MC). Due to the Gill-type response, the abnormal anticyclonic circulation is generated over the western Pacific and South China Sea (SCS). In the subsequent spring, the warm SSTAs in CEP weaken, while the SST over CTI demonstrates a lagged response to Pacific SSTA. The warm CTISSTA and CEP-SSTA cooperate with the eastward propagation of cold Kelvin waves in the western Pacific, leading to the eastward shift of the abnormal divergence center that originally locates at the western Pacific and MC. The anticyclone forced by this divergence subsequently moves eastward, leading to the intensification of the negative vorticity there. Meanwhile, warm SSTA in CTI triggers eastward propagating Kelvin waves, which lead to easterly anomalies over the equatorial Indian Ocean and Indonesia, being favorable for maintenance and intensification of the anticyclone over the SCS and western Pacific. The monsoonal meridional–vertical circulation strengthens, which is favorable for the intensification of the WPSH. Using SSTA over the two key oceanic regions as predictors, a multiple regression model is successfully constructed for prediction of WPSH area. These results are useful for our better understanding the variation mechanisms of WPSH and better predicting summer climate in East Asia.  相似文献   

钱代丽  管兆勇 《气象学报》2019,77(3):442-455
使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、哈得来海表温度和中国国家气候中心的西太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)特征指数,对比分析了ENSO背景下的夏季印度洋海盆尺度模(Indian Ocean basin mode,IOBM)与独立于ENSO的纯IOBM(pure Indian Ocean basin mode,IOBM_P)对西太副高的影响机理。结果表明,滤除前期ENSO信号后,西北太平洋上为海温负距平,并在其西北侧强迫出Gill型反气旋。另外,印度洋与海洋性大陆间存在西高东低的海温距平梯度,印度洋正、负海温距平激发出的赤道开尔文波影响至海洋性大陆西部地区,强迫出的异常大气环流关于赤道基本对称。加之此时中国南海至西北太平洋地区降水偏弱,潜热释放偏少,从而非绝热冷却,导致西太副高异常偏强、偏南。而在前期厄尔尼诺的影响下,次年夏季印度洋与海洋性大陆地区均有利于出现海温正距平,开尔文波的影响偏强、偏东,强迫出的异常环流偏向北半球,通过“埃克曼抽吸”和非绝热冷却在对流层低层制造出异常负涡度进而影响西太副高,使其明显偏强、偏西、偏南。由于IOBM_P在2和8年周期上对西太副高的影响最明显,而ENSO信号中主要是3—7 a的短周期振荡,因此,ENSO背景下的印度洋变暖对西太副高的遥强迫实际包含了来自热带中太平洋的3—7 a周期信号的滞后影响和印度洋地区局地变化特别是2和8年周期变化的作用。这些结果为人们深入理解西太副高变化规律和做出有效预报提供了线索。   相似文献   

The impact of surface sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau(SHTP) on the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH)with and without air–sea interaction was investigated in this study. Data analysis indicated that SHTP acts as a relatively independent factor in modulating the WPSH anomaly compared with ENSO events. Stronger spring SHTP is usually followed by an enhanced and westward extension of the WPSH in summer, and vice versa. Numerical experiments using both an AGCM and a CGCM confirmed that SHTP influences the large-scale circulation anomaly over the Pacific, which features a barotropic anticyclonic response over the northwestern Pacific and a cyclonic response to the south. Owing to different background circulation in spring and summer, such a response facilitates a subdued WPSH in spring but an enhanced WPSH in summer. Moreover, the CGCM results showed that the equatorial low-level westerly at the south edge of the cyclonic anomaly brings about a warm SST anomaly(SSTA) in the equatorial central Pacific via surface warm advection.Subsequently, an atmospheric Rossby wave is stimulated to the northwest of the warm SSTA, which in turn enhances the atmospheric dipole anomalies over the western Pacific. Therefore, the air–sea feedbacks involved tend to reinforce the effect of SHTP on the WPSH anomaly, and the role of SHTP on general circulation needs to be considered in a land–air–sea interaction framework.  相似文献   

1983与1985年夏季北半球500hPa高度场大气低频波的振荡特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文利用观测资料分析了1983与1985年夏季半球500hPa高度场大气低频波的振荡特征。结果表明,1983年(厄尔尼诺年)夏季热带中、东太平洋和印度洋以及东亚季风区上空的低频振荡比1985年(反厄尔尼诺年)夏季的低频振荡强,而热带西太平洋的情况恰好相反。这是由于反厄尔尼诺年夏季热带西太平洋对流活动强盛所致。分析结果还表明:1983年夏季低频波基本上是东传的;1985年夏季,在中高纬度地区低频波主要还是东传,热带是西传。西藏高原是大气低频振荡的汇区。  相似文献   

1980年和1981年夏季及其前期冬春季太平洋和印度洋海温均未出现显著异常。然而,这两年东亚夏季风环流的季节内变化却呈现显著异常,且截然不同,具体表征为:1980年西太平洋副热带高压(副高)第一次北跳异常偏早,第二次北跳异常偏晚,而1981年则相反,第一次北跳接近气候态,第二次北跳却异常偏早。就副高两次北跳过程而言,其直接原因也有显著差异:1980年副高两次北跳主要受热带西太平洋对流增强的影响,而1981年两次北跳则是由于热带西太平洋对流增强后所激发的极向传播的Rossby波列与中高纬度东传的Rossby波的锁相作用造成的。与北跳过程相比,副高北跳前后环流稳定维持的时间长短显得更为重要。研究表明,1980年夏季副高异常程度之所以堪比1983年和1998年强El Ni?o衰减年,主要是由于不同阶段南半球环流和北半球中高纬度环流的相互配合与接力,其中,6月和8月副高异常偏强对夏季平均副高异常偏强起到主要贡献,但二者的影响因子不同:6月主要受马斯克林高压(马高)偏强的影响,而8月则与澳大利亚高压(澳高)异常偏强有关。此外,7月和8月副高异常偏南是因为鄂霍茨克海阻塞高压长期维持。与1980年相比,1981年夏季马高和澳高均异常偏弱,因而南半球环流对副高异常的影响有限。北半球中高纬度环流的季节内变化对该年夏季副高的快速北进和南退起主导作用,特别是8月中高纬度盛行强烈的经向环流,使得副高异常偏东偏弱,从而导致夏季平均副高异常偏东偏弱。本文的个例分析表明,在无显著海温异常强迫的年份需要特别关注南半球环流和北半球中高纬度环流对副高及与之相关的东亚夏季风环流的季节内演变的影响,但是这些环流因子持续性较差,难以用于跨季度预测。  相似文献   

In this study, interdecadal and interannual variations of the South Asian high (SAH) and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), as well as their relationships with the summer climate over Asian and Pacific regions, are addressed. The variations of SAH and WPSH are objectively measured by the first singular value decomposition (SVD) mode of geopotential heights at the 100- and 500-hPa levels. The first SVD mode of summertime 100- and 500-hPa geopotential heights represents well the relationship between the variations of SAH and WPSH. Both SAH and WPSH exhibit large interannual variability and experienced an apparent long-term change in 1987. The WPSH intensifies and extends westward when SAH intensifies and extends eastward, and vice versa. The India?CBurma trough weakens when WPSH intensifies. The changes in SAH and WPSH at various levels are linked to broad-scale increases in tropical tropospheric temperature and geopotential height. When SAH and WPSH strengthen, monsoon flow becomes weaker over eastern Asia. In the meantime, precipitation decreases over eastern South China Sea, Philippines, the Philippine Sea and northeastern Asia, but increases over China, Korea, Japan and the ocean domain east of Japan. Similar features are mostly found on both interdecadal and interannual timescales, but are more evident on interannual timescale.  相似文献   

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